Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter II supplement, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII, Chapter VIII , Chapter IX, Chapter X, Chapter XI, Chapter XII , Chapter XIII, Chapter XIV, Chapter XV, Chapter XVI, Chapter XVII, Chapter XVIII, Chapter XIX, Chapter XX, Chapter XXI, Chapter XXII, Chapter XXIII, Chapter XXIV, Chapter XXV, Chapter XXVI and Chapter XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX and XXX.
© Copyright 2020 John Dougherty, All rights Reserved. Written For: Investigative MEDIA
For about the third time so far this year… the lone survivor of the Granite Mountain Hotshot Crew has been adding a new ‘detail’ to his ( continual ) public ‘re-tellings’ of what happened in Yarnell on Sunday, June 30, 2013.
That new ‘detail’ he is now adding to his ‘story’ about what happened that day has to do with WHY the GM Hotshots decided to leave the safe black and try to make it back to the town of Yarnell.
According to Brendan… there is absolutely NO mystery.
Someone who had authority that day over both DIVSA Eric Marsh and the GM Hotshots simply ASKED them to leave the safe black and ‘move to town’.
This new little ‘detail’ that Brendan is now unequivocally proclaiming be the ‘truth’ about WHY they moved now stands in direct contradiction to the stated findings of that initial Arizona Forestry Serious Accident Investigation Report.
Here is a published video of one of McDonough’s most recent ‘public’ appearances on a radio show…
APS Radio: Brendan McDonough of the Granite Mountain Hotshots
Published: Apr 16, 2021
In this part of the radio interview, Brendan is talking about the ‘timeframe’ of when he and the Blue Ridge Hotshots had to evacuate from the Shrine Youth Camp…
And so we get pulled out and we get back into town and… I mean… this thing’s movin’. I mean… it was impressive fire behavior.
And I’ve… I’ve seen things similar, but nothing like this to where the fire’s, you know, laying over on itself and just progressing.
And I remember a reporter once said it “skipped”… it “skipped with the wind”… you know… and that’s… that’s stuck with me for… for years. You know… since that day… of how… how fast that fire was moving.
And so… during that timeframe… my brothers started moving down their escape route to their safety zone to get back into town because it was requested… “Hey… if you guys could make it back
into town we could use you.”
From PDF page 43 of the official Yarnell SAIR ( Serious Accident Invesigation Report )…
At some time after 1604, the Granite Mountain IHC moved from the area where they had been working throughout the day. The (SAIT) Team has no indication that anyone asked them to move, and does not know for certain why they moved.
Key sentence from the SAIR…
“The (SAIT) Team has NO indication that ANYONE ASKED THEM TO MOVE.”
Key sentence from Brendan’s ‘new public account’ of what happened…
“…my brothers started moving down their escape route to their safety zone to get back into town because it was REQUESTED…”
So far, Brendan has not NAMED the individual who was asking GM to leave the safe black and move to town… but maybe the more he keeps telling the ‘story’ he will start adding that additional ( important ) detail as well.
Here is another ( recent ) PUBLIC interview with Brendan McDonough where he makes the same exact unequivocal ‘statement of fact’ which contradicts the SAIT report.
This time it was on the ‘Mighty Oaks Show’, with its host, Jeremy Stalnecker, broadcasting via YouTube.
Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs
Mighty Oaks Show 081
Granite Mountain Hotshots – Brendan McDonough
Premiered Aug 28, 2020
4.06K subscribers
At the following point in THIS interview, Brendan is actually talking about the same ‘timeframe’ as in the other interview above. The point when he and the Blue Ridge Hotshots were evacuating from the Shrine Youth Camp…
So we pull out. Some other engines pull outta there.
My crew is asked, at that point, during that point in time, if they could
get back to the town to help us fight this fire… and so they’re moving
down their escape route now.
Once again… the KEY sentence from the SAIR…
“The (SAIT) Team has NO indication that ANYONE ASKED THEM TO MOVE.”
And now… the KEY sentence from THIS other ‘new public account’ from Brendan
which also directly contradicts the SAIT report…
My crew is ASKED, at that point, during that point in time, if they could
get back to the town to help us fight this fire.
Ok, so the toxic retardant took the life of another Yarnell resident–Dr. Leroy Anderson of whom I had earlier spoke about without identifying him. He would want you to know however–Joy and I had visited his home and yard were i colored orange and red from a heavy soaking of retardant during the second Tenderfoot fire. His home was on the north and east end of Yarnell and had been plastered during the earlier wild fire that killed the GMHS crew as well. May he rest in peace–he had been on the fire board as a chief there and was well aware of the demise and had meeting in his home–some recording of the new fire Chief at Peeples valley who had told some about the Peeples Valley working in the Shrine area as the then lying chief had denied to Joy that they were even in the area. Joy however was recording him which he did not at first realize so more or less put his foot in his mouth having admitted also to arranging documents so his outfit could get paid for better equipment rates that what they actually owned. Seems fleecing the government is not uncommon in the FS fire fighting system–but then we see it in all departments these days. Other fighters had told Joy that they would allow Peeples valley to take care of areas that were actually closer to Yarnell department since per deim payments would augment Peeples Valley for out of district work. The favors were returned to Yarnell when areas that Peeples Valley could not collect on because of proximity were then instead given to Yarnell. Political pork in all government operations is known–whether those actions were illegal I have no clue but fit never seemed to matter to the people of the State or the County in those areas.
However, if you had seen the hideous condition of Dr. Anderson before his death you would likely run from any area of retardant toxin dumping. The retardant had fertilized his cancer much as it fertilizes the plant life or radiation such as that of Chernoybly greatly increased growth rings in the pines near the site, especially those exposed closeby. The retardant also fertilizes other diseases as we saw though the years at Yarnell as people were steadily picked off or sickened and weakened much like the Chernobyl incident only at a greater rate–a death rate ratio to population than that recorded from the radiation.
I had mentioned the dioxins that desolated a town in Missouri. Dioxins are a part of the dirty dozen chemicals listed as highly dangerous to health. They have a half life of 7-11 years and are cumulative over time. The usage of the dioxins has been reduced due to seeing the effects they have had on higher life forms, yet they are still used in industries.
But our concerns are with the retardant that should be added to the dirty dozen to make it the dirty 13. I do know there are some very bad chemicals formed when the retardant is subjected to head–one being cyanide gas–the same thing the Germans used to kill Jews in their gas chambers –called Zyclon B by their invention. The only difference in Zyclon B invention for death chambers and pesticide use was to add to the hydrogen cyanide gas some anti eye irritant and diatomaceous earth. Arizona is taking advantage of the foumula and tuning up their gas chambers to execute prisoners–recent Arizona and world news. The only difference in the heated retardant creating cyanide gas is that no one really knows the concentration factor in the air after the dumping–and you can be sure any effort to measure those values will be protested, lobbied and told that the amounts are insignificant considering the saving of residences. Fuck the fire fighter and those bystanders and residents that inhale the toxins as far as the thinking of the multi billion dollar world market goes and especially with the profits to be made now that mega fires are in order from the heat wave.
I can tell you that only 6ppm are allowed in the air at any factory using cyanide in its manufacturing processes. That was done because the industries that use the stuff were having high cases of cancer incidents–Yet it is not only the cyanide I am concerned about but there are plenty of hidden chemicals under trade secret propaganda. When it concerns health and situations we have seen at Yarnell and those health problems known to be high in fire fighters there ought not be any hidden chemicals. But you see no one lobby these yahoo Politicians that only listen to lobbyists that contribute big money to their campaigns. Well maybe Karen Fenn does–you in Yavapai County and in Arizona would know.
And any of you bold supporters of dumping retardant on residents ought to spend a bit of time researching the retardant chemicals–that is those you are allowed to know. Then you need visit the people and see the photos of Dr Anderson–a strict health doctor and traditionalist that was killed by these very chemicals.
These are my opinions–my chemistry was from New Mexico State University–I was a B student in Chemistry, but much interested in the class and that B came by honestly–not because I belonged to a fraternity that shared answers from previous tests that Professor kept repeating.
Now you should suspect that something in the chemistry of the retardant fertilizes plaque in the vascular system of humans–there were a multitude of heart attacks after the Yarnell inundations of retardant. But it does not stop there–people also suffered many cancer issues also well fertilized as well as lung issues. There are several chemicals involved and as Covid was by Dr. Fauchi in the North Carolina level 3 lab–gain of function Covid 19 was created and bragged about by Journal and also protested by other scientists–so does the retardant chemical soup have gain of function upon being subject to heat. Brush up on your chemistry to see that heat is required in many chemical processes.
Slainte–may the Irish gods or your own ideas of gods bless your work if it is honest work worth the blessing.
correction chemicals subject to heat not head–some will get a laugh at that one–but also Dr. Anderson was a nutritionalist and maybe a traditionalist also. I leave off s’s often but that is because the left hand went through a 20-ton wood splitter once destroying much of the nerves there–I am very lucky to have a left hand much less be able to use it though I do sometimes re read and see how proof reading might be a good idea. Thanks for your patience if you bother to read the mangled Queen’s English.
The oceans are increasing in acidity and with the chemical slurry run off of phosphate and ammonium solutions are rendering the ocean waters poisonous to aquatic life. It was no wonder to see the hundreds of thousands of dead fish washed up along rivers and ocean beaches in Florida–the concentrations of phosphates that are devastating to fish and contribute to ocean red bloom dead zones are measured in parts per million. The EPA regards one tenth of a part per million as the upper limit of safe water–in fact regard .025 ppm as the safe zone for drinking water.
One of the greatest dangers are the ongoing destruction of the ocean waters. Three quarters of the oxygen we breath is produced by the plankton of the oceans. The coal and oil burning over the centuries of the oil and coal industrial society has increased the carbon levels of the atmosphere greatly. CO2 not only produces a greenhouse effect, it also combines with ocean waters to produce carbonic acid–H2C03–a toxin to the micro ocean forms and the fish and other aquatic life. Be aware that the balance of life in the ocean environment is measured in parts per million. There is a threshold of ocean pollution where there can be no clean up–no return so that ocean life will be wiped out–oxygen sources for land species and humans will be insufficient as well. When this happens teleology will have to create oxygen tents for survivors to dwell in much like what will be done to allow people to survive on Mars.
It has to be ignorance or willful denial that people the unload massive amounts of chemical retardants that not only poison the land, scarce underground water sources but ultimately end up in the oceans. When the oceans do reach the threshold of death then the planet indeed will become sterile–life will not be sustainable.
It is now known that all the billionaires only one paid less than 3% of his income –that was Elon Musk. The others that own Amazon, Facebook and the like paid less than 2% of their income. Warren Buffet beat them all at paying less than 1% of his income on income tax reports. All have had years where they paid no income taxes at all. Yet we heard Warren say the wealthy need to pay more taxes. A snake has a forked tongue.
Now we see these backers of Monsanto–and other chemical companies including those Israeli and American retardant and phosphate producers cheering them on. Your regular Lolita Express rider and great vaccine magnate is buying up as much agriculture land as the size of the state of Texas–He is looking to expand the big agriculture farms and put the small rural farmer out of business. Serfdom for the masses once the economy collapses and the great reset begins. And there will be massive methods of chemical use on these lands as these agricultural industries continue to expand. Monsanto and the Israeli and American Chemical Companies and the like will be great friends of the Gates and friends empire. Massive amounts of chemicals, pesticides and herbicides are needed for these industrial agricultural works. It will be more profits all around–except for the serfs that already are already on the brink of ruin. Does Gates expect another 1929 with people in long food lines? I think so and his friend Warren has already distanced himself from the Stock Market. Isn’t it great to have insider knowledge not shared with the average bloke on the brink of disaster.
There are a few who refuse to be bought and whose concerns for life and the planet are not negotiable. But those that stand for truth are in a mess and will be labeled as loons. In the same way these leaders demonize Chinese, Russians, Muslims and anyone that stands in their way to power and wealth. In the end there will be small physical reward for those of integrity. There are many brave physically but few morally.
Go to You Tube and see what John McAfee’s widow says about his alleged suicide–you will surmise that the scale of murder weighs greatly in the balance just as even a cursory investigation into the Epstein suicide evidence a murder. McAfee stepped on some heavy hitters–you take away income taxes and you fuck the pay checks to those in the highest towers with the greatest controls.
Trump when he killed the Iranian general made political murder an honorable situation. I ceratainly do not like terrorists but in some respects we must say that General was a part of the Iranian Army, like them or not. We are at war with these people with sanctions to harm the population with our political leaders thinking they can make a regime change. Meantime we are occupying Iraq that has asked us to leave their so call sovereign nation and supposed democracy we have installed. Truth was our politicians give a shit less about the government in control–it is the oil of these particular countries that is important.
But you can see how desperate the politicians are to protect their power positions and reputations that keep them there–and especially their G ratings that determine the money they make. So it is no wonder the game that happened at Yarnell to cover the crimes of the killing of the GMHS crew.
But the bigger crimes these money grubbers and power seekers have are those against the planet that our children and grand children will face–and in truth we are already facing yet too many are turning their faces from it. The incessant damanging of the environment and the people by the orange retardant dumping is not the only source of criminal activity gone unrecognized and left unprosecuted. Look up the Dow Chemical reputation that has for thirty years tainted rivers and ground water with chemical waste containing some of the worst chemicals including dioxin. This they have done knowingly just as Monsanto and others involved continue to do.
Yes we train terrorists like the one that killed the Journalist and cut him into pieces and flushed him down the toilet–we have Presidents that wave their hand and kill at will by drone or other assassination methods. For instance Osami Ben Lauden was unarmed when he was assinated–someone did not want him alive to testify in court so he got a brain shot.
But to the planet and those greedy industries that do what they do–some have grandchildren and children and now even they are beginning to loose foothold and in danger. The outlook is grim but without true facts we can only live in delusion. You may enjoy virtual reality but when you drink a glass of water laden with dioxin, retardant chemicals, arsenic infected water from the retardant chemical heat reactions, lead, and gods only know what trade secret ingredients–then you come down with stomach cancer or one of the many other diseases caused by these chemicals–you most likely will say well it was just my immune system or old age or young age and life. Meantime your retardant executives have spent millions for psychologists to sell their products, lobbyists to stalk the politicos and advertisements to tell you how wonderful their product is. They might be living in luxury on king’s row but they have little vision beyond their own selfish interests. This is life in the fast lane for them–and fast deteriorating the planet while they are busy eliminating competition and making their dog eat dog way up the ladder.
Success based on greed. As they would say–He who dies with the most toys wins. But they do not look at the costs to others and the planet even themselves and their offspring.
Carbon levels are at 1.93 according to readings. Those are danger levels. Scientists involved in the climate change world say that a reading of 3 means a wipe out of 99% of human life.
It is now accepted by 97% of the knowledgeable scientist involved in climate studies agree to these formulations. If 97% of the fire fighters would say stay in the black, do not drop off into a box canyon choke full of dead and dry manzanita and a wind about to reverse a megafire–would you drop off in that canyon? Only if ordered perhaps and if you did not have better judgement because no one educated you properly–remember Donut did not even know there were safety rules so stammered though saying they were old fashioned –not even pertinent to his time and place.
God Speed on your journey–mine has been good because I made it good and time will broaden your world but only if you choose to break the chains of ignorance.
There is a war on Journalists–but in truth it has been an ongoing situation but more blatant these days. That is the independent Journalist–those that follow the leader without question and do not rock the boat with facts are secure–will likely be rewarded. They have avoided the real issues, the Hunter Biden stories, the facts we have fought 5 straight wars since Korea and lost them all except of course where we defeated the tiny island of Granada. Viet Nam was a disaster based on false information–the Gulf of Tonkin incident was false information put out to get our country involved so that the war industries could profit. And alike this were the defeats in Afghanistan and now Iraq. Yet we are rearing to take on China and Russia now.
This is not the first time we had challenged China and in 1958 it was the Taiwan issue–something we are repeating. It was Daniel Ellsberg who revealed classified documents about the attitude at the time. Plans were in place to nuke China at the time–we were closer to nuclear attack than the later Cuban Crisis but few people knew that until the exposure by Ellsberg. And look at us now–back in the same predicament and you can bet the plans are the same except the situation is even more volatile. China is now no pushover and any kind of misstep by our troops or Navy may well be the end of the earth as we knew it.
The most amazing thing is that Biden would want another 5 billion when there is already a said half Trillion available for war efforts. Our war budget for the year exceeds the total of the War budgets of the next 7 war budgets. China is up there about a quarter of what we spend–at least what they report and who knows–those people are not stupid and last to really show their hand. Meantime they have the worlds largest standing army and Navy. Bill Clinton gave them stealth technology along with other technologies for trade offs and likely some hefty funds for the Clinton Foundation. So China now is Stealth Fighter equipped that can deliver a nuclear bomb as a super jet as far as 5000 mile distant.
This scenario reminds me so much of the Viet Nam war and how I was drafted in 1967. When we were younger we convinced we were doing the right thing–standing up and protecting this country and its freedoms. How simple we were–we trusted those that run the government. But many of the military people that believed in the war at the time have matured–we have realized these wars for regime change and to keep the war industries in profits were nothing more than mass murder campaigns with no real purpose beyond making the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower had warned would come about.
If ever there were a time that the masses should be protesting the escalation Biden is doing toward instigating more war, it is now. We are getting a scorched earth from Climate issues and Change–but it will be nothing to what a nuclear strike would be.
So where are the peace makers–those Journalists who would denounce the instigation of more war by the Biden group and his callous Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin? The main media certainly does not have protesting Journalists while our war gang is putting us and the planet on the brink of extinction. Shame on the phony press and their foolish stance and avoidance of the most crucial events and the dangers to this planet these insane war instigators are.
Comical–Biden promises to leave Iraq by the end of the year–we are not welcome there anymore. But he says he will leave some advisors. A laugh for sure–those people have been at war since the beginning of the Sumarian roots some 18 thousand years before Christ and after the great flood. Their life is war and to be a martyr and warrior for Allah or whatever god pops up is the greatest of honors.
And Biden wants to leave these people advisors? What a fool. The only reason we were able to overrun their armies was because of our superior technology–not because we are right to invade these countries. But we have not defeated them–they daily sacrifice their lives in their own lands to get rid of us. The problem is Iran is advancing in technology so that there is a terrible toll to remain the big bully of the world. Give their country back Biden–and let those folks follow Allah or whoever and continue their wars as they please.
Some have been putting off setting up solar. You will do well if you are younger to get it up and have an EV that you can charge off Solar.
Yes, it took some energy to make these panels–but can you imagine that the result is that the panels will be good for 10 years and more and still be producing energy at a 80% rate.
The musk idea of huge solar outlets as he is managing in Australia seems good–that energy can make more panels and batteries so that a cycle will evolve so little coal, oil and fossil fuel energy will be needed.
This planet is suffering right now and only a god damned idiot would be spending half a trillion to improve war equipment and manufacture better nukes that already can destroy the planet 40 times over. Those monies should be used to implement solar in every home so no one is absolutely dependent upon a hackable grid. But the god that damns them will have to be one of good sense.
So I added ten more solar panels to my array. Those ten cost me $500 and I checked they are producing 249 volts and over 2000 extra watt of power. Well the freight cost another $200–and had I been in Arizona close enough I would have picked them up at no freight charge in Gilbert.
There is no reason you have to not get solar in Arizona–that sun is intense there and good used panels are abundant–Ebay is loaded with cheap panels. I say this because some do not know how reasonable it is to set up your own solar system. –I added 4 more marine wal mart batteries as well–they were another 400. But this should be good for 10 years or more and the cost of electric is not getting cheaper.
In Arizona if you have elders that depend on air conditioning to stay alive–you will do well to at least set them up with enough solar to run an air conditioner.
I actually wired 8 30 volt panels in series–easy to do since you just use the wires off the panels to plug one to the other, then two lead off wires to your inverter. I did piss ant those up a ladder this morning and had them hooked up in less than an hour—well 8 in series–the other two I will use else where since I already had 4600 watts of power running to the inverter.
Eight panels gives another 1800 watts of power–and If you were running just an air conditioner you would not even need batteries–you could run straight off the inverter while the sun is up–although in Phoenix, I was having to jump in a swimming pool even at night to keep cool. Still keeping cool during daylight hours would keep the elderly alive. –Another reason the fool in Washington ought not be begging for 5 billion more to feed the war machine–but instead saving lives with that money by installing solar where people suffer most with the heat. And he knows damn well (well at least those that tell him what to do know) that record heat temperatures are now the norm and will be killing people–especially the elderly.
Let your good works continue–and now is the time we need someone with a mind for the people and the planet in charge.
It is quite remarkable that the US CIA spent millions on methods of mind controls–the hired Psychologists and the Psychiatrists have made major advances passed on to our intelligence services. Of course the Russians, the Chinese, Iranians and other perceived or real enemies have made the same advances as well–the Chinese have been able to buy our advances with our politicians always ready to make a big buck. Hunter’s lap top told us much about that.
So the drive to mass murders could well be instigated on weak minds by outside sources–an enemy would indeed relish having all of Americans disarmed and of course even in our own system there are dark forces working to do the same. They forget that every dictatorial government first ordered the disarmament of the civilians before extreme engagement in terror tactics against opposition and the institution of forced labor camps as well as mass extermination of even perceived possible opposition to their power structure.
Of course mind control of the masses is also in order for dictatorial governments–but the problem with that is that mind control works best on weak minds and the propaganda behind it–should it be exposed then the mind control methods might necessitate police and military violence. That kind of protestation by the masses can often lead to a downfall of the powers that be and in final drastic action there is required by extermination of any opposition to the dictatorship.
It is hard to stomach seeing the White House Flag being flown at haft mast for one of the most complicit mass murderers and liars the US has had in office. Colin Powell and his obvious knowingly incensing the American public with lies holding up a test tube to indicate Iraq was using and hiding chemical and nuclear weapons with his face and body actions indicating a lie–something later proven by facts. You might as well half mast the flag for the next Ted Bundy–he was guilty of lesser crimes–as horrible as they were they did not cause the deaths of tens of thousands of our young heroes nor millions of Iraqui’s in war crimes that were never prosecuted.
These are my opinions but then the facts of efforts to avenge Saddam Hussein for giving the elite the finger by shutting off oil profits of the Bush Clan and the call to make profits through the war industrial desire to make huge war profits was all too obvious. I am not one to celebrate such hideous criminals.
And we see Colin die of the vaccine shots—Doctors that watch such elite criminals would have known he was suffering from blood cancer, parkinsons and the like and would have refused him the vaccine had they known their beans–what gives there–an execution after all?
I see that Moderna and Pfizer are ramping up profits by pushing a third shot–who is paying but the taxpayer–or do they just print more money to pay for all this. And three is after all not enough –my son the RN says there are actually 5 mutants of the Covid now–you need 5 minimum to cover the bases. My what you can know these days from a good research of the internet and good sources like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and other whistle blowers such as Daniel Hale sentenced to ~4 years prison for leaking info that a majority killed by Obama’s drone strikes were innocent bystanders Thread starter Samiya Start date Jul 28, 2021.
Oddly–the truthsayers are the punished while the criminals get half mast–scratch your head on that one.
NOW about the Yearnell death toll–add a great lady Wendy that kept people informed in the Yarnell area with here Yellow Sheet news and events for the Yarnell area people–a weekly thing that many looked forward too to keep abreast of the times. Similar to Colin Powell, she was killed by the Covid according to the report–but they did not mention her immune system was compromised by the chemicals of the retardant. That lady was a healthy person before the dumps of retardant on Yarnell and should have easily lived thought Covid as my Son and I have. Add to that her husband Buford I am told was very healthy before the dumps–something I can tell you first hand from knowing him personally–yet now I am told is barely clinging to life with several maladies. If you think that retardant dumping on residents or in fact anywhere in the environment with its terrible chemicals involved in killing people, aquatic life, ruining ocean environments, and destroying fresh water supplies including aquifers then I would suggest you have not gone beyond listening to the ;guff of those making the huge profits from the spreading of this orange plague. And again, my own opinions–I have heard some of you believe the hype and would fertilize your lawns with it.
You did see the death of Dr. Anderson–I think Robert 2nd had written an article about the life of Dr. Anderson and his work as a fire fighter. I had written some about visits to his home that was painted the dreaded Phoschek. For years he had lived in retardant contamination and breathed the chemicals that had covered his home during the Yarnell Fire–and we know his eventual demise came some years after the two wild fires of 2013 and the later Tenderfoot fire of 2016–both fires resulted in retardant dropped on and in close proximity to his residence.
My cabin on Mountain View was also covered with the retardant as were those homes all along Mountain View in Glen Isla–the western part of the 645 residents of Yarnell proper. I know Glen Isla was saturated with retardant with many Jumbo Jet loads as was Yarnell and very heavily in the Shirne area. The later Tenderfoot fire covered the eastern part of Yarnell for the most part but there was also more dropped on the fringes of Yarnell where the FS officials believed there might be a reversal of the fire.
I did not leave my cabin on the second fire–in fact I had purchased that cabin sometime after the first fire after being evicted from the Oak Grove Motel apartment. My rent was low there and I understood the manager at the time believed the motel rooms would be needed for incoming reconstruction people that would be willing to pay a premium since it was the only place in town rooms could be rented. Americans are an enterprising people–even in the motel business.
After the retardant drops people on my street within months people on Mountain View were dropping like flies. I too came down soon with a heart attack–I am not the type of individual you would expect that from while Joy and I were making hikes so keeping in shape as well. I can tell you death is not a problem–it is getting there when you are in the process of a heart attack that I experienced some of the worse pain imaginable.
After escaping hospice in Prescott–not easy–my son Mark, an RN was able to convince the RN in charge of hospice at the time that I was determined to die at home–not the hospital. Military hospitals are somewhat more controlled than civilian hospitals so that nurse had threatened to call the MP’s when I was going to walk out on my own. But with Mark, she agreed to let me go, albeit reluctantly. When I got to my pickup I sped out of there thinking they might try to detain me should the MP’s show–but it went well.
At the time what I did not know was that I was going back to the cause of my attack–a retardant polluted cabin and environment. I was to have another big heart attack while there–though I managed to drive down the hill 9 miles to the Congress store in the worst of pain where I fell in excruciating pain on the floor.
The Congress Fire Department came and loaded me on a gurney and off I went to their helicopter pad. Whew, that copter ride to Prescott again was not so good–I wished I could jump out of that thing at the time and end it–the EMT’s can’t give you anything but aspirin and that was useless for that kind of extreme pain.
Two more heart stents and I soon signed myself out of that hospital. Then sometime after I sold that cabin and moved off to 5 acres in the desert north of Aguila. More heart attacks and stents later and I began to think that this was going to be miserable retirement times. And what the hell, I figured if I am going out do what I like best. So with Joy’s help we tore down a huge pole barn and I re erected it on those five acres using telephone poles for supports.
Meantime we hiked and even mucked out a turquoise diggings among other things. That Phoenix Cardiologist after inserting more stents told me I had only half a heart working–the muscle tissue on the other half was dead scar tissue.. He suggested I buy a nice TV since my life that he did not expect to last more than a year was to be relegated to being a couch potato.
Ok, that was several years ago and again I did get shot dead with my dog–there is one hell of a hole on the right side of my shoulder and it is full of scar tissue. A 12 guage shooting you at point blank range leaves one big gapping hole–but another copter ride out of the desert and some good doctors doing the Jesus thing were able to bring me back from the dead. I was 90 days or so in that El Paso Hospital before I signed myself out–again with the help of Mark the RN convincing the hospital doctors that he would help me along and get me into the 21 day rehabilitation unit and be sure that I got set up to have a nurse change the woundvac machine that I had to carry 24-7 for 90 days until that gapping hole in my back closed up.
The worst of it was I am carrying an ounce of lead scattered throughout my chest–that shot had shattered my clavicle into a bunch of fragments and after piercing the right lung had cracked three ribs then scattered instead of going on through. The lead has certainly slowed my brain which at one time was fairly decent–I was an A average student in high school on the honor society, and in University studies able to keep a B+ average even when I had garnered straight F’s on two semesters–back surgeries from old mine injuries had me doing a first and second back surgery and I never bothered to check out–because of that I was given straight F’s–something the University refused to rectify explaining that it was my responsibility to sign out and give good reason. To get into grad school you are required to have at least a B average so you can see that I had to work hard for a mess of A’s in my courses to offset those F’s.
But yes, I went home on the range after the gun shot–but so damn weak and it took a good year before I could start doing much. I started hiking pretty well, but now I am looking at getting an big screen TV on that Phoenix doctor’s advice.
It however does trouble me that biopsies have me scheduled for 5 more skin cancer removals. One will be Moh;s Surgery on my nose again. The others are not so bad–but it was not long ago that I had 9 removed–some were tumors so that one required 9 stitches and others then as well. And again I have had more than 20 skin cancers removed–some forming tumors under the skin. This is your retardant chemistry at work–a great cancer fertilizer.
Yet I am fortunate because I am one of the survivors of the retardant poisons that were dumped on Yarnell. I do have to credit Joy with her pointing out to me how many were dying after the two wild fires. Common sense ought to tell us that something that only a small amount will immediately kill fish should be examined closely. It does not take a genius to realize why so many were sick and dying at Yarnell when it started after the massive dumping of the Orange toxic retardant. These retardant company culprits are clever since they add more toxins to the mix under trade secret laws. We know these are poisons–we see what it has done to the health and lives of those at Yarnell. But these moneymakers dropping the poisons at $5 per gallon are not about to tell the truth of how the oceans are increasing their dead zones from these phosphates and ammonium compounds, no how many people fell dead in Yarnell of heart attacks, Cancer, lung problems and other diseases caused by their chemicals. The profits are too big.
Has there been main stream news about the Tucson water wells shut off because the retardants have poisoned the waters of 65,000 resident there? Have they ran photos of the dead sea zones and explained that the poisonous red algae that creates the zones is fed by the ammonium and phosphate compounds from water shed run off? Have they shown the photos of thousands of dead fish washed up on Florida coasts because the phosphate tailings from abandoned phosphate mines had killed them, ruined wet land environments and is costing hundreds of millions in an attempt to save fresh ground waters already being contaminated by the phosphates?
They certainly have not told you how many are now sick and dead at Yarnell after their chemicals were dumped onto the town and its residents. Yet the wild fire scientists Wooten and Morrison wrote a study of the effects the retardant had in saving the homes in Yarnell. They concluded from their research that the town burned at the rate that it would have had no retardant been used. The same percentage of houses burned and those saved were not because of retardant but because those homes had what is called defensible space. Those people that kept the weeds cleared of their residences were saved.
For the poisons–something in that retardant causes the blood platlets to stick to the arteries and in effect shutting off the blood and oxygen to the heart. Since I have been away from Yarnell for several years now in the past three, I have had a catheter run to my heart three times. Each time I was having what felt like an oncoming attack with heavy chest pains on the left side. I was expecting more heart stents–but the doctors saw the 6 ones there and clear arteries. Yet, like the Covid 19–19 being a death number, the symptoms after infection on the long run are treacherous and mimic many other diseases. There are no safe levels for the retardant; however, I am quite sure the secret chemicals will turn out to be the same that are in Fire Foams–very useful for fire retardant chemicals–the Flourocarbons–were safe levels are less than 70 parts per TRILLION–and have ruined the wells of Tucson when they were found to be as much as 10,000 parts per BILLION. All due to run off from places where fire fighters were practicing using the retardants and especially near airports where the retardants in the Tucson area were often used. They are cumulative in the human body–and like the radiation–or those poor ladies that licked brushes to apply radium to watch numbers, the effects did not and will not show up immediately.–though at Yarnell within a few months people were falling dead–me included.
Ignorance kills more people than we can imagine–I was totally ignorant of the effects of fire retardant until I began to see the results after the wild fires of Yarnell and suffered them myself. I believed the hype that the retardant chemicals were harmless. Research and the Yarnell experiment have proven otherwise. Do not let anyone tell you these are not poisons and pollutants damaging people, environment and ocean life while ruining fresh water aquifers. I
The retardant people making big money are clever and working hard and liars through their teeth to maintain their huge profits in this billion dollar world wide system. They are not adverse to feathering some political beds nor ruining health, environment, aquatic life, contaminating scarce fresh water aquifers not adding to the terrible red algae dead ocean zones–to admit the truth would cut their profits drastically–maybe even cause pilots to haul free or cheap water instead of their expensive toxic retardant. I see them as criminals because I believe they know what is happening and the destruction they are causing.
Do a bit of research, look at the Tucson–local news only or google Florida phospate contamination and EPA efforts to save the wet lands, fresh water sources, and aquatic life including fish. You might even garner a different opinion if you happen to be the one saying these retardants are a good thing? Really?
It is imperative we know why it is so difficult to get to the truth of matters when an investigation is done by an organization with its own investigators. The only way to come to truth in any death situation that may or may not be criminal is to involve outside investigators. The following is a quote from the web site of Democracy now where Daniel Ellsberg is being interviewed by Amy Goodman–newscaster of alternative broadcasting. Daniel Ellsberg, as the older of us know was a whistleblower of the early 70’s who was early on exposing war crimes by releasing “classified documents” that the war criminals did not want released.
As in the case of Snowden and Assange and others that have released documents showing war crimes, these whistle blowers took extra care to only release information that would not endanger innocent people and only expose those that were involved in the crimes. Ironically these very journalists and whistle blowers have saved thousands of lives while the ones responsible for the crimes are responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands and over time amounting to millions of innocent lives while enriching themselves and living as respected members of society–sleeping without conscience.
Bush bunch, Obama, Clinton,group, Biden, and others involved back to the start of the false flag war on Viet Nam when Eisenhower started war all have followed until now the War Machine and its power and profiteering have such grip and control on all facets of politicas and media that it will continue just as we witnessed Trump and now Biden creating a demonized China and Russia in order to keep the caos and war machine wealth intact–all of course at the expense of the tax payer, those innocent souls killed and displaced by the war mongers and of course our young military under direct orders of that Commander in Chief and his minions.
Trump, especially after he made an illegal international murder and moreover knew how to put fear into the journalists daring to expose war crimes. Assange is looking at 175 years, and that young Daniel Hale is already doing 4 years just for exposing crimes that harmed no one but the criminals involved.
I can not help but thing of our own John Daugherty and how he took to the field in his brave effort to stop environmental destruction and help the poor of Peru who are used as slave labor while the Canadian Mining Companies rip resources from that country to enrich themselves while they leave behind a wake of destruction of the lands. Only a few of the wealthy of that country and the police there enjoy the bribes and side benefits–their greed and sell has blinded their vision. But that we see as a norm for those that find themselves in power positions where public is no longer a controlling factor.
I do listen to Amy Goodman on You Tube news as well as RT American news–Rich Sanchez one of my favorite and that half Irish and Scotsman George Galloway who so many years served in the English Parliment. He now has a news talk show called MOAT–a man of great wisdom concerning politics and the Arab world.
This interview would be one that would never be allowed on Corporate News Media–It tell of the demise of two of our news journalists along with 12-18 more innocent lives taken that would have never been known had not Assange revealed the facts. We could now see how that it was common attitudes to take lives in a foreign land and lives were treated as if they were so many cattle.
From Democracy now__a good read to remind us of the times and people that sanction and instigate these meaningless wars for their own greed and power motives.Media Options
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Julian Assange
Freedom of the Press
Daniel Ellsberg
Pentagon Papers whistleblower and co-founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation.
Jeremy Scahill
co-founder of The Intercept. He is host of the weekly podcast Intercepted. He is the author of the books Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army and Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield.
Web-only discussion with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept. They discuss the Justice Department’s decision to indict WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on 17 charges of violating the Espionage Act for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic documents exposing U.S. war crimes. This comes as President Trump is considering Memorial Day pardons for American military members accused or convicted of war crimes, including former Blackwater contractor Nicholas Slatten, who was twice found guilty of first-degree murder in the deadly 2007 Nisoor Square massacre in Baghdad which killed 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians. He was sentenced to life in prison last December.
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we continue to look at the Justice Department’s unprecedented decision to indict WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on 17 charges of violating the Espionage Act for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic documents exposing U.S. war crimes. Assange faces at least 170 years in a U.S. prison now.
I’d like to go back to 2017, when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was CIA director. He talked about WikiLeaks in his first CIA address.
MIKE POMPEO: WikiLeaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service. It has encouraged his followers to find jobs at the CIA in order to obtain intelligence. It directed Chelsea Manning in her theft of specific secret information. It overwhelmingly focuses on the United States, while seeking support from anti-democratic countries and organizations. It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a nonstate, hostile intelligence service, often abetted by state actors like Russia.
AMY GOODMAN: So, that was Secretary of State Mike Pompeo when he was CIA director. Julian Assange later responded to the allegation in an interview with Jeremy Scahill in his podcast, Intercepted.
JULIAN ASSANGE: Pompeo has stated that WikiLeaks instructed Chelsea Manning to go after certain information. That’s an interesting revelation. And then there is his statement that this, i.e.WikiLeaks and its publications, are end now. So, how does he propose to conduct this ending? He didn’t say, but the CIA is only in the business of collecting information, kidnapping people and assassinating people. So, it’s quite a menacing statement that he does need to clarify.
AMY GOODMAN: That was Julian Assange, as we continue our conversation with our two guests. Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, in 1973, he was charged with violating the Espionage Act for leaking a top-secret report on the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam to The New York Times and other publications. Here in New York, Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill, host of the podcast Intercepted.
I want to put that to Dan Ellsberg, and go further, as we talked in Part 1, about the content of what it is that Julian Assange released, because now it’s all spoken in shorthand, if it’s covered at all in the corporate media, what it is he released, and why, Dan Ellsberg, you so identify with him, based on what motivated you to release the Pentagon Papers so many decades ago.
DANIEL ELLSBERG: Amy, I’d like to correct one little fact, and it’ll help explain the context. You mentioned a couple times that my case was 1973. Actually, it was begun in 1971. When the Times began publishing my papers, they had a Supreme Court civil case, which ended with the Supreme Court saying that the injunctions against them were invalid under the First Amendment. But that was followed immediately by my criminal case in ’71 for having delivered the newspapers to The New York Times, The Washington Post and 17 other newspapers who had come in. So, it really was 1971. Now, the war was still waging at that time, the Vietnam War, and I knew that it was going to continue and get larger in the air, as it actually did. In ’71, it had four years to go, really, including three years, essentially, of American—or two years of American ground combat, but the prospect of American air power indefinitely, if Nixon had not been forced to leave office, and largely because of crimes that he had committed against me.
Now, when Pompeo talks about WikiLeaks as having been a hostile intelligence service, he probably thinks of it that way, and because that’s the way, I’m sure, he thinks of The New York Times or The Washington Post. I have no doubt, by the way, that Trump, in particular, thinks of The Washington Post as a treasonous, hostile intelligence service. You can just substitute the words “critical journalist” or “investigative journalist” for those words, in their minds.
I would go so far as to say, by the way, that the attitude shown by this administration relates to an oath that I took as a member of the U.S. government and, for earlier, the same oath as a member of the U.S. Marines. And it’s the same oath that every congressperson takes. And that’s an oath not to secrecy. And it’s not to failure to criticize the commander-in-chief, which is criticism that this president regards as treason. It’s an oath to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States against all enemies—the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Especially after yesterday, but over the last two years, I’ve come to see President Trump as a domestic enemy of the American Constitution, just as I saw Vice President Cheney in that role. And I distinguish them a little bit from President Nixon, who indicted me. He violated the First Amendment, by the standards of that time and by the best legal scholars of that time. But I don’t have the perception of Richard Nixon as someone who intended to change the amendments, to change the Bill of Rights, to change our form of government. He violated it when necessary. He thought of the government—the president, in particular—as above the law, which is exactly the way Donald Trump sees it. But I think Vice President Cheney and Donald Trump, while patriotic—I’m not calling them traitors—who wanted the best for this country, thought that the best was not served by the existing Constitution and Bill of Rights. And they set off, I think, very clearly in their minds, to change that, as I think John Bolton does right now, and perhaps Pompeo—I don’t know enough about him. I have no doubt that Pompeo—that Bolton is impatient with any restrictions on the president by Congress, by treaties, by Constitution, by international law, anything else, in his desires for war and his contempt for Congress. So, we’re dealing here, what I’m—what I would call are domestic enemies of the American Constitution, as it exists.
When Julian Assange put out his first leak from Chelsea Manning, with—the one that caught my attention and nearly everybody else’s was a video showing a number of—one helicopter, actually, shooting down 17 unarmed people in Iraq.
AMY GOODMAN: Dan, I’m going to interrupt you, because we have that video, and we want to play a clip. In April 2010 is what you’re talking about.
AMY GOODMAN: WikiLeaks made international headlines when it published this video, leaked by, as you pointed out, Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning. The chilling video footage, taken from a U.S. military helicopter, shows U.S. forces indiscriminately firing on Iraqis in the New Baghdad neighborhood of Baghdad in Iraq. The dead included two employees of the Reuters news agency, the videographer, photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, who was something like 22 years old, the up-and-coming videographer, and driver Saeed Chmagh, the father of four. It became known as the “Collateral Murder” video. This is a clip.
U.S. SOLDIER 1: There, one o’clock. Haven’t seen anything since then.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Just [expletive]. Once you get on, just open up.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: I am.
U.S. SOLDIER 4: I see your element, got about four Humvees, out along this—
U.S. SOLDIER 2: You’re clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: All right, firing.
U.S. SOLDIER 4: Let me know when you’ve got them.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Let’s shoot. Light ’em all up.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Come on, fire!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Keep shootin’. Keep shootin’. Keep shootin’. Keep shootin’.
U.S. SOLDIER 5: Hotel, Bushmaster two-six, Bushmaster two-six, we need to move, time now!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: All right, we just engaged all eight individuals.
AMY GOODMAN: Minutes later, the video shows U.S. forces watching as a van pulls up to evacuate the wounded. They again open fire from the helicopter, killing several more people and wounding two children inside the van.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Where’s that van at?
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Right down there by the bodies.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: OK, yeah.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Bushmaster, Crazy Horse. We have individuals going to the scene, looks like possibly picking up bodies and weapons.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Let me engage. Can I shoot?
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Roger. Break. Crazy Horse one-eight, request permission to engage.
U.S. SOLDIER 6: Picking up the wounded?
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Yeah, we’re trying to get permission to engage. Come on, let us shoot!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Bushmaster, Crazy Horse one-eight.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: They’re taking him.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Bushmaster, Crazy Horse one-eight.
U.S. SOLDIER 7: This is Bushmaster seven, go ahead.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Roger. We have a black SUV—or Bongo truck picking up the bodies. Request permission to engage.
U.S. SOLDIER 7: Bushmaster seven, roger. This is Bushmaster seven, roger. Engage.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: One-eight, engage. Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Come on!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Clear. Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: We’re engaging.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Coming around. Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Roger. Trying to—
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: I hear ’em—I lost ’em in the dust.
U.S. SOLDIER 6: I got ’em.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Should have a van in the middle of the road with about 12 to 15 bodies.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Oh, yeah, look at that. Right through the windshield! Ha ha!
AMY GOODMAN: As you can see, this is an absolutely horrifying video. The numbers vary of the number of people killed, from 12 to perhaps 18 or beyond. Two of them worked for Reuters news agency, which had tried for several years to get any evidence of what had happened to their staff, and they weren’t able to, until this video was released. Again, the video taken from the Army helicopter. We’re speaking with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Dan Ellsberg and Jeremy Scahill. You see the men gunned down from the helicopter. I mean, this is much longer, this video. You hear the soldiers laughing and cursing. They are not rogue. They call back to base to request permission to shoot and to open fire. Namir Noor-Eldeen is killed with the other men, but Chmagh is crawling away. And in the second attack on the people below, including the dad with his two children in the van, the children grievously injured, Chmagh, who’s crawling away wounded, is blown up, as well. Jeremy?
JEREMY SCAHILL: Yeah, I mean, this is very similar to when the CIA does these double-tap strikes, where they’ll kill a group of people, and then they come back around and they kill the first responders. That appears to be what we witness in this video, that they’re attacking unarmed individuals, including members of the news media.
I had to read this again–my own post but a paste of the fact that our own Journalists were killed and nothing explained. This is the sick people running our government. Then you have judges sending people off to prison so you see they are nothing more than cronies of the politicians they party with. Shame on them–they are out of touch with the people they purport to serve and they wonder why the Trump group, the BLM group, the Environmental Groups are so angered. A psychologist will tell you that the sick ones are those criminals in charge of these mass murder escapades.
It was obvious that pulling out from Afghanistan was because Biden and friends were looking at a bigger fish to continue their endless war games with. Only that fish is a monster fish along the lines of the great white shark. It is also a monster that is quite patient until it smells blood.
Just yesterday it was slipped by a Senator that 30,000 of our troops are in Taiwan–I can only shake my head in disgust at the leadership we have. Yet the alternate side is not the alternate side–Trump was trumpeting the war signs against China and Russia before Biden picked up the horn.
Yes the people have been kept in the dark–if the media knew they were ordered to keep it quiet–it is an Assange war crime to inform the public of what is really in the plans.
As one of the Big Cheese said concerning the War Games–we only mean to scare China and deter them from taking over Taiwan. So now we have dragged as many Anglo Saxon Countries as possible into the war game with us–Australia, Canada and England all lined up with the War Criminals of America to create havoc in the China region.
Looking back at December 7, 1941 and two years before I was born, Japan decided an early strike on the US was in order. If they would have had nukes you can bet that they would have nuked us–we after all set the example by doing just that–two nukes and more than 200 thousand were incinerated and a third was on its way except it was not quite finished and the Japanese decided that rather than have more destruction they would surrender.
What is the great white shark doing? Is it not circling already. China sent war ships into the waters near Alaska as a warning but you saw our politicos and Navy people laugh it off–who cares they said. How belligerent can you be–just as Roosevelt said stand down even while his Military were telling him radar and information was that there were war vessels loaded with war planes headed our way.
Maybe he needed a few Americans killed to incense the public to war since they were like we are now–tired of war games. It took a false flag at the Gulf of Tonkin to get things going to kill a few million souls and plenty of American soldiers. Again it took some lies from the Bush clan to incense people to get the Iraq and Afghanistan operations on when Saudi Arabia was the actual provider of the terrorists that downed the Twin Towers.
Thirty thousand of our troops and they will be aiding 290,000 Taiwanese troops. The Chinese standing army is over 2,000,000–but that is not all–they are not Japan–they have the nukes and can deliver them and should you add the army and nukes of Russia with the technology they have –i.e. nuke armed missiles that are too fast to respond to with torpedos that also can nuke all large cities–Seattle, NYC, LA, San Francisco, and the like–you will see that China will end up being the empire that rules the world albeit crippled if anyone on earth survives at all.
I can not help but think of what fools they are–would they drop off in a death canyon?–of that I am certain they have already begun the decent down the steep and slippery slope into the box canyon of no return. Get your iodine pills for the children–they are useless for the elders.
And the Senator that reported this tweet is now said to be in error. I think so–with a drove of war ships from the US, UK, Australia, even Holland and Japan being dragged into this–the US building more missile bases around China, increasing war materials and advances to Taiwan and Japan and even nuke ships planned for Australia–you have to believe the Senator erred greatly–I have to believe there are more like 100 thousand troops in the area with perhaps only 30 thousand directly in Taiwan
China has already warned Japan that it may get a nuke or so–they are quiet with the US–when we get them they will be like the Pearl Harbor event–sudden and a surprise to the arrogant people in our leadership.
They say China wouldn’t dare–that is what Roosevelt said about the Japanese.
Twenty one Stealth B-2 Bombers were built at more than 2 billion dollars apiece in the 70-90’s. Once crashed and 9 are operable with 3 generally usable against China and Russia with the others either in training use or maintenance work. However, they each can carry up to 16 b-83 nuclear bombs or as in Iraq conventional bombs in 8500 pound guided class. Those 16 nuclear bombs have 75 times the power of the Hiroshima Fat Boy bomb. So yes, the US can slip in on China and wipe out a few hundred million people.
The caveat is that since the Clinton sharing of Stealth technology with China for favors when China and US were in friendly relations as Clinton Crews and Industries were moving to China for cheap labor—China now has the same similar, probably more advanced Stealth Bombers. Add to that, China now has built what we do not have–guided missiles in the supersonic range that satellites and NORAD are unable to track. Those missiles have been proven to be able to circle the earth, change direction and zig zag their way to any target programmed into them. You can imagine those program destinations. Add to that the Koreans also have the supersonic missiles but their range is limited to shorter range–and of course Russia has also these technologies.
So yes, the US is floating its Ships with these stealth technologies abroad some 6000 miles in hopes that will deter China and Russia from doing what China would do if we intervene in the Taiwan situation.
It does take about an hour for the untraceable missile to reach the US from China but that is a mute point if you do not know it is coming despite the billions spent in Satellite and NORAD defense systems. I just wonder who will speak to return fire if Washington DC along with Biden and Trump are vaporized as they are cursing China? Will the boys on the runways in the B-2’s decide to attempt a run or will they have been targeted and wiped out during the same stealth operations?
One thing we have seen the Normandy invasion or the Korean incident where the Allies have put ashore thousands of troops on those foreign shores. Times have changed–China has the worlds largest Navy and ships and can match or surpass that feat–and not only that has amassed an army of 2 million buffered with another 8 million military people in reserves.
Some forget it was the US together with NATO nations that were driven to the ocean by the Chinese armies in the Korean war. Yes, the allies came in and MacArthur was a great war hero that could hold a part of Korea as Chinese troops returned back to China–yet the only thing that allowed a save of South Korea was a truce — the fact that Russia was dealing with Wilson whom had Nuked Japan–the bomb and its possible use against Korea and China by a man that had just killed a few hundred thousand regular citizens. Common sense must go a long ways with the Russians–they agreed to withdraw the Chinese and draw a line at the 38 parallel to divide North and South Korea–north again commies and south the infusion of American Democracy.
But times have changed–China now has the nukes, North Korea has the Nukes, Pakistan has the Nukes, India has the Nukes, Israel has the Nukes—even South Africa had them for a while, UK has plenty–Australia is arming up with them–and the Allah worshipers likely have them as well.
And despite our 700+billion dollar military budget, our leaders tell us we are behind in our nuke technology, supersonic, stealth and AI technology–China and Russia have us bested. So why are we making all kinds of problems against the Chinese and Russians and invading their waters and sovereign areas some 6000 miles from our shores while they are not in our waters and say in the Gulf of Mexico with their ample war ships and airplanes? We are defending Democracy in Taiwan just as we did in South Korea while the Chines and Russians– Maybe they have better things to do at home.
The big question is why is our media promoting a cold war with China and Russia while their media is not?
You should be concerned–About 10% of oil production is used in making plastics — And what chemicals are found in plastics and why does Sonny now use a cloth bag while shopping.
To start with globally 160,000 plastic bags are used every second. One hundred million tons of plastics are produced annually. There is hardly a place on earth and even ocean sands, waters, fish and other aquatic life have micro plastic particle contamination. Even the water that you drink out of the so called pure water within contains plastic particles.
So why the big concern with plastic that is polluting our oceans, land fills and world with nano and micro particles of plastic? We know that like the cigarette companies there is huge profits being made selling you a product that costs pennies that you pay dollars to drink–yet truthfully much tap water is not fit to drink and some not even safe to bathe in. The skin absorbs 40-60% of chemicals applied to it.
The list includes five major chemicals two of which you certainly do not want in your body. One, BPA can cause cancer. In a woman, BPA is dangerous because it can mimic estrogen hormone and develop breast cancer. Another danger of BPA is that it can affect the brain development of babies.
DEHP is a carcinogen, teratogen (brith defects), and also an irritant for our body. Both women and man can get cancer because DEHP act as an endocrine disruptor. Which will have long lasting damage on human reproduction function, both for adult and children exposed to it.
Phthalate Polycarbonate Polyactic acid Polypropylene compile the rest of the major chemicals used in plastics and their manufacture—but here also are a list of the minor chemicals found if indeed you would consider them minor–they are not concerning the disaster they can and do cause to health and environment:
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)1. Phthalate
Perchlorate1. Phthalate
Decabromodiphenyl Ether (DECA)
And now you can conclude why I do not like plastic bagging, containers and am using a cloth bag to gather my groceries. Certainly we can not avoid what the oil companies and people that promote plastics for profit do with their expert propagandist psychologists and marketing professionals–but we can avoid the pollution as much as possible. The kids generally are wise so there is hope for a better way.
Carbon Dioxide concentrations once increased continue to linger in the atmosphere for centuries. That now for more than a century our coal, gas, and oil burning have increased the CO2 content of the air beyond any measure before in a span of millions of years as best can be determined. Methane, which is 15 times the global warming effect of CO2 lasts about ten years before it is oxidized out of the air. So you see now the glaciers and Arctic ice melting away and releasing huge amounts of methane–you even see great explosions on occasion on the Siberian tundras.
Are we at a tipping point where climate change will be irreversible already. You see the extreme hot weather in Northern Cities and lakes drying up with all the Southwest suffering extreme drought. To add to this, the albeto of the earth is increasing–more ice melted means more dark ocean to absorb more heat and more forest fires both adding the carbon dioxide to the air with Carbon Monoxide and other gases leaving more black surface and more gases that trap heat we can see a reaction that is cascading toward disaster.
You only need look at Madagascar and the thousands on starvation because of the drought–people that formerly survived by their small farms and gardens now hunting cactus leaves or anything–kids with pot bellies–something we see in starving children that eat clay and dirt from hunger.
I do not know how much the phosphate and ammonium and other gases created off retardant applied to fires really adds to the mix beyond terrible health effects. Ammonium does not linger long in the air but is more prone to quick condensation and with the other chemicals such as the cyanide gases do enter the ground waters.
One thing the Chinese are wise to the problem of global warming–they are requiring that 40% of cars must be EV’s by 2030 and the rest hybrids. But will this be enough considering that the Oil, gas and Coal industries will continue to lobby for their use. The Trumpers will say that global warming is a farce–but then go out into the record breaking 115 degree heat of Phoenix and the above 100 temperatures in places never before seeing such temperatures–or visit lake Mead.
Few know that the great coral reef of Australia is half dead–the coral first bleaches white then dies. The ocean flora that depend upon the coral for life also die, then the fish die that feed upon the flora. The coral die because the ocean water temperatures have increased so that they are all on the brink of extinction. Add to this mess are the chemical run off of retardant and fertilizer phosphates and ammonium compounds with whatever secret chemicals are added to this mess.
So the wild land fire fighter is doing his best to Biden’s credit–even crooks have some good in them–he is increasing the wild land fire fighters pah and has hinted at the global warming problem. Maybe he had a visit to Phoenix during a warm spell or has stepped outside his Washington bunker complex and found himself in a sauna.
Whether people wake up in time is doubtful–greed is above sensibility and intelligence is correlated to wealth while those in power are of the idiot mentality. As my Mom would say, they don’t have sense enough to pound dirt into a rat hole. But let them sizzle a bit–yet it may be over the threshold already.
Many questions about AI arise–Elon Musk of genius mentality see AI as a future danger to mankind–even more dangerous than the nuclear threat. Certainly AI can already solve problems in seconds that would take the human mind days, even months to achieve. The machine is now even being able to taste and become a social creature by standards of social ideas. Yet its intelligence is such that it well eventually be able to replicate itself–and what will it determine about humans with intelligence many times that of the human brain? We look at cattle as dumb animals–expendable and edible yet our intelligence will be comparably much less to a robot than we are to a bovine creature.
With no conscience except that programmed in and if it is our own that will be scary. Those that gain power have no qualms to wipe out millions of those that do not fit their idea of what humans should be –Hitler is used as an example but look at Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and even Clinton and Obama. They had no qualms to wipe out millions in foreign lands–and of course those presidents of the Viet Nam era another crowd that equaled or surpassed the eradication of people, civilians that did not measure up to their idea of humanity. It continues even to this day with Biden bombing to death civilians as collateral damage to the so called justification of killing terrorists in their own lands.
So, please do not give them our conscience–the experiment where docile middle class college kids were relegated to play prison guard turned them into animals acting much like you saw Derick the cop working over George Floyd–that experiment of kids had to be stopped. Power given to individuals brings out the worse in them and with a robot of super intelligence can you imagine?
This planet is in for another extinction of life. There have been six such events and we may be soon seeing the seventh known cycle of extinction–likely brought on by ourselves or the leaders–just recently you saw Boris Johnson playing Russian Roulette–yet he and his cohorts were risking everyone and an extinction of the planet right there.
There is a likely hood the gods are AI. They can travel in eons of time, have technology that only intelligence many times our own that we can only marvel at. The AI intelligence would have no problem replicating itself and no problem manipulating monkey DNA to make a man or any creature such as the Dinosaurs of past extinctions. They can last though radiation, though drought, through eons of time regardless of climate changes–and according to ancient texts could create a world wide flood to eliminate all life except a few they taught how to escape. So their ability to make intelligent biological life is beyond our own ability to do so–or should we say they could easily have the keys to making a world just as we see it and even in other environments similar to our own.
Would they fool us or be honest. If they have the human mind you have that answer–our best are some of the worst liars of all–our police are even trained to lie and if you look at the political people to lie is to be political. We of the lower cast accept it–though we should not but are powerless unless we should join forces to demand truth. So, yes, God changed his mind a number of times–maybe not as many as Trump or Biden but quite a few that are recorded. Can you believe these gods and the people they created? Whew–not if you check up on them.
It is a thought–you may after all be a product of an AI experiment or project–and then we are ironically creating that which may have created man from monkey.
Those that know anything about the Bible realize that Jesus said he was headed back here to save a few–really only 144,000. The Mormons think it is them, and so do 333 other religious formulae. If he does not show up then God and his bloody intentions would allow the whole of mankind be wiped out just as he did in the flood–or the many other genocides Daddy God commits as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Daddy carries a big stick and uses it too–our world leaders follow his example too. Right now there are 7.9 billion people hanging around on the planet so if you do the math, your chances of being a chosen one is about one in 7.89 billion or something close to that figure. You have a better chance of winning the California lottery than being a chosen one. But who knows–right–maybe you will make it. I am not spending my dollars on the lottery–I rather enjoy a half cup of coffee–about what a dollar buys these days.
But don’t be surprised if your god turns out to be an AI god–highly possible, even probable.
This may save your life.
Some of the most horrible scenes in life that I have witnessed beside having a man loaded into the back of our car as he lay on a small cotton mattress with the bottom half of his body having been run over by a D-8 Cat he had been operating. I was a kid in grade school–the image of his leg bones sticking straight up out of his boots with the flesh dangling and the bloody mattress will be always in my memeory–I did see him in Lordsburg years later when I was in High School–he was selling pencils along the sidewalk –two pads where his legs had been amputated just below his crouch. He survived–I wondered how–I bought a pencil for a nickle but never told him my Dad had helped load him into his Cadillac and I had been with him to witness the horror scene.
But even as terrible was the witness of an accident right there in front of our abode 7 miles west of Lordsburg. The bridge there marks the death of at least one–I don’t know if there were other survivors-there were about nine people scattered out along the highway–moaning and screaming with several kids involved. Dad had stopped traffic and someone was racing into town to inform police and ambulance about the accident. The bridge is a marker not only of the death of our home and Dad’s business but one man. I know he was dead–his head was crushed like a mellon. Erie that the vehicle had the words Untouchable pained on the rear fender. Apparantly the car had veered off onto the gravel shoulder and the driver had corrected too sharply causing the roll over at high speed.
But that was not the only car death accident I had seen–Ted and I had pryed open a door to get a moaning lady out–the driver was crushed and obviously dead from a side collision.
I also had been in an end to end accident in Illinois that should have killed me and my wife. I had been a bar tender in Mt. Vernon while I was attending Ina College–but this was a weekend off and I had visited my work place with my wife but had tanked up. Angie, being a t totaller was assigned to drive home. Illinois has patches of black ice during the winter–so Angie was driving too fast and when I told her to slow down she sped up. Had I known better psychology I would have told her to speed up–she was the type of personality that commanders and certain people have–tell them one thing and they do the opposite out of anger. She survived unscathed–I was found walking out in the cornfield by some fellows that stopped at the accident and turned around. I had suffered a concussion and knocked silly. The car was totally smashed to ruin and altogether amazing that either of us had survived.
In 1899 there were 26 deaths by car accidents. By 1900 there were 36 but by 1930 that death rate had increase to 31,204. The latest statistics linger around 36,000 though in some years around the 60-70s the death rate had increased yearly in the 50,000 per year rate. 1972 killed 54,589 people. That alone is just shy of the amount of Americans killed during the Vietnam War (58,220).
But not only can we attribute the gasoline and diesel vehicles to accidental deaths, we know also that there are health issues and climate change issues. With CO2 continuing to rise, so will we continue to advance toward a threshold–the cascading effect of global warming.
What can and must be done. One thing, the EV and self driving vehicle already is known not only to make minimal mark on pollution with no emissions but also is already statistically 45% reduction in accidents. That in time will reach above 90% as technology increases.
I could see how that is true–my son when he bought another Tesla gave me a ride–hand off the steering wheel at 90 plus mph and he was running up to a slow truck, sure to rear end it–but the car automatically slowed to a proper speed until cars on the left cleared so it could pass. Well he was there to grab the wheel and hit brakes if needed–but that car had brains of its own –a good thing since some people don’t.
So if you value your life, those of your family and friends and are keen not to contribute to the destruction of the planet then you might want to think about an EV with AI working to improve itself.
I had mentioned Climate Change and Global Warming. To understand how delicate the Climate system and life dependency is upon temperature change you need to know how little overall warming or cooling range is.
In fact only 4 degrees lower average global temperature change brought on the ice age. The planet eco system is dependent upon a very small range. Four degree overall temperature change either way can make human life extinct. Temperature changes are up only a bit above 1 degree since the 50’s while C02 levels are up about 1.93 ppm. We do know that 4 degrees lower temperature will start an ice age–but we do not know exactly where there will be the chain reaction started to cause the earth to be uninhabitable with mass deaths of humanity. There is scientific argument as to where the cascading effect would be–some think 2.5 degrees and others believe 3 degree rise. But at certain threshold, the global spike will jump to 8 degrees and more by a cascading effect–more burning of forests due to drought, more ice melting, more carbon in the air and so forth –a system of destruction that takes on its own life.
These days scientists say we will know when the critical temperature is met and that is only a matter of a few degrees. Are we seeing the cascade effect already? Maybe there is no reversing the trend already—Most think we can still at this time pull back. China is doing much–but with other countries and the US being the worst–little is being done or even considered.
Good luck to future generations with our attitudes and ignorance.
I should clarify scientists to be Climate Scientists. Many scientists of other studies have little knowledge about Climate–it is like talking to a dog trainer when you need information about a solar system install. You likely would not get good information.
Sciences are the same way–go to the people that study these things on a regular basis and as a career–there you will have the best available information to form your opinion.
Not looking good for even the next decade for the Climate and global warming–but those are informed opinions–do your own research.
The good thing about our Presidents and politicians is that they are transients. The bad thing is that their replacements are parrots trained by the lobbyists and owned by the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower named and warned would be the onslaught and ruination of freedom and democracy.
But my, my the Pope is not transient. Those he subjugates, commands and trains–those , nuns,priests and nurses of the faith. So now we see how the Canadian Indians has suffered genocide at the hands of the Catholic Elders, Priests, Nuns and so called workers for Christ.
At least 750 children graves associated with disappearances of these kids are now attributed to the abuse and murder of these kids –all done under the watchful eye and discipline of the nuns and priests overseeing these Catholic Schools.
The Chief of the tribe had known of these mysterious stories of missing children but his hands were tied–no one would listen. He says by what he has learned there are at minimum more than a thousand Indian children missing and unaccounted for. They expect by ground radar to find more than the 750 mass secret and unmarked mass graves.
The Chief has asked the Pope for an apology–kind of like the Yarnell Fire thing–that old Pope is not about to apologize no more than Derick Chauvin could do except extend his condolences–he is not guilty, nor his superiors, nor will the Pope apologize. When Trump took out the General of an Iranian Army–he is not the one that did it–only his person that guided the drone was. Whew if I were Ivana, I might worry if that fellow thinks someone to be a threat to anything he does.
So you see evil Mr. Pope–why can’t you address it? Some of the nuns and priests are still alive that managed these Catholic Schools. And here we ought to address something–Being Catholic is not evil–it is the action of some people in the church–usually those that are in authority that cause the mayhem –and if I am in charge of a bunch of rogues, then I am a rogue. Well if I do not know they are rogues and find it out then I should come down on them–have them locked away and made responsible for the murders they committed.
The porper thing to do would have this Pope to visit the tribe, bring a hell of a bunch of gold and money and good people in the church to make amends–and there are plenty of good Catholics that would gladly do the right thing.
So, if Mr. Pope is too proud to apologize for the rogues work of serial murders that amount to slow genocide–then he ought to step down–he has failed to recognize, chastise and report these atrocities to the proper Canadian Officials that should take criminal action against the perpetrators. Lets not have Catholic Officials do the work–they might also take orders from the Pope.
Uncanny how truth eventually surfaces and the dead finally get their voices heard for the injustices they suffered at the hands of the evil ones.
Again my apologies for improperly written English–The Queen would have a fit should she see her language so mangled. But most of us in America do have bat hides of one sort or another and know the errors–so do I but I seldom re read before pressing print. I might not post some things I do but then that is somewhat cheating–It is better to say your true feelings and ideas than doctor them as a propagandist would. Anyone who might disagree in a free society can put forth an argument as to why my or anyone’s opinion does not coincide with their own. May we disagree with a free flow of thinking. Should I censor your idea of loving Trump or Biden then I am an autocrat –a blue blood god who believe his/her or its farts don’t contribute to global warming the same as the rest of us do. I have to believe that gods have to laugh at the ignorance and mean ways of the people they created–I hope some have the Jesus attitude and are not so genocidal
Let no man judge another until he has walked in his moccasins–well some have foot rot–.
Is it any wonder the people are a subservient class dulled by their very own educational system into a class of serfs with lack luster lives ruled by an elite class they admire only because the main media and the design of the system has kept them under wraps.
So much is phony–designed to have people controlled and thoughtless. I can remember the rote learning that Columbus discovered America in 1492. The Vikings, the Irish, the Minoans, among others had visited this continent and America many times before America showed up–and there were the Indians already here. It is a laugh when you think of how the model of Education comes down from the Prussian design to control the masses.
Walt Whitman said “Resist much, obey little, once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved, once fully enslaved,no nation, state, city of earth ever resumes, returns liberty.”
If you understand the cowboy, the miner, the wild land fire fighter, the woodsman–then you understand the people that yearn for that free life–the independent ones whose spirit rises above those autocrats and oligarchs, and minions of the rich and powerful with their politicos and media and educators that profess to represent the masses but do not.
People would do well to heed Whitman’s statement, Eisenhower’s warning and Thereau’s wisdom and learn of the enlightenment of Ghandi and how he resisted the British.
Our main media is busy demonizing the Chinese, the Russian, the Arab and the South American that does not celebrate the Bushes,,Clintons, Obama’s and Trumps and the like, but sees the real designs of these regime changing war mongers. They flock here with wide open borders believing that this is the land of freedom and escape from their oppressors and dictators just to find themselves in cages and that in truth this is a country that has more people in cages than anywhere in the world –25% of the world prisoners yet a measly 4.4% of the world’s population. A society that has created a group under prison mentality of more that a third of its population–too many that are oppressed under a system that can only be managed by tyrants.
And a system that wants to make America Great Again by having the mere 4.4% of its world population interfering as England had expanded for 900 years by all methods of control and rape of resources of other countries. The Canadian massacres, the Australian and American experiments and now the continual harassment of other nations.
Thiis country is abundant in resources and there is latent intelligence on how to apply the resources we have without the continual war economy and system that moves 60% of the wealth to people mostly living off shore and even Bankers who have created the ponzi fiat dollar system in 1913 by hook and crook. At the same time the federal income tax was invented and those today that make the billions yearly pay a measly less than 3% –often 0% of their incomes–including the Zukerbergs, Bezos, and Musk –even Buffet who contributes less than 1% this year and many years paid no tax. Yet they give a stimulus that the working still will see removed from his/her check in what will raise from an average of 25% toward more like 50% while inflated dollars will even eat more of the income value away.
But there are few protests–few that will stand up and say this is not right–just as few at Yarnell would say this is not right.
And more laws will now be made to empower these people to shut the truth tellers up–there will be more examples of the Assange and Snowden variety and more even greater wars to line the pockets of the wealthy industrialists in war productions.
You say well vote them out –you can not vote a single party system out and they are not about to let honest peop[e rule this country.
You might say leave if you don’t like it there and surprisingly many have and are. California is an example–a small country to itself where people are seeking a better life elsewere–even to Texas where the dreaded Bush cronies are in vogue.
There will be a great upheaval and reset not too far in the future. The brown and black races already are beyond 50% of the population and increasing. They have not forgotten the slavery and debasement and past crimes committed against them. Will they be as kind as the white races were to the Indian? And will they understand not all people are of the mind to make America Great Again by invading other lands and societies with wars to make this country great again are right and proper methods.
Meantime watch the fools that run this country already creating a cold war in a big way to increase the war industrial profits and pass more laws to imprison more people for greater control of the masses. Will it continue to work? Somewhere the piper will collect his dues.
We must continue to forge the war against the chemical inundation of the planet. This retardant proliferation is one of the major destroyers of health and life, not only of people but of the planet. Nuclear war may be the next with a senile lackey to the war imperialists to keep escalating the Ukrainian war to the point of nuclear. However, in the meantime it is the duty of the journalist and others to continue to inform peiople of the dangers of these chemicals.
I am sick of the rotten political liars we have had as leaders of this country. It is time we started voting in honest people genuinely interested in representing the people and the health of the planet. I have seen that one Tulsie Gabbard is one such person, scarce as they are. The chances they can make change or that any of us can is slim given the onslaught of false information and the greed concerning profits in these chemicals and the war industries–among the world’s greatest polluters, if not the greatest.
I have not been here for a while giving you heroes a breather–however I have posted a few things on the support for Tulsie Gabbard blog. I will however post about the brave and honorable and tireless John Daughterly in his good efforts to combat the efforts for mining companies and others to destroy Eco systems and environments on the planet.
Here is a recent post on the Gabbard blog that might be of interest to some–especially the Yarnellites where so many were robbed of life and health.
Posted on Tulsie Gabbard blog:
@tulsigabbard I share your sadness for the death of your friend and fellow veteran who was a fire fighter–Indeed this life is short and we who have experienced death and survived into our elder years know it well. Our fire fighters, first responders, and veterans are America’s finest. I was one of the two hikers that were the last two citizens to see that crew alive-we were on the fire line with them–yet they went down into the death canyon that killed the entire crew of 19 save one man that was in another location. After, because we witnessed their actions, had talked with the crew boss who also perished, we were often asked to hike people the entire route they traveled that day. We hiked over a hundred different investigators and fire fighters through the route who were intent to understand how that tragedy happened. Joy, the other hiker, and I built a stone monument to them on that mountain trail where we passed them going up to the fire edge. I consider myself strong emotionally yet I could never pass that monument without breaking down in tears. I will never forget that day of June 30, 2013–a define day of trauma for me and so many loved ones and friends of those young heroes.
Indeed the problems of lung issues related to veterans is real and needs to be addressed. The toxic chemicals from those burn pits had to be extreme. In the case of Yarnell, Arizona over 500,000 gallons of fire chemicals were dumped directly onto the small village of 645 residents. My own cabin and yard had been turned red–as had the whole of the town. By 2015 more than a 100 residents had deceased and I also fell dead in the VA hospital parking lot after seeing two cardiologists there.
Fortunately, I was brought back by good modern medical work and life support. Yet by today’s date a third of the town is deceased and a majority suffer lung, heart and cancer diseases to this day. The death rate in the US on the average should be between 6 and 7 per 100,000 per year. It is about 7 times that for Yarnell after it was inundated with the Orange retardant in the Yarnell fire of 2013 and then again the Tenderfoot fire that approached the town in 2015. So yes, anyone that thinks fires that have chemicals added are not extremely dangerous and toxic to health and life only need visit the Yarnell incident and its devastation to life. Hunter 7 is a great organization needed to help veterans get the help they deserve. Thanks, Tulsi for the support and recommendation there and one of the projects I know you would pursue to help veterans.
Religion and my piled higher and deeper makes for a study of the depravity of man–the psychosis of the masses. Those religions of the Abramic nature –descendants of Abraham spit into first the Jews, then the Christians, and finally the Muslims are in the final analysis blood sacrificing based organizations. The Jewish God, the Fahther being the real blood letter at any whim and then even killing his own Son. And then you have the Muslims that are a murderous bunch only beat out by the Christian when it comes to blood sacrifices. Count the Genocides attributed to all–the Jews probably less because they sacrificed sheep and spread blood around–although they have had their mass murders under orders of the Chief.
I will remind you that Truman read his Bible every day before he incinerated about 200,000 civilians in two days and later Presidents had no problem mass killing of millions of Vietnamese citizens and wrecking their homes and crops with herbicides, Agent Orange, Napalm, bombs and the like. All to benefit the Christian based war mongers I should say–and why–because there is profit it war and blood sacrifice is inculcated into the system of religion.
People wince at the thought of the Aztecs taking up young innocents and killing them for a blood letting to appease the gods. Their shit was minuscule compared to our high Priests actions.
The Popes of earlier times (Pope Innocent? none were)) issued a Bull of discovery, meaning every land with people on it were considered non people if they were not Christian. Now these Popes are the Main Pipeline to God, Just as Billy Graham, advisor to several Presidents also has a pipeline to God the blood letter of many including his own Son. Well if you get tired of your toys just smash them–a real budding psycho. The point was and still is to a large degree–if you were not Christian–such as the Native American, then your property and the lands were free to discovery–you could own them since these people were no more than soulless people–the same idea flows today. If you are not Christian, Muslim, or Jew–you belong in a lost class–worthy of death and in the case of the Muslim you even get rewards from Allah for taking out infidels. But then the good Christians are taking out Muslims right now as well under the good Christian leaders–IE Trump who even took his Bible to one rally.
The trouble with English is the language of the 1600’s–the King James version was made in 1608–is that what was written then is a language that no longer means what English of this day means. The Greek and Aramaic languages of Jesus time that the Gospels were written in despite what English Scholars say had also changed over the 1600 years when the 52 church daddies appointed by King James decided they could do a good job of translating an ancient language. Well the fight goes on considering what was said during those times and even who wrote the Gospels not to mention many books formerly said to be Gospel were thrown out. Booty used to be something someone got from robbing a place–now it is quite different in meaning–in just a few years meaning of English words change.
So if you be right you in my estimation would accept anyone’s belief as long as they accept and respect your own. Some of the best beliefs–not religion–are those of the Hindu–20,000year old writing in sanscrit –the oldest language–unchanged but highly complex. And the beliefs are that all souls no matter what they believe deserve respect and are in a manner equally on a journey where actions taken have results according to their merit. Damage someone and somewhere you will be hurt –the Idea of Karma. Peaceful people attract peace, warring and angry people attract war and anger.
At this time we are on the threshold of a war that is unimaginable. People are jaded while we have a President working in war fashion and oppression s of other peoples –namely the Chinese communist types but also the Russian, Muslim and add to that some of the South American groups. Certainly the other Christian leader, Trump, will do the same, perhaps more. These are the sick Psychopaths you have voted in or would vote in if the one had not cheated the other. These now in charge may well be the undoing of the planet–they have no respect for other peoples no more than the early English and French and Spanish had for the people that lived on this land.
There might be some slim hope war is held off and someone of good temper and sane mind will find their way into the Presidency. The idea you can cage and abuse a Tiger or a Bear or a Muslim without retribution is a fantasy. It will only anger that animal and no one knows when it will strike but if these fools do not let up–it will.
Most of us have children –but even if not we want those that follow to have some sort of future.
God and the Gods and Religions have nothing to do to solve it–they are the instigators. The truth is a burden on our own shoulders. What peace there is will only come by what Ghandi did to the Brits that had continued to rob India and make serfs of a people that did not fit their Christian beliefs–protest peacfully but do not allow them to make you a serf.
This new speak and new mind democracy thing is nothing more than an Oligarchy based upon a military industrial complex.economy. The idea is to control and manipulate the world under the pretense that America knows best for everyone while underneath is the essence of a society manipulated into a subservience to the greed of those they adore–though the younger set are now becoming more educated.
There has been a clever power management but as Karma would be, those that have gained by ill means are now seeing many of the abused in protest–very dangerous protest. Still the clever Oligarchs have distanced themselves from the masses in gated communities and the filthy rich even on Islands and distant lands.
They can run and hide until when their final manipulations, greed, power mongering that has led them to their wars for war profits and power, regime changes and foreign interventions to make them great in the eyes of themselves and the world, and finally in their designs to reduce their citizens to the lives befitting a serf.
These minds are indeed intelligent and clever. They have hired enough of the greatest of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Scientists and Educated Manipulators to their purpose with lucre that the minds of the masses are on the main constrained and more even senseless from drugs either legal or illegal.
Their wanton destruction of the planet goes unnoticed or as we saw the killing of the GMHS crew –attributed to God or merely an accident of nature–a bad roll of the dice. If you feed people bad information or even omit information you can control their perceptions and these forces in power positions have for the most part gotten there because they are the best at these processes of mind control of others.
The odd thing of it all is that so many would gladly and willing play the role of the serf without protest–hand over their freedoms willy-nilly for promises of protection. I do believe many would jump at the opportunity to shine the shoes of Biden or Trump at their feet–they after all have the power to order and have ordered the deaths of many–even by assassination. Yet by definition they are indeed war criminals and destroyers of the eco systems of this planet by their continual war polluting power plays.
Huge amounts of war equipment are busy in the Chinese Seas right now. Thousands of our young Heroes are off surrounding China with more missiles and war equipment being set up in Japan and Islands proximate to China. More propaganda demonizing the Chinese and Russians so that Chinese and Asian citizens are even being mistreated here-or at least the Media says and makes Biden look like a Chinese lover while setting the stage to kill millions of them–and create a war likely to obliterate just about every living organism on the planet.
Where and how does a country get so befuddled as to allow themselves to be led by such a menagerie so that they too have become the menagerie?
Slaiente (Health) It indeed is rare and a blessing if you find it or perhaps have it fully in mind, body and soul.
Did Biden get his 5 billion to pay for the deisal and jet fuel needed in the milllions of gallons to pollute the air and seas with war machinery in the Chinese Seas? The half trillion funds dedicated to war efforts were not enough–but then he is suffering from denentia so did he forget he had those? And this Commander in Chief may well administer nuclear solution and pollution if his Trump announced and his seconding motions is not answered first.
The common man with half a brain can see the folly in all these war and power games of the rich. Yet some willingly spent hours in a line to cast a vote or waste good stamp to vote only to find that the whole of the elections are frauds designed to appease the masses. It in the final analysis is a one party system in which the real power players, many not even of this country, care less who is elected. They own them both and provide the funds to empower them to represent their industries and war machines. But those true rulers did allow 9% of the stimulus monies to benefit the masses–after all the masses pay more than that back in taxes. The other 91% went back to bail out those that are the industrialists or smaller amounts to business if related to the politicians–(some only got a few millions of the 3 trillion bail outs).
I see this as it is. A real scam on those that work hard and want the best–but few will recognize the danger this country is now in. Pass me a beer and turn on the ball games–will those players be weraring Masks like our politicians whose are permament but unseen by the usual bloke.
And be you a Journalist with truth to say and should it challenge the crimes of the Big Brother War and Industry Cronies–go see the example of Assange, Webb, Snowden, et. al. You will be branded a traitor even if you are an Australian. You might even be hacked to pieces and flused down the toilet or suicided if not outright assinated.
Being a truthsayer is a dangerous occupation. But you should do it not to gain recognition (that you will likely get as I just mentioned) but because it is the right thing to do and because you have the duty to those now and those that follow and not a small thing the planet and the eco system now being destroyed.
A note on this–VP Kamala Harris made her Viet Nam visit–the spokesman for the Vietnam government said she is trying to get us to go against China–we see her intentions to turn us against China. Instead he says the Vietnamese will not go along with that stance but want to be at good terms with both sides. The world is waking up to the Harris make America Great again game by demonizing China and Russia into another cold war for profits to the American War Industries. Some are even turning down the bribes offered them to recognize America as the Great Imperialistic Wonder.
Like the English that now ride on the American Coattail and do things to appease the American War Machine (they too profit by the war games), some in this country are beginning to wake up to the actual methods of this country. Our Imperialism, like the English has now about to fizzle.
China is now the big economic power, something our Oligarchs and their politicians have profited from by moving the industries to China for cheap labor. Now they want to add to the profits by creating a cold war–they can not fathom any other industry in this country but a war industry–the only hope that “Make America Great Again” slogan can come to pass These very Oligarchs are not about to bring industries back here when cheap labor is everywhere abroad. Even the pill industries are continuing to move out.
But tell the people lies to get votes–then once in power –see if you can promote more industries that other countries do not want–like the poisonous plastic making industries and more golf courses to pollute the oceans with pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer run off as you use excessive and scarce water resources.
Most of Phd’s –piled higher’ and deeper people wonder why we would suffer so many de-gradations to get there–but you have to wonder how a guy that spent so many hours getting into that so called elite genre could laugh at the crap. Honest will not be
Joy found my bat hide proofs floating itn the desert under creosote bushes. Maybe she thought they were fake? Ha ha and Ga Gabore was she fake?
The smartest people are those that pursue their interests with passi0n–PhD is a fun term but many idiots use it to make them look good.
To put this Afghan war in perspective beyond the 248 thousand lives it has cost–these War Presidents and their cronies have been spending 300 million dollars per day over the past 20 years to make up that 2.3 trillion spent there. They and their cronies and lobbyist war companies have raked in profits making them rich at the tax payer expense.
Meantime, an American wage that ought to be minimum $22 per hour to meet 1950 wage minimums is denied even at $15 suggested while the whole infrastructure of this country has gone down hill. That 2.3 trillion that the taxpayer is now responsible for should have been spent on the American people’s interests. But we see how the war crimes industry and those in control that profit from it are able to confuse the public with their propaganda and false rhetoric so that they gain and the public pays.
To my way of thinking, these people are worse than the lowest class of scumbag pedophiles that many have now proved to be beyond the war and civilian murders they should be held accountable for. And people wonder why there are protests at the white house?
This country needs a swamp cleaning that is certain. It won’t be cleaned by another tyrant or the single party operations called Democrat vs Republican. Perhaps someone will run that has an attitude that was similar to that I heard from one Telsie Gabbard. Stop funding war mongering before these fools create a nuclear war–something you do not want your grandchildren to inherit or if we are not all exterminated have to deal with.
This Lloyd Austin and Biden are pulling out of Afghanistan simply because they foresee greater profits in a cold war with China and Russia and likely envision even a ground war between Taiwan and China where they can supply arms. That is even more arms than the billions they have already made selling war machinery to Taiwan.
They are betting that neither China nor Russia will go nuclear. They indeed are risking the total annihilation of this nation and a great portion of the earth if not all. The nuclear hit may well come from North Korea since China bailed North Korea out of the Korean War by driving US forces out of Korea. It is pretty obvious that a ground war against a 2 million army with 8 million in reserve would be futile and another sacrifice of our own soldiers. We sacrifice 2,500 for the false flag war for the Bush clan and ongoing War presidents. How many would it be taking on the Chinese that are unlike the Taliban –well equipped with modern technology and even nukes.
It one thing to be a proud American to stand and protect our country but only a fool would go off 5000 miles and spend billions more on an effort to create more wars–cold or hot.
For those that believed that leaving behind billions in War Machinery was bad planning on the part of Biden and others–it was instead part of the plan. There is great profit in replacing all the war machinery to the Oligarchs in charge. They will grain great profits at the expense of the tax payer–and they will say, after all we are doing good by creating more jobs for the people of this country. Ironically the poor working stiff is made more a serf by removing more of his pay check to pay the losses–the Oligarch as you see will pay no extra but will gain immensely and be sure to have his politicians object to any pay increases–especially a mandatory minimum wage increase.
When will the American People realize they need to throw this whole crowd of criminals out and put people in that represent the people of the land? It won’t happen –the Oligarchs are too clever–own the politicians, the media, the educational system and even the medical and psychological systems to a great amount. You hear what they want you to hear and there is yet to be a government that has advanced into the dark and secret world as our government has that will return the freedoms it has raided or will reform itself to honesty and openness to the people it purports to represent. It is now a representative of the corporate world–well defined as a National Corporate Controlled State parading under the title of Democracy.
I think I left out the most important thing to these elite Oligarchs–they own the finantial system as well since 1913 when the foreign interests took over the banking system under the Federal Reserve Act allowing what we have seen since–a gradual degradation of Fiat. These foreign bankers have been able to create play money at will–lately trillions that they lend to our government for interest. Isn’t that a great Ponzi scheme–and make your own money thereby owning and controlling the wealth of the nation while completely immune to the laws of this nation since these criminals are out there in other countries or riding around in their hundred million dollar Yachts scheming how to keep the American public happy as serfs to their system. They are doing a good job of both except every Ponzi scheme eventually collapses–the winners if they are not prosecuted are those that originated the scheme and in this case have done as many white collar famous criminals do–insulate themselves so that the institution they created is blamed–they can run free in the ocean breeze with plenty gold, property, industries, banks and alternate world hang outs to bask in the sun and admire their self cleverness. The general public is none the wiser and accepts the collapse and fall of the system as an act of God–who in Yarnell has not heard that one?
Slainte==the Queen will be intact–she still has the gold and diamonds of Africa tucked away at home, in Australia and in Canada–and many that would die in any confrontation she should invent with her royal bankers and fellow Ponzi workers.
May the Irish remain nuetral as the Vietnamese have told the war pushing Harris concerning the threats to China.
Hilarious how they busted in the door to arrest a woman practicing Naturalistic Medicine–swat team with guns and instead of just knocking they make a point by using AR-15 fully automatic weapons –the cookie cutter cond0 owners there with repair man picking up pieces of the door. Big Daddy is here in black suits and masks with even sun glasses to hide their ID.
Julian Assange–wrote about these masked raiders–he is now 10 years in prison of a small room in an embassy to keep from being thrown into a gray cell of 10×12 and maybe even water boarded or not suicided as we see so often to those that are a threat to the System Gang of many living in the black operations under federal protections doing the clean up jobs for those minions of the War Industrialists and Planet Polluting Class.
We of the serf class can only stand in amusement at the charade–most of us are fooled by it all–America the Greatest–Make it even Greater–but China has been handed it all by the Bankers, Industrialists and those living on secluded Islands out of the reaches of local enforcers they through their lobbies, laws and manipulations control. Yet by the trickle down method it is the black mask swatman that gets the blame when a black nurse named Breonna Tayor is shot dead by gunfire that riddles her home. It is collateral damage from enforcing drug laws–and since the home was riddled by many guns-which black mask bullet did the murder–well accidental kill it would be described by those in charge–or was it a deliberate murder in truth where a point was to be made to black people or anyone that might be a danger to authority?
It is too easy to hire guns to murder people–and legally when you arm them and give them protection to murder as enforcers of the law. Finally after years of murders, a few of those masked serial murderers parading as swat people are some being held accountable–but not much.
We love our warriors even when they kill our own if they can present justification whether it is real or fictional is not the point. We love our Presidents who can justify torturing Journalists who have revealed the horrible crimes committed under their watch and approval–they say the National Defense is compromised. What a crock–nothing that was revealed compromised National Defense–it did expose the wrong doing and criminal activity from the top down.
What hope is there? The hope comes from the very few Journalists willing to challenge the lies fed the public–and those are getting to be fewer when you see people that expose these criminals in public office being persecuted and prosecuted by fabricated evidence as in the case of Assange.
So do not be surprised if you are a good Journalist when the black masked swat comes busting down your door or riddles your home with bullets because they had information a dangerous dealer was being harbored there.
Do you feel safe in America these days? Well get your vaccine, walk the street as you are told and Big Daddy won’t hurt you nor send the black masked raiders to your door.
Again, my opinion while it is still almost legal to have one.
And for those that did not know, Breonna was shot 8 times–whew she was thought to be a bad and dangerous woman. And do not reach for your cell phone–there is always a swat that can’t tell the difference between a cell phone and a gun.
Well you see how the industries are up to greed==my electric bill came in at $137 and it before this new company was always $37 for winter and $45 for summer months with AC. So even with my running half solar on my Air Conditioner where the most juice is used I am getting robbed. But I suspect they never read the meter with the new company since I have the old.
I will call them day after tomorrow and have them shut their electric off. I have plenty of wattage and enough batteries, and even a couple back up generators if my inverter were to go bad.
I am set up for 110 or 220 so off grid I go.
This is the shame of this country. I did see Karen Fenn speaking about the election and screwed up it is with something like 100,00 votes invalid by law. The system was hacked as well so who knows and whether it screwed Trump out of the Presidency, likely but either way it goes to show that the people have no vote in Arizona for certain. And i have to say Trump would have been a better choice than a half with and crook. I did not vote for either since I would like to see someone sensible and concerned about the people of this nation and not some ass out warmongering or trying to run the world for the oil and other resources.
The point is for about 3000 altogether I have more than 6000 watts of power available–I did add 8 batteries of the large marine type from Wal Mart for a cloudy day or night time.
You see the government could get these items at half what I paid if they bought them in quantity. So yes with labor cost you likely would have to come up with 5 grand to furnish homes where the system would be permanent and no hacker could shut people down., I will have excess power but I see I was being charged for giving it away–I don’t feel that generous to be charged for running their meter in reverse. I had thought $35 for minimum usage would be OK just for back up but instead I will go it off grid.
Thoreau had the greatest of ideas–the less you deal with these government entities and industrial powers the better your life will be. But I do understand that most of the masses could not build their own structure, install and wire up their solar panels and some would not even have the where with all to plant a garden.
But yes this country can afford half a trillion dollars to chase around China and Russia but will not bother to install solar in every home. About half what is spent on war games would be enough to equip all the homes in America with solar considering that many people already have solar and you should if you can afford solar.
I am not an expert in solar–but you can get the whole plan off of the Internet so you do not need to be a so called expert. The guy that wired up some of this trailer was a certified electrician–sad if that is all you know to get certified and leave things like he did. I do a good enough jog–better than his.
The installation of solar panels will help greatly to reduce the CO2 and yes I know it takes energy to make them but then they last more than 20 years and even at 20 are still 70 to 80 % of output usage.
It is a thought and perhaps some will understand the value of independence from a grid as well as the necessity of reducing emissions.
If you wonder why Warren Buffet and his cohort with so many others of the Oligarchy do not push EV’s, Solar electric and green living–I can tell you. Warren Buffet and the usual Oligarch including the Bankers and Corporations have huge stock holdings in these companies. They are not about to downplay coal and oil companies when that would cost them billions in stock profits. And that includes the huge profits they make with stocks and interests in the war industries. The War industries are huge–these people that own them are tied in with the oil companies and friends in other high industries. The five billion added to the already half trillion Congress has set aside for war purposes is just to pay for the fuel the humongous battle ships, air planes, jets, helicopters, humvees, tanks, and various machinery. For example, an Abrams tank gets less than a mile on a gallon of diesel and if you have seen the black smoke coming out the pipes you know the pollution factor is not low. And imagine–the HMS Queen Elizabeth, bless the Brits, burns 169,000 gallons of diesel per day when at full steam. Get this—an F-15 burns more than 23,000 gallons of fuel per hour! And how many of these ships are in constant operation hanging out in the Chinese Seas? God Forbid–you have the US, England, Australia, Japan and NATO over there harassing China in the China Sea not to mention screwing with Russia in the Black Sea. Now you understand why Biden wants the tax ;payer to chip in another 5 Billion. I wonder why he does not go to the Oligarchs and Bankers that put him in office for those monies and while he is at it put Hunter Biden in Charge of one of those ships–it would be a fitting completion of the folly.
So right now the greatest polluter is Biden and his Lloyd Austin who keeps wanting to add to the military budget.
Has your main media mentioned Russia a hypersonic rocket that is extremely accurate out at 600 miles. It is totally undetectable since it goes Mach 7–7xspeed of sound is almost 8000 ft. per second. The fastest rifle bullet goes half that amount and a common .308 round tracks along at less than 3000 ft. per second. The Trillions spent on defense, radar systems and the like are now useless.
These missiles are being equipped on submarines and Jets. So you can imagine a couple subs, each capable of 100 of these parked 400 miles off our own shores can unleash a barrage that would have absolutely no response time before just about every city and military base of any kind were vaporized off the face of the earth. These are facts, but has the main media mentioned this–5 billion added to the military bill is a fool’s effort to entertain the public..
I did notice at the Florida Trump rally the braggadocio and a mention of a Hawaiian Senator by Trump, although he would not use her name–this boy is smart. Well Telsie Gabbard is a person that sees things as they are and as someone wanting to work with sovereign nations, not against them by surrounding them with troops and huge flotillas of war ships. There is some hope of survival of this nation and the planet if we can get someone in the Presidency of such temper and wisdom. But that hope is slim–the juggernaut of the Oligarch military and industrial profiteering system is like a man attempting to replace the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant with Solar. (solar panels covering the fenced area of the plant property will produce more electricity than that polluting and dangerous nuclear facility–but the media never told you did they?). It is a slim thing but worth the effort.
Slainte–there is a better way and may you wake up in your own bed and not your fall out shelter if you have one or are alive to use it.
About Solar which may help some of you–I was totally ignorant about the use of it and being the hermit type I am, I seldom see those that do Solar–but the wonders of the day are the internet.
When I was at Aguila I had installed solar since there was no electric as far out as I lived. But since then and thanks to the internet I was able to consult with some of the wisest in the work and have since gotten some better at the installation.
I keep getting calls–people pushing solar but these systems wind up slapping you with the cost of a new car.
Right now I have 20 solar panels on the roof and in operation pumping out 6500 watts of energy. Each panel cost me $105 and $200 in shipping. that was abut 2300 and add an inverter at 900 then another 220 down to 110 for refrigerator (double door job) was another hundred and then wiring and connectors about $200 more. The total is about $3600 and the grunt work of hauling those up the ladder and some rail road ties so I could angle them about right 15 degrees to the south is about right for this area.
When I got this last bill of $137 from El Paso Electric–I know inflation so they more than tripled my usual bill that would average about $40 –I did give them a ring to come and remove their meter. The guy did show up and said what will you do with not power? I told him that I am an old range hand–know survival skills and can handle the situation. He locked the meter and shook his head.
Well things have worked wonderfully–the sole problem I had was the hot water heater and I had purchased that thin about a year ago so I did not want to replace it –I think the thing was 600 new but actually I did not need that big of one yet I do not like running out of hot water in the middle of a shower. I looked and the heating elements are 4500 watts and if they both kick in that thing is drawing 9000 watts of power. Well it is not complicated to drain that system, get the socket and remove those elements and replace them with lower wattage elements. Lowes or Home Depo sells 3500 watt elements for 9.99 so that is a $20 fix I had to make. Works fine now except the water is hotter so I may have to turn them the temperature level on the hot water heater down a bit. It s;should be slower getting up to temperature but if so I did not notice.
So for what they wanted $26000 for I have done for $3600– It runs a 3/4 220V deep well pump, an oversized refrigerator, a constant running air conditioner with 1/2 horse 110 V. motor, lights, TV, Computer, and electric coffee maker all on at once. So don’t hesitate to do your own if you have any inclination at all.
And now the rest of the story and why I am so disgusted with these so called politicians that say they represent the people and the environment. They are damn liars if they are not pushing to put almost free electric in every home (almost free–these systems are good beyond 20 years) but instead are pushing a grid that is a rip off to profit the industrialists whether it be dangerous nuclear plants (used only because they want the plutonium and nuclear bomb side products from the processing to make fuel) or these coal burning plants that pollute the air. It is not that so many of these politicians are ignorant–it is more that they are greedy and power hungry to stay in office. Yet there are a few that do have common sense and would serve the people not the greed and power and war profiting Oligarchs.
In all fairness–I did add 8 Wall Mart Marine batteries for night time or cloudy day use–You would do better to get surplus lithium batteries for around $150 apiece–those last maybe 10 years and most of the used ones have 80% of life left. Mine are wired to 48 volts –the inverter charges them at that voltage which is more efficient. The voltage coming off my panels is 157 volts but usually above 240V–It is cloudy out there but they are still working and charging batteries at 48.7 despite my refigerator, computer and air conditioner on. So the Growatt 5000 inverter tells you all on a screen kind of like a Tesla does on its screen. You can input DC above 500 V if you desire and why I series wired my panels for higher voltage. Where you can run 220 V motors, you use half the wattage of 110 V motors of the same horsepower. Why I installed a 220V submersible pump instead of a 110V.
Well you do not need a bat hide to figure things out. I do believe had there been internet available I would not have bothered with the dim wit and institutionalized educational system–another profit and control scam. You can get the whole damn PhD thing on line from even these scammer Universities or not bother and learn anything you want by your own research. My opinions–some revere their bathides–Joy found mine blown out in the weeds–maybe I should have hung them on the tent wall to admire my perseverance in a world of bullshit.
Slaiente and may the gods of the Irish or your own perception of god and angels lead you on a path of peace and wisdom.
China had bragged some time ago that they could alter the weather. That is done by feeding electrons into the stratosphere with undulating frequencies. The effect is to move Jet Streams so that it is possible to create drought in one region and flooding in another. Of course the US has been experimenting with the technology through such megawatt devices in places like Alaska and Peru. HAARP as it is called was also designed to create a system whereby radar could be reflected for greater distance–at least the explanation the government gave while denying that it has anything to do with weather.
China is not so dishonest–they tell it like it is as a warning to those that might want to mess with their own climate. Their huge power dams and increased power from nuclear and solar sources for electricity makes me believe they are actually using their system. But apparently it is working too well concerning moving more water into China–the streams also affecting Europe that way but depleting water sources for the US. They may have to back off some for their own sake.
Yet carbon dioxide has increased greatly since the 50’s. By testing the ice down to two miles it is well known that CO2 levels were more or less level near an average of .6. Since the 50’s they have risen from a half percent to nearly 2%–the reason for the alarm and for seeing 100 F temperatures in the Arctic and such that a one degree temperature rise over earth has practically melted all the Arctic ice.
You can see that the Chinese are wise to this, therefore mandating EV vehicles by 2030. The US on the other hand is too heavily invested in oil and the use of a Military and War Industry that depends upon huge volumes of oil products. A big ship will burn 160 thousand gallons of diesel per day and a F-15 fighter jet burns 16,000 gallons of jet fuel per hour. So you see that the Military and the profits therefrom would be greatly diminished if the US government recognized their causation of copious amounts of CO2 and global warming.
Now, of course, with the new rockets and jets undetectable and flying beyond Mac7 the trillions spent on star wars, radar and NORAD protection are all useless–the people in Washington can be vaporized by Russia or China before they can even get out of their seats to get under their chair to put their head between their legs–something we had as a school drill as a kid. The new nukes are way beyond the power of an ancient A-Bomb. Now they are a thousand times as powerful or more if the Russian type mother of all Nukes were used.
This all begs the public to understand why so much is being spent on the Military when that money could be put to improving this country and even do what Musk is about to do for Hong Kong. He is about to build a solar array that will electrify the entire city. There are 7 million there and soon they will have cheap electricity so even the poor will be able to plug in. It will reduce the smog level and with the new EV vehicles people will be able to breath with minimal pollution.
Musk when queried said the project is a simple one–nothing complex at all. I would have to agree–I knew nothing about solar, yet with my limited brain put up a system that even this PC is working off of. The asses that tripled my electric bill did me a favor–goaded me into putting those panels up on this trailer and now I am completely free of their system and will spend that $137 on something besides contributing to some CEO 30 million dollar a year salary–or the million dollar bonus he/she gets.
Musk informed the government that if you shut 3 mile island down and instead covered the about two mile square fenced area with solar panels and storage units, then you would produce more electricity than those polluting Uranium plants are producing. But we well know that the reason scientists put in these polluting radioactive dangers was so they could produce the plutonium for nuclear bombs. They knew that there were better and clean and green energy methods–but security and profits according to their thinking comes from more nukes to scare hell out of the world.
If you can keep people in isolation with masks on you will be able to mitigate protest rallies. But the down side for the political greed seeking idiots is that the people also have access to internet and can share knowledge–do some fine investigating of their own and dig up facts the politicians and their puppeteers do not want the common folk to know.
The new generation is coming to realize you can get a damn good education of things you will never be told in the government controlled educational systems. Those young ones are the hope to save the planet. I have many grand sons and a few grand daughters. They are an intelligent group and very interested in the future of their generation. I have good hope they and all those young ones like them will be able to take the reins away from those fuddy duddy lame brained idiots we have running this country now. But I see they also have bred such types as Hunter Biden into the world–future leaders of that type that have not been exposed or that are not sure if the Russians might have planted that lap top or if it was his lap top. His ability to lie and not be detected ranks with that child molesting Prince Andrew.
But there again new laws are being passed so the truth Sayer will be branded a traitor and tried for treason or suicided if he has too many goods on those of the ilk of Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and the many other child molesting people that were regulars on the Lolita Express and the island of child trafficking.
But they are all billionaires and own the political, judicial and legistative systems–even the Presidents past and present–certainly since the Viet Nam War. And now that every war we have fought was lost, we are out to challenge some really big powers. Do you believe the idiots that are using threats instead of diplomacy will change? No they will not–their million dollar retirement estates depend upon the War making.
It remains to be seen if in the end global warming or nuclear warming will win out and change their living in mansions on a huge estate and entertaining hundreds of celebrities to living in a cave or an underground city if they have not been vaporized with the rest of us.
But always look at it the Hopi way or the Laguna way. The changes are always for the good and the gods and old Mother Earth herself sometimes had to do the clean up when the cycle demands.
Slainte and may the Irish gods and South and North Ireland unite so they all remain neutral in the standoff against China and Russia. Some need to survive being directly nuked.
I should have mentioned the ice testing dated back 700,000 years–in all that time no negligible change in CO2 levels until the small span since the 50’s where the results of industry have sky rocketed. The US has been the top contributor–not only of pollution locally but globally.
People think it silly to not use plastic bags and EV cars–yet if we quit most of the plastic use and stopped dumping tons and tons of toxic retardant and other chemicals upon the environment the earth and its life might have a slim chance to survive and that even with the idiot war mongers in office at the present time.
Common Sense–where is it? China has an army of 2,185,000 active military personnel, 8,000,000 in reserve, and 385 million available if needed to fight any war. They are not sending them 5000 thousand miles away to the Gulf of Mexico or the Black Sea yet they have a Navy greater than our own. They are keeping their army at home and their Navy in the China Seas. China spends a fourth of what we spend on War efforts and so called Military defense.
Russian spends less than even China, yet she does not need to spend a big bundle on war efforts. Her deployment of the Mac7K+ system of nuclear missiles and a few more upgraded submarines is enough. This technology has negated and made obsolete trillions of dollars of so called defense spending. One submarine posted a couple hundred miles off the American coast can unleash 100 missiles all armed with nukes that can have no possible defense against–they would all hit their targets allowing the recipients but a few seconds to realize their demise–probably a good way to die if you have too go by war–vaporization.
The USA has a military of 480,000 troops. Unlike China and Russia who keep their armies at home, ours are being scattered about the world, now about 125,000 reported to be surrounding the 2,185,000 Chinese troops with 8,000,000 more on reserve and of course another 385 million they can call up if needed.
Now of course, Russia and China have been doing war maneuvers together even though China does not need Russian troops in a ground war. and Russia with its technology and an active military of a bit over 1,000,000 troops and another 2,000,000 in reserve. By the way, I was placed on active reserve for ten years after discharge–meaning I was due to train every year for ten years while on reserve and I have to believe these reserves in China and Russia are people that have already served and then placed on reserve. They are battle ready people with some already hardened by war.
So you have a puny army of 125,000 men or so pitted against two million on their own turf. They have another 8 million in reserve in case they by some quirk of luck would need them against 125,000–and that 8 million is not 5000 miles away from home–they are at home. Well we forget that England, Australia, Canada and even Japan are willing to chip in a few bodies to the war against China. So maybe another 100,000 willing Leaders to sacrifice some of their armies. But even 300,000 troops against 10,000.000 readily available troops is a 100 to 1 ration.
The odds are not favorable–especially since all the past five wars we have fought on other peoples turf were looses. We lost to China during the Korean war and Viet Cong drove us right out of Viet Nam. Afghanistan is a lost cause after 20 years of our military expertise and for over a year the Iraqis have asked us to leave a country we are leaving worse than when we started to make these regime changes.
God forbid the media inform people of the facts. I asked my daughter did she get any main stream news (she is pretty news conscious on main media) about lord Austin the war secretary being a 4 year board member of Raytheon? She said no but that is a conflict of interest. Well certainly not a conflict of Austin’s interest.
The thing over Taiwan nearly went to nukes during the conflict over that Island in 1958 when we had planned to nuke Shanghai. Daniel Elsberg, like Assange was charged with espionage for revealing classified information. That information could ruin a Presidents bid for reelection just as Assange’s information had to hurt the Bush and Clinton Clan reputation if that is possible.
Is Biden like old Ike (Eisenhower) figuring to nuke China? Only an idiot would do what he and his military advisor war lord Floyd Austin are doing unless they think nuking China would be the alternative. Eisenhower was a war hero and became President after taking credit for the WW2 destruction of Germany and the German army. He undoubtedly would have used nukes had not China backed off from shelling Taiwan.
Wikipedia states “both the 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam Declaration have reaffirmed in unequivocal terms China’s sovereignty over Taiwan as a matter of international law.
So why is the USA suddenly changing like the chameleon it has been and its Presidents continue to be.d? Well of course, Ford, GM, and missiles, and this computer, and just about all technology depend upon chips. Ford and GM can’t even make cars without them. Taiwan is the only country in the word that can make them properly and efficiently–it took ten years for their technology to develop and even China was unable to do the job due to the problems that arise in such technological and delicate work. Sorry Biden–with China’s Cheap labor and highly technical expertise that did not succeed in manufacturing chips do you think 50 billion might build a factory that is suddenly going to be successful?
So you see this war effort is a fool’s mission by even a cowboy’s horse sense. To my view, I am looking at a city slicker con man as President and a war lord Secretary of Defense cohort that know in fact this is a game to get a cold war started to justify now about 3/4 trillion in war efforts that will balloon since Russian is again being portrayed as the enemy.
I do believe if the public knew the facts and we had a honest media that demonstrations like the Viet Nam era would break out and a demand to get rid of the crooks in Washington would prevail. Those monies to war would be going into cheap solar power, new EV technology and distribution, environmental clean up and helping those that need help–not these bankers and Industrial giants in war industries. Forget bringing industry back here–they will never do it with these international companies that can get cheap labor and big profits manufacturing in China, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Mexico, etc. That is a political pipe dream.
Talking to my daughter whom had worked as a manager in Phoenix for the very Pharmaceutical company that is leaving West Virginia to make their medicines in China–she said no there was no main news said about that. She had quit the company about a year ago. That is the kind of information that hurts Presidents and politicians that keep bragging that they are going to bring jobs back to the US while meantime even pill makers are moving out for the cheap labor of China.
And maybe you understand now how little those in charge of governments can be trusted–especially when they are in bed with the people that have the big industries and war manufacturing firms while they claim to represent the people.
I for one am like a Chinaman in a way–only I am American but I, too, believe our troops and interests belong at home
There will soon come a time that those that think as I do will have a knock on the door to let them know they have been selected to be sent to a reeducation class.
The public in general is already educated by the predetermined system. But to break that norm should you be a Professor or of a certain class means the loss of tenure and ostracism. Those may not have the opportunity of reeducation–instead suffer the treatment of a traitor or even a truthsayer such as the Journalist who feels it his duty to inform the people of the truth when those in power are in fact insolent and greedy criminals who care less about the people, but in truth are in position for themselves and those rich families that provide the millions to put them in office.
I am a loss to see how many people are fooled by these people that go into office poor and retire as multi millionaires. They have shut down all the small business concerns–salons, restaurant, mom and pop businesses, small farms and ranches, and the like. This while the large industries gain from it and instead of bankrupting are bailed out with more funds. Gates will be able to buy up farms cheap–and bankrupt small business will be absorbed by the big industries–and in the final analysis–the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. But the poor still cast their votes for the powers that they believe are representing them. Were this one party system not get votes and someone of an honest desire to represent the people be written in then the message would be clear–the people read these clowns but continue to hope for reprieve.
If you study such things as the French Revolution you will see that it came about just as money continued to be printed and devalued. The rich did not confiscate gold and silver but you were sent to the guillotine if you used it for money ore excange for goods. This government before confiscated it at 22 an ounce and then revalued it at 32 an ounce–another way to confiscate wealth. But this money printing such as every autocratic nation has done to devalue currency –something Venezuela had done recently as Hugo Chavez drained the wealth and at the same time the British Bank kept the billions in gold from being returned to Venezuela–people were taking a wheelbarrow of paper money to the store and worried more about the wheelbarrow than the money in it.
You can not print money out of thin air and have nothing to back it and expect it to hold value. Every big empire that has in the end come to decline has had a history of devaluing money. But those great PhD minds running the banks here think they can print trillions in paper and trillions more and expect that there will not be a cost to the people for this? Pennies were made of zinc suddenly–the copper in them was worth more than the penny, Silver was removed from dollars because the dollar was depreciated so much that people were melting silver down because it was now much more valuable than the dollar, and then gold was taken off the market as money because foreign countries were demanding gold for their worth-much-less dollars–and in reality the gold purported to be in Fort Knox is not there, else Nixon would not have had to stop backing the dollar.
So right now the inflation is hitting people hard while jobs are scarce except those at Micky Dee’s. At inflation rates it is well known that in order to equal the same minimum wage that was in the 80’s it should be $20 per hour yet you have a President and Congress that do not want even a $15 minimum wage. Yet on minimum wage people can not afford housing and the bare minimum of essentials–food, electric, water, fuel, and taxes.
So yes, more protests, more arrests, and Fema camps for those to loose their homes, jobs and hope. There will be a polite name for these things–reeducation camps and perhaps servitude jobs such as the CCC camps of the 30’s where a bare sustenance is allowed for planting trees and arroyo dams in burned out forests.
Keep your fire fighting jobs and federal jobs–like the past depression I suspect those will be mostly intact. Good reason not to complain or point out the skullduggery in those offices if you have family. Whistleblowers will not be tolerated on a more strict basis than even now due to job scarcity.
Yet there will always be those that are willing to keep their integrity over security and those who cherish freedom enough to stand up for human rights and what is right. The earth is suffering so tree planting might not be so bad–I have done a little myself except not under forced labor.
As a psychologist I would tell you that we and all humans lie although there are certain levels of lies and those that are so addicted to lying that they are labeled pathological liars. Politicians more than often are in that class but we from birth are inoculated with so much untruth that it becomes our reality. Hitler did say if you tell a lie often enough it will be believed. What he did not add is the liar in time often also believes his own lie. We see that those in high places, rulers, religious leaders, educators, elite and people of secret societies are as unaware of reality and truth as those of the lower castes.
It takes a diet of truth to free the soul and mind although physical independence may never be realized until death on prison planet earth.
With a keen study of religion and governing powers we see that there is an unseen dimension that entered earth a number of thousands of years before 1500 when the first book of the Bible was written. The earlier religions speak of the Gods with superhuman powers that came down and taught men how to farm, the sciences, laws, and war making and set up monarchs and religions and leaders. These dimensional beings have had many different names –angels, demons. reptilians, fairies and the like.
And the unseen and seldom appearing gods that can manipulate wave forms so as to appear, shape shift, be on radar or heat seeking detectors, or even fleetingly seen physically in craft or in presence generally remain as unseen gods manipulating humanity with use of their chosen overseers and elite enforcers. They feed off of the master/slave methods and regard humans as a form of cattle for manipulation. Their methods and controls are in the realm of evil–a thing somehow imparted and infused into mankind since their arrival.
Before the archaeologist will tell you people lived in peace with each other in the freedom of life as hunter gatherer populations.. Yet once the appearance of these superhuman “gods” unseen and demanding worship of the slave mentality they created, life of the human species began to entail the greatest of evil–including though out history people such as our example of Hitler–yet our own leaders under the guise of Christian and “good” men are guilty of atrocities even worse than that mind controlled beast was. Yet these leaders retire in their comfort and gated zones while the common bloke admires and worships them and the unseen forces they had been manipulated with.
As a person, an underground miner who has been thousands of feet below the ground in the dark recesses of the earth where there is total darkness, and having experienced death in at least two instances only to come back to life for more short time that we all have–I conclude there is only one way to battle and perhaps constrain these evil and unseen forces–that is to open the mind with a diet of truth–alert to the reality that life will present a lie so that the human life is in the greatest ream of master/slave or god/human association with little hope the human would have any effect at breaking the chain.
Footsteps of mankind in woven sandal prints in antediluvian times –even some in geological formations that date to hundreds of thousands of years ago–some even millions bear witness to the times of ancient humans. The evil imparted to our minds –a scheme of evil forces that for most remain unseen.
Slainte fear the Leprechaun if you dare, fear more to believe the lies of the unseen evil forces.
Of great concern is the massive effort of government to censor truth and truth seeking and revealing journalists. The effort has worked for the leaders and puppets of the corporate and oligarchic world controllers. To expose their lies and evil deeds is the last thing they want the public to know–as of the killing of the 19–keep the operations clean in the public view and most certainly the leaders of operations that are suspect. Especially Journalists that seek and reveal only truth must be censored and demonized since their revelations are most apt to expose the hidden crimes of these officials.
Secrets held in any organization make that organization suspect. When in fact these officials are supported by the very toil and blood of the citizen so they set on their fat asses looking down their noses at the poor working stiff laboring long hours to support these loafers they forget that the higher up the ladder they go the more their asses are public exposed and scrutinized. Yet they make ever effort–redactions, black out of material, manipulation of cohorts and courts, outright false statements under the guise of professional wisdom, jargon, threats and media presentations in uniform.
However, credentials, statements, and “expert” opinion will always be questioned by the good Investigator and Investigative Journalist. That is, unless he is employed by the body he is investigating. That would be conflict of interest in most circles–but it was not in the State and Forest Service terms of investigation. The true Investigator and Journalist will want to know what is under those many pages of redaction, why people are threatened if they talk in a society of freedom of speech, and many questions such as in the case 19 deaths why such people as were in danger could be allowed to have bosses that continued to break common sense safety rules–even to the point of playing the job as you would a game of Russian Roulette.
And the higher up those entities that rule are being exposed for their lies, the more they sic their police and army and venom of lies against the ex poser Journalist and whistle blower. It is quite a sick society when you see those that exposed the criminal actions being punished while the criminals run free and people even admire these felons. I know Biden has to have read the fact that if you tell a lie often enough it will soon be believed. His son’s denial of the lap top–a Russian Agent could have left it there for repair–I don’t know and Daddy wasn’t getting 10% of anything from those millions we were getting under secret trade deals for our daddy’s good influences in business deals.
Then is it any wonder a cowboy is in confusion as to why one would even bother a trip to town to vote for a system that is so corrupt but so efficient at lies and propaganda that they can garner support and have people thinking they really have a say in who they would worship.
These shape shifters and half breed alien types have had their blue blood deleted and their shape shifting abilities degraded over time. One wonders how the public can be so bumfuzzled. (meaning so mind fucked).
I did buy 10 more panels from that guy in Gilbert so will head over there next week to pick them up. They sold me 250 watt panels for $50 each so 10 will add 2500 watt of power to my system and I will add either 4 more wall mart batteries or try to find a golf cart battery 48 V. I want to put those ten on the west side so I catch that afternoon sun which I am loosing. I run good but close at night with the fridge and the days that were cloudy.
People do not know–but if you go on ebay and look at that Gilbert Guy’s store he has thousands of solar panels for sale cheap==some as low as $40 for 250 watt panels. What I have done for about $4000 over time and good for 20 years that would cost around $26000 to have done. These solar companies are getting 6 times or more than what these things are worth and they are not that hard to install. It is a racket and this damn government does not want people to know how cheap this can be done–they want to keep the oil companies in business. If you have cheap or free energy you would not have to work so hard to pay for gas, oil and heating. I intend to eventually get an electric vehicle to use for town trips off solar charging. You can always keep a clunker around for long distance gas driving–
Here they are getting twice or more the price of electric vehicles as China sells. The shits in office want to make sure import duties are so that the oil companies stay wealthy. A chinese car that will go 650 miles and is decent costs less than 25 grand and here same car is worth 45 grand. These politicians are not for the people but people keep voting and tolerating the bullshit. With cheap energy you are no longer the slave–those EV’s are simple and last forever–mostly all needs replacing is the tires and with batteries improved they are cheaper and lasting up to 20 years.
I will get a used one sometime but now people are wising up and with gas going up again and the restrictions on imports from china the EV market is still outrageous in this country.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
That letter was sent to Joy–It might get a few to thinking–there is a better way to a cleaner environment and the ability to get out from under a system that has devolved into a serfdom. Prices are going up so the more independent you can become the better. The politicians can’t be more obvious in their loyalty to the corporate enterprises–anything such as cheap solar that will reduce your 6 month per year obligation to work for the feds and feed corporate and oil and banking profits before you get your depleted check will be discouraged by the powers that be. The whole family is having to strive to make it while two people on top this past year made more money than the 40% of our lower class labor people. Yet they paid less than 3% tax if any. This is not looking to me like that the politicians represent the interests of the people.
One evil I will address is the use of slave labor–those unfortunate people in prisons that are paid a dollar a day to risk their lives because they have no alternative. They are among the people that had committed low level crimes–certainly they do not deserve to be subjected to work that will jeopardize their lives.
But the other evil is that as long as the state can use people in that was as slave labor, they will continue to debase the wages of the man and woman who work fire fighting as a livelihood and career. We are no better than the Chinese and other totalitarian systems that continue to abuse the working class.
It is well known that Nike was paying such low wages to Asians so they were making something like $3 a day and long hours at the line of tedious work. Nike was able to produce shoes that cost them only a few dollars to produce, yet selling their product for more than a hundred in many cases. The company was profiting into the billions while their workers were living in small cubicles worse than a jail cell except they had some kind of tv or radio and perhaps no guard to antagonize their existence.
I would not be a prison guard and brag how I was helping those women and men to improve their life while risking it for nothing and robbing the hard working fire fighter of his dues because he is now competing with slave labor. On the contrary, I would see that individual as a perp–certainly a nincompoop. Instead I see these idiots bragging on how they are helping the slave prisoner and society as a whole. They should get rid of those guards and replace them with trusted prisoners since they could get the trusted prisoner to do the job of a guard at slave wages–even for less than a dollar a day and baloney sandwiches I should think.
We do need to free up more time for the worker–that is how people invent and come up with great positive advances to help all. But to use slave labor and cause depletion of wages of people already working at poverty wage is the very nature of evil.
And Charlie–How do you free up more time for the wild land fire figher?–Ans> give them a living wage congruent with the dangerous and unhealthy work they do. Then they will be able to help their families, their wives can stay at home if they please and when spare time is available they can use it privately instead of having to work second jobs.
Do what is right because it is right.
The war department is really pushing for a war-dozens of war ships in the China seas–36 stealth fighters and plenty of other war planes about the carrier ships.
I wondered how a nuclear sub worth more than a billion dollars to build could be running into a sea mountain to sustain damage. It turns out if they have their sonar on there is no chance, but if they use sonar then they are detectable. So screwing around in sovereign waters trying to use maps has cost the tax payer a fortune in repairs and fortunately they did not sink the sub and kill all the submariners inside.
This is the worst idiocy we have seen lately. To Biden’s credit he did pull out of Afghanistan perhaps with poor planning. I had known it was obvious where the troops would be headed–Japan and near islands to China. These people representing the War Industries intend to use and justify the over 700 billion allotted to them this year. Yet there is absolutely no possible way to justify this incessant hammering at China and Russia.
Talk about a disconnect with the people–I am certain most of us would rather see our armed forces including the battleships, jet planes, tanks and other equipment brought home –that foolish money spent proving we can “scare China and Russia” is a fools mission. This country is hurting while it is obvious that China and Russia are not interested in engaging in an all out war but will if the idiots in the White House keep cajoling them on their own territory 5000 miles from our homeland. This is not dealing with senility as much as it is insanity.
It reeks of what we saw at Yarnell where the bosses were willing to put our young heroes in harms way needlessly just to show their bravado. It seems that sea channel is a canyon for ships and would be easy pickings to take out a mass of our ships and planes in a surprise attack.
It is hard to know the thinking just as it was hard to know the thinking that went into having men drop off in a dead end canyon trap with a raging fire that anyone could see was an uncontrollable wild fire in 45mph winds. Only this wildfire in the China seas has a fair chance to wind up nuclear.
Certainly these war mongers think they will feed the war industries but China is not Iraq or Afghanistan despite what the war lords of this country are saying. They are betting it will be a ground war–something we are certain to loose even if we somehow would come out on top and that would only be if we used nukes and if that happens Russia and China can be expected to return in kind.
I did see tonight Jesse Ventura’s talk–he mentioned over 30 of the legislators have been found to be insider trading. They wind up millionaires he mentioned from their side benefits–and insider trading to them is only a $200 fine and that for favors is negated by the Judicial system.
He believe the only hope for this country is to vote neither Republican nor Democrat-they are both owned by the war industries. There may be some hope in an independent.
Certainly when the economy is down it is politically smart to get a war going–half the workers go to war and the other half provide the war materials. China is also having economic problems with protests and the like so they may be looking at that alternative as well–especially when they have been given every reason to do so by our war mongering fools.
If you have kids get some iodine tablets at the pharmacy–there will be an eventual nuclear strike with more than 9 nations nuclear armed and those tablets do not degrade. If you are past 45 they are not effective but in children they can protect them from cancer–the Pharmacist will let you know the dosage or look it up on line.
I am sorry that the Biden group have forced people to take vaccines- not that perhaps by some chance the vaccines work–they do not in some instances but perhaps better than the covid? Still that should be your choice, especially since foreign substance that I see as unproven are injected into your body. One thing, my son Mark did get covid and did not get the shots as I had thought. He was down like the flu for a couple weeks and now is immune. He says I had it when I went in with shortness of breath and my daughter sent me a portable oxygen machine. I am now 50% better than when I was having to carry that damn thing around with a hose stuck into my nostrils–by I am grateful for a daughter that thinks of her Dad.
I will keep it handy–nuclear dust might be headed our way soon.
Slainte–You can not make America Great again by killing Chinese.
Here is some information and substance you will need sooner or later if you are under 45 or have family:
Potassium Iodide Tablets –Dosage for adults–130mg daily. Can be crushed or whole–use 80z water, milk, fruit juice for a chaser. KI will be symbol on bottle–K is chemical symbol for Potassium and I=Iodine. Use a brown bottle and keep out of sunlight. .
Here is a paste on how to use it::
Usual Pediatric Dose for Radiation Emergency
Birth to 1 month: 16.25 mg orally once
Over 1 month to 3 years: 32.5 mg orally once
Over 3 months to 12 years: 65 mg orally once
Over 12 years; weight less than 150 pounds (68.18 kg): 65 mg orally once
Over 12 years; weight 150 pounds (68.18 kg) or greater: 130 mg orally once
-In the event of a nuclear radiation emergency, take as directed by public officials; take first dose as soon as possible.
-Repeat doses may be needed in the event of prolonged exposure; since each dose provides up to 24 hours protection, repeat doses should be taken no sooner than 24 hours after prior dose.
Use: As a thyroid blocking agent during a nuclear radiation emergency.
Correction for adults–130mg once—certain conditions are treated with potassium iodide as much as three times a day but to protect the thyroid use only once since this chemical is potent and can cause problems. Look on line–you can treat your dog and cat as well with .25mg–to more depending on size. This is an easy drug to obtain and with the world situation as it is most Boy and Girl Scouts will be prepared. If you are my age–77–just drink a good shot of triple distilled Irish or a Guinness if your system will stand it–maybe even smoke a cigarette if it will calm your nerves. Slainte
Many of you were yet to be born on Friday, November 22 1963–That day John F. Kennedy was murdered in a coup d’état. That was nearly 60 years ago, yet I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. That day I was on the Charlie Ray ranch shucking corn from his nearby cornfield–odd for a cow-hand but necessary part of the job and as a cowboy working for Charlie for $5 a day and you never knew what the job would be. Certain it began at daylight and ended at dusk. Room, bunk house that I was thrown out of for shooting rats off the rafters and grub. I did not mind–sleeping out was fine and even in November good enough if you have a pup tent and a good sleeping bag.
That day I was pulled off shucking corn and in a rare occasion told to come in his house–Kennedy had been shot and Charlie had the news going on his black and white TV–reruns you see pretty often these days.
When I heard that Biden is refusing to release those confidential records about the killing I had to realize that even after 60 years the government clique is standing true to the lie that Kennedy was not an inside operation. People that were involved are still being protected–and with a crook like Biden whose doped up son forgot to pick up exposing his chicanery–he is unwilling to let the public know the truth–there are still too many collaborators that were involved alive or their relatives and friends that might feel tainted if truth were known.
The ignominy in this is more evidence when 37 of our Congressional leaders have been found to be guilty of insider trading–they will not come forward demanding the truth be known either. They will pay their $200 fine for insider trading where some made millions–and go on telling us that it could endanger National Security to tell the truth about the Kennedy assignation and the patsy Lee Harvey Oswell. It is almost laughable the excuses these government people maintain to keep the public in the dark about their nefarious workings.
And to think a Congress person that steals millions by insider trading only pays a fine–usually not even levied as a courtesy from the Justices–while a poor street person that steals a sandwich or beer or is caught with weed or a chunk of dope–three times and he is out for life in prison. And we accept this as justice?
Liar-Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director is now proven that in 2018 his funding and Chinese funding had uncovered the Covid Virus that is 10 times as virulent as its SARS upgrade. Fauchi says that news was not related to him until August of 2020 why he said in July that the NIAID had nothing to do with the Covid Virus and gain of function work. He lied but his lies and the work that required his approval and funding has now killed millions. Yet he like the honorable senates and representatives that stole money by insider trading will pay nothing for their crimes. And this is American Justice.
Tonight perhaps we will know the fate of Julian Assange. He has been slowly murdered with incarceration, CIA plans to murder him, and persecution that has ruined his life and health. All because he had a conscience that the citizens ought to know that many in our government has been operating under RECO Act criminal activities and even crimes punishable by a world court as were done in the Nuremberg Crimes. But he and Chelsea Manning–now in prison–were not compromising National Security–they were exposing the war criminals in office in high places. And Biden calls it justice–just as he will deny the truth of the killing of Kennedy during 1963.Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director
When you allow your leaders to lie and cheat while they punish and murder the truth saying Journalists and whistleblower (unless it is a whistleblower on a tax deliquent or low citizen) then you have seen the demise and depravity of the system to the depths of destruction. It is no longer Justice by Democratic means- but an Oligarchy of Industries loyal to none but themselves and their world without borders.
The fun may not last –even for those so well heeled. The war industries are pushing hard to continue the wars and planet destruction is a well recognized world problem the greedy ones in power are not willing to change when their profits and control would be diminished.
My own opinions from years of watching and the news little told on NBC, CBS, etc–a few small organizations not yet banned still do tell it as it is–and a few good Congressmen and previous CIA, FBI and even former Pentagon employees now speak out. One thing–it is hard for people that were there to continue to carry the lie if they are good people.
Congressmen-women–are exempt from requirement to take the vaccine for Covid and can pass if they choose. Biden and your friendly Congressperson enforcing vaccines failed to let you know.
Hell may be freezing over if the Biden group keeps poking at China and Russia some 5000 miles distant. Nuclear winter will be a cold one.
This is life on earth–a President claiming to foster climate and global warming and cheaper energy while expending tons of fuel every minute on military exercises to antagonize the Russians and Chinese. We have to look like the great America that protects and promotes demoncracy while at home our own affairs are in the gutter. What a herd of stupid asses we have running the country–well by the American Standards they are the elite and successful while the hard working American is seen as fodder for the cause. Too many of us forget how they get to their positions these days–it certainly is not representing the hard working American–their pay checks and means to wealth and power are through the industrial and war complex that Dwight D. Eisenhower so aptly warned would come about.
I shutter to think my grandsons will be a part of a war against 10 million Chinese warriors when their numbers are a part of a small army in comparison–maybe 350 thousand and a few more hundred thousands of reluctant other world armies only following the big bully USA in its war mongering and war profit program.
Certainly there can only be a nuclear war solution when less than a million are pitted against 10 million–Xi says he has 1.3 Billion ready to war against outside forces (his army is 2 million active and 8 million reserve). And our war mongering department downplays the Chinese and Russian Military forces when they already have nuclear armed missiles in the supersonic class that our defenses can not even defend against. Good by NY, LA , Seattle, Alamogordo and Holloman and other populations already on the dart board.
But then do not despair–the world has always been at odds and there are always countries doing regime change. But this one will be a world power change if anyone is left to manage the survivors.
Meantime I will continue with life in a good and positive manner but that does not mean to put on blinders. Black beans and scrambled eggs for breakfast topped with some black coffee already gave me good intentions to do some digging–albeit a small advance. It will be a good idea to have a fox hole in this part of the country–Biden is allowing plenty of invaders into the near by border and those not allowed entry are angry and finding ways around the choke points.
Slainte–there is no shame in being anything you are if you do what is best for self and your neighbor.
The abilities of corporate and state organizations to withhold FOIA information is another method to withhold truth from the public.
A report is supposed to be answered within 20 days and FOIA info made accessable to public viewing.
Well it seems the difficulty in getting FOIA information from the Forest Services (refer t0 Fred Shoeffler”s case of having to make a costly suit to get public FOIA records about the Yarnell Death Fire).
Let us take a look at the case of 30 Physicians, Scientists and other academia attempting to get the Food and Drug Administration approval information as provided by Pfizer.
It amounts to some 400,000 plus pages of data concerning the experiments on humans and the outcomes. Pfizer declared it would provide 500 pages every month–that means by 2076 you will have the complete set of documents that covers the human experiments, side effects and seriousness, deaths due to the vaccine and the like. Well the first 500 pages has much redacted–but keen investigative journalists have see where no deaths were reported due to the vaccine, there were 18 deaths in the first 24 hours after the vaccine was given to the guinea pig population. The population for those deaths was not given in the report–but then Pfizer says they were not due to the vaccine anyway. There were sever side effects on pregnant women, miscarriages and even a death reported but again negligible as far as Pfizer is concerned.
Biden says he spends more time with Dr. Fauchi than he does his own wife–well certainly–Bill Gates funded 36 billion to Fauchi concerning the vaccine problem–and Bill Gates knows how to profit and Pfizer does as well. You can bet Fauchi and Biden are partners in crime here–look how Biden the business man and his son Hunter did so well after doing vice under Obama. Whew, talk about a circle of crooks so proud of themselves.
So do not expect to get any real info anytime soon about the negative side of these vaccines that everyone was promised would make the vaccinated safe. The new variants did not hear that statement and the Pfizer people knew better as well–but why not sell at least two more vaccination rounds–maybe even 4 or 8 more needed shots–and ain’t it lovely how hard it is for investigative journalists to get the facts when billions are being made from sticking people with some claimed safe ingredients–mostly mild poisons in small doses including killed or sickened viruses to get the immune system moving. (And those vaccinated are still getting the new Covid disease.)
I like the Texas idea–they respect the rights of an individual to choose if he wants the shot or not. They are currently 26 on the list of people getting infected and no deaths from hospitalizations. Top deaths are about 1.6 per 100,000. But it seems the new variant is not as deadly as they are making it out to be–but then business is business. Buy a new car–it is shinier, you keep up with the Jones, and it is safer. Well we hope the crap you shoot into your body is safer as shots improve? But do not bet on it until there is more revealed.
And who is to know–Biden, as taxed in the mind as he is, has Fauchi–he is quite the liar but then being a doctor working for Bill Gates, what can you expect. Did he join Gates on the Lolita Express–I have no idea but it would have been good to have had a doctor along and had you funded him 36 Billion then he ought to have been at least on the phone.
Maybe the vaccines saved thousands–millions have died? Or maybe the damn thing is beginning to run its course in a natural manner? And maybe the 30 professionals will get to the bottom of things as hard and Pfizer and friends are fighting to keep their results secret. But then let each of us decide for our own selves whether we allow the foreign substances enter our body on the theory that Fauchi and Biden have the cure down pat.
Slainte–tough to come by these days
Posted by charlie@tulsigabbard For those interested in the Yanell Hill Fire incident and environmental problems including the abuse of the poor and the planet Eco system by mining companies and other industries operating in foreign lands– John Dougherty , Yarnell Hill Fire covers it. John was detained in Peru for protesting Canadian mining destruction there just lately. He is an award winning journalists who fearlessly covers the criminal acts of these companies taking advantage of the poor and destroying Eco systems both abroad and here. Much is oriented to help those in the fire fighting profession.
The ongoing sad case of Donut and thanks to WTKTT for following. I did watch the video and certain that Donut says the crew was asked to come down. And that might be they were ordered down. Maybe after his finding Christ he could come forward with a little more truth–you be the judge on that. Certainly his heroine addiction and other problems could have distorted his perceptions and whether he was using at the time of the incident is unknown. However, it seems he was depleted that day from partying and had been assigned to be a look out in place of someone else because of his condition.
You have to sympathize with his position but his actions from the beginning were deceptive–something I do not think he is capable of processing how his deception had in effect hindered the truth of why those men were killed and the whole of overall deceptive actions has put future crews in danger. He does want to cover for his bosses who accepted him into their crew when he truly was a border line case to be a wild land fire fighter. But going by what Gary Olson says, they need bodies so that qualifications might easily be overlooked. seeing how prisoners with little or no wild land fire fighting experience are put on these fires, it is no wonder that the crews so often get killed. And looking back at some of the deaths it was sometimes prisoners that were killed.
Donut also stated that the GMHS crew were attempting a burn where they were at but it was not going well due to retardant dispersion –and I would add that where they were at in the boulders the fire was having a hard time to advance due to sparseness of vegetation. He also mentions that the fire was at the north end of town while the wind was still moving to the North East and had not turned. The only way that fire could have been at the North end of town would have been because burns were going on there.
You see that fire went down that canyon from the top of the mountain on the north side of the grader and out about a half mile. Donut was stationed at about 300 yards NE of the old grader and perched on the rocks of a small hill. Joy and I were on the two track watching the fire advance with a steady wind behind it driving it toward Peeples Valley in a NE direction and away from Donut’s position. By the time we had arrived at Foothills drive that fire was already burning the houses just up the street a quarter mile from where my old station wagon was parked. I had estimated that even though I had lost 40 minutes of time to return and get Joy off the two track where she was about to descend and they soon after would descend to their demise, there should have been an hour by the time we arrived at our exit point. That fire was at about 3 miles advanced toward Peeples Valley and away from Yarnell altogether.
However, I know how quickly winds can change and the velocity that can happen due to cold air higher in the mountains from a storm–something we were watching since 9 that morning to the NE and as Donut said in the area of Prescott. Prescott is some 35 miles to the NE but that storm was likely closer and as he said 60 mile an hour winds which would bring the colder air down very quickly–much sooner than he expected, although those bosses would know these things–that is if they were worth their salt which in this case they were not. Those men were killed outright due to negligence, stupidity and the disregard for the safety procedures regarding dropping off into a choke full of dry tangle and almost impassable dehydrated manzanita growth. Willis had said a regular citizen could not get though that but wild fighters could–well they did not yet fire fighters and bosses in that area were well aware of how dense and impassable that canyon was. That begs the question why would they “ask” those men to drop into a box canyon trap knowing that the winds were due to reverse in an instant and at any moment.
Certainly those men were killed by negligent homicide yet the whole matter was covered up. And Donut, despite his pitiful situation of being the lone survivor, contributed to and continues to contribute to the lie that jeopardizes the lives of those he professes to care so much about. And if you want Christ involved, this good man would tell you to tell the real truth of why those men are dead and hold the culprits that caused the deaths responsible so measures can be taken to make future fire fighting safer and therefore even save lives.
I do have sympathy for this man. And it is well known a dope fein will steal from you and then help you hunt for the what you have lost. Donut is helping us hunt and in his case does not even know it.
For a little better perspective–that fire came down to the North East of where Donut was doing the look out thing. It passed his position about a half mile to the north of him and had burned about 3 miles to the NE from his position and directly toward Peeples Valley when we were on the two track where the GMHS crew went down into the death canyon. It was some after 1 PM–Joy would have the exact time–and that fire was located approximately 6 miles North of Yarnell. So there should have been ample time for our excape which in the final analysis was a matter of only minutes–less than ten or we would have been killed. I know now that burns were being made in the Shrine area for certain–I saw those being done on film that took us time to verify by actually comparing what we saw on film to the spot we had known–despite that we did travel to Peeples Valley to see if there might be an area similar to the Shrine area with the same look alike rock foundation along the road so we might be mistaken. We were not but wondered why they fire fighters would deny that they were doing burns in that area. The facts were that they had set those burns but were fearful that they might have contributed to the demise of the GMHS crew. Later we learned that not only were burns set there but also in other places also. There in fact is no conclusion as to whether those burns in fact had anything to do with the killing of the GMHS crew because all that information was hidden from investigators. The film was removed from You Tube as were the documents declaring the area where the men died as a restricted area–signed and sealed on June 16, 2013 some two weeks before the burning of Yarnell. That FS document was on line but deleted as well. This whole ordeal was handled as if it were a classified National Secret Event with mum orders and threats that you could only believe CIA operatives would commit. And the results leave a bad taste in the mouths of people that care about improving safety for the heroes battling these fires.
“This year’s wildfire season is predicted to be another severe one. From January 1 to May 13, 2021 there were about 20,780 wildfires, compared with 14,890 in the same period 2020, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. About 547,000 acres were burned, compared with 324,500 in 2020.”
That copy and paste is about what the country faces and now the Feds are considering making permanent wild land fire fighting crews for all year wild land fire fighting. Global warming and droughts are causing this increase, glaciers are melting and we are seeing 100 year record heat waves in the 100’s in places that have never before recorded such high temperatures.
So yes it is alarming that incidents such as we saw at Yarnell are arranged so there is not culpability and no change when lives of these young heroes are at stake. Certainly we can sympathize with survivors–but truth should be mandatory when lives are at stake. And let us not forget the American taxpayer foots the bill and deserves the truth–not lies, mum orders, failure to give FOIA reports, and bullshit to maintain reputations that were involved in failed operations and deaths.
Some of you will like this post. Joy Collura is destined to be listed as one of the known heroes concerning exposing the truth of the GMHS ordeal and improving the safety procedures going forward in fire fighting work. There are many others here as well and to be a wild land fire fighter is a tough job only a few could do or are even willing to do. Joy did certify as a wild land fire fighter after her years of incessant work on the causes of the deaths of the GMHS crew. There deaths had been given only a cursory investigation and were more or less designed to maintain reputations but enough so that appearances were sufficient to satisfy the public.
Some might not thing Joy is not a tough gal but I have seen her in action–hell, I had moved a double wide trailer some guy had given me at Dolan Springs. Sometimes I did things that I wonder how –but I pulled that thing a half at a time with a ford Ranger pickup some ten miles and over a mile of rough dirt road to hang it off the side of a mountain where I had ten acres of desert land. I had leveled it by raising one end and using RR ties to hold it up. I hauled water in a thousand gallon tank mounted on a trailer–and the hill was good since I could pull it up above the trailer for gravity feed.
Well I did have a set up so you could heat a rigged hot water tank so that a wood fire underneath would heat the water. But I only fired it up now and again for a shower. It was outside the trailer and in open air–no neighbors for miles and with a mountain behind and an open desert miles beyond that, no problem taking a shower in the open. Except there was Joy taking a cold water outdoor shower and it snowing. Now that is a tough gal and don’t tell me she would not qualify as a wild land fire fighter. Now, of course, as all Yarnellite guinea pigs, the retardant experiment has taken its toll on her as well. Sad to say, she is scheduled to have trepanning to remove a brain tumor.
Certainly Joy deserves honors for her work toward truth and the safety of wild land fire fighting efforts. You fellows and gals in the industry deserve the honor and respect for the hard work and bravery needed to fight these terrible fires.
Correction–Donut was NW of the grader and wind blowing NW toward Peeples valley– I had hiked with others and alone to the very spot that Donut was stationed. Once Dr. Ted was along and we were looking for evidence of where he might have left food wrappers or other proof of location but knew by his description where that was. Very close to his place was a hole about 6 ft deep that would have been much safer than the grader where he would have been burned to death had he went there as he had once said thought it to be a safe place to survive the fire should he have to use it. The plate floor plate on the grader after the fire had turned a pretty blue color. Steel turns purple at 575 degrees and blue at 800–so he would have had more than singed eybrows on or under that grader–lead melts at 621 degrees–we found those old carnation cream cans near the grader that had the center lead seal melted to a tear drop. So, yes the grader had about 20 yards of clearing about it. The survival blankets did not work for the GMHS in a similar situation where they had cleared area. However–supposedly the blankets will withstand 1000 degree temperatures while Dr. Ted tells me one breath of 1000 degree air can sear your lungs so that you wind up dead anyway. Maybe you could hold your breath until the air is breathable–something maybe you older firemen would know and must have happened since a few have survived burn overs with terrible burns.
There is much concern but not much talk about the Gulf War Syndrome. Most do not know that about 50% of the Gulf War military has been diagnosed with the Syndrome. The symptoms include Fibromyalgia. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, and an array of other problems such as abnormal weight loss, cardiovascular disease, neurological and psychological issues, rash or other skin problem, muscle and joint pain.
Doctors have no explanation as to the origin of these diseases and symptoms–a few people have said the depleted Uranium used in tank rounds. Certainly the many burning oil wells caused much of the problem in some of the veterans. But nothing has been said about the vaccinations that veterans go though. Here then is a list of some of the vaccines: “In total, the US GW1Vs received, at least, 17 different vaccines [1] including live vaccines (polio and yellow fever as well as experimental vaccines that had not been approved (anthrax, botulinum toxoid) and were of doubtful efficacy [2]. In the UK, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has declared only 10 vaccines given, but records exist to show that some troops received a greater number [3]. Among them were two experimental vaccines, anthrax with pertussis as an adjuvant (shown in 1990 to cause serious deconditioning in mice) [4], and plague, given to UK but not USA troops [1]. The manufacturers of pertussis were not advised of the unlicensed use on GW1Vs [1,4]. ”
I had to give this some thought since I am a veteran that uses the VA Health Care System whereupon my visits I have over the past ten years seen a huge increase in these young men from the Gulf War. Now we did know that veterans were used as guinea pigs in experimental vaccinations and even drug experiments such as LSD early on but I had not known that the Gulf war people had been given untested vaccines during the Gulf War times. What I do wonder is why the Medical Doctors are scratching their heads as to the great incidence of various symptoms that have erupted in the Gulf War Veterans. Of course there will be denial that these men and women have suffered from the experiments but it ought to be common sense that people injected with so many experimental chemicals will somewhere evidence the side effects.
When I was injected with so many vaccines after being drafted in 1967, I paid it no mind. There was some reaction but a young person can recover to some degree. It is that these chemicals including metals such as aluminum and now the new live virus types injected that remain in the body and over time do their damage. But as the doctor has a license to inject anything and vaccines are not an issue that can be court challenged, whatever Monsanto, Dow, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer and all the Bill Gates Big Pharma companies decide to inject veterans with–they must accept. And the victims have no recourse or say in any experimental crap injected into their bodies. The final side effects wind up at the VA clinics and hospitals and people and doctors scratch their heads at what are the causes.
Well one thing, these companies and Bill Gates profit greatly and they also spend billions and hire wonderful medical experts such as Dr. Fauchi to entertain the public and tell them how wonderful the vaccines are. Well maybe so–you will have to decide whether you want the injections or not if you are a free citizen–if a veteran expect to suffer the side effects whether you want them or not.
I am suspicious of any chemical–look at the deaths and sickness at Yarnell after the retardant dispersion. We did honor the GMHS crew during the visits at the Yarnell Death Site and Canyon. Yet did we recognize the people that died and are now sick after the heavy inundation of Yarnell on two occasions –those of the days of the demise of the GMHS crew of June 30, 2013 and also of the Tenderfoot fire only a couple years later? Those people gave their lives and health as experiments of the effects of the chemical retardant dumped in the hundreds of thousands of gallons on their homes, yards and around the town. But there is no comment on this–not even the people complain. They have been brainwashed to believe it was in their best interests to paint the town red–maybe a fitting color for the bloody murder of so many residents.
Slainte–may your life’s journey be true with concern for your fellows.
I forgot to add one metal that is used in the majority of vaccines –Mercury–Hg. Of course they will tell you it is used in such small amounts that you need not worry. Shit any Hg in the system is not good and will have bad results. It will amalgamate with other substances–copper is one and another poison to the system, especially after it accumulates along with the lead and other elements such as the aluminum. It is no wonder these Gulf people are ill –and they put the figure at 50% but I can tell you it is more since like Yarnell many people that are suffering ill effects from the retardant never report them. It is a human trait that we not complain–it is just life. But then it should not be a life where people poison your yard, body and even your mind with their chemicals. But then this is a free country–If you want to sprinkle your cereal with retardant–be my guest but leave mine alone.
My daughter, who I am very proud of–well all my kids have me proud–is a church going Catholic. I think it is a good thing–informed Catholics are good people. Any religious person is usually of good character and respectable.
Well my daughter has a very close friend that is of Palestinian origin and still has relatives living in Palestine. She wears the traditional black head covering and I have to believe is more or less a devout Muslim. As the story goes, the two decided to visit those relatives and do some travels about Arab lands. They even decided to visit Jerusalem after and that of course would require crossing into Israel from Palestine. Of course the two were carrying American Passports since her friend is an American born citizen.
Melissa, my daughter, says Dad you would not believe the nasty treatment the Jews gave us coming into Israel even though we were both American Citizens. They pulled my daughter aside and asked here why was she traveling with an Arab? Now that little daughter of mine is not one to argue with–she did light into them admonishing them for treating American Citizens so terribly. She reminded them that American taxes have supported Israel in the billions of dollars, provided military equipment and helped them in their war efforts.
Any good Rabbi will tell you God abandoned the Jews in Germany when Hitler was hanging around. In some ways you could say Hitler was given carte blanch to genocide of Jews by their God. Old Hitler could have been snuffed by this great God that knows all things–so if you see a crime and do not stop it–especially if it is in your power, are you not responsible for the crime in some degree? Well if you are all powerful or a cop and do not at least make an attempt, then you certainly are derelict in duty and need to be fired. So Hitler might by some be assumed to some degree have been allowed to preform his evil actions. Some might say it was not his fault at all for the killing of Jews when the God of the Jews just stood by.
So by Rabbi standards and why the Jews have suffered so much, perhaps he could say. Is it their sins or maybe they don’t bump heads enough on the wall or perhaps falter on following the Day of Atonement services–any way God gets pissed at them pretty often and now has put them in Israel by taking away lands the Palestinians have owned for over 900 years.
But there again it was the English that decided to put the Jews in that area–they had no homeland after being expelled from Europe, even Russia and other places did not like their religion. So again God and the English are in cahoots with locating these people where now there is nothing but a continual war between the people the English took land from and the Jewish population. Well I thing America was some in on this decision, but the English were in charge and eventually expelled by Monachem Begin and his warriors.
When will we and the English quit trying to arrange the world? Everything they and we do of Imperialistic nature, including regime changes, political assignations and false war fronts comes back on the perpetrators–and it is too bad because most Americans know better.
Perhaps this explains much and I would agree: In case you are younger and do not know who Herman Goering was–he was Hitler’s right hand man, head of the Luftwaffe and probably the second most powerful individual in the German Reich. He was also condemned to hang at Nuremberg but beat the gallows by taking a smuggled cyanide pill–ironically the same chemical he had celebrated killing so many Jews, dissidents and mentally and physically challenged people with.: Goering told a NY Times Reporter:
“Naturally the common people do not want war. Neither in Russia, nor England, nor for that matter Germany, that is understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy. And it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is democracy or of fascist dictatorship, or of a Parliamentary or a Communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of their leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for a lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
I am certain Julian Assange and other Journalists know this quote–Julian is living it and you can believe anyone that goes against the war mongering industrial complex will feel the heat. .
We should fill this out with mention a bit on economy. Some of the math scholars will want to approximate things.
Putin is probably of at least a minimum genius mentality. He has wisdom that we wish our own mentally deficient President could have–but our President is busy messing with China, Arabs, and even prodding England on to screw with Russia. Those items are a real challenge for his mind, I am sure–but of course he has the illustrious Harris to help him think things through.
Putin has purchased another 4 billion in gold for July–does he know something we ought to know? Well gold is just $3 short of 1800 right today. So if you understand the fiat dollar is now only worth 2 cents of its original value the the actual cost of gold in real money would be $36 per troy ounce. There are 12 ounces troy in a pound so the actual value of a pound of gold would be $4320. However I was taking the value of the dollar before 6 trillion fiat script was pumped into the banks for bail outs, military spending, the pittance of 9% given to the public by Biden and such strange monies these great economists deem necessary.
So maybe Putin is just beefing up his gold supply–but I would suggest it is a good idea to have at least 10% of your assets in gold. And if you are on the poor side–silver is recognized as money the world over even during these times. That is something that has happened since Noah survived the flood and about 25 thousand years before the Book of Genesis was imagined.
Nixon was wrong and so is Warren Buffet–Gold has many uses beyond just money–but few enough that most of it stays in existence. Gold does not oxidize or disintegrate with time–the same gold Noah handled somewhere exists today. You might call it God’s money since the gods mined it for their own uses–even the Aztecs set it aside for the gods.
So no matter what people say to disparage you stacking a bit of silver and gold do not believe it. They both will hold value while our imaginary money will continue to loose value. I am certain soon we will have thousand dollar bills and see more of the zinc pennies that soon dissolve in soil.
However, with some notice–if you have the change for investment purposes–Bitcoin will make you some fiat and is sure to rebound–too many of the Oligarchy have billions invested there–they will keep the ball rolling in their favor.
Praise your God and pass the bullets–Biden and Company’s idea.
Opps–bullets is old fashioned–Biden would say Praise God and Bomb the objectors and anyone that is near by that looks suspicious. Eliminate them–they are the enemy–they might swim the ocean and kill you.–Well that would be a little much –he would stammer on the first sentence.
The woman fatally shot inside the U.S. Capitol Wednesday has been identified as Ashli Babbitt, a friend confirms to Fox News. Babbitt was a 14-year veteran who served four tours with the Air Force and resided in San Diego, according to media reports.
It was this Veteran Hero’s right to protest –she was and is a Hero who made four tours Ashli Babbitt was a 14-year veteran who served four tours with the Air Force and resided in San Diego, according to media reports. The coward that killed her was ironically a black cop named Michael Leroy Byrd. She had protested and walked with Black Lives Matter. Was that cop charged as Chavin had for murder? Instead he was likely given a award for bravery–and the cop that was supposedly killed actually died of a heart condition–the excitement got him, not the protesters but as much as could possibly be done was done to demonize the protestors. Yet there were many good citizens among them including previous law enforcement who were seeing the injustice.
And maybe the cop got his repressed hatred to white people off his chest that way. Either way he killed a hero and now can go down in the book of infamy, Certainly she was no threat to that man’s life–yet he willingly shot a beautiful person just because he could behind that badge.
These politicians are so out of touch with the masses–and in a way they are only puppets for those that own them.
England has now passed a law to give the Journalist or any other revealer of crimes of the governing a 14 year sentence in one of their most dreadful prisons. You won’t have the company of Prince Andrew–he is exempt.
Obama used the Patriot law nine times where former Presidents had used it only once each after its enactment. Bush and Biden were the originators of the terrorist act with Biden the big one on its invention to restrict freedoms and allow torture under the act. It was supposed to be temporary but Obama found it so useful that it is now a permanent item to restrict truth sayers by claiming the exposure of government crimes is a danger t o the security of the Nation. The only danger it is to are the asses that are doing the criminal activity–once exposed it besmirches their reputations, just as the deaths of the GMHS crew besmirched not a few that have covered up the lie. And do you think the law will be repealed since Biden and gang have it as a method to strike fear into any Journalist that dare expose their chicanery? If so, there is an ocean front property you can get dirt cheap in Arizona.
Democracy and a media that claims to have the news–what of some Epstein and Grislane drama? Moral depravity is abundant enough in the offices–so much so the general public is jaded to it. How else could a Hunter Biden rip the people off and pass along 10% to the Big Daddy fund or have two Bills and a Prince raping underage trafficked children while Obama and company look on? Well he gave permission and whatever good fortune the White House position is==that 400 thousand salary is chump change compared to the insider side benefits. If your goal is to be a multi millionaire with no scruples–run for president–but then you can do pretty well working for the main media if you stay in line. If not you will be doing time or for sure flipping burgers at Micky Dees.
Now these are my opinions–we all know these are on the surface good honest church going hold up the Bible people. Throw a dart at the voting paper–you might do better than putting the x in a slot that only says you were a good citizen and yes they did count the vote along with a few thousand extras of unknown origin.
It is all a perception after all–as long as you perceive the way you are trained or allowed to perceive
If you have not read Thoreau’s writings and his ideas about the simple life and the experiences he had then you in my estimation are missing a load of wisdom. He was of English decent–had some prejudicial views of the Irish but then we are all with some sort of bias and can look over ignorance to find value even in the thorniest cactus–well one I do despise–the jumping cactus which if you even encounter at close range and even slightly brush then this creature will attack you with and refuse to leave you without considerable infliction of pain and effort to detach from its velcro grasp to your skin and clothes. The only thing it easily detaches from is the main body of the plant. If in Arizona–make yourself scarce from a patch of it–kind of like the crony system there unless you are a part of it–not a friendly thing to outsiders.
But this is not about the blood suckers or cactus–it is about Freedom and the simple life that Thoreau lived and resolutely exercised–even to the point of doing jail time when he saw the evils of the controlling masters of manipulation of the times. He did only thirty days–Assange had done 10 years and our other good angel of truth revealing–Snowden continues to self exile in order to escape the leaches and criminals running this government.
You see, I have lived the way of the Thoreau and know that his truths are universal and essential to know for those the web of the insolent manipulators has made serfs of the ignorant masses. Education–but only the correct education is certain to free many. Education can be a release agent or if of a Prussian variety is nothing more than a mind jail meant to increase the servitude of the masses by the inventors–those of the Rothschild variety and the like.
Hitler even knew that if you control the educational system, you mold the minds of those young one to mind the bosses no matter what. They are the ones to put you in a neat little brown suit or if at a Catholic school are they all blue? Conformity and not Informity is the rule –free thinkers a threat to all and by God do not allow people that seek truth and tell it to be known or treated well. They are the demons of the good life of the Oligarch, the boss, the manipulator.
Make America Great again–the most aggressive of dogs is the Chihuahua. But some people love them –they constantly yap and attack even the greatest of dogs so their masters must hold them back. But then they are not armed with nukes or you can bet there would be no big dogs left anywhere. We are 4% of the world’s population–but we are the greatest and most imperialistic nation on earth–we are the Chihuahua with nukes. And as Trump would say we are making America great again–well Biden is–he is waving the big stick at China.
In the last few days China said she has driven an American War Ship out of her sovereign waters. This war department says no way–and what is the truth? We do know for sure because a journalist was aboard the British Ship in Russian waters that the Russians did drive that ship out of Russian waters–and the British Commander said the same–no way. Maybe they have since recanted.
The trouble is the big dogs have nukes—It is said that China only has
350 vs the US with 5800—and Russia with a few hundred less than the US. Why do they say only 350 nukes? Good lord, the new Hydrogen and super nukes make the Hiroshima killing look like speck on the wall. A salvo sent in from one of their nuclear subs–even should two or three get through would cause devastation of this Great America that would bring it to ruin. When the twin towers came down the country was shut down for days–with even one nuke exploded above our country in the atmosphere would end everything we understand about life.
Putin knows these things and so does Xi Jing–but you scare them enough with your bully tactics and they may well decide to make the first strike. They know that Nixon came within inches of pressing the button, Kennedy expected to when Russia was confronted with missiles off Cuba, and Wilson had no qualms of taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens in the two cities of Japan–and he was ready to drop a third except it was taking some time to get it ready.
So if two minuscule Atom Bombs had a nation to it knees and at total surrender what does the fool Biden think a couple of the modern versions would do? Do the fool that runs Britain and Biden have any intelligence or have they conferred with the Chinese and Russians and it is all a ploy to scare the masses so more war production can be done.
Maybe, but with the Iranians there will be no such collaboration–they did cheer on the Arabians when they hit the Twin Towers and after years of feeling the sanctions we have not made many friends in the Arabian deserts and oil fields. The world is changing–look at the thousands of drones in Iran. Look how we have treated Russia and China badly including sanctions on Russia to make life harder there for the common man. And the shrieks of Arabia trained here have our American Journalist cut into pieces and flushed down a toilet. They learned from us–and do we object–how can we when you see how Snowden and Assange are treated–Journalists of such ilk seeking and telling the truth are a threat to security–whose security? The Clintons, and the whole family of Oligarchs that are committing these crimes exposed by these journalists–not the common man who is kept in ignorance.
So it is the man Thereau has much to say and would it be great should he be here today to see the even worse pack of fools and feeble minds running things today. I should think he would delight in writing of these people of monkey minds.
I did look back at this one–but not as bad as some had written just after being shot in the back with a twelve gauge shotgun.
If you are worried about your health you should be. The spread ;of retardant is rampant along with the wild fires from global warming effects–something that will escalate and quite rapidly once the polar ice caps melt away. The North Pole is crucial but is now gone by 95% during summer months. Oddly–old ice reflects 90% of the sunlight back into space except for a small amount stopped by clouds. However with the increased carbon dioxide, methane and other global warming gasses, more and more of that is diffused into heat waves–the reason scientists concern about global warming. But conversely once the ice is melted away the dark ocean waters absorb 95@ of the light turning it into infrared heat so the oceans are warmed to an even greater heat melting away more ice so that there will be no ice during the summer months in the Arctic. In a time of 700 thousand years there has never been a summer in the Arctic when the ice cap had melted and ocean waters exposed.
So that is not the only danger facing us right now. The even greater immediate danger sets in our White House and his method and those advising him to involve in messing with the Chinese, Russians, Iranians and other sovereign nations.
There are now attempts being made to fully engage in a cold war with China and Russia–something that we believed was over with after Russian split up and more or less threw in the towel. Because many of us believed those we had elected, like the Bush and Clinton clans, we were behind the war efforts, making America Great thing, and justifications given for killing Arabs and affiliates. But in time some of us began to realize when good and true and brave journalists started revealing that we were the fools and the Oligarchs of the aforesaid clans were snakes in the grass spewing lies to maintain wars and profits and control of the serfs. We now no longer are so easily fooled–the internet and especially those who had the fortitude to reveal the lies has exposed these charlatans. Still they continue in power and continue with their media control and their manipulation–few see the truth and if they do they do not believe it.
So if you worry too much about your health, lighten up. Everyday I wake up wondering if there will be a big nuclear cloud of fallout full of vaporized bodies out of Los Angeles and even perhaps Phoenix, God fobid–my daughter lives there.
But this is reality and some of the truth of things comes off the shunned You Tube type news. I just watched the Russian talking to the Japanese about the peace treaty they want with Russia, The reply was you forget about Heroshima and Nagasaki and the thousands that died even after the nuclear bombs were dropped and now you are allowing the US to place missiles on your lands within reach you say for China but they are also near our borders as well. A peace treaty is not needed–you should think about what you are doing with a country that had no problem with nuking your country.
You see that these people in Russian, China, Iran are no fools and goad them enough you may well see a first strike.
If there ever was a time to put someone in charge that would begin dismantling the war machine and most especially the war mongering Bully attitude it is now. The world needs to be put at ease and know that America is not out to change other peoples regimes, ways to live or to sanction them so their people suffer.
And if you believe or even imagine that China, Russia or maybe even Iran could not get several nukes through off a submarine or otherwise–Russia now has an underwater torpedo like drone that can deliver a nuke right to the Statue of Liberty or to Fisherman Warf in Seattle, San Francisco,, LA , San Diego, Houston and Miami all simultaneously–and with the new technology leaving only a 5 minute response time– Would Biden be able to get up the stairs to Air Force One quick enough–or be it the White House Stairs without stumbling in 5 minutes. Would there even be a return response given the small limits to respond?
Hopefully some one will come to represent the good of America once this Yahoo is out of power. He has loaded his pockets as has his son under his guidance done well. But as always, those with money revel in and covet power even more than the wealth they have stolen from the common man.
I had suspected the Vaccine hype–The new delta variety–there are something like 89,000 cases from it. The lethality is the same as the flu–.2%. Now if you are over 50 and have been vaccinated already then get the Delta your chances of going into the hospital are 69%. If you are not vaccinated and get the Delta variety your chances of going into the hospital are 31%. Now this changes if you are under 50 and get the Delta you have less chance of going into the hospital than if you are not vaccinated.
This data was slow in coming out of the UK and there is none here in the US. Fauchi and Biden are promoting. Go read the data yourself htt//.UK/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1000678/Variants_o_Concern_VDC_Technical_Briefing_18.p
The above I copied by vision off You Tube and to get a view of the actual document on You Tube go to find the chart again–I went back to get the name of the doctor that put it on–could not find the site again. But you can see how people put out crap to scare hell out of people so they run to get the vaccine.
In my case with the Delta thing I would not want to get it and be vaccinated. But if you are under 50 you will lest likely go into the hospital. However, also the Delta variety kills a minuscule amount of people being the same death rate as the flu. However the regular Covid 19 killes at as I remember on the chart 1.9% of people that get it which is about 10 times as often as the Delta Variety. There were a whole list of other variants and they all had only 1 death attributed to each of about 6 other variants of covid. Why do these people feed us a line? Go look at the chart and you will see that Bill Gates deal of presenting 38 grand to Fauchi has addled the brain of Fauchi or else he is a damned liar trying to scare people into a vaccine if they do not want one or in bad health as I am and should I take a vaccine would likely be my last. There are some that had taken the first vaccine and were found to have a terrible reaction and could not therefore take a second one. But in the UK you will need a certificate to go ta a pub or to a restaurant or have had a test the day prior proving you do not have Covid.
Well if you get the Delta variety, do not worry–if you had the flu you will likely get over it the same as you did the flu because the statistics show your rate of death the same as for flu. Those that might worry are people that are obese, have a lung shot out, have bad immune systems, are dying of aids or cancer, are sick already. So you ought not worry too much–that fear they promote has no basis except someone profits from a vaccine. And I say take the damn thing if you think it will help–but be aware that the Delta variety is not going to kill you unless you are already immune compromised and would die from even the common flu.
My opinion–do your own thing and research–believe the facts of what is really going on–not the hype.
I hope I copied that site correctly–it was quite an eye opener and the good Doctor that pat it on said almost always variants of a disease are less potent–why he researched for data on the Delta. Thanks Doc, sorry I did not find your site again and remember your name.
Truth is what makes good–and the lies we get from government officials and even many of those Doctors, Psychologists, and others working for the government or industries selling pills and vaccines are suspect. Seems everyone has a price and I flinch to think I actually once considered working as a Psychologist for Industry because they wave big wages toward students in those departments that take up work with them–much more than the poor wages managing a half way house I can tell you.
But times have changed–even wild land fire fighters are promised better wages by Biden–we’ll see.
Those cases would be the UK–that was a UK document.
Did some organic weeding (used the Hoe–the metal marvel). No round up on my yard–Round up company is paying money to those they cause cancer and other ailments to. They don’t care–the court costs and payments are considered business expenses–loosing a few millions in order to make billions. I notice Round up is still on Wal Mart shelves in an area I generally avoid unless I pass through accidentally.
These things like the retardants and Round Up should have proper labels–Deadly toxins guaranteed sooner or later to poison the environment, give you one or more of the following diseases –cancer, kidney disease, COPD, liver rot, ED, heart disease and numerous other problems such as fibromialgia and various skin allergies. Your use will contribute to poisoning scarce fresh water and ground water supplies, sicken and kill fish and wild life, and create dead zones in the ocean environment. In short you will be taking part in destroying the eco system–that thing that keeps you alive and healthy.
It might be a long thing to read and the skull and bones that may of our Presidents and other high officials ascribe to ought to be on the label just as we do any poison product. It might seem outlandish to some that are educated but the common man ordinarily does not know these things if he has 5 kids and is busting ass to make a living. Do I expect any change–no but I will not apply any of those poisons to my vegetables or fruits as they may be–and I have always been leary of these lazy man toxins.
Maybe it is why I have reached the age of 77 despite working in some of the worst environments. Well I did not really reach 77 but was killed in 2014 by the retardant toxins–one that causes cholesterol to quickly coat the arteries that forces a heart failure. But some of us get a second and in my case about 6 more chances at life–6 heart attacks and then another death down the tunnel–maybe to hell–some think so–but I am back in spite of the last death and a hole in my back and loaded with an ounce of lead birdshot. So maybe I needed to say a few things before leaving the planet. And I am not worried about going to hell–like some think–I already was there when I lived in Dolan Spring AZ–and that could go even more for a few other areas in Arizona some that are occupied with a pack of cronies the Devil is salivating over. Some that even claim to be Christians.—just don’t be riding the plane when they are raptured off to Hell. Who knows?
It is coffee time–add a morning banana to kill the acid and add some potassium to your diet.
I am amused at how our attention is drawn away from the real problems of the world by what the Doctor that exposed the facts about the Delta Variant–he called it Fear Porn. The fact that the Delta virus is no more deadly than the common flu ought to register–but meantime the ignorant President suffering dementia and a WHO official Fauchi bought off by Bill Gates and his many lucrative vaccine companies (he has the monopoly on that one) , it is a good thing they can scare hell out of people to divert their attention to the really dangerous situation.
The War Department and that black guy running it are happy–they do not want the general public to take notice that they have deployed 140,000 of our soldiers to surround China with a hoard of our war ships provoking war over there. There was a treaty signed by China and the US, England and other allies that Taiwan would always be a part of China. But of course times have changed and the Taiwanese want their independence–and this is likely to lead to another war.
What fool would put 140 thousand soldiers against 2.12 million active soldiers. Yet Biden wants 5 more Billion dollars just to surround and harass China. But these Military men in charge here are talking macho–and it seems they have a mind that if they do not get at China now the idea that America will continue to dominate the world with its imperialistic ideas will be gone with the rise of China.
China is not the old China–they have the same technology–submarines–and mind you 350 nukes is enough to take out any nation of any size several times over.
It is hopeful that we can get though this administration without a war with China that the War Department is now working as hard as possible to justify and keep the public attention away from what they are doing. The man called Biden is Trump with a different voice–but then Make America Great again in War sense is to be the Big Boss of All. It ain’t gonna happen–the world changes and it is time we started taking care of our own affairs at home before there is no world to take care of. Megalomania is a disease of the elite that may well ruin the planet.
Here is something to consider about the China-Taiwan ordeal–
“In 1972, under the “Nixon Shock” and strong domestic pressure, Mr. Kakuei Tanaka and Mr. Ohira and other Japanese statesmen speeded up the process of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan so as to keep in conformity with the aspiration of Japanese people. The Tanaka Diet stated clearly that they fully understood the three principles for restoring diplomatic relations put forward by China, namely (1) The People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government of China; (2). Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People’s Republic of China; (3)The so-called “Peace Treaty” between Japan and the Chiang Kaishek authorities is illegal and invalid and must be annulled. Through repeated negotiations, the two sides signed the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement on September 29, 1972, in which the Article 3 said: “The government of the People’s Republic of China reiterates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The government of Japan fully understands and respects this position of the government of the People’s Republic of China, and shall firmly abide by the principles under Article 8 in the Potsdam Proclamation.”
What is the real reason we are goading China? Does someone smell war profits in the wind?
Jen Psaki said she will bring “truth and transparency to the White House briefing room”; .
I do not know about the truth part but there is plenty of transparency concerning the purpose of the Biden team of crime operations. How else can you describe outright censoring of the news–actions we only see in dictatorships and communist governments.
She says “We” meaning the Biden conies had teamed up with Bezos, Twitter, Media, etc. to censor anything negative about the vaccine. They did before did not censor anything negative about Trump but did censor anything negative about Biden. In fact any information about the lap top the dope head Hunter had left behind was kept out of the new, off You Tube, off any media. It tied the Bidens in to criminal activity. It is ;not surprising the public has increasingly come to distrust these main media outlets.
The fake news mantra invented by Trump is well understood, although Trump himself is a danger to the environment, prone to ignorance but extremely wise to how to be a leader. Extreme leaders such as Trump are vociferous –The Biden group are less so yet when you see opposing opinions being censored then Big Brother of Orson Welles 1984 book of prophecy is here.
And you see not one thing has been said about releasing Julian Assange despite the admission of the false testimony of the fat kid in Iceland.. Nor has anything been done to release charges on Snowden, nor mention of the murder of the American journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi’s trained here in the good old USof A. This should tell you there is an all out restriction against any Journalist or news outlet that seeks to find truth and alternative views. And that Journalist dare not expose the bastards in charge else he/she like the Saudi Prince that was insulted by Jamal might just end up flushed down a toilet after being hacked into pieces.
And you think you live in a democracy?
I won’t take the vaccine–It is my right and enough doctors say there is not much benefit to those under 50–Covid would not kill them and in most instances words like or even less than the flu for those ages. And there is a big hint when the Pfizer CEO refuses it and is well over 50. Of Course, in my case I have faced death several times even to the point of going being dead–not a bad situation and something no one escapes. But to live a life of censorship and forced vaccinations is the death of the free spirit and soul that only the ignorant and fearful will allow.
I should add–there will soon come a time when there will be a knock on your door and a team of armed men dressed and masked in black with automatic weapons will be pointed at you. A NAZI type doctor or nurse will have needle in hand–you the free thinker and objector to vaccines will be grabbed and injected whether you like it or not. The alternative will be a prison camp or a bullet to the brain–something you might get if they have to break down the door or you reach for your phone.
This might seem extreme but that extreme is already here yet veiled to the majority.
The sickness of these war criminals defies comprehension. Rumsfeld had passed on June 29 at Taos, New Mexico according to news articles. He had written in his memoirs of 2011, “Known and Unknown,” Mr. Rumsfeld, more than four years out of office, still expressed no regrets over the decision to invade Iraq, which had cost the United States $700 billion and 4,400 American lives, insisting that the removal of President Hussein had justified the effort.
Of course he only mentions the deaths of 4400 of our heroes, yet there have been millions of innocent people killed in their own countries because of his and his cronies efforts to protect their oil wealth and promote more profits for the war industries. Malaysia tried the Bush people in abstention, including Cheney, Rumsfeld and a list of the cronies and lawyers, all masters of deception, torture, and assignations and murders and found them guilty of war crimes–rightfully so in my way of thinking. And should the Military arrest those available then justice should be dealt to them as they have dealt to our young military men and women in service so sacrificed and to the hundreds of thousands of civilians including women, men and children whose only crime was attempting to survive in their poverty ridden lands. You have to want to puke to see these men in $10,000 Armani pen stripped suits smiling as they kill off the real heroes of this country and those innocents in foreign lands–even under false Flag events allowed and perpetrated.
They put the figure at 400 billion but the truth is that the taxpayer has been burdened with trillions–something admitted to since no accounting has ever been made for monies used in black ops programs.
The actual loss of US military lives has now reached 7,000 while the civilian lives lost in the Afghan and Iraq war has been listed as 266,000. That is enough blood sacrifice under false pretense–Iraq and Afghanistan did not bring down the twin towers nor did Saddam have nukes and our intelligence and these Rumsfeld, Cheny and Bush people knew it) . And all those deaths to hold on to oil while these people know there are alternative energy sources and at the same time we were exporting oil. All a death game to trade innocent lives of our own and foreign civilians so a few families could enrich themselves and assure there generations to continue their power positions. And Biden has made his moves with China for wealth that his family–though Hunter complains that he is not getting his fair share from Daddy. Yet the general American public believes they have representation, honest leaders and true politicians that concern for their subjects.
I had to shake my head when I saw that Biden dropped the stimulus from 2000 he promised to 1400. And the sum set out was only 9% of the Trillions set aside for the stimulus–what I pay in state tax when I buy off Ebay–another tax scam since used crap has already been taxed and should not be taxed again. But people still go to the polls believing these crooks are truly representing them?
These supposed leaders of good have left their mark alright–an ugly one when facts are known.
Chuck Shumer said we must allot more billions to industry because we are at risk of loosing our position as the world’s premier super power. And this is the kind of bunk Shumer and cronies feed us. They damn well know that no matter how much money you put into making chips, technology here, manufacturing, etc.–there will be little or no change. That cheap labor of people in China working for $2 an hour at serf wages and having to use company script will keep the manufacturing in China. There is no way this country can win back those jobs that have gone overseas. Those billions will be another folly that will only burden the taxpayer more and enrich the oligarchs.
I would vote for Telsie Gabbard or even Jesse Ventura–both war heroes who want to stop the needless wars and regime change tactics by assassination and intentional instigation of revolutions so the small countries can be raped of their resources. I wonder though how long they would last with corruptions as thick as it is.
There is a better way–yes–will it happen? Cleaning the corruption possible? I do wish I did not see what I see–but I have seen now I understand why the good messenger of truth is on a hit list. It is better to die unfettered than to live in the chains of fear and ignorance.
Assassinations not assignation although there were some nasty assignments–including the killing of Ben Lauden–Perhaps a patsy since he was a known CIA operative before the 911 and after all managed to avoid his disposal for some time.
Maybe Gates, Biden and others of the ruling and control classes will be able to censor any opposition as they did via media to promote the shut down of the country and the defeat of Trump. Bill Gates new patent on an injected crypto chip so you can wave your hand as you walk though the check out device at Wal Mart, etc.–is the precursor to events. His patent number is easy to remember–W0202060606. The 666 has meaning and so does the W and the 22. Codes have been a thing with the secret societies–and if you are a Mason you have quite a few that you learn as you go up the ladder. 33 has special meaning but few get that far.
Do you trust Gates and his cohort in the vaccine business–Fauchi? Gates’ wife doesn’t. Once he started business with Epstein where they were going to build safe houses for youthful abused girls, Mrs. Gates filed for divorce. Of course she did not need to expose him–she will get plenty of billions and the fuss messing with a turd is wasted effort. Too many are fooled by his BS and Charitable actions. Well sure–when you pay less than 2% of your income in taxes and save yourself billions, no problem tossing out a few millions to look good. But then he is legal–the Oligarchy makes the laws–or they purchase those that make the laws. The working stiff will go on paying half his hard earned check to Taxes, SS, and more taxes while the Oligarch types such as Gates and Bezos and Buffet pay a pittance to none.
Do expect a reset–but it will not hurt the Oligarch–you will maybe even get another stimulus–more script but it is loosing value quickly.
Some had asked my opinion on religion in thinking I might have an inkling because I had done my thesis for what is termed a Master’s degree in Theology. You and I would do better to investigate our own core beliefs in Religion rather than accept the things we might have been taught by good ole Mom and Dad if we had one–if not we might have a better chance to have a mind that is willing to consider all evidence to come to a conclusion that is more near the truth concerning religious ideas.
I had written that thesis defending the Schofield translation as the best translation of the King James Bible–later translations of the Bible have changed meanings so often. But in truth, there are no translations that can be valid concerning the time discrepancies and how languages change meaning and not only that we saw the meaning of hoe change quickly in some circles and booty as well as many others in a matter of a few years. Now that minorities are overpopulating the white races, so are their colloquialisms being accepted as legitimate English words.
Over time I have concluded that religion is a guessing game at best but a definite method of mass psychology involving calming and control procedures–not at all taken seriously by those leaders that attend to produce a fine face to the public. Their Skull and Bones, Masonic, University Education, etc. will have them waving the cross because that is another usable instrument to appease, calm and control the masses. And of course if that does not work, then the alternative is police and military action–something they are not hesitant to use–you saw that at Washington where police and military were brought in to quell the masses that were generally peaceful demonstrations.
I do know the whole Flood concerning Noah had been written 2000 years before the Israelite Religious Dads decided to rewrite it in a form to worship a monotheistic God unseen with no images made to represent him. The 2000 year earlier cuneiform writing of the flood lists a number of Gods involved in the creation of man and even the allowance of the flood due to natural causes they knew were about to happen. The gods according to earlier records were alien types–Annunaki later identified as the Shining Ones or Angels in the Bible.
Well you want to know which is more reliable? My own opinion that you should get more truth out of the earlier version–2000 years is a long span of time for the story to change. But of course the Church Dads will say oh Hell, God inspired every word of the Bible.–but it is also the Church Dads that constantly argue over Greek that they waited over 1600 years before they decided to translate a long dead Greek Language so that they had to have 52 so called Greek language experts to argue out the meaning of the words. I don’t know if God was hanging around those 52 any more than he was hanging around the original writers of the Greek texts. I have a hunch he was off with his other lesser gods hanging around Nibiru trying to getting the gold into the god atmosphere to plug up the Ozone holes.
Gold by the way can be pounded so thin ( 0.18 microns (seven millionths of an inch) thick;) it becomes translucent. So the alien gods that manipulated primitive man into slave laborers for their purposes by giving them their reptilian minds were no dummies.
Those such as the author Zechariah Sitchen who had spent a lifetime interpreting the Sumerian clay tablets and has out many books discussing those interpretations. A very short book if you have an open mind and do not feel your destiny will be hell, another easy reading book and short for a starter would be “The Reptilian Alien Origens of the Human Species” by Aktar. You can treat it as science fiction since your mind will be warped by false History from school and religious bunco you were fed by your church or government inspired educational system.
Then if you want to learn about the Jesus story you can go back in history on that one as well. Flavius Josephus was the prolific writer and Pharasee that had written numerous volumes of books concerning the Roman Empire during the siege when Jerusalem fell to the Romans. The works we have only mention Jesus once. You know of course that Jesus was also a Pharisee. The parallels in the gospels and the writings of Josephus are uncanny–as if he wrote them himself and he may well have. He was working as the historian for the Emperors and they did need a parallel to the coming Jewish Messiah idea for Romans. And Josephus was right there when Jesus was reportedly hanging around. yet mentions him only once–and that is been found to be a paragraph inserted by a different writer at a later time. So how much of the New Testament is fabrication or misinterpreted? Well you have hope if you believe in the Christian doctrine–144,000 will be saved and it is laughable some will be suck up called a rapture–something invented in the past hundred years since that rapture is not even a word in the Bible. Do you think with 7 billion people and a hell of a bunch of Christians around your chance of being saved are good. The odds are bad–all have sinned and sinned like hell–most break the speed limits every day and gobble down MacDonald’s while they can.
So if you squirm a bit, good for you. I too was befuddled during a part of my life until taking a good open minded look at many facts. The stories about evolution, dates and theories of live and earth beginnings you are fed in Schools and Universities are theories just as religions are, although religions are designs manufactured to maintain and manipulate the masses. Truth is a better alternative but then that would throw mud in the face of most of those Politicos and the Puppeteers that control them. But those of you not willing to follow the head goat will be whipped–so expect the stripes.
My opinions –may your good gods give you some true ones if you can handle them.
That should have been mud in the face to the Church Fathers as well and they will give me an extra stripe for misspelling Scofield–even though I did a thesis on his translation–there are good footnotes and side notes everywhere–he had extensive knowledge of the Bible and refers and correlates lots of it. And may your gods or god or no god give you some truth if you can handle it.
It is time to sing and dance with the gods for one never knows what these Yahoos in control have connived.
Have you noticed the people that run this country are not healthy in either body, mind or spirit? Indeed they should be wearing their masks and taking their vaccinations. The white ones look like ghosts and the dark ones act like ghosts. And the sickness to ask for more war funds and promote more cold war operations, more armaments and even more improved nukes.
Ignorance is a great evil. Those in charge have no inkling of how their industrial puppeteers are the very ones to sicken their children and even worse sicken the planet so everyone’s children are at extreme danger. These are drunken with power given them that they are incapable of managing to the benefit of those they continue to tighten the cinches upon.
The news was tonight that the ammunition is flying off the shelves. People are preparing for what they feel is coming. The rent reprieve is up and now thousands will be homeless and more will be loosing their properties because the payment monies on their mortgages will not be there. And thousands of refugees are admitted to this country to be fed and cared for in cages–while we have a President and War Industries pushing for a new war–one where thousands of our young military are sent off to attempt to fend off millions.
In 1972 the US in a treaty with China agreed that Taiwan would always be a part of mainland China. What changed their minds? Certain the communist ruler XI says there will be annexation whether the US agrees or not. The Communists are watching for the right time to move but that may be sooner than later if Biden and War Friends decide to push an early war. They know that China is not getting weaker, but stronger. So how determined is this War Department and its Commander in Chief to prove America is the world’s greatest imperial power? Hubris in this case will be costly.
So far the Trillions have done nothing to improve our infrastructure. They have bailed out the rich industries and banks but have thrown scraps to the people and the
real problems we have at home. These war mongers are too busy surrounding China and playing expensive war games in the Black Sea to antagonize the Russians. But are they going to be able to figure out a ploy to justify their actions as previous President could fabricate? People are wiser than they were but then too many are hoping this government and its actions will be their safety shield. It may instead be the fall of the Empire and a great devastation of the planet.
So where are the peacemakers? They have been rejected–those that wanted to stop the war mentality insanity and regime change wars were called traitors shaking hands with the Russians. In fact they were the real heroes who wanted diplomacy and not insane actions.
They wanted to take the tack of respect of other Sovereign nations rather than sanctions and Bully tactic and talk.
If you think there are not a Russian and Chinese subs a few hundred miles off our Shores with more than a hundred nukes pointed our way, then you better think again. The Chinese and Russians see our actions in their waters and lands 5000 miles from our Shores and realize only crazy and dangerous people would take such actions. They may well decide to take a first strike–and Russian technology and undoubtedly Chinese technology is such that there will be no opportunity for a response. Then it will be left up to some of our Submarine people to decide whether to respond or to take their sub to some southern hemisphere country as the Nazis did to attempt to survive.
As I told my grandson on the Nuclear Sub–He may be one of the few survivors of the next war and that might be a very slime chance in the short run.
Namaste- The Hindu greeting for another–respect for others no matter their race, creed or color. But it must also mean a respect for the planet and creatures in it. I see none of that in our officials–only the run of the mill hedonists who pleasure in their power abuses.
And what is important news–Trump and Covid–even though the new Variant is no more dangerous than the common flu if you get it–and that is likely even if you have had the vaccination.
Slaiente –Health the best you can cosidering. Get your mind and body prepared for the worst while we hope for the best.
I did speak with Scott–loose ends are getting tied up and we should be seeing a documentary before the end of the year if the creeks don’t rise and the gods be willing.
You fellows keep up the good work–and good tidings to Scott and his work at getting the truth out.
This old world will keep on turning and we hope better than it has been. Jessee Ventura noted that that Bill was a regular on the Lolita Express–27 times and the little black book lists a bunch of riders–including the great vaccinator Bill Gates and Prince Charming was a regular for years with Epstein, Is it any wonder he was suicided–could you imagine the web of crimes he would have exposed when under oath? You can bet Grislane will get another nice deal rather than be put under oath. She is also noticing how Mr. Epstein got suicided.
But this world needs entertainment–we already know about these criminals–and why they are off in China instead of here taking care of the worst of home front problems. The only manufacturing we have is war materials–where the big profits are. But most of us know we already have enough to blow this world to kingdom come and yet it seems the big thing is either Trump or Grislane and the child molesters that will go unpunished the same as Hunter Biden and the Biden criminal enterprise has. You see, they have goods on each other and all have their hands in the black bird pie. So talk big but not against your cronies. Ha, what a charade–more entertaining and laughable if it were not for the fact it will bring this country down.
I think the vote deal if another entertainment and diversion. You need to keep the public looking somewhere now that football and other games are pretty much shut down. If people see too much there will be some mighty big protestations.
But then the world must change. The Hopi have it right–there is a cycle and the destruction now that there is little respect for the land, creatures and the environment there will necessarily be a clearing of things so the earth can be renewed. The native Indian way of respect the land and creatures was always a good way. Being a part of the environment instead of an enemy of the environment is the right thing.
Fortunately the younger generation away from the profit over life idea of the industrial and war profit generation have been waking up to their situation. Covid is in one way a good thing for the survivors–they have had time away from their mundane tasks and school chains to think for themselves–maybe even see that their perceptions have been molded from false premises. Of course as government and authorities lie truth becomes traitorous. Obama put away 9 Journalists on charges of espionage–they told too much truth of the wrong doings in government. Maybe not as bad as the Fruer –he would have had them shot immediately–but then what is the difference–you lock a journalist away and he may as well have been dead–you shut up the truth sayer under espionage charges. And did you see one President in 10 years aid these people that expose the wrongs?
So the brave ones among us are those that go forward with the truth despite the warnings and examples they see of those that are maimed or suicided or in some way harmed for being good citizens.
And the poor wild land fire fighter better walk the line or he will be hunting a job. This is why the gods and nature have begun the process of cleaning the morass–the black mold and mosquito swamp.
Get your case of beans–I have a couple–if you come my direction you are welcome to join in a feast of beans and amaranth washed down with some stout cowboy coffee.
Slaiente–may your gods guide you well.
In watching the Senate hearings involving Intelligence reports that castigate China I had to be amazed at the simplicity of people that supposedly are intelligent.
They know that our political system encouraged the move of industry to China for cheap labor. They know that Hunter Biden, the Clinton Clan, the Bush bunch and so on have greatly increased their personal wealth from these associations with China. They have pushed the New World Order where boundaries and National Interests are minimize and open borders encourage. Yet these intelligence people, supported by the like of Senator Rubio declare that the Chinese have been stealing secrets every year that amount to some 300 to 600 billion in value. Yet in all this rhetoric they fail to admit that the Chinese were encouraged by our own industries and politicians to engage in research in our own Universities, even funded by the American Taxpayer grants. The Covid gain of function was just one example–all sorts of technology were encouraged by our government agencies–Dr. Fauchi in medical research and war germ gain of function experiments but especially the Clinton gang were not at all hesitant to share technological information about war equipment.
So it is a side show of clowns now complaining that the US is taking a back seat in the World Stage Directors chair. There is no comeback and this stupid moves being made to demonize China so more war profits can be made by the Industrial War connivers is now being drummed into the public mind –a mass psychology ploy to justify the China assault.
In order to control the masses the books written on the art by such people as Vaclav Havel (dissident against the Russian Communist regimen who later became President of Czechoslovakia) you must create a parallel structure to the enemy. And the control mechanisms of the masses begins with fear followed by resolution and calm then again fear is manufactured and more intense since it was already ingrained in the masses. The end result is a people willing to forgo freedoms for the safety offered by the elite.
Carl Jung recognized that escape from mass psychosis begins with order of ones own mind. The possibility to influence such an assault on the masses has little hope but Jung believed at least one mind could be saved from the trap–that being your own.
There are some very educated and keen individuals out there. I see that too many of them though are willing to sell their birthrights to freedom or to join the powers that manipulate. So, yes the true facts are controlled and any that are a threat to the collective powers owned by the globalist industrialists and other elite forces will be dangerous moved and thwarted as quickly and as meanly as possible. Good and true fact finding Journalists beware.
I do understand the Oliver Stone has made a movie concerning Ed Snowden. It should be an interesting take on the methods of truth suppression concerning the political hacks. I doubt the Bidens will bother to watch–they are too busy counting their booty.
Take it all in good humor but if you have young children, it would be wise to have them learn Chinese.
Our Republic was sold out some time ago–these late moves and rhetoric against China are only done to incense the American public so more war funds might be justified in the public eye. Muslims make up 25% of the world’s population and our elite and politicos have done a good job to create hate toward the people of America. China has 7.5 Billion people–a third of the worlds population. Now these war mongering fools are doing their best to demonize these people by claiming they have stolen the secrets that were mostly handed to them either by technical industries moved there or a pillaging politician.
It is a shame since we have wrecked the lives of tens of millions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, Lybia and seem to be on an endless game of war and destruction for regime change and to prove that America is Great again. And will we get someone of sense in office–well perhaps but it will be the younger generation that will have to demand the changes.
And it is too bad there is not a Snowden in the retardant industry to tell those of us that have suffered the exposure as to what chemicals are secretly added to the toxins that are dumped on people.
But then you should smile and laugh at such Buffoons that run the country–you voted for them and did now know you only got another Trump with a different mask. Clowns are funny to watch, so perhaps the entertainment value is what counts now a days since these fools care less about the environment or whether our country makes more enemies. We just do not have enought in their eyes.
Why? Nineteen of our heroes dead and another 200 out of 645 dead from the same fire–the latter mostly the elders in their golden years of retirement and yet so many would put it behind us–treat it as if it were an act of God that should be mourned but allowed to float into the river of time without being fully addressed. We humans have a tendency to forgive and forget–yet at Yarnell too many folk believe that there were no actions to blame–all these deaths were accidental. Yet the calling down of the GMHS crew to enter a death canyon and the dumping of thousands of tons of toxic retardant upon the small town were not accidents nor were they acts of God or Jesus who runs things now according to Christian belief. There are no negligent criminal actions to be seen because the powers involved made it that way.
There are some nasty criminals in the world–many of them have smiley faces as they do their dirty work. How they sleep at night meas they can only be subjects of a sociopathic mind. Just as the Yarnell fire had killed so many with no repercussions to all involved, I had to see there are others of criminal mentality.
People of that mind are often in the highest places wearing Avani suits, sporting Rolex watches and entertaining celebrities on their multimillion dollar estates secured by ill-gotten gains–most usually at tax payer expense. I had been looking at the Afghanistan war statistics–2.3 Trillion spent on that war since 2001. Yes many military men and all war industries have prospered greatly. Those retired Colonels, Majors, Generals and others that invested in stocks have multiplied their fortunes many times–some in the millions of dollars. Of course, the Presidents have known where to put their dollars as well–and certainly the likes of a Lloyd Austin have benefited greatly being a board member of Ratheon–salary 1.4 million including stock and his net worth is $10,000,000. That General, now Secretary of Defense knew where to put his money and knew the ropes of promoting war profits–and Ratheon as well knew whose pockets to line. Conflict of interest? That was an issue but waived by the President Biden.
This Afghan War has cost a total of between 238,000 and 241,000 lives Of those about 78,000 lives were civilians–women and children about half that figure. There were 136 Journalists killed and 549 humanitarian aid workers. The Taliban lost 84,111 while 2,442 with allies over there loosing 1144 military. The Taliban also killed an estimated 78,000 of the Afghan National troops.
This was all started on a false premise and continued under the Bush, Clinton, and Trump administrations. They were all knowledgeable of their actions and the false flag events to make the Ratheon and other War Production Industries and their stock insiders wealthy. Are these liars and false flag war instigators, the men and their war promoters not guilty of war crimes worthy to be tried on an international court of justice?
Biden has pulled our men out–but rather than bringing them home he is sending them off to remote islands, Japan, and in War Ships invading the Chinese and Black Seas. He expects even bigger war profits from these maneuvers–War Lord Austin’s 10 million will balloon to 100 million quickly as will many others invested in the War programs and stocks.
You do not have to be a psychologist to see the sickness in the souls of these war mongering types. The power and the wealth involved is enormous and so are the costs to human lives. And yes the common man and woman working two jobs, the miner, the fire fighter, the logger, the carpenter, the poor bloke greeting at Wal Mart–the common hard working soul will foot the bill for all this killing and murder going on under the pretense of war and protecting democracy and killing terrorists. Remember the terrorists were only 19 and they were almost all Saudis and their leader Osama Bin Lauden was trained by our own CIA right here in the USA.
You can see that if the American Public were told the truth from the beginning it would have never been that war. But why not they said–because the oil they had big interests in and the war profits to be made from such war to make them even more wealthy and their own personal greed drove them to what they did–and the Journalists that exposed them, they would kill either outright or by character assassination.
If you can not win a war on other people’s soil in a small country like Afghanistan then I wonder how Biden thinks things will go against China with an army of over 2 million and a Russian army that has been challenged with a Napoleonic Army and onward and after many attempts has never been defeated. They do not invade our shores or waters now do they care to, yet our President and his war lords have the gall to attempt to intimidate them in their own waters and lands some 5 thousand miles from our homeland. Why?
We have no business going to other people’s sovereign nations and invading their lands thousands of miles from our home land. Let them come here and invade our lands then we have every right to defend just as they have proven in all those countries we have invaded that they will fight to the end.
The continued offensive Presidential stance continues with Biden group–they are not at all subtle about their motives and now they would use the US Military against the public as a police force because they know people are getting fed up with these endless false flag wars to profit the wealthy at the expense of the common citizen.
This next war endeavor may very well lead to nuclear yet these fools of Britain and the US are stupid enough to think they can just play war games by floating ships constantly around off the China shores in the China Seas and those in the Black Seas off the shores of Russia. Clinton sold all the war technology to China so they even have the Stealth Bombers now. Look to see the earth scorched with more than just wild fires in the near future if they keep pushing China and Russia.
Perhaps the young of this country will see what is going on–I think a lot do while the rest are entertained by these games and the older by Epstein drama and the pedophiles like Clinton and Prince Andrew and so many others in our high offices.
Truth and Journalists that expose the outrageous criminal acts committed by these people and their war mongering cronies may be the only hope to turn the tide so people of good character and sense can safely come forward to take the reins of a nation that is quickly becoming the Pariah of the World. Yet even so, millions of illegal immigrants are entering the country thinking this is where the hope of a sane and democratic home would be. How ill informed they may be–and as it is there is no industry beyond the war industry–perhaps Biden and his war cronies seeing the extra war fodder may well be needed.
And Obama–How or Why do you vote for these war criminals?
Among the most repugnant affronts to a free society are secret societies that includes crony systems designed for insider knowledge and facts hidden from public view. The government excuses that national security will be compromised if the public knows the facts is used so often that very little information is leaked to the public by these public servants that claim to have your basic safety as their greatest concern. Truthfully, as we see in the small amount of leaked information, their greatest concern is exposure of activity that too often either borders on criminal or is criminal action.
In order to make informed decisions and understand the motives and truth behind the political process we need facts. And the leaked facts have been ugly –so ugly that the perpetrators have taken vengeance against those revealers of the insider criminal activities.
And who are the recipients of this retribution? It is of course the Journalists foremost since they are a continual thorn in the criminal actions covered under classified information. Just about everything is classified–thousands of documents since a simple stamp of classification can make it a crime to look at not matter how insignificant the information. But classification is not the only means of protection afforded the secret crony insider “elites” or good ole boy crony organization. At Yarnell the cover up included mum orders by the Judges involved, threats of prosecution and persecution to those employees that wanted to talk, denial of FOIA information despite legal requirements to allow, black outs of pages of documents and pertinent information sent out on FOIA, and even public presentations of outright lies under the political rhetoric of disinformation, and certainly omission of facts so that the real truth of the death of the 19 GMHS crew story could never be sanctioned by the main cadre of Forest Officials–those who the Press believes and quotes and whose tainted versions were presented with honest masks.
So we see in the analysis of life that the secrecy, whether it be KKK, NAZI, Skull and Bones, Masonic, Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Politics, and the like–not so much the common low level member–but the hierarchies lies a festered group prone to deception. They believe their insider knowledge, their direct talk to God, and their grandiose opinion of themselves sets them apart so their believed profound wisdom mandates a closed loop of information kept away from public view.
The persistent truth seeker, that good Journalist that will not cow tow away his integrity, is seen as the terrible enemy–and to their false hoods and methods he/she is.
And so it is no wonder that the powerful will destroy certain of the good Journalists–as we saw in Assange and Snowden, and how a whistleblower, Hale, was given a 4 year prison sentence for his revealing of the International Crimes of indiscriminate killing of Civilians including women and children in drone attacks that were only 10% successful of killing the intended target.
The killing of the 19 GMHS crew was no small crime. It though, like the drone killings have been whitewashed into history much as the Catholic and Protestant abuse and killing of. native children were committed and minimized in Canada. This is life–the reality of it many would rather do the easy thing–do not rock the boat nor question those in the crony, elite, and political powers–just let the river flow as it will, yet can you not smell the sewage it has accumulated?
Slainte–may the good gods of the Irish bless your paths should they be blessable.
In some ways it is a good thing having both feet on an ice sheet and looking down into the eternal six foot resting spot. Who knows, one day someone may dig up my fossilized bones and say this fellow must have had a few enemies considering an ounce of these small BB’s and how his shoulder bones are in splinters and his ribs cracked. I smile at the thought–it will be good to leave a mystery to future anthropologists. I think of the ice man that was retrieved from the ice and we wonder how he got an arrow in the back after xrays showed an arrowhead stuck there. But in fact I have no enemies that I know of as that man might have had since it might have been a random killing if you look at how human nature preforms throughout history.
It has been no problem for our own leaders to murder thousands randomly–the hero journalist Julian Assange gave us information that proved the Obama warrior group were killing 90% of the people that were not even terrorists but proved to be women, children and other citizens not even members of the so called enemy that I believe were only warriors wanting our invading forces to leave their country. Aft er all, I can tell you even at my age should an invading army enter this country, I would take up arms to defend the sovereignty of our nation. So what gives us the right to invade these countries under what we now know were false pretenses?
The truth is hard to swallow for some, but even harder to stand for. Once a system gets embedded and power systems become tyrannies there is little hope to change them back to sensible and reasonable systems. Once in the crony system, if you want to continue your job and even your well being, you best not stand up for the truth. That was quite evident at Yarnell concerning the deaths of the GMHS crew of 19.
But also journalists and whistleblowers are on the black list of those to be shunned and where possible harassed, besmirched, and if the powers are strong enough even use means to persecute and prosecute with impunity. Something we see to be continuing against Assange –Biden after all was VP when Obama was doing all his share of the foreign murder incorporated.
Both profited greatly from their tenure–the war profits are immense–and we saw even the President of Kabul–a US educated crony escape with something like 140 million. We had an endless war going but the War Departments and people of clout connected were all gaining great wealth –about 2 Trillion over the 20 years there in Afghanistan. Albeit there was a cost of our young soldiers in the thousands not to mention the wounded and PTSD cases involved as an aftermath. The body count of the so called enemy was in the millions from these foreign wars–yet they are now back in control of their country just as they were in the beginning when Bush and cronies came up with a plan to incense the American Public so they would sanction war.
Clinton later had Ben Lauden in his sights several times–but his seals were told to stand down. It was not about killing Ben Lauden, it was about continuing the war and war profits. But these days, 20 years later, people and true and brave whistleblowers and journalists have exposed the criminality of it all and how the crony war system has ripped of the public taxpayer and murdered so many of our own brave men. The juggernaut and the crony system is so deeply embedded that little can be done about it from the citizen point of view. We have been sold a lie and deception.
On a smaller scale, Joy has been one of those that has incessantly needled those of the crony mentality concerning the deaths of the 19 GMHS so that she has of lately been getting flack. So many of her FOIA posting are on her web site now–and yes that is what she must expect for exposing the wrong that was done involving those deaths. A different story was mandated by those powers involved in the deaths and certainly anyone working in the FS or officialdom involved in the whitewash of the deaths dare not stand up for the truth. Some will even harass her in order to placate their bosses–how else can they continue their work and be promoted?
Life is not fair and truth does not always win the game. But it is the right way to live and be: however, it is a strong medicine for the soul and the right thing to do. Culprits will always be vengeful when exposed–their will to change is weak and their motives to remain a crony will be strong. God help their misery
Slainte Stay strong
he groundwater on Tucson’s south side has become so contaminated that Tucson Water will soon shut down the plant that’s been treating it for 27 years.
Although city officials say the plant has always delivered water that’s safe to drink, they can’t guarantee that any longer because of rising levels of chemical compounds known as PFAS in groundwater the plant is supposed to clean up.
EPA states that only 70 parts per TRILLION of PFAS are safe for drinking water. The Tucson waters are testing as high as 10,000 parts per Billion. These PFAC’s and PFAS chemicals are direct contamination runoff from fire retardants–higly concentrated in soils where fire men practice with their retardants and around air ports were these things are used in large quantities.
The plant, known as TARP, has served 60,000 customers in downtown Tucson and other parts of the city’s urban core with water that’s been treated to remove PFAS and two other contaminants, trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,4-dioxane.
This is real–and the hundreds of thousands of gallons that were dumped on Yarnell are now soaked into the soils and you can bet have found their way through ground fractures into the ground waters. You better have the town waters tested and best to have an independent agency do the work considering the deceptions so prevalent in that county.
This is the shame of the fire fighting community and those in high positions that deal with the retardant. They seem to either be ignorant or are turning a blind eye to the dangers this retardant and its chemicals are to human health and the actual contamination to the environment it is causing.
You are better off using water for slowing fires than the highly profitable retardant, yet the greed of some apparently has many looking the other way. It is damned obvious when a Tucson water supply that supplies tens of thousands people has to be shut down due to retardant chemicals invading ground waters, people ought to realize the dangers.
This crap costs the tax payer anywhere from $3 to $5 a gallon and hundreds of thousands of gallons were dropped on Yarnell–billions of gallons now being used in California and elsewhere. But the real cost is ;the ruining of safe ground water supplies not to forget the contamination of ground soils and the creation of ocean dead zones. There is a wholesale destruction of water shed environment in Florida where ground waters there are being ruined on a grand level similar to that of the Tucson debacle.
You ought to realize that these chemical companies that work with and provide the retardant chemicals hidden secret formulae are making hundreds of billions out of their deadly chemical spreading. They are not about to tell the truth or go along with studies proving their chemicals are ruining environment, water supplies, health and ocean environments. The dead zones are not only the oceans, they include people dead zones that we witnessed in Yarnell, Arizona after the two inundations of the orange and red poisons.
We do not have the lobby monies–but I can tell you we will continue to speak about the dangers. I rather watch my house burn than suffer death because I went back to inhale and ingest the chemicals dumped on my residence and about my yard. Water is available–and yes winds disperse the water much more than that retardant–but I can tell you the retardant was almost 100% ineffective at Yarnell due to winds as well but they kept unloading it anyway. Never let a profit making situation go to waste no matter how useless the dumps are–right?
Well the choice is not ours–the dumping will go on and the fiction that these retardants are safe will continue–and there will always be the honcho that says look at the benefits–you can’t expect the benefits without the costs. But I say what horrible pain to endure for those benefits.
My email to Joy this morning:: Your photos are the clincher for causing some change on the retardant–they keep dropping it on homes as you see in California–more dead people–the homes not worth the lives and damage that shit causes. Tucson water supply is ruined and especially where the firemen practice near airport tarmac where the soil is so contaminated they are having to come in and dig it up–but it is too late the ground water is already above 10,000 parts per billion where EPA says 70 parts per trillion of the PFC’s is all that is allowable for safe drinking water. They have ruined their main water supplies for drinkability and have had to shut down some wells.
I will post this email since I am not well enough to stay at the computer that long. At least the part about your photos and Tucson water. You can bet Yarnell water by now has some bad in it as well the way they dumped hundreds of thousands gallons there.
So you see some of us are very concerned about the retardant chemical contamination situation. It is not only because our health has been directly affected by the chemical but because we have seen our neighbors suffer and have their lives shortened–sometimes in the most horrific way. Also, because I have been a long time underground miner for such huge corporations as Kerr McGhee, Standard Oil of Ohio, United Nuclear, Union Carbide –I realize how little concern there is for the health and safety of the miner–their profit producers they gladly use to the bone in the efficient manner possible to produce profits–health and safety will always be secondary to profits and disregarded where possible where they get in the way of production.
The fire fighter is a great hero to the country–much like the soldier and veteran of wars–he is willing to take the chances and even lay his life down for others. He/she deserves the truth and to keep it from him/her is the ultimate travesty of justice. Especially hiding secrets of chemicals under so called trade secret laws is an injustice. Information is with held –has main stream media made a big deal out of the ruining of Tucson Water Supplies by fire retardant chemicals. That should be bigger than the Epstein story–it has to do with the health and well being of all humanity not to forget the destruction of soils, environment, and causation of ocean dead zones.
It is obvious that media, as the political idiots, do not want to shake the funds from the huge corporations involved–those that own huge chunks of their corporate media stocks and fund the expensive political campaigns. It is a deadly animal created over time that feeds upon the poison it creates.
It will take facts and the protests of many to make any changes–these corporate entities control 60% of the wealth and their top dogs care less where they live or how your health is –the corporations and their 1% elite are without conscience. The way they see it, they can always get another miner or another wild land fire fighter or fireman-woman.
Be aware and thanks Joy, for the many photos you do to document events and help change things for the better. Those thanks to others documenting facts and exposing tragic circumstances hidden that need to be brought to light. That information helps others and saves health, environment and lives.
Slaiente (Health)
I received an email from one of the elder and wise wild land fire fighters whom has not only been on the lines of danger more than most but has for years managed crews and kept them safe and alive. His record was such that he also now has moved from manager of crews to that of safety training. I am certain he informed me about the way government–especially Biden and others are now forcing people to take the vaccine or loose their jobs. Will this removal of freedom of choice end and can we expect escalation?
Karl Brant and 6 other doctors were hung at Landsberg Prison on 2 June 1948.[ The reason being they were part of the “Doctors Trial” of the Nuremberg hearings concerning NAZI experiments on humans. They were guilty of participation in, Freezing, Malaria, LOST Gas, Sulfanilamide, Bone, Muscle and Nerve Regeneration and Bone Transplantation, Sea-Water, Epidemic Jaundice, Sterilization, and Typhus Experiments,
Because of their forced experiments the Nuremberg code concerning the use of humans in medical experiments was put forth with ten rules. The very first rule begins:. “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”..
Moreover information from Wikipedia informs us that: “Title 45 Part 46,[16][17] which are the regulations issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services for the ethical treatment of human subjects, and are used in Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). In 1966, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was adopted by the United Nations, and supposed to be in force by 23 March 1976. Article seven prohibits experiments conducted without the “free consent to medical or scientific experimentation” of the subject.[14] The Covenant has 173 states parties as of September 2019. ”
In other words experiments forced on humans without consent is prohibited by US and International law. These vaccines are experiments of a high order much as the dumping of unknown chemicals included with retardant was and is on residents and residential areas. You have no prior knowledge of how the vaccines will eventually react in the body no more than Yarnell residents knew about how those chemicals would react badly on their health. However, the general consensus is that the vaccines are working and good. The same concensus is on the retardant used in residentual areas. The latter proved to be wrong–Vaccines still have yet the time to be proven–they are still experiments in the experimental stages. There are unknowns as to the effects that may eventually evolve.
It is truly a crime to force people to take experimental vaccines or be subjected to chemical inundations of their property without consent. Certainly if you feel good and believe that the information bears out that you should be vaccinated then go too it. You might find that as they have, the first dose was not enough. So you can go get the second, and now there is a need for a third I understand. Or you can do as I do–and I am the one that may well die because I am in the highest possible risk category. I refuse to take the thing because of my own compromised health–even a vaccine could kill me–and if I do get Covid and die be assured there will be a big article man who excaped death by dog shooting and 6 heart attacks is now dead due to Covid–the fool refused the Covid Vaccine. Bill Gates will smile because it will scare more into the shot. Well if I did take the shot and bit the dust–you can bet it won’t be news.
But the major point here is that if you allow the government, Biden or any other fool to break the law by taking away your right to refuse medical experiments or any other experiment on you then that right will never be returned and what is the next thing the swat team will show up to force you to take? If you look at the experiment the Nazi’s were doing–they excused them in the name of science and the benefit of the human race–albeit the ARYAN generally. It is indeed criminal to enforce any medical experiment that an individual does not want to participate in.
Undoubtedly be careful and make your consent by informed decision related to your personal situation.
No doubt the world is in turmoil–The whole of the nation of Haiti would like to take advantage of the Obama-Biden open border policy. So would most of the South American nations that continue to send hoards north to America–the land of the free and open borders policy. Take advantage of it before Trump returns to office–likely because people here are not happy sharing the country with foreigners. Oddly you do not see any trying to get to Russia or China.
The Democrats thought it would be a way to get more votes–minorities that really now are mislabeled since they are now the majority but without the power. More minorities–will that guarantee control by the Democrats? And are you any better off with the Republicans?–both sides bicker at each other, yet essentially they are a one party system with a good public display while managed by the corporate elites.
I dare say perhaps the open border and millions of more bodies might be in order–China is beginning to suffer economically–the world is in turmoil and ripe for a global economic depression–likely like that of Haiti. The Presidents, Oligarchs, and Dictators have to deal with the turmoil–one way they know to stay in power is to get a war going. That is something Biden and Austin with the Brits have been hard working at by their incessant poking at China and Russia. Chinese dictators with their problems might just oblige–after all they have the gun fodder. A lland war when things are going bad among the masses is always a great opportunity–not only to consolidate power but in the minds of many a good way to reduce populations.
The influx of millions into America might though to be a good idea but Biden ought to wait until he gets the war going. A war with China is not going to be the same as a war with Iraq or Afghanistan–This time America will need millions of bodies and not a few hundred thousand such as we lost in those two ongoing wars. If you look at the history of China they are willing to feed the war killing machine with hoards–much as we saw in Viet Nam.
Perhaps China will opt to a ground war since they have the bodies to sacrifice while America does not. And Europe–especially France and Germany are not ready to play the war games with the Biden and Royals of England groups. It is always a toss up concerning nuclear outcomes with a senile person in the Presidency that is taking orders from the War industries including the Lloyd Austin associate war industrial giants. Buckle up–war will come, just a matter of when and how bad.
Now the big deal being made by the Texas horsemen whipping back Haitians. They need not do that–just put out loud speakers playing Bach or Vivaldi and you will see them flee back to Mexico -. It is a method some use in areas of high crime where people of low status would congregate around a business. It works quite well–on the other hand if you want to attract them play some rap or boogaloo types that they would love in that culture. On the other hand it is likely to drive the Boder Agents away too.
Whew–I am glad to be 3 miles from the next residence–you never know who is going to show up in cookie cutter ville. Hopefully only a cookie cutter cowboy with his cookie cutter wife and cookie cutter pickem up truck.
Life is interesting–you good wild land fire fighters can look to be fighting more that fires once they settle down.
Boy Scout motto–“Be Prepared”.
“Goid afternoon Sonny, the Federal wildland agencies WFs have been mandated to get the Zombie Apocalypse virus vaccine by Nov. 26th or be terminated! Talking about fire camps, staffing Divisions, shifts, and everything else based on vacs or non-vacs. WTF?”
I did receive this email from a fire fighter that I will not identify because I am so certain that many of the wild land and other fire fighter feel the same way about forced vaccinations. It makes me feel like the GMHS crew were under the same pressures to drop off in the canyon of no return.
There are some things that a free society should maintain–one is to judge whether you want to be vaccinated or not. My son is an RN–he took the vaccination. My daughter also accepted it and my other son now down and weak from chemo therapy with cancer advanced though out his body also took the vaccine. That was their choice but this old guy who is at high risk due to age and immune response depleted has opted out. I can do that for now but I would not be surprised if a swat team some where in the future would hunt down people of independent thought and force the vaccine into their body. That is essentially what the government is doing to the wild land fire fighter and others in their employ.
I should say I applaud you if you take the vaccine–I also applaud you if you do not. This is supposed to still be the land of the free and brave. Certainly I may be foolish for not taking it–I just got a call from the VA offering the vaccine.
Something that bothers me is that there are many that took the vaccine that are coming down with another variant –the vaccine did not work–they need a second shot and now the Pharma companies are saying even a third is needed. Oddly this virus is a variant of the SARS disease–a gain of function idea for a war virus sanctioned by our own lie though the teeth Fauchi. He was given 36 billion by Gates to manage and during the time Bill Gates was working with Epstein to save battered young women on their Lolita express, Bill was checking out his success at promoting the vaccine–Fauchi being a major promoter of such.
Now oddly the CEO of Pfizer refused the vaccine himself–he would not give a reason and at his age and as a show of good faith I would have believed he would be first in line. I would take the damn thing possibly if I knew I could sue Pfizer or Moderna if I got sick but the same government enforcing this as a law that Bill Gates and his Pharmaceutical Giants are exempt from any liability.
So yes I have my reasons for not wanting to take the vaccine–I have seen the chemicals needed to create an immune response and you know some are trade secrets much like the retardant. I suspect a shot in the arm of dilute retardant solution might give me that immune response as well. But instead I am ordering some more tumeric with a bit of garlic to keep the infected at bay with a few other vitamins. My formula though is like the vaccine–I have to take fairly regular doses to keep things in order. So maybe a three or four shot in the arm of monkey puss and aluminum and mercury compounds spiked with a bit of deadened corona virus is a better alternative for some–at least it was for Biden and he did not drop dead. It would not surprise me if he got instead a placebo–sugar water with I hope some ginko biloba–melatonin would add to his sleepiness.
How far will it go. On his death bed right after writing 1984 George Orwell warned that government would eventually turn to a group of tyrants and least people throttle them expect a jack boot stomping your face. He foresaw the eventual reduction of the masses to noting more than a group so mind controlled they will opt to worship and obey without question the authority of the Beast. He was right–and power given away to the Beast will not be returned when the Beast has the army and the police to jack book the protestor,
Follow the Oligarchs, their politicos, their media and methods–those money grubbers and power mongers–they believe they know best for you–as if you were not an American who relishes his right to freedom of choice–something more than a few on foreign and domestic fronts have died so to make sure all of America had that choice.
The odds of WW3 involving the harassment of China are now above 50%. When 56 war planes with some nuclear armed invading Taiwan we should understand the China means business. But add to that a complete armada of war ships including air craft carriers you have to understand the fools that run this government. Perhaps we can–considering that we have a Commander in Chief obviously mentally challenged and add to that Generals and others throwing him under the bus as well–then we have to understand our odds are much like the GMHS doing the death canyon exercise.
I had the military budget was half a Trillion but it is closer to 3/4 Trillion for this year alone. Rumsfeld of the gang of war mongers and war criminals said 2 1/2 Trillion were unaccounted for when he was hanging around as Secretary of Defense under the Bush clan. He should have known since he had served as Secretary of defense as far back as Gerald Ford’s tenure. So the war funds are so bloated that they must be used.
And of course the economy is about to go bonkers. One sure method to remedy a bad economy is to put a big part of the unemployed and worker young into military conscription and the rest of the nation back to work from unemployment to making military uniforms and war equipment. You can bet that will happen but the war mongers will have to devise some sort of false flag to incense the public against China. However, they may not even need a false flag in the case of China since they have provoked the China group to the point China is on edge to demonstrate its determination to drive the oppressors from its waters and territories.
Oddly there is a lot of UFO activity now–I see it here but just as there was so much UFO activity around the time of the Atomic Bomb events–the Roswell crash was June 14,1947 and that was a time that the US was going hog wild on nuclear testing–and Roswell itself was where the air craft armed with nukes were stationed.
Here I have seen and even photographed UFO activity and witnessed one cow mutilation–you do not cut the face off a grown 900-1000 pound cow and leave it with its legs folded underneath sitting as if it were in the process of kneeling to lie down–yet never completed the process to lie on its side. Then I am one of the unfortunate ones to have had an upclose and personal encounter with these beings although some of that is totally erased from my mind.
I suspect they look at us as some kind of primitive animal although it is witnessed that there are many different species involved in visiting this planet. That makes sense and some are certainly demonic.
When hauling wood and having a second hand store on the side with a second marriage–the cop at Tularosa, NM and I became friends. Somehow the alien thing came up –well he eventually brought a police report around–on the White Sands Military ground two soldiers on a desert security run a soldier had watched his sergeant approach a UFO–some sort of arm had extended from the craft and somehow had dismembered the Sergent. The private had escaped but all they had was his report and no evidence could be found. One eyed Bob–that cop was quite serious and maybe concerned since I was out in the area cutting wood at the time.
So you can believe what you would like–but there is just too much evidence and too many credible witnesses to everything from sightings to abductions and tens of thousands of world wide cattle mutilations–not to mention unexplained crop circles that have even been photographed in action in the UK.
Would these aliens stop a nuclear holocaust? Highly doubtful since they only observed the wipe out of two entire cities in Japan. I think they have the technology as we do to knock out a lion or and elephant to examine or treat them. We may well be animal experiments to these beings and seemingly the greys are the mechanical or else lower caste workers for the higher intelligentsia.
At any rate, the diversions are real at this point–the war people don’t want the public to know their proclivities and activities –and if it were known we have little power to control the idiots with the war horns. Yet get the iodine pills for the kids.
Rights to choose whether you want the vaccine or not taken away by the Biden group.
There are at least 5 variants of the Covid disease–Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Mu. So you do need 5 shots to cover them all–well booster shots that in effect will cover you for the ones that Alpha did not work for. People are finding themselves getting Covid even after having a shot. A shot is not good enough. We may get to Omega–there are after all 24 letters in the Greek Alphabet and for the common flu it would cover them all if Greek letters had been used to identify the variants. For flu–the shot covers about four variants that are most likely to hit you–but if one of the 21 other variants show up then you get sick regardless of your the flu shot. So like the flu, keep your fingers crossed since we see already that the Covid Shot is not a guarantee you will not get Covid.
I erred on Mark my son the RN–he did not get the shot–he had gotten Covid so said he will not take it and fortunately he does not now work at a hospital where it is required. His wife and son, both nurses were required to take the shot or loose their job. Mark says I had the covid symptoms when I went in to the hospital due to lack of breath but I checked myself out and put myself on oxygen at home–one of those type you can carry with a battery or use at home with 110v. I used the thing for about a week and gradually began to breath again without it. Even if i did not, I personally would refuse the vaccine just as the CEO of Pfizer did. I wonder why the CEO would be refusing his own vaccine–well maybe I don’t.
But I would be the last one to tell you to loose your job just because you refused the vaccine–nor would I advise anyone to not take it if they want it. Who knows, monkey pus, live depleted covid introduced to the body with a mix of aluminum, mercury and other ingredients secret so Bill Gates can make big profits might just work fine–they say it does except in a few cases of death and later bad side effects where former athletic types are reduced to not being able to climb a stairway. As the doctor said–in order to enjoy the benefits you have to suffer to some degree or another.
Well I did order 3000mg tumeric and ginger mix pills–so I am popping pills now. Tumeric is great to keep down inflamation and boost the immune system but you ought to add sunshine and some walks or other exercises and some greens of course.
But keep in mind that Dr. Leroy Anderson kept his vitimen and health regimen to a science yet he could not overdcome the effects of the retardant that had covered his yard and home during the Yarnell wild fires. I suspect though he would have never caught Covid and so far I have not heard of anyone in Yarnell that did get Covid. Well those that are still alive–and that is 2/3 of the population after the Fires. So there, you might have another alternative to the Covid vaccine, although it too has its side effects and appears to kill more than the Covid vaccine has. However, we still do not have the long term effects of covid vaccine since it has never been tested. Well in ten years we should know such as in the past 8 years we have learned much about effects of the poisonous retardant formula.
Some of you did know Simon–the English guy that had a small restaurant in Congress–Excellent food–probably the best cuisine in that part of Arizona where folks would come from miles around to eat. At times you had to wait at the front door until someone finished their meal before you could get a seat. He was wise and kept Guinness and bragged that even Sean Penn had eaten there. I translated that to Sinn Fein to his dislike but in good humor.
Congress was laden with the toxic smoke from the two fires–in fact it was where people were having to use head lights to get through safely during the fires–we actually were bumper to bumper depending only on barely visible tail lights ahead of us coming down the mountain from Yarnell to Congress. That part of Highway 89 is 9 mile distant because of the steep winding road, but as the crow flies you could half that to about 4 miles since Congress lies right at the base of the Weaver Range–so you see also how it could have been possible for that fire to reach Congress had the West side of the Weavers not been devoid of vegetation. The west side the Weavers are desert vs. the east side where the canyons and lowlands are dense in manzanita, cat claw, grasses, cactus and the like. The West side even appears overgrazed and bald–a safe area of retreat from the East side should a fire start in that dense manzanita. Helicopters would have seen that and relayed that information to the GMHS crew since they were constantly hovering during the fire. Surely the wild fire crews are informed of possible safe zones–although we wonder if anyone was bright enough during the Yarnell killing of the GMHS crew. I had known it from hiking the area–the very reason I went west from where they went east to drop off into the canyon trap loaded with manzanita. If you drive up from Congress you would understand that decision–a no brainer considering what Joy’s photos revealed during the Yarnell Wild Fire and what is already grown back to a good degree.
But the point is that the people of Congress were getting good doses of the retardant smoke. To add to that Congress has had a couple wild fires in grass near the small town that of course needed plenty of retardant. So looking at the death rate there you will find it did not get the heavy kill off as Yarnell did where the kill ration to national average death rates had 6-7 times what it should have been. However the kill reatio of Congres went up beyond 2 and I would estimate almost quadrupled the national average since the wild fires of Yarnell and their own since then that were closer to town. Simon was a healthy individual now dead–but Joy listed 9 dead on one block area in just a few weeks. Congress is small like Yarnell with a population of a bit over 1500. Cancer, would have been an issue there all along as well since there are huge mine tailings dumps loaded with cyanide residues a couple miles north of town. That fine dust mixed with the retardant makes a toxic combination that is certain to play havoc with health–even worse than low dose radiation.
There is always a problem exposing these things–the city Dads always want to keep this kind of information low key–it is not conducive to the real estate values and interest in log visits to such an area. People always look to economic incentives and with a cyanide dump uphill from you–that might not encourage the environmentally concerned–and if you add the truth about retardant to be understood–one might just look for safer areas to reside.
Certain–if Yarnell and its death rate tell us anything–it would be avoid retardant and retardant smoke–the carcinogens are multiplied and add to that the whole blood chemistry is changed so that arteries become plugged and heart and lung issues greatly increase.
These are my own observations–the retardant companies, EPA, and other government agencies are loathe to do investigations into these facts of death. The wold wide multi billion dollar chemical retardant industry rakes in profits and part of doing business is to feed the Congress men with trained lobbyists with silver tongues and plenty of perks to feather nests. Add to that industry business expenses of large contributions get their congressmen-women in office and you have a system of bribery only challenged by third world countries. The only difference say in Mexican lingo it is called Mordida–“bite”. And if you expect something done there business wise expect to give an expected “bite” to the government officials that can make your project possible or alternatively quell it. The only difference is that at least they are more honest and outright with their bribery methods–ours is hidden under a polite term–donations to our political choice. Shit-describe it honestly–outright bribery to do devious things.
Science of the Covid diseasee–Statistics show that at least a third of the American Population has already contracted Covid 19. The question is should those people be vaccinated and if so would that increase their immune response. Dr. Campbell–long time physician on You Tube gives a good revelation of CDC conclusions and their statistics. They want you to take the vaccine even if you have had the disease. Yet their studies show that 95% of those that had suffered the disease after 6-8 months show a strong immunity to Covid. They want you to believe that adding a covid shot to your strong immunity is a good idea–something a senile President agrees with–he has little time or thought to look up the statistics himself or else he likes the idea that Big Pharma will reap Big Profits. It behooves you, if you have had the Covid disease to do a bit of research as to whether you want to reinfect yourself with a shot or go along with the CDC and be among the 95% still strong immunity crowd. The natural immunity is still good for most at 6 months while we see those that took the vaccine are sometimes still getting the new variants. Well, do your research–these are DR. Campbell’s professional analysis–Dr. Fauchi working for Bill Gates and Big Pharma begs to disagree– therefore CDC despite the evidence says take that shot or the President will have your job taken away.
I –being a dead man and already a victim of covid do refuse the shot–I will depend upon my natural immunity–I would say make up you own opinion and if you have strong immunity you likely will be OK to take the shot, albeit there is no telling what might happen in the future. The point is–freedom of choice overrides the so called science to save humanity and increase the profits of Pharma.
However if you do not have natural immunity–and you believe that shot will help you achieve it–I think it might but future ramifications? then by all means get the injection, wear a double mask and isolate hell out of yourself. It might just save your life given you do not die in a car accident or a meteorite hits you in the head or you breathe retardant dust.
Give me Liberty or Give me Death–many died to protect those freedoms being eroded by the dim wits.
Most of us do not know how much we depend upon the truthsayers and whistleblowers to inform us. Our government since 911 has deteriorated to a point that in order to be an official there or politician you must know how to professionally live and operate in a world of deception–become a professional liar.
On Wednesday Julian Assange will hear the appeal he will have to dispute thanks to Donald Trump whom a few days before leaving office made sure the appeal to bring Assange to the US was continued. This even when the only witness the CIA had against Assange was a liar kid who has now admitted he made up the story the CIA was so happy to arrange and publish. Obama was the great persecutor, followed by Trump and his fellow operative Pompeo.
Why has everything become so convoluted where democracy no longer represents the people. When Kings became so corrupt the people would bring them to the guillotine. But you there are not enough guillotines to handle the crimes against our people now.
Assange is a great hero and in time his Journalism will prove that. He has exposed the criminals that have besmirched the people’s honor they claimed to represent. Yet these criminals he has exposed –along with the other Journalists and whilstlblower–have been falsely made out to be the criminals by those criminals they have exposed. Yet even his own government of Australia and its UK Motherland are afraid to stand up to the American Criminal Military and Political Imperialists.
We as American Citizens deserve better. The media we have are cowards or else they are nothing more than associatesth of the crimes they are unwilling to expose. They damn sure are cowards to stand up for an honest journalist who has been murdered over time by his imprisonment and by our own so called elite political giants. Trump had no problem to pardon some real criminals–but he like Biden are keen to persecute and attempt to prosecute a man who revealed the war crimes that were being hidden from the public in Iraq and Afghanistan–twenty year blights and murders by the thousands–something any decent American would abhor and prevent had they known the truth. There are plenty of elite and ballyhooed political and military elite that need to be held accountable.
Without an honest political and governmental system we have no democracy–it is a tyrannical system that can only be corrected by the exposure of its crimes. Shame on the gutless media that claims to be Journalist and news worthy.
Understand I intended to label main media as a pack of liars and cowards–in that form of omission but also commission. These politician we keep seeing in our highest offices are nothing but puppets belonging to a group of elite military and industrial giants. They no more represent the interests of the public they claim to represent than the donkey or elephant they use as symbols would be. Their masters are the ones that pay their way into office, offer them jobs in their industries, make them wealthy and pay their way and perks. They look after themselves and have their offices by use of double speak and false promises. They are professionals at public manipulation and the system they represent is not the public that is put to false wars and rewards the industrial polluters.
When I was a kid in grade school–a Frenchman was asked what made America Great. He said America is Great because it is honest. I wonder what that Frenchman would say if he visited America these days.
One thing we forget –yes covid has killed thousands–but how many has the tyrannical government killed by shutting down whole countries and their economies putting thousands of small businesses into bankruptcy and despair and putting hoards of people on the streets as homeless and in deep depression? The covid would be about the same in its killing without the economic shutdowns but with the shutdowns it is about double in its effect on human life.
There was more to this purposeful world wide devastating economic shut down than the excuse of protecting against covid. Why the reset so well arranged by the global powers?-Grandma doesn’t grab her shotgun unless she has a reason but she is obvious in her motives–our secret political and military systems prefer their dark motives and actions be hidden from public view.
It is amazing how much time and money spent involving the murder of that poor girl Gabby and the murderer Brian–he pulled an Eric Marsh and from the beginning you had to know early on that was the case.
Certainly bad news makes the grade and in this case you have people picketing the home of the Laundries.
Yet of the greatest significance now to the planet is the war mongering going on in the China Seas to which our country is the instigator. This situation may well result in our dim wits in power to be the cause of WW111. Little is being told the American People of this dire threat to humanity–yet we are greatly intrigued by the choke to death murder of Gabby–a tragedy to be sure but at the same time a diversion from a situation that is gambling the life of the entire planet. Even if there is a chance in 100 that China, Russia, North Korea, the UK and the US do go to nuclear war over the China Seas and the tiny island of Taiwan–is it worth that risk? I should hope not when the planet and all live are in the balance.
It tells me of what Frued called Thanatos –the death drive of humans. But he could have added that our leaders are followers of Ares, the bloodthirsty god of war. Where among them are the diplomats, the statesmen and those that would negotiate peace? In all those candidates there was only one that stressed the truth–the lady Senator from Hawaii whom the hateful Hillary attacked with a vengeance. That Senator had attempted a run at the Presidency but was rejected by all because she wanted to stop the war mongering, the ignorance of attempting to continually manipulate other sovereign nations and now even trespass the sovereign boundaries to act the bully. Tulsie Gabbart will be my next write in–I am sick of the liars–it is time to get an honest person in office despite the problem that she would face a truck load of garbage to fight her way through–something only superhuman effort could clean up.
I am presently getting a count of 20 PM on the geiger counter. for a background check of the environment for radiation. As a kid I remember 10 was about average in a similar area–so I will see if this is gamma radiation for the area–new geiger counter that I wanted to check a meteorite with–so I will have to study the thing out a bit.
I see that EPA did move the maximum safe level of the Flourocarbons PFOA’s to ONE in a Trillion–not the previous 17 parts in a Trillion they had set. That is because they know how easily these particular chemicals cause cancer–have ruined the water supplies of 65,000 residents of Tucson with as much as 10,000 parts per billion (not trillion) and shut down several Tucson wells thanks to Firemen practicing with their retardants on air field tarmac and other usage around Tucson. Where are these Flourocarbons? Well 98%of us have accumulated some in our bodies and they continue to accumulate and in extreme doses if you play around fire retardant, smell burning plastic, or too much of the new car smell, sleep under fireproofed blankets and walk on stain resistant carpet. They have ruined much of the Michigan waters as far as safety goes–the teflon making factories have done their nasty work doing that. Aren’t our eminent scientists that work at these factories for these industries aware and informing us? Not when their pay checks and grants depend upon the industry funds that are financing these people and their Universities. How many wild land fire fighters stood up and told the truth about the killing of the 19 GMHS at Yarnell with their jobs on the line?
If the murder of Assange and persecution of Snowden, are the example of what you can expect if you expose the criminals in high places. No wonder people fear to speak the truth.
And maybe I do not wish Tulsi to become President–it would after all endanger her life among the garbage dump –kind of like the Kennedy’s who wanted to stop the war and do good things for the people of this country.
Oh I did forget–your retardants are heavily laden with Flourocarbons—nice to put them under trade secret ingredients–they are found to also cause high cholesterol and sticky platelets that pinch off the blood flow to various organs (cancer hates oxygen and is anaerobic and is a secondary effect if your heart attack comes first.
Of course Trump was not aware when he celebrated the opening of the plastic polluting plant on the river–what is he aware of concerning the environment with 15 operating golf courses? Biden is no different promising the coal miners that the coal mines will continue.
The Decade of the Lizards cinema.
It is a complete disgrace to humanity the way the English are treating Julian Assange in their Kangaroo Court System. This man is a hero in all sense of the word and not only good for saving thousands of lives by exposing the Afghanistan-Iraq murders and truncating those wars but a saving grace to the planet as well.
It takes people like Assange who are willing to expose the criminals and inform the American people how we were duped into these wars and how suspicious we ought to be right now with the duping of Americans into demonizing China and Russian into a possible nuclear ordeal that could end all life on the planet. We needed to have the exposure of these war criminals that includes Presidents as part of the scams to keep the war industrialists in high profits and themselves into extreme wealth on taxpayer monies.
This is the shame of the English and the Australians that will not even back this great Journalist. It is the crime of the century akin to the killing of the 19 in magnitude since it involves the lives of not only the Journalist Assange but of all humanity. And you have a President unwilling to admit to these crimes and now an accessory to them–truly an admission of fear of people that expose criminals in office feeding the people lies while bleeding the tax payer dry.
Freud and any good minded citizen has to wonder at the corruption and how deep it has gone to even the highest offices where nothing but honesty and honor ought to stand. Rot will never hold good but it infects the structure until it is removed and repairs made.
I would protest these rotten leaders of lies. Julian Assange deserves the Nobel Prize for Journalism and so many Judges, politicians and rotten types that play government people and war industry profits deserve to be exposed and removed from their offices. They are rotten to the core.
As I see it. America is good if we are good
The ongoing vehement persecution and murder of the Journalist Julian Assange: Why?
You see, the two trillion spent on the 20year futile war in Afghanistan was profits to the war industries via tax payer monies. Once exposed by Assange, the war criminals–all profiteers off the duped tax payer are now persecuting the Journalism that would dare expose their crimes. These criminals are at the highest levels and control even the so called Justices. Their future profits at war criminal actions are at stake when they become see for what they truly do in secret nefarious ways.
Can you imagine how much those Two Trillions and 20 years would have done to defend the country at home, build a wonderful infrastructure, create clean energy, reduce homelessness to almost none, and take care of home issues where few protests would be evident? Home security certainly has been neglected and it too is in shambles.
Assange is persecuted by the UK and even his Australian birthright. They too depend upon the false wars and are now going along with the Trump and Biden campaign to intensify the war efforts by continual harassment of China and Russia thousands of miles from our shores. It is called make America Great Again effort–yes more war effort supported by American tax dollars. The public has been fleeced and put on the streets as homeless with poor health care and the invitation of thousands into our country by the Biden Group.
The war industrialists and their minion politicians in high places are trying to clean up their crimes by making a truth Journalist a criminal for exposing them. Their profits for future war crimes and a continued effort to demonize and make huge profits at a new cold war are at stake. They do have power but the people the have neglected and put on lock down and into economic depression are not happy. Some are even seeing the Journalist that is by good conscience willing to challenge these criminals truly a hero and not the villain they would like him to be.
Yea, the true culprits–all Saudi’s were the lame excuse to take on Afghanistan and Iraq while the Bush Clan, Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger and Presidents including Clintons, Obama, Trump and now Biden among the worst of them that all fell in line with the war crimes are all touted as heroes. The liars and war criminals of the basest kind now exposed by a true hero and journalist Assange.
The war industrialst profits and those of their paid minions–the politicos they own and the so called main media–have been exposed so their future war profits are at risk. Free and true Journalist efforts are likely never to return–democracy is not in the hands of Oligarchic World Industrial Powers –enjoy the smiles of the Queen and her Prince Andrew. They know.
Democracy is not to be found in the hands of the war criminals it is though already there. We have lost five wars while these world war industrial criminals and politicians have all gotten wealthy from their war profits.
After falsely creating and then loosing five wars why would Biden, and Lloyd Austin, both minions of the war industry want to start up a new war with China and Russia? It is not about winning–it is about war profits at tax payer expense.
They have killed the messenger and revealer of their ill deeds and obvious there is no change but no wonder for the protests. But they can not hide the motivations and truth of how their actions have cause the murder of millions and destruction of whole nations–all by pretense and profit–yet can the psychopaths sleep well with no conscience? I dare say there will be small peace for them even if they do.
So you know–If you live another 5 years then you will get the Covid of one variety or another whether you are vaccinated or not. If you are under 50 your chances of going to the hospital are .01% if vaccinated, and if un vaccinated your chances are .89%. That is less than one percent either way. So if you are over 50 or are in compromised health or obese, etc. then you probably should take the vaccine.
These are big Pharma statistics that they do not publish–everyone is making big bucks with promoting the vaccine–but if you are in good health it is well known that if you already have contacted Covid then your natural immunity is better than the vaccine–but Fauchi and Bill Gates would want you to take the shot anyway-despite the Pfizer CEO opting out. And of course they have extended it to kids who almost never are ill beyond flu type symptoms if that–yet they develop natural immunity without the shot.
And if you are a working stiff American you won’t be able to afford checking with your doctor to see if you really need the vaccine.
I had the covid, did go to the hospital thinking it was the ruined lung the reason I could not breathe–it was covid instead–I have greatly improved over time now with a good regimen of vitamins, and teas and good coffee. Tumeric is a great inflamation reducer–include tomatoes cooked best, and vitamin E–all top workers against the covid type problems. A terrible diet of sugar and Micky Dee’s will eventually put you in the grave if too much Pharma doesn’t do it first.
The fear factor to sell Pharma works great to make them rich. Meantime, with the idiots running the War Machine working overtime to cause WW111, it might be wise to get your nuclear bunker cleaned up and maybe the iodine tablets will work against the covid problem.
Jimmy Dore, commedian and political commentator took the shot and has been sick since April–especially after the second shot. He takes some prescribed drug to help with his headaches and sick feeling. The California govenor that mandated vaccines for workers in government and hospitals took the shot and has been incognito for more than ten days now. Whats with that?
So don’t worry–you will get Covid like it or not–but then some won’t even have much reaction–some quite a bit like the flu and then those with bad health or compromised immune systems can expect to visit the hospital==that is less than one out of a hundred unless you are elderly and have bad health–then kiss your ass good bye unless maybe that you had decent health and the shot helps you survive.
The statistics are from the Pharma industry scientists–the main thing they want you to know is that you have less chance to be hospitalized if you get the shot–but I hope they are not like Monsanto that always like to fudge their scientific reports.
–America is great and even when we get nuked most of us will stand up and fight for our right to free.
It is a wonder at the pettiness of some people viewing the Helm’s s and Yavapai work at charging Joy Collura with trespassing. As an agent of the owner of the land the Helm group must past through Joy had been posting no trespass signs and apparently she got a few feet over onto the Helms 40 acre property.
You would think that instead of involving the Sheriff and courts that neighbors could discuss and settle such a matter since as soon as the mistake was found the signs were removed. But it is a big matter against Joy since she has been a thorn in their asses by challenging the narrative about the GMHS deaths. And I would suggest that should she be brought before the crony system there it will be a re run of the Amanda Marsh incident. You can not win in a crony system unless you are able to get out of that area. My opinion is that the justice there will be just as it is–the players can lie, deny and redact and never be questioned–but those rebuttals to their narratives will suffer the consequences. Good luck Joy but I am of the opine that luck does not matter in that area concerning the deaths of GMHS crew you have so diligently worked to expose the truth. A good thing you don’t drive or your ticket count would be high by now.
And here is some news from Dr. Campbell–UK doctor of good repute and many years experience (25+). He shows that Gibralter has administered 94000 doses of covid vaccine–mostly the Pfizer concoction. The population there is 34,000 so that means enough has been given to vaccinate 140% of the population–so second and even third doses must have been done. Also masks and distancing, etc are mandated. After the vaccines the number of cases subsided for a few months but now are again on the rise and quite alarmingly. However the deaths are down due to the new cases–I suppose all the weak immune system and other compromised people were killed off in the first round of Covid 19.
Dr. Campbell reports that it appears that the alternative vaccine followed by the Pfizer shot for the second round seems to work best.
He does mention that the 4 main Covid virus that colds are when contracted end up giving you immunity for about 11 months. But since Dr. Fauchi and the Chinese funded the gain of function vaccine called Covid 19 the world can expect about 2.2 million more deaths in European countries this coming winter–despite the relatively high vaccination populations. Dr. Campbell has high hopes for the UK–his homeland.
Ireland has a high increase in new covid cases despite the high vaccination count as well. But at least there will be a lower count of deaths–I think because those compromised in health have mostly been killed off. Well thanks Mr. Fauchi–and you never got more than chastisement for your lies and for promoting gain of function Covid 19. I suspect you never will with Bill Gates behind you and somehow your smooth method of covering up the truth.
Canada is adding 5-11 year olds to the vaccine–all we miss now is the pregnant mothers and the infant class–likely that will come in a while since there are plenty profits to be made administering these wonder drugs–you do wonder what they will end up doing or after the Gibralter, Irish and other situations that show some disappointing results.
My opinions–you are still allowed to do your own research and listen to the experts –some not on the Pfizer and Big Pharma payrolls or the WHO and CDC who reap great contributions from Big Pharma. Pfizer even does the testing for the CDC free–ain’t that great the kind hearts of America.
The sad state of American hypocrisy and the elimination of democracy by those that claim to be vanguards of truth and freedom. Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State had before worked as a reporter for the New York Times had made his statement about assuring the protection of the Journalists while he has no statement of the persecution of Julian Assange. The world war criminals exposed go free as the Journalist that exposed their crimes is persecuted.
But then we live in a society where the money people of immense wealth pay own the politicians. Blinken like the rest have sold their soles to the Devil–they know the truth but foster the lie. Had this man any guts and honor he would be dropping all charges against Assange and pursuing the war criminals–yet the criminals are in high offices and untouchable under this convoluted system of justice. Blinken of Jewish descent does no justice for the honor of his tribe.
But what can will you expect from a British Justice System so willing to go along with the persecution of one of its own circless–an Australian who hails the British Crown. Prince Andrew goes amuk while his subjects who expose such criminals will always be damned.
Trump was correct in his claim to want to drain the swamp but sadly they all smell of swamp–even he could have released Assange yet looked at pleasing the cronies he claimed he would depose.
But there are new war criminals on the horizon–Biden is administering the War Agenda for the War Industries–lives do no matter to these people when they are not among their elite cronies.
Still life must go on with us and despite those willing to support the injustices there are many who do not. Let us be counted among those that believe strongly in the First Amendment and true protection of the Journalist and not the Criminals these breve folk expose. Shame on Biden, Trump and this Blinken fellow that boasts the protection of Journalism without a mention of Julian Assange, a true persecuted hero for Journalistic truth and honor.
Of great concern is the case of Julian Assange and the assault on freedom of the press. Listening to the main media you would think Assange guilty of treason. He is accused by the main press of endangering the military man in uniform. In fact that is an outright lie perpetrated by the main press and the Clinton lovers. The Pentagon itself said that was hysteria. In fact Julian made every effort and worked with the New York Times to be certain no individual life would be threatened. (Well the criminals exposed had their reputations besmirched by their criminal actions).
Yes Assange did attempt to conceal Chelsea Manning’s identity–a duty of any Journalist to protect his/her sources. Chelsea doing time is another hero for revealing crimes–she is doing time. It should be common sense that anyone in government or military that reveals criminal action should be held up for awards. It is the duty of a government worker, citizen or any person who becomes aware of criminal activity to report it. But when you have crooks in high office, even the Presidency you see how they deal with whistleblowers–yet the main press plays along with the lie to please these criminals.
Certainly this country needs a great house cleaning. Our main press points the finger at China, Turkey and other non-democratic countries for censoring the press–and yet we have the worst example possible with Assange having destroyed his life because he revealed the crimes of culprits in high offices. Hillary and her stolen millions, Biden and Obama and all the thieves who work in the dark and want to keep it that way. You see that even Trump turn his head away when Tucker Carlson of Fox News pushed for Assange’s pardon–yet Trump likely owes his election to Wikileaks. But all these dishonest politicians fear the truth and the exposure of their chicanery.
And who would you know out of all the Senate supported and worked for the release of Julian? Telsie Gabbart–a veteran and war hero –she knows better than anyone the innocence of Julian Assange and his good works to expose dirty works in the government. Being a veteran she would go after anyone who would dare endanger lives of our military–and she would praise anyone who would expose criminal activity in the military or government offices.
Do not expect honest people to be elected to offices–they are dependent upon their donors where it takes millions to be elected. So too is the main press tied to the corporate giants and must continue to lie and support the minions of the corporate world-the politicians they foot the election costs for.
The case of Julian Assange is the straw to break the camel’s back–the end of democracy which in truth has progressively degraded to a Coporate Oligarchy. In a way you must pity the people working in government–they are nothing more than minions for a system they know is not honest nor does it represent the people of the Republic. But in any system that becomes so corrupt there will be adjustments–Freedom and those that believe in what is right may well suffer at the hands of the criminal elements. So sad that so many have died defending the rights and freedoms being infringed by this New World Order.
Tornadoes in December? Scientists are blaming global warming–oddly temperature change at the equator pushing the jet stream farther north to collide with the extra concentrated saturated air from over heated gulf area ocean evaporati0n.
But there are other technologies–China has bragged that it can change the climate of any country. That is something the American HAARP program has been experimenting with for decades now. By pumping huge amounts of electrons into the ionosphere amplified by pulsations scientists have laid claim to the ability to move the jet stream and create strange weather phenomenon. Tesla had long ago predicted this method and also as a way to send electrical energy by waves. Of course, the downplay on climate alterations and our honest feds say it is a means used only to increase the ability for radar to detect at greater distanced by reflecting off the highly increased ionization of the ionosphere. Mostly it is simple science supported by billions to build the tremendous generators needed to produce the effects and so the Chinese certainly must have the technology and abilities to move the ionosphere as well–that without even the effects of the global warming situation.
So yes, it is certainly possible the the US caused flooding in China and that China can be in the process of retaliation. And with Biden and associates we might be soon adding a nuclear winter. NATO moving into the Ukraine has Russia planting nukes next its borders and someone is this bunch of war mongering idiots is bound to figure out that the first to push the nuclear button has the most likely chance to be a winner if there can be one.
Consider that Japan survived two nuclear bombs but then the new bombs are 1000 to even more than ten thousands times as powerful. So would it be an all out war–certainly the Biden group would do such but then with hypersonic and super sonic missles and evasive techniques Washington DC and all the bureaucrats and their corporate lobbyists controllers would be vaporized before they could even realize a response. Then it would be up to a few nuclear sub commanders and other silo personnel to decide whether to respond. The technology however is such that one supersonic missile can unleash a hundred nuclear offsho0ts–so devastation would be nationwide.
It is Armageddon inevitable since we saw the religious fellow that read his Bible every day–President Wilson not hesitate to nuke two cities of Japan and would have done a third had the bomb been ready and Japan not surrendered unconditionally. Despite the sayers that Japan is now a friend, I wonder what must lurk in their minds toward the American War machine.
The US is no longer a democracy–that has been dissolved into a Corporate tyranny with above 50% of the wealth going to 1% of the population while the majority are now either in poverty or soon will be since most are in debt and the jobs amount to underpaid work at service jobs. Corporate jobs that are available are connected to the War Industry here or else government, police or military all supported by the tax payer. And the wealthy pay very little tax–they have managed to control the laws and justice system to their advantage–the burden goes to the Micky Dee worker or anyone else with a job.
The truth is that mankind is at war–always has been and always will be. What can you expect? The gods are always at war with each other, they taught humans how to war and life itself is a war to survive among such pack of haters and enemy makers. So survival of the fittest may not be the norm these days with all the technical devices set up to kill remotely. And AI and the algorithms will determine the misfit–that is if nuclear proliferation is not too extreme. And if AI is advanced enough it will survive the radiation and nuclear winter and rebuild itself–perhaps even take the DNA sequence, adjust it for the new inhuman conditions few to be the new designer slaves to the New World Order.
There are two occupations I would avoid if I were to return to this life and start over. The occupations would be underground mining- uranium mining or coal mining especially, although that should include any mining. The second would be any type of fire fighting, structure fighting the worse. Those are two occupations guaranteed to shorten your life span whether you retire from them unscathed or not There are of course many very dangerous occupations I have not mentioned–for instance working in a retardant making factory or plastic forming industry–even smelling the insides of a new vehicle as it emits the many dangerous chemicals plastics diffuse into the air and people say they love shortening their lives by the new car smell.
I am very serious about these life shortening jobs. You might say well my Dad was a Uranium Miner that lived to the ripe old age of 80. And I will tell you he did it miserably with depleted health and in his case would have lived to 110 with a smile on his face instead of visiting doctors for his ill feelings and many remedies to keep him limping along.
With Uranium mining or Coal mining and even other types of mining we know where the problems come from and their results–cancer, COPD, silicosis, black lung and the like. With fire fighting there is very little said and what is told is not well advertised. The States and Governments do not like to add to their health benefits so much, scare people away from such occupations, and pay higher wages, nor let it be known how dangerous the lucrative chemicals used in fire fighting actually are.
Just as the Forest Service and the State of Arizona did everything possible to make the killing of the 19 an accident to save monies (each family I hope received at least a million for their loss)–so will the full knowledge of smoke dangers and the chemicals they add to it be down played. Just as every pack of cigarettes has a warning of its toxic effects to health, so should a fire fighter be warned. In fact each young man should be required a week or so study on what will happen to his life and family and the necessary health issues he will have to deal with later in life. It indeed will be a sacrifice he/she will have to make being a wild land fire fighter. Of Course such courses will be discouraged by the FS and States–they need bodies—and informed people will be loathe to take these jobs on and those that do will demand much higher wages.
The proof that these government agencies will drag their feet and continue using uninformed young people is already there. Take a look at the record of young Donut–the ex doper gone straight?–he knew nothing about wild land fire fighting safety, yet there he was stationed in a death zone and saved only by chance while the rest of his crew also were ignorant of the safe procedures in fire fighting, except perhaps their bosses who if they knew completely ignored them.
That example I put forth because even less informed about the disasters to health are people that enter these jobs. CO-Carbon Monoxide attaches to the hemoglobin in blood until it starves the blood of O2 so that the brain and other organs shut down for lack of life giving Oxygen. These people running the FS and government entities attach themselves to their crony system, money and power provided by funds of the chemical companies and by thier greed and sometimes ignorance and lack of education allow these disasters to continue. I am saying they knowingly allow in these cases the killing and sickness of the young uninformed people that enter these professions.
Donut is indeed a prime example and if you asked him about chemicals in smoke I can tell you he will have the same answer he did to safety procedures in wild land fire fighting–what chemicals–does smoke have chemicals he would say and it does not matter no more than the safety rules mattered. He was not trained, yet allowed to do the dangerous and health destroying work he did.
If you go read about the health effects of retardant you will see that there are no long time studies on it. Like cigarette smoking, you cough a little at first but then adjust to the smoke and your brain becomes addicted like the high of being a wild land fire fighter. Yet that cigarette habit in time will be the one thing you wish you never did. And were you more informed, you might not have ever started yet the tobacco companies will continue to hire psychologists and advertising propagandists to do everything in their power to convince you to keep smoking and lining their pockets with their ill gotten gain.
To the credit of Cigarette and tobacco companies, their product is a slower killer than retardant contaminated smoke and does much less damage to the environment and health of the oceans. It does not even kill fish and other aquatic life, although the plastic filters wind up as tiny particulates in ocean fish and other aquatic life.
The primary pollutants from wild fires list only those chemicals found in the smoke less the retardant additives. In truth the wild land fire figher faces as great or perhaps even greater health dangers than the structure fighter. The structure fighter is better informed of the chemicals he faces and is equipped with respirator and filtering systems to eliminate the toxins or at least partially–while the wild land fire fighter faces these fires and retardant fumes with no protection or very little under the belief that there is little or no danger to health.
However, because of the chemical additives to wild land smoke, you should know that you are being exposed to every toxin and perhaps even more than a structure fighter must endure. There are many hidden chemicals you do not even know about but the toxins from retardant smoke combined with the natural smoke makes a toxic combination that only a visit to Yarnell and the results of that inundation of retardant will alarm you to the dangers.
I believe among the highest danger is the cyanide gases produced, yet the phosphates, ammonium and other gaseous combinations with the unknown chemicals are producing toxins that have killed almost at a 33% rate in 7 years at Yarnell and sickened I would say all the rest of the population there to one degree or another. Some are ill to a very high degree–much as you see prolonged radiation cases after exposure.
These are of course my own informed opinions–do your own informing so you know where you stand should you do as I did–take on jobs that early on I did not know would eventually take their toll on my health.
Slainte–Only the Brave but sometimes foolish–Be Ye Better Informed
are gases–plural nouns require proper verbs. and d’s left off–whew proof read before posting–forgive me you English related blokes, us serfs from the Irish decents might mangle the English a bit but we have also forgotten our own language since the English outlawed it in Ireland for so many years. Language is interesting–the Sumarian language in written form is the only language that remains in its pure original form–that because it was written on thousands of clay tables that have endure the thousands of years of time–20,000 plus in many cases.
If you religious blokes would like an earlier unaltered version of creation predating the bible by thousands of years then you would be better informed to go to those earlier cuneiform tablet histories. Those libraries of clay tablets were mostly uncovered in southern Iraq–one of the reasons the Bush family and others of the Skull and Bones ilk and other educated Ivy league and tower types wanted access to. Knowledge is power–and especially when the rulers know things the common bloke does not.
However, Biden is removing the military and sources from Iraq due to a high degree of war intention directed at China. Also the Iranians have so damn many drones now that are hard to detect by our systems and the Iraqis are tired of our people bossing them around on their own lands. There are many Iraq residents well educated in the states–I know I attended the University here in New Mexico and there were many students there from Iraq and Iran–that was back in the 80’s so I do not know how the count is now.
Well what do you think? Does Biden and Company think we need a new war with China–he benefited like Midas from his and his son Hunter’s dealings with China–enough to make his family filthy rich. Hunter Biden the doper never had sense or clear enough thinking to do the deals–but he made a good front since politicians have to distance themselves from making money because of their position and influence. We wonder what China got out of the deals and has Biden now decided that it was only a pittance what his family gained from former deals. Well my opinions again–it is hard to know all but Hunter’s careless or dope minded loss of his laptop told much of the real truth (Hunter can’t tell if he left that lap top or it was his despite the many photos of him smoking dope and meetings mentioned he and Daddy did attend during life in the fast and lucrative lane of political life).
My opinions–no offense to Demos or Rhinos or Repubs of honest intentions.
Lots of illegals coming in that are passing south of my property–they usually stay about 500 yards clear since my 4 dogs know when they are near and let me know as well. No visitations here but on my hike I did come upon one and it scared him so he took off and left his pack behind–just toilet paper, a tooth brush and a Mexican New Testament–he left Jesus behind with an empty plastic water bottle he had just finished. Whew–they are leaving a trail of those things and I saw at least ten on my hike today. I personally take a canteen–sometimes military and sometimes I have a strap kind that holds a bit more water for the longer hikes. I hate seeing those discarded plastic containers but it is convenient for those illegals that have taken up the American habit of walking around with a plastic water bottle–only most Americans take the empties home.
Amazing that neither Biden nor his appointed VP as Border watcher ever showed up at El Paso to see the problems. I saw the Border Patrol parked near by so I stopped and asked if they were catching any illegals. They said yes but I wonder after seeing so many new plastic water containers scattered south of me. There is a check point 4 miles east of me on I-10 so they drop the illegals off somewhere before so they can hike around the point and be picked up some miles west of the check area. The overpass to take 549 seems to be where I see cars waiting for their illegals. There are just too many getting through and now it is Haitians, Arabs and others added to the Mexican influx.
Mexicans have always been here as cheap labor and hopes to have a baby here so they could get papers later through that child.; But generally the Mexicans were here only long enough to send money home then return as soon as possible. But now with the big money in the drug trades many have opted to play the game of easy money.
That could be solved by making the drugs free in certain areas as provided by government. The solution is not in filling up the prisons with drug offenders due to illegal drugs–it will be many times cheaper to set aside areas for druggies and even provide the drugs and treatments where needed.
Cheap and legal drugs would put the drug runners out of business and free up law enforcement to do better work than locking up sick people. But as business goes there is big tax payer money being provided for prisoners (40-60 grand per person and why the prison system likes to keep them in) and add to that the Billions law enforcement enjoys of tax payer money to chase these people down.
The poor get their drugs off the street–dangerous to say the least since who know what they ingest. The rich get their supply from their doctor. But do not expect any changes where money is to be made.
Recidivism is 70%–not a very good system when prisoners return in that amount I should say. And now that you can go to jail because of debt to the Judicial system many of those prisoners will return just for that reason–those on parole are expected to pay monthly–when I was a probation officer and counselor it was $40 per month but that was back in the 80’s–now likely double that?
And maybe the debt does not matter–The Fed just prints more paper and calls it money. So just print enough to pay off the debt–right. Well of course you can’t print 28 Trillion without depleting a great amount of forest. So just tap in the money by internet to pay off the debt at least until the Ponze Scheme collapses. And maybe the Fed will introduce a crypto. That is a system where everyone agrees that a certain number represents value–then when they decide it does not the value works in a wave form–maybe you can get in on the trough and like the smart one dump on the peak. But then some poor bloke looses his shirt while the wizard wears alligator shoes and brandishes his Rolex? Maybe it is better than gambling but for insurance get some tangibles and perhaps some real gold or silver in case of a panic.
Tulips caused everyone to agree that they were highly valuable to a point of mania. But then the panic came and everyone decided the tulip was not worth all that much beyond a good looking flower. to put on grave sites. So it is all in your mind–but for thousands of years there has always been a demand for gold and silver and oddly what gold would buy in 1900 still will buy today–yet the fiat currency is not depleting in value –that nickle cup of coffee when I was 9 is now 2.00 for a plain cup. With inflation on the rise I expect to pay $3 for a cup in a year or two.
You should not feel bad if you believe in aliens and UFO’s. The government has now admitted to their existence and even the incidents in Montana where UFO’s had hovered over missile silos and shut their electronic systems down. Russia had reported that they had the same experience except the UFO intrusion had done the opposite and turned their nuke system on ready to fire. The government says these systems can not be explained and the way they maneuver and can appear or disappear is a technology unknown to our scientists and engineers.
Whether Jesus is on any of these is also unknown but if you listen to Travis Walton and his 5 day experience near Heber, AZ you will see that there were both grays and individuals that would pass as humans–blond and about 6 Ft. in height. Where they took him and what they did to him is unknown except some of what he has memory of. Certain his 6 coworker timber fellers passed numerous lie detector tests and so did he–the Sheriff admitted later he had seen a craft much as they described it around the same time. People were afraid to talk about these things before but now that the government that said it was no longer investigating UFO phenomenon after Majestic 12 was shut down supposedly in 1969 has now admitted they continued their investigations.
But then when can you rely on the information and false information given out by federal agencies. However, the videos and stories put out now are real according to Luis Elizondo. Mr. Elizondo as a CIA agent has been head of the group investigating these UFO and Underwater unidentified craft and now has gone public. You have to know he is only letting us know some of the facts and explaining how these things are a threat to National Security when they can go into restricted Military Zones and shut down missile silos or follow ships around to observe their actions. Pilots attempting to approach or fire upon them have had their jet electronic controls shut off. Well one wonders if they are a real threat then they could easily take out an army or destroy at will with their obvious advanced technology. So maybe Jesus is on board one of these things and checking things out–though I have to believe it is the Irish Gods or the Sumarian Annunaki returning and watching things here. Whether they would intervene in a nuclear war to save the planet is questionable–seems they are hands off and allowing the war mongers to continue–Biden is now surrounding China with 140,000 American Troops and equipment staitioned on Islands about China. The English are screwing around in the Black Sea trying to get something going with Russia and who knows if the Israelis will nuke Iran or if Iran can get a nuke and hit Israel. Well the Bible does say if God does not intervene no flesh would be saved alive in the story of the Apocalypse and the work of the four Horsemen. Someone was wise enough in old times to realize that there would be a time when technology would come about and humans would eventually come to self destruct.
Meantime I did have a call from Joy–some more people dead from the retardant pollution at Yarnell. Go get her photo of a man whose yard was red from retardant–you will avoid that crap like the plague after you see what this retardant did to that man. It is scary what we allow under pretenses so that people profit.
I have wondered–is Luis revealing these UFO events so the government and CIA can justify more billions in planetary war defensive spending. More Star Wars justification to spend tax payer dollars to counter the alien threat?
Do we have technology to make these tic tack things operate without humans aboard. I know there is technology to do holograms–something I sometimes had thought might have happened in my own past experience.
Living near the very missile range–(it is only 30 miles to the border of it) anything unusual is suspect. There is a photo of Van Braun other NAZI’s and scientists–mostly of the 32 degree varieties together in El Paso celebrating some of their successes with missiles, etc. Russia perhaps got more of the NAZI scientists than we did–maybe they were behind the eventual production of the hyper-sonic missiles and their development of the H-Bomb, etc. Undoubtedly Hitler and his Thule Society had summoned up forces and the sciences to a point that his thousand year reign was about to come to pass.
The fascist nature of things is back upon us–again the gestapo under another alias has arrived. The Patriot Act–weed out the terrorists–generally those that are in Journalism these days–they are labeled troublemakers and traitor when they expose the crimes and criminals so abundant in certain circles of the political regime.
‘And what can we do–a vote does not count in a one system two party clones–but maybe the young can organize–it is their planet–but perhaps they will be befogged by the think tanks of control–I hope not.
We do keep prodding the Russians–but our dumb leaders forget it was the Russians that decimated 80% of the German Army and certainly it is doubtful the war would have been won had the Germans not underestimated the Russian resolve.
One thing if history teaches us anything it will be that every country we have warred with or even intervened supposedly on their behalf was left with a devastated population–all trying to leave their country because we helped–thousands on the march due to the hunger and devastation democracy we supposedly installed was to better their lives.
We have yet to win a war since WW11 and in every case have embittered peoples and nations against us for our stupid interventions. And now more stupidly we are playing with and escalating war prospects with China and Russia. Well, I think the most of us citizens do not agree with our political and war mongering leaders–a ten year old would know better how to maintain peace than these idiots do–they are out to get us all killed and a great planet ruin if they continue in their imperialistic quest to prove hubris and keep the war industries in tax payer money.
It is unconscionable to claim to promote planet health and global warming prevention while at the same time spewing tons of Carbon Monxide and other planet toxic gases into the atmosphere with the massive amount of war machinery, ships and planes surrounding China and threatening war with Russia. Yet the American public seems happy or perhaps the oligarchic owned media keeps them in the dark and promotes such shit as the Rittenhouse ordeal–something that should have had minimal coverage.
Nero fiddled as Rome burned–he was noted to be every bit as stupid and useless as a leader as Biden or Trump are. Both are guilty of positioning this planet in the most dangerous of positions. Perhaps Biden knows he will not be offered a ride to Mars by Elan Musk when the shit hits the fan–and it will most likely in the very near future.
God Bless America and pass the bullets if you happen to have any when SHF and Armageddon arrive.
So many titles and who made them up and for what reason? They appeal to the ego of people and give them roles to play–a guard and a prisoner–yet they are all prisoners made so by some higher intelligence that profits from the game either by amusement or lucrative gain or by power play. There is no escape on this plane of existence–the society was given the role whether, Russian, American, rogue, worker, elite, Jew or Muslim, or be it a queen of hearts. It is a trap unseen yet designed by that we do not see nor can we know.
We can not understand but we can feel and intuit–the good is inside us but there is an interference and a subtle force that would bind our freedom of existence. There is an escape and may it happen before the final escape which is no escape but a return to relive the same until the truth is found.
Slainte–that of mind first that directs all else.
This fellow named Boris Johnson of England is addle brained by purposely entering Russian waters with a war ship. The English would be speaking German today if it were not for the Russians.
Germany had tried taking on the Bear more than once as have other countries–even Napoleon gave it a try. Those Russian people have sacrificed millions to protect their country and only a fool country would attempt to invade their territory. England, is but a small Island now and even smaller considering the nuclear age. I hope the winds blow away from Ireland if Boris keeps up his bravado.
Hitler had tried two fronts–the western and the eastern fronts–It was the Russian front that ruined him. And now I know that the US is behind England and you know Biden had to be in on this provocation made with Russia. Do the British-American cohorts believe two fronts with the Russian and Chinese will be any more winnable than Hitler did against two fronts.
We have fools running our country–and England has nothing better. What happened that we have suddenly turned the Russians and Chinese into cold war enemies and even provoking them toward a hot war? Well we have laid aside at least half a trillion in monies to support war efforts and as undeclared funds go that is likely to approach a full trillion if it does not exceed. Those war monies need justification.
But the scary thing is when we see Russia provoked and at the same time we have been surrounding China with more than a hundred thousand of our young troops and entered their China Sea with a flotilla of war ships. We forget that in North Korea we were driven back to the sea by the Chinese–their country consists of over 3 billion people while we have only 350 million.
I do not believe we have the technology to keep out a nuke no more than England does. We could not even keep out 19 terrorists and several airplanes loaded and taking down the twin towers and even exploding on part of the Pentegon. Although evidence makes it appear that the event was staged as a false flag to cause a war with Afghanistan and Iraq–too many coincidences on that one and no one ever investigated how a building 7 could implode on its own yet was never hit with anything but some light debris off the towers.
So you though Trump was bad–well Biden is proving he can outdo even Trump with a smile and a vice to back him up with a hysterical laugh. Keep it up the way they are bad acting and those smiles may turn to woeful expressions of lamentation.
Whew–the mega fires are on and now we even see Canada having unusual fire activity. Australia is burning aplenty and New Mexico is hot–Is Arizona burned away yet and California has em movin out. You fellows in the wild land fire fighting profession look to be busy this summer and maybe even into the winter. And there is hope –Biden even wants to increase pay for the wild land fire fighter–they need extras now so are producing an incentive. The prisoner still gets a dollar an hour and that is likely docked at the prison–they figure a slave does not need much cash, just a good lashing now and again by the masochistic tendencies of the guard section.
Is there global warming? Well above 97% of Climatologists think it is already in action and if steps are not enforced to alleviate the carbon and other atmospheric pollution then at some point a nuclear reaction will take place– meaning critical mass will be met and the planet heating will react on its own with no possibility of detainment. That point Climatologists have determined to be somewhere between 2500 and 4000 ppm of carbon monoxide.
Some people believe Carbon Dioxide is an inert gas and such levels would not effect your health. Well look at this quote — “At concentrations of from 2,500 ppm to 5,000 ppm carbon dioxide can cause headaches. At extremely high levels of 100,000 ppm (10 percent) people lose consciousness in ten minutes, and at 200,000 ppm (20 percent) CO2 causes partial or complete closure of the glottis. Levels of 2,500 to 5,000 ppm do not normally occur in structures.” Safe levels in homes are rated at below 1000 ppm–that is less than one percent while levels are now at above 1% over the globe–in fact reported at 1.9 % by tests.
You see, CO, Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a cheap way to commit suicide unless you join a group of wild land firefighters with a boss such as Eric Marsh where you can get paid for the act. What happens is the CO grabs a molecule from the Oxygen in the air and in your lungs and runs the Carbon Dioxide level up in the air so that 20% level is reached where your brain can no longer function properly and of course death.
I think the problem with most of us is that we are ignorant of the true facts of things–something industries that put profits before health and life work hard to hide. Once you find such facts that the Dow Chemical Company has been dumping dioxin into the Tittabawassee River for more than thirty years you come to realize how insidious these industries act. They work all angles and even hire top psychologists to propagandize their work. It was sickening to see Trump celebrating with a hard hat at a plastic plant–part of his plan to make America Great again at one of the worst dioxin emitters and ocean and fish life destroyers on earth. Of course plastics require benzine and other chemicals–all excellent cancer starters and animal life killers. But don’t discount Trump–he means well for the economy–he is just about as ignorant of the effects these plastics have on the planet as he is about the use of fertilizers, herbicides and over use of fresh water supplies are on his golf courses. His eyeballs only see dollar signs–and that is what most people equate with greatness.
This world is screwed because these industries and the oligarchy and Banks that create money out of thin air and distribute it to you live where they want in gated and environmentally clean areas, more often other countries or something like the child molester island Epstein had and have no mercy for what they consider the low life and eater of the planet.
They are convinced, like Trump and Biden types, that they are going to do the right thing for themselves first and if they after draining 60% of the wealth have enough left over–give it to the low life. Well what do you expect when the industry Oligarchs own the media, the politicians, and their own scientists and psychologists.
However, their problem in many ways is the internet. You really do not need a bat hide to find facts to educate you. In fact you are better off without a bat hide since if they are not outright owned by big business, it is heavily influenced by endowments and even government politics and CIA operatives.
So yes–there was a dip in CO2 levels during the worst of the Covid restrictions. But cars and trucks are back on the road, industry is back doing its dirty work and life goes on with it attendant erosion of the ecosystem. Yet instead of 480 billion being spent on more nukes and war divices–why not take 80 billion and give America free solar panels–not free because your taxes pay–but a damn site better use of tax monies than building more war machines.
But then again with people like Boris Johnson poking at Russia and Biden sending great war fleets into the China Sea to antagonize China while at the same time bombing the Arab Nations we are almost certain to see the use of those war funds–and then whether we have solar panels or have stopped polluting and global warming will be just a mute point.
I had a long talk with my daughter–they bought their home for a million–it in the last year is now worth two million. They of course are moving into another home a bit more valuable–Fortunately their home is paid for–so a tidy profit. But then if you sell, then the next home purchase is going to be costly as well–However fortunate again for them since they can pay the upgrade and also her husband is an expert in Real Estate with business experience. Education and experience are great wisdom makers. But in Mining, Logging and Firefighting I would say go to the very old timer who managed to escape for much of your learning. It is safer being a cowboy if you stay out of Saloons.
First paragraph should have read Carbon Dioxide–Monoxide is a short lived pollutant–Cow Dung give off methane as does decaying organic matter but Methane too is temporary if you consider ten years as temporary–However methane has many times the warming effects of CO2. In fact over a 100 year period methane has 34 times the effect on global warming climate change than C)2. That is why the Climatologists are so concerned about the permafrost thawing in the Arctic regions. There are 20 other pollutants our industries and modern life introduce into the atmosphere–such things as Lead, Nitric Oxide, fluorocarbon, ozone and so on. Nothing can be considered minor when it comes to destruction of the planet ecosystem, Do install an air conditioner even if you live in Oregon.
I was watching the news to see that millions were going to be evicted but the good willed President decided to give them a moratorium of a couple more months. It might not be a good time to own rental property, especially if you owe payments . Maybe the President will give them a reprieve too. But I doubt that unless they are too big to fail–i.e. the Billionaire class. Then they can get billions in bail outs at the expense of the tax payer.
I have been watching Africa–seems like those poor countries all have trouble finding decent leaders. This country now is also in a time of great change. Biden has said you better get used to minorities running things because the whites are now the minority. And that is true and more and more are entering the country. People are people but cultures do vary, educated here yes, but also there is the smell of bad odors in the air. I see a great revolution soon to break out. There is absolutely no way these moratoriums can be ongoing and people are very unsettled at this time.
It is the ultimate stupidity for Biden and cronies to be sending ships and armies to the China Seas considering the problems this country faces here at home. He has summoned about 6 nations into the China Seas all with their war ships all on the home Seas of China whom also owns the worlds largest and most technological Navy in the world. They of these countries summoned and pushed by the US to be there are highly likely to get a war going–it is a real crowd of war ships in that Sea right now.
Obama celebrating on his 12 million dollar estate–my is it not nice to be a politician. You start out broke and become a multi millionaire and the people of the nation fall at your feet–well at least many of them do. Well we saw his Vice President and Son visiting China and how well they have done under Obama’s approvals. And China has greatly gained as well–especially in the field of technology and deals to sell us cheap goods and attract manufacturing firms from here to China. Hunter can’t remember if he left that lap top or not–but Big Daddy was only getting 10% for his own coffers–but the monies had to be split around to those entities that allowed this transfer of technology for wealth. But the Biden group were not the only ones sharing technology for perks–Bill Clinton openly did it–much like his sexual tirades that continue even to the Epstein Island crimes.
But some are exempt from criminal charges–if they know the right people and have the goods on them as well.
It is going to be a rough ride forward–you see people have cleaned out the ammunition shelves so many intuit something drastic.
You see Obama used the espionage act to punish journalists who had revealed the nasty truth of the political, military and secret undercover works. It was more use of the act than any President before. So his Vice President was readily aware of all that going on during his time of 8 years there and a life time as a politician benefiting from the crony system. Do not expect any changes in decent and honest people in the ruling class. It is not going to happen–this world of greed and millionaires trying to become billionaires and power mongering will not change-they really do not see beyond their own selfish interests.
Change will come however. And do not forget that this country did go though a civil war that these political hacks are guilty of fomenting at home while they continue to play war games abroad and attempt to manage the affairs of other sovereign nations.
Most of the wild land fire fighters will be OK–they are a tough bunch and again will be the front line fighters when the shit hits the fan and it will. One thing –when there are problems, these are the men that this country will have to depend upon to try to restore sanity. Yet it is going to cost heavily in lives and sacrifices. The corruption has gone too far and is beyond the threshold so this must happen even though we would wish not.
It is better to understand a situation and truth about it than to bury your head in the sand. Patrick Henry had it right–give me liberty or give me death–this life is a fleeting thing and so it his been with liberty. That will and must change.
I said men of the wild land fire fighter group–but women as well. If you look at the history of women in the Russian War when it came to defending their homeland, there were many decorated female warriors–those you would have never expected to lay in the mud and trenches or stand the cold of the Russian front with rifle in hand. They were the best of snipers as well–some with over 500 enemy kills. So I do not discount the ladies when it comes to defending their country.
Although Eric Marsh put his men at unnecessary risk and against objections of Jesse Steed, who apparently had greater knowledge of safety rules, Steed did finally cave in after threats to his job status. But allowing dangerous Marsh types to boss appears to be a habit in the FS hiring procedures.
Gary Olson in an interview states he was put on as crew manager at the young age of 22. He also says he came close to killing his crew at least three times. He did not and over time became knowledgeable and an expert at wild land fire fighting. But it goes to show how little the Forest Service cares for the lives of the wild land fire fighter when this sort of practice is allowed. Of course Marsh was much older at 45 and perhaps had a bit more experience than Gary when he took the job as a crew boss. He, however was an extreme risk taker-so much so he demanded Steed bring the men down off the mountain into what Steed knew was extremely dangerous act and something that cost the lives of the GMHS crew.
Certainly you can ask any young wild land fire fighter if he would boss a crew and he would more than likely accept. But that does not make it right and in the final there is definitely going to be a young whippersnapper that acts like Marsh did and takes his crew into spots they should not be by all common sense and where a long experience wild land fire fighter would know better.
I can tell you that Gary is a well educated and respected wild land fire fighter and he would more than likely tell you that he is fortunate to have gotten his crew out alive in certain instances while he was learning the nature of wild land fire fighting. I do not think these days he would advise any young man to go work in wild land fire fighting under a very young inexperience boss or one that is a high risk taker willing to break all rules of safety taught in wild land fire fighting.
So covering up of the Yarnell debacle that killed the young GMHS crew is the ugliest action one can imagine since it allows the sorry practice of putting dangerous or inexperienced people in charge of the lives and safety of their subordinates.
These are my opinions, but if I had a grandson that wanted to enter wild land fire fighting I certainly would inform him of how the Forest Service does so little to protect its wild land fire fighters by hiring unqualified or even dangerous risk takers that would get you killed. You better learn about that boss and find out what his record is if possible–and if you see any boss is ignorant enough to drop you off in a box canyon full of dead brush with a fire at a lower elevation and a storm brewing about to change wind direction–walk off from the job.
The problem is that peer pressure keeps the young man from refusing and maybe also because he needs the job. Miners are more independent because they work alone or just with one helper so I have been able to walk off when I saw that a rat hole was about to cave and catch me. In wild land fire fighting I can see how hard that might be since you likely would be black balled or criticized as a pansy for doing so. Life is too short to become a dead Hero because some boss wanted you to protect structures with a 5 gallon piss bottle on your back and that even in a mega fire that obviously nothing could stop–not even the poisonous retardant and certainly not a five gallon piss bottle.
You in a way can not blame Marsh–who would put such a man in charge of these young men? Certainly Jesse Steed would not have killed the men had he been left to be the boss without coercion These things need to be told and known so they are changed. People and Judges that put in mum orders to hide the facts are depriving the loved ones, tax payers, and most importantly allowing high risk bosses to continue. .
This is why I applaud Joy and all the others that have demanded the truth. Gary Olson and his honesty has done much to expose the bad practices he knows are evident in the wild land fire fighting profession. He with other older retired wild land fire fighters are the ones that can correct these problems and the ones I would want to send a son or grandson to for some wisdom on how to stay alive and what bosses to work under considering the terrible hiring practices used in wild land fire fighting circles. Do not count on those survivors that are threatened or widows of dead fire bosses attempting to protect reputations that balk or are afraid to change anything. We can only pity them when they fudge the story.
You will wonder why I would consider a story from a Sri Lankan news agency. What does it have to do with wild fires–Definitely and and some terrible ones–more billions profits for those poisoning these people–there they are fed the same baloney as to how wonderful the retardant is–saving homes and then polluting the beaches there just as in Australia, The US and many other countries . But whoever heard of Sri Lanken wild fires?–an opportunity for a wild land fire fighter to get away from this US should he/she want. Global warming is at hand and fire fighters are hard to find.
And considering that Canada too is now experiencing considerable wildfire activity, know that there are other stories ablaze there–here is a copy paste from a Sri Lankan New Agency:
“Why have no human rights champions the angels fighting for people’s rights questioned what happened to 10 indigent children of the Canadian Kamloops Indian Residential School who went on a picnic on 10th Oct 1964 with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip and did not return.
These 10 join a list of 50,000 other missing children from 80 Indian residential schools that had been run by the Canadian Government and the United Church of Canada.
Known as the ‘Canadian Holocaust’ Canada cannot escape or hide from questions that surround the whereabouts of 150,000 Native Canadian children who had been forcibly removed from their homes and kept in church-administered residential schools between 1864 and 1984.”
I have to say that there is yet one leader of a religious organization or leader of a country–most recently of course in the past 40-60 years of Presidents and include those reptiles ruling England that when their actions and secret life and means to control are bought to light would sicken any decent citizen. Even Jesus said to harm the little ones is the most atrocious act imaginable. So what have they done with those little ones they did not massacre and hauled off to England or other parts of the world–perhaps Epstein Island or the Isle of Mann.
The higher the ladder the more the corruption–600 years of Inquisition and records of it that weigh into the tons–Napoleon had captured the secret files listing of all the torture and murdering of those deemed incorrigible. That Inquisition in some countries continued up until the 60’s in some countries and undoubtedly is part of some connivance when we see the connection to these missing Indigenous Children of Canada that were forcibly removed from their families then found to be missing and now many buried in mass graves throughout Canada–Why hasn’t the main Media been in an uproar about this?
We have too much rot in our systems of Authority–Look at how the Forest Service and the State and Government agencies and their minions order mum to those that knew about the slaying of the GMHS crew? They are allowed to cover up their tracks because their reputations and the cronies they are associated with are demanding that their reputations not be tainted and as would be with the Queen and associated reptiles–you best be quiet about it. In either case your job security will go down the toilet and if you are in Media, you likely will find yourself so blackballed you may find yourself in a forced suicide event.
Julian Assange and Snowden are messengers of good–angels that watched for and exposed the ill deeds of those that can not stand to be exposed for their crooked and murdering ways. Have you seen Biden do the right thing? Hell no–look at his past record that his Son revealed–do you think he wants a messenger to expose his dirty laundry?
The messengers that look out for the people, the environment and what is right and proper ever willing to expose the scoundrels who would Mum the good Journalist are messing with Angels–and they should well deserve their dues. Do not allow these autocrats and so called good leaders demonize the Messenger. The Good Messenger belongs to the people–not to the crony system.
Slainte–may the good gods of the Irish light your paths be ye doers of good.
Yes I write under the moniker “charlie” and this was a post I copied and pasted.
I appreciate your comment–I do write much toward informing people about the chemicals in that retardant–you see so much being dumped but if people knew the poisons involved and especially the phosphates and how they are killing the eco system with it and the others, it would be banned. But EPA officials are bought off–well known if you are an EPA official at the top level you will be guaranteed a job on the board with big pay on the chemical companies involved–in fact some have even left the EPA to go over to better pay in the Chemical Industries.
As little as a tousand gallons dumped into the Fall River in Oregon killed 6 miles and 20,000 fish. Anything that deadly–if you google Florida Phosphate Mines abandoned and see some of the beaches strewn with ocean fish so that no human can go there, you can see the damage from phosphate. Phosphate and ammonium–what they use in these retardants is the feed for red ocean dead zone algae. But they add hidden chemicals under trade secret laws and God and only a few are allowed to know what they are.
So I had written EPA about the deaths at Yarnell and you know that included my own. Something in the retardant causes increased cholesterol and the many heart attack deaths that were soon being seen in many at Yarnell after those hundreds of thousands of gallons of the Orange and Red retardant were dumped on the town. It is made in designer pink now–maybe because I have written so much how it mimics agent Orange defoliant even to the color.
If you google Investigative Media Yarnell Fire and click on XXX1 you will see charlie’s tirade against the chemicals in retardant. Perhaps some person’s health may be saved by reading about the chemicals involved–they indeed are deadly and perhaps even worse when you were an eye witness to those people that I greeted daily at Yarnell turn from robust healthly people to within a short time either cadavers or ill people barely able to function. Within the first year there was a death in nearly every home up and down my block–some like the librarian did not die but were suffering open heart surgery and on the list of those in depleted health.
Reality is sometimes sad but the worse sadness comes when nothing is done to inform the public and especially the wild land fire fighter of what he/she faces concerning health issues. The young can tolerate the chemical contamination–it is cumulative toward bad effects on health–but the elderly, the fish and aquatic life, the ocean and the eco system can not. They are immediate victims–and the ocean being on the brink of disaster at this very moment. When any ocean fish has plastic micro particles you know we are in trouble.
I will post this one as well–you are the finest person I know and I am so proud you are my daughter. You are an example of what a good person should be.
Thanks, love Dad “charlie”
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
The post about Dr. Leroy Anderson would include the Yarnell Fire that Joy reminds me was even more soaked with retardant than even the Tenderfoot fire. The horror Dr. Leroy faced during his last days can only be imagined after seeing his photo a few weeks before his death at the last of June. I will be facing removal of another tumor on Sept. 2–by the grace of the good gods of the Irish I have not yet suffered the fate of Dr. Leroy. That is if it can even be called fate when your yard is soaked with some of the worst chemical toxins and some that are not even identified due to trade secret laws made to protect the industry from legal battles. It is evident that some of the chemicals fertilize cancer–my own have been agressive and when you are older, cancer is a slower killer unless jump started and fed by various chemicals–flourocarbons being among the worst but among the best fire retardant chemicals. Flourocarbons are great cholesterol precipatators–that ought to be evident from the extreme fireman’s plague of heart deaths and many of those at early ages.
I have written Senator Karen Fann. As much as 15% of the retardant is hidden chemicals under the trade secret laws. Only a licensed Medical Doctor can find them out and he/she dare not tell the public what they are or be at risk of being sued and loss of license. I am hoping Senator Fann will address the issue–we need to know what those hidden chemicals are. It is criminal to inundate residences and living areas with dangerous unknown chemicals. We should be entitled to know anything spread upon our residences and working areas, now especially with the dismal record of illness and death at Yarnell after the two wildfires of 2013 and 2015. You would take this seriously if you saw a photo of the horror that Dr. Leroy endured for months until his death this past June. I did send her a photo–and it is something you can only view for a few seconds-a real heart breaker knowing the value of this man’s life.
In some way I am one of the guinea pigs of Yarnell–the cabin I lived in there had been painted red as well. And you damn well know I fell dead with a heart attack some months after the wild fire–as did that whole street just about. Some were fit people before the fire–ones like Flippen and the Librarian and even Bret Yodel being a young quadriplegic did not look that bad. Flippen was a young 50’s robust man many would know since he attended all the town meetings after the fire–he was dead of a heart attack only about a year or so after the second fire. The Librarian had to have open heart surgery only months after the fire. That went for another Anderson not related to Leroy that we had stayed with in the gym during the Fema military shut out of people from entering Yarnell.
But I say a guinea pig because after 6 heart attacks and 6 heart stints from cholesterol deposits blocking arteries, i finally sold that cabin and left Yarnell. After several years away from that chemical jungle I have had 3 recent–once a year for the past three–catheters into my arteries and heart. because of extreme pain mimicking past heart attacks. Each time the doctors have concurred that my arteries look clear–I have not again had the cholesterol build up. But on the other hand these cancers have escalated in frequency and aggressiveness.
The reason I write about these things is because it is any persons duty to warn people of the dangers of the chemicals the State, Forest Service, and the Oligarchs making billions in retardant profits are doing without qualms.
Most of the people left in Yarnell realize by now that something is not right concerning the excessive illness and death since the Retardant dumps in hundreds of thousands of gallons on the town. I do hope Senator Fann will propose legislation to keep this retardant away from residential areas. Fish are not the only thing it kills–and we certainly need legislation to access all the chemicals that were dumped on that small village of 645.
I had asked Joy to list people that deceased since the fire along with those known to be ill- for instance the cheerful and robust couple of Raul and Teresa–soon unable even to make it to their front gate after some months of the retardant drops. She has rightfully been heavily involved with the GMHS fake news problem and I understand since we were the last civilians to see them alive and even were only minutes before on the two track at the exact spot they went down. ( I found a melted ball of pink tape right on that two track that would have marked the exact place Marsh had left where he wanted then to descend–Dr. Ted Putnam was with us on that hike). The point is I do hope if Senator Fann finds interest that Joy Collura would be consulted since she knows every individual by name in that town and most of those that have fallen ill or died since the wild fires. Many had moved away after the fire so their health would be unknown–though likely close to normal if they did not hang around Yarnell any significant amount of time.
Slainte–keep working the good works.
There was a probable link to Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) exposure for diagnosed high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer and pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Flourine and its compounds are among the most highly toxic substances on earth. The PFOA’s are found to be in everyone’s blood these days. The chemical industry Due to the surfactant properties of both PFOA and its related non-polymeric surfactants, applications exist for the use of these substances, e.g. fire-fighting foams, wetting agents and cleaners. Side-chain fluorinated polymers provide durable water, oil and stain repellence and find use as surface finishes for textiles and apparel, leather, paper and cardboard, paints, lacquers and other uses (non-woven medical garments, floor waxes, and stone/wood sealants, thread sealant tapes and pastes, adhesives, products for apparel).
Undoubtedly one of the secret ingredients will be some form of the Carboon-Flourine compounds that are not biodegradable and because the chemical industry has used these profusely and without concern dumped these compounds into the environment since the early 40’s, the soils and waters, humans, land animals and sea creatures all have high levels of contamination. The EPA has had over the years little regard for controlling these compounds and they continued to be used in teflon, plastics, fire retardants and the many other places aforementioned.
If you notice the concentrations in humans causes high cholesterol–these flouro carbons are cumulative in the human system–so you can see how that so many died at Yarnell from heart attack–my own was from clogged arteries. The high incidence of cancer is also a factor there–since the fire my own cancer problem escalated to a high degree–nine were taken off my body and face–some tumors required as much as nice stitches and I am scheduled again to get more removed. I have to believe that people were also degraded in their lung functions as well from these flouro carbon chemicals.
Fish are immediately killed by these chemicals. And now we are seeing birds in 6 states– Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. You can bet that they are victims of the chemical poisoning of the environment. As a miner well knows, a canary is often taken underground to test the air–they sicken and die from bad air or chemicals giving a human ample time to escape the area. In the case of chemicals we can outlast the bird quite a while–at Yarnell many lasted 6 months to a number of years before death arrived. The birds there were scarce eventhough some would fly in but you can bet many did not fly out.
So EPA is really no help–the chemical companies have them bought off. They have no restrictions on PFOA’s but they do suggest that water ought not have more than 77 parts per million. The chemical companies have people pretty well propagandized just as the tobacco companies still are able to convince many that they should enjoy a smoke and look like the Marlboro man riding off into the sunset. A fitting thing since he is definitely riding off into the sunset of his life–yet the psychologists and propagandists will continue their assault on life and environment for the profits.
The fluorides and fluorine are sometimes hauled by airplane. The pilot or anyone getting near the yellow and distinctly skull and crossbones marked containers must be handled with special gloves. If anyone even touches these containers they are required to immediately report to medical people and make a report of the incident.
And with all this contamination of our lives the medical people pretend they do not understand why there are so many cancer cases. Well light up a cigarette and think about it.
And meantime Biden made promises to the wild land firefighter to increase the pay but he and his gang refused the idea of a $15 minimum wage while the wealthy billionaire group increased their wealth by 1.3 trillion during the covid crisis while the common bloke was given a 1400 check that he lied about (it was promised to be $2000). Their checks went to rent or credit card debt while their income taxes are due to be increased above 14% as the Bezos types pay almost none. Well why should they –they have bought these politicians and own them so that all laws will favor the rich.
And now you have a War Secretary that served on the Board for Ratheon–no wonder that Biden is expecting a few more billion to add to the half trillion alloted already. After all the war industry that Ratheon, Boeing and other war industries are all that is left. Clinton and Obama sent all the industries off with Clinton’s NAFTA promotion. And Biden was quite a supporter of that and the Patriot Act and Obama’s promotion of the Army as now a police force. The rich and powerful are running scared–they are worried that the common man is getting tired of being fleeced, lied to and poisoned by the chemical industries.
It is a sad world when when even the justice system is in line with the wealthy and this country continues to build new prisons. But then the system is set up to add more prisoners–charge a poor man with a charge like the war on dope–and he is going to take a plea deal every time. Three strikes and he is a permanent resident in the criminal system. Yet if he goes to a jury –if he can afford it–then the judge will make an example of him and give him a harsh sentence. They only want plea deals so you have plenty of people–more than 50% that are there on trumped charges and had never been convicted of a violent crime. But educating them in prison and embittering people is part of the game of control by fear.
The only change that might make change is all out protesting. It stopped the Viet Nam killing–but I do wonder if it would matter now. As far as I can see we are over a threshold and the birds are talking to us while Biden and his War Secretary arrange for more money to distribute to the War Industrial giants and meantime create more false justification for war profits. It is more than the birds that are sick.
I should refer you to RT news about the nuclear classified leak by Daniel Ellsberg concerning the way the War Department had intentions of nuking China as far north as Shanghai. Dr. Ellsberg was a graduate of Harvard and here is a bit from Wikipedia “Ellsberg worked in the Pentagon from August 1964[6] under Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara as special assistant to Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs John McNaughton. [At this point of Lyndon Johnson’s escalation into the Vietnam War, Ellsberg would later discover the lies and subsequent cover-up of the “non-attacks” upon the USS Maddox, in the Gulf of Tonkin (“by North Vietnam”), which led to bombing raids into North Vietnam on August 2 and 4, 1964, under orders by President Lyndon B. Johnson. This unprovoked attack upon North Vietnam followed Senator Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign statement where he stated that Johnson was soft on Communism, “no matter where it is!” Johnson’s actions risked bringing Chinese forces into the war.”
The result of uncovering the lies being fed the public and the costs of so many young soldiers being brought home in body bags led Ellsberg to reveal the facts. It could have cost the former marine 115 years since he was charged under the espionage act. He was not convicted and his actions have over the time encouraged others to leak information when crimes are being committed by government agencies–and you have to applaud such bravery that has exposed so much chicanery and save so many young American lives. The powers the be care less about the lives they destroy, and just as we saw at Yarnell they seem to have no inkling as to how their falsehoods affect families and friends and future lives that are lost due to these connivers.
The Ellsberg revelation of the 1958 readiness to nuke China has to be again in force and China would know that. They have had that information since 1971 and are now rolling out their stealth bomber thanks to the Clinton Clan that shared that technology and much more war secrets to China. But have you heard anything from the main media about this?
And now you have Daniel Hale sentenced to 4 years in prison for whistle blowing about the civilians being killed by indiscriminate drone attacks. Over 90% of those killed by the attacks are non-combatant citizens of those Arabian countries and more often than not the drone attacks do not kill the intended target. This has angered the whole of the whole of the Muslim community while the American public has been kept in the dark about the real actions of the military complex.
We see the darkness of it all by the appointment of Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense. He has a lustrious history having served 41 years as a military graduate from West Point. He had been retired for four years and here is a bit of his history “Lloyd Austin’s ties to Raytheon After Lloyd retired from the Army four years ago, he joined the board of directors at United Technologies and opened a consulting firm. In April, United Technologies and Raytheon merged, which makes Austin a member of Raytheon’s board. ” You know that Ratheon i”sells everything from missiles and jet engines to ejection seats and radar systems to all branches of the US military. According to the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), Raytheon maintains government contracts worth more than $16 billion. ”
So you see that Biden has chosen a man representing, not the public interests but the interests of the huge military industrial complex promoting war and the profits to make Mr. Austin’s stock prices and side benefits go up. He, like Obama will have a 12 million or more estate to bask upon and at the cost of how many lives for these profits? But is the main media pointing out what is really going on?
Instead Daniel Hale is going off to prison for 4 years for revealing crimes of the war department, Ed Snowden is holding out in Russia, and Assange is persecuted. These powerful people detest the fact that they are public servants being exposed for their criminal actions–and the public media is in bed with them. You should know that Obama used the espionage act 9 times to attempt to quash his crimes–but he now is lauded as a great President retiring with a 12 million dollar reported nest egg (likely more like 100 million) while the Presidential salary amounts to $400,000 a year. And in fact, there is no accountability for the America young lives he and those before him have sacrificed to gain those fortunes–not to mention the millions of civilian lives of citizens of other countries that have been wholesalely wrecked under some terrorist threat that was concocted to bring us to war.
Yet it is the whistle blowers and those journalists and truth sayers bold enough to expose the crimes in these high offices purporting to represent the public. Should the main media expose these crimes the public would be outraged and demand better and honest leadership. Yet instead they play all sorts of word games including omission of facts, distortions and diversions with what I call non-news to avoid the realities of truth.
And do not think that Biden, as mentally challenged from the onset of dementia or Alzheimers, knows damn well the connection of his Secretary of Defense and the War Industries hungry for profits at the expense of lives and now even the possibility of nuclear war.
You have to believe if you have any common sense at all or certainly if you have ba hides in Psychology that these people running the War Departments are living in illusions and are a sick bunch to boot. But then if you are a Psychologist you would know that power and greed puts blinders on people so they become infused with grandiose machinations. They even convince themselves that their criminal actions are in fact benevolent favors to those they purport to serve.
Well I for one am not convinced and too many these days are informed enough to protest. But how many still among the masses are dimmed down by the educational system and the media all owned and manipulated by the power brokers?
Get your garden started–you will need the greens and potatoes–expect the markets shelves to dry up and those checks to continue to buy less. You will soon be able to light your Camel with a hundred dollar bill and not feel too bad since it will soon be destined to only buy a loaf of chlorine bleached and depleted white bread.
Slainte–if you avoid the retardant and other Chemicals and the powers that have us flooding the China Seas with our young military allow.
Again–written and printed without proof reading–that Queen is likely to send a letter of defamation for abusing the English language. Also, do not think that Biden does not know about his Sec of Defense connections–and drop the allow, etc. But I know most that read this have flinched a few times at the errors–my apologies but I believe spontaneity is better than a few typo errors. Maybe a new keyboard is in order and a new left hand would help. May your gods bless your paths if they be true and deserving.
To understand the modern day Christian idea of imperialism and the Catholic doctrine of Discovery our modern day school history lessons would rather you not see. Here is the Catholic Bull put out by Pope Nicholas V that explains why 5,000,000 slaves were already in America even before the declaration was signed. The Protesting Daughters of the Church started with Martin Luther agreed with that particular doctrine and said why not and the doctrine is continued even to this day and even explains the invasion of Irish peoples, their time of famine as the English invaders fared well, and the invasions of South America, America and Canada where natives were treated as non-souls to be exploited or extinguished if convenient–or preferable. Spain and Portugal did their pillaging, raping and slave trades in full accordance and under direction of the Bull of Discovery while Protestants followed in full agreement with the Papal Order. This history is not taught in any school but then the truth where it is not convenient to the powers that be will always be omitted.
This Bull is easily found on line these days so you can read it as a direct order from God and Christ as transmitted though the Vicar of Christ, that Pope and any that follow.-[ if you be a Christian Catholic–it has been followed diligently and sometimes gleefully by those that have enjoyed inflicting injury on non-Christian culture and the spoils of invasion.
Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas on 18 June, 1452. It authorised Alfonso V of Portugal to reduce any “Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other unbelievers” to perpetual slavery. This facilitated the Portuguese slave trade from West Africa. The same pope wrote the bull Romanus Pontifex on January 5, 1455 to the same Alfonso. As a follow-up to the Dum diversas, it extended to the Catholic nations of Europe dominion over discovered lands during the Age of Discovery. Along with sanctifying the seizure of non-Christian lands, it encouraged the enslavement of native, non-Christian peoples in Africa and the New World. “We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso – to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit – by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”. In 1493 Alexander VI issued the bull Inter Caetera stating one Christian nation did not have the right to establish dominion over lands previously dominated by another Christian nation, thus establishing the Law of Nations. Together, the Dum Diversas, the Romanus Pontifex and the Inter Caetera came to serve as the basis and justification for the Doctrine of Discovery, the global slave-trade of the 15th and 16th centuries, and the Age of Imperialism.
The full Bull can be read in English and the origional Latin if you are educated in the language. It should bring you to an understanding of why we continue to believe that the Christian way of Discovery and proselytizing foreign cultures is no more than a method of increasing the wealth and power of those interested in world domination. You can understand also why the Catholic Church was not adverse to smuggling NAZI’s out of Germany after the war–Hitler after all was a life long Catholic and those of that religion were safe as long as they went along with the Fuehrer and the Bull.
I do believe if people understood more of why this nation is so aggressive and war prone in its attempts to promote its Greatness and enforce its way on other nations we would demand the Biden and Trump types to back off. Our industries have been given away–mostly to China but also other cheap labor countries and they will not be brought back. That does not mean we do not have the resources and strong and intelligent people so we do not have to be the dominant world force or a pack of Christians or others still practicing the Bull edicts of imperial rape and force against weaker countries.
Many of these cultures were thousands of years older than Christianity and live and do well without the imperialistic ways. Some such as the Hindu religion discourage any such method of imperialism but respect every human as an equal on a journey of learning and respect to all life.
Education can be a great thing but only if all the truth are known and allowed. The use of omissions of truth and half truths are ways the powers use to control the masses and bring about the wars and divisions and promote the ongoing imperialism this country has continued to do. Perceptions based that way can and does manipulate the general public to engage in endless wars just as Biden and his war lord Secretary of War are presently engaged in. Those troops belong at home, not the China or Black Sea. And should China or Russia send their war ships into the Gulf of Mexico then we should put them in the cross hairs of our missiles.
So may the good gods of the Irish put some sense into these Criminal Minds we have as leaders–though I suspect they will set and watch the melee. Namaste and Slainte
From ProPublica–independent investigative news reporting under “Near Misses” “The mouse infected with a lab-created type of SARS coronavirus was squirming upside down, dangling by its tail as a scientist carried it to a weighing container one day in February 2016. But the mundane task turned dangerous in seconds inside the North Carolina laboratory, which has drawn scrutiny for its partnership on similar research with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
Very little is said about the Chapel Hill Lab, Level 3, gain of function experiments that have all along been carried out under the WHO auspices and under Fauchi’s authorization here as chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the US. The lab at Chapel Hill was working with China under Chinese and American funds to invent the gain of function Covid virus strains. There were several instances of health violations there including the one involving the gain of function SARS virus and that mouse bite. The Lab refused to divulge information on the other Lab incidents. And of course, Covid 19 is made by gain of function of the SARS Virus. SARS is not so virulent and the purpose of gain of function is to make SARS a virulent virus and that was accomplished by US and China funds resulting in the Covid 19 and several of its mutant varieties.
Looking at the statistics–China shows 94,842 cases with 4,636; deaths by August of 2021. The US has 38,790,295 cases up to now with 634,157 deaths. Politically we are pointing the finger at China despite our own Fauchi authorizing the gain of function experiments that were going on and well documented at Chapel Hill in North Carolina and as well at Ft. Detrick, MD. You will note that soon after the virus outbreak, FT. Detrick was shut down during the Fall of 2019 after a vaping disease and an unusually large outbreak of the Flu Virus across the US. That of course, like Chapel Hill is another secret set up–but the satellite images show a complete destruction of buildings and now remodeling of the facility.
There are several plausible scenarios but one thing is certain–government will continue to lie. Here our politicos are doing everything possible to demonize China so it is going to cover up any idea that the virus outbreak is as much our fault as the Chinese fault. We after all were funding the gain of function virus along with China. We have at least 11 Labs of level 3 and level 4 such as Ft. Detrick and as you saw a lady scientist bitten by an infected mouse was not quarantined of a mouse that had the gain of function SARS virus. She well could have been one that shows almost know symptoms, yet carried the virus to people outside the lab that do show symptoms. This Covid 19 took some time to identify since it mimics the flu virus in many ways. And as well, that Chinese doctor that went back to Wuhan may well have been infected right at the Chapel Hill Lab where she and others were doing these gain of function experiments.
If you look at the time of recognition, the Chinese time was set at the last part of December while the US time of recognition was set at January 20. These dates are very close but the real odd thing is that China only has 4,636 deaths vs. the US 634,157 deaths. That is one hell of a difference considering our population. Well you can say China if fudging the numbers and has a Communist totalitarian regime. I would say no more totalitarian than our own and certainly no more secretive than our own system. Last year 15.6 million documents were classified while information from Classified documents requires 25 years before they can be public. So we have a secret government that needs only stamp nearly every document they want to hide as classified–and they do that as you can see. Transparancy is a lie and we are under a system ever as secret or likely more hidden than even the Communist tyrants enforce.
I have to believe that virus was being worked on in all of our 11 known labs and looking at the statistics one would think we may well have been the source, albeit convenient to get the cold war ramped up any possible way.
And cowboy sense says that the pulling out of Afghanistan is because there are expectations of bigger things to feed the war industries. We have made enemies of 1.8 billion Muslims, now we are working on making enemies to 1,4 Billion Chinese, not to mention 138 million Russians and quite a number of Koreans and other Asians who have not forgotten our destruction of VietNam. And if you live in another country and do not love Democracy–Biden or Trump or the next idiot will send the army in to jam it down your throat. War, after all, is the only industry left in this country unless you call Mickey Dee’s or Wally Mart as industry.
Slainte–life is interesting in this police country where 25% of the world’s prisoners exist and 1.6 Billion documents classified per year is the norm.
Plant your garden if you do not want your food sprayed with plenty poison and the Organic at the Farmer’s markets is only 30% true–many of those farmers buy the commercial and pull off the lables. That is life in the profit world and it is no wonder that peace and tranquility are a rare item.
Oh–that mouse crawled back on her glove and bit though the glove undoubtedly infecting that lady–she had a good immune system and did not have to be quarantined. But that too is leaked classified–another possible 175 years for a Journalist for the leak. Well new prisons need new prisoners and 25% is by now likely more like 30% of the world population since that statistic came out some time ago.
Correction last paragraph–1.6 million documents –plenty enough to keep you in the dark and cover any chicanery that is now so rampant in the system.
Reading the situation and problems John D. had in Peru involving HudBay Minerals and their use of Peruvian police to keep their rip off mining operations incognito reminds me of the also mentioned Bear Creek Mining Company. As a kid helping my dad in his small mining and prospecting operation way back in the 50’s and early 60’s Dad was having run in’s with Bear Creek. They were really a front for Phillips Dodge at the time and would go in and influence local Sheriff and Judges to assist them in running off the small miner where. Dad had 12 claims while Bear Creek came in and surrounded him with 240 mining claims. A mining claim covers 20 acres–and somehow he wound up in the middle of their claims but had been there years before they decided to come in and take over the area. As it turned out his claims were declared null and void, so they could then stake over him. I know they spent thousands in drilling all around his claims but of course you would never know what they found.
Money talks and the big companies will somehow get the police involved and politics under the guise that their work is going to create jobs and be best for the community. The Peruvian operation enriches the mining company, rips off the people of Peru and leaves a destruction of the area–too often a waste land of pollution that can never be remedied–. Copper and arsenic from these mining operations leach into the water systems once mined into dumps–something you will see in the Peruvian area and when the Cornodo Forest mines open up.
If you go by Globe, Arizona or view the immense Tyrone Mine Dumps near Silver City, New Mexico you can easily see how rain waters go through those loose dumps that once were intact in solid bed rock. They are now spread out for miles open to the leaching process where leached waters end up poisoning not only above ground streams but certainly aquifers that are already scarce due to pollution from chemical factories.
You do not need to be a geologist or earth scientist to understand this. In fact too many of the geologists and earth scientists have their livelihoods and salaries dependent upon these polluting mining companies and industries. They will often give you a line of shit for that simple reason–they support the polluters that butter their bread. Common sense often overrides these biased individuals.
The dumps of Uranium in the Ambrosia Lake region and mines all about it from Gallup, NM to Grants, NM has hundreds of thousands of tons of mine dumps that are now contaminating Indian Reservation Lands and other lands where the mine dumps are abandoned. That is just from rain water leaching. And of course much copper is extracted by circulating acid infused water through the mine dumps and collected then copper electronically removed from the water. A great deal of that type extraction seeps into the ground waters–but in this world of profits the media is not about to knock a system that owns the politicians and in influences media with so much propaganda.
These culprits think the public has no brain–but there are a few out there giving them a brain–the truth of what is going on in the name of progress that indeed is destruction of environment, waters, and health of planet people and wild life. Be mindful of the reality of how people allow greed to blind their vision.
The great thing about the mining and logging occupation was the independence of it all. I have always had jobs that paid you for what you could produce, not for standing around doing jaw work. We had a saying in mining that miners and muckers are hard to find, bosses a dime a dozen. That went for logging I did as well.
In mining the boss made a bit above days wage which was around $7 per hour and jacked up a dollar for a boss. Well while that boss was taking home $8 an hour we were taking home anywhere from $15-$30 per hour depending upon how much we produced. The same went in logging–you were paid according to the footage you produced. So in effect you could get paid for what you did not for what you did not do –but in those jobs you either were a miner or logger or you were not. If you were not then you would take on the easy work of a floor sweeper or a boss–and some of those bosses really were old miners that no longer could handle the heavy work like hauling a mining machine with hoses up a ladder that weighed as much as you do.
In effect though it is experience and time to learn a trade such as mining or logging. I never had to become a miners helper since I had helped my Dad for years. With logging I had been cutting fire wood for some time as a private little business so falling timber was already a given. They are both hard jobs and dependent upon skills that take some time to learn.
I think these days people get some kind of a bat hide and think that is the know all situation. You can strut around with those things hanging on the wall and I have a few earned degrees–even I spent a year and a half at NMSU learning welding. That was after I had a bat hide in Psychology. I do not think you should limit yourself–life if full of interesting things to work at.
My son Ted had said, he wanted some life experience before he took on a University degree. When I learned he was taking on underwater welding, I decided to try that myself–but then I found that after 45 you can not be hired as an underwater welder. Those guys make a hundred grand in just a few months but like mining it is highly dangerous–perhaps more so. If you are down a ways and an empty pipe breaks the pressure will suck you right into a 4 or 6 inch pipe, not to mention the limits and dangers of getting the bends if time is not taken at intervals coming up.
Or worst bosses are those running the country now. Power somehow corrupts but the mediocre people in office that have made politics their livelihood have been long time corrupted. Somehow over time a system that was never intended to be a livelihood and long time occupation has turned into a circus full of full time clowns. These offices were meant to serve the people and by people that expect to do their time then move on to allow others to serve. But when Corporations and Lobby groups became part of the scene and the servants became bloated tyrants in a lucrative occupation things have turned against serving the people. These politicians naturally now serve the Corporations, Banks, the elite and rich that grease their skillets made at Tiffany’s They have now become servants to the rich and Corporate and tyrants to the people they claim to serve.
The sad thing is that most are idiots with low qualifications. but you see them retire from politics with huge estates and millions in their bank accounts. Most would say these are not idiots–look at all the wealth they have amassed serving themselves. Folks, politics was never supposed to get people rich–in fact if anything it was only meant to be a side line. Most of us Americans are wise enough to manage our own affairs in the peaceful and free way we deem to be best for our own needs and without as little offense as possible to our neighbor, the environment, and the planet as well as other people in other sovereign nations.
A psychologist’s point of view of the nation as a whole is that on the main it is psychotic. That goes for the head that wags the tail–for what man in his right mind would go from his home to another street and start screaming at people because they live in a neighborhood that allows parking your car on your grass. Yet our revered and voted for assholes running the show are stupid enough to send their war ships into seas, even within 12 mile boundaries just to provocate other nations–those waters being thousands of miles from our own shores. Yet the very nations they antagonize and threaten are no where near our own waters nor are they interested in provoking our Nation. Now if that is not a sick bunch that run this nation, then tell me what these people should be.
DSM-5–the latest diagnostic reference to mental disorders would lead us to see that our leaders on the main suffer from attenuated psychosis syndrome. They have committed murders in a wholesale manner, continue with their delusions of grandeur by increasing their war budgets in a pattern of associated schizophrenic and paranoiac actions without affect. The behavior in psychology is a mental illness–in a court of law it is criminality of high felony.
The history of spending above 2 trillion tax monies to murder thousands of Iraqi and Afghani Citizens and a few terrorists under the false flag operation manufactured during the Bush-Chenny-Rumsfeld era and continued vigilantly even to the present day gives us an idea of how mentally taxed these leader are. If anything is obvious would be that the power and psychotic mind set is escalating to even bigger crimes.
The shame of all this is that the American people have been lied to and robbed–those Trillions of dollars belonged here for the making of the country great–even providing solar, cleaning the environment and preforming the necessary infra structure improvements.
What we do see is enriched politicians and a destroyed economy all thanks to these clowns people vote for. And how can you answer these power and war mongering fools? They certainly do not represent the people but the Corporate and money robbers of the tax monies controlling the wealth and the army and police are indeed challenges since we see the associated corruption–even in the Judicial systems.
I believe the answer will be in the young people that are well aware of the world destruction these people are guilty of but also of the destruction of our own American way of life. They indeed are inviting in third world countries by the hundreds of thousands and these people are going to find themselves in another third world country no different to the one they left. Is this by design or because of idiots running things? Maybe both–perhaps the younger gerneration can assemble to protest–the other thing just laugh at the stupidity of the clowns and criminals we have running the show.
Correction–both fires covered Dr. Anderson’s yard and home with retardant. Our concern is why so many died–about a third of the town of Yarnell with only 645 residents have deceased at this time in only 8 years. The ratio of deaths per 100,000 in the US for 2013 was 732:100000. That then for 645 resident should mean that there should have been a ratio of 4.7 deaths in 645 residents. If you multiply that by 8 you come up with only 37 people should have died there in 8 years. Folks, withing the first couple years there were already about a hundred deaths. By 2015 the second fire called the Tenderfoot fire required more retardant dumping to add to the hundreds of thousands of gallons that had colored the town during the Yarnell killer fire of 2013.
Looking at it at another way–there were over the 8 years 6-7 times as many deaths than should have been at Yarnell. That does not include the illness caused by the retardant–and as a long time fireman told me–he could only look at the photo of Dr. Anderson a few seconds without turning away. It is traumatic just viewing the photo. Of course there are plenty that will refute the idea that retardant has had anything to do with the deaths and sickness at Yarnell. However they can not deny that fish are instantly killed from even small amounts of the retardant, nor the fact that EPA has already spent more than 140 million dollars cleaning up phosphate dumps from abandoned mine dump seepage into waters in Florida. The ground waters there are being contaminated with the phosphates–the main ingredient of your retardant.
But our major concern are the hidden ingredients under trade secret laws. I suspect they are Fluorocarbons–PFC’s–banned in most European countries. They have many uses and are excellent fire retardant chemicals–used in plastics, treating cloths for fire retardant safety, fire retardant foams, plastics and numerous other uses. They are organic compounds soluable in water and cumulative in human organic systems. Maybe they will make you immune to Covid 19 since they are so deadly but they also are known to thicken your blood platelets so cholesterol sticks to your arteries and can eventually cause heart failure.
Have you not noticed how much more firemen suffer heart attacks than the general population. Many of the deaths at Yarnell, including my own some months after the first dumping of 2013, were due to heart attack–plugged arteries. The retardant seems to have a fertilizing effect on cancer as well.
Carbon is of course an inert element but Florine is one of the most deadly substances on earth. The pilots that haul it in barrels for water treatment plants will tell you that they can not even touch the barrels without special gloves and hazmat equipment. To do so requires a report and immediate medical attention. The barrels are bright yellow with the black skull and bones warning labels everywhere on them.
Most of these chemicals were Monsanto originals. If you want to see their long criminal history of chemical dispersion and death and disease causal–it is there. But of course they pay fines as a part of business expense–there is not conscience, nor does anyone get prosecuted for the death and sickness they cause. They obviously care less about lives, but that is the corporate attitude. Monsanto sold out to another corporation and that corporation sold out to an Israeli outfit that now produces much of the world’s retardant poisons.
If you want to know the great injustice, not only to citizens whose yards and homes are laden with chemical retardant during fires, it is that these chemicals in as much as 15% of the retardant are kept secret under trade secret laws. Neither the citizen nor the fire fighter knows what he is being contaminated with. A doctor can know but can not publicize it.
Now if you do not understand the gravity of the situation–California waters are now in many areas so contaminated with phosphates and fluorocarbons from retardant run off that whole aquifers are becoming useless for human hydration. EPA is now spending millions there to clean up lands –especially around airports where firemen practice and use much retardant.
The government surely knows this–and sending a fireman or wild land fire fighter into these dangerous chemicals is a guarantee that his life will be shortened just as so many citizens had at Yarnell. I do not know how compensation is due the fire men subjected to these dangerous chemicals, but certainly there needs to be an adjustment in pay and education to the real truth of what they are facing.
As I see it and cowboy commons sense says don’t get trapped in a canyon above a raging fire near and keep your self away from the retardant chemicals if you value your health.
Much credit and appreciation to–There Goes Joy again. Her photos of the wild land fire and the last photo of the GMHS crew going up the mountain for their last climb as if they were ascending to Heaven was a classic. He single photo speaks more than a thousand of my own words. And There again–her photo of Dr. Anderson’s last struggle with the effect he suffered after his yard and home had been plastered red with retardant speaks more than a thousand words of my own. There are many of our heroes getting ill but not knowing the reason yet there are plenty in the medical and chemical world that do. People need to be forewarned of the dangers –and yes most know about radiation and stand back from it, but early on people did not know and many a lady lost her tongue and life in the most hideous of manners just by painting watch faces with radium based glow in the dark paint. And sadly–even after knowing the dangers, the profiteers continued as long as they could to do their dirty work. Will you walk a mile for a camel? I would but that camel better not smoke.
It is an ongoing saga in this world–there are a few good actors–yet it at times seems to be a very few.
We organic robots have a tendency to generalize–it makes life more efficient and allows us to continue on without attention to details that would slow us down in our efforts.
In the glue factory of politics there are perhaps a few individuals that would represent the people before their own personal interests. Certainly, as Obama and the Clinton gang, it is nice to retire with a hundred million-or more-and be so loved by much of the public that they would hang on to every lie spewed upon them and adore such high fluting (I dare not say class) people.
But as the glue factory involves sticky people that hang well together and for many the gallows would be ideal–there are a few who would dare challenge the criminal activities in high places–and you can now see their fates–prison, demonization, hatred for their efforts to expose crime in the so called honorable ones, and a public that can be convinced the truthsayers deserve the abuse.
They will call you a loonie –and it takes one to know one after all–but they are in packs like wolves after a sheep. Very dangerous territory to be around the wolves if you are the sheep and if you are near the glue factory you must become sticky–stinky too.
The book authors are not much for truth–it is an occupation–something to entertain and make the author money and fame. The obvious truths of the Yarnell deaths were skirted in the books and movies–they became stifcky and stinky too. Well the alternative is to be called a looney or to be somehow relegated to the criminal set for not agreeing to the crime.
This is a sick world–but the sick ones think they are the healthy ones–everyone else is a loony.
God might just be a replicating IM capable of bending time–the gods need the gold so they created organic robots that replicate but are not so intelligent and mass distruction will eventually wipe them out if they do not self destruct–a flood when the gods no longer need their organic robots or they nudge a huge meteor toward earth to wipe it clean of most life.
Few know that the Samarian tablets wrote the Moses story some two thousand years before the Jews got hold of it and revised it a bit–much like the Adam and Eve story and the flood in Genesis. The gods and the earth visitors have been around for millions but like the hybrid blue blood lines–they pretty much stay in their private glue factory and you serfs only desreve to worship them–and as far as causing wars and eliminating thousands or truthfully millions–that is just God’s work, albeit the Devil made them do it.
But one thing we know –things are a mess in this USof A–and yet millions are invading the mess because they are leaving a mess –one they came from and one they are adding to in this country. Things will get worse –much worse before they get better–and if. We have no clue what the idiots running things will do but adding 8 nuclear equipped ships to Australia is a monster albatros not much noticed because it is so damned close.
One of my ex wives called–found me concerned after Charlie, my pooch, had shot me in the back. She had seen it as far back as New York in the news. Her youngest son had committed suicide–a result of child molestation –she is looking for the sorry bastard that did it and I hope she finds him. Child molesters are incurable–that fellow is off somewhere ruining kids lives and causing terror to the families. To loose a child, no matter how old is –I know–something you will live with and tear your heart even to your death bed. I hope she finds him and I do know who he is but not where he is hiding out.
There is a battle of good vs. evil–and there is a line and a time to get off the fence to one side or the other.
Slainte of mind body and spirit and the planet.
I forgot to mention–Joy has posted some interesting videos on YouTube–working against the glue factory. Joy has done her best to do the right thing. She is no slouch–Her IQ puts her in the genius category–her perserverance would test Job.
I forgot to mention–Joy has posted some interesting videos on YouTube–working against the glue factory. Joy has done her best to do the right thing. She is no slouch–Her IQ puts her in the genius category–her perseverance would test Job.
Here is a reply to an email I had received from a fire fighter and a link to an interesting article posted by a former wild land fire fighter Emily. .
I replied: Thanks–Emily revealed a lot there–the greatest danger in fire fighting comes for the boss that ignores his crew’s safety and drops off in an almost impassable brush filled box canyon while knowing the wind change prediction is in effect and add to that had to know there was a burn going below grade in the Shine area directly below the death site. Jesse Steed however on fairly good reports is said to have argued with Eric Marsh–but did give in. Donut has lied so often his testimony is suspect but certain Marsh never made the comment that his crew was the last hope for saving Yarnell. However, Willis–the originator with Marsh of the city fire fighters turned hybrid with wild land fire fighting said–that is what they do–protect structures. Ha–not what Dave said as chief of city fire fighting in Dolan Springs, AZ. He told me they generally do not concern themselves with saving structures due to the danger involved but do want to contain the fire from spreading.
However–Emily does not realize how deadly the fire fighting profession really is concerning the health issues. Anyone that does sustained fire fighting eventually winds up sick or dead. Old fire fighters are like old miners–those that survive have plenty of health issues to deal with and their life spans are guaranteed to be shortened by years. I do consider them heroes–but dead heroes can no longer fight the fires.
Whew–I did regret passing that memorial Joy and I made were we passed those men on their way up to their last stand. It tears the heart knowing that tragedy was avoidable and the actions taken by Marsh and others completely unacceptable.
Link concerning the Yarnell Fire and about the movie “Only the Brave” and Emily’s comments and comments from a former Supe in wild land fire fighting.
Thanks to the friend who sent the article–
Opps–Link did not post accident– here it is again from previous post:
> –Article about Marsh, Only the Brave movie and some interesting concerns.
One topic that is taboo is the UFO question.
It is a regular thing here for me to step outdoors and there is one and sometimes three or more. They vary in colors, sometimes blink with changing colors, sometimes travel at a snails pace and sometimes shoot off at amazing velocities and doing the impossible for human g force tolerance changes of direction. Certainly they pay no mind to Federal and Military Air Space regulations. I have sometimes thought they are government owned but then also I know that there are cases of these orbs hovering over Missile sites and even sometimes shutting down the launching electronics. Military attempts to take them down are fruitless and instances where pursuits were made resulted in the electronics of the plane being shut off and in some verified cases the pursuit pilot was killed. So they can appear on radar and in visible sight or they can disappear from radar yet appear on infrared cameras. Joy has some hard evidence of some of their antics.
Are they government inventions? The Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, after he retired stated that the UFO classified in the US is considered a higher classification than even the Hydrogen Bomb. Churchill, when he received credible reports from his pilots about UFO’s they were seeing and even photographing, consulted with Eisenhower. He decided to put all those reports under classified information for fear people would panic.
So now that the government has spent billions of our tax monies since the 40’s and especially since the many reports of UFO activity after the exploding of the Atom Bomb at the Trintiy Site, they are finally leaking out a small amount of information about the tic tac that followed the Nimitz around and even was photographed and seen to enter the ocean and travel at will underwater.
We have been so programmed to believe that the UFO thing belongs to a group of imaginations and even flakes so that even photos and admissions of the Military photos of such craft are unbelievable. But good horse sense will tell you that indeed the phenomenon is real–too many credible people have reported them including many pilots and several astronauts. Astronaut General, who had made many trips had photographed one following on a trip to the moon. Upon return all things must be turned in–his camera and photos were taken. When he asked for that one of the craft following their mission he was sand bagged. But by his seniority they did return the photo he was demanding. He was left fuming–they did not return the photos he had taken but something not related.
What is sad in all this is the fact that people in government have a license to lie and steal and even murder in some cases at will. They steal the tax monies and use them and lie about the information they gain. Then–as we know now, Pompeo and Trump were conniving to poison Julian Assange–he had embarrassed Pompeo and proved him to be a great liar–disinformation artist would be the politically polite term.
So why would they lie about UFO’s and pretend they are imaginary while spending billions on the study, while classifying their information above top secret even that of Atomic secrets? It is a matter of control–If people get the truth they are apt to hold these liars heads to the fire. I saw how that General looked like a sheep head when it was revealed he was playing footsie with the Chinese while Trump was demonizing them.
Obama and Biden with son Hunter did well with the Chinese. So did the Clinton Group–Hillary even got a few million donated to her foundation from the Russians so they could own 20% of America’s Uranium deposits. Obama retired on a 140 million dollar estate with some millions to have parties with celebrities and you have to believe the General was in on the filthy lucre as well. Now all this Biden noise against China and Russia has drummed up the war machine so that now nuclear sub contracts are going to supply Australia. The poor Aussies will be tax burdened and now even a target more for possible Chinese nuclear bombs. But it is a profit game for the wealthy while too many Americans can’t even make their rent payments.
And did we not see that in the dispersion of that agent orange retardant that runs now about $5 a gallon and causes untold millions in destruction of water sources, health, and environment–yet many wild land fire fighters will tell you that is is a show for the public–quite costly I must say.
The Feds know more than they dare tell about it all. And there are more secrets than just the trade secret poisons hidden and not hidden ingredients of fire retardants.
And yes vote the swamp out if possible? An honest third party person who would dare represent the people and truth? Would they be poisoned as Journalist Assange–that was decided to instead give him 175 years here and maybe kill him in prison as Epstein that had goods on Clinton and Prince Andrew? Whew talk about a mess when a Journalist that speaks the truth when his conscience will not allow otherwise is condemned by those that are supposed to be honorable.
Here is the link to Emily Shephard’s article that Martin Gill had commented on and I had posted–Shephard is a former wild land fire fighter and discusses how the movie ONLY THE BRAVE is a fiction in certain assessments it made about the deaths of the 19 GMHS crew members. Of course we knew with advisors such as Donut and Amanda Marsh it would be an attempt to cover up the real reasons for those deaths. So, yes I would agree with Emily on that part. However, the young fellows were for the most part heroes despite their ignorance of the rules of safety if Donut was any example. They did follow orders and surely had they been properly trained in wild land fire fighter safety they would have refused to drop off in a death canyon.
While I had a bar for a couple years called the Texas Bar in Safford, Arizona and was mining fire agate and turquoise on the side as my wife generally ran the thing–I would have a man named Chuy Garza that would come in as a regular. He had played Russian Roulette with himself only with a 22 pistol. He shot a tooth out and a hole though his jaw–said it hurt like hell. Well I think it saved a dental bill but could have killed him. Yes, you can break the safety rules as the GMHS were witnessed to do on several occasions–but playing Russian Roulette done enough will sooner or later ruin you.
The problem I did see with the GMHS story was that the bosses had written that the wild land fire fighter must strictly obey orders–It was a part ;of the qualifications put out by their bosses and did hang on the wall at Yarnell. Those fellows were brain washed to follow without question and they knew not to obey was a sure way to loose your job. Add the Donut type ignorance about safety with bosses that disregarded all safety procedures and they had a game of Russian Roulette going–something I would have thought Marsh should have known and quite apparently Jesse Steed did know by his said three time refusal until he himself followed the “must strictly obey orders” to be a wild land firefighter–I think they took the plaque down after they realized the folly on that where bosses don’t give a shit about safety rules.
So here is the article from Viewpoints:
One of the great methods governments use for mind control and population management is to edit events. Yarnell certainly was a great example of event manipulation so the outcome favored what those in charge believed would be the best option not only to keep the players in good standing with the public view but also what they believed would cause the least turbulence. Shakespeare would have greatly enjoyed viewing the setting of the stage and arrangements made to pull off a good play that had a finale of the good old boys always win with the Devil smiling in the background.
We live in such serious times where lies are well accepted and even expected. The brainwash is such that we run to vote and see the one we voted for only made promises to get himself in office. It was all charade–but we did not object–we are so accustomed to that is how it is done. Santa Claus who favors setting little-ones on his lap and promises great gifts –the Politician to the public who forgets his promises, well knew that we knew he was a liar. But we don’t care much–we are brain trained to accept the way it is.
But the serious times are that we have the so called world peace makers sending armadas into foreign waters, even invading sovereign boundaries with our war ships. These are not peace makers–they are fools flexing their muscles looking down a loaded gun barrel.
And yet their mantra is how terrible and dangerous the Russians and Chinese are. With 700+ billion dollars to spend on ever more destructive nuclear weapons systems they have a land of cities now full of homeless. Roads are in bad shape, prisons are overloaded with people that belong in rehab and counseling services, where a few billions would take many off the grid or increase energy to it, where health care is not affordable except to those well insured at high expense, where it is time to take care of business at home instead of taking our young men and women thousands of miles abroad to fight other countries wars.
There is plenty of evil and it masquerades in $10,000 suits and $30,000 Rolex watches as the successful and the leader rich from war industry profits. It is seen in our highest offices where the cronies wave the war flag to appease the war industrialists that paid their way to offices. The media follows the line–they have no other choice–they too are owned and part of the industry with their careers and livelihood dependent upon the rules of engagement.
We sometimes despair at the ignorance–yet there still are many good people who are aware. We are not alone yet the evil of the land and of some whom have entrenched themselves in power we despair.
This indeed is a case of having eggs in many baskets while the basket we own is tattered and in bad need of repair. Fix our own basket first–make it strong and bring those young ones home to defend our Nation and its borders.
Ross Coulthart #NASA tell the truth say he does not understand why the government withholds so much information–much that would benefit all humanity concerning free energy and stop the environmental destruction by such things as global warming.
He cites the fact that secret service agents of the Apartheid South African government had murdered hundreds under government sanctions. There was a committee formed allowing the perps freedom from prosecution by telling of the truths and their stories. Motivations for murder under government protection is well known–our own CIA and FBI people are not innocent–yet what could they do if assigned a job that supposedly is classified and deemed necessary for National Security. If you are Pompeo, a journalist that tells the truth is a threat to National Security and can during the Trump watch decide to murder Assange under those grounds. Trump lawyers kept him from the act only because they felt it could have diplomatic repercussions. If you see a wife or husband plan such a murder with an undercover cop, you see someone taken to jail for a high felony. But the slime in government that plan such a murder are given a pass–they said it is a matter of National Security–so that is their get out of jail free card. In truth, since Assange is Austrailian, Mr. Pompeo should have been brought before a world court for war crimes–something several Presidents since Eisenhower deserve. I would say give them their day in world court for millions murdered under false flag events and lies. But it would be like the Nuremberg trials–so damn many guilty not only in this country but also Canada, UK, Australia and any well informed of the lie yet ascribing to the murders.
But I have no wonder why the government withholds so much and keeps so much secret that would indeed bring most of the poor out of poverty and bring on a new age.
Since the beginning of the year more than a thousand souls have been murdered because they were leaders in the green movement concerning climate change. Most of these murders are documented in the third world countries. Such as Guatemala where Indigenous people are protesting the opening of a big Nickle Mine those leading the protests are snuffed out like so many sheep for slaughter. As you see when oil companies, mining companies or any other huge industry is threatened they take action by any means even to murder. So it is no stretch of the imagination to realize that anytime the big industries that run government are threatened in their profit schemes–the government will be there. After all, the industries foot the election bills and these government officials are not about to see their oil stocks, coal stocks, pharmaceutical stocks. and especially the very lucrative war stocks go down. They have smiles when they see their next million in profits while the industries smile while they see their next billions in profits.
I never thought the motive for the cover up of the deaths of the GMHS were concerning money–mostly it was attributed to reputations. But there was also a money factor–those relatives and loved ones should have entertained millions in settlements. But also the dead and dying of Yarnell due to retardant is even a bigger cover up–it involves billions in profits world wide should the truth of the toxicity and damage to human life and environment–especially scarce ground water contamination and ocean dead zone destruction concerning fish and anything below the toxic red algae even including ocean plant life.
It would be Christian to forgive these culprits if they should come clean with their stories==many were under false beliefs they were doing the right thing by their cover ups and false information campaigns. But as freedom loving Americans demanding a transparent and honest government we are entitled to the truth. And those that would kill the journalist truth seekers and sayers should be brought to justice–and if they are willing to admit their guilt–will you do the Christian thing?
Rittenhouse ought to make a good fire fighter–what he was doing putting out fires the idiots were creating during the BLM? protests. I thought the way media had put it and your senile President put it he was a White Supremists that had killed 3 black dudes. Instead after the truth came out and the trial and video showed–that kid was being attacked by one guy that had a pistol, another criminal convicted child molester attempting to mangle him with a skate board, and another couple of idiots one stomping him in the face. Oh my how the fake media can make a lie out of the truth.
And here we see a prosecutor that should have awarded this kid a medal for defending himself–after attempting to run away from the perps that all should be arrested for attemted murder. That prosecutor should be jailed for prosecuting such an obvious innocent person and the police that pushed the arrest should also be fired and jailed.
This has been another bad example of the justice run amuck here in this country. Albeit the judge you could see was quite annoyed that this case was being tried–yet I wonder why the case was not dismissed to begin with.
We have seen enough with Journalists being persecuted while Epstein was allowed to run free for years until too many of his victims demanded justice-Before Clinton. Prince of England Andrew, Bill Gates and other visitors on the Lolita Express and Island allowed him a slap on the wrist until it was apparent they were going to be denied the young girls and possible exposure for child molesting. And the punks that were burning cars and causing mayhem walk away free from prosecution?
We need regime changes alright–right here at home when half a trillion is set aside for more wars and the regime in power that manifests like the main media–a pack of lies and an all out effort to cause a war with China and Russia while at home we have a mess–people homeless, illegal immigrants invading the country, and people making death threats to a kid that was helping people and by chance gave as molester his due by chance when he was in mortal danger.
Buckle up–with the system going the way it is you best lay aside a few extra cans of beans and other necessities–the next invasion might be on our own soils–an army of 10 million Chinese backed by a couple million Russian troops might be a tough situation to deal with–especially after the earth is blackened and the gamma rays. alpha and beta rays pollute the air, water and land.
Lets hope the next election brings up a person not in abeyance to the War Industrial Powers and the bankers and other industrial terrorists willing to sacrifice our young and rip apart the environment all in their quest for profit. Yet do not expect it–media educates the masses in accordance with their motives–money and obedience to their industrial providers.
Any honest person will be maligned and in some manner deposed.
In my way of thinking expect the worst in the near future–if that does not manifest then be happy–be happy anyway since there is not a lot to be done against the juggernaut of ignorance and greed.
sláinte ach siúl díreach aistrigh (health but walk straight)
Arizona is among the ten highest prisoner populations of all states yet Arizona is the 14th in population count. Arizona even beats out Illinois–a high density state and well known for its incarceration rates.
Arizona in effect has more than 36 thousand prisoners and each is costing more than $40,000 per year to house–thanks to the unlucky tax burden on the hard working stiff.
You have to wonder why such an unpopulated state could manage to be one of the top ten states to house so many prisoners. Well, beyond being a big private business and the belief that so many Arizonans are bad citizens there must be some causal factor. Poverty after all does not seem to be a great factor in Arizona while crime does–or at least the extreme punishments for petty crimes seems to be in vogue.
Abnormal psychology can explain reasons for criminal behavior but it does not offer remedy to mend the criminal mind or even effect human nature. That goes to the counseling and behavioral sciences and those for the non violent offenders generally demand various ways of promoting behavioral changes. They do not much address why the system is loaded with so many non-violent prisoners–above 40% never having been convicted of violent crimes.
We all have opinions–and one that I can opine is that the system is set up so that police and prosecutors apply as many crimes as possible to an offender so they can offer to drop many charges that would cause the offender to do enormous amounts of time in prison if found guilty of all. So the cost of attorney’s fees, the chance of such conviction all weighed against a single charge that would give a much lesser time in prison seems and is encouraged as a reasonable alternative even if the person is innocent. The system is already overloaded and Judges that have to sit through trials of offenders that are found guilty of their crime–and that is above 90% of the time–will mete out the maximum or near maximum to set examples for those who dare challenge the charges.
Of course the poor in Arizona have no alternative to lawyers unless it is a court appointed attorney and those are the system lawyers paid by the system and not your best bet when the system that convicts also hires the lawyer that is on their payroll. But a poor person can not afford exorbitant lawyer fees a private and competent lawyer would require.
Next is the ability of the system police to lie with impunity–the only excuse has to be that it is in the interest of a possible exposure of a crime. We see how the police go up the ladder by their arrest records–those look good to society and to the purpose of policing. So good that many times we find police even planting evidence and many prosecutors have been keen to hide evidence in cases that would hurt their record of successful prosecutions. Many innocent people have been released after the fact and even after much time of incarceration after this is found out. Yet both police, prosecutors and justices have set up an immunity from prosecution for lying –and many continue to their nefarious acts under the guise of justice. Is it justice or the winner takes all?
But even more the system is now in the stock market–another incentive to have more prisoners. How much does filthy lucre have to do with increased imprisonment? Some judges were found to be filling up certain new prisons with harsh sentences for petty crimes because they had monetary interests in those systems.
Polish your boots and press your pants and comb your hair–it will help –and do not be surprised that Rittenhouse had 5 charges but be surprised that he was found innocent even with all the film evidence that saved him. They took after all 26 hours of argument to finally convince all that he was innocent.
Will the system change–only for the worse–once a sytem is entrenched it only increases in severity and now that the Industrial, Military and Poilice forces are highly funded above even health care, welfare and infra structure you will see more of the infringement on personal rights. And since the liars are themselves immune to prosecution they have also allowed their financiers immunity as well.
So Big Pharma can inject you with anything and down the line if you get sick you have no recourse to their crime. They also will not get 5 charges instead of one–and if you are an insider government hack doing inside trades–you crime will amount to one–a $200 fine if you are even charged with that or charged at all. And these are representing who–of course the big polluters, the big criminals and those that pay they way and have the millions that they see as chump change and political influence monies and business expenses expected if the billions are to be made or donated to them from tax monies. The system will continue but it is good to understand it.
My hikes are longer though each one ends with chest pain–but that is not a complaint–it is a fact of life — facts and truth–something we must all contend with and depend upon. So some of us will still stand to defend our rights as citizens- as veterans, police and certain politicians and others are supposed to do–and as the Marine or Army or Navy recruit would say we need a few good men-add a few good women too.
The war is over–Lamentations–the free man of America is consigned to servitude to the War Industrial Complex. The Congress people have betrayed the American free–they have assigned the American to support the War Industries–there is nothing left except that huge tax burden to be supported by people with no or menial service connected jobs.
Congress gave the War Complex a whopping 768 Billion Dollars–26 Billion more that Biden The Feeble asked for. That 26 billion to be used to “improve” the killing power and efficiency of the nuclear army we are already so proud of. We are burdening the loborer and poor with a war effort costing 3 time what China is spending and more than 10 times what Russia is spending. Massive arms build up and Congress thinks a minimum of a 5% increase in the war budget is necessary in future years.
Yet less than a dozen “old fashioned” nuclear warheads launched off our shores by the many submarines of Russian and Chinese origin would totally remove this country from the world imperialistic nature it boasts as the Great American Empire.
What fools we have as government representatives of the people, or rather,, are we not the fools that employ and allow these monsters to continue their dirty work for the War Industries? This same Congress is loath to address the unemployed, the homeless, the health crisis, the invasion of foreign illegals, the terrible infrastructure and highway system, planet pollution (highly increased by the American forces patrolling Chinese and Russian Borders while our own are being invaded by the hoards.
The unrest, the riots and crime wave will only gain intensity as a few profit immensely form the continued and exacerbated War Industry that owns the political machine of America. Yet the average American is unaware of the the betrayal of their trust and representation –of all that will soon bring this great nation to its end times.
the gross deception designed by the forces in power have most blinded. We are now at a time that is soon to revert the general population to primitive existence–the era of American woe from the greed and power of the war industry. This country can no longer win a war–a rag tag Army of terrorists on bicycles drove us from Afghanistan after 20 years- our land Armies are a pittance against such forces as a China and Russian front.-the only win now is no win–a nuclear holocaust and that is beyond 50% in the next few years–there can be no alternative as we continue the affront against China and Russia and the Arab world.
I have met death on more than one occasion–it is inevitable for all. Yet life should be what our future young generations should inherit and that abundant and in a free and healthy society. But this war society has become a cancer beyond cure.
Some will look beyond the lies and liars of this age. They will prepare for the worst yet hope for the best and cherish each day with good tidings and positive expression.
Live well and right and die with honor
At least we know now that you can not vaccinate away the Covid disease created by and under the love of Dr. Fauchi. The governments were interested in creating a gain of function virus–and they did well at their job. They found out what they already were aware of–that if you manipulate the Virus you can get a killer virus that when let loose will devastate the world order, kill millions and cause havoc. Then the New World Order people can move in to offer a solution. Bill Gates, a frequent Lolita Express rider when he had his own private jets, made it possible to rid us of the dreaded disease–except his vaccines and all their boosters have failed.
I did suffer through Covid–Israel says that if you live though the 19 variety you are 16 times more immune to the newer varieties than if you had the shots. But even so the British reports are so that with Omicron 50% of people that have of late suffered through colds really had Omicron. Also the death rate is very low as are hospitalizations–Dr. Campbell, the long time British Doctor has specialized in tracing the Covid cases and interviews many other Doctors as well on his You Tube posts–usually several posts every week–even daily. There you can get many Doctor evaluations and not a business man that was a college drop out and had no medical experience whatsoever that has teamed with a Dr. Fauchi in their quest that has made them billions promoting the vaccines.
These are my opinions of course–so for me, no I did not take it but did get the damn disease and thought I was going to die for lack of breath. My left arm is still painful and tingles constantly, I used an oxygen machine for some time and could not walk across my property for weeks. Maybe I caught it from my son Mark the RN, –he got it and was sick but not nearly as bad as I–though he was off work for some weeks.
Some people, in fact one doctor interviewed by Dr. Campbell, took the shot and then suffered–same arm tingling still as mine is only I never took the shot and got the disease anyway. Everyone will–it is a given and worse than the flu as far as spreading worldwide. And countries like Iceland and others that are 90% vaccinated are having big out breaks of the Covid despite their vaccination rates. I believe the Israeli doctors and information–if you had the disease as I have had you have 16 times better resistance to new varieties than those vaccinated people. Bill Gates and Fauchi, Pfizer, Biden, etc say no–if you are vaccinated you have twice the immunity than those that had the disease. They should get vaccinated according to Gates, et. al.–and the college drop out ought to know at least where the profits are–more vaccinations–except to poor people where refusals are made–no money there.
Yet Gates and wife made contributions in the millions to poor countries for health benefits. If you want to look good contribute millions and make billions and hate Elon Musk. Musk contradicts Gates and Fauchi–says there is no reason for lock downs, suggests people that are like myself should isolate if they are afraid, and even said the cheap medicine hydroxychloroquine is a good thing for treatment. Many doctors prescribed it but were threatened–and some I have listened to say at least 4000 mg Vitamin D with Zinc 40mg and K2 at 20omcg are good ideas to help build the immune system. That is the formula I am using except I get the Vitamin D with daily hikes–today I manage 8 miles with a 30 pound pack. One lung is pretty decent if you get through Covid with it.
So do not give up–and I do think you should get a vaccination if that is in your mind to do. My kids all did except Mark the RN–he has natural immunity as do I after having suffered the disease–he said his was like a case of the flu and I do remember how flushed and ill he was. In my case I thought it was the end. But in any event, you will get the new variety vaccinated or not. Though I believe my natural immunity and the hikes and vitamin regimen will suffice–maybe a shot of tippled distilled Jaimeson if I get around to it for a toddy if I get down in spirits.
What happened to Patrick Henry:s courageous statement==”Give me liberty or give me death”.? People willingly line up to allow an invasion of their body by chemicals they have no idea or study of but are willing to rely on the words of people like Fauchi and Gates? And they should have that right the same as I should have the right to question these money grubbing authorities that claim to have the snake oil that is the cure all. At the same time I see Covid 19 is not the same as the flu–you will need a Covid shot every so often like the flu shot. Old Gates is no fool–he cashes in on the third booster but it will be a booster every 6 months to a year now. Well that is for those that believe in shots. Personally I do not take the flu shot and never have–maybe I will die with the flu–I hope not but for certain I will not die from either the flu or the Covid shot. I won’t even get sick from those shots.
The mind is an amazing thing. If you believe the shot is good, then it is likely 90% good for you. And it is well known if several a greet a healthy person and remark that he looks ill–after about the third greeting that healthy person will begin to feel ill. The manipulators screwed with his mind much as the manipulators screw with the public mind to amass fortunes and maintain power positions.
Do your own research–I have done mine but it is only good for my health–there are after all too many quacks claiming to know something about medicine. Check them out and listen to many Doctors that are active with Covid patients–you get the best info that way.,
Here is a true story–The VA doctor in Vegas told me I needed knee replacements. I was having terrible pain in both knees. He put me on a list–the operation was scheduled for a few months down the line for two titanium knees.
Meantime, I went to Phoenix VA and decided on a second opinion–that German doctor looked at the xrays and said no way–he said you cance that. He showed me a spur on one knee and the other good. He did shoot both knees with silicone and told me to not be lifting heavy weights.
Well I had been building a stone wall there on the mountain out of where you live and you will certainly go to Heaven after deceasing. Dolan Springs–purgatory hot and full of riff raff of the weirder kind.
I had for over a month been loading boulderts that weighed 100–300 pounds. And it did take time but my knee pain began to subside on its own. And now I am grateful to that old German Doctor that did not just want to give me titanium or plastic knees to remedy the pain.
So be careful and second opinions, maybe third are sometimes wise.
Understanding the methods used for cover up to protect people and reputations of those that do not want to be held accountable for their wanton actions–especially when it concerns the death of so many. The death of any person is reason to full and careful investigation for the reasons.
The death of 19 becomes even more demanding of precise and transparent information. It boggles the mind of how such a tragedy could occur when even a cursory investigation of the facts reveals that all basic safety rules were disregarded. But even more appalling was the fact that the investigation disregarded those facts and the true reasons for the deaths of all the Granite Mountain Hotshot Crew except one–whose life also was in dire jeopardy except for a chance arrival of a ATV and an aware boss of another crew.
We know one of the methods used to hide the truth as long as possible is to deny and delay freedom of information requests. The Forest Service and State officials know that their denials will result in the requestor to incur expensive legal expenses and long drawn out court appearances and decisions. Certainly these authorities can be fined but the tax payer foots the fine bill–so they wind up accomplishing their chicanery without any repercussions.
Of Course the game of withholding FOIA information is only one of the methods that were used in the GMHS death cover up. The reputations of some of the Cronie bunch were the major reason–and the use of authoritarian power, threats to job security, and even Judicial mum orders of Judges involved with the cronie system were used. Yet the general public bought into the narrative simply because they could not imagine such supposedly honorable people concocting a narrative to protect reputations when 19 lives had been snuffed out by careless and negligent reason. The narrative presented was lies and half truths–and the public wants to believe the heroes of our country were without blemish–yet some were tarnished but live the lie despite their actions.
The disease of truth hiding and half truth and disinformation (blatant lies) bleeds over into all agencies. Newsweek spent 4 years and ample funds and patience to get the truth about the gain of function work done under the approval of Dr. Fauchi, NIH and in full knowledge of the Pentegon. To the credit of the Pentegon, authorities there recommended that gain of function on the Covid virus be discontinued–they stated that there is danger of a possible to cause a pandemic. Well Newsweek’s FOIA information shows all this in their recent article exposing the facts gleaned from their FOIA information.
Fauchi like Eric Marsh is guilty of many deaths–he went ahead and allowed the funding in the millions of dollars to produce the gain of function Corona Virus 19–10,000 times as effective a killer as the Sars virus. He did this despite Obama’s order to stop gain of function experiments and those of the Pentagon who also recommended a stop despite their possible use as a war weapon. This narcissistic psychopathic liar is now responsible for millions of deaths and untold mental anguish among the people of the planet. Thousands are now homeless, jobs lost, businesses closed and general mayhem from protests and riots has proceeded from his actions and those in his cronie group.
But we are all familiar with these types. They will intermingle with the good and present as angels. But some of us are not so easily fooled.
But read the Newsweek expose –great to see at least one main line news source come out of the closet of deceit. And Fauchi will likely be protected by Biden –he better pray Trump does not get elected in 2022 and maybe should be practicing wearing suits with stripes.
ADD– that Newsweek spent thousands in law suits and 4 years of time to get those FOIA reports that they have revealed. Fred Shoeffler will appreciate their patience and expense to get FOIA reports from reluctant public officials attempting to hide crimes.
WTKTT shows that Brendan either gave two different accounts of that whether the crew was “asked” to come into town or where he reported to SAIT a different version. Or else someone wrote up the SAIT report version to present the fiction as we know the official story to be. You can’t trust Donut’s talk but it would stand to reason that someone had ordered the GMHS crew to come to leave their safe in the black situation to come down out of the black into the box canyon to do structure protection. I do not know who reported that there was a disagreement between Steed and Marsh over taking the risk and also that once they knew they were about to be burned over Steed had said something like you killed us this time. So it stands to my way of thinking common sense that someone had “asked” Marsh to bring the men down for structure protection. I would have thought that to be Willis since the GMHS crew was his baby–but then it could have been the boss that knew they were coming down by his comments saying they knew where the crew was at all times.
It is hard to believe they would not know exactly where the men were at any instant considering the extreme nature of the fire and its fast movements. It would be common sense that with communications going and Donut’s talking with Marsh as he was escaping behind Frisby, then handing communications over to Frisby that Frisby and plenty of others knew exactly what the GMHS crew were doing and where they had been ordered down.
With the burn over, smoke and a bad description to the rescue helicopter I could see that the copter crew might be looking for the crew at another ranch site that was some farther north near Peeples Valley and that due to the ground crew not explaining that.
It is very close to the anniversary now–and I am sorry that I am physically unable to make the hike to honor those men. It is my hope that the truth of the matter will come out. It has been an arduous task for many to show the inconsistencies in the official story and its quick resolution in order to save reputations. Many hours, blood, sweat and tears not to mention many funds involved by private individuals have gone into this because people care so much for those lives and the safety of future lives. We accept that people make mistakes and in the case of the killing of the GMHS crew and others involved in wild land fires it is imperative to continue so that correction of these mistakes can be made. Without the truth there can be no resolution.
It is where you
It is where you? Where did that come from? I would like Donut to be interviewed by John Daugherty or WTKTT or Joy Colura–I wonder if he would consent?
Joy–you should run for Congresswoman–as much time and money as you have spent on this problem of the GMHS crew investigation you could recoup some by doing that. You would within a short time become a millionaire and more often each becomes a multi-millionaire. It is a very lucrative mover as every Congress person hits the millionaire mark without winning the lottery. There are just too many industries needing their influence.
If there was one saying from Jesus it was he did say enough to take care of today since you have no idea what may happen tomorrow–well he was Psychic since he came in a vision to John to let him have the predictions of the future. Not all of them were pretty–mostly end of the world stuff that movies are made from. And being a wild land fire fighter you just might experience the Apocalypse early on.
Mostly people do not plan their own demise and some of those you would never expect to play other people’s demise you would least expect also. If you know about father Bush, he was a great war Hero–dropping bombs and then being shot out of the air on a Japanese killing mission. His two cohorts did parachute out with him but were never found–a miracle that a US submarine surfaced and took him aboard.
With such a history of killing and near death escape you would think he would be the last one to go after Saddam on a false flag operation. We all know now that 911 was an excuse to kill Arabs not even involved in the Twin Tower ordeal and that he and his cronies in CIA knew damn well that there were no nukes in Iraq and that Saddam Hussein was a blowhard and would be no challenge and actually did not want to be a challenge to the US. However he was shutting off oil supplies and a certain threat to the oil business and the wealth of the American Oligarchy had bothered him. Being ex head of the CIA–he knew the ropes and what and how to feed the public to get them angered at the Arabs in Iraq and Afghanistan. And that he did–many wanting to nuke those countries.
As it turned out over a 20 year period millions of Arab citizens have been killed, many cities look like Berlin after WW2 and about half million of our own, Canadian, British, Australian and others that follow the American leaders like so many baby ducks in a row.
And all this to feed the War Industries and keep the oil flowing and profits glowing. So since the fables fed the public, people have slowly uncovered not only the motives but the lies used to perpetrate these war crimes.
Now we have Biden and Boris to deal with–the two big thinkers–and already they are calling off the troops from Afghanistan to take on a major war with China and Russia. Why else do you send 140 thousand American troops to Islands near China. Why is Japan allowing the US to set up missiles and at the same time asking Russia for a peace treaty? These power people such as Boris and Biden have no consideration for the killing that will ensue–they know but they don’t care. They are the epitome of idiocracy.
Salient –may the Irish gods shut off their nukes and keep them stumbling.
As you see, I have little respect for politicians. They to a person become millionaires or if millionaires multiply that often may fold–Pelochi is now worth over 200 million and of course has insider advice on any stock purchases or sales, and then there are the huge contributions to these election funds by the Oligarchic, War Crime Industrialists and Bankers that own these people. How much wealth is enough wealth? Well wealth is power and the more these grubbers have the more potent their poison. And this I mean to the planet, to killing people in falsely incited war crimes, regime change efforts, assassinations, and whatever efforts they can make to increase their standing among their peers and puppet masters.
I had thought to vote for the lesser of the two evils in two elections–that would have been Trump cleaning the swamp. But then it is like the Gambino’s wiping out the Bonnano’s, move on over a new dog is moving in–the swamp cleaning out the swamp. So I did not cast my vote–however had someone with a bit more sense ran, then I should have cast a vote. That would be someone representing the people–not someone elected by the millions provided to buy them before they even enter office.
I find it ludicrous to go after Trump still with criminal charges. It is a circus full of clowns running the country–those type of clowns that terrorize people and rob banks and then hand balloons out to children on their laps. The two sensible candidates I saw were a former Navy seal and a woman of great intelligence that flew fighter planes in what she eventually saw were false wars to further the military industrial profits that feather the beds of their political tax money providers.
The common man has no say in these things–In fact the Oligarchies will censor any form of ideas and opinions such as my own and the media they own will only give the story that does not offend their million dollar contributors, stock holders and owners. Yet it behooves us to make those opinions known and what facts we believe to be accurate and necessary to effect some change.
I was amazed at how cowardly the Yarnell people could be by allowing the breach of the first amendment by keeping out the press. Freedom there is mandatory in a free society–if you turn the control of the press over to the government and the Oligarchy and Industry then you control people and their rights to truth. Fema came in with a test lock down so no one could pass without some fucking green sticker in the windshield–treating you like an alien with his green card. I lent my out to a man that had to work in Prescott from Congress where he lived. You could not pass though even being a good citizen to get to your job on the only highway allowing you to get to Prescott. The alternative was a washboard dirt road around to Hillside that put you more than 50 miles out of the way if you did not damage your car or have a break down on a dusty deserted back road. That went on for months–a prison camp only a resident could enter and no one outside Yarnell was allowed to the State taxpayer paid roadway of Highway 89 blocked–because some ass wanted to show his authority. Many citizens were screwed but if you have the guns–fuck the public and the taxpayer is their attitude–did you not see it; on the neck of George Floyd?
And has Fema or EPA addressed that the FS and State have killed and sickened about a third of the town of Yarnell with their excessive toxic retardant dumping on the town? I looked up Pruit running EPA and it is pretty evident he is not into real environmental problems–more of a Trumper–one who would wear a hard hat at a plastic factory with a smile. So do not expect much there–but never do from agencies that are owned by industrial Oligarchs that fine tune their influences and for the military have the best of operatives keen in propaganda and misinformation programs. The common citizen is after all having to educate himself as to what is really going on–that frog is already cooked on the slow burner.
And I have eaten frog legs off bull frogs I had speared in Ceinega Lake on a survival mission. The small pan fish are better–and there is hardly enough meat on a frog leg for the effort–stay with a fish unless there is not alternative–fish are hard to spear and frogs much easier meal. But the frog I am talking about here is the blind and fettered citizen who has been slowly roasted until well done. If you do not believe that look at how many wild land fire fighters would not even talk about the deaths of the GMHS crew–the asses in control know the method–fear is a great motivator and keeps people in chains of ignorance.
‘Slainte– It is only good if truth is known.
The comment about millionaire politicians was to show that most that go into politics suddenly become extremely wealthy–poor ones suddenly become millionaires and those that are already wealthy suddenly multiply their wealth. Suddenly pork jobs open up for industries just as you saw Hunter Biden paid $50,000 a month to set on an imaginary board–so do these industries open up jobs. The daughter of Joe Manchin–CEO of the biggest Generic Pharmacy in US (Mylan Pharmaceuticals ) now moving to India –gets a big raise to 32 million, and Munchins wife is a member of board for $162,000 per year–you see that these sorry people do not represent the American Public. So becoming a Senator or any other politician of influence is in the game and will be bought by Industry. It is no wonder the tax laws are biased toward industry and they pay so little when they should be the greatest contributors. I certainly am not against millionaires–my daughter and her husband are millionaires but have earned it in business in honest ways. I see these people like the Manchin’s , the Biden group, Pelochi, and the like in effect as robbers of the poor working stiff that makes up for the pork they recieve from these industries with higher taxes. And no wonder you see Gates, et. al., paying less than 2% income tax while the working stiff is lucky to get buy with less than half his check gone to taxes and now even higher inflation. And that sick war mongering President Biden has the temerity to ask for another 5 Billion to pay to surround China and harass Russia despite already a half trillion set aside for these phony war games.
When is a society sick? Well voting for such people can’t make you totally sane. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil–something I will refuse to do. Either one of these candidates–the ongoing saga of Trump included–have us on the brink of a hot war that once started is likely to end up nuclear. Our Standing troops over there of 140,000 against a Chinese army of 2.3 million can only go nuclear just as Nixon during Viet Nam and even earlier Eisenhower almost did in the Taiwan situation then., People forget we did not win against Korea once our troops got to the Chinese border and China got involved. We and the South Koreans were driven clear back across North Korea and South Korea to the ocean before that one was settled. Now Korea has nukes and will chime in with China being next door and the Chinese have plenty of nukes and technology the Clinton clan shared including stealth bombers. The sharing of military technology by Bill Clinton was protested by the generals at the time–but a deaf ear is what they got. You can bet that Bill and Hillary saw some amazing financial improvements in their muti millions–likely much greater than what Biden has done since he was only a Vice President and had to go through Obama for approvals.
Dear friends, most of you are fed the main media stories–and not all of it is fake news–but crap news used as diversions. The ongoing saga of Trump is a good thing for Biden as is other tripe news. It keeps attention away from what this fool and cohorts are really up to.
My opinions–I know more than a few worship Trump and some think Biden and his side kick are God’s answer to prayers. I have a low opinion of either.
Peace–and which of these asses have addressed the environment–they are too busy making America Great Again–meaning the biggest universal Bully.
When you have the biggest Pharmaceutical company moving to India and nothing munch said unless you Google it–you understand that we have problems at home to deal with–and that Senator from West Virginia is certainly not commenting–he is not about to mess up his CEO daughters claim to more millions and god only knows if he is getting under the table monies as well. So we already get 94% of our pharmaceuticals from China though I do know some come out of Mexico. It will not change because of the Bush idea of globalization–the New World Order thing—and the use of cheap slave labor wages found in these foreign dictatorships.
If the public were wise they would have these Presidents all tried for their globalist war crimes and nationally as traitors to the American People who they pretend to represent. Instead they are trying the very people that exposed their crimes for the very crimes they are guilty of. Ain’t that something to boggle the mind while people hold them in high esteem. To me it is indeed a head scratchier–yet not so much knowing they have control of the media and the most clever methods to control the masses. These are the University educated snake oil salesmen of the global Big Brother Society.
Slainte–Health away from retardant plasters and may your gods do you well if you do well.
Sri Lanka ship disaster of May 28, 2021 is another fire disaster that leaves a particularly bad taste in our mouths. Not only the burning of the ship but debris includes tons of tiny plastic pellets lines the beaches. It brings back the image of the smiling Trump during his Presidency wearing the hard hat and bragging that he is making America Great Again–the great hero inside a plastic factory that he had helped originate One plastic plant that was mandatory for Union Members to attend was the Shell Company petrochemical (oil chemical) plant set up to produce over a million tons of plastic per year–tiny plastic pellets, the same as those now strewn along beaches in Sri Lanka.
In 2015, 380 million metric tons of plastic were manufactured. Of Course the celebration of many more plants since then means the production of plastics since 2015 has added to the planet somewhere in the neighborhood a total of 2.4 billion tons of plastics added to the environment. There is in fact over 20 billion tons of plastic somewhere in the environment since 1960–and when plastic disintegrates it forms micro particles that are now found in all ocean fish and other marine life that you eat.
Fritz Harber, the Jew that invented Zyclon B ironically invented the chemical used to kill millions of Jews. He did receive the Nobel prize in Chemistry for inventing a process to make ammonia–a big ingredient in retardant, fertilizers and explosives–ammonium nitrates (fertilizer and retardant chemicals made explosive by adding deisal or other oil based petroleum products) (My Dad and I used fertilizer for blasting in the mines by adding a gallon of diesel to a sack of fertilizer). You can not do that anymore since the Oklahoma McVeigh murders. The new fertilizers are made so they remain inert with addition of fuel oil.
But when I think of Hitler and his use of the Jew invented Zyclon B, I also think of Trump and his celebration of the English invented Alex Parkes plastics. Much improved by the use of oil.
The chemicals in Plastics and plastic manufacture are every bit as deadly as the Zyclon B. Here are a few and the residues left–the chemicals that diffuse into the air, water and soil (don’t you just love that new car smell?).
So there are above 15 chemicals and here are a few you can absorb from the new car smell, your carpet, or anything plastic including a good ocean fish dinner:
Phytalates: phthalates may cause abnormalities in penis if a mother who has a newborn sons has a high level of phthalates (DEHP) in their blood.
Polycarbonate can become dangerous when it changed to BPA. It can not be used in food storage. It is one of those chemicals when heated becomes a toxin just as we have seen in retardant that when heated also produces cyanide.
Polyactic acid–inhaled or though the eyes is toxic–dangerous when making plastics–supposedly inert as a solid–but heat it and the gas is dangerous–example when burning plastic in a wild fire is inhaled.
Polypropylene–supposedly safe except when burning can choke you up and leave a bad taste in your mouth.
DEHP–You certainly do not want this in your system–it is 1 to 40% component of plastics–said to not be soluble in water but is in oil. I think it is worth a read on the toxic effects on humans –DEHP is a carcinogen, teratogen, and also an irritant for our body. Both women and man can get cancer because DEHP act as an endocrine disruptor. Which will have long lasting damage on human reproduction function, both for adult and children exposed to it.
When male children are exposed to phthalates in their prenatal development, they will have lower levels of reproductive function when they reach adolescent age. Another study found that DEHP may cause a reduction in sperm motility and chromatin integrity. In addition to that, DEHP may cause a decrease of penis width and other problems in newborn sons if their mothers have a high level of DEHP in their blood when they are pregnant.
BPA— can cause cancer. In a woman, BPA is dangerous because it can mimic estrogen hormone and develop breast cancer. It is safer for a woman to reduce their exposure to BPA that can act like estrogen.
Another danger of BPA is that it can affect the brain development of babies. A study in 2011 found that pregnant women with high levels of BPA are more likely going to have daughters who are hyperactive, prone to depression and also has a higher level of anxiety.
I will not continue on–that is enough to convince any sane person that plastics are a silent disease source to humanity. Other chemicals included in plastics are ::
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)
Decabromodiphenyl Ether (DECA)
And no one has told us the real story about retardant chemicals and their hidden trade secret chemicals. Maybe since the Israelis produce these things for the world in copious quantities they will give us a list–well no, Israelis remain secretive–no one even knows for sure if they have nukes–well except their leaders and the dreaded Mossad.
And do not think I am a Jew hater–I am not–people are people anywhere–but some are fooled by their bosses–we infidels, goya, Christians, etc. are as well–check up on the Yarnell incident–or our own industrial and war mongering industries and methods.
Slainte–but not from plastics
And it is not altogether the bosses (some bosses) –since they are fooled by their bosses and on up the line or other cronies as the crony and add mob mentality goes. Ignorance as well as the greed and power that has people like Trump. We humans all have the reptilian brain and there are more than a few murderers that love their dogs. You see some of the Presidents admiring their animals while mass murdering millions in foreign lands to enrich themselves and avail the American with more oil to make plastics and fuel vehicles greatly contributing to global warming.
Yet these same Presidents know that there are alternative energy sources, even free energy methods available. But we seem to think these people are our grand examples of exemplary behavior again due to widespread ignorance. These people underneath are the dirt of the world bought by the war industries on the main and no wonder they become mass murderers under the many different guises of protecting people against terrorists when they are the terrorists.
These are of course my opinions and if you would bump you head before a fierce god keen to genocide or a leader in striped suit keen to genocide then that is your prerogative the same as your ignorance is your prerogative.
Sláinte an choirp agus intinne agus spiorad
May the good gods of the Irish enlighten your path if it is dark and may they reward you for your deeds if they are good.
It behooves someone that has a method to get Donut in court under oath. That way you would get the real story out of him–or else get him before a Congressional Comission. He would know better than to lie there since he has already been treated to the system and perjury to a Judge or especially Congress would send him back to old haunts.
This is my opinion–and a thing I wrote to Joy Collura
: “Joy–you deserve the best–too damn bad that the world did not hear what you labored to learn and knew first hand about the deaths of the Yarnell Fire–Instead they made a hero out of a fool and took his word that has a hole in it alike his name Donut and the liar Amanda to make a movie and the two of them famous–but that is your cronies at work with their evil.”
And you wonder how could I call this thing a movie evil–well in regards to content about families and tragedy to bring you to tears it is not. But it is most certainly evil in my way of thinking because it left out the truth of why those men are dead. The evil is in compromising the safety of the lives of future young wild land fire fighters–America’s Finest–those who like the firefighters that gave their lives at the Twin Towers 911 ordeal daily still go to fires risking it all for the good of all.
There is a documentary and I have spoken with the maker–I understand it will address the truth. Truth is the only thing acceptable in the case of 19 wild land fire fighter deaths.
Do what is right because it is right and not because the crowd wants you to do otherwise.
The government has an all out war on truth sayers, whistleblowers and most especially Journalists who do publish the facts and stories as they find proof. Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, the Aussie Journalist, has done prison time because he dared expose the criminal murderers in charge of our Imperialist and Regime Change systems. The same happened to Webb when he exposed the CIA black Ops during the Iran Contra deal. He either was suicided or did commit suicide since his life was made miserable–he could not find employment after revealing the involvement of CIA in dope running profiteering with a President in full knowledge of those operations.
Now Biden is not about to quit persecuting Assange even with evidence that was fabricated to get him charged. The liar and only witness against him has now confessed to being a liar in order that his crimes would be overlooked. Is that not the way the system works and so many prisoners waiting for trial ready to testify truthfully or untruthfully against other prisoners for mitigation on their sentences–or even immunity?
The new laws Biden wants will be Big Brother in high gear–they are so vaguely written that flying a flag could easily have you branded as a terrorist–and certainly the scapegoat Journalist Assange is an example to make main line Journalists tow the party line or else–and beware any person or Journalist with any revelation of truth that would challenge the dirty work of the political cronies or the government official. They will be labled terrorists when their history reeks among the worst acts of terrorism on the planet.
But government and its officials and the politicos in charge are not the only terrorists attempting to hide behind their lies and propaganda. Look at the religions of Canada. They have found over a thousand graves of children, sex abused, starved and murdered. They expect the count of mass killing to amount to about 15,000- the abuses lasted up until 1996 from late 1800’s–about a century of abuse. Those kids were considered by these churches not to have souls since they were not Christian–relegated to savage status whose lives were valued only as you would cattle. Their language and customs were ripped from them just as they were ripped from the arms of their mothers.
The old Pope is not apologizing but he is sending 21 million over for victim abuse. What the government will do with the money and how much will truly go to help the victims and their families is anyone’s guess. If it is anything like the stimulus that Biden reduced to 1400 and that was less than 9% of the stimulus money then they will likely get checks amounting to around 10% of those monies.
In all fairness, the Catholic Church was the greatest contributor to the abuses with somewhere between 50-60% of the terroristic tactics. The rest mostly belonged to the Anglican Church of English origin–I have not heard of what they will contribute–maybe just prayers.
So you see our works of imperialism and forced religion and government on people–now even our own–we did the Indian population in, brought slaves in, and now as England have a multitude of world wide murders in the name of championing freedom and democracy
Do not get me wrong–I respect the warriors that protect this country and I am a veteran as well. But as Jesse Ventura and Telsie Gabbert, both veterans of these regeme change false flag wars, –they would no longer agree to or be a part of what they now know was a lie to maintain ongoing war crimes to create wealth for those in the war industries.
One of my grandsons in on one of those nuclear subs over there ready to nuke China should the feeble minded Biden decide to order it. But China has nukes also and it does not take but a few of these new models to destroy a whole country–and a planet. Then you have an idiot running Britain and screwing with Russia–no one has ever whipped Russia–even Napoleon came back with only a few stragglers and survivors of what started out as about 200,000 and dwindled to a mere ragged 20 thousand or so escaping the war they started.
And we have 4.4% of the worlds population against 17.9 % in China, add Russia, and ad Iran, Iraq, Venezuela and a few other nations that will side with China. What fools and criminals we have running our so called democratic governments.
These be my own opinions while we can still voice them–maybe.
Sadly–Joy informs me firefighters were killed in a plane crash near there–fellows she had interviewed and were witnesses to the truth about Yarnell.
I had mentioned one of my grandsons being on a nuclear sub in the China Sea and you can bet soneone’s grandson is deployed over in this area in a nuclear sub from China or/and Russia with nukes pointed this way in case Biden thinks to use that alternative. Despite what we are told there would be no defense against these nukes off shore–those subs can carry as many as 100 nuclear armed missiles aboard. There would be no survival of a salvo off one of those things.
We complain about the Ughurs and homocide there in China–rightfully so–yet we have commited homocide in over a million in Viet Nam under false pretenses, And we have ongoing genocide of Arabs in Syria, Iraq and other areas by use of sanctions and that count is beyond a million souls, and even in our past the record of outright genocide of Indian peoples has been an atrocious record. Yet we have the audacity to point out the Chinese problem without first stopping our own genocides. This of course is a side show to justify the onset of a new cold war that England and the US are attempting to escalate into a hot Nato war with China and/or Russia. Plenty of war monies are being made on the false flag killing of Syrians already for good war profits. Yet that is not big enough–we need a bigger war and greater war profits.
Neither China nor Russia nor Iran are over here off shore with huge war fleets, nor are they entering the 12 mile barrier of sacred waters surrounding our shores as England has done to invade Russian waters. But our war mongering President and his Military money makers are out screwing with the world and some that they ought to leave alone. With 4% of the world’s population it looks like a Chihuahua dog inside a kernel of Huskies–the Huskie a fairly mild dog–I have one and he would tolerate a small pooch until it bit his leg.
And then we talk about the prison camps in China while we have more than 25% of the world’s prisoners and only 4% of the worlds population. Talk about hypocrites and a media that follows along. Thankfully Putin is a composed man and so far the Communist Xi Jinping has refrained from action–but both have said there is a limit to the horse shit they will take.
This time they will need nukes against the hoards of China–a study of how the Chinese took on the Americans in Korea will tell you that they are willing to sacrifice millions and they did drive the Americans back into the seas until a truce was met. That truce was because it was Korea–there will be not truce concerning China if it goes to take Taiwan or should there be an accidental battle on the seas of China.
So I have another grandson enlisted in the Army–but attending the UofA at the same time. These young warriors belong at home–there is plenty we need to be doing here. Those billions should be being used to improve this country, not out bullying the world. How ignorant can our system be to continue to create animosity with sovereign nations we ought to be respecting.
My opinions of course–not well taken in the war circles.
And I have never seen NM monsoons this early in July–they usually start in August. One thing is sure–nothing stays the same but the change whether good or bad depends upon our actions and reactions–may they be proper and sane.
Something to add to the justification to harass China is the Wuhan Virus escape. History will someday reveal the truth on that. It is as much an American virus as it is a Chinese virus. The invention of the virus was an illegal gain of function virus created from the SARS virus right here in our own labs under grants from our own government and China.
Back in 2015, scientists from the University of North Carolina (UNC) in the US and the Wuhan Institute of Virology had together created a modified coronavirus that was shown to be able to latch on to human cells and replicate in lung cells, efficiently enough to cause a pandemic.
The study published in the journal Nature is an example of a ‘gain of function’ research that the two groups had been involved in for several years.
Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.
The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells, validating concerns that…
There is more t the story–the gain of function was completed here–and illegal act since by International law no gain of function virus work was allowed. Yet Fauchi did OK this illegal work–he being head of the WHO could and did do it while our government not only did nothing but with the Chinese government funded the study. Fauchi and the Chinese involved are now mass murderers having caused the deaths of millions. And because our own government officials were involved the blame is all going to China and not a word is said about the Fauchi involvement. Meantime Fauchi is promoted as some kind of hero and expert–he is alright the smiling executioner of millions.
Again these are my opinions-if you want to go along with the official version and the media hype–fine. If one thing Trump was correct to say it was the Fake Media–and I have to believe more than half of America agrees.
That Ralph Baric story was November, 2015–the same year the resident Chinese Virologist that was heading the study returned to China after the successful gain of function work had been completed and published. Yes it certainly leaked out of the lab in China but Fauchi and friends are as much to blame as the Chinese are for a careless leak.
Few know that the Lyme disease was from a careless leak from experiments near Lyme, New York. We have been making war viruses or perhaps population control viruses for a long time and presently there are about two dozen labs world wide–the greatest number of these type 3 and type 4 labs are right here in our own country–about a dozen that are known and usually near or on Universities. And we have the gall to point fingers at China.
Perhaps it is a bit of a stretch–but we have used Eugenics in this country to a great extent–against not only the blacks but also people deemed to be of a lower class or the feeble and infirm cases and the mentally challenged. Germany doctors were the finest at the art and many were brought over here from WW2 as doctors and scientists needed to promote our own technology and science experiments and advancements. In fact it was a NAZI that headed the lab near Lyme, NY where bugs and mosquitoes, etc were being used to see how diseases could be spread and so forth–mosquitoes do a fine job as they found out over there.
So is it a far stretch to think that the Wuhan virus already had a treatment and vaccine way before it was loosed and especially with Bill Gates, Ted Turner and other elites saying the world is overpopulated with eaters–the worst being the elderly that are no longer of much value to society according to these type thinkers–in fact are a burden costing huge monies in health benefits and use of resources. The psychopaths running this country can and will smile at you and carry on–their elderly and their own lives are valuable–but too many of them agree and are enriched by the Oligarchs and NAZI minded world overseers.
To my notion the elders are the wise ones whom though life have erred but have learned from those mistakes. And most are of good heart and concern much for the younger and the planet they inherit. They too will become elders in a short time should the Oligarchs and reptiles would allow. But the blinders of the media continue to be closed to public eye by design of these world persons of power and greed. Only the honest Journalist and other truth seekers can hope to remove the scales from public eyes–then you see the torture and destruction of these people with a public uninformed or lax to demand justice for those persecuted so terribly.
I see Snowden and Assange as heros deserving of the honors of men who fearlessly uphold truth and justice–those that care for the lives of their fellow human and the health of the planet and its creatures and ecosystem.
Elong Musk is right in seeking to build a colony on Mars–I see in him one of the few Oligarchs concerned about humanity. I hope his quest to do so is soon completed–it may well be the only hope for the continuation of human kind.
Elon–whew, misspelling, use of singular verbs in plural applications and so forth–Have I ruffled the Queen’s feathers and cause the English perfectionist to grind teeth. It is not meant to do so–just that I seldom proofread before posting. I trust if you are that well educated it is an exercise in patience. (foighne)
If you are a California wild land fire fighter near San Diego you will want to know there were likely fire fighters hanging out there 130,000 years ago. Well if they were not fire fighters they likely were experiencing wild fires during the coastal dry seasons.
Your preacher thought God created man about 6000 years ago. Well he was off a shade and I suspect mankind had been hanging around even longer than the 130,000 level–even beyond a million since some manufactured objects have been discovered deep in coal mine seams and rock formations that for example had a lathe turned iron bolt in rock broken apart that dated millions of years old.
Perhaps man has come and gone to this planet more than once or perhaps has survived cataclysms when life was destroyed by more than 90% on this planet. Only 60,000 years ago the Chixulub, Pureto, Mexico meteor strike had killed almost all life including most of the dinosaur species.
Yet there is a site out of San Diego where humans had been busting up Mastadon bones and using the tush material for tools. This site dates to 130,000 years ago. So Columbus and a bunch of others and even the Indians were not the first to find America–Dr. Tom Demere wrote the scientific paper and data after excavating the site is now passed away–but you can imagine it caused quite a stir because formerly archaeologists wanted to claim that the Clovis man from 13000 years ago was the first to inhabit America. Clovis, New Mexico has that site but the Clovis people have been all around the SouthWest. I even found evidence here in my yard–one ancient Clovis point that I made my daughter a necklace from (made about 11,000BC with the spirtit of a warrior encoded in its quartz silica matrix). It is not the fluted Folsom point of later times–the Folsom was more developed dated 9-9000 BC with the Clovis people the forerunners that were killing Mastodon as part of their food sources. That point she has shows the patina on a black flint that would take 13,000 years to make and has the proper shape–so those fellows were in my yard and no wonder since this is an anchient river way–At 6 ft down river gravel with a clay overlay that had come from a volcanic explosion likely from those black extinct volcanoes nearby.
So it is no wonder I ran across a mutilated cow and have seen so much UFO activity including one I had back in the 70’s. You will find that UFO activity for some reason is attracted to volcanic areas–and more often those active ones. Here of course you have the White Sands Proving Grounds with all the nuclear bomb technology and missile experiments.
So God created things in 6 days but they were hell of a long days–unless he was on his super computer playing earth and man making simulations.
When we hired Biden on as President we believed we had avoided nuclear war. The blowhard Trump was eliminated by devious means no doubt to the relief of the billionaires Bezos, Dorsey and othes of such power to censor and connive to do what they believed would be the best and safest route for humanity. The media was controlled so that fake news was by now accepted as the new norm of America–the great solution to the world’s problems–but the great Satan to the nations being sanctioned and plummeted by its death dealing mechanisms.
How wrong Jack Dorsey turned out to be. Instead the half witted President hired on turns out to be ever bit as vindictive and beyond the dangerous blowhard to turn the second hand even closer to nuclear disaste. Instead of just talk he has summoned Congress for 5 extra billions to support more war preparations against China. Instead of relieving tensions against China and Russia he has done the exact opposite–games that those two super powers take seriously–they have no alternative–Biden has set the stage for war and it is now beyond the balance of 50-50. And can you imagine it not when off your shores are foreign forces invading your waters, surrounding your nation with armies from thousands of miles away.
Yes we have hypersonic weapons and nukes right off China and Russian shores but you have to know that Russian and China have likewise. Each submarine is capable of 100 nuclear clad missiles and each of those nukes are 1000 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb.
Indeed we have hired a nit wit for a President–one who now that he has the power is using insane tactics against sovereign nations that are fully capable of defending their areas and seas where this nation has no business intruding upon.
The Clinton, Bush and Obama cohorts have demonstrated to the world our fierce methods to maintain our oil supplies with what amounts to a genocide of millions of souls not even involved in the power struggles of the oligarchs and war criminals that use all kinds of guises to make this war mongering nation and its executioners appear justified. The public buys it–Goering was not the only one that knew and said before his own suicide -tell a lie often enough and it will be believed. I might add that the lie teller eventually even convinces himself/herself.
It took millions in protest to get an arms reduction but this time I see that the war mongering variety has convinced the public again that there must be more and more so called defense. There is no defense against hypersonic weapons. When there is less than 5 minutes to respond to a nuclear attack that President that stumbles on his plane ramp three times will be vaporized before he can find the sheet of paper to remind him of the code needed to press the red button.
If you are not alarmed at our troops and ships expanding to Russian and Chinese proximities and more over even after a half trillion dollar budget alloted to the military and its complex–an imbecile would demand billions more to harass sovereign nations with abilities to wipe out not only this nation but the whole of the planet–then you should be.
There are people in this country and even a very few that ran for President that know of the dangers of the regime change people such as Biden and those before him. They know of the stupidity of maintaining this war forever stance to keep oil supplies and other resources coming in from foreign raids. And strangely they are those that have endured foreign combat and have seen the absolute destruction and death we have rained upon other peoples to gain oil and power over their ways of life. These warriors are concerned for the people here and even those they attacked–they see the way of diplomacy not the way we see of surrounding nations with our war ships and armies. Perhaps you see the Biden and the possible replacement, the cackling Harris as viable people to run this nation–your voter choice–your bright and shining example for life. I see them as what they are–hair triggers to the death of the nation and the planet. My opinions as always–some radical I should say but if you know the meaning of radical you should appreciate them.
Slainte may your day be with a positive bow from the Irish Gods or your own if you have one.
If caught Fox News about PFAS –poly flourinated carbon chemicals used so profusely in fire extinguishing foams you will know that Tucson water is contaminated due to plants there and foams being used around airports. The EPA has no level of restriction but admits that as little as 70 parts per Trillion –not million–are enough to cause cancer. The Tucson water supply tests at 10,000 parts per Trillion. I understand that authorities are hunting for a fugitive involved in the leakage and dumping of this product that have contributed over the years to ground water contamination.
These PFAS are permanent–used to make teflon because they stand extreme heat without breaking down. They are excellent fire retardants and are used in fire retardant furniture, clothes and things like sleeping bags. But they are also killers–cumulative in the human body and certain to be killers. I can not help but be reminded that Chuck Purdy’s home was sprayed heavily with the foam during the fire at Yarnell at 2013–it was special treatment because of his affiliation as a previous Helicopter pilot where he undoubtedly save a number of lives. You can know his home also received a heavy dose of the aerial drops of the agent orange toxins as well.
I can remember Chuck some months after the town meetings about the reconstruction of Yarnell after the catastrophe of 2013 when Chuck announced at a town meeting that he had prostate cancer. I was there and saddened that such a hero would come down with this disease. At that time I did not connect the chemicals with the many people at Yarnell that were getting sick and the many deaths involved after the town was saturated with the orange and red toxins.
Now we have Tucson with the same chemicals, but not only Tucson–there is a map of so much of this nation’s ground waters testing heavy contamination with these Fluorocarbon Chemicals. That is why I was so sickd–and disgusted to see Trump celebrating the opening of a plastic plant along one of the nations rivers. Plastics use the chemical, styrofoam, teflon and some other uses “refrigerants, blowing agents for insulation plastic foams, working fluids for Organic Rankine Cycle systems, fire extinguishants and propellants for metered dose inhalers (MDIs) and technical aerosols, solvents and feedstocks.”.
So now you understand the danger and sacrifice you heroes in the wild land fire work are facing. Yet even the EPA has been reluctant to tell you–It is just too big an industry worth billions in the Fire Retardants used the world over alone. And the medical industry is scratching its head as to why so many are coming down with cancer. The lady on fox news though is told by her doctor that her cancer is chemical related.
Now you see how can your government dare pay measly wages to any fire fighter. They are right on the front line suffering the inhalation of these chemicals that often act swiftly. The fluorocarbons are also known to cause accumulation of arterial plaque–the very reason you see that fire fighters have a high heart attack rate even at younger ages.
Some of the flourocarbons have been banned as refrigerants–the gasses have been eating holes in the ozone layers. These chemicals and the retardants that contain them are deadly to people and the eco system. Now it is confirmed by the EPA that our underground aquifers are contaminated and there is not much that can be done about it beyond perhaps drinking distilled water or finding sources where the water is not contaminated. It appears there are not many around with all the extreme dumping of retardant containing the fluorocarbons since the early 50’s when these started to be used.
It is said that the fluorocarbons have been limited in the later imported wild land fire dispersion. So the secret ingredients that work so well–how much of that is fluorocarbon infused?
And this is why I call these people that celebrate plastic factories on river sites as criminals.
A sad note about Chuck Tidy (did I spell the name right?) Chuck is one of the heroes of Yarnell–always put extra effort into the helping of the residents there and doing good works managing town meetings and organizing affairs after the wild land fire that destroyed so many residences and depressed so many after their losses of home and irreplaceable belongings.
The fire people thought they were doing him a good favor by giving his home an extra dousing of their fire foams to protect it during the Yarnell Wild Fire. I would say they in their ignorance of how these chemicals work have caused him terrible health problems. He came down with prostate cancer some months after the Yarnell GMHS killer fire I am told he is now on oxygen–suffering greatly–something that saddens me greatly as did the deaths of so many young fellows that were needlessly and carelessly sacrificed under the pretense they were needed to protect structures–“that is what they do” said Willis.
Well, I can tell you that is not what wild land fire fighters do–they fight wild fires, not structure fires and no way do they take unnecessary risks while fighting wild fires or structure fires. Their lives are infinitely more important than structures.
But for the health of Chuck I hope for improvement of his health. I know from the many deaths and sickness in Yarnell that ballooned like and exploded like the Hindenburg after the heavy inundation of Yarnell with retardant during the Yarnell fire of 2013, common sense tell me that Chuck is another victim of the heavy chemical retardant laden environment of Yarnell. There is too much the chemical companies are hiding under Trade Secret laws and whole towns have had to be abandoned due to chemical contamination.
Here is an example: ” On December 23, 1982, the Missouri Department of Health and the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) inform residents of Times Beach, Missouri that their town was contaminated when the chemical dioxin was sprayed on its unpaved roads, and that the town will have to be evacuated and demolished. ”
It was–there is no town there now–the EPA has spent millions to clean up that chemical intrusion and relocate the town after people and animals were sickened and dying and finding themselves after outbreaks of cancer and other diseases. What happened to Yarnell was a criminal experiment that did nothing to save structures but did much to sicken and kill off residents.
These of course are my own opinions and research based upon the statistics of death and sickness that spread like the wild fire after the masiive orange and red coloring of the total town of Yarnell of 2013 and the second Tenderfoot fire of 2016.
I now there are massive profits at $5 per gallon when several hundred thousand gallons were required to dump on Yarnell–but the cost to lives and health can not be valued. These experiments must stop but the have not–the monetary profits are too great for these chemical polluter industrialists.
I should add about the Missouri town–it was about ten years before anything was recognized and addressed by the EPA and Health Authorities and hundreds of millions spent to clean up what they could of that contamination. Tucson, Arizona right now is having to shut down scarce water sources–wells contaminated from the fire foams and retardants used over the years there that have now found their way into ground waters. Sixty Five thousand residents have contaminated waters flowing in their faucets from the chemical residues that are highly carcinogenic not to mention their effect on the human nervous system and other organs of the body.
You may think I harp too much on the dangers of these chemicals–but I can assure you neither people that had their water shut off in Tucson or those that had their homes bulldozed in Missouri due to the chemical contamination would complain at my concerns.
The dead of Yarnell can not speak no more than can hundreds of thousands of dead fish killed by these chemicals of fire retardants–nor the dead zones of ocean that keep increasing from the effects of phosphate and ammonium invasions.
Sainte–Health first of the people, its creatures and the planet.
Slainte –Health
Something I should add–the Dioxins are no longer manufactured in this country. These Chemical companies are clever-they have moved their chemical factories out of the country–for instance retardants are now mainly manufactured and imported from Israel and other countries. The deadly chemicals are not necessarily banned but supposedly discouraged and easily hidden under Trade Secret Ingredient laws. The Phos Chek retardant and its related cousins have as much as 15% of the toxin hidden under trade secret laws.
It is well known that the main ingredient to PhosChek are the phosphates. Those very phosphates are contaminating Florida fresh ground water supplies costing the taxpayer hundreds of millions in EPA clean up costs in attempts to save the ground waters and prevent more damage to wet lands and aquatic environments. The stench of hundreds of thousands of dead fish (google photos of the beaches in Florida after seepage from abandoned phosphate mines). Yarnell is no exception but a sad review of the effects of the retardant invasions.
Robert 2nd posts I am making due to his problem accessing this site to make comments. As soon as he can get his connections fixed you can expect more from him. My own comments do not necessarily reflect his and his years in wild land fire fighting I respect–I have never been a firefighter and my own experience is only that of an observer.
It indeed shows that like the underground miner–the wild land fire fighter needs much experience and training–there definitely were situations where my helper would have been badly injured or killed had I not warned him or pulled him back from a situation. I can only imagine the significance of competence needed for a boss of 20 crew members and his concern or negligence of putting them in harms way–especially when the action is needless and careless as we saw in Yarnell when the deaths of the 19 GMHS crew were stupidly killed. I don’t know how to put it any other way since it was obvious to me as a witness that stood on that two track–had left Joy due to her stubborn decision to do the GMHS thing–then to top the mountain then panic realizing she was bound to go to her demise as well. It was high adrenaline on my part because I knew there was a lose of time to go back and she might have been on her way as well. It is because I saw the whole show–the fire laying down 100 ft. waves, had with Joy forged though that terrible mangled manzanita, catclaw and almost impassible brush that I knew dropping off into it with that fire raging not so far was insanity–inviting death to be sure. It is amazing how little people know about fires and when we heard Donut talk and even Willis I though shit–poor guy was totally ignorant about fires and left in a death situation thinking he could run to a grader to save himself. Why had they left a man that had no clue behind?
It is false to think because you are a fire fighter you can get though brush like we transversed early that morning in that death canyon–photos proving the futility of that type effort proven by Joy’s photos as we passed the site that was to be the death site in a few hours. When Willis said wild land fire fighters can get though that brush while civilians could not, he was really trying to excuse the fact that someone would be ignorant or stupid enough to demand a crew attempt it in such a tangled and intense brush that would challenge even a bear to cross. Yes we got through and they might have been a bit quicker than us but it was absolutely a challenge and a snails pace–and once that fire was down into that brush there was no way you would allow a crew to be fighting their way through such a mess. Yet it was done and no one was held accountable–there was only a line of crap fed the public so that everyone was a hero–and what is learned of all this. Well, you learn you can’t trust the State and FS involved there for the truth. And the more we see of these types of incidents why would we wonder why?
These are my opinions but upon good information and actual witness of the situation and even of many of the lies we were fed of such things as People’s Valley Firemen were in the Shrine area and were not involved in doing burns. Hell we saw the drip torches on video and they forgot to delete the video that showed a Peoples Valley Water Truck exiting the very road into the area above the Shrine–There is only one small dirt road above the Shrine area up the canyon to end at an abandoned ranch house. But the Shrine is also below where the GMHS came down–still there had to be other burns going on at the area on the north edge of Yarnell–whew–as one deputy said it was a mess of confusion.
We will not let the incident go untold and sometimes some of us continue to harp–but new people sometimes visit and some new information does trickle out as people become more honest and less fearful of the Marsh types that demand their way or else.
Correction: Chief of Peeples Valley Fire department told Joy in her interview after the fire that his men were NOT in the Shine Area and not doing burns with Zip Torches there. He made a liar out of Brandon whom had stated during a meeting at Dr. Leroy Anderson’s home that they were in the area and doing burns. Brandon later retracted those statements. Fortunately Joy had recorded the interview and has the records. But to the Chief’s defense–his BS is not any different from the whole effort from the Bigger Cheeses whom have attempted to the best of their abilities to make this homicide into a hero’s attempt to spray homes with 5 gallon piss packs.
In attempting to understand how a mass killing of 19 wild land fire fighters could be quickly swept under the rug we must conclude there was a mass collusion to further a fantasy that the policeman, the first responder fire fighter, and those who are beneficiaries to society can do no wrong. Those in the systems defend the fantasy with all their resources fully knowing the public will buy their explanations. It is only the recent internet, photo evidences, and the few whistleblowers that truth where lies, omissions, redactions and mum orders were propagated to protect the in crowd-has this truth come to light.
We wonder how such honorable people as judges and other wild land fire fighter officials, even widows would carry forth the lies about such a mass homicide as that of the 19. Yet the strong effect of time and brain wash where reputations of the heroes are involved seems to be a flow of things not only in the killing of the whole of the GMHS crew save one, but almost all of the death situations of wild land fire fighters.
Media dare not go against the grain and in their case either avoids the facts and issues or diverts the attention toward the many good acts and intentions of the police, the fire fighter and other first responder people. But the issue of killing 19 wild land fire fighters is not a small thing–it is of major historical significance when so many lives of America’s finest are wiped out.
I dare say this site named Investigative Media is the sole site brave enough to present evidence to expose the charade designed to save face and even monies and truth due the survivors and the public who finances the wild land fire fighter efforts and any public servant through their hard earned tax payments.
There is always the State fear that Federal monies will be reduced when sloppy work is seen or graft is exposed–but more so would be investigations into why wild land fire fighters are needlessly killed and the great costs of paying fair reparation money to wrongful death causes can be avoided as well–not to mention the saving of reputations. The cost of future wild land fire fighter lives us relegated to a small issue in the balance of things.
I can see why the police, the fire fighter and other people in the fire fighting services do not want cameras, witnesses or investigative journalists during their operations. They will use every excuse to keep them away, but generally they do not need to fear–the main media is always in alignment with the corporate and state giants–they are in fact corporate now and not independent. Government contracts with corporate entities, highly funded lobby groups, and State and Federal influences on them bring them to be nothing more than mouthpieces for the powers that be.
So taxpayer and victim of loss–be assured you will get a highly biased, even a false report on why these men died. And ever more sinister media lack of acknowledgement of the deaths and illness of more than a third of the population of Yarnell after its inundation of the toxic pollutant Phoschek during the two wild fires there in 2013 and 2016. It does show the proof of corporate power interests and political savvy to please the corporate state that pays they way to public office.
Slainte–for the abused environment, the good people that have suffered and the fresh water aquifers as well as oceans being ruined by these chemical inundations.
In a world that is full of insanity and a freedom loving democratic republic that has morphed into a military-industrial oligarchy many of us are angered at the thought we should be ordered to receive a vaccine else our jobs are at stake. We are told it is a good thing and will guarantee we and our neighbor will be immune to the horrors of the dreaded killer Covid 19. It is so good that our wonderful but dim witt President made a public display of his arm being punctured with the juices that were not told. He said what I do you do–that is an order and you will be fired if you do not take your medicine. What a shithead in my way of thinking.
We see the Pfizer CEO deny the shot. We see that Argentina can get Pfizer vaccines for its people only if it will agree to put up its bank reserves, its military resources and its embassy real estate as collateral in case Pfizer is sued at law. You see in the US we can not sue Pfizer but Argentinians can if the Pfizer long term unproven vaccine winds up disabling or killing people there. This is the excuse Pfizer has to refuse poor nations and has been doing it right along–but then with this knowledge in hand is it any wonder so many Police, Nurses, and other professions and workers are having walk outs and protests? Who knows, Pfizer after all might be doing Argentina a favor unknowingly–but they do fear there would be a heavy chance that their profits might turn to deficits–so what do they know that we do not? Yet this too is the Industrial Oligarchic controls we have here–
And so little is said in the Industial-Military kiss ass main media for profit news reporting. With look alike and act much alike NAZI Chriatian types (Herman Goering) aka Pompeo–we see that Trump agreed that not only that Iranian General needed a good killing–so too Assange–the hero Truth Sayer revealer of Crimes of Government –mainly CIA– should and would have been taken out except for inconvenience and easier ways to murder people–in his case he was a psychological case that would likely and did try suicide due to the duress of his incarceration and constant hounding and abuse by authorities. Pompeo continued with Trump to show truth revealing journalists that you walk on very thin ice to reveal criminals in office–They did their best to denigrate and even relegated Assange to the status of a terrorist so that he could be droned if in a safe to kill area. But more leaks have revealed how truly rotten the system is and how diseased it has become within and hidden like the cancer that suddenly erupts. The pus and tumor is there but the powers of the imperialist militaries and associates will continue to kill the truth sayer.
So yes–if you disagree with having the vaccine in America–I would go to war to defend that right–and should you want that shot–well if you have the change to pay for it or government tax monies pay your way–great too. I do think you ought to have the right to sue the vaccine companies if indeed they turn out to be wrong in their long term or even short term health debilities caused by the shot.
These are my opinions–I think Firefighters and Truth Saying Journalists are the true heros of the land–they both do deal with stinkers and their jobs quite dangerous. Few would do them.
I should add–My RN son tells me the Congressmen-women and Judtice Departments are exempt from the vaccine–What? I will check–but that would be the Oligarchic justice and nothing for what they call the low life worker-eater.
An encouragement to the Desert Walker and those hikers and wild land fire fighters that necessarily looking down often–for rattlers and or to keep from tripping on boulders and logs–or from tragedy they so often hear about in their work. I had per chance picked up a good one–an andesite meteorite–quite rare –the EC-002 is one found and dates to be 4.6 Billion Years old–as old as the Sun and the forming of a new planet. I have a grand-daughter on her way to be a geologist–maybe even a meteorologist. The world is full of marvels, mysteries and unknowns yet to be understood and revealed. Education should be a free right to those that want it–instead of 750 billion spent to go beyond the already ability to destroy the planet to complete annihilation of human kind. So when will our good leaders look to their folly and instead look to the hope and future for our young ones. We won’t count on them–it is up to us to encourage those near us.
And I hope I encouraged you to keep your eyes open for those meteorites on your hikes–There are lots out there but most of them are stones and missed –only 6% of the meteorites that fall are the easy to see and identify irons. But like this piece of andesite, it takes only a short time –a few years and they look just like any other rock. Andesite by the way is so common–except when you find it lying in the sand and looking like it does not belong there it is a good time to take a closer look.
I have been around rocks all my life and like anything else long experience helps much–but who knows a golden nugget is good friends and good Guiness at the right times. I have to think back–damn when the grub box was empty and there was no money it was time to hunt. But these days I just do not do much of that and meat after all is so tainted at the market it is not decent to eat–but what is after it is sprayed with poison, GMO designed, bleached, foreign poisons added, irradiated, and chemically altered–while Pfizer celebrates the need for more medicine and vaccines and doctors that sold my daughter and her husband a 4.5 million dollar home need more money to buy a 7 million dollar home–us old tent dwellers and pig weed eaters at least are amused. There is a better way and it is always good to have a fresh water supply, some kind of garden, a good wood stove for cold nights, and maybe even a bottle of hooch to smooth over sad events. Beat maybe the oxycodone and morphine or the thorazine shuffle if you are in real bad straits.
Being Irish isn’t so bad–as long as the potato blight doesn’t come along and the Guinness barrel doesn’t run dry. A little cheer never hurts and a good thing in these trying times.
A quote relayed from Robert 2nd: “What triggers it are lies, usually in the public sphere, told by those with power and authority. And it’s not just any old lie, but rather the lie that is smirkingly cavalier in its disregard for the difference between truth and falsehood, that suggests you can never really tell the difference between the two and that it doesn’t matter anyway.”
Here is a paragraph from the Hitler’s book: “by Adolf Hitler, Volume II, 1926. Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it. It is a quite special secret pleasure how the people around us fail to realize what is really happening to them. By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell – and hell heaven.”
We in the public do understand that within the works of the Police, Fire Fighting Community and other First Responder groups there are some very good and honest people. You do not want to throw out the baby with the bathwater yet the few that are in high positions do sometimes even promote the lies and often with evil intent. We can see that some in political circles practice what Hitler knew and did practice–there are few that will check the assumed facts.
When CIA director Pompeo said do whatever it takes to shut up Jullian Assange, he said see if you can take him out, poison him or shoot him if you can. But doing it in the area of the Ecudorian Embassy in downtown London was too dangerous advised the CIA lawyers. They needed to bring him to America –maybe they thought the Epstein site would be best where guards like to sleep on suicide watches.
We all know that Hillary (beware of the H word), knew the Hitler understanding of he masses. Even today there are many that fall for her repetitious lies. And I would not be surprised if her brain is not wired so that she believes her own lies–the other H word, Hitler did. Those types of psychopaths and each are guilty of many murders of innocents–even their own soldiers and citizens–, yet you will find them leading the country. But of course in this case we had one against the other in the election–both minions of the war complex and both willing to start new wars and kill a truth revealing Journalist without a second thought. They all are complicit in the crimes against humanity and can not tolerate being exposed.
But the lies do not make it right. If the English did one thing right they abolished the use of lies to convict people. They found that they were too often used to convict the innocent–coppers that want to move up the ladder quickly by a great arrest and conviction record on their sheet. There are many upstanding English after all–proud people that you can mostly trust yet there are rogues among them that move up in nefarious ways and somehow just as here we have seen some move in to serve their war industries while they look at the masses as secondary and second rate to their status.
Biden could not bear to say stop the non sense–let that Julian Assange alone–he after all harmed no one but he did inform the American Public that the criminals involved dared not tell of their lies they had been feeding the public that they claim to serve. He is complicit in the crimes and shutters to think that more than even the lap top his dopey son forgot might come out. These truth finding journalists working for the public are dangerous to such tyrants and crooks–they must be silenced even if it takes murdering them. The treatment of Assange and the fact that Pompeo would order his murder should do the job but as good measure since the murder could not be preformed safely–then continue the persecution. Any Journalist that steps over the line to expose a high criminal in the American Criminal Syndicate will be tortured to the point of death and threatened with the life prison in the terrorist manner where isolation except for one hour of exercise out of the ten by 12 cell is allowed. Food is shove though a steel door slot–no communication except one restricted and censored phone call a month to relatives is allowed. (In the case of Assange they promised British Justice that they would not do that–even give him a different better situation in medium prison). And I wonder what psycho in the medium the will promise benefits to should he do the Epstein maneuver?
We are being used and fooled by the crime syndicates now in charge of governments. I had some hope when I heard the honest of a warrior who served this country and wanted to serve the citizens on their behalf and not the industrial war complex she had served in and saw how it was another criminal organization operating for profits at the cost of our good warriors and innocent citizens–even children and as Assange showed the killing of Journalists that was covered up among the many other murders–90% killed during Obama reign were non combantants including many women, children and even families as we saw lately where a Syrian family was totally wiped out. We saw that denied but then too much notoriety brought out the truth–so you see our Commander in Chief Biden is complicit and the reason the good Journalist types such as Mr. Assange must be silenced wherever possible.
I do not know how these criminal types sleep at night but then the psychopathic brain is wired different to most so there is no conscience. And the AI will have that type brain–why Elon Musk is so adamant about the danger of the AI that will soon be walking down the street beside you.
There is hope–some good minded wild land fire fighter may run for President. There are a few that come on this site that would do just fine. But then I think it is almost suicide to elect a decent person that wants to represent the people into that high office. You saw what happened to Kennedy–and Biden refuses to allow the truth to this day. That criminal cabal knows their limits–and as the Mafia goes you just do not rat on your partners in crime if you value your life.
Fear is a great motivator–was used very proficiently in the cover up at Yarnell. All tyrants are excellent at using it to control people.
I am very sad tonight–Christmas eve. My son says that he is so glad to have may DNA. We are indeed creatures molded by forces we can not see. Some of us are tough and resilient–some more weak and without resistance to offenses to our rights and freedoms Julian Assange, the good investigative reporter is an example to us less weaker folk–but being weaker is not necessarily a bad trait Yet to be who we are is the idea–do not regret who you are. And if you are fucking up your good traits with lies–then there is a remedy to bring you back to where you belong–just change to telling the truth now and go about life with good conscience
Merry Xmas or Honecker or whatever term you might have in your incantations–most of you are much smarter than I. I was a lucky one just to be alive too say things.. But at least your wisdom can smile at my simplicity.
Ha- I have fun with the Germans when I remind them that their good smarts come from the Irish. But y0u better not rule out the Vikings that took over Ireland and married the beautiful Irish gals. So Ireland had to remain neutral during the killing fields of ww2 ,
Be proud of who your are even if your are a dummie. I think i am one but I am a good hunter gatherer.
CYFD 59: “GM deployed.”.
Cordes: “Bullshit, They had plenty of time”.
That conversation has always implied that Cordes knew all about the move.
Reply to The Truth Will Always Remain Elusive ( TTWARE ) post
on June 2, 2021 at 7:30 am
>> TTWARE said…
>> CYFD 59: “GM deployed.”.
>> Cordes: “Bullshit, They had plenty of time”.
>> That conversation has always implied that Cordes knew all about the move.
When Captain Charlie Reyes of Central Yavapai Engine 59 initially told SPGS1 Gary Cordes ( in the Ranch House Restaurant parking lot ) about the GM deployment… Cordes could not believe it.
When Cordes was finally interviewed by ADOSH… he removed any ‘implied’ knowledge and flat-out ADMITTED that he knew totally well they had left the black and were headed to the Boulder Springs Ranch… and he also reiterated to the ADOSH investigators that he had thought they had “plenty of time to get there”.
Cordes was later discovered to be telling TFLD(t) Esquibel to send some ‘engines’ out to the Boulder Springs Ranch to pick up Granite Mountain ( in the Aaron Hulburd recordings ).
But even according to the SAIT… Cordes was not the ONLY one who knew.
From the ‘SAIT Executive Summary’ section on PDF page 2, at the very top of the report… where they published the list of ‘conclusions’ they had reached…
SAIT ‘conclusion’ number 10…
Although much communication occurred among crews throughout the day, few people understood Granite Mountain’s intentions, movements, and location once they left the black.
Key phrase: “FEW people understood Granite Mountain’s intentions, movements, and location once they left the black.”
“FEW people” does not mean “NO ONE”.
“FEW people” also means “MORE THAN ONE PERSON”.
So even the SAIT team was ADMITTING, in their own report, that they KNEW that SOME PEOPLE ( more than one ) DID “understand Granite Mountain’s intentions, movements and location once they left the black.”
But they gave no indication of WHO these ‘FEW PEOPLE” were.
But the SAIT team then immediately contradicts itself ( as they did MANY times in their own report ) and, in another section, they write “No one realized GM had left the black”.
On PDF page 1 from the SAIT report…
No one realized that the crew left the black and headed southeast, sometime after 1604.
That has always been a LIE ( even according to their OWN report ).
For those of you environmentally conscious and concerned about doing the right thing for the planet and future generations– The idea of use of Solar Panels is a very nice thing. I did mention the fact that I installed 12 Solar Panels above my roof-those I had purchased off E bay from a company situated in Gilbert AZ. You can actually go there and pick them up–I paid a bit over $100 each for 20 of them and then another $200 in freight bill some time ago–two different purchases over time–but circumstances had delayed my installation of them. The inverter I purchased is a Growatt 5000 that is designed to handle up to 6000 watts of Solar Panel input and between 110v-450vDC (I series wired my panels to 360DCV output and batteries to 48VDC) with and output of 220-240 watt AC power either to battery storage or grid or both. I paid 1200 for that inverter but I see a You Tube where someone got it for $900 maybe an older You Tube or else they had found a cheaper outlet.
Well I have plenty wattage output for my my situation and there is a neat thing this morning when I checked my meter reading as compared to yesterday–The damn thing is going backwards and the company is going to owe me money at the end of the month –and this being a time in New Mexico when the heat is on and my air conditioner is running throughout the day.
The electric company had doubled my electric bill and that caused me to put these up despite my physical limitations right now. I had thought I might be moving from here to a more isolated area away from the I-10 insane traffic conditions. However, not that I have it in, it is a delight to see that meter in reverse–that bill better be minimum or I will shut their profit off completely and do the off grid thing completely.
These panels are about 5 years old but most panels are good even to 80% capacity at 20 years of age. So I saw them as a bargain–and a finger to the electric company that bought out El Paso Electric and now has doubled the electricity costs. It would do well if the Biden people would instead of pumping 480 billion into war industries, take only 80 billion of that and install solar in every American home so power was more or less free and worked whether the Russians or Arabs hacked the main line electric grid or not.
Even more significant would be the reduction of oil, coal and natural gas usage that pollutes and destroys the environment for future generations. We must entertain methods for a cleaner environment and planet!
Well here is one bloke that won’t have power shut down due to hacking or overuse by the general population and can smile because I know I have done the right thing as I enjoy watching my meter go backwards.
May the good gods of the Irish tend your suffering should you deserve.
For those looking to do solar–the panels were 60V, 325 watt output. I purchased the higher voltage panel because they are somewhat more efficient than than lower voltage panels. These new improved inverters can handle the high DC voltage that old systems could not without step down transformers. And what does a cowboy know about installing solar panels? Not much-get someone with a bat hide in electrical engineering to figure out the correct system for your situation. .
There had been some resistance to the idea of taking a psychic to the deployment site.
The CIA delved into the psychic phenomenon from the early 70’s to the 90’s–about twenty years and millions of black opts funds. The FOIA information has now been allowed to declassified documents–similar to what is now being declassified in the UFO secret investigations the Military and CIA had investigated.
You would want to know that Jimmy Carter–39th President had an event during his term where a Russian plane went down in Africa. They wanted to find the plane to retrieve its secrets and technology but could not locate it by aerial surveillance. So CIA consulted a known Psychic that by her methods gave them the longitude and latitude readings. Jimmy Carter said it was the most inexplicable experience during his term–the plane was located exactly at the coordinates she had given them.
Remote viewing was being practiced by the Russians who favored and believed in these abilities that certain individuals have. The successes claimed by Russian intelligence reports caused the CIA to also take the idea seriously. I suspect a good psychic could reveal much about the real reasons for the GMHS deaths. Likely they already have and those clues might just lead to solid facts that could be uncovered. So I would encourage any Psychic to visit and give some insight that might be a positive revelation toward revealing the truth.
She/he might also give us a report on the shape shifting liars involved in the cover up. I still feel the bad vibrations from these individuals preforming the manipulations and misrepresentations of the reasons for those deaths. They have covered their tracks fairly well to the public–yet there are quite a number of those involved as well as experienced wild land wild fire fighters that know much work went into the misinformation campaign so that it would appear as an accident caused by God or innocent reasons. Yea, the Devil has many forms and his spirits find home in many human hosts-you can learn that in any Christian church.–and Christ was recorded as casting 7 devils out of Mary Magdalene–so too bad he is not around to cast a few devils out of a number of those involved in the GMHS cover up. This new fire season is on in a massive way with the drought–we hope those leaders possessed with devils that would kill the young lives they are responsible for are seen and removed from such position. However, after seeing how the Yarnell killing was handled the prospects seem slim.
Slainte–Health and may your wild land fire fighting procedures be taken seriously with more regard for lives that was given the young GMHS crew.
than was given GMHS–
And who better for the Irish Gods to send to the mountain on June 30, 2013 than Joy Collura–the half Irish girl with uncanny investigative and photographic mind with special abilities and an unequaled determination to prove and make known the true events and causes of wild fire deaths so that all should know the truth and that future young wild land fire fighters should not suffer their demise nor the trauma of such events to those friends and loved ones that survive.
Here is something that might interest the religious inclined—
The Sumerian tablets were written at least 20 thousand years ago–something before 18,000 BC. The Bible came about with Genesis written about 1400-1450 BC. The earlier cuneiform tablets tell the original tale of how man was created–the Annunaki (Shining ones–Angels) were able to create intelligent men by physical methods short circuiting evolution. So ape men were changed to intelligent life able to take over tasks serving the early Gods as underground miners of gold as well as other tasks–according to those early texts.
The Bible speaks of the Elohim–a group of gods with one main leader. In the earlier texts from which much of the Bible was parroted, the leader God was Anu of another planet system who put Enlil, one of his sons in charge of Earth. However –just as it is frowned upon for Royalty to marry outside their circle-(you saw what happened to Dianne)–so it was not good when the gods married into the human life forms they had created as servants. There were actions that Enlil decided needed to be taken since humans had run amuk with the interbreeding. So the gods took to their space ships and caused the flood. However, Enki who was involved with the creation of humans managed to save a special family and of course we have the Noah ordeal handed down–a modified version of the original story recorded some 16000+ years before the Genenis story of the flood.
So you can believe or not believe what ever version you want and whatever version of religion you might decide to observe. Actually most do not have a choice–they are brain washed from childhood as to what their inherent beliefs will be. Religion was created by the “gods” early on and the principles such as the ten commandments meant to help mankind, not be made into warring factions and Bible thumpers ready to crucify Psychics–witches–other religious believers for their brand of religion.
We are on the verge of breaking the DNA code–well really have since chimera’s are now a reality. So it can be seen how apes can be made intelligent–science is indeed mixing monkey and human DNA in order to harvest organs. And AI is another story-pilots that will be able to stand G-Forces and travel immense distances without food or rest–and in fact may be the next residents of this planet should the planet become uninhabitable by biological life forms–or because as Elon Musk has said–they decide that humans are not necessary or a hindrance to their ideals.
Whether you bump your head on the wall for others to see or on the floor of Mecca or you listen to a child molesting Priest or a Bible Thumping Preacher or entertain the Irish gods–it is all up to you and your perceptions of things. You might even take Trump or Biden as little gods to worship–and god forbid if you think the Queen wants her son to marry your daughter.
The most important thing to us lower case blokes is that there is a charter of personal rights and that some of us can respect the rights of others to their beliefs and opinions. Money–especially fiat is coming to the point it is useless and when it won’t buy influence where will these yahoos that buy these politicians be? They have the gold–so I doubt anything will change–the gods have given them their minds.
If Genesis was inspired by God (circa 1400 BC)the c He came along a little late but must have read the Flood accounts from the Sumarian tablets some 6000BC–4000 years earlier accounts. The Sumerians had a different version but we know there was one hell of a flood. The Sumerians said the gods (Elohim) were orbiting during the mass kill off of humanity–too many of the gods had intercoursed with humans to have giant babies but these hybrid offspring were against the rules of the gods. So these offspring and the greater mass of humanity were doomed by the flood while the gods circled the earth in their craft and then moved on to their planet Nibiru. The next visitation from the Annunaki will be when Nibiru approaches earth again in a 26 thousand year cycle. The Sumarian story of the flood has the god Enki as the one who protested and protected a few to survive so that civilization could reestablish.
And of course with the god tech–and we have been witnessing some of it, even copying some–we see that some of these aliens are already here visible only in infrared or sometimes radar and not visual and sometimes visual–often invisible. When the donkey spoke to Balak it was an angel and a pissed one that offered to swat Balak with a sword if he hit that donkey once more. Being mean to animals is not only a crime, it is punishable with a sword slash.
There are many interpretations of things–choose the one that makes most sense to you–Some of these gods are reptilian and have the conscience of our Oligarchs and Presidents. Others look more like us humans except I have to think those could be more amicable. Those I saw, whether holograms or real were not amicable and what happened and happens to those that are returned to earth no one knows. But maybe it is a good thing in some cases.
Don’t give up–there is hope despite your exposure to retardant. One thing I was fortunate to remove myself from the area that has been highly contaminated by the chemicals from the horrible agent orange retardant. Do not be surprised if the effects are long term–here is a bit about a town in Missouri that had to be abandoned because people were suffering the long term effects from chemical contamination of the soils in the town.
“Times Beach is a ghost town in St. Louis County, Missouri, United States, 17 miles (27 km) southwest of St. Louis and 2 miles (3 km) east of Eureka. Once home to more than two thousand people, the town was completely evacuated early in 1983 due to TCDD —also known as dioxin —contamination.”
You may think because they claim there is no dioxin in that retardant, it is safe. Baloney–the hidden chemicals are unknown while those that are know are definitely poisons. No they like the dioxin won’t kill you instantly–they generally need some time to do the damage to the delicate balances in the human immune, respiratory and vascular system. And of course we have no clue as to how much has soaked into the fresh water system about Yarnell. If there are any shallow wells they will be contaminated and perhaps even deep wells if seepage gets to the well casing.
My well is 206 ft. deep and in an ancient river bed and aquifer–I certainly would not want your so called safe retardant plastered on my property even if were burning. I rather pitch a tent after the burn and have safe water than risk contamination by the retardant–You see, I have witnessed the horrors that Yarnell people have gone through health wise after the dumping of the copious chemical slop on and about the town.
After I fell dead with a heart attack only months after hiking and breathing copious amounts of that chemical toxin and living in a cabin and yard that had been colored red by the oxides used in the solution, I began to wonder how that could be know my own health and physical condition before. Then Joy and I began to see people fall dead up and down the street I lived on and all over Yarnell. Those that were not dead were finding themselves sick from various diseases–many people we knew to be in prime health before the two inundations of Yarnell in the FS attempts to save residences.
So the saving of residences–something the GMHS crew was also ordered to do–cost no only their lives but lives that the money grubbers involved in retardant sales and distribution are loathe to admit to.
It would not surprise me at all to see that Yarnell should be declared as dangerous as Times Beach was. I did read the full article about Times Beach–that ground poison took some years to have effect on the health of People–it was about ten years before any attention was paid to that toxin. The Yarnell story began within months after the first covering of Yarnell and its surrounding area with the agent orange chemical toxin look and act alike.
But I say do not give up–I just hiked 6–it took more time but I am coming back. Six heart stents while living around Yarnell but now that I am away three different visits into my heart and veins via catheter and I am told my piping looks decent now. So do not expect me to return–a relief to a few I am sure but also certainly a relief to myself after understanding the deadliness of the toxins that have contaminated the town.
Slainte–health and may you fare well if you fare good.
The wisdom of the Chinese–Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” and more recently Deng Xiaoping. Echoing Sun Tzu, Deng said China must “observe developments soberly, maintain our position, meet challenges calmly, hide our capacities and bide our time…never claim leadership.” from a book by Martin Jaques “When China Rules the World”.
The idea goes well with Communism and its sneaky ways of hiding truth-but also from its citizens. Here we are supposedly under a Democracy, yet our government agents hide the truth from the common citizen even more. We are even more than any nation in the world in prisons and have 25% of the world’s prisoners yet less than 5%of the world population. How can we point fingers at China? So much corruption has taken over our land and government so that no matter what you can follow the money–well the Fiat I should say that is not money but credit. There is nothing behind the dollar but the promise of those who print it.
So China has been telling its people to buy gold and silver and the government has steadily increased its gold reserves. Thus so has China, India, Turkey and all Asian countries. China and Russia are quiet but you can know by what they and other wise nations are doing is because the overprinted dollar is destined as all Fiat–doomed to become worth what it is–just the paper it is written on.
I do believe there will be a new world currency but it have substantial gold backing just as all good money has been for thousands of years. Gold and silver are money in most countries even today. Trump’s dream of making America Great Again will be when this country takes a step back again and begins to realize it has become an Imperialistic nation along the lines of England. It has handed its technology, manufacturing and world domination schemes over to the Chinese–The flunkies here now are trying to start a war with China, yet it was our flunkies including all past and present leaders that have handed our jobs, manufacturing and technology over to Communist China. Of course China paid them well and we have over time enjoyed cheap China products at the cost of being left with only service jobs on the main.
Tell me a product that is not made in China–and if made here is 2-10 times more expensive. In fact we are protecting Taiwan because Ford and just about every other car company can not produce cars without their chips. So war might really evolve–although Biden has agreed to pump billions into making a chip manufacturing company here–a Communist move when government finances and runs a business. An I wonder how that will work out since many companies have tried to do what Taiwan does in chip making and even the Communist financed chip maker attempts have failed. That process had taken over ten years to perfect and you can bet Taiwan is not going to give its trade secrets away so its people suffer the loss of that industry.
I tell you that silver is produced at an 8-1 ratio to gold in the mining sector. The above ground supply of silver is equal to that of gold because silver has had a shortage of mining for years and is only mined as a by product in copper and gold mining operations. The paper SLV market is just that same as Fiat but the big banks treat the paper market as if it is real silver–By these means and derivatives they have been able to make appearances that silver is not scarce. Well go try to buy a silver coin or bullion –and see that the US Mint stated they have made delays of printing silver liberty coins because silver has been scarce.
I think the wise ones already have some real money set aside–but we should be honest in this country. We shamefully have not been and much of my assessment comes from viewing the fictitious account of why the GMHS crew died and add to that the denials of government that the retardants being used are deadly poisons being major pollutants to people, land, rivers, oceans and scarce underground water sources.
Knowledge is power and a freeing up of the citizenry. We should all have the right to live in a safe and pollution free environment. This agent orange look and act alike retardant use will never outweigh the horrible damage it does.
Script has been issued over time in the US. The company, being it mining, Rail Road or other industry owned the company store–you were issued script for your wages that could only be used at the company store.
Script had no value outside what the Company owners said it was. They set the value and its real value had no backing other than their word. It was an ingenious idea that profited the Company elite in all ways–the worker was a serf at the mercy of his employers.
What is Fiat currency? World Bankers create it out of thin air also. They type in certain amounts of Fiat, lend it to National Bankers for interest–then the banker lends it out to people and business. Those bankers are allowed to lend out 9 time the amount of Fiat they have in store. It is a great Ponzi system–and of course the public is at the mercy of the system Ponzi operators. The value will be determined by their antics–the sudden influx of Trillions will debase the value of the Fiat greatly–something we already see with inflating prices.
People are kept in ignorance–what do they care if they do not know or understand that over time their coffee will
Now the problem with global warming problems is that people are not informed of the facts. Scientists have devices and methods to gain CO2 data. Most of this information is gained by simply core drilling the ice in polar regions. Two miles were drilled in the Greenland area and the bottom is figured to be about 250 thousand years old and over that span of time the average CO2 levels were about 250 ppm. This is also the estimated time lapse for man–though humans may have been around as long as crocodiles–millions of years.
None the less the modern man and ability to see that ice give a record of the CO2 content shows that the average content of the CO2 level has spiked in only the past century since 1915 and the beginning of the industrial age. We now have levels at 400 ppm.–something that never happened in all those 250 thousand years of ice accumulation.
Now what that means is that we are approaching undesirable weather changes. The average earth temperature has risen 1.5degrees in this small time of a century. When the C02 level reaches 800 ppm earthlings can expect somewhere more temperature rise perhaps 2 degrees C. But when the carbon dioxide levels get to 1600 earth can see a 3 degree centigrade change and then suddenly a cascading effect that will rise 8 degrees or more.
These are estimates and assumptions created by the fastest and best computers that have cost the government hundreds of thousands of dollars to determine. There are many other factors to include–the release of methane as the ice melts is no small thing to add. The burning and clearing of the Amazon and add all the wild fires which are on the rise in record amounts–Biden has been advised to jack up the wild fire pay in order to attract more fire fighters.
The chemicals and heating are destroying great amounts of coral reefs–those ocean plankton and other ocean plants provide huge amounts of the Oxygen we breath–3/4 in fact of O2 comes from these Ocean plants. Without the oxygen, CO2 concentrations will increase.
But this is the world we endure. There was nothing in the campaigns mentioning the problem of oil, coal and gas usage. Well, Telsie Gabbert did talk about global warming–no industrial giant or huge war making industry would support such a person–and being honest she denied their contributions.
It is insane that we have a President poking at China–their scientists and leaders–maybe commies turned capitalist in many areas–have at least addressed the issue by huge solar and ev projects.
And one can only be aghast that England’s Boris and partners in crime would send a destroyer ship into Russian waters purposely to see if they could get a war going. And I mean they to include the US because the US was fully aware of the action condoning it and sending a spy plane to observe what may happen. Bombs in front of the ship was the answer and it could have easily been the beginning of WW3. Tell me we do not have idiots and fools running these countries.
The cycle will continue–we of the lower ranks can only do our best to alleviate the situation. I have been looking for an EV car after all and have my solar hooked up–my basket from Wal Mart was almost full yet there was only one plastic bag since I bagged those myself. Maybe there should have been none but I had some small items that could have fallen through the basket.
Do what is right with the planet–our kids and grand kids will inherit the results of our wisdom or our ignorance as the case may be.
I think we should take notice when 1800 nurses working for the Houston Methodist Hospital System are protesting their freedom of choice of whether they would take the Covid vaccine being offered. The US District Court in Houston ruled against the nurses right of choice–saying the Nuremberg Code does not apply since those experiments on human guinea pigs were not private institutions. You see, the Covid vaccine being used is not Federal Drug Bureaucratically approved. These nurses want safety–but that Judge is acting as a professional in the medical field and ordering them to take the Federal Drug unauthorized vaccine or loose your job. There goes your religious asses as well–trying to enforce there Methodist beliefs on their workers. I would send them a record–“Take This Job and Shove It”. Nurses are in short supply everywhere–my son, his wife, and one of my grandsons are all nurses–there is not shortage of work and they are not mandated here to take a vaccine they might not want to. My son and his wife did however–their choice–I am no nurse but I damn sure won’t take the vaccine, yet I am at the age that i would be killed quickly by the disease and likely would suffer greatly or die from the effects of a potent dose of vaccine. And Phizer, Johnson and Johnson won’t worry since there are plenty takers, even people vaccinating babies.
The toxins involved and included are some new and untested chemicals and live virus forms that intrude into the DNA strand–no one can be sure of the long term effects–but the aluminum, and monkey puss virus or whatever else involved to stimulate the immune system are not something I would want a baby or young person to suffer–especially since the disease does not effect those to any degree below the age of 45. If you really want to stimulate your immune system with similar chemicals, I would suggest retardant solution–It would likely do as much good since its effects for the young ones takes years before they get sick–usually at retirement age but statistics for fire fighters show that many die similar to the Yarnell statistics–skewed but no as much since the Yarnell people were generally of elder years. Like the Covid disease, the retardant is devastating to the elders–Yarnell is a retirement community for the most part since there are only a few jobs there with only two restaurants, a post office, a ranch store open now and again and a few tourist vendors. The bar there was only open a few days a week and run by the elder proprietor and the American Legion only employed volunteer people. For 645 residents there are fewer than 50 jobs there for an estimate.
So you can choose your pollution–breath it or have it injected but you can not refuse it if you are working for the Methodist religion in their hospital. At least you are not required to bump your head before applying tender loving care to your patients.
Slainte–may the Irish Gods or your own idea take care if you take care.
To be fair, I should add–the vaccine does work–my son, the RN, is 45 years of age. He had a fairly bad reaction from it–sick and down for a week. Oddly, my daughter a year younger had only a couple days of ill feeling while her husband reported that he had felt very little effects from the vaccine.
So if my son suffered that much, I think I should pass. But what will they do to counteract the new strains out? Will it require a regimen of new vaccines? And why did the FDA refuse to OK the Houston Methodist Hospital vaccine?
I had written earlier about the fact that this Covid 19 was sponsored in North Carolina by Fauchi approval and invented mainly by a lady Chinese doctor that returned to Wuhan, China. That invention of Covid 19 was funded by taxpayer dollars as well as dollars from the Communist government of China.
Certain it escaped from the Wuhan Lab but since it was invented in US Labs and OK’d by Fauchi who ought to take the blame here? Seems to me there was a sharing of responsibility for the again negligent murders of millions and it is no wonder Fauchi with his MD bathide is blaming the bat for spreading the disease. And Biden needs an excuse to point a finger at China. Since leaving Afghanistan, he will need to give the Military Industrial Complex a new enemy to expend those Military 480 Billions toward. So we are surrounding China and improving and building more nukes and more ships, war inventions and inventories, etc.
Join the Military if you are young and need a career and want job security. You can get high pay especially if you are tech oriented or a computer game expert. You can run drones, pick off foreign “terrorists” and be into AI with billions to help the advancement of clean kills with less collateral damage–the pay grade and military food will be par excellent in the right jobs. Even the grunts will be paid well–not like the 60’s when I was stamped US property for military use only.
Don’t worry–I have grandsons serving–Army and Navy. They deserve the respect since their intentions are honorable. Who will defend this country when it happens?
Exposing the depravity in high places is a dangerous activity. Epstein of course found that out and when his clients saw his danger he had to be eliminated. Of course eliminating two of the threats to the depravity of the elite baby molesters is another matter. But you can be assured there are several plans in action. Ms. Grislane has to know it, and also is weighing out her options and may have already been informed of what they are should she dare rat them out. Fear is a great motivator and these people in charge of situations are masters at its use–this government black ops has honed their abilities over many decades with the use of not only the German Nazi scientist, doctors and psychiatrists used from operation Paper Clip, but our own government hired professionals. Millions, even Billions have gone into methods to control individuals, crowds, and enemies of the state–there are plenty of psychologists and psychiatrists and doctors ready to do the work for good wages and under the idea that these things are for the better good.
Any good police worker will attest to the depravity that can erupt in the best of people–the gods have truly given mankind–all us us their mind. We have all experienced the negative–anger, jealousy, lies, and so forth.
The good detective however knows that plenty of people you never would have believed had committed the most heinous crimes. There are of course low life people that make it their main enjoyment of life– to defy the good norms of decent living.
This brings me to the 30th of June 2013 and the day that 19 young wild land fire fighters breathed their last breath of smoke and flame. Fate has its many opportunities and opens up many doors to allow the free lancer to see beyond those trapped in their misery or perhaps not–some enjoy being the serf –the masochist who does seek out the pain he/she desires.
As a long experienced miner–I had worked in mines with my Dad who was a life long prospector and miner–I was even working during my school years where I would come home and go help him muck out those mines–and he had several. Those out of Lordsburg, NM were in our back yard–just 50 yard up the hill. And he was still hand digging and blasting when I came home from school. So you know I followed that work because I knew it and I loved to do it. There is something fascinating when you dig out a chunk of turquoise, rare earth minerals, gold or silver ores and crystals and agates and so forth–so much to learn about them–they are the very basis of all things used by people from forks and knives to the now computers and space rockets and even AI. So you must find joy in what you do or do not do it–and I suppose bank robbers find joy in that until a bullet riddles their body or they wind up in a gray 10×12 cell.
And so with the bilateral mind of the gods we have and because I do have 28 credits of graduate work involving Psychology including courses in Abnorman Psychology and Behavioral Psychology, I had to consider the motives behind Eric Marsh’s decision to follow though on orders and also that of Jesse Steed’s final giving in although he as well as Marsh knew that what they were doing was against all good and safe wild land fire actions and would put the young men under their care at high risk.
We can not set down with them to question their motives. But a good detective or Psychologist would want to be there to examine the evidence so they could set the record straight. It matters much when 19 lives have suddenly been erased due to gross negligence.
Joy did come up with much evidence, how Marsh was as a person and much was learned about Jesse as well–FOIA reports give much about a person in their actions and communications among others. I will not opine much on it–there are plenty of people out there that have the records and have an idea of why these young heroes are now dead–maybe even the motives behind the killings.
Donut is an easy case–he held back originally because of fear. He had been groomed in prison that way–he kept mum because those in charge of things told him to–he even hired a lawyer. But then he saw that he was to become an icon for the wild land fire fighting community–even a hero for surviving when 19 of his comrades had been killed. And now it is fame and fortune. Yet he knows he owes people the truth and has little by little let a bit of it slip out. But do not depend upon his words–there have been too many inconsistencies with him–something he and maybe we can chalk up to drug usage or even PTSD. We instead will have to turn to more reliable sources–FOIA and some of the more honest and honorable wild land fire fighters to correct the story of the demise of the GMHS crew. Will they? Fear is a great motivator to keep them quiet.
Before he died, I remember the retired CIA operator Charlie Mosely saying to Joy and me–Be careful, you do not know what these official people involved are capable of–and after seeing that a crew was kill and the real reasons hidden to protect reputations–I do understand what he meant.
My respects to the GMHS crew that deserve the respect and condolences to those who have lost so many fine young souls.
Thanks WTKTT–y0u probably have done the most of any finding and interpreting details. I hope you are one of those foremost in any new documentary or book on the subject and details of what caused the death of those young fellows of the GMHS crew.
I do know Scottie Briggs has I believe nearly finished his documentary and gleaned much information–hopefully much of that came from your investigative work. The minor details of any investigation are often the most important in revealing where people have attempted to distance themselves from the truth and their involvement–just as you pointed out with Cordes statement of “Bullshit, they had plenty of time”. We were fed so much Bullshit alright even from Cordes and others that maintained that there was no communication and no one knew what the GMHS were doing or where they were.
I have to believe that some bosses and others were watching the men in lock step along the two track as they were about to descend into the death canyon. There is quite a long strip of the two track in plain view from the Ranch House Cafe where a multitude of firemen were congregated about the time the GMHS crew would have been ordered to descend into the death canyon. I believe the distance is below two miles viewing distance–I do know you could easily see those yellow suits at that place because I have open eye viewed people on the two track from that spot.
So thanks for your revelations–they certainly would convict in a court of law those that would lie about what they know in such an important event concerning the death of 19 wild land fire fighters and the many lies that were used to cover the truth.
I am confounded that the main media, so many Forest Service personnel, and so many wild land fire fighters would withhold and even lie about the incident concerning the danger it presents to the safety of future wild land fire fighters. I can only say there are many that ought to be ashamed of themselves for such actions as we see Cordes, Willis, Donut and others presenting knowing full well the importance of telling the truth–all in an effort to protect their own selfish interests and reputations.
These are of course my own opinions. Too many see these yahoos as truth tellers–I am sorry but the evidence shows otherwise.
May the good gods of the Irish or your own perception of a god or Jesus serve you well should you serve well.
Brendan Donut –excellent consult for a movie–half truths, no truths, and omissions–absolute disaster for a source of truth but perhaps none the less entertaining for those that do not mind fiction. I would hope his book as some others written about the fire are relegated to the Fiction Section where they belong.
This endeavor to unveil the truth, though known by many, has been a long and tedious task. When Dr. Ted Putnam was prevented from viewing the death site for fear he would see that the official report was a fiction the Fire Community had to have known that something was amiss.
And Fred Shoeffler, 27 year veteran wild land fire fighter and authority on fire fighting safety and proceedures– respected on all fronts of the fire fighting community was refused FOIA documents so that he had to hire a lawyer to sue to get documents required by law to be produced–then we know the lengths the Forest Service people that had concocted a fast white wash of the reasons for the deaths of the 19 in order to protect reputations of not only Eric Marsh but others involved in the management of that fire.
One has to wonder with all the mum orders, the obvious disparaging of important people in the fire fighting world from discovering the facts, and the threatening of people in the industry as well as witnesses how the public has not been outraged. It is, of course, because the media no longer bothers with truth. They too are afraid, just as the wild land fire fighter that knows should he talk then his job and career are in jeopardy. Government jobs are hard to come by and advancements that have many times taken years to attain are in danger for someone willing to tell the truth about the blight caused by the killing of the young GMHS crew–a tragedy that was totally avoidable and could only have been caused by stupid and careless action that disregarded the value of those young lives. Plain and simple to know there was no excuse and no award or recognition should have been given to anyone involved in that mass killing of those young heroes.
I do not know if Fred got his FOIA information yet. But it shows how much effort and time, money and resources people that care have had to suffer to get at the truth. It shows how our main media outlets are worthless for telling the public the truth–even if many of them know. You do have to be stymied as to how they too could take the reason for those deaths so lightly.
Maybe had I not been on that two track a very short time before those men descended into that death canyon–and I almost abandoned the stubborn Joy, who now is an official wild land fire fighter person–and knows the fatal results of dropping off in a dead in canyon with a fire at a lower elevation. At that time neither of us knew the wild land fire fighter safety rules–the 10 and 18 or that there are four things to easily remember by four letters–something you mus always be cognizant of Location, Communication, Escape Route and Safety Zone (LCES) and now I am even aware of these if near a fire–something Donut, the sole survivor of GMHS crew, did not even know existed when questioned after the fire about safety.
Yet to tell you by common sense we were only minutes from being killed by the fire ourselves. The burnouts which I now know were in action had shortened our escape route time greatly–likely also were a contributor of the deaths of the GMHS crew although they had broken every rule in the book by dropping off into a brush choked. almost impassable canyon with wind conditions known to be scheduled to reverse at any moment, no escape route, and it is said were not communicating for near a half an hour. And if they believed the area at the Helms was a safe zone, that too was a fallacy–the outside of the house was roasted and would have burned except it was made of fireproof materials.
There were documents to restrict that area two weeks before the fire began and it covered that very area where the men died. It had been classed in the highest of danger for fire and whether the document and map of that area was made because a controlled burn was planned I can not say. But Helms hired some of our friends to clear his area two weeks before the fire. One Leonard was on that job–did Helms have a good intuition that a fire was about to start–well fortunate for him that he did clean up since his home barely made it though and I understand he and his wife weathered the fire but barely. We are glad they did and I understand his wife was able to write a book about it.
I am hoping Gary Olson gets his book written and together for all to read. His take on wild land fire fighting will be a true story. You can take to heart what he has to say since he is not one to withhold the story for anyone.
There is much yet to be known for the full story about the death of those men. Yes the reputations of the management of the men and the wild fire at Yarnell has been saved–but at what cost to the lives and safety of those in the wild land fire fighting world.
I don’t know whether to thank WTKTT or say wasted days and wasted nights. The Brendan story changes with each report he does. He certainly has suffered trauma and as he says for years continued to suffer the psychological effects of experiencing the death of the crew and being the sole survivor. But recovery from the trauma continues to be harsh for him. Most of us know how he did not come forward with the truth and how the loved ones and people in general had a long wait to hear his take about the incident. He instead lawyered up and mumed up–with Willis as coach kept his mouth shut. He was worried about telling the true story–concerned about his own security.
I managed part of the story–but I have to believe Donut is still riding the wave of public sympathy and whether one day he will get honest and tell the truth is doubtful in my opinion–perhaps at his deathbed.
He did say that communications were going on with the GMHS crew showing how Willis and others outright lied saying that there was a 30 minute break in communications–that Marsh and Steed were not telling the higher bosses where they were. In fact from the Ranchhouse Cafe–just outside and maybe 50 yards to the North in the parking lot where a memorial sign used to be, the bosses were able to watch even with the naked eye those yellow suits as they descended off the Two Track. If you do not believe that go there yourself and you can without binoculars see that fact. And with binoculars they would have been seen close up.
The story Donut produces has so much hype but people have allowed him plenty of rope due to his pitiful condition. Still the lies about the incident are hard for the honest people to swallow. Those men were killed in the most negligent manner possible considering the information Donut says he was feeding them about the reversal of the fire with 60mph winds.
Donut reports that he hands the radio to Bryan Frisby as they were escaping the fire because Frisby has the long experience in fires and knows what to say concerning what is going on. But of course the Forest Service Honchos and the Lawyers for such get a quick order out to Frisby and others to keep their mouths shut–they intend to paint this as a pretty picture of God had other plans and this is wild land fire fighting==accidents happen and at Yarnell it was no one’s fault these men were killed. This was a garbage dump of lies to make the Yarnell Fire effort look clean and to give Marsh and others involved a pass for the killing of those young heroes. It saved face for many but in fact can not be justified.
There are just too many long experienced wild land fire fighters that have looked at the situation and see it as one of the worst tragedies ever and due to negligent actions taken with wanton disregard for the lives of those men. I am not at all sympathetic with Brandon for the actions I remember he actually took in withholding from the loved ones and the world the truth of what came down. I do know he had pressure from Willis and others that were wanting to protect reputations and make the killing look like an accident. It is a sick thing when you look at it for not telling the truth and the risk for future lives of wild land fire fighters when these type incidents are hidden and leaders get by without being exposed and reprimanded for their negligent actions that destroyed so many lives and the terrible effects it left on loved ones and friends.
These are my opinions–if you buy the hype it is on you but it ought to be seen as it was–a negligent homicide incident.
Just to be clear–I have plenty of respect for WTKTT, Gary Olson, Fred Shoeffleer, Joy Collura, Woodsman, Norbert, John Daugherty and others that have worked so hard to get out the truth. This tragedy and the truth of it would never have been known had these people been timid with the truth. They have suffered long yet have made every effort to overcome the whitewash made of that tragedy.
I too have suffered and felt the remorse–Joy and I stood on that very spot on the two track that you can view from the Ranch House parking lot and I am certain several of the higher bosses were viewing from there as well since so many were congregated at that very spot as the men descended into the death canyon.
Yet I am still in wonder that so many honorable men that worked that fire are able to remain silent and tolerate the garbage information that was fed the public.
Maybe someone knows–Has anyone asked Donut why he lawyered up after the tragedy? What was his explanation? Was it because he knew the truth and was hiding it and was afraid he would be prosecuted for withholding crucial evidence from authorities? People of his ilk and situation would only hire a lawyer if they believed they might be subject to prosecution.
It would be good if John Daugherty or any real investigative reporter could interview him–but I understand Donut has avoided anyone that might ask questions beyond how is your recovery going or are you still suffering and needing a shoulder to cry on? Hey we all suffered greatly and you have to know that the loved ones the worst of it. Get real Donut quit being a ninny and tell the truth of what went down to kill the crew.
Again, you fellows of English decent and subjects of the Queen’s English–forgive the many Typo’s, somethimes word usage,etc. I re read my spontaneous posts and see that there are many–commas left out for dangling particles and phrases, etc. I would do worse in the Irish language, but should I come back in the next life hopefully it will not be in an English body. I am not one that likes to think what that English bitty would do to a bloke of my inclinations and independent thoughts. Likely an assignment to something akin to the Russian Front.
To be fair there are many gallant and fierce English warriors–even those descendants that fight on American Fronts. In truth it is always the leaders of these fake wars that are the bums working under false flags and premises. Us blokes of low birth (that defined as anything below royal lines or “elite” assholes that shit nothing below $100 dinners) would be considered the lower classes considered only worthy as gun fodder for the wars of the elite– that is The shape shifting lofty bastards responsible for so many millions of innocent deaths. To defend this country on our own soil against foreign invaders–something Biden and his smiling high heeled partnere are woefully negligent at doing–yet like Trump again entertaining the war mongering paths of previous Presidents–all interested in invasions of other sovereign countries. Should those countries do what our leaders do, we would be on them with all justification to defend our sovereignty, just as they are doing with our soldiers invading their lands.
Certain the war industries and war crimes we commit are due to the profits of the industries and war criminals involved in these actions. Our defense belongs at home and our leaders efforts at regime change wars in foreign lands amount to war crimes. It is a time that all US citizens of good repute and especially previous military experience ought to be required to be armed and ready because there will be a time that retribution for our own crimes against foreign nations will come back at us. The list is long of those countries we have invaded starting with many South American countries to many Arabian countries to name a few. And now we are entering the China Seas poking at the Chinese and even attempting to poke at the Russians in ;the Black Seas. Yet do not expect these actions to stop–the war profits are too large and our top of the line leaders including the President and his minions that are bought and paid for by the war industrialists–those men including the world bankers that have their allegiance to no one beyond power and wealth.
Of course not all of those that are in politics are bent on destruction and invasion of other sovereign countries. Some do care for preservation of what is right–I dare say some for instance Telsie Gabbert, Jesse Ventura for examples of people that have a distaste for imperialistic and regime change crimes. So there is hope but it is slim considering the greed we see at the top.
Slainte–Be strong, be true to the good values most of us share.
The question of aliens, crop circles, cattle mutations, alien abductions and millions of missing persons unaccounted for–and the related craft above and below ocean waters–even those harassing Naval Ships and Military craft and some of my own experiences with the problem of understanding what we mortals have been convinced are aberrations or figments of imagination.
One of the reasons I took up Psychology was because of a hair raising experience I had years ago–a time of seeing things that one can only believe was from a dream or a hallucination and after the experience with small evil beings–a light appears quiet with nothing beyond its brightness–then a blank in the middle of the desert and the next thing I knew was that I was walking down the Southern Pacific Railroad track in a somnambulist state to awake miles from my last position where the light appeared and I was attempting to escape these small helmeted beings. My clothes were tattered and torn Ye and I was scratched from brush but intact Yet I had no clue about the missing time in an incident that started at dusk and ended at daybreak on that railroad track–I was walking the wrong way toward Deming, NM–I was 20 miles from home–and in a stupor, confused and without explanation. I still have no solid explanation–Travis Walton, as I had saw some of his experience but also was missing much of the hows and wheres and time lapse understanding. His lapse was days, mine was only hours, or was it–He was not aware of time–nor was I–time was warped.
Crop circles are real–certainly some have been able to tie boards to their feet and create similar forms but those that have precise huge forms that have been witnessed to arrive in minutes and investigated to see that the plants were bent by electromagtic waves and wilting so thae plant is heat damaged are from space. It is possible the government by satellite could laser these crops by computer design form the images–but unlikely. There have been too many instances of orb visitations prior to the crop circle formations that are real.
Cattle mutations are real and unexplained–hungry predatory animals that feed upon carrion and dead animals absolutely avoid these cases. I have seen one mutilation up close–a complete 1000 pound cow mutilated like the tens of thousands of reports where photos and no evidence of intrusion are found–and generally the same laser like removal of organs and blood, an eyeball, genetals, cow utters, and anal hole boring to remove organs–unimaginable methods that could not be done without total ethanization of the animal and removal by some sort of air craft to drain the blood and excise organs before returning the carcus to location. The keen smell of animals–dogs and coyotes can smell 50 times better than humans –tells the animal to refrain from feasting on the mutilated carcus.
I did not see a craft–I saw a bright light above me–absolute silence was my experience–west of the Florita Range where I had at the time 5 acres, a mobile, two donkeys, 4 young kids, and a Mexican wife. But just recently I watched and phone photographed a UFO descend on the Florita Range then slowly move my way until just overhead–absolutely quiet–wrong lights for air craft then blink out completely. There are things we just can not explain–photograph yes–but an orb? What does it say?
You would be quite the narcissist to thing in more than a trillion star systems that you are the only planet with life. The AI our intelligentsia are creating is to the point of creating itself and going into intelligence unrestricted by our biological limitations. We can not understand with our limits what they now can formulate–their AI existence is able to compute problems and create millions of times faster than our minds can -they are in a mind of their own so complex that what we have spurned is a system that feeds upon its own lightening speed intelligence to continue to escalate to even greater complex intelligence–even to the replication of itself. It is dangerous because we have no way of understanding the complexities and how far or what it would decide. Our drones already do not need human controls–they can kill by their own discretion–albeit we how that they continue to follow programs given them to remain friends–not the identified enemy.
So with the aliens–the abilities and sciences of alien technology and the AI that does not need organic existence and may indeed have created organic systems as a slow computer eventually disposable for better and more advanced technologies–much as the dinosaur extinction. Is the human computer an organic experiment of AI? Quite Possible.
And aliens–they would visit from many different planetary systems, even universities and with many different attitudes and as we look at cattle or lower animal forms–how much less are we comparable in intelligence given what we know about the AI we have spawned.
Some would certainly see us and our creators as idiots and even dangerous with tools like a rattlesnake–a few would handle a rattle snake but if the damned thing bites you it is sure to inflict the worst of pain and probable death. Our weapons in this dimension and our minds to kill and mayhem are well documented by our wars and even nuking to vapor tens of thousands of our own kind. They would know their reptilian appearances or other odd forms would likely draw gunfire, grenades or some form of dangerous action to either biological or mechanical forms. I would suspect the most of the alien visitations would be as cautious as we handle a rattle snake or work on Grizzlies or elephants–ephanization is in order.
Indeed it is a war–you must determine what side you are on–that for the good or that for the destructive and lying forces.
Fire In The Sky by Travis Walton. Travis had a movie made about this abduction there out of Herber, Arizona. His abduction and the space craft sighting was verified by 6 of his fellow workers, all having taken lie detector tests that they passed. He also passed the tests–and has taken as many as 20 over time–some with the most professional equipment possible–and some of his friends had also taken –one as many as 16 tests. The five days he was missing had his friends on investigation for murder, his story rings true but despite the tests, many have tried to deny the event.
After seeing his story on You Tube more than once and then going to his site I had realized how true his abduction story was. The small beings he described were much like those I witnessed before my own experience–and the year he was abducted rang true with my own experience–his was November of 1975–and my own was about the same time. The difference was he could remember the events of the abduction, while I can only remember the events before the abduction and the light that hovered over me in silence before my mind went blank until the next morning when I found myself walking down the Southern Pacific Rail Road track much like a somnambulist that suddenly awakens from his sleep to realize that somehow he has found himself some ten miles or so from where he remembered the beings chasing him. That person being me–and now about twenty miles from my home.
That type is was such a traumatic event that I repressed it for years believing that I had a run of insanity–something that I certainly did not want to discuss with people. Yet I could not account for the time lost, after seeing these small, helmeted being that I knew were after me, nor the light above and then to find myself walking down that track with no recollection of anything after seeing that light hover over my head. Certainly I too could and would take a lie detector test because I know this happened to me. Since, I have researched and the Walton story and my own are not unusual occurances–many people have had them.
In the Walton case they were able to return to the exact place the craft was witnessed by the men and where they had witnessed Walton being zapped with a blue green beam that threw him back ten feet and knocked him out. The fellow workers thought he was killed and took off fearing for their own lives.
Scientists have taken tree ring samples and all those trees that surrounded the location of the craft had increased and widened growth of the rings on the side that faced the craft. Radiation as in the case of the Chernobyl tragedy was found to cause abnormal growth in the pine species–much above normal growth seen before the radiation event. In the Walton case, one of the men that had his arm out the window toward the craft developed skin cancer in that arm. I am going in for more skin cancers again–my face and back are plastered from cancer removals–above 50 surgeries in that department–but then I did much time in mining Uranium-but it is certain these craft are radioactive.
People, especially the religious types and those that might want to know more about the Gods of the Bible and those of the ancient Gods of Sumaria and the listing of those before the flood that go back hundreds of thousands of years would do well to go to You Tube or get hold of his movie–Fire in the Sky. He says there is embellishment in the movie as movies do–but he hopes that another more correct version will be made. It is like the Only the Brave situation–manicured for public viewing and entertainment with hope of profits.
Travis has his book out with diagrams of craft, photos of tree rings and 32 illustrations of people, places and events related to his abduction. Some of the witnesses are passed by now including the Sheriff that had himself seen a similar craft around that time.
The blond humanoids he described on the craft could have passed as humans much as Jesus did. He described them well and their actions. What they were up to and the reason for his abduction is unknown–at that time there were cattle mutilations going on in the area that the Sheriff had witnessed where no tracks in our evidence of intruders was found. Just as the mutilation I saw south of me and did photograph.
I do not know if this has anything to do with an excuse that Willis could use–God had other plans for the GMHS idea–maybe the Gods did? I still have to believe there were careless actions take that killed the men. Certainly there may have been some aliens looking on since they by government testimony are able to appear and disappear to another frequency off sight of human vision and even radar vision. And that day, I had all sorts of premonitions and alarms even to the point of believing the men to be dead as we descended the other side of the mountain. Joy will tell you I was pointing out helicopters that I believed were carrying out body bags of men.
So the Irish Gods have something in mind and throughout this life there have been many instances that those higher intelligentsia have communicated to save my own life–and why not? Not too long ago before Marconi and Tesla, who could have believed you could have received messages though the air? (–both invented the ability to send messages though the air, Tesla said Marconi stole his idea). Government now has record of every message sent on line and the super computers essentially have every history of people in this modern society. They miss out on a few aborigines or natives that do not use electronics but I am certain they will provide cell phones for all those at some point. So how can we not believe a higher intelligence could not have a method to access records off DNA or some other way? These entities after all worked over monkeys , apes and mental deficient humanoids to create a being similar to themselves with a degree of intelligence to do tasks to serve their needs.
An open mind considers all possibilities–is not hardened in heart and mind so that it is but a stone.
Slainte–we mustl abide by good evidence of things seen and even those unseen–it is our solemn duty.
This is very important so I am posting near the top–usually my sometimes questionable posts as to relevancy are posted in less accessible areas.
Joy had spent almost 6 years awaiting FOIA information that she has now posted on her website. The information covers the entire GMHS crew actions, qualifications and so on–she has even included many photos. This is crucial information if you should be interested in the ongoing saga concerning the real story and facts about the crew. Whew, Joy has the patience of Job and much the temperament as well. She certainly deserves much credit to unveil these fact so long hidden from public viewing. Over 5 years and almost 6 to get FOIA information? Now you understand one of the methods to hide the truth–refuse or drag their feet to give you information that by law should have been provided within a small time frame of less than a few months–I believe the limit is 90 days but Joy would know.
So here is the new reference material that has taken money, years and all kinds of action and patience to obtain–Thank you Joy.
To Post Or Not To Post The Prescott FD Crew 7 – GMIHC End of Season Reports? That Is The Question. (
We wonder how the public servants in the Forest Service and other public servant offices can get away with criminal activity such as withholding crucial information concerning people that are supported by the public tax dollars. It becomes obvious when you must hire lawyers in these cases to obtain records–that can run into thousands of dollars on your part–Fred Shoeffler can testify to that—but also those involved in the chicanery are never held accountable. The State, Forest Service and other government agencies are represented with attorneys—sometimes they will provide a dozen tax paid attorneys to your single attorney. And even should they loose and you get your FOIA there is always a question whether you will be awarded the attorney fees you spent in order to get the FOIA. And who cares withing these public service departments–even if you win nothing off their hides since the tax payer will foot the bill in any case. So it is a loosing proposition to sue for these FOIA–the time, frustration, hiring of legal representation, and the FU attitudes found in these public servant offices reminds you of the dog you feed that bites your hand.
I had to watch Biden’s media supporter and investigator interview Vladimir Puten. The reporter-investigator was upbraiding Putin for arresting some fellow that Putin saw as a troublemaker. Putin’s answer was to look at your own people and Biden’s campaign–hundreds arrested and charged, many for felony charges including theft, burglary, etc–and the continual persecution of Julian Assange. None were there to do anything but political protests–and Putin has only charged a few and one man is incarcerated. Yet the police killed one of the protestors but was not charged for murdering what in truth was only a political protestor. Putin said when you see ugly look in the mirror. How wise that is.
Government and the people therein are apt to forget the democratic process and the importance of protest.
As a young man, age 17 and senior in high school, I was awakened with others in our family one early morning with a knock on the door by a Sheriff and his deputy. We were ordered out of the house immediately as two D-9 cats were being unloaded in the front yard. The Sheriff produced warrants–there was an overpass to be built along I-10 7 miles west of Lordsburg, NM.
He said gather up what you can of personal items inside and pile them aside while the dozers were being unloaded from their low-boys. He explained that they would be pushing our home, our business and anything inside into a big pile some distance from where we were in the way of progress to put the Gary Overpass to nowhere in. Well it does go into the desert –no road on our side but there is a gravel road to a rail road track on the other side–no residence there but access to the RR track is available.
That was eminent domain laws in the 60’s and the I-10 highway made its way though–a so called just compensation of $2500 was offered and my dad had refused. We had lived there for 13years and he had spent $100,000 there building, water well, and other improvements including his livlihood of a Rock Shop and an large building being completed for a trading post business. There were gas pumps, and people could purchase fues and oil as a stop along what was then a single highway.
My Dad, being a WW1 veteran who had fought in the trenches as a machine gunner was now being treated as an enemy of the state. He had said he would accept $40,000 and had hired an attorney–but his money had been expended on his business and improvements–the sale of his property for $100,000 in Las Cruces, NM.
The overpass is still there and you can visit the spot I had lived for 13 years of my early life. He never collected a dime–but his mine diggings are still there, though likely filled in or fenced. He had had many assays–it was rare earths he had the most of-yet the hematite and yellow and red limonites were a major mineral with turgite coloring. I helped him build a retort for mercury–he had built one near Terlingua, Texas and has actually sold several flasks of mercury to the war department during WW2–something he attempted to join after being a veteran in WW1. He was refused and classified as F-4 because he had a family at that time–my oldest sister, still alive in Phoenix, was a tot at the time.
So you see, the government is a juggernaut, has no conscience and many of the people working therein follow the method–though on the outside do attend churches and many would even stand up for citizen rights, protests and concerns.
And yes the mines are still there–likely claims could be made or probably exist there now. But mining is now to the big operations–the little fellow will be bulldozed under, charged with high felony, or harassed by so many methods while the real culprits and destroyers of the environment are those huge operations that work much like the federal agencies–the will say get the F out of the way–we rule the roost. And maybe they do–but many of us are unafraid and will continue to protest nefarious actions by these greedy and power mongering giants.
You would wonder why I harp against the Phosphate and Ammonium type fire retardants with such determination.
I have plenty respect for you wild land fire fighters–It is a profession that ranks with being a soldier going to war against our enemies. It is fought with dangers that most would not care or dare to entertain while its engagements sooner or later guarantee diminished heath.
So this morning I had an email from Joy–she will help me deal with some government red tape issues concerning the Veterans issues. Veterans like fire fighters were and are subjected to chemical issues that have damaged their health and well being to a high degree. You only need to visit a VA hospital to see the many people and many young you would not expect being treated for various diseases caused by the chemicals used during war time. Agent orange was a big killer of plant life and Vietnamese warriors and citizens alike–in the millions of those while we did loose our finest young men. The figure of 58,220 is official reports for US military and all that because it was a war started off a false flag now uncovered in what was call the Gulf of Tonkin incident. That war, however we were a part of from its beginning with the French–we supported them and supplied them with an agreement so they could maintain Vietnam as a free world colony; It is no wonder to the foolishness of our leaders–but on these things we can only have hindsight, see where the lies and errors had caused bad action–then attempt to remedy and repair our methods. That did not happen either in Yarnell–what I considered another war zone–nor in Iraq–nor even in the consideration of the chemicals used.
When you see a known 50% of Gulf war veterans down with Gulf Syndrome, you have to know there is a source. Many have mentioned both the burning of oil wells and use of depleted Uranium as likely sources. Little are the myriad of vaccines that were used looked at. They do inject you with plenty of various chemicals–some not so good and sometimes not so effective. I see that in central Florida one county has 24 cases of people breaking out with covid 19 as soon as two weeks after the shot–some within two months or more. What gives there–it does not matter to the vaccine companies–by federal law they can not be held responsible or sued anyway.
But to the Agent Orange of Vietnam that sickened so many of our veterans, I have compared it to the Agent Orange look alike of retardant. It however is not a defoliant and supposedly does not contain the dioxins that the Agent Orange contains. We do not know if they are in the hidden chemicals under trade secret laws or if the heat causes a chemical reaction to form dioxins. We do know cyanide gases are formed although in small amounts-note that the safe level of cyanide in the atmosphere is below 6 parts per million. Cyanide is used to make paper, textiles, and plastics. It is also used in photographic chemicals and is a major use in gold extraction and other metallurgical processes–not to forget the elimination of people in gas chambers under the name of Zyclon B=- I do not know what name Arizona will give cyanide when it kills its prisoners on death row.
Which brings me to Dr. Anderson–his yard and home w like my yard and cabin in Yarnell were painted red very heavily with retardant. Of course Joy and I were hiking thought the heavily retardant covered areas hundreds of times because we felt it a duty to help other firemen see the route and actions that were taken by the GMHS crew to get them trapped in a death canyon. We refused no one that had interest, including media–those whom should be on any front line whether war or fire fighting and are where they can. Facts publicly exposed are the only hope to stop needless wars and killing or to change neglectful fire fighting methods.
Well of course I fell dead in the VA Prescott parking lot of the two Cardiologists that had examined me minutes earlier. This was only a few months after those hundred or more hikes at Yarnell. There I was revived at another hospital across town where Joy reports that 9 heart attacks had happened during the time I was there–all had soon died except me. Nine lives gone except one and I was told a year would be max on my part. Well, being away from that area now over 7 years I have in the past two years had three times a catheter run to my heart and even inside it. The last one just a few weeks ago. The doctors say things look good inside–arteries clear, heart clear and pumping like it should except for scar tissue and six heart stents from previous attacks.
I have to believe there is a chemical in that retardant that causes cholesterol to form and stick to the walls and also makes the blood platelets sticky to form clots. Heparin and aspirin help but these days and I used very little aspirin except in the first month or so after the attacks when I began turning purple I did quit. But what we say were many people falling dead from heart attacks at Yarnell while others were suddenly dying of cancer and respieratory ailments. I see the retardant acting much like the Gulf War Syndrome–there are so many different chemicals involved and each individual comes up with a different diagnosis–albeit heart attacks seemed to be at or near the top of the list. Cancer and COPD were also off the chart so that we saw nearly a third of Yarnell dead within 7 years–most within the first three years.
Dr. Leroy Anderson passed just this past June after suffering so terribly. The cancer events at Yarnell were and are slower at killing their victims. His environment was painted red with retardant so he lived and breathed it daily–but he was a health doctor so he was doing all things to keep his health up–yet it has been to no avail.
I had wanted to publish his photo during his last days. His head was totally covered with cancer and so hideous you have to turn your head upon viewing the photographs. He was kept wrapped like a mummy with a white cloth about his head so he only had a slit to look through. I guarantee that if you see his photograph you would never allow retardant to be dispersed on your home and environment. I do not know if it is legal to publish–but I do believe that good man would want the world to see how he was tortured because some idiot believes retardant is safe or else does not give a shit and is making profit at the expense of peoples health and lives.
I will continue to complain–our restrictions of the first amendment by keeping media at bay, our touting of certain people that err as heroes when they kill, and our allowing of toxic and secret chemicals to douse human environments is equal to allow murders to run free. Our hope is through the good and honest Journalists and Media people that these wrongs will be corrected.
One thing that concerns the wild land fire fighter is the increase of wild fires and at a greater intensity due to elevated dehydration rates of the fuel. However, I think that many of the wild land fire fighter crowd do not think global warming has anything to do with the extreme fire season that includes a trend in world wide drought and even attending weather extremes in areas they were unknown. I had been in that camp of people believing, like Trump, that what are they talking about–carbon dioxide just makes plants grow better–this is all a ploy to destroy industry, car manufacturing, gas and coal burning needed electric energy production and so on. Some citizens even talk about government scam to collect carbon footprint monies.
Certainly I had to wonder when I learned that above 97% of the Climate and even other informed Scientists declare that Global Warming is a fact and a real danger–they have named the new era of humans as the Anthropocene–Anthropos means human and cene means ending. Their concern led me to wonder why these people believe in global warming increased by more CO2, Methane, and other air pollutants.
Did you know that this summer there were temperatures at 110F above the Arctic Circle? I don’t know if that was on main stream news since I do not watch the propaganda spewing industrial owned media except on very rare occasions–not even once this month. But the fact that the average temperature in the Arctic is 11 degrees higher that it has ever been in 700 million years ought to be head line news. Maybe it is or was?
But let me get to why these anomalies are happening– Over 36 Billion tons of Carbon Dioxide were spewed into the atmosphere this past year alone. Most of that is from the US, followed by other European countries. China is low on the list as a contributor despite what you would be made to believe–
” The United States has emitted more CO2 than any other country to date: at around 400 billion tonnes since 1751, it is responsible for 25% of historical emissions;
this is twice more than China – the world’s second largest national contributor;
the 28 countries of the European Union (EU-28) – which are grouped together here as they typically negotiate and set targets on a collaborative basis – is also a large historical contributor at 22%;
many of the large annual emitters today – such as India and Brazil – are not large contributors in a historical context; the United States has emitted more CO2 than any other country to date: at around 400 billion tonnes since 1751, it is responsible for 25% of historical emissions;
this is twice more than China – the world’s second largest national contributor;
the 28 countries of the European Union (EU-28) – which are grouped together here as they typically negotiate and set targets on a collaborative basis – is also a large historical contributor at 22%;
many of the large annual emitters today – such as India and Brazil – are not large contributors in a historical context;
Africa’s regional contribution – relative to its population size – has been very small. This is the result of very low per capita emissions – both historically and currently.
Africa’s regional contribution – relative to its population size – has been very small. This is the result of very low per capita emissions – both historically and currently.”
You have to say so what? To understand the problem that a blanket of invisible C02 has to do with warming the planet you can do your own test. You see, Oxygen and Nitrogen do not absorb infrared heat. Infrared goes right through the air back into space enough that excess heating of the planet is stopped. However the level of CO2 in the air is crucial because infrared heat that goes though the C02 molecule is again regenerated with only about half the infrared allowed to escape into space.
Remember the science project where you weigh a balloon empty, then blow it up–and suddenly you find the balloon has actually gained weight. Well do to to see if CO2 actually traps heat from infrared–take two fruit jars –put a lid on on, then in the other put a bit of baking soda then add a touch of vinegar and allow it to fizz a bit–you might want to hold the lid about half way across the Jar for ten seconds or so then close that lid. Inside is CO2-so if you did not have access to a CO2 welding bottle to fill the jar then you are in business for the experiment. Find your infrared sunburn–tan lamp and expose the two jars to that lamp. You will find the CO2 jar much hotter than the air jar. CO2 does not hinder light coming in but once that light hits the ocean or land and converts to heat waves or infrared–those waves go up and again react with C02 to make more heat. Methane is a greater heat retainer by a factor of 35x that of CO2–20 other air pollutants are included in trapping heat on earth.
So if you understand the delicate process of the ecosystem and how these gases react with heat attempting to escape earth into space then you have an idea why 97% of those scientists–except those drawing high wages from polluting Oligarchs and Military Industries emitting more tons of pollution–then you can understand a bit about the dangers we are in and why the crazy droughts, wild fires, and an Arctic that is now almost to the point that there is no summer ice at all when for 700 million years the ice in the Arctic had never melted in the summertime season.
If you bother to look at time lapse photos of the Arctic since satellite photos started you will see a frozen Arctic with ice escaping into the Atlantic Ocean to a point where now in the summer months there is only a thin shelf of ice left. The Arctic and the Antarctic are totally essential to cooling the planet–The Arctic causes the flow of the ocean waters. That flow has to do with ocean life to the point that the whole of the Great Coral Reef will be warmed to a point it will die into a bleached reef –white and devoid of marine biological life that is dependent upon it–some 4000 species of marine life depend upon the Coral reef–3/4 of earths oxygen comes from the ocean plant life–very much of the micro biology depends upon the coral and will not survive once the coral bleaches and dies.
Here is the thing–Trump is interested in his golf course and making America Great Again by spewing as much carbon in the air he can without having too many complaints–and especially he loves his many country club golf courses around the world for their profits and hobnobbing with his Oligarchic community despite the terrible pollutant used on those things –herbicide, pesticide, phosphate, ammonium compounds, and fresh water in huge amounts as fresh water is scarce–to the destruction of ocean zones of death to marine making poison red algae if you like the color red. And he is not the only one, Biden is following it is one rat voice that only becomes the same rat with a voice change–more squeaky now.
So if you think there is no global warming effect–make a tour of the Arctic–you won’t even need an icebreaker ship. The polar bears in many places are skeletons because they can no longer forage–many are now carcasses from lack of food.
But why not go for a game of golf–I have a desert behind and have been finding golf balls–someone like golfing the desert–maybe I ought to try but then driving a little ball toward a tiny hole off in the distance is not my forte.
What are the conclusions–C02 continues to linger in the atmosphere and concentrate–it life is in hundreds of years before being dissolved. Methane is about a decade and hydro and flouro carbons and other pollutants such as nitrous oxide causing acid rain all have different times–but C02 and Methane are the greatest worries due to their concentrations.
It is pretty much determined by the best analysis that there may well not be a decade to stop the continued concentrating of pollutants –especially C02 and Methane into the atmosphere. There are experiments being made by covering a lake in Minnesota with a silicon bead thing that floats and reflects sunlight such as old ice of Antarctic and Arctic do. White old ice reflects 80% of sunlight while one year ice only reflects 45% and new ice only about 5% with the rest going into heating the ocean waters. This bead thing invented to possible alleviate trapped infrared reflects only 45% but might be enough to buy some time for better intervention. Somewhere above 2 degrees of global warming is a tipping point where global temperatures will rise 8 or ten degrees or more almost overnight in a loop that feeds itself. When that happens 99% of the planet can get under their school room table or their dinner tabel, put their head between their legs and kiss their ass good bye–there will be no remedy at that point.
Despite Trump wearing and bragging on a plastic industry he took credit for along the river–use paper or your own cloth bag better for groceries and if you can afford one of those EV’s that go 700 miles now and do not cost a fortune–get one–and stay the fuck off Trumps Golf Courses (or any) if you believe in a clean and healthy ocean.
On the other hand this is free America–but do you have the right to pollute it to its death?
correction–Trump has 16 golf courses and elite country clubs about the world–not just a single one–Don’t invite me–I know he wouldn’t anyway unless or my invite might be delivered by a drone Funny–but Hitler was keen at eliminating all dissidents to fascism–he just used the SS–CIA version of taking care of dangerous peace makers or other troublemakers.
I have to laugh at a take on how nice Bill Gates is to donate billions to charity while at the same time he saves tens of billions in taxes by doing so–and his tax bill was less than 2% of what he earns and several years he was able to pay none and that goes for most other Billionaires including the Facebook and Twitter censor specialists. The jerk Zuckerberg who thinks he has the right to censor people and Bezos of Amazon paid less than 2% of their earnings as well– They too had years of no tax payment while they collect billions in profits. Certainly they contributed a few millions to charity and the Biden campaign as tax write offs. But they are also less than 2% while your friendly IRS collects that income tax off the working stiff and it is not going to be any measly 2%. I know–it always irked me when I dropped down in a 900 foot hole to take a walk back in for a quarer mile or more to drill, blast and muck our Uranium ore then drag ass out to find the government had remove about half of my pay for taxes, insurance, SS and other thing they could imagine. It damn sure was no 2%.
But people want to portray these tax dodgers as heroes- They would be if they paid their fair share perhaps–but to me someone like Zuckerberg is a kook trying to censor opinions and facts–what to get a slinky man as our President? Maybe your idea that someone like Gates is something great–but if all truth were know I would have left him on Lolita Island where he and the Clintons liked to visit.
The boys are fed and my small garden watered. It is amazing how quickly I have spinach up after the three days of good showers. Rain water has the right ingredients to stimulate plants –something included that ground waters do not have that causes the garden and all this desert to come alive into a carpet of greenery. In a few days I will have edible spinach, arugula and other greens to eat over the chemically sprayed Wal Mart Variety. I know Albertson’s is no different but I am get my groceries at one spot–the Wal Mart brand since things all filter in from various places around the world no matter where you shop. And the so called farmer’s market stuff is found to be 75% vendors that buy at wholesalers and sell as home grown organic produce. Sometimes they even forget to take off the tags and act as if they are real farmers. Well there are organic farmers there but you better follow them home to their farm to be sure. It is all in making a living–but the human species is not known for honest when profits are at stake and they might not be detected for their dishonesty. It is also true that there are good people that do not and will not compromise their integrity for any filthy lucre price. And in the fire fighting industry thank you Dr. Ted, Gary Olson, Fred and others that have taken the hard way–the straight and narrow over their own peril of being labeled and ostracized in their own professions.
Gary’s story of being the youngest ever crew boss at 22 years of age is something that would be strange if I in my own way was similar to my own experience. I had at the same age hired on as a miner at a deep mine just out of Fierro, New Mexico. I was working there for some time as a drift miner when one of the bosses asked me if I would take on a job to finish a raise another miner had started but had quit or gotten injured. I had never worked a raise but being full of piss and vinegar I could not refuse. The pay went up and for me it was a new thing.
You see raise mining is the most dangerous job in mining–perhaps aside from pulling pillars in an Uranium mine. This was to be an ore chute where you drill and blast going straight up to another level where ore will be dumped down that chute to a bin below. The bin will have an air operated flap that will allow ore and muck from the higher level to be dumped into an ore car on tracks and then taken to the main shaft and dumped again into a bid that feeds an ore bucket that can be drawn to the surface. To get an idea, you build a zig, zag set up out of timbers wedged in so there are landings every 6-8ft so you have a platform to drill off of. The platform you build better be wedged in properly since if it gives then down you go with machine, timbers and anything loose. The higher you are, the farther you fall–and once past ten foot that fall is almost certain to be an injury if not fatal. There are few miners that will take on the job as a raise miner–those that do know that even the experienced raise miner is working in an extremely dangerous occupation.
I had advanced about twenty feet above where the last miner had left off when the my platform timbers gave way–down I went with timbers, a machine that weighs over a hundred pounds with hoses and the two other drill steel you always keep handy beside a hammer to drive in wedges and any loose rock on the platform. Of course it is not the fall that hurts you but the sudden stop and anything like a timber or a machine that lands atop you. Fortunately in that thirty foot fall there was a soaked and good sized muck pile from previous blasts I had done and by some quirk of luck the timbers, debris and iron that followed me down landed about me and not on me.
But you see there was a boss that had set a young miner out to do a job that only an old experienced hand should have done. But that boss we call shifters could not find another experienced hand who would take on raise mining. Raise miners are a scarce item. Yet I took on something as an older experienced miner I may well not have done. You can be sure my next drilling platform was better wedged in–yet that one error could well have been my last–only an experienced raise miner should be allowed to do that job and if not he ought to have a raise miner teach him the ropes of how to stay alive and what situations you do not do in order to keep that way.
It is that you see these Bosses only want to get the job done–few of them think of what they do. Maybe the boss above that shifter boss would have prevented an inexperienced raise miner to do that–maybe not–there was no one else that would take the job.
But in wild land fire fighting I should believe there would be extremely more concern. There are 20 lives at stake there where in raise mining only one–you can not even take a helper with you–just too dangerous and he would be in the way in a cramped situation as it is anyway. But it also shows the willingness for a young fellow to take on a job he might not do if he were older and knew better. Gary made it though alive and without killing others or himself–but was it a situation that should have been sanctioned by those who governed with a higher G string?
Drive your wedges in hard and solid–
Slainte–time for some cowboy coffee that will float a horseshoe.
You might want to know if I finished that raise–the answer was no–It was to be a 150 ft raise–usually the next level is 50 ft. but in that case the next level up was 150 ft.. I only got up 80 ft. when the mine went on strike. I did not join the strike but tramped on North to Nevada and took on drift mining again. I never again took on a raise–maybe because no other mine needed one. And had they, yes I would have done it again knowing that few would do it and even fewer would qualify.
And that Fierro mine stayed on strike 9 months–they gained a dime an hour on their daily wages–but as a contract miner that was nothing to add to your troubles–why you never saw a contract miner working union and I did not join there either. Which is not to say I did not support the union efforts–they had the mine worker interests at heart in most cases but as a contract miner you were on your own and paid according to what you could produce–my production was always at minimum double what a days pay worker would make–and all contract miners would do the same or they would not last.
I did not realize this was Friday. Ha I am suffering like Biden–thought it was Wednesday. I wouldn’t be up to doing a Presidency and neither is he–but then you don’t need to be–you don’t run things there anyway–he is pulling people out of Afghanistan saying we can’t be rebuilding another nation that ought to be doing that themselves–true, but the real reason is because the real rulers told him we will soon be at war with China and/or Russia/add Iran and Venezuela– so we will need those troops in another scenario on possible several fronts. The war industry is not about to quit wars, however the next great war will be because China takes back Taiwan or the Stupid English leader orders another ship to invade Russian waters or the like. We need to keep war going–it is the only economy and job security besides the burning forests or Micky Dees and Wal Mart. I fear the only people that might be left are those that have found an isolated cave somewhere in the woods and are savvy enough to survive.
To add to this there was a fully red heifer born in Jerusalem area–quite exciting for the Jews and even some Christians since the Jews are waiting take that as a sign of the beginning of the Apocalypse. However after some months–i think 9 it was–a tuft of white appeared on her tail so that ended her purity and the fulfillment of the prophecy. I like the Native American idea of a white buffalo –you can use a little Clorox and bleach a white tuft on a tail of a bovine creature –but you would have big problems to bleach a whole buffalo on and Indian prophecy.
I have had a great interest in why so many died at Yarnell after the wild land fires of 2013 and 2015, both of which resulted in extreme inundation of the town residences with retardant also as well as surrounding the town with copious amounts of the deadly substance. I had long ago attributed the many deaths and illnesses after these retardant dispersions but I could understand how they could be connected to the many heart attacks we were seeing in friends and neighbors within even the first year after the attack on the town with the dreaded red and orange Phos Chek retardant. I had a personal interest in the heart attack situation since I had fallen dead in the VA parking lot less than 5 minutes after leaving a visit with two Cardiologists there.
Joy and I had hiked over a hundred times with wild land firemen, media and others including the federal death investigators through the retardant residues and I as well during the time and years after was living in a cabin that had also direct retardant hits on the cabin and yard. At the time of the heart attacks I had been at Yarnell about a year but I had seen many already dead from heart attacks and some–the Librarian for instance–having open heart surgery to survive. During the 2 years beyond that first heart attack I suffered 5 more with 3 near fatal–the result was 6 heart stents, something I will have the rest of my life.
However since removing myself from Yarnell for about 4 years and visiting emergency when I thought I was on the verge of a new heart attack, at least 3 of those visits required cauterization of the arteries and heart that were found to be clear of the cholesterol that during Yarnell times were blocking arteries and causing the heart attacks. Certainly I am a very fortunate fellow–I had been saying 9 died in the weeks I was in the hospital–something Joy had told me–but with my 10% hearing ability, she corrected that to 19 died in that short time.
These later pains have to be attributed to angina or perhaps since being shot though the right lung and having cracked ribs and about 200 lead shout dispersed about my chest–that could be the extreme chest pain I now sometimes experience. And it must be extreme to get me into a hospital–I am not a hospital person or any other confining type situation.
Do not think I write for sympathy–I write about these problems because people need to understand the dangers of retardant and it may well save some of you the misery caused by those deadly toxins in the retardant–some so deadly they hide them under trade secret laws.
One I suspect that is there under trade secret laws is PFAS–
Scientific studies have provided “strong evidence” linking PFAS exposure to elevated cholesterol, thyroid disease, damage to the liver and kidneys, effects on fertility and low birth weight, according to Schaider. Research also suggests that exposure to PFAS chemicals might suppress the immune systems of young children, potentially making vaccines less effective.
Did you notice the formation of elevated cholesterol? PFAS are called “forever chemicals” –they are flouro carbons invented in the thirties–are very stable and hang around in the environment as well as a contaminant in ground waters where they do not degrade. They are especially useful in retardant formulas and fire fighting foams–Obama OK’d them when for fracking as well–so copious amounts were pumped into ground waters.
They are no longer manufactured in the US–what is–China even makes 94% of the pills you take–at pennies I might add they stick you for hundreds a pill and Biden–other Garcs have a hand behind their backs somewhere to allow–and why would a man like Obama allow PFAS in fracking considering its dangers? Maybe another hand behind the back situation?
The two PFAS chemicals you’re most likely to hear about are perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). These are no longer manufactured in this country but are in everyday products imported–and what today is not imported? Most of our retardant comes from Israel–so has Obama been there too? And when has Biden addressed environmental issues. Not on the news I have been watching–but then that is not the main media.
It is amazing what these chemicals can do–and the medical profession will prescribe some that will likely help you if you can handle the side effects–or as they say the benefits outweigh the side effects.
Despite the remaining uncertainty, scientists have found that PFAS chemicals affect “every major organ in the human body,
So where are they found?
” PFAS chemicals were invented in the 1930s, and found to have some useful qualities for consumer products because they repel oil, water and grease. Companies used these chemicals in many common items, like paper food packaging (think microwave popcorn bags and pizza boxes), stain-proof rugs, waterproof clothing, some types of dental floss and nonstick cookware.d”
The EPA has found widespread contamination of groundwaters with PFSA. Yet the heavy dumping and continued use of this substance goes on. With wild fires now increased to almost double last years burning you can expect more contamination of the environment. But as the behind the back EPA would say or any doctor will tell you –we must weigh the benefits against the effects. And with past records the EPA high officials went right into jobs with the very people they were investigating. That is how the system works, like it or not.
However, the common citizen can attempt to avoid those chemicals such as retardant and the less of them you inhale, drink, eat or allow to contact your skin the better your survival rate and the less your doctor visits.
Slainte- May the good gods of the Irish light your paths–or your own gods if you prefer.
If you hike or get outdoors here in New Mexico or when I was an Arizona visitor–you are bound to notice your neck burning or if you are a baldy (fly skating rink) without a hat then you will feel a neck burn like fire. I wear a hat with a neck protector now. Yet I can tell you as a child hiker, I never had such burning sensation from the sun radiation.
This is due to the depleted ozone in the stratosphere. The flourocarbons used in refrigants was banned because of its chemical reaction to reduce Ozone essential to filter out harmful radiation.
PFSA is a flourocarbon chemical, although in a solid form. How much of it gets into the atmosphere as fumes off the processing and making of it is not told. I am certain there has to be a lot of it considering the huge use of these compounds.
It is the planet and the eco system that the Idiocracy seems to be very little concerned about until I do believe bar a nuclear war wild be a nuclear global warming event that may well be underway at this very moment. Once triggered there will be a fast destruction of the eco system–the environment will no longer sustain life and you will entertain and be entertained with the deaths of billions of souls. A sad and horrible vision but absolutely the true outcome of disregarding the pollution and chemical destruction now on a threshold of spontaneous destruction.
Paper not plastic==no more retardant dumps–no more fossil fuel contamination–no mineral and radioactive and phosphate water and ocean poisoning–and maybe–but the world is loaded with ignoramuses–and even those like Obaama and Clintons and Bushes etc with bathides from Ivy and Harvard type Universities–shame on them they know better but it is power and money over the health of the earth and its common people.
The following is about PFAS chemnicals used in fire fighiting retardants, plastic making, and many other industrial processes. From RTI testing laboratories who do work for EPA and others to test soil and drinking water toxicity–
“PFAS compounds, especially the longer chain chemicals, do not easily degrade and can persist in the environment for a significant amount of time. Due to widespread use, PFAS such as PFOS and PFOA are prevalent throughout the environment, resulting in contamination of drinking water, surface water, and soil. The highest concentrations are typically encountered in areas in close proximity to facilities where firefighting training has occurred, industrial production facilities, and discharge from waste water treatment plants (both in effluents and bio solids)As a result of their widespread presence in the environment, human exposure to PFAS compounds occurs through use of commercial products, drinking water, air, and dust. Studies have indicated that these compounds are present in virtually all individuals. PFAS have been linked to potential health effects including cancer, disruption of endocrine activity, reduced immune system function and impairment of various organs.”
I remember Chuck of Yarnell who had been a former helicopter pilot and hero of the town –often helping and informing locals about the problems of the Yarnell Fires and getting aid to them and also leader of many town meetings involving the fire damage.
The fire people did him a great favor by inundating his home on the north end of town with copious amounts of foam retardant–as I was told by certain individuals who resided near his residence. It was not many months after the fire that Chuck actually announced that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer–I was at that town meeting so I know he did. By now, if he is still alive, I wonder if he also has come down with heart failure, cancer or COPD.
Chuck is one among many in Yarnell that have suffered–yet I wonder if he would even consider that the retardant sprayed on his home would have anything to do with his disease. Yet the testing lab says you need to beware of the soils near where the firefighters train using the retardants.
And yes they are phasing out the use of PFOS chemicals–the flouro carbon compounds that are so dangerous. But they are certainly not banning them–and what else are they not phasing out? Plastic making certainly has not been phased out to China–maybe the Chinese chemists know it is better to leave that poison maker alone. They have enough pollution already and are doing plenty to reduce it–even to the point of mandating the almost total extinction of oil and gasoline fueled vehicles by 2030.
It is only ignorance when people do not address the issues we have not addressed in this country. The damage we are doing to our own environment involves not only this country but the whole of the planet.
Denial and just as we shadowed the killing of the 19 GMHS crew by bad bosses, so are we shadowing the disasters of continued dumping of these chemicals in our environment. We have no concern for those individuals outside our own greeding self serving interests–our children that inherit our methods and the sacred life of the planet and its delicate eco system.
The wars continue–huge flotillas of our ships take our young veterans off to places thousands of miles from home across vast oceans to show our war rage at other nations. Yet we are the greatest of polluter, war mongering and interfering nation on earth. And that with only 4.4% of the world population.
The commoners among us truly want to do the right thing–but the lies and misinformation we are told and sold by the powers that be, those industries and war industries that promote this insanity–keep most of us in ignorance. It is easy as Herman Goering said–just demonize those that are peace makers–call them traitors of the country–and the people will follow.
You ;have little defense except your own in matters of health and well being. These war industries and chemical factories all have the funds to hire the best of propagandists, lobbyists, psychologists, medical doctors to defend their poisons.
They have fine tuned their methods so that perceptions are created among the populace to support their evil. Yet there is hope–some Journalists and only a few will not be bought–they will research and continue to expose the lies and defend the truth. There are a few brave men/women of good character left.
Thanks John Daugherty–you have been a great example to all who would seek the truth.
Most of us that have spent much time outdoors in the woods or outback know that if you get even the most docile of animals in a corner it will attack. Never think you can corner a bunny and expect it not to react–it might look defenseless but in fact will inflict a deep wound with those knife sharp teeth.
So you can imagine only a fool would corner a tiger, yet we have cornered something beyond a tiger–something so dangerous an act that it could mean the end of life for 90% of life on this planet. Our YO YO President has ordered the surrounding of a Dragon with nukes and at the same time he and his playmates have been poking at a Bear.
I look at that Black Fellow running the military and I see a fellow raring for a fight with anything that might even look crosswise at him. This, while knowing our past Presidents have sacrificed over 250,000 of our young soldiers and other military men and women not to mention the physical and mental injuries of those young people–all to secure oil and profits for the Oligarchy while all along they knew it is no big thing to do electric, solar, hydrogen and other non-polluting methods to furnish the energy for cars, homes, etc. Even nuclear fission is dismissed over Fusion yet Fission is a hundred times safer than Fusion. Then why Fusion plants instead of Fission? Because they needed the by products that create a bomb from a Fusion reactor. Fission was out of the question–nukes and more nukes are in vogue.
But now we have sent our young military men –they say 140,000 if that is the real figure to surround and corner a Dragon and a Bear– these are not bunny rabbits but they will react just as you corner any wild beast would.
And this fool is demanding 5 billion more to make this happen? Where do these yahoos appear from?
But of course, there is a concerted effort to demonize the Chinese and Russians. It is part of the manipulation process of the masses–get em mad and anyone not mad at the Chinese and Russians will be branded a traitor. But who really is the traitor–putting this country and even the planet at risk because the trade deficit or China id selling more goods and thumbing their noses at the American Dollar seems to me to be about as traitorous as you can get–especially to risk young heroes under false pretenses.
We do not need another fake war such as Viet Nam was–China will not be as easy as Viet Nam–we lost the war there and you can damn well believe that cornering Russian and Chinese military might is not smart no matter how many military so called intelligence say they are backward countries. We could not even win in Afghanistan–people like that love their country and they will not stand for foreign intrusion.
The only thing good about these recent line of liars we have had representing this country was they had limited time in office–but the bad is they never really leave–the Oligarchy just clones in another.
An email to Joy from Sonny:
Joy I could not figure out the outgoing server and outgoing smp or whatever that is to connect to Nori’s email. If you want me to comment–you can paste this and send to Nori
From Tex Gilligan
Dear Nori–Joy Collura and I were also survivors of that tragedy that killed the GMHS crew and also would have died as Donut nearly did–we barely had a scant less than 5 minutes left or we would have also perished. As Donut, we were lookouts–only from the civilian side. Joy and I met Eric Marsh, the leader of the crew, about 9:30AM that morning just below the fire line going up. We had left at 3:30 AM while it was still dark to make the hike to the fireline. Joy wanted to get up there to see if the fire would advance toward her town of Congress and also to warn any prospectors or others in the area about the fire.
Joy has been an unspoken hero–she was the one to take over 1500 photos–those of the men going up went world wide and photos of the place they died were taken just hours before when there was still forage there–again, Joy’s efforts that were revealing the events of that tragic day. \
We had gotten to the fire edge when Marsh again came to us and cautioned us to leave because retardant drops were being made–a danger without hard hats–so we headed south but remained in view of the GMHS crew and the advancing fire.
We stayed until I decided the wildfire was about to change and I became alarmed–I could feel a wind change and there was a storm of cold air at higher elevation about to descend upon a hot area where temperatures were above 100F–106F as I remember that day of June 30, 2013. We departed at the very point they were to descend to their deaths–a decision that saved us, although even the way we escaped we were in peril.
Joy has not gone a day since without working on an issue about the fire–she even became a certified wild land fire fighter, interviewed dozens of wild land fire fighers, loved ones and friends of the fire fighters, as well as obtained tens of FOIA documents concerning the fire, as well as hiking above 900 different people to the area. She in truth became an authority on the truth and facts about the deaths of the GMHS crew and what and who were involved. The story is not quite what the Forest Service and others want the public to believe.
She also became concerned when so many people in Yarnell were dead or on their death beds after the wild land fire. I myself fell dead some months after the fire with a heart attack in front of the VA clinic in Prescott, AZ where I had just seen two cardiologists.
Joy, because she had authority, had my life support plugs pulled–I had a no resuscitation statement she was honoring. But then I came alive and have since had 5 more heart attacks and 6 heart stints. But we were watching friends in Yarnell–a small town of just over 600 people–getting sick and passing–many healthy with too many surprises. About 100 were dead withing the first year and that went to 200 since the fire and a second one in 2015 that totaled hundreds of thousands of gallons of the orange and red retardant dumped on the residences of the small town.
I began to connect the retardant to these deaths and illnesses. Some of the ingredients are hidden under trade secret, but the main ones of Phosphates and Ammonium are not pleasant. Fall River in Idaho got only about a thousand gallons dumped in it causing the death of over 20,000 fish where 6 miles of river became a death zone for fish. If you google Florida where phosphates are leaching into rivers near the ocean, you will see photos of thousands of dead fish along the beaches killed by this chemical–it is also a fresh water contaminator as it leaches into the ground. The Ocean dead zones are created from the phosphate and ammonium compounds that feed the deadly red algae in those zones.
Yet little has been said about the terrible effects on the human–You must know that when a third of a town is dead and many others ill from cancer, heart problems, lung and kidney problems something is awry. In fact none of this was going on until after the copious quantities of retardant were dumped directly on residences at Yarnell.
I had found that in times past cyanide for gold mining was made by taking the same ingredients of ammonium nitrates and phosphates and heating them over hot coals. Cyanide gases in only 6ppm were found to be dangerous and places that use this deadly substance must keep the air controlled. Arizona now uses it for death chambers–and cyanide the size less than a green pea will kill a person–Zyclon B was the cyanide gas Hitler used to kill Jews and Goering himself was smuggled a small pill to beat the hanging at Nuremberg. But even as dangerous are the flouro carbons used in fire retardants. I found that they are able to cause cholesterol to accumulate and cause the heart attacks–the very thing that gave me 6 heart attacks.
Since moving from Yarnell to my place in New Mexico, I have had instances where I believed I was having another heart attack. Each time a catheter was run to my heart and through my arteries–and each time my arteries and heart are found to be clear. The doctors tell me we see the stents but your pipes are clean.
And that since I died a second time from a direct shotgun wound that shattered my clavicle, pierced the right lung and cracked three ribs leaving an ounce of lead shot scattered throughout my chest cavity. So that could be the fake heart pain signals.
Yes Donut was a disaster for his loss, although he has never been completely honest about the events. He could not be, he was ordered to be mum, lawyered up and kept quiet for the longest leaving the loved ones in limbo to the truth of why their loved ones were killed. Joy and I felt that public servants owed the taxpayer the truth yet there was and still remains an all out effort to conceal the truth in favor of protecting reputations. The Yarnell deaths have amounted to more than the 19–they included hundreds more from the town itself and none of these were accidents.
Joy has a website that addresses many of the issues and is directed at revealing the truth and covers years of tedious work she has done toward interviews, FOIA information and actual experience on the fire that day. She is an invaluable source of true information and documented fact about it. She is also working with Scott Briggs on a documentary about the truth of the Yarnell fire and those GMHS deaths.
I have posted much on Investigative Media about the retardant toxins–my concern. Have Joy send you a photo of Dr. Anderson on his last days after exposure to the retardant that had painted his house and yard red. You may not be able to bear viewing it for more than a few seconds.
I would be remiss if I did not point out the hard work, effort and time Fred Shoffler has put in on promotion of safety to save wild land fire fighter lives. We know that the GMHS crew would all be alive had their bosses had entertained any respect at all for wild land fire fighter safe approaches to keep alive as a wild land fire fighter. Dead heroes are not of much use and in the case of the GMHS crew all rules and common sense were ignored. However, I do believe there was an argument that Jesse Steed had against obvious dangerous moves into the choke full box canyon that was a wind tunnel to fires below. It is purported that he argued with Eric Marsh who did not argue with his superiors about the action of entrapment without an escape route in attempting to pass through brush that would try a Grizzly Bear.
I know these things because I was with Joy as we transversed that very entanglement where they died and early that morning of their demise. We were often on our bellies and backtracking to find ways to get through it. Joy even took photos of the area they died before it burned clean–she did not know that those men had only a few short hours of life left and she was documenting the very spot they were to die in.
We can only applaud Fred’s work–he has spent tremendous amounts of time working on the situation to get the truth out. He knows that the fact that all the rules of safe fire fighting had been ignored, yet the incident was treated as an act of God and just an accidental death situation that a fire fighter might encounter. The truth is those young men would be alive today had their bosses respected their lives by respecting the common sense safety procedures instead of needlessly risking their lives and truly committing what should have been treated as a negligent homicide event. ( Even the wives of wild land fire fighters have stated that it is a big NO NO to drop off in a canyon as the GMHS crew were ordered to do.)
People that know Fred also know that he ran a crew and has been at wild land fire fighting for over 25 years and continues to instruct people on safe procedures to keep the crews alive. I have to believe his efforts congruent with the efforts of others that post on IM will save lives by way of informing wild land fire fighters of proper methods to better safety in wild land fire fighting. Ignorance and defiance has killed 19 men–but that tragedy can be prevented when future wild land fire fighters become aware that the safety rules are extremely important to follow–lives of these heroes should not be subjected to situations that are highly likely to cause death. Simply put–the GMHS deaths were due to breaking all the rules of safe wild land fire fighting.
If you have not read Fred’s tribute to Dr. Anderson, also a fire figher–then you will have missed some truths that most of the public is unaware of. His artiicle is located at ( )–an article I believe that should be on every wild land fire fighter blog.
If you are a young wild land fire fighter and intend to stay alive then Fred Shoeffler is your mentor.char
Sorry, your Majesty–I so often mangle the Queens English and I hope you don’t do as badly in Gaelic–mentor for on mistake char? and I forgot to add tá dea-shláinte os cionn saibhreas—in Irish Gaelic meaning health is better than wealth.
Robert 2nd sent this to me and I see it as the truth that the “Biggies” in the death investigation of the GMHS crew could not handle.
“Martin K Gill
September 24, 2021 at 11:15 pm
while I agree the ‘hero’ nomenclature has become over used, I think you understate the actual complexity and over rate your connection and ability to understand it. I think the real issue is that real conversations about why wildland firefighters die always gets taken over by the politics that force their way in. No, I do not think the Granite Mountain Shots died a heroic death. I think they died a tragic death of their own making through incredibly bad decisions, as was the case on the 30 mile, and many other fatality fires. Decisions that may have been contributed to hero think, but not hero actions. But again, you are using their deaths to push a political narrative that really has no bearing on the cause of their deaths. Whether fire was influenced by Climate Change or it wasn’t, whether politics played a roll or didn’t, they are dead because of the decision they made that was a bad and wrong decision and one THAT IS TAUGHT to every rookie firefighter that ever gets to the line. They violated so many Fire Orders and Watch Outs to get to where they were killed that the real question should be why did they die for nothing? Plants regrow. Houses get rebuilt. None are worth dying for. That is what any discussion about ‘heroes’ and fireline deaths should be about. But you take it to Climate Change, pay rates, and hero worship. And as usual, the real issue gets bumped aside.”
Right on Martin Gil–except one Donut revealed that even though he may have been taught the safety rules but they went through one ear and out the other–they were old fashioned in his eyes-not relevant to actual firefighting in these modern times?
The GMHS deaths should have by mass media and cinema exposed of the truth of the GMHS disregard for safety rules and the disregard for the investigations to tell the truth in order that the hero idea and reputations involved that particular incident were not tarnished. Had the truth been told you can be certain that the future wild land fire fighter bosses would be extremely careful in promoting safety and not careless and negligent disregard for wild land fire fighter safety as was done with the GMHS crew.
For many years police have had carte blanche in using deadly force–so much so many were becoming bullies and needlessly killing people without accountability. Of late due to video exposure and the internet some are finding themselves enjoying the prisons they were sometimes even using false testimony and evidence to convict so their reputations looked good. In a similar way some bosses in the wild land fire service have been getting away with risking the lives of their men such as what we saw with Eric Marsh–and the ones that even encouraged him to bring his men down into that canyon in an effort to make their wild land fire fighting efforts look good. However, they were able to declare it as an act of God and a natural occurring accident to save their hero title and reputations. Like the police they could do no wrong–no accountability for killing those young men was made. Hush, hush–yet how can they sleep thinking of how there was no accountability so that anyone breaking the safety rules–especially as much and often as the GMHS crew did? Those that investigated and those that covered up the accountability issues are no better than the system that would have allowed a Derick Chauvin to continue his practices had not the public viewed the reality of his actions.
I am told that there will soon be a documentary coming out that will reveal the truth. We have not seen it, but the party is not over. Those young men cry from their graves for justice and truth to be told–they would want corrections and future wild land fire fighters deserve that and to know the truth of why 19 young men are dead. We can not allow this tragedy to be swept under the rug as an act of God or just an accident of chance.
Thanks Martin Gill– and Robert2nd for passing the post along.
Here is a link sent from Robert 2nd and very important to those wild land fire fighters and all government workers–This is directly off the FS website and is information that if you do not have or “strictly obey on a daily basis” will cost your job or career.
I can only say that after the Patriot Act the Presidents and other political flunkies of the Oligarchs and War Criminals, citizen rights have been tramped upon–the proverbial boot in the face that Orson Wells warned would be the eventual outcome of the system if protests do not hold this slow boil of the frog effect in check. I find it amusing that the FS fellow is declaring the mandate with such a smile instead of a smirk. But to me–freedoms are more valuable enough so that many of us would and have gone to war to defend them–But as Junior Bush would say before “the Constitution is just a piece of paper”. And that attitude reminds me of Donut–those safety rules are old fashioned–do not apply to the modern day wild land fire fighter.
It indeed is a tumultuous time to live. One has to wonder at the sanity of people sending an armada of war ships into the Chinese Seas as China send 56 war planes over Taiwan with some nuclear armed. But then I realize the feeble minded President is not really the Commander in Chief–only a pawn of those that he represents and that is the Oligarchs and War Industries that have put him and his cronies in office.
This has to be the time as people seem to be asleep that this world is ever closer to midnight with Biden and crony associates idea to make America Great again by following Trump’s agenda to reinstate the cold war with Russia and China so the War economy will continue–an idiots agenda that is similar to the GMHS idea to drop off in a dead end canyon full of dead brush–that dead brush being 2 million Chinese soldiers with 8 million more on standby to engage after the nukes go off.
Where do these idiots get their thinking boxes so muddled? The industrialists here have moved all the industries to China under the blessings of our politicians and Presidents that have been well paid so they retire on multi million dollar estates and in their gated communities. They continue to ship our industries off as you see the recent protests of people loosing more jobs as Pharmaceutical companies are moving out of Joe Manchin’s West Virgina–as he was against such moves. His daughter is CEO of the company and his wife on the board of another for a big above a hundred grand a year salary–Politicians are in business for themselves in a big way and they have nice public talk but follow the money.
Yet it is obvious China and Russia are not out to play the imperial game this country continues to do–yet they are reaping the benefits where they can–and our politicians that gave it all away are now trying to continue cashing in on the war games. Talk about a sick crowd and leading the world into the end game–what fools we have running things.
These would be my opinions–quite drastic perhaps–but none the less I can not forget that I damn sure was not the one to drop off in a dead end canyon–common sense goes a long ways.
Here is an important link pertinent to Wild Land Fire Fighters that want to keep their job–cutesy of Robert 2nd;
Here is a heart breaking article sent to me by Robert 2nd. I hope he replies to questions I had about why and how could these beautiful young people be killed –was it careless action or a boss with lack of experience and knowledge of safe wild land fire fighting or just outright negligence as we saw in the killing of the 19? If Robert 2nd replies to my questions I should be happy to post his professional judgements about the incident–that is will be from a 25+ year wild land fire fighter veteran who managed crews and manages safety classes as well.
Here is the title and link to the article: 7305 Days Ago, I Learned How To Fight Fire WLF LLC Thomas Taylor July 10, 2021
( )
Did you get your 5 covid shots–there are 5 strains why people are getting at least 3 shots–first one gives you type Beta–Then Delta and Mu have to be taken care of also Gamma. They name them after the Greek alphabet because like the flu they expect 24 varieties–after Omega they will have to name them Alpha1, Beta1,2 and so on. There are 25 varieties of the Flu–the Flu mix shot covers 4 supposedly. Maybe they can mix the Covid shot somewhere down the line so you get the whole kabottle in one dose–but then if they spread it out it might not be so hard on your system and Big Pharma will profit more so that they can research for more shots for future new strains.
I do see some Chicago Police are on strike because they want the choice of whether they take the shot or not. They must not trust Bill Gates and Dr. Fauchi. What gives there?
Was the PFD “hero” & “sacrifice” rhetoric a causal factor of the 6-30-13 YH Fire and GMHS deaths? by Fred Schoeffler ( ).
This article written by long experienced wild land fire fighter, advanced fire fighter safety teacher and wild land fire fighter crew boss is about the GMHS demise and wisdom of age and experience concerning issues about wild land fire fighting and the meaning of heroism. A well written and thought provoking article.
With Fred, most of us believe the truth of the Yarnell killing and the many errors made that caused the disaster leading up to their deaths all should be made public despite the bitter truth is would be to a few. There us always much to gain from truth and much lost from the yarn spun to protect a few reputations. Lives will always matter above protecting reputation of people and errors of an organization as Fred’s article so clearly points out.
Much wisdom and value for anyone to read and important information for the wild land fire fighter.
Too much is about profit and federal funding and too little about truth. In this day and age where profit trumps truth we can only expect disasters.
The land is being littered with plastic–I am picking up plastic strewn about the desert mostly by illegal immigrants–they are ignorant and their lack of understanding the resentment they cause by invading and polluting a country they have already illegally entered is not good behavior.
I buy my products in glass and avoid as much plastic as possible–glass can be buried for future generations to dig up and cherish–plastic will ruin the health of the soil and pollute the environment when it is buried in the land dumps–or as I watched as the local land dump caught fire and huge billows of black lung killing and cancer causing smoke filled the sky. That day the wind was carrying the smoke south toward Mexico–are the illegals repaying us with their trashing the lands here? Well the Mexicans believe they have a right to these lands–they after all were taken from them by the American South West advancement.
And then of course the Spaniards before had taken them from the American Indian races–so winner takes all and we must accept borders or else accept second word order–called the New World Order these days as Bush that loved the word lives on his First Elite Ordered ranch and his Oil profits thanks to the Bush friendship with the Arabs. And of course that friendship brought in a hoard of the Arab culture–something a few countries like Norway and Germany are dealing with concerning culture shock and clash.
Maybe it all makes life interesting but trashing and polluting the environment with plastics is real and regardless of the Trump admiration of plastic plants and how they are making America Great Again, it amounts to some much bull shit and political maneuvers to get more votes. Tout instead the glass industries–glass is as natural as sand since that is what it is SiO2–Silicon dioxide and purified sand although you could use just sand and have a brown or tan glass–a bit of iron oxide and other natural elements to color the glass.
The meteorites have Lechatelierite if you can pronounce it. It too is a form of glass only an amorphous form caused by extreme temperatures. Fulgerites from lightening strikes and Trinitites found where New Mexico tested the atom bomb at the Trinity Site northwest of Alamogordo, NM are the only other sources of this form of SiO2. You can identify lechatelierite with a short wave UV light over other forms of SiO2–it will light up a cherry red–so if you think you have a meteorite with that on the surface then you might try that method to see if it is a meteorite. Quartz has no change in color but something like Chalcedony (all forms of SiO2) will light up a green.
You might also have a microscope–I do. At 180X you will find the micron sized sperules of magnetite on the meteorite surface–scientists collect them out of ocean water and study their contents–lost of shedding of these micron sized particles from thethousands that burn up over the oceans and lands every year.
Or just simply send your prospective sample to one of the Universities that study meteorites–they can give you a quick opinion-and if it is one even tell you where it came from and how old it is.
So keep looking up and then down some as you cut line–if that rock looks strange pick it up and take a second look. It might be a prize.
I did visit my son Jaime–he is looking up considering the much KEMO he is still enduring–they operate on his stomach and insert it now every three months where it slowly dissolves? For his birthday we visited the Casino–he did not gamble noI did his brother Mark but I did and an hour of black jack–walked out with $90 for that hour of play on $20 bets (whew inflation– minimum there is now $15). Jaime said Dad always wins–well not always but that was a good win since I had not been in a Casino for a number of years.
Maybe the odds of winning at a Casino are less than finding a meteorite–but now I can say I have beat the odds on both accounts.
Fred Shoeffler passed this link on to be posted concerning University of Arizona looking into Cancer in fire fighters. I believe you men and women in that profession have be knowingly deceived about the chemicals being used that you can not avoid. We know the Yarnellites were heavily doused with the chemicals–most even had their yards covered and we saw the results. Of course the Forest Service, the State, the Health Services, etc. turned blind to the situation. They would say there is no scientific proof–but the facts are out there as far as wild land and city fire fighters go. They have much greater incidences of heart, cancer and lung issues than would be normal. It is sort of like hitting someone in the head with a base ball bat and saying there is no proof the bat caused the injury.
Here is the site as sent to me from Fred:
Slainte and Happy New Year to all you of good works.–whew looks like most of you will be busy,.
Reply to OZWFF post on November 12, 2020 at 11:17 pm\
I’m still playing ‘catch up’ with the recent posts, and I wanted to be sure and respond to everything you’ve been saying/asking.
I think we have covered some of the following in other posts, already, so forgive me if there’s some OVERLAP with this ‘Reply’.
>> OZWFF said…
>> Okay, here’s where I’m at with this now and thank you for your patience!
>> Musser was driving the blue pickup ( I call it the Poxy Blue Truck, PBT,
>> because it has been a pain in the backside to match with events and people );
Agree. I’d call this better than 98 percent certain.
>> Tony Sciacca was driving the white PFWFD truck with the covered tray;
No doubt ( Proven ).
>> By the way, I really don’t think he ( Tony Sciacca ) was the overhead
>> who told the evacuating drivers in the Youth Camp to leave the FF as
>> they couldn’t run fast enough.
Sciacca never went back to the Youth Camp itself. The identity of that person who told the Peeples Valley FF’s to ‘get out’ and NOT wait for their crew members has never been established. Could have been TFLD(t) Tyson Esquibel. He WAS ‘back there’ at that time.
>> Charlie Reyes is the dude wearing the shirt with Central Yavapai Fire
>> written on the back; The guy with that shirt on is in all the right
>> places in Story and Lees photos to have been him.
Highly likely.
>> He ( Charlie Reyes ) was Engine Boss of Central Yavapai ENG 59.
>> Reyes told Cordes about the deployment.
That’s when Cordes replied ( to Reyes ) “BULLSHIT!” and told Reyes he ( Cordes ) thought Granite Mountain had plenty of time to make it to the Boulder Springs Ranch.
>> Rance Marquez is the hiding guy in the RR video
Disagree. ( More below in the section about the SWARTZ photos ).
>> and it isn’t Frisby standing next to him (the guy in the ballcap with arms folded);
>> Frisby is a lot slighter build and he never took his helmet or
>> glasses off at RHR. If you look at him and True in the third
>> Hulburd video when they are waiting at the Shrine deciding to
>> break through you can see many traits of the guy who isn’t True
>> and they do not match that guy in the RR video.
Agree. You are totally right about ‘pants length’.
Frisby really could NOT be that FF with the black ballcap who is seen ‘staring down the camera’ in the RR video.
I have no idea who that might be… or if it was even a Blue Ridge Hotshot.
>> OZWFF also said…
>> The RHR rally point is shown in Swartz 1843 and 1844.
>> Compare the dude looking away from the camera in Swartz 1843
>> at the RHR rally point. Clothing, haircut pattern, radio harness
>> to the guy in the RR video. I think they are the same guy just
>> without the helmet. The guy at the rally point has to be Rance Marquez
>> and I think Carrouthers is the other white helmet in that group.
I agree that those are both most likely Rance Marquez and Cougan Carothers standing there in Swartz 1843 ( both with WHITE helmets on, Marquez on the left and Carothers on the right ).
But I disagree that the one who appears to be Marquez matches the FF who is seen ‘hiding from the camera’ in the Russ Reason ( RR ) video.
1. I’m not seeing the same ‘matches’ between the two that you are.
Example: The FF who ‘hides’ from the camera in the RR video was SHORT. His head wasn’t any higher than the roof of that camper top on the back of Marty Cole’s ALL-WHITE Toyota Tacoma, where they were all standing. The FF with with the WHITE helmet in Swartz 1843 who appears to be Rance Marquez seems much TALLER than just the roof of a camper top.
Yes… they are both sporting ‘black chest packs’… but I’m seeing some subtle differences.
Clincher ( for me ) would be the ‘gut check’ ( as in belly-size ).
The FF in the RR video had a pretty good one going ( as in… I wonder if he’s seen his feet lately )… whereas the FF with WHITE helmet in Swartz 1843 seems much ‘slimmer’, gut-wise.
2. I still think the timing on the RR video was too soon for DIVZ Rance Marquez to have been there at the Ranch House Restuarant.
The ‘Swartz’ photos are here in the public evidence ‘Dropbox’…
Photos and Video/AerialFirefightingstudy/Swartz/Pictures/Nikon/North of Fire/Town of Yarnell
Direct link to Swartz 1843 in that folder…
>> OZWFF also said…
>> Who is “briefing” Trueheart Brown in the Story photos?
>> I really think it could be Cordes.
I think we covered this one already. I believe ( for reasons already given ) the guy with his back to the camera in that Tom Story photo number 1678 is FBAN Byron Kimball. I also wouldn’t say, just based on that one photo, that he was ‘briefing’ Trueheart Brown.
More like the other way around, I think.
IMHO there isn’t much chance it was SPGS1 Gary Cordes.
Too many ‘physical appearance’ details just don’t match for it to have been Cordes ( also IMHO ).
More later
PUBLIC photo of Cougan Carothers,
Central Arizona Fire – Battalion 3 Chief – A-Shift
All good!
I hope I’m not rehashing stuff for you too much. This timeline between 1550 and 1720 has a lot going on in it obviously. I believe you’re right about Kimball so that one can lay down now.
I am interested on what you think about my theories in response to your question about Ball at the HWY 89 meeting and whether it’s plausible from what we can see in his own photos that it was Cordes himself who dropped him at Yarnell Fire Station. Located, of course, on HWY 89 opposite Shrine and not far from Norton Way where Cordes stated he was involved in rescues.
As I said before I’m trying to nail down what Musser and Cordes were actually doing between 1550 and 1720 that afternoon as they are pivotal in this whole thing.
That said, do you have a timeline for that period?
Thanks again!
I hear what you say about Marquez. He has been, in my mind, quite secretive about what, why and where he was that whole day. My opinion that he is hiding in the RR video comes from that. I’ll go and have another look at your body type description to see if I can concur!
Yes, OZWFF is quite aware of the problem of secrecy in concerning the 19 Wild Land Fire Fighter deaths at Yarnell of that tragic Sunday, June 30, 2013. The photo of Caruthers posted by WTKTT reminds us of the great resumes of these heros and their accomplishments in life. Most have similar backgrounds and none are short on bravery to face the death defying job of fire fighting and must have the fortitude, physical strength and instincts to stay alive while fighting these mega fires such as occured at Yarnell and continue to occur. Yet you wonder why such secrecy when it comes to discussing the irresponsible killing of the 19.
I sometimes come to this site to soak in the wisdom of the old timer wild land fire fighters. I am reminded by RTS that instinct is not enough—there is wisdom in procedures of safety written down much like the ten commandments by the old wise and well experienced fire fighters–and the lone survivor saved only by luck of the appearance on a ATV with an aware foreman Frisby. GMHS Donut would tout the 10 Standard Fire Fighting Orders as insignificant–not really important. Instincts were to his way of thinking were what mattered –and apparently that was the attitude of the whole of the crew–yet this time his instincts and that of the crew managers failed them.
The history of the developement of the 10 Standard Fire Fighting Orders began in 1957 when the wise of USDA Forest Service Task Force felt certain safety procedures should be taught to firefighters. The Blackwater fire of 1937 had killed fifteen 17-20 year old inexperienced wildland firefighters due to similar circumstances of wind direction change and placement of wild land fire fighters in a zone of no escape.
Here are the orders that wise wild land fire fighter instructor RTS so often reminds us of concerning the extreme importance of knowing and using these rules to stay alive. The idea that Donut believed that instincts will keep you alive is fallacy in the wild land fire fighting scene–there are proceedures and rules to know and follow–something obviously the managers of the GMHS crew and those above them did not observe.
10 Standard Firefighting Orders
Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts.
Know what your fire is doing at all times.
Base all actions on current and expected behavior of the fire.
Identify escape routes and safety zones and make them known.
Post lookouts when there is possible danger.
Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively.
Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your supervisor, and adjoining forces.
Give clear instructions and ensure they are understood.
Maintain control of your forces at all times.
Fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first.
The original order was changed only so they could be more easily memorized–and even then a simple 4 letter version called the LCES was made up to remind the wild land fire fighter to constantly be aware of keeping a look out, have ongoing communications, maintain an escape route, and have an available Safety Zone.
Also introduced were the Watch out orders–for those of us who would want to understand the why the 19 were killed, yet we are not wild land fire fighters–here is what they should have known, understood and followed:
18 Watch Out Situations
These are specific fireline situations that have lead to entrapments, injuries, or fatalities in wildfire history. They serve as cautionary warnings to keep in the back of your mind while fighting fire.
Fire not scouted and sized up.
In country not seen in daylight.
Safety zones and escape routes not identified.
Unfamiliar with weather and local factors influencing fire behavior.
Uninformed on strategy, tactics, and hazards.
Instructions and assignments not clear.
No communication link with crew members or supervisor.
Constructing line without safe anchor point.
Building fireline downhill with fire below.
Attempting frontal assault on fire.
Unburned fuel between you and fire.
Cannot see main fire; not in contact with someone who can.
On a hillside where rolling material can ignite fuel below.
Weather becoming hotter and drier.
Wind increases and/or changes direction.
Getting frequent spot fires across line.
Terrain and fuels make escape to safety zones difficult.
Taking a nap near fireline.
Exactly how many were flaunted by the managers of the Yarnell Wild Land Fire I as a civilian can not say eventhough I personally can see many. It would take Dr. Ted Putnam or Gary Olson or RTS or Norbert of long experience in wild land fire fighting to give you a valid list. And I do know that these lists are out there, yet the main media has skirted their responsibility to point out how the managers of the wild land fire at Yarnell followed the safety rules so badly. Who taught these fire fighters and who allowed their managers to manage these fires? They should be brought to account–wild land fire fighter lives matter.
Something that has always bothered me was that awards were given out to wild land fire fighter bosses after the Yarnell Fire, yet Brian Frisby was never given recognition and an award for saving Donut–a man woefully lacking in understanding wild land fire fighter safety almost as much as Eric Marsh and others in management were in disregarding the safety rules. On the battlefield, Frisby would deserve at least a Presidential Citation for the brave act of risking his own life to fetch and save the life of the sole survivor of the GMHS crew. Donut had no chance to survive had Brian Frisby not risked his own life to save the novice firefighter.
I had received an email from Joy–Donut has a You-Tube deal out on marriage–whew maybe I could have used some advice there but I could not get past the introduction and did not view the content. I thought he was only a spokesman for the wild land fire fighting community –but now he is branching out.
Joy also advised me that John McClean and Holly Niel are some concerned because there is a rumor out that his book won’t be published. He says it will–he does not want to miss out on the profits and the public does not want to miss out on his take of the Yarnell Fire backed by the investigations of Holly Niel and contributions of such notables as Donut and Amanda. He can leave my name out as far as I am concerned though he did interview the hikers.
Holly and her husband did the same. I will say Wayne Niel is very knowledgeable about wild land fire fighting and I read him as an excellent A+ wild land fire fighter. His ability to explain things would make him a top instructor and you would know he would never tolerate a Marsh type operation that goes in needlessly risking lives to protect structures. I would hope he is by now either an instructor or runs a crew–honesty is a top priority and I saw that man at the top of the list. However, honesty might be a fault in some circles such as we saw after the demise of the 19 and so much disinformation published both in media and books–something I do know that Dr. Ted Putnam had to confront McClean on some of his information that needed to be corrected. Fellows, you can not read non-wild land fire fighter books and expect much concerning wild fires and fighting them. The only place to get good information is from the horse’s mouth–those fellows that have made a long career of wild land fire fighting–not the wannabees.
I can tell you how to sound ground down deep in a mine so you will have a better chance of staying safe but if I were to read a book about wild land fire fighting, it would have to be from a wild land fire fighter of long experience (eg Gary Olson’s book). I would not waste my money on John McClean’s book since I know where he got his advice from. Novice wild land fire fighters would get themselves killed and you too if you were dumb enough to follow their advice–honesty in reporting is also necessary.
So happy holidays to all you heros fighting the wild land fires and may you and yours be as safe as is possible.
Who needs money when you can turn water into wine? Jesus did not need to labor –only us blokes that can’t seem to find these easy jobs or else our DNA is has a glitch in it.
The super rich and fat cats live off their interests and the “non eaters” like Ted Turner look askance at the common man considered the bottom feeders of life. I remember selling gold by phone and the fellow salesman at the time said I would never get my hands dirty–I am above that. I have had my hands dirty many times and often coming out from a mine shaft the BLM movement would have been glad to see me.
The working stiff is the backbone of the nation–those honorable men that produce or protect the resources, goods and products for all to enjoy. Certainly we need the reporters, the thinkers and writers and even a few Chiefs hanging around to scrutinize or perhaps organize situations. Just do not let there be too many Chiefs and not enough Indians–especially those Chiefs that tend toward corruption–are involved in the crony systems bought and organized by industrial and war profits off the backs of the producers–that hard working man or woman in this life.
It was a shame to me to see the President Trump lauding the Plastic Industry. Oh yes, it did create jobs along the river but the petrochemical plant he visited is another evil upon us. That thing in Pennsylvania situated near a river so their chemical wastes can find a way into the ground waters, and finally the ocean join the orange retardant to burden and poison the world even more. The almighty dollar–( Trump is no different that any other politician) and profits scale over the eyes of these idiots that run the country and ruin the environment.
Fish today and even the microcosms throughout the oceans are infested with these minute particles of plastics and the chemicals these companies and politicians gleefully continue to contaminate the world with.
Oddly, Elon Musk and others are looking to Mars to set up a colony–the last chance for survival of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. He sees that the earth has been wiped out by natural events –at least 6 times can now be identified. The destruction events have wiped out as much as 90% of life on earth–add to that that mankind’s destructive forces on the environment including the possibility of nuclear destruction we have a guarantee that the earth again will become uninhabitable by humans again.
Mars we now know was once like Earth–in fact, it had oceans, rivers and land much like earth and likely was teeming with life. Did the gods there screw things up like they are doing here–then come to earth with a colony to rework mankind here to be slaves for them and again are working to destroy the planet here–yet looking to go back to Mars knowing that this world is about to come to devastation? The Gods that rule this society are not good ones. They neglect the very basic fundamentals of planet health.
I was too ill yesterday at Wal Mart to check out on my own so I had the cashier at the self check out transfer and check out my grocery and other items from one cart to another–I bought a bunch since I am limiting my trips to town. Despite my protests I wound up with five plastic bags–had I done it myself there would be none–but with that amount of products there would have been a minimum of 15 plastic bags had I done the regular check out where they use a wheel to turn and load the bags.
This is the shame and horror of our country–But then most of us are not informed of the destruction this we are doing of even if we are–such as most educated people are, they turn a blind eye to it all.
If you knew you would kill and sicken a third or more of the good people of a small village by dumping the Agent Orange Retardant on them, would you do it? Would you laugh it off when you learned that a third of the people died and many are sick and on their death beds after you dumped on them?
But you have if you are part of that project at Yarnell.
Ignorance and denial of the truth and what is really going on to harm not only the environment is no excuse. These politicians and bosses involved are not guiltless. We can only hope to show them their folly.
Whew–Joy on her site has posted more hot documents–the cronies will be dodging bullets of truth on those FOIA reports.
I was going to head into the hospital tonight for myself but I will tough it out–William Beaumont has some good doctors but they don’t show up until about ten. I know there would be an ER doctor, but I can tough it out until morning. My son is headed this way from Phoenix and it might be better to wait for his arrival.
Those of us that lived at Yarnell got a good screwing from the chemicals they dumped all over the town, during the wild fires of 2013 and 2015. They believed (or at least some believed) they were doing something good for the town when in fact they were doing much harm.
I fell dead with a heart attack within months after the exposure there–well the cabin I purchased was red with retardant as was its yard. Then Joy and I hiked over a hundred and even early on took a lot of exposure in–often covered with soot and retardant as we took people up to the site. But then we did not at the time understand the danger of retardant–she is suffering much now–seeing medical doctors often.
Whew, those are strong chemicals and highly toxic. We don’t know what toxins are in the mix beside the Phosphates and Ammonium but they are indeed killers. Joy has photos of some people that have unimaginable conditions–something that horribly deforms the person to the point they are unrecognizable–and what I saw is a chemical horror scene that if you look upon will surely give you nightmares. Worse disfigurement than had acid been thrown on that person.
We all differ in our reactions to chemicals. Some have fell dead with heart attacks, others have suffered horrible cancer deaths, and yet others have found themselves with COPD and lung conditions and yet others would not admit to their problems. It is after all a private affair and many would think you weak to admit that something ails them. I can understand that, yet I realize that people need to know the facts or there will be continued dumping of these toxins on residents.
It is a case where saving face that we have seen at Yarnell concerning the deaths of the 19 is not saving lives. People are saving face as well concerning the devastion of health and lives the retardant dumping has caused. I just happens that Joy knows every living body in Yarnell and can tell you the names and addresses of a third of the town that is now dead after the retardant dumping, and add to that a litany of people that have come down with terrible illnesses after the Yarnell wild fire ordeal.
Yet many would not want to admit to these things–they do not realize that saving face means the killing machine will continue. Few will bother to google and see the hundreds of thousands of dead fish along the beeches in Florida from the Phosphate leaks of abandoned phosphate mines–the major substance in the PhosChek that was dumped so abundantly on Yarnell. These same people wanted to save face when I was nearly arrested because I was allowing a reporter to tie a camera on my old station wagon after the fire. They rather save face and give away their first amendment rights. Yet perhaps it is ignorance–just as I was ignorant early on concerning the terrible toxins known and some unknown under trade secret laws in the retardant.
Perhaps ignorance is no excuse–but it is impossible to know it all. But common sense goes a long ways and once you see your neighbors being picked off all up and down the street after the inundation of the orange chemical spray, you ought to rethink the situation. When you see hundreds of thousands of fish dead, do you think you will escape the toxins those fish suffered. The stench is not good nor are the photos of the dead zones created by these phosphate and nitrate concentration carried to the ocean–But I stand in horror when I saw the effects on some in Yarnell and indeed it is depressing that so many are willing to sweep it all under the rug and go on as if nothing matters. Indeed Black Lives Matter–every life matters –even those fish that now lay dead–and even those of us who were poisoned at Yarnell.
I reread this time–for those offended by improper use of words in the Queen’s English program, I apologize. Whom should be used after a preposition and so forth.
There is proper form and it ought to be followed —
I did finally get to the hospital–In my case there was no alternative. Being only able to feed my pooches and such minor things that require bare minimum effort is not enough. However I feel duty bound to express my ideas about my own ordeal–certainly not for sympathy, but because I think it is help some that are in contact with the orange retardant to save themselves much misery and grief that illness and death affects greatly also the loved ones.
You mostly know that after many trips hiking through the deadly chemical dust caused by the hundreds of thousands of gallons spread upon and around Yarnell and Peeples Valley area there has been an extreme skewing of the bell curve concerning death and disease. In fact if you compare the general population death rate with that of Yarnell after the dumping of the orange chemical agents, you will easily see it comes to about 7 times the normal death rate.
So it was about 6 months when I had visited two cardiologists at the VA Hospital in Prescott complaining of chest pains. At that time they put me though a stress test by running me on a tread mill. I must have passed pretty well because they estimated that those pains were angina attacks. Five minutes later after leaving their office, I fell dead with a real heart attack right out side their office in the VA parking lot. I had a Do Not Resusitate Order but they did not know that at the Tri West Hospital where heart surgeries are done. It is across town from the VA about 4 miles–but I was surely carried in an ambulance with CPR in action.
There Joy came along some time later–I don’t know how long but by now I was being kept alive on a ventilator with a tube jammed down my throat and under sedation. Joy informed them that they had to take these measures off since she had proof of the order. They did and I came alive in an angry mood–death or at least unconscious state was OK but waking up with a tube being removed from you and other measures was not funny.
Two stents were inserted into my main arteries–there had developed 90% blockage leading to death. The removal of the blockage did good and put me back the business of life and labor.
It took two more heart attack of a major way and some minor attacks that did not require more surgery before I moved from the Yarnell area, the cabin saved by the orange red retardant and the hiking sometimes daily to the death site and through more retardant before I began to improve. By the way Joy and I hiked with various fire men, media and others to the death site through that retardant more than a hundred times–then Joy went on to hike another 800+ times after I had left the area. She is much younger than I–I think 20 years or more yet even the young of Yarnell were coming down with various ailments. She is now having one of the toughest times of her life concerning health issues.
But I want to tell you about yesterday mornings visit to William Beaumont Hospital (a VA supported Hospital). I avoid hospitals like the plague. That is where you find it, covid and a host of other diseases. In my way of thinking it is the last place you ought to seek unless you see no other alternative.
So you see, I was in too much distress–could barely feed my dogs without falling down and being out of breath so badly that you would have thought I was on my last few days of COPD ending. Too boot, I had been having excruciating head aches and vomiting and nausea the past few days. Pressure inside my skull led me to thing that I had a brain turmor in action–several of the Yarnell victims have gone that way since the dumping at Yarnell and even Joy has been entertaining one.
Well, by quirk of luck, a Dr. White was now working at the VA. He recognized me and informed me that he was there at the Trauma Hopital working ER and one of the doctors that had saved my life after Charlie, my dog had shot me in the back with the 12 guage shot gun.
He took the information of my woes and agreed that it could be a brain tumor. I do not know why the hospital was so sparse that day (maybe covid avoidance), but he got me immediately in for a brain scan. Whew, I do not know what chemical they use to inject you with so your brain can be seen on the MRI machine but it sets your body afire and you find yourself urinating every five minutes for hours after. Not pleasant, but I was relieved when he said the doctors could not find anything abnormal, even after a second scan with the evil chemical.
So he decided I was likely headed for another heart attack considering my history. Well I said I had been away from Yarnell for about 3 years when I had gone to the Cruces Mountain View Hospital with symptoms that I believed were another event and they had run a catheter up to my heart and checked the stents and for blockage and said things looked pretty good. This was likely angina.
Only a year after, I had had another event and William Beaumont, because of my history believed I might again be accumulation blockage but they found the same. I was ok–angina.
This time and after the gun shot I was ready to follow the Cardiologist that Dr. White brought down. This was a young doctor but talking to him I felt comfortable that he could handle the job without jabbing through and artery and killing me. I told him it was a good sign when I was wheeled in on my bed because there was no Priest handy for the last rites. And I said it looks like a good day for the Irish Gods.
It was–despite my telling him he could not go in through the wrist because the last Cardiologist had tried and had to go though the groin instead. This young doctor looked at the veins and arteries and said well maybe that guy just did not have the touch–He said I want to see the arteries in the arm as well. Well, I must say he got in and that had to be the best experience I have had with a catheter to and in the heart. He said for all you have been through your heart looks good and your pipes are clean. He has thought things would be plugged–had seen the stents and arteries and inside the heart things were working fine.
He determined that the lungs are messed up pretty badly and that would likely be the cause of my distress.
There are so many that were exposed to the retardant in Yarnell that fell from heart attacks after the fires. I have to believe my departure from the killing zones has saved my life. Certainly the gun shot that blew out a lung left the other lung that was contaminated by much retardant and soot mixed dust. Lung tissue does not regenerate and ammonium and god only knows what other chemicals hidden by trade secret were deposited into the lung cavities of myself and so many others.
The death and disease rate depends on the person, past illness history that will be exacerbated, age, immune system health and so on. Cancer, Heart Attack, COPD, Kidney Problems and so on are on the menu if you suffer exposure.. For some reason it appears that your arteries will be plugged, yet if you move away you eventually will clear enough of the chemical cause out to get back to normal.
That is if you survive the heart attacks. Joy said there were 9 patients with heart attacks the week I was in Prescott. I was the only survivor. Some died immediately and some had died soon after leaving the hospital.
I can only say, not only do you fellows deserve triple or quadruple pay if you are being bombarded with retardant, you instead need to be informed of the truth so you can make your own decisions as to whether you want to allow exposure at all.
These are my opinions based upon my true experience. If you want to wallow in the retardant, not protest your town being poisoned, then I say wonderful that we have a free America and you still have a right to walk a mile or 17 for a Camel. I and many others will defend that right even if we do not smoke and know it is killing you.
There were some that proposed that God had other ideas for the fate of the GMHS crew. I had seen the proposal as a use of an excuse to legitimize the hero worship of the wild land fire boss Eric Marsh and by association any wild land fire boss that had killed or might in the future kill his crew by careless maneuvers.
However, there might be some truth to the idea that some outside higher intelligentsia are acting upon the weaker minds of mortals–those easily manipulated because of desire to be viewed in the light as strong men–men of valor among their weaker peers. Those that go forward in danger and receive the accolades and applause for their bravery when in truth they should have been awarded for their foolhardiness, ignorance and needless killing of the crew. The Gods in another dimension may indeed be working their chicanery for their own amusement–and smiling all the while how things are managed here on this earth and how the blind lead the blind.
I had some opined wrong about the man Elon Musk. Here is a true quote from an article about Werner Von Braun speaking about “Elon”: “Dr. Wernher von Braun, the German rocket scientist who went from developing Nazi weapons to helping get NASA off the ground for the U.S., wrote a novel in the years after World War II speculating about life on Mars – and how human society there would be led by an “Elon.””. So is this a coincidence or did the great Nazi rocket scientist have some intelligence speaking through him from another dimension? Perhaps Willis to some degree is correct–there is a “god?” that has it all laid out for us –Elon Musk now indeed is fervent toward establishing a settlement on Mars and lamenting that he might not be alive to see fruition of his intentions. He even wants to be buried on Mars.
Perhaps there is to be another destruction of this planet–the general population and political leaders and industrial greedy giants are after all working very hard to destroy the environment by all means–mining, oil pollutants, chemicals spread in air, land and water, and just about every method possible to ruin this earth environment.
Elon Musk said the politicians, industrial giants, war mongering profiteers, etc. use what the cigarette companies do–find a few scientists willing to sell their integrity to tell you that cigarette smoking is good for you. Ninety Seven percent of Scientists say global warming is happening from carbonizing the air, yet you can always find 3% that can be brought to media to fool the majority and government, oil companies, war mongering fools and the like are doing just that to continue their polluting ways and destruction of the planet. So Mars then might turn out to be the only alternative for survival of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
And speaking of selling your integrity–we have seen that aplenty at Yarnell about the deaths of the 19 as well as the horrendous polluting of the town of Yarnell with the dangerous and unknown chemicals. Never has there been a better example of the old adage that “everyone has a price”. Yet despite that generalization, there are a few that do not.
Oddly the government is leaking genuine UFO photos and admitting that Naval Personnel and others have known about these unidentified and unexplained objects that defy our understanding of how they operate. You can not handle the truth–only the elite bastards that think they are above the average working bloke can do that. Makes me laugh–and Shakespeare said “Celia, Celia, thou shitteth too”. The tin man with the loud voice and those that do fear to speak truth. So you go to jail for lying to a Fed, but he is paid to legally lie to you. That is abuse of power but the people are seeing it, the lies, subterfuge and deceit are being challenged these days.
Perhaps it is cleansing of the planet, draining the swamps, and getting back to reality–something that is not what many think it is. Willis therefore may indeed know something–the gods may be at work and even working the weak of mind.
Slainte–may the Irish gods bless you should you be wise and deserving.
New access being considered to get to the site to allow disabled vets and others to pay respects to the memorial and site of deployment of the 19 GMHS crew killed by careless action of crew bosses.
I wrote Joy the following:
Well good luck there–they knew about that easier access from the beginning–the only reason to put it where it is down the hill on 89 was because Helms wanted to keep them out of his sight and away from his property and the bigger reason there was money made in building that parking lot–Karen’s brother helped greatly there for a neat near million–I understand they used slave prison labor to build the trail–something they should do is go back and pay fair minimum wage to those prisoners–they were low risk, poor people screwed by the system because they used dope or some other petty crime and with the cop lies allowed how many took reduced sentences even if innocent. They system, especially in Arizona screws the lower classes since litigation costs are beyond their means and there are no such thing as free lawyers for anything below a certain felony class. Arizona has built so many new prisons their system is working hard now to keep them in business. Federal money comes in to feed the system as well, another state pork chop. Bad asses are not allowed out of the cages–something proper since murderers, rapists, molesters, and those types ought to be kept for the duration or shot.
My opinions–use your own judgement and research the facts. History is often what you have been told–and politicians are prone to lie to change your perceptions.
I am liking Elon Musk’s idea about carbon reduction and environmental changes to clean things up. He sees Bitcoin Mining as a big coal burner, which it is. I do think oil and coal have run their time and must be intensley reduced. Ninety 5 percent of the scientists agree that the situation needs to be changed to mitigate climate change before a threshold is met where no changes will help. The other 5% work for the oil, mining and coal companies. So who will you believe? However, it might be a good idea to book onto the pilgrim list headed to Mars.
Wish no evil on others or the land–but should we allow the murderers of the planet to continue? I should think not–we have allowed the killing of the planet as well–and we wish no evil on the very planet we live on. Yet have we stood against the evil committed against the planet?
There are certain wise heroes that risk it all to make things right and protect the very life of all things dependent upon a healthy planet and its environment. I have seen this with John Daugherty–why has the so called environmentally friendly senile President not recognized the people that work so hard at doing the things necessary to wake people up to the dire danger our world faces?
There are more than a few people out there concerned about the future and the legacy of destruction we are leaving to coming generations. I chalk it to ignorance–few have time to research the science and understand the significance of protecting the environment. Global warming is real–Russia is moving in on the Arctic because the ice is melting–The ocean is being polluted to the nth degree, over fished and even great coral reefs being destroyed as ocean dead zones are ever expanding to greater lengts. Huge ocean zones of plastic and trash swirl about the waters in six different areas each the size of a state approaching Texas Big–where even the bugs shit big.
These are serious matters while the media keeps you entertained with a senile President and pictures of an ex President swinging a golf club on one of his many scarce fresh water table depleter golf courses constantly sprayed with chemicals and pesticides to add to the ruination of the planet environment and fresh water sources. So maybe an award from one of these crony of the polluting industrial and military giants would not be in order after all.
Let the good works of the planet protectors be suffice in themselves. May the bad works of those bent on destruction for profit and power be exposed. The general public is in ignorance yet many are becoming educated to the facts. The count is growing for change–there is hope but much work to be done.
Great news after the hospital. First the brain scan found I still have a brain and it looks like it should according to the Brain Doctor. Fortunately, one of the Doctors that had tended me when I had the hole blasted through my back was working ER at William Beaumont. Thanks Dr. White–I was not alive when you attended me with others–but you did good work bringing me back–at least in my opinion.
So with a catheter to my heart then a second run of the catheter to check my arteries the good Cardiologist said we saw your stents and they look good and so do your arteries look clear. The only reason they did a catheter to inside the heart was symptoms.
But I am no different than anyone else that lived at Yarnell during the dumping of what I call the Agent Orange Retardant with its secret ingredients. A third of the town is dead and almost all the rest are sick from one malady or another. That retardant chemical slop is strong and anti-human, but we all know it is not about humanity these days–it is profit before life and these chemical companies will drag on no matter how poisonous their concoctions.
Anyway–Dr. White said I will need to see a Lung Doctor–things are bad there according to the ultra sound–well what do you expect with one lung shot out and the other poisoned with agent orange dust at Yarnell. I can only warn people to stay away from that chemical that you think is pretty.
However, those with COPD–I am diagnosed that way–but I do believe I will improve not go more downhill. Two opinions–some say lung tissue can be rejuvenated, some say not. I believe it can and in my case will.
I was able to make two loads of cow chips today–albeit very slow and with heavy breathing. I am not building Rome, just feeding my garden and the worms therein.
The load of Cow and Bull dung gave me a smile because it reminds me of the important people that have fed the public so much BS about the deaths of the 19 and also how safe the Phosphate and Nitrate Orange crap is. A coral snake is pretty, and safe enough if you stay away from it.
Politician and Liar are synonyms. The cronies at Yarnell do a good job at their politicking. But I am not the judge–they are and they even have their Judges. They opine that they are a fine bunch–even give each other awards for sloppy work. But they are all good, honest people–at least they say so. But there is a Russian saying that you should not mention it because if you do you are thinking of yourself. Well none are perfect, but we do expect some honesty when it comes to reporting –especially about deaths that should never happen.
One thing, I told Joy she ought to run for Mayor, Governor, Senator–people are tired of the liars. She is well known and trusted, would need only run on her own merits. Jesse Ventura did and won just going house to house and letting people know he would represent them and not rob them.
I am know there are plenty of good people in the area–but a number of real rascals as well.
Do not give up–most know their own body–so Slainte
Just looked at Las Cruces Sun News–12 year old diagnosed with terminal cancer. Chemicals, plastic, contaminated food, pesticides, herbicides, pollution, air full of microwaves cooking people’s brains and causing cancer–Check out how many are ill after the orange retardant drops–many deaths there now from cancer. Sad, but facts are facts.
You won’t get through this life alive but you deserve to live healthy and happy as a free American Citizen.
Corrections in previous posting in a letter to Joy:
History is often not what you have been told and approximately 95% of scientist agree that carbon emissions, methane, etc and so forth are causing dangerous climate changes. The other 5% of the scientists work for oil , coal and mining companies–I suppose the cigarette companies aren’t hiring. Anyway, you fellows mostly have bat hides of one sort or another so know your Qeens’s English and can figure when the errors are made. So please forgive the mistakes–age, maybe senility and a stagnate brain are part of the excuses–However, my man there is no excuse for tilting at windmills!
Well maybe Joy does talk to Ghosts –she talks to me –but are Zombies ghosts? People have their strange perceptions and those are not fact, but instead ideas inculcated into the brain and generally resulting in subconscious bias. If your Dad had been bumping his head in a Mosque praising Allah and beheading Infidels then so would you were you born his son instead of in a Christian setting. The modern day Christian is not so bad–they just join the Special forces, then go over and kill Arabs for Biden and company. I mean this country needs to spend that 480 billion war monies and what better way in their opinion that killing Arabs—and yes there is collateral damage of a number of our own warrior as well. But look at the decorations they get–the President will even shake hands with some–make sure you wash yours after since he shakes anyone’s hand that is a supporter.
The word is indeed a stage as Shakespeare would say and we the actors–but strangely I notice quite a few clowns that entertain themselves by gossip and some even with brown noses. The brown noser would not dare challenge the lies about the killing of the young GMHS group or the horrors that the retardant does to the world and its people.
So I am amused, but in some way saddened that those that chose to serve the public have such poor back bones.
That is not true for those that post here–you are the minority that fear not the truth nor those that would shun it. Be true to yourself is good advice given long ago–to carry truths that should be known is a heavy burden that might be called self mind fuck. The results often manifest in various ailments–the cure is good and honest living.
But be assured–the chemicals dispersed so abundantly for profit making are also cause for illness–though you will fare better with clear conscience.
Give Joy the credit she deserves–and I speak to any including those that work so hard to discredit her work. They have wanted to make Marsh a hero and to elevate those that worked the Yarnell fire as competent. Certainly a few must have been but overwhelmingly the majority of what I saw would be classed a failure–you just do not kill 19 men and more with your retardant and call yourself a winner.
Walk tall, be proud–learn from those failures–do not allow the same to happen in future efforts.
Joy has posted the scathing Phingston letter addressed to Joy and Sonny. I am reminded that some still live in the dark ages of witch hunting–She and her cohorts would keep Psychics away from the death site and list all sorts of scripture pronouncing such people works of the devil.
Here is a little history of what happened in Salem settlement early America even after the dark ages as copied and pasted about the early puritan history:
“In January 1692, a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts became consumed by disturbing “fits” accompanied by seizures, violent contortions and bloodcurdling screams. A doctor diagnosed the children as being victims of black magic, and over the next several months, allegations of witchcraft spread like a virus through the small Puritan settlement. Twenty people were eventually executed as witches, but contrary to popular belief, none of the condemned was burned at the stake. In accordance with English law, 19 of the victims of the Salem Witch Trials were instead taken to the infamous Gallows Hill to die by hanging. The elderly Giles Corey, meanwhile, was pressed to death with heavy stones after he refused to enter an innocent or guilty plea. Still more accused sorcerers died in jail while awaiting trial.”
A bit of advice to the Phingston set–I certainly understand your loss since I too have lost not only a son but a daughter as well. However, in this good USA, the land of the free, any citizen is allowed to go to the site of whatever belief, religion, psychic powers or not, atheist, muslim, Hindu or even a Veteran or Fire fighter that is Psychic and would want to pay respects and may also by law freely comment his/her opinions, visions and so forth. Do not let the chains of religious belief turn you into a bitter person against others of different opinions and beliefs. Kindness and respect of others and their opinions, beliefs is the order of the day. I would accompany a Psychic or any other person of whatever belief to the site should they wish to take the hike to pay their respects and their ideas or visions if they have them would also be duly respected. Ain’t America great–you don’t have to be forced into any belief and you also must allow people to believe what they will. However, I will give you this–there are those that would attempt to control and manipulate others minds and beliefs. Don’t try it–not a good thing for your own psychic.
And may the Irish Gods overlook your own prejudices. Jesus is good–and so are a few others.
Let me correct that–so are many others good–We are all finite–In the final judgement–it is our own actions that we account for and are responsible for–the good we do on this planet before entering the next plane of existence is hopefully to help correct and adjust things for the better for those that would follow.
We hope that we would leave the earth safer and in better condition for the young ones that follow and carry on our legacy. When people are killed due to careless actions, then those actions must be recognized and corrected. We indeed are killing not only people but ruining the environment with our chemicals and methods of environmental destruction.
If you pray to Gaia–great–If you pray to Jesus–great–If you pray to a monkey–great-find something you like to do and if it is positive and is making things better for others and the good earth we walk upon-great. Life is too short to try to manipulate others beliefs and worry about what gods, psychics, preachers, priests they would entertain or not.
Here is an email I sent to Joy–she has concerns for her health as do many of us and my regards for those are extended to those that suffered the retardant scourge at Yarnell after the inundations of 2013 and 2015 during those two wild fires that cursed the city.
These are my opinions under the first amendment freedom of expression and I do realize that some in the wild land fire fighting community would bath themselves in the concoctions of retardant and even stress contamination of residential areas with retardant. They opine that the retardant is harmless despite the facts but education and facts might change their minds.
Email to Joy:
Doesn’t sound good on your health issues–That is me, I am just having to do the lightest of things–I can get in enough wood to keep warm and am totally out just to carry in the nights supply. Then did a little setting up reload bench in the bed room since I keep this room warm and do not want to bother stoking that main room stove and I feel depleted doing just those little things–no wind and out of breath. We got screwed from the chemicals in that retardant–I don’t know what poisons they use but they ruin the lungs and screw up the kidneys and other organs in the body–mainly the arteries and heart. Well we are blessed in a way since most of the folk my age and those depleted are pushing up tulips. Those Israeli Chemical companies aren’t only killing Arabs but doing in some good American Citizens with their agent orange retardant chemicals. I wish I had a count of the deaths they have caused nationwide–but people rather sacrifice lives to save structures and with the secrets we can not even know the hidden chemicals–but even the major components of phosphates and ammonium are deadly poisons that ruin our underground water resources not to mention easily killing hundreds of thousands of fish and making miles of ugly dead zones. If facts were weighed this killing and slow disease death causing chemical spreading is comparable to the Nazi death orders–the death angels gone undercover.
But down through history the actual chemical death causing has been hidden. For decades, uranium and radium were used to cure certain diseases. For 50 years Monsanto has had a reign of death and if you google this psychotic company you can see the wanton destruction they have laden upon humans, the environment and the animal and ocean population. The facts speak for themselves–one example from Canada copy and pasted: “May 16, 2019 · For 43 years, the forest industry has been conducting aerial spraying of glyphosate herbicide on Indigenous lands – a “rain of death” used in forest management practice that has slowly been killing off a wide range of animals, plants, fish and insects.” Monsanto was the distributor of retardant–sold out and eventually the Iraelie companies took over the destructive practice for the lucrative profits.
These companies are much like those billionaire and trillionaire companies that have bought our politicians, media and even educational institutions. Just as China has pumped billions into Harvard and other top Universities and into people such as Hunter Biden and those on our intelligence committees to buy influence and secrets so do these chemical companies push their profits. Even if a chemical is recognized as causing problems these companies with their money trees go to court and argue for years for the continuation of their death dealing chemicals. For example the horror of Thalidomide was recognized in 1961 but it was 1968 before settlement was reached even as the chemical continued to be distributed. These companies will maintain their profits and health and environment are trashed. So the truth is–your government does little to protect your health–you indeed need to understand the system and know that you better become aware of the dangers to health by your own accord.
The actual destruction caused by retardant is shameful just as the idea that young hero wild land fire fighters should be placed at unnecessary risk to protect structures. We continue to talk about the way the GMHS crew was needlessly killed for structure protection according to Willis “that is what they do-protect structures”–because there was indeed a concerted effort to cover up the real reasons the men of the GMHS group were killed. They were indeed needlessly subjected to fighting fires while breaking all the common sense safety rules of wild land fire fighting. By some political influence it appears that a man with a record of risk taking was allowed to manage the crew and even the lone survivor testified that the rules of safety had no significance in wild land fire fighting. So he too would have fell in line with the others had he not been saved by Brian Frisby. He too was in a death dealing zone due to his lack of understanding. So yes, because the system has disregarded lives to cover up and protect their own inept efforts at wild land fire fighting and disregard of the safety of those young souls, we will continue to protest.
The retardant issue is a real problem not even secondary to the needless risk taking to protect structures. It indeed is skirted because there are major profits being made in that industry. It is amazing how these chemical companies can continue despite facts, fresh underground water sources documented and being contaminated, ocean zones destroyed and aquatic life ruined. Yes money buys influence and the monkeys running our political systems are being fed plenty of bananas to look the other way. Just be cautious with your own well being and those you love when in the chemical environment.
Of the chemical killing of vegetation– If you take Exit 116 To the North side of I-10 and angling NW you can follow a graded dirt road. It leads to the Ranch Foreman’s home some 7 miles down the road. However, if you come to a huge pile of dirt on the west side of the road before coming into the ranch area, you can take a rough power line road off the graded road bearing to the East. If you follow that road on federal land to where the Rancher has locked his section of private land you will be atop some small hills. Hike to the North a few hundred yards to see what Agent Orange Does–I had some photos, but that phone fell off my truck and an 18 wheeler made mince meat out of it. So I will have to return to get photos again because the site is worth documenting and indeed worth the visit to anyone who wants to understand the effects of something–be it chemicals or be it something else.
You will see vegetation killed in a swath about a half mile wide in a perfect strip demarcated by a line on both sides that goes out from the hills back west into the valley back toward the graded dirt road. The sides of that swath of killed brown vegetation are as if laid out by a surveyor. Whoever killed that vegetation had a keen eye and a method that I do not understand since the vegetation death is so sudden as if you would walk across the white line on the edges of a football field. What could kill vegetation in such a straight swath across the desert landscape?
Could this be a kill from a satellite laser type thing or can it be done by a precise laying down of deadly chemicals from an airplane? Whatever killed those chapparel and other desert flora certainly was effective–and likely that Ranch Forman was fortunate that the winds blow to the east since his abode is only a couple miles to the NW of the area.
Perhaps it is an agent orange type experiment since this area is not too far from White Sands Proving Ground and whatever can knock out plants that effectively surely would also make a skeleton of a person.
So my question to the forest service pilots who do distribute the forest poisons or else from some of you wise wild land fire fighter honchos would be are these distributions made of retardant able to be laid out so precisely by airplane? Or could a helicopter do the job so precisely with some spray mechanism? I am baffled by the precision of vegetation killing in that area and would appreciate some thoughts on what I witnessed–perhaps WTKTT would know something here.
In my backward life of not owning a phone until I was 36 and that due to a wife that needed one, Joy showed me that you can google the area and pan it–maybe she will do it and if the satellite photos are recent enough people will be able to see that ranch house then look at the hills to the SW of the ranch and off that dirt road. I was prospecting those hills for agate of which there is none but the rough ride over there I felt was well worth seeing that anomaly of destruction that reaches so far out. That trip was about a year ago –location about twenty miles east of Las Cruces, NM off I-10. I was able to hike a couple mile across the area and along that Rancher’s fence line of private land but on Federal Land.
California has not moved in here yet so I don’t think you need a land pass to walk on the people’s federal land. Lots of veterans, myself included have a bad taste in our mouths when the constitution is infringed on the liberty to have the right to cross our lands freely and without restriction. Any robber that would endanger me or himself by charging me a fee to cross state or federal lands should be taken to task–and that includes those that like the retardant companies use political crap to hide their crimes.
On special abilities some forget they have and concerning those whose preconceived and societal and peer inculcated perceptions have cause mental deprivations and misconceptions –there is much to be learned and understood in this dimension
Do not disregard the fact that other entities exist with abilities to enter this dimension at will and even influence although mostly the people of earth are allowed their space within this small time prison. This life after all is a learning experience that lasts only a few seconds relative to eternal life but few will gain the wisdom and honesty to attain the next level in the chain of enlightenment.
We had seen the horrible deaths of the 19 all due to the fallacy of man be it ego, lies, subterfuge, political influence to advance those unqualified or fit to run a crew of young men, and the many other things associated with wrong. But in an age where truth is not recognized and the promotion of the idea that truth is relative it will be hard to mop up the mess–or as Trump would say drain the swamp. It has become so murky to the masses that indeed the scales on the general public eyes will require more than surgery to remove.
Even as it is well that Police can legally lie, they do no more than follow the lead of the Political hacks in office–who is one to believe? Can you stand behind a Biden group or a Trump man who said we will take the oil from Syria while that country is full of those poor struggling to survive. But Biden is finishing up an airport in the middle of the oil fields there now–that oil must be protected and our good young soldiers are no big sacrifice to him in order that the oil fields are controlled. And love the Saudi butchered–perhaps because not only can he line political pockets but perhaps could bring down an administration as well were truth known.
So there are wild fires everywhere but then there are always a few good ones that fight the fires. And those that would not lie or sacrifice integrity for personal gain can not expect their rewards in this small allotted time on earth. .Yet to not fight the filth and corruption that kills men, destroys the environment, and wrecks havoc on life in general is akin to participation. The earth indeed is replete with Tyrant types, and to not expose and protest where possible is to allow that evil to continue.
So indeed those who would en mass protest the evil and wrongdoing must do so to remove the fester. Yes, words and ideas are extremely important as are actions to change the wrongs we see.
What killed those 19 men and the truth? Why is a third of Yarnell dead only 7 years after the two wild fires? Most of those died within a couple years but they continue to die–about 200 souls where general statistics say only about 42 should have died in that time frame? What is the real damage of the retardant to the environment knowing that it immediately kills fish and other aquatic life and creates miles of dead ocean zones where no form of life except the poison red algae can survive?
There are other powers in other dimensions. I know this from experience –even typing a master’s thesis in religion on a Korean word processing machine I had written about as much as this paragraph when the sentence involved the word God–then that machine automatically wrote on its own the word God diagonally down that page. I felt the presence of a powerful being in another dimension looking over my shoulder and now know he or she was having a bit of fun to see my reaction. So you see you never know who might be watching you and indeed you may entertain angels while unaware and even unseen. So tread lightly and no matter how high the G string or number, a lie is a lie and a bad move whether you be a Political self aggrandizement or a Police or Investigative aggrandizement when after all you are indeed a paid public servant who is sworn to serve those who pay you and to whom you owe allegiance to the constitution and the protection of those rights of the people.
Correction: SE of the Ranch House is the area of total floral destruction in such a precise manner that I am at a loss to explain.
If there is one thing that is certain, it is the fact that the cosmos is teaming with supremely intelligent life–This government has knowledge of a minimum of four types of beings–they have autopsied some from spacecraft wrecks such as that of Roswell and the one near Corona, NM.
The government is not ready to let the people know the facts at this time. A few of us have been visited, abducted and experienced some of the technology and ability these aliens have to manipulate and control the human mind and even erase memories after abductions. However some abductees do recall and others are sometimes left with the memories of the induction intact. Travis Walton was an example of memory retention–my own case I can remember the entities before the abduction and the hovering craft by the actual abduction and finding my mind come back miles away from the site of abduction are events I will always remember but indeed wonder why? One thing we are completely at the mercy of their methods.
The many religions were concocted by these people and you can know that indeed the good young god, Christ had his role and purpose being a part of the alien agenda.
There are indeed good and bad alien entities–those mentioned in the Bible and earlier cuneiform writings from Babylon and other areas of Iraq. Of course the cuneiform tablets predate the Bible by thousands of years and much of what is written in the Bible was derived from those texts.
The Giants were real and some were antediluvian–These were the gods, those who manipulated the DNA to create intelligent beings out of Monkeys or Ape Men. We these days are able to use that technology and already some scientists have mixed monkeys and human DNA in order to manufacture organs–It is to be seen how those chimeras will be treated. I would imagine the result is a low IQ monkey-man mix.
There are reasons the Black Government (the one that has no accounting of 6+ trillion dollars of tax funds since the 90’s (the one that has experimented on more than a million citizens and thousands of military people with mind control experiments).
I would not be one surprised that the reasons for Yarnell death count including the 19 and a third of the town of Yarnell (about 200 dead and dying souls) were fabricated. When you see our top agencies, Police that are supposed to live by the highest moral standards, yet are persistent liars with legal immutability, and Politicians who set the standard in line with the false media–how can one be surprised? This is the way the world turns.
But there is an intelligence out there –a round table of gods and likely one Anu in charge as mentioned in the cuneiform tablets. And the love of Jesus–a fine young alien hybrid who did teach love in fact promised to return in all his glory and also judge and wipe out the greatest part of mankind.
The agenda, plan and methods of these extremely intelligent beings is beyond our comprehension–what they say and what they do we have no control over and as you see in the old testament the major God can change his mind and has at times done just that.
One thing is certain, an abduction will set you toward a more spiritual life–you will understand that all religion is a concoction for control purposes–and as the gods keep their secrets, so will our governments and the cronies working within keep their secrets.
So do not let the Benny Hinns, the Black Robed Priest, the pulpit raving Presidents, or the Baptist delusion control your life and rob your pocket book. They too are subjects of the greater intelligentsia.
Slainte and may the good gods of the Irish bless your paths be they proper and in order.
In thinking about what measures would save lives concerning dangerous jobs and specifically wild land fire fighting, Dr. Ted Putnam comes to mind. Dr. Putnam has laid out plans and methods to enhance the security and safety of wild land fire fighter. I know one of his recommendations involves meditation–a quieting of the mind.
Bare in mind, Dr. Ted Putnam had on the job as a smoke jumper-wild land fire fighter personally saved two young Donut types by stern admonishments and words to keep them from committing themselves to almost an identical situation that caused the deaths of the GMHS crew. We know that Ted had survived 15 years of wild land fire fighting and smoke jumping and later had after his doctorate became one of the nation’s foremost wild land fire investigators. He was in charge of the death investigation that killed 14 in the Colorado Storm King Fire and spent much time investigating the Mann Gulch deaths among other tragic incidents. When he speaks we know we have a reliable and expert decision about these incidents. He is no slouch in his investigations and covers each incident thoroughly. For instance I know he spent over 6 years and much of his own money, time and resources to get to the truth of the Mann Gulch Ordeal.
Dr. Ted however has not said a lot about the Yarnell problem–he was writing and investigating the Mann Gulch Ordeal during the time, yet what he said was important and to the point. His reasons for these investigations is to make life safer for those that follow and his observations back most of what is reported on investigative media.
Among the things he recommends is a habit of meditation–the quieting of the mind. I have never been a meditator that gets in the sitting Buddha position but being in the bush much and that alone I have had some profound experiences because of the quieting of the mind. Solutions to problems have suddenly snapped into my mind–an awareness of situations I believe has saved me many times in mining jobs and other hazardous situations. So Dr. Ted’s advice on procedures concerning life and wild land survival are well taken and I should hope he writes a column for the younger inexperienced wild land fire fighter and even many of the bosses that have advanced to where they are responsible for so many lives.
Well, Dr. Steven Greer, MD, has quite a talk also about meditation–something he practices and has used to even contact aliens. Do not laugh, the film he and his fellows have of UFO after the intentional meditative exercises are proof. So I did see his take on YouTube with the solid evidence now also backed by Naval Photos of UFO activity to realize that the photos that Joy took at my property in Dolan Springs, AZ were the same aliens his group had summoned. The photos of the craft they summoned are identical even to the green laser and the mother ship with several small attending craft that Joy had shown me by blowing up the photo. I before had believe what Joy photographed was part of the secret Military craft being developed at Area 51–but now after I see these people have summoned these craft in several instances that are identical to her photos, I have other thoughts.
Greer has met with UN people, Presidents, Astronauts, Generals and Military people concerning the subject. They have agreed with him but have maintained top secret retention of documents that would chill some people. There are just too many people that witness these events–people with unquestionable credentials that witness these things.
And Joy, with her honesty and photos has the proof on film–those that are backed by the actual photos Dr. Greer presents in his You Tube presentation. Actually he has YouTube but I watched his main film on Tubi.
So meditation can have great benefits and you might even communicate with some universal beings and bring them to your neighborhood. Can you imagine the intelligence of people that have advanced through thousands and even millions of years?
Greer says Ft. Huachucha has actual flying saucers and bodies reported to him by people that worked there –so the story of the study of flying saucers at Area 51 as purported by people from there seems quite plausible.
Strangely, Greer tells us that the US Military frowns on alien intrusion, especially in our air space, and considers them a threat; therefore,have brought down
several by technological methods. So yes, our limited abilities of awareness and closed human minds captured and controlled since birth and through educational mind control methods have kept the general public in a mind prison. But some will escape the dishonesty and facades –and Dr. Ted has the key.
Speaking of the mind prison and mind controllers found among the elite–did you notice the coincidence of Biden and Harris becoming world leaders highly interested in removing the second amendment? Just by coincidence this yahoo with Syrian roots murdered 10 people in boulder Colorado.
How convenient this should happen so soon after the entry of Biden and how quickly they hit the podium to comment on the problem of killing by such idiots that will use any method they can to kill as many as they can.
But Biden and Harris have very little comment about the allowing of sick aliens into this country to spread more of their diseases–the killing caused by this will be more in the hundreds due to the actions of Harris and Biden with their invitation of death dealing diseases from other countries. But of course they will not take responsibility for their actions that have invited the influx of these foreign intruders during a time that covid and other diseases are not needed here. Certainly after so many deaths our immunities will build up –but this time of a health and economical crisis is not when you want to open up borders.
I have always said the iron curtain was not needed–in fact our system was working well enough since the Mexican influx had much to do with illegals doing farm and ranch work and other labor intensive jobs then returning to their home land. But to invite all of South America into our country with open borders is completely insane and in truth traitorous action against the legal citizens of this country. But of course, we know that these people that run this country are merely puppets of the military industrial complex–owned and purchased by those people who wish to dissolve our borders and sovereignty so that the people of this country become part of the neo-fuedal system. (Why do you think Bill Gates is purchasing hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland?) The fuedal system is run by rich land owners and the new idea that you will own nothing and be happy is being inculcated into the new think.
One of the things should you take University Psychology courses will be your amazement at the advances Psychology has made in the ability to manipulate the mind. In fact the military has great interest in these methods–some were used in the Iraq wars and seemed to work since amazingly there was little resistance against our troops–a good thing–since God was talking to some of those Iraqi fighters to screw up their desire to fight. So yes, in experiments Psychologists have been able to take a peaceful female and by mind control methods convince her to put a gun to the head of an innocent bystander and pull the trigger. The gun was unloaded but the guinea pig did not know that, yet she would have committed a murder–in fact did an attempted murder except it was considered a controlled experiment.
So much is said about the Sirhan incident and the murder of Bobby Kennedy. It is reported that the head Psychiatrist working for the CIA was present at the time of the killing of Kennedy–whether that information is true or could be proved to be of significance is doubtful since CIA people would have been around Kennedy for other reasons.
But then it is amazing and those they use are those like Sirhan that have weak minds and are easily influenced. He swears he remembers nothing of shooting Kennedy but remembers being subdued. So is it possible that someone influenced the shit for brains Syrian born American that was without a shirt and armed with an AR-15? We will never know, just as much of the information involving President John F. Kennedy is still classified even after 50 years–(what elite family might have connections to that death/).
So yes–this world is full of strange things–I have seen a cattle mutilation. That area south of me is a wide open desert for several hundred miles–a desolate area that I have over the years seen UFO activity. In fact the day I was shot in the back with my own shot gun I was going as far back as I could with my 4×4 to investigate the area–I had been observing night lights low in the area that did not jive with aeroplanes or other craft–and to add I had seen strange craft in daylight that would appear then hide in clouds despite much open sky. I wondered if there might be some secret base–but hope these things did not influence Charlie, my pooch to shoot me. Yet I do know humans can be subjected to mind control methods to do such a dastardly deed.
And yes the government did find a crashed saucer in 1947–near the area of the Atomic Test Site here in New Mexico. That old poor rancher bought a new pick up a few weeks after the crash and after the Military took him for a visit for a few days. They did not send a truck load of troops out there to gather up one little plastic balloon–but we trust that they would not lie to us from the CIA and Military Complex. Kind of like the police that can legally lie to you–I think that extends to all government agencies–but then I was just thinking of the examples I saw at Peeples valley, the Yarnell incident, and the like. I know it would take Gary Olsen to clarify –he is prone to tell it like it is. Thanks Gary-we all could stand to hear more of your kind of honesty.
Truth is justice.
correction –Gary Olson not Olsen–those Vikings have a very tough bunch of Gods starting with Thor.
We have to admire the fortitude and steadfastness of Daugherty and Moore in their protests against big mining operations that not unlike the retardant companies are only concerned about profits while they trash the environment and use the poor of Peru and other foreign nations under slave wages.
These mining magnates engorge themselves while the poor live in hovel condition as their countries are raped of their national resources and wealth. The politicos and police there are all to happy to take the bribes just as our own politicians are bought by these large industial and military complexes. Dwight Eisenhower of my early days in the 60’s warned our countrymen –he knew the end result would be what it is today–an oligarchy controlled by these military and industrial giants.
So it is no wonder of news such as 10 miles of trash and dead zone along the Pacific Coast of the US and continually expanding. It is a situation where there is a threshold–a point where a fuse is lighted so that the day comes when you will see the full western coast become a dead zone in a few short years with no way to control the advance.
Nature is a balance and the constant pollution created by incessant use of fertilizers and continual bombardment of the drainage zones near the coast with orange retardant has guaranteed the destruction of aquatic life and ocean plant life to form these dead zones. And what of the human illness these drops have done? Question the results of retardant death and illness in Yarnell if you honestly care.
So yes in the 70’s I worked at the Noble Gold Mine for two years about 7 miles west of Pine Valley, California. I was the miner there and it only took one since the mine mill Vern Harnkness had constructed could only handle ten tons per day but in reality averaged about 5 tons per day. So I could easily pull that much ore and hand muck it into the ore bucket, I would then climb up the 80 foot ladder and hoist it out into the ore chute when a hoist man was not available.
So perhaps I did my small addition to polluting the environment in that rat hole as I polluted myself. Youth has its ignorance. Yet at the same time during the summers those hills surrounding the mine would have large wild fires. Manzanita growth there was thick and very similar to that that killed the GMHS crew.
So I watched the huge dispersion of the Agent Orange Retardant about the mine and throughout the region during the two summers I worked at that mine. The fact is those hills are only about 30 miles off the Pacific Ocean so that the water soluble retardant is carried directly into the Pacific Ocean. One can only imagine the poisons that have entered the ocean coast line over the many decades–(Phos Chec started in the 60’s but I do not know what poisons were dispersed before the 60’s)–That adds up to at least 60 years of constant use of the Orange pollutants.
Yet with all the proof of the environmental and human damage resulting from this retardant dispersion, nothing will be done to prevent it. Just as the mining operations control the politics, so do the retardant companies–every bit as greedy and immensely wealthy and anxious to lobby and bribe politicos. And what politico will not listen to the corporations that feather their beds and get them elected with their bribes and donations.
Slainte–May the good gods of the Irish do well for you if you do right..
My son Ted Carlos Gilligan died in the month of August, 1999.
It had to be the most devastating event of my entire life and I had had a few by then. Any loss and by then both my parents had deceased, is a harsh reality, yet it seems the recovery from the loss of a child has to be the most horrific occurrence possible.
At the time of his death I was doing well in Minneapolis, wearing suit and tie, driving a nice BMW, and seeing commission checks in the range of above $2000 every two weeks–adjusted for inflation about the same as I was making as a Uranium miner when I could physically do that work. Yet when my daughter called and said Ted is passed it all meant nothing to me.
The funeral was to be only a day away–so I was at work at the time of the call and immediately informed Mr. Cook, the gold company owner if my situation. He said sorry and wrote up my commission tally so I could book a plane and get my affairs together. I was able to peddle that BMW for $500, pack a bag and leave the next day to Phoenix. My daughter was to meet me there but she had already left to the funeral so I booked another plane to El Paso where I could either rent a car or prehaps call someone in the area I knew that might get me to Deming, NM where the funeral was to take place that very day.
A friend came to the airport and picked me up and did attend the funeral with me–we had just arrived at the Deming graveyard as the Priest was saying the last prayers. The casket was open and I kissed my son on his cold forehead for the last time-oh my God–even now the pain returns at that memory. I did fall to my knees in anguish but regained my strength enough that I had to be also a poll bearer–so I told one of the appointed bearers to stand aside, i would be part of carrying that casket–my last chance to be close to my son I suppose had driven me to do that. I never returned to Minneapolis–I had a suit going for a previous job by and attorney named Wolf for about $50,000 in commission checks that a roofing company had promised but had stiffed me. My friend on that job had collected his but had used and attorney to do so.
I never followed up on that but instead went to Seattle and started living on the streets carrying a Bible–I think I had gone insane since I was in a black neighborhood and whites in the area were looked upon with suspicion–rightly so since that particular area had a lot of dope activity.
Eventually I started attending a VA PTSD group more for curiosity than my own situation–though I admired the work of Mrs. Hamilton, MA and how she would do the 30 minute meditation exercises and then a group discussion. I saw her methods as a great help to the Veteran suffering from Post Trauma Stress Disorder–something I think should be used in any group therapy –namely the meditative exercises-and something Dr. Ted Putnam advocates for people working wild fires.
Ted, my son was only 29 years of age. He had listed about 100 things he was to accomplish in life–one I remember to do parachute jumps–which he did after loosing his arm after the accident when he was working as an underwater welder off the shores of Houston.
It was an incidence of careless management where safety devices were not properly maintained despite management knowing for two weeks of a situation that should have been corrected immediately with a shutdown of that device until corrected. But as we saw at Yarnell where safety procedures were being blatantly broken in previous incidents, management did nothing but it seems even encouraged the risk taking that was being done. Structures I suspect are no excuse now after the fact.
I would hammer myself knowing my son had all those years ahead of him taken away by the careless actions of management. He sued and settled for a million but the pain from his arm and the sudden change of doctors and meds finished him off. Despite the pain and at the time of his death he was attending the UofA in Tempe working on a Chemical Engineering Degree and was a straight A student in his classes.
So you see, I feel the devastation in the lives of so many loved ones–and it breaks me up even as I write this about my son–something so easily triggered and yet I know I will carry to my death bed. That is why I and glad to see that Joy and others do not stop at getting the truth out so that young lives are not cut short. Anything less than the truth in these death investigations, especially of young hero fire fighters and the like is incomprehensible to the honest and true citizen.
Slaiente and may the good gods of the Irish calm the disturbed waters.
Many of us old timers suffer lung diseases due to the nasty conditions we have over the years worked in. Mines that I worked never had any type breathing protection–fresh air if available was forced in by blowers and vent piping. But many of the mines did not have that–especially the small rat holes. Some such as that gold mine in California did not even have water needles in the stopers. Those were Navy Surplus made by Copco–old machines the Navy had to have been using in the 40’s–yet still good equipment. I can imagine they did cause silicosis and other lung issues in whatever the Navy was using them for near San Diego. And yes it does indicate the Navy was working out underground bases even in the 40’s when machines were still being made without water needles. You see a machine that does not have water input creates such a dusty environment when drilling that you can hardly see across the small stope or shaft you are working. The water needle in newer machines fits inside the drill steel so that water is injected down the steel to allow wet cuttings to be washed out so no dust is created. Stll though the blast itself creates one hell of a dust and powder smoke that lingers in a small hole so you do wind up getting your share of pollution in the lungs.
Still, I suspect the effects that a wild land fire fighter and the structure fire fighter are worse than an underground miner gets. Some would say the structure fighter has the worse of it but I would suggest that the chemicals from the Phos Chek and the like are more damaging where structure fighters are apt to use their breathing apparatus more often. The wild land fire fighter gets the full dose of the chemicals and smoke. And I can tell you that the heated chemicals in Phos Chek converted to gases added to the smoke undergo a transformation to even worse toxins. Those toxins such as the cyanides are definite cancer inducers as well as destructive agents to the lung tissue.
You should be informed that the lungs not only provide oxygen and expel Carbon Dioxide but have much to do with controlling blood pressure and body homeostasis. Hormone and even blood platelet formation are affected by the lung operations. The acid content of the body is also altered–the CO2 in excess creates an acid environment in the body–a situation leading to cancer and other diseases that enjoy an acidic body.
In my work in many mines and dust environment I have no memory of ever being warned of the bad effects of the highly polluted air environment. I suspect that the wild land fire fighter –if he is not killed by a negligent boss, will eventually find his demise from the chemicals and smoke he endures.
These profit driven companies that produce th4e chemicals will continue to bribe politicians (called contributing to their political efforts). The main media will continue to sell the hype and in some instances even believe the lies perpetrated by these chemical companies and their concocted safe stories concerning what I call the agent orange look and act alike retardant toxins.
So beware of your health–these companies will not give a damn about their destruction to the people working the fires, nor the damage to fish and ocean and deep fresh water sources that eventually become contaminated by the phosphates and other chemicals in the retardant.
You should know that the phosphates are easily dissolved in water–look at Hoover Damn photos of the white along the sides–that is calcium carbonates mixed with phosphate salts and other chemicals from retardant solutions washed off the land where fires had been doused with chemicals.
To give you an idea of the danger involved, EPA has spent over 140 million on Florida attempting to contain leakage from abandoned phosphate mines. The fresh ground water sources are being ruined not to mention how many hundreds of thousands of fish and wet zones have been destroyed.
Yet the most amazing question to consider is how little the main media pays mind to the wanton destruction. We do see red in the skies, but do not think the pretty sight to impress the public is anything beyond a tragedy –a widow maker and a certain destroyer of the water tables, oceans and the life therein.
What compensation is due the wild land fire fighter to make up for the ruination of his health and shortening of his life? And what do these retardant companies owe the country for their wanton destruction of the planet health?
Probably one of the most dangerous and evil gifts to a person is to give him/her a position of power. You could see that when George Floyd, the powerless had the powerful surrounding him and on his neck–the evil of the Cop involved was administered. But then we see greater evil in those in power that have ruined the lives and by their power strokes murdered millions.
It has happened in every war and more by our own Presidents and War executioners than even Putin who so many continue to point a finger at. They need a scapegoat to cover their own misdeeds just as the Bush, Clinton, and earlier war creators had done. But it is in all human naturre that the gods gave us their mind–even the Bible speaks of how they war in the heavens–shit what do you expect from these creators?
And those in power love the brown nose–and those that have the power–in the case of politicians will continue to support those that finance their offices and assure them of their power positions. That is why you can hear Biden say we are going to pass laws to make sure the rich pay more taxes. If you believe that then Arizona has some nice ocean front property for sale. The people that finance these world leaders know that these politicians talk shit to please the ears of the public but in truth will never do such a thing. How else can people making billions pay less than 3% and in many years pay no income tax at all while they sock away billions each year.
Yet they are the heroes that fools look up to. In reality they shit too while raping the poor of the land. The poor if they should pay 3% or no taxes would be imprisoned. And the reason most are not is because their taxes are removed even before they get their checks.
Yet people do not realize that there are so many more ways the common classes pay taxes–generally 10% to State Tax and then city tax but the worse tax of all will be inflation and devaluation of the dollar. That income tomorrow and next week and as fiat all goes will continue its downward value and just as when in the 50’s a man could support a family and wife of 6 or so on his pay, now his wife must work in order to have the same standard of living and even that may not be enough should this new influx of Trillions debase the value of fiat even more.
But the sad part of it all is that the power that exists is based on the industrial and war complex. The greed that accompanies the power cares nothing about the ecology of the planet–and it is quite obvious with continual pollution of this world that nothing will change in this society when profits and power that they make are the dream and fantasy of people- that American fantasy to be rich and powerful–a consumer with great needs and the means to fulfill them. Propaganda has the commoner brain fucked and too many suffer the narcissism of consumerism.
So do you give up your moral values and the health of your planet and your neighbor because you believe Trump’s idea of make America Great Again is the thing to do. Well Biden does–I see he bombed Syria again a few hours ago–letting them know he is ready to destroy more of that country. Assange is fighiting for his life because he exposed the lies of former people who claimed the Syrian President gassed his own people–blatant lies to excuse destroying another country and killing its citizens. Anyhow, how much more damage to Iraq and Syria can we do–they look like Berlin or Hiroshima after WW2 already.
Did you know we spend as much money on war preparations called defense than the next 13 countries on the list. And likely more than that since much black opts money is hidden and not accounted for–in the neighbor hood of about 6 trillion in the past years since the 90’s.
So why don’t we bring all our soldiers home and quit screwing up other societies and forcing regime changes to hopefully enable foreign rulers friendly to our Political desires. Maybe we will but it will take some protesting–something that now a days should you be a Journalist such as Assange or a whistle blower of wrong might just get you 175 years in prison–and Assange is not even an American Citizen. Yet the cowards that run his own country are so limp hearted they can not even stand up for their own citizen for telling the truth about how the Syrian ordeal was a lie perpertrated by American Politicians–Clintons–another of the Lolita express crowd.
But all is not bad–there are many good loyal Americans who want the truth and are willing to stand up and will not sell their integrity. There are many of the younger generation that are well aware of the changes that need reformation. So there is hope but too many that are ignorant of the facts and I would say bamboozled..
Do what you love and if it is right and you will feel good about it–the clean spirit is more important than the consumer mentality.
An Email to Joy who is currently off line for weeks>
Joy–how are you–maybe off line and in another situation back with or on other adventures.
It comes to mind that you and I have unique lives and very interesting to the mundane lives of so many. I had thought to get with you to write a book–I do believe our sharing and book could be a great help to many struggling through life and many without hope and perhaps discouraged during these trying times.
Joy I lived a life as a child of poverty and at 9 years old was killing wild pigeon that was at times often was the days diet. My Dad never took welfare and even in the 50’s $53 a month was not a lot to buy groceries for a family of 4. Yet we got by and I never felt poor though the poor Mexican families we sometimes visited had more and at least an adobe home while we were living in a tent. Of course not all my life was in a tent since Dad sometimes built shacks or even once owned a city home for a year or so. That did not go well since he soon moved out in the desert in a tent again and began building with rough lumber he hauled from a sawmill. Why you saw me with my pole barn savvy–my prospector Dad had many abilities–one was to learn to make do with little yet always feel fortunate.
I know your story and overcoming such terrible situations, yet you survived and even prospered helping a number of those you have met in your older years. Our time together saw many tragedies and especially how close we were to the deaths of the 19 and the many terrible losses of so many at Yarnell after the wild fires of June 30, 2013 and the Tenderfoot fire of June 12, 2016.
Even though I am very short of breath I feel alive as if I have another 20 years. Of course in reality there is no prediction of when anyone will expire. I saw myself at deaths door many times and having lost a son and earlier a daughter after her birth, I know tragedy and loss. In this life both in youth and in later life and during my own deaths, I had truly left this earth to the other side more than once. To have seen deaths from violence at times and by chance was able to save a few from certain death over my lifetime. The events have a profound effect on me for respect of life and the respect of others and our freedoms in this short journey we have on this planet.
Your near death events and experiences around those times were quite amazing and perhaps why you take care for those young kids where you can and others in need of help.
This world is now in a terrible state–suicides are increased greatly with many people going homeless, many in fear states due to the propaganda and in truth the actual Covid scare is overblown to cause more fear. In truth this is an opportunity and a time to rally the inner forces that we as good humans have within us.
The world has developed into a prison planet with police that have overstepped the citizen rights so that many are abused by their methods. The Orwellian World has become a reality. Thousands have been incarcerated for such stupid reasons as smoking marijuana, traffic tickets, and general baloney laws made up to fill prisons. It has become a country that it is common to meat people that have served time and lost their citizen rights only because they were too poor to have representation in these kangaroo courts. You see the rich like Hunter Biden running loose and able to evade the system by monies–you see geeks that have become billionaires that would control the world populations and their controls through Google, Twitter, You Tube algorithms and censorship. The educational rote system of learning has deadened the minds of much of the population but it comes to mind that you and I have unique lives and very interesting to the mundane lives of so many. So I had thought to get with you to write a book–I do believe our sharing and book could be a great help to many struggling through life and many without hope and perhaps discouraged during these trying times.
I know your story and overcoming such terrible situations, yet you survived and even prospered helping a number of those you have met in your older years. Our time together saw many tragedies and especially how close we were to the deaths of the 19 and the many terrible losses of so many at Yarnell after the wild fires of 2013 of June 30 and Tenderfoot fire of June 12, 2016.
I am very short of breath yet I feel alive as if I have another 20 years. Of course in reality there is no prediction of when anyone will expire. I saw myself at deaths door many times in this life both in youth and in later life and during those events had truly left this earth to the other side more than once and had seen deaths from violence at times and by chance was able to save a few from certain death over my lifetime. I think your near death events were quite amazing and perhaps why you take care of those young kids where you can and others in need of help.
This world is now in a terrible state–suicides are increased greatly with many people going homeless, many in fear states due to the propaganda and in truth the actual Covid scare.
This state has become such a prison planet with police that have overstepped the citizen rights so that many are abused by their methods. Thousands have been incarcerated for such stupid reasons as smoking marijuana, traffic tickets, and general baloney laws made up to fill prisons. It has become a country that it is common to meat people that have served time and lost their citizen rights only because they were too poor to have representation in these kangaroo courts. You see the rich like Hunter Biden running loose and able to evade the system by monies.
It behooves people to know that these problems can be overcome and we who have fought the battle of life when it was against us know it can be done–and our example of escaping the controllers and understanding that what we are taught is a lie promoted by those who would usurp our god given rights of freedom.
The cop who died of health problems after the Trump rally was treated as a hero (perhaps rightly so and he was a Trump supporter). Yet the woman one of the police that day shot and killed was a Veteran and should have been treated as a hero for protesting the dirt we see in Congress and government these days.
People should know that these problems can be overcome and we who have fought the battle of life when it was against us know it can be done–controlling the out of control controllers and understanding that what we are taught is too often a lie promoted by those who would usurp our God given rights to their own selfish ends can only be changed when the public is awoken from their somnambulist existence.
May the Irish Gods and your own bless your path and keep those awake that are and awaken those that are mesmerized.
Well that was to Joy–I apologize for the repeat–I was attempting to paste a word and apparently re pasted a bunch of words–
Slainte–Health indeed.
Sadly the planet is being ravished in so many ways–the good Mother Earth being raped by the politicos, the Monarchs, the War Mongers and those greedy forces in Chemical and Pharmaceutical industries whose sole purpose is to profit and control.
The unseen forces that support these entities of control and power often do know, although many in lower eschelons do not understand their source of power that exists on another wave form and existence. The jealous and murderous gods they entertain feed on the wars and blood letting created by their minions-the politicos, the religious leaders, the war game producers, and those making the profits from murder and mayhem.
There are a few gods who would not teach war–but this being a prison planet maintained by the watchers mankind and women kind and those in between can expect more of the same–something guaranteed since the Elohim came to earth and the shape shifting snake spoke with humans and taught war, religion and division.
The men in black are real–they have been entertained by too many, even recorded and filmed–the entities that appear and disappear at will. They indeed are associated with the UFO phenomenon and indeed are watchers of black suits and black intentions. Abductions are real and the super intelligence and ability of these shape shifters includes their ability to completely control the human mind so that the abductions are preformed so that generally people have a complete blank as to what happened to them except they know they had a loss of time and have no recollection of how they were transported to another place nor what happened during hours or days of missing time.
These reptile entities have no conscience and their hybrids such as the long line of Monarchs whose power from the gods spans thousands of years follow suit. Elon Musk is touted to be the richest man on the planet but in truth that reptilian Queen of England and her breed have vastly more wealth –and control of Nations and people ready to fall at their feet. That power is over religions as well–something created by the shape shifting gods to create distension among humans so they feed upon the fear and blood letting of their creation.
Two days ago it was not windy and today and yesterday were terrible sand storms–two days ago I watched the sky being loaded by white chemical clouds as half a dozen jets raced back and forth spewing out their chemicals. I wondered what their purpose was–if they continued yesterday and today I could not tell. By evening the clear sky was overcast with the substance–are they killing Covid this way? Do we have an amicable government that tells us the truth?
So shame on these people that create these pollutants and spread them with not conscience. Yet I know in some ways you must pity these people. They after all have been given the mind of the serpent and much of it they can not escape. Just as the hypnotist in another wave form has their minds perceiving a lie and ever perpetrating lies, their perceptions are the false representations given them from their gods.
Have you searched the ingredients of retardant and their terrible effects on people, aquatic life and their tainting of underground water sources as well as causing ocean dead zones. Too many people profit from these environment killers–but the shape shifters do not need fresh water or oxygen–like a cancer they are anaerobic . They care less about the environment and the woe of human kind.
So what are in these air dumps of chemical agents? At least we can know–and I do know what are in the vaccines to create immunity–no thanks in my case since in my health the vaccine reaction would be very dangerous, but you take it if you like. These days I do research things before jumping into them trusting the types of Doctors like Fauchi that speak with forked tongue. I do not like plastics–but people think we need those pollutants and wonder why cancer is so rampant.
I remember one year was my expected life span after that first heart attack. And with several after the fact, and all after the retardant contamination of Yarnell that I endured, I have survived now a good 7 years and that despite a shotgun blast that left a lump of shattered bone in my back, a ruined lung and three cracked ribs with an ounce of lead shot floating around in my chest. So the doctors are not always right, a good reason to get second opinions–since I did leave hospice against doctor’s advice and despite having me sometimes strapped down and a bed where when I got up six nurses would show up. So have a strong will and check out what will be shot into your veins–I was once treated for flu after which I broke out with measles.
Anyhow, a few days ago I got a letter from Texas Dept. of Health–an MD wrote I should seek medical help since my lead blood levels are elevated. That shotgun blast was over a year ago–odd I am just now informed. But perhaps because I spent the night in the hospital a few weeks ago thinking I was about to get a stroke or heart attack again. I check out to be OK so left the next morning again against doctor’s advice.
Just do not give up if you are in bad straits. You see I have gone through some tough situations but see that people are lied to and bullied and propagandized to the point they have no mind of their own. Indeed this is a prison planet, but truth will always be the master key to freedom. Any form of lie, even if it be to entrap another as police often use only adds to the evil of the situation. The government propensity to lie such as we witnessed at Yarnell concerning the deaths of the GMHS crew and the spreading of the retardant and the subsequent deaths of many of the Yarnell residents are extreme examples of the destruction of lives, environment that will continue its evil course.
An email from Joy has reminded me that many of the children of the deceased GMHS crew are now either adolescents or young adults. They are learning the truth and facts about the Yarnell deaths caused by careless action and covered up.
I can only imagine that people that covered the truth and enjoyed profit making from the incident having to face these children. Their falsification of information to maintain reputations and make profit and fame will surely bear on their souls. What excuses will they have now to hide the facts?
I can only say thanks to the people that have contributed to this site and the brave John Daugherty who has refused to espouse a lie but has presented the true story and allowed the truth to be presented. The kids, now adults, will want to know the truth.
RTS–Hope for your speedy recovery–
Too many of our wild land fire fighters have been subjected to dangerous chemicals–the retardant being the foremost danger while the constant exposure to the dense smoke of a wild fire contributes as well. I believe the carbon coated lungs (if you have ever seen coal miner lungs you can understand)-combines with the chemical poisons of the retardant to even worsen the effects on the lungs. Depletion of oxygen and the chemicals in time either sooner or later depending upon circumstances–cause a mutation of the cell DNA. The result is a slow developing cancer. Cancers begin to grow and because their presence is not recognized until one is coughing up blood or perhaps feeling excruciating pain, the victim often is beyond recovery.
The medical profession knows these things, the FS people you can not count on to know much. And even if they do, you can see from the killing of the Yarnell GMHS crew they do not often pay much attention to facts, common sense and health and safety issues. But in all fairness, exposure to these chemicals will continue–profits to the big business can not be halted–and certainly breathing smoke and the chemicals can not be avoided.
The solution would be to fine hell out of the Chemical companies to pay for the medical expenses of these heroes fighting the fires and enduring the smoke and chemicals that guarantee health issues later in life. Either way, the taxpayer ought to look out for these men and women since they do protect resources and save lives where they can.
That man or woman being exposed to the smoke on the line ought to have his wage tripled at minimum. I do not know how to put a price on life but their years of life will be shortened by a number of years and often those years they do have after retirement will be another battle and likely a horror story of visiting doctors and hospitals.
Justice is being fair and honest.
I Just watched a U-tube guy. He says anytime you use encrypted email you are put on a suspect list because the government and law enforcement thinks you have something to hide–so all contacts and records are kept to try to connect you to terrorist or criminal activity. It turns out encrypted email privacy is invaded more than just regular unencrypted mail. This is the Commies keeping track–or more leaning to the fascist NAZI types making sure they can know who might be against their prying so they can eliminate the opposition. Look how they worked on Trump. But now we will be on friendly terms with China and Russia (Biden has plenty of ties there and made boocoos of loot from the association) so the Commies will be back giving money to influence the political greedy bunch. But then with the Zuckerbergs and Twitter Dee Jack Dorsey and friends and Control Freaks, why worry about the Commies? These boys are censoring and controlling along their likes and dislikes and will allow only opinions of their own–to their way of thinking 75 million Americans have no right to their beliefs–eaters of the looser sects.
Saliente–Be Strong, Brave and Honest.
I will post this–It was sent on encrypted email because I like the first amendment right and do not mind speaking my mind. Saliente
Sent with ProtonMail Unsecured Email.
But the irony of it is that just about all government who supposedly works for the people has 90% of its actions classified and encrypted so no one knows the nefarious actions we have seen lately. I must give Trump applause for declassifying the garbage and nefarious actions going on in our highest offices.
We were treated to pages and pages of blacked out information on the Yarnell incident. Can anyone tell me what there was that was so important to hid involving the actions concerning wild land fire fighting at Yarnell and the deaths of the 19 GMHS crew or why people that worked the fire were threatened and ordered mum even by Judicial decree.? It is sad by we see quite a few judges corrupted by filthy lucre and political and crony influence.
So we certainly applaud those brave fellows and women that have been sticklers at exposing the truth and many of us look forward to a fresh documentary addressing the real issues that caused those deaths.
I would like to see also a documentary on the retardant poison issue with the Yarnell deaths attributed to its terrible and devastating distribution and effects on the Yarnell population. Reducing a population of 645 down to 445 and less in 7 years is a horror story in itself. Yet the media has its head in the sand just as they did on the Hunter Biden Story and the poorly and scantily done GMHS death investigation story.
May the Irish Gods bless you or your own and may the Leprechaun be fairly lenient on the gold digger, the liars and political hacks. Saliente
Eric Marsh had come to mind–perhaps because my son Mark had made a visit today or because I was photographing a meteorite with a nice fusion crust with some of it peeling away to reveal the rock below –a very ancient aphanitic (fine grained) basalt. And yes even though it is a stony meteorite, it has many flecks of nickle and is magnetic. Approximately 96% of meteorites falls are stony meteorites although most of the finds are iron meteorites. The fusion crusts are generally eroded away within a few years so that stony meteorites appear to be earth rocks–however, few earth rocks contain nickle whereas almost all meteorites contain that element in native form.
But this is not about meteorites–although I hope some of you wild land fire fighters are fortunate enough to find one and being cognizant of them gives you a better chance to find one. This basalt has a black crust and a brownish interior –most basalts and other stones do come to earth with a black shiney crust generally though a very few have brown or white crusts.
So what has it to do with Eric Marsh. Joy had photos of a boulder that moved and some had thought aliens might have been involved–and since many of us had searched our minds as to why Mr. Marsh would take the risks of killing his crew by breaking every known safety rule in the wild land fire fighting list, many explanations had to come to mind. Some had even suggested that the datura plant smoke (there were plenty plants on that mountain) might have affected his mind.
But of the giant boulder that disappeared that was in an earlier photo before the fire-someone suggest some alien force might have been involved. Perhaps these alien forces somehow mesmerized Marsh and his men into doing the unthinkable. Something my study of this maybe Martian or Moon meteorite perhaps brought to mind.
If fact, many thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people of good repute have reported the presence of alien craft and even alien contact. Most people do not want to report their experience for fear of being labeled a crack pot and even put on a list of ridicule even to the point of loss of job. And we know how scarce jobs are after the Covid shut down.
However, I am not afraid and I am not a cop so the Supreme court does not give me permission to lie to you so I will share something that ought to be known. See, for many years I though I was perhaps loony since I had gone through an ordeal where these small pint sized men were attempting to capture me in the night of the desert near where I live now. I was armed with an AR-15–not the M-14 I was issued when drafted into the Army in 1967. However it is a fairly lethal weapon and that colt was accurate enough for coyote and rabbit hunting and fairly useful to deter this orderly bunch of militants.
I was doing everything I could to escape this group since despite their size there were at least 50 of these odd beings. They wore military helmets–were armed with something and were attempting to capture me–that I knew. So it was dark but not so dark I could not make out their presence–and I was dodging from bush to bush yet despite their nearness withing 50-100 yards they must have been afraid of my weapon.
I tried every maneuver I could think of to evade them but the chase went on for more than a couple hours. I was exhausted and finally had decided to make a stand and kill as many of these aliens as possible–but just as before once I lay down in ready position they would halt and start attempting to flank me on both sides.
Yet on this last occasion when I had had enough and too exhausted to run and evade farther a light appeared above me and had lit up things so that I could see that crowd clearly and the bushes around me. I looked up at that light–it was absolutely silent and whatever craft it was coming from I could not see being blinded by its presence.
Now comes the crazy part–from that point on I have absolutely no recollection of events until I found myself walking down the Southern Pacific Railroad track walking toward Deming, NM. I was a good 20 miles from my residence and there was plenty of rough terrain, fences, obstacles, ditches and the like to cross just to get to that railroad track–even a highway to cross, yet I had no recollection of crossing any of that or going though barbed wire fences and the like. Yet I remember distinctly those little men like creatures with war helmets and that light but all those hours until daylight which should have been about 6 or 7 I have never been able to remember or understand. Certain my clothes were some tattered and I still had my weapon, yet nothing about how I could go so far and through so many obstacles without some sort of memory of the struggle it would have been to wind up where I was on that track.
So is it possible that there are forces out there and intelligences that can ensnare and kidnap people for their own interests–something we as humans have little chance of defending against? In my case over the years–and that incidence took place in the early 80’s, I have pondered the experience many times even wondering if the government had quiet helicopters, holograms to meddle with people and ways to capture and experiment on humans. The CIA and all law enforcement are at liberty to experiment and lie at will under the sanction of legal means sanctioned by the US Supreme Court. And we see even how many in even the Forest Service ant other realms use these liberties under their badges.
So you see, one such as I could imagine that there was a possibility that Eric Marsh and company were under a spell cast by an alien agenda or even a federal experiment. And even that Marsh had a previous history of taking chances with his men, that would make him an even better candidate for an experiment of such evil intent–for no one would look beyond his previous careless methods.
Much has been said about AI–and obviously these saucers carry AI since not known human or biological type creature and brain could withstand the G forces involved in these Saucer maneuvers. The genius Elon Musk speaks about the fear of AI and where it will lead–AI is so far beyond our own abilities and of course could as a machine withstand unlimited distances and life and do as we see many of the UFO phenomenon appear and disappear at will by their technologies. So Eric Marsh, perhaps we will never know the real truth unless we meet again in another dimension and will it matter at that time?.
And what I have told you I would swear to be the truth on a Bible, My Mothers Grave or by the good gods of the Irish or by the side of Jesus. I do not have Supreme Court privilege to lie to you.
I will attempt to show you the cancer only of a person in Yarnell whose yard and home were colored orange-red by the toxic retardant. Joy and I visited this man’s home and witnessed the inundation of his home and yard after the fire. I will not name the person but show the cancer only in the photo to respect his privacy–it is a horror photo and covered half his face over the left eye and from the top of his head to his upper lip–the size of half a basketball. Do not look at this photo if you have a weak stomach–I have seen some horror scenes and this old miner can not hardly look at this man’s predicament without turning away. Did the retardant inundation do this to this man? This is a horror scene that makes the most horrible movie scene look limp. For a human being to suffer this in his last month of life is unimaginable. I do believe his horror story is directly related to and caused by the chemicals he had to endure on a daily basis after the covering of his residence and yard with the chemical laden orange-red wild land fire retardant.
I will forward photos to John Daugherty–perhaps he can post partial photos without identifying the person–they will make you sick to view–OMG horror of horrors.
The three year drought is bound to put you wild land fire fighters to work. The arsonists can rest–the heat and dry factor will be enough to keep everyone busy.
It also meas heavy loads of retardant will be dispensed. It will be smart for those exposed to wear mask although I doubt the effectiveness of those dust mask things. Ammonia from the Ammonium Phosphate dispersion is a voracious lung solvent.
Would you know that the mines used to give us silk covered glass capsules of ammonium we could break between our fingers to sniff in order to kill powder headaches. The nitrate smoke from a dynamite blast will give you a monster head ache and you will try anything to get rid of it. Of course you loose lung cells that can not be regenerated–but here I am alive today with one lung shot out and the other showing a nasty bunch of scar tissue. Could that be from breathing so much dust, ammonium salts, and then the real killer of retardant dust and fumes.
Of course you are never told of the dangers when working these jobs. Try running a jack leg all day, slushing, mucking, timbering and the many other challenges a miner runs into. It is like the grunt doing line–by the time you get a breather, you are certainly not ready to study an article on the effects of ammonium on your health or whether low or medium or even high grade uranium ore is likely to spark cancer in your later years. It is enough to wash down the dust with a few beers then head to a bunk for a bit of rest.
In mining the next day you will be looking at a deep hole that is more than a quarter mile down and realizing that you will be leaving the surface on a cage dangling off a two inch cable. There are about 50 men crowded in with you and 50 above you on that two tier cage–your life depends on that cable and the weight is such that if that hoist man does not know his job well or falls asleep you might find yourself in a free fall. Of course there are dogs on the cage that if it breaks loos will hopefully dig into the sides of the shaft and stop the fall. They have not always been reliable and your chances there are likely less than fifty percent to stop the fall.
So, these jobs we do are dangerous–but they pay well and someone must do them. It is almost a military thing–some will go to war and some will stay and do book work or work the fields. I would go to war today should someone invade this country as we have invaded other countries. But, no not my idea to go off to the China Sea and antagonize the Chinese or do I admire the war mongers that send our good young men and women to screw with Afghani’s, Iraqis, or Iranian fellows. We have our own borders being overrun right now with a refugee problem and a drought where food shortages are likely in the next few years.
So I did finally get my solar hooked up–those solar panels I got off ebay are sold right there in Gilbert, Arizona and a bargain at $100 apiece for 327 watt pannels. I have them hooked in series giving off 360 volts DC power converted to 240 Volts AC. There are only 12 panels hooked up now but that is almost 4000 watts of energy when the sun is up high–so let the grid go down–my system won’t notice if it does since I set it up to work on or off grid should I choose to tell the electric company to shut down their grid. I managed to use 8 marine batteries from Wal Mart wired for 48V charging off that inverter–good enough for my small usage at afterhours when the sun is down. My system can not be hacked–but you know, we lived many years when I was growing up without electric power. Kerosene lamps did night time home work and power lines were miles from our abode. So, one can be happy, productive and make do without all the conveniences–yet here now there is much to be said to have the internet–so much to be learned from those elders and now the young ones that have access, vitality and new ideas bent on good things for the environment, health, and life of the planet in general.
One thing is –do not depend on the government or Forest Service or anyone for that matter to maintain your comfort and happiness. They are still worried over Trump, whether the elections are intact, and whether Grislane is going to rat out Gates, Clinton, and a bunch of those fellows that were in on the child molestation ring that Epstein was doing. I see Gates is getting divorced after too many rides on the Lolita Express–but Clinton is safe–Hillary gives a shit less about what he does.
Yet in the meantime, there are a myriad of problems this country is facing. But then Nero fiddles as Rome burns.
Tiger got snake bit–came to me for sympathy so has gotten royal treatment in his recovery. Tiger is the Catahola dog I was given in El Paso–ever bit as tough as Cowboy was and with the same Catahola independence. He will make it just fine but he had to let me know it hurts–that snake gave him a heavy dose of venom–so much I though his shoulder was broken until I realized it is a snake bite. The swelling is down some after two days and he is up and playing with Blackie, Buckie and the new dog Woola.
There is a better way.
What is going on and why are the Brits sailing their war ships into the Black Sea to harass Russia? Now the English Ships have gotten shots fired to warn their ships away–Putin is a man unlike Biden–he is not one to bought off and should you watch his videos you would understand this man when he speaks means exactly what he says. He has drawn a red line and anyone crossing that line is also going to be in the line of fire. Are the English trying to start a war –Biden took the hint and turned back his ships when warned. He has China to deal with for his war monies and war mongering military industrial complex as President Eisenhower had called them. Certainly Britain is no longer the world’s chief imperialistic nation. That position was taken by our own governmental agents and the Biden group is continuing the Trump stance–Make America Great Again by invading the China Seas and were he in charge no doubt he would have turned the ships back as well. There is a great possibility of WW3 on a grand scale in messing with Russian Interests.
No doubt England still has much influence. The queens image on some coins I have is not bad for her younger days. And she only need wave her hand at Australia or Canada to get them involved behind the money business of prodding the Russians. But in fact it is a fools mission to do so and these actions have only brought the Russians closer to China. Russia in fact has evolved more toward a democratic government as our own government has gravitated toward a military and oligarchic police nation. The police here are even military equipped and trained to handled the masses of our own country by these means.
In truth, we do need a strong military but not hanging out near Chinese or Russian Borders. Should their military be hanging out near our borders we certainly would be quite concerned, even likely fire warning shots over any military ship convoy hanging near our shores and drawing a red, white and blue line where we felt it needed. So hang on Sloopy, Hang on–this might just come to one hell of a life event.
I did hike at least six yesterday–got caught in a thunder and lightening storm and hail plastering my back with gale force winds. Those pea sized hail stones sting like bees with gale force winds driving the rain and hail mix. But it was good–perfect since the wind was from the South and driving me home. I suppose the four dogs were challenged by the lightening strikes and hail since they had bunched up next to me–4 big dogs and me escaping the elements must have been a sight.
Today I did another hike of about six–started at noon and ended about 3–but the heat and humidity had me dizzy so I came back early on a hike I had wanted to go longer. I was swinging a Tesoro metal detector the whole way–yet only found a wooden form nail in the desert where you would not expect –but then I saw a rotted wood plank that had floated in during a bad rain storm.
This desert has many secrets like our government and CIA. Well it is a challenge to understand them and recent revelations of UFO technology is odd, but those dark agencies have their purpose in any information revelation. Do not think I am anti-government–just anti-bad government. Government has its purpose to serve the people but when it becomes a servant of a few and a depressant for the many then it does need an overview.
Understand that there are parts of the government that are doing the right thing. I have heard the VA Health System bad mouthed. But my experience is that those doctors do not have agendas like private doctors. They are paid a set allowance so they do not do excessive unneeded operations to line their pockets. However in times past some have used enlisted men as experimental subjects–drugs and such were tried to see how the soldier would fare. These are documented, but now a days I think you have a better chance using a military doctor than you do a civilian doctor. But doctors are like marksmen–some are good and some are average and some are downright terrible. Do check, as Joy does, their history to see the survival rates.
I write this to encourage you that might want to quit because the retardant or other issues have damaged your health and life outlook. Sunshine and some exercise will help any condition–
When I came back from the Hospital with a hole the size of a fist in my back I had to carry some kind of suction device 25-7 to collect the wound emissions that looked like pus in the container. I had to see a nurse every third day where I would drive into Las Cruces and she would clean the machine and re dress the wound. It was three months of that before the machine was removed, yet I still had a hole in my back that was still closing up. A shotgun wound direct to the back is a very bad thing and takes much time to heal. Still today I have some pain carrying a metal detector but in order to get things working, I know the arm must be used. Our bodies if not used become atrophied–finally lock up and you know what that means.
There was night before last a bad accident on I-10 so that trucks were lined up at midnight until two in the morning–the winds were so they paralleled my abode. The concentrated diesel smoke from miles of trucks drove me out of my place so that me and my dogs hiked some thee hundred yards south and away from the freeway. It was a bright moon so I did a good rest on the sand until the road was cleared and trucks began to move away.
You see, many of the Uranium mines used diesal equipment instead of electric in their underground tunnels. They were able to carry more ore in the 3 wheeled young buggies and faster that way and why I was having to use a ladder and extra long Jack Leg to drill those particular faces–it was 10 ft and more to the back (ceiling) because of those large machines. But the diesel smoke in those tunnels would become a haze and breathing it was no nice thing. These days even if I am behind a diesel bus I must pull over or quickly go around–my lungs can’t handle it. But that is mining–and unlike the federal people, the mining companies offer no help for those they sicken. Fortunately if you are a veteran you can get health care and I suppose also medicare is available for non vets? And that is agreeable and should be done for the citizens of this great country that always was great and will be even if we need a regime change here.
I neither supported Trump nor Biden although of the two Trump was the better choice of the bad. Telsie Gabbard was my choice because I like honesty–and she did a good job exposing Harris for what she really was and is.
So you have to know why Biden does not want the Journalists hanging around El Paso and other ports–it is bad politics to have on media the hundreds of illegal immigrants wearing we love Biden–thanks for opening up the US borders to anyone wanting to cross over.
Yes the poor people here got a $1400 check–but that aid to the needy including small business amounted to only 9% of that Trillion+ dollar bill. The rest goes to pork –If there were an honest thing it would have been a separate bill to aid people alone–which would amount to a few billion. I think 90% of the people have no idea how their politicians are rooking them–that $1400-only a small portion of the trillion+ the 90% tack on creates a huge tax that will enslave even more the worker –your and my kids and grand kids so they will be subjects of shackles of debt forever.
To limit the press is a violation of the first amendment. But then, we see that these days to swear to uphold the Constitution means nothing to these new world order worshipers. And I do not forget I was nearly arrested because I would dare allow a camera on my car to film the downtown of Yarnell after the fire. And the strange part ;of that was that many Yarnellites are so willing to forfeit rights either for their own selfish reasons or because they are brain dead. Once government becomes Tyrannical there is no turning back–the new push to remove arms from people always is the first move of a government that wants to demand complete control. So yes, the shackles of debt and open border policies and restrictions and sanctions of alternative ideas. Welcome to the neo fascist era and the end of democracy and personal rights.
There are competent law enforcement honcho’s. The Fire Fighting cadre that were involved with the Yarnell debacle would do well to search You Tube for video regularly put out by Sheriff Judd. He just jailed and fired three of his deputies for cover ups and hiding evidence, even manipulating evidence.
The Wild Land Fire Fighting industry is akin to the police force and demands the same integrity. So why have we not seen these redactors, evidence manipulators and obvious fact omitters held to the same standards.
You have to applaud honest people like Sheriff Judd who will not tolerate any dishonest or false reporting within his body–and certainly applaud him for bringing to the public light the bad cops under his watch. He even shows their mug shots so people can know who the culprits are–something that will deter any others inclined to think they can get away with devious practices as public servants. Integrity and high standards are demanded of anyone wishing to work in law enforcement or fire fighting communities. The Yarnell incident was woefully lacking in its duty to tax payers and those killed due to negligent actions and hiring practices of the wild land fire community that was involved at Yarnell. I dare say the crony system is eating upon itself–something that could indeed be improved by having people review the many Sheriff Judd public expositions of his work in Polk County.
People are not so dumb as they do not know what went on at Yarnell. Still it will take some good souls among the wild land fire fighting community and some fair unbiased media persons to make the changes needed to prevent continued tragedies.
My clan’s shield is a fine thing. We are little servants of the big servant–the good Gods of the Irish. Humility is not being fearful–the humble person is often the brave one to follow the straight and narrow.
Be the good hero of good repute.
There is Reality Therapy very efficient for helping people in distress for example Mr. Donahue AKA Donut. Dr. Glasser suggested the Therapy and used it in VA patient treatments during the 60’s but the Therapy is by no means outdated. He came up with what he called the three R’s–right and wrong, realism and responsibility. This type of Therapy was not taught at NMSU but I always saw it as a better therapy method than the Rogerian Therapy the graduate program there was oriented toward.
Sometime simplicity is the best way to work out a problem. If one knows right and wrong–generally all can understand that and as well understand the necessity to be responsible in fulfilling that obligation of doing the right thing–it follows that the distress will be removed. Reality is a biting thing and where people have blatantly lied, there is but one way to clear the conscience and relieve the stress.
I have to believe that PTSD is often caused by situations where people have covered up reality knowing the harm their actions have caused others. In the case of the 19 deaths nothing but the truth mattered rather than the ploy to cover someone’s back by omission and commission.
However there are exceptions–the psychopath or sociopath has no reference to reality and is prevented from stress by narcissistic tendencies. These types can fool people with feigned behavior and go about their business with no guilt regardless of how many lives they have affected by their lies.
Three symptoms of young people of the psychopathic demeanor include bed wetting usually up to the age of 12, cruelty to animals and fire setting. Of course there are other symptoms as well such as disregard for others and pathological lying and manipulation. Of course, some time and testing would be in order for some of the participants in the Yarnell Death Cover Up. In any event, the situation would be considered a pathology considering how many were harmed by the lies at Yarnell and the danger of disregarding the safety of future wild land fire fighters. I do think perhaps some will come clean perhaps at the time of their death beds. But that is reality–and we must accept the things we can not change and change those we can–(mostly our own situation)-we can rest well if we have done well.
Good will to good people–Slainte
Some of us have paid our dues to this life the hard way doing the dirty and tough jobs that most would skirt. These are the jobs that tax the health and well being of those that need earn their wages to support themselves and their families.
There are choices in life and yet the jobs must be done. So it is some disheartening to see these fellows come to their waning years and retirement to find that their remaining years are painful and in hock to the medical professions. They did not expect that kind of result for their heroic efforts to serve their families and others. They were the gun fodder needed for these jobs that few could live up to or were even willing to do.
How do you tell these elder heroes to have heart or that things will get better when you see they do not. Still most are bold and face their fates bravely and without complaint. They were never told, but they did not blame any–it was their own decisions they will say.
But was it really their own decisions. Were they in the final analysis told the truth–even remotely informed of the health issues they would face by the long exposure to the deadly chemicals they worked within?
They believed the company employed scientists that say there is no need to worry–these chemicals are safe–your COPD, your cancers and heart attacks, your kidney problems, your diseases are all upon you as natural causes–maybe god punishments or god intentions where he has other locations for you. They can’t be chemical induced–the company scientists say so.
And what about the ocean dead zones? And those proxy illness and killing the chemical drops of pretty photogenic retardant drops. Again believe the FS and their scientists paid well by the company for these good reports about the benefits of retardant and its secret ingredients.
In the end we have listened to the wrong scientists because we believe in the good intentions of most men and that most can not be bought in matters as serious as concerning human health and environmental health. Yet in reality these industries are dealing with hundreds of billions in profits with fat cats living no where near the retardant dumping–nor are they about to live near it no more than the scientists that tout cigarette smoking smoke cigarettes unless they are in front of a production camera. They play their fiddles while the retardant drops, Yarnell burns, the fish die, the ocean turns blood red and the working stiff is sickened.
My opinions as viewed from the outside looking in with sad heart to see the results.
I see that Joy has a lot on her plate–the work of finding the facts and getting out the truth is a long and tedious job. There were so many layers of misinformation and fact hiding including mum orders and redactions that it has taken years and yet there is more to do to get out the true story of the honest reasons the GMHS crew died.
Although Joy does not own the property that is slated to allow people to get to the site without the arduous climb, she has been helping progress there. Great that some of the loved ones that are unable to make that long climb over the Weavers will be able to visit the deployment site and memorial. That should have been a priority from the start–I do not know whose idea it was to cause people a long and dangerous hike for the elderly and the disabled when they easily could have purchased land or an easement at a much cheaper cost and provided access directly to the site by vehicle. I suspect someone made some profits on the side–seems like there are always cronies involved that want to make a buck.
One thing lacking beside a memorial to the 19 is a memorial for those killed by the retardant after the extreme inundation of Yarnell with what I call the Agent Orange killer retardant. There are about ;200 names that could go on that memorial–about the same number the Russians placed on the memorial for Chernobyl caused deaths. If you google the Chernobyl incident, you will see a nicely constructed memorial for those folks and that was 253 recorded deaths I think killed out of a town of about 50,000 residents. There were only 645 residents in Yarnell at the time of the dumping of the filthy killer slop. Those folks at Yarnell that died as a result deserve a memorial every bit as much as the Russian Chernobyl memorial.
These are my opinions–some of the Forest People say that all small villages need to have this slop dumped on and around them. I do not know if they say it in jest or if ;they are serious and believe that orange toxin is really a good thing. You can make up your own mind–but facts are people died like flies after the profuse dumping of those chemicals–both known and unknown by trade secret laws.
I stand by my opinions–and I suggest you look at the facts–even tons of dead fish lying on the ocean beaches due just to the leakage from the phosphate mines in Florida–get a look on google if you don’t have a weak stomach. And if you like the pretty orange and red retardant colors, also google photos of the red dead zones this retardant creates for miles along the Pacific coast. These world profiteers put profits before life and environment. As far as I can tell, no different than the tobacco companies.
Cheers and good tidings to those involved toward getting people up to the deployment site and memorial without the long and terrible hike for those disabled or unable to make the difficult trail hike.
It is hoped one of you fellow college graduates with a science related bathide will take time to investigate the death and human sickness caused by the retardant. The death rate at Yarnell hit the ceiling after the two two great Agent Orange like Retardant covered the residences and area about Yarnell during the Yarnell Disaster and Death Fire of 2013 that ended the lives of 19 young wild land fire fighters–and the second dumping of the toxic ret4ardant during the Tenderfoot fire only three years later. My degrees are in Psychology, Education, and Religion-and yes I know about the destruction that even a 12 year old 7th grader could deduce from the evidence and death count and sickness caused at Yarnell after the hundreds of thousands of gallons of orange and red retardant dumps were made on that small village of 645. About a third of the population has been killed off by now and almost all the rest sickened in one way or another thanks to the inundations.
However, it would take a science major with a solid chemical background to research and write a publishable paper for a Science Journal to arouse the public and save some lives, environment aquatic and fish life—not to mention the saving of fresh water tables and stopping of the increasing ocean dead zones fed by the phosphates and nitrates dissolved by rain waters to end up feeding the toxic red algae that kills all other life below its spread.
One thing is; certain, the wild land fire fighter as well as any fire fighter often faces grave danger just from his/her employment. Yet the majority are led to believe the chemicals used in wild land fire fighting and including the foams and other chemicals involved are harmless chemicals. Yet go visit the many retired wild land fire fighters or any that have spent time around the chemicals used in fire fighting and you will be aghast if you respect human life and dignity. My own experience has been to see that these people that I have met almost to a man are suffering dire health issues (I can not speak for the female side since I have not met any of the retired ones.).
So I have before published on Recidivism of Prisoners in a Psychological Journal during my graduate years and find that such articles draw much attention from the public and professionals in the related field.
Therefore, you can see that a scientific study in the tragic effects of the retardant toxins would be a great wake up call to the public, save lives, health, environment fresh and ocean waters, and certainly protect the lives and health of those warriors that protect our homes, resources, lives and general welfare.
Perhaps to give some idea to the religiously enchained crowd–by now more than a few Psychics have visited the site of GMHS demise and have made determinations on their own. So Sonny and Joy won’t be taking any up there unless they should request our presence. I would be glad to go with such to hear out their take –and should they talk to the spirits or ghosts of the dead, I would be one to listen. You never know what you might learn as a listener instead of a rigid attitude. You never know when you would be entertaining angels.
Early evening as the sun sets with the west orange, red and yellow skies fading I found myself atom my trailer home. It took me some time to piss ant 6 more railroad ties up the ladder to atop the porch I had built around the south end of the trailer. I had done six in the early morning but the NM sun and a dizzy spell had me wait till now to get the rest up. I am using them to secure 12 327 watt solar panels I had taken up the day before. I had these panels stored–was not sure I would use them here since I really had thought to move farther away from this I-10 traffic.
The moon is past 3/4 and bright so I spent some time in meditation atop –evenings on top of your trailer are quite inspiring–the cool breeze and clear skies deserve a good examination.. Maybe my spirit will soon be visiting those far away planets and even the Moon and Mars for starters.
I see the Alien Star Ship is back in its location–added some green lights tonight and directly over White Sands Proving Ground is another though higher in orbit than the lower orbit Crismas Tree version to the NW. Then after a bit appeared another Christmas Tree affair in very low orbit just above the El Paso-Juarez population that is some 45 miles SE of my location. I remember that city well since I had a copter ride that direction from where I was rabbit hunting some 10 miles directly south of here. I had remebered seeing the city of El Paso before going down the death tunnel–that is a brilliant affair–the tunnel is lit up with sparkles of brilliant colors –iridescent but passing very fast beyond jet speed.
So I will have solar electric–a protest since my light bill doubled while my usage has remained the same. Maybe because I did not accept their new fangled electric meters–I had a ticket on my gate to call to get one, but I never did. The one on there was working fine.
Anyway I had to order a split phase 110/240 inverter and will have to line up some batteries–But this all ought to pay for itself in 3 years if I hold up that long. The other thing–there were lots of concerns last summer that the lights would have to go out during the worst of the heat wave–the Electric company was warning people and telling them to please use less during the heat wave. Well I will do my best by not using their power–but I won’t be selling them my power since they pay a pittance for what you donate but charge hell out of you for theirs.
Anyhow I surmise that the Cristmas Tree Craft are likely put there courtesy of the US tax dollars, The government knows that Alamogordo Holloman Air Base and White Sands Proving Ground likely has more than one hydrogen bomb aimed at it so these sky fixtures are
most likely look outs with laser setups to hopefully knock out any incoming nukes. This is certain to happen–I hope not in our lifetimes or our kids–but because our government read the book on how to make friends and plenty of enemies–the kind that love to be martyrs since they will join up with Mohamed of the Koran and 70 virgins–forget traveling to Mars.
Las Cruces might survive since there is the Organ Mountain Range between it and all the Military activity on the east side of the mountain. And almost always the winds blow to the east so chances are the fall out would go the other way–however the electric grid system would go down for the cities–I do have also a solar pump that can run off of a couple solar panels that I have all set aside.
This has been a busy week–I did have to pull 180 ft. of pipe and install a new submersible and add a new pressure tank–but that is life in the country–and nothing to it just do it I say.
Give credit where credit is due and to my way of thinking now is the time to have extra sacks of beans, rice, flour and a few other staples. Biden after all is just a figure head without a head that works very well. But then a parrot could do as well.
I had forgotten to mention–and as I looked out that Space Ship has moved damn near over my trailer–I hope those Aliens aren’t reading over my shoulder –I don’t think they have the human interests foremost in their minds.
If you have not checked the documents Joy posted on her site then you would not know a few are turning in their sleep and gritting their teeth–no rest for the wicked.
A letter to Joy–going in for brain surgery–another victim of the Orange Slurry Retardant that covered Yarnell and sickened so many. These are my opinions–many of you are steeped in religious inculcations–do not be offended, I respect your beliefs whatever they may be–but we are still in a country where alternative ideas can be expressed–at least to a degree. People mentioned can disagree and since they have publicly expressed their opinions of the Hikers –may I be allowed to reply of how I can see things. Finding the truth is one thing and in the case of the demise of the 19 and the demise and sickness of so many at Yarnell it has been an ongoing ordeal. Well the Kennedy killing is still hidden under classified documents so that the truth is still unproven–a whitewash to keep certain family reputations intact. A few things have changed a bit though and for instance the Navy is allowing photos and documents showing UFO surveillance of Naval War Ships–something before that has been covered up since the Roswell incident. Anyway here is a letter for your critique and head scratching.
Very sad to hear your predicament–yet I believe in your case you will recover better than ever. This short time on earth we have done the best with what we have and you have done more toward giving others strength to go on even against all the negative and winds of oppression people have given you. It is because they are wrong yet do not want to be exposed or admit where our own mistakes we pick up and go forward. So some will but those like Helms, Marsh and Donut will struggle against truth until it in the end wears them down. Their sickness is in believing in their own importance that they elevate by belieing the truth and belittling and disparaging others. And since we see though them and their purpose we can really just shake our heads in wonderment at such ignorance.
This country is coming to a great reset and I believe soon –the paper with English Old Farts picture on the dollar is going to nothing–We need new dollars–your photo would be a good one to view –and such things as a good photo of a Inu-dog or a Jackrabbit on the back would be fine. But indeed very soon you can be a millionaire with a hundred ounces of silver but then a cup of coffee will be $50 but we don’t care since we will be making our own.
I am not worried, nor should you so much–you will tackle this health thing but it is difficult. I was dizzy all day on day before yesterday–just confined to the bed and up only enough to feed dogs and water the trees then back down. But yesterday I was better and did a three mile hike. So we just have to face the situation on a daily basis or hour by hour.
The gods and god of the Bible were aliens–the Bible was written a few thousand years after the Sumerian books that wrote the same story thousands of years before. The same thing about the flood, edin it was called and how Noah survived it–the god alien Enki was involved in creating workers from ape men–Neanderthals so they could mine the gold and serve these gods as slave mentality. The god aliens more or less treated men as cattle–and Enlil, Enki’s half brother was put in charge of all humanity–became disgusted and saw no use for them so together with the other aliens decided to get rid of humanity by the flood. There were 300 gods on earth and 300 in the sky and back and forth to their Planets in space. The earlier gods are all listed in the earlier texts–Enoch being the last of the alien Kings who also worked after the flood.
You see the earlier by thousands of years texts and history written in clay tablets in cuneiform were later written up by the Hebrews in their version for their particular alien god at the time. The real god of the universe does not need a chariot to come down on a mountain or does he war among the other gods. But of course the set up worked to control humans and still does work–and just like the aliens wanted they set up various religions to keep people warring among themselves just as those gods did.
It is a fact that the alien god kings before the flood were recorded to have reigned 250,000 years and each took a reign of 36000 years. The years are not set in stone–and may have been millions of years since in some parts of the Bible they refer to the god as a day is a thousand years to them. So human time is quite different to their time.
So yes, I have had a lot of the gold miner DNA leaning–hard worker–and the little gods that have the hybrid blood such as the blue bloods in the royal palace of England wind up with the great hoards of gold–so much of it taken out of gold mines of South Africa. These people will never do anything but be adored by the masses and live above the worker bee mentality. They in fact look down on people as so many cattle–fodder for wars and their own uses–corrupt and the real eaters on earth.
And Jesus married the former harlot Mary Magdalene–there are a line of descendants in France–and that is known by the Catholic Church–one of the most corrupt religions–but they all are and in cohorts with the Crown and other world leaders. It is all about control of the masses and wealth for their own benefit. The Catholic Church got Hitler out to Argentina and a great many of the Nazi murderers. They forgive themselves for child molestation, etc–just as all religion–an invention of the alien gods to control and manipulate humanity. So if you see the game, you can stand back and be free at least know that George Washington was a slave owner along with Jefferson–but they did separate from the gods of England for a while, only to make up and now rejoin the English in their continued effort to control the world–with other alien gods amuk such as the Chinese, Arab blood thirsties, and the Russian then the European German war lords not to forget the up and coming South American Latinos.
So it will be what the alien gods designed and always a good war movie. We are the warriors and don’t even know it. As Don Carlos said they did the most hideous thing to us–they gave us their mind.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
Correction–disregarded safety rules –the only thing flaunted was the management disregard for the safety rules and the true reason for the deaths of the GMHS crew.
More correction–I did not correct that Donut touted the safety rules–He did not but in his way of thinking and speaking with reporters disparaged the safety rules and procedures. Because of his way of thinking and disregard of the safety rules, he found himself in a situation where he was about to be killed along with the crew. It was only that actions of Blue Ridge Crew Boss, Brian Frisby and his wise and risky action to find and remove Donut by ATV. Had the ATV stalled they both would have been dead since there was no possible way to outrun the fire on foot.
The reward Frisby received was an order to keep his mouth shut about what he and his crew knew about the cause of the deaths of the GMHS crew despite his close encounter with death himself and the close proximity to the position of the GMHS crew himself.
There has never been an explanation of why Donut was left in such a dangerous look out point out of sight of the men nor why the GMHS crew was allowed to continuously skirt the safety rules–witnessed by several crew bosses on previous fires. I believe it was Blue Ridge that refused to enter a zone that was against safe procedures and rules, that Marsh gingerly accepted again risking his crew to prove their gall. No one to my knowledge has asked Donut if he now believes the safety 10 and 18 are worth his attention. I would suspect he will still say his instincts were what saved him-not an understanding of how to fight fight fires safely, something he was never understood.
Truth and facts are the only way to cause change to save lives of fire fighters. Those deaths were avoidable and caused only by negligent actions of management. They know that structures are not worth young firefighter lives, yet under the brainwash techniques and disregard of their safety, those young men were lead into a death dealing situation.
I am but a humble citizen, but remember that I stood with Joy Collura on that very two track at the very location those men chose to decend into that steep densely vegetated canyon and impassable dead end box canyon death trap with a fire raging in lower elevations. There was no way I was about to encounter that situation knowing that going up an over to the west side of the Weaver range where sparse vegetation such as we saw early that day with Marsh crossing the fire edge many times without concern.
It begs the credulity of the trainers of that crew and leaves the heart sad that such actions were allowed and not sanctioned. It reminds me of the needless death of my own son, Ted whose life was cut short due to similar careless management.
Certain those young men were heroes but their managers and trainers and those that allowed Eric Marsh to continue as a boss were not. Then to falsify the reasons they were killed was even a worse travesty since future young firefighter lives are left in jeopardy.
There is a documentary being made addressing the truth of the Yarnell killing. I applaud the author, producer and people working at it. I do hope more will contact the main players in such move. I do not expect Donut, Amanda or some of the other people so inexperienced in wild land fire fighting or attempting to put forth their agenda’s to protect reputations and make profit from the tragedy.
I would hope instead that people such as the Blue Ridge Boss, Brian Frisby and others that have respected the safety rules and refused to enter areas that were certain death traps come forward to be part of that documentary. However, I know that there is always the threat of those that were involved in high positions that managed to get mum orders and threats of loss of career and jobs out in order to keep their reputations intact.
But from the dark cloud of secrecy the public will not be denied the truth. I do know such notables and varieties of wisdom and abundant long experience in wild land fire fighting and even world renowned wild land fire death investigator Dr. Ted Putnam along with RTS, WTKTT, Gary Olson, Joy Collura, Norb and others of impeccable reputation and expertise and add a host of witness evidence that will be supporting the documentary. You will get the truth aligned much with what John Daugherty and others have already presented–not some watered down public presentation designed to protect the reputations..
Truth is tantamount concerning the deaths of those men. Add to that the concern that little by the press is mentioned about the many deaths of the Yarnellites–my own included.
I had suffered a massive heart attack only months after Joy and I hiked over a hundred different wild land fire fighters, media persons, and other interested parties into the area because local fire fighters and authorities wanted to keep people out of the area so they could not witness why the men were killed. Joy and I began to notice that our neighbors after the massive dumping of retardant on and about Yarnell began to fall in great numbers. My whole block where I had a cabin on the NW edge of Yarnell and Glen Isla had people dying such that every other home was recording a death or sickness within the first year after the dispersion of the retardant. Just as the covid disease, the retardant exposure attacks the elderly or those with immune deficiency and other ongoing illness.
Joy knew every person of the 645 residents and recognized that even withing the first year after the retardant dumps neighbors and friends were encountering death and disease way beyond what should have been normal. The death rate was approaching a third of the residents in only three years and even to this day illness and disease such as heart, lung and cancer issues come up due to the harsh chemicals laden in the retardant.
Certain the retardant does not show its effects on the young 19-21 year old wild land fire fighter, but if you look at the skewed incidents of cancer, COPD, heart disease and other chemical related diseases in the older wild land fire fighter, you will see that the statistical correlation is extremely high. This should be taken into account for the wild land fire fighter and his compensation and heath care benefits.
I am an underground miner–have been in and out of mines since I was nine years of age. Through the years I worked as a hard rock miner in many different mines–some were my own. So I spent only about two years in the Uranium mines–those were at Church Rock, Grants, and Seboyeta mines all in New Mexico. United Nuclear, Kerr McGhee and Standard Oil of Ohio were the owners and operators of those mines. I have had a barrage of cancer–something none of my siblings (3) have had any of.
I say this to show how chemicals can and will affect your health–radiation from drill cuttings and dust that plastered my clothes and person were enough to cause these surface cancers. So do not take the chemical inundations by retardant lightly–those Israeli companies that do most of the exporting of the retardant concoctions are not interested in your health more than their profits. There are few fires in the deserts of Israel but plenty reasons to use trade secret laws to hide the chemicals they use in these deadly dispersions.
With the great horror of being on of the last citizens to see the 19 GMHS young men alive shortly before their deaths, I have had to see many of the Yarnell residents turn from healthy individuals to ill and depressed, then deceased friends–all so someone could profit from the chemical dispersion of retardant. Facts do not lie–those Yarnell deaths from wild land fire fighter to the many citizens all had causes–none were accidents or to be blamed on God.
There is a memorial now at the death site of the deceased GMHS crew. It would be a greater memorial to construct a memorial of dark granite (much like the Vietnam Wall Memorial) and placed in the center of the town of Yarnell. The list would be headed by the 19 GMHS crew followed by the list of those killed by the excessive retardant dumps of 2013 and 2015 that poisoned the citizens of Yarnell.
If you google Chernobyl Memormial Monument you see a fantastic memorial to the victims of the Chernobyl radioactive meltdown. The victims of the Yarnell fire go beyond the GMHS crew heroes and would by now include above 200 deaths in that small village of 645 people since the fire and dispersion of the orange and red chemical retardant. In truth, the death from the chemicals dispersed on Yarnell under secret ingredient and ammonium and phosphate poisons has statistically surpassed the deaths due to the radiation at Chenobyl. It is a reminder of the dangers of the retardant chemicals both those known and those secreted under trade secret laws. The deaths of so many citizens at Yarnell speaks to the health expectations of the wild land fire fighter and others exposed to the toxic chemicals
Joy did send me an email of a post of Amanda Marsh’s thoughts about how people should treat their posting. I believe Joy is posting that on her site? She had written to stick with the facts–good idea since her deceased husband did kill 18 young wild land firefighters by his negligent and demanding actions. There is nothing to brag about concerning the actions of Marsh–and yes as she says, “people make mistakes”. Oh Lord help us when people use excuses for their negligent actions when it destroys the lives of so many. I can only be saddened what was done to kill those men when there was absolutely no justification for the risks taken–Marsh and others had to have known that to get into that manzanita overgrowth was a compounded risk with wind change apt, no lookout, and in a dead end canyon. Marsh was known and reported by competent men to be taking risks with his men where they should not have been taken. Donut himself testified to earlier instance of barely escaping beside the competent and wise old timer firemen such as RTS and Honda of long years of experience.
If anything is important it is to expose the truth so that such bravado at the needless risk of live is recognized and certainly not rewarded but frowned upon.
Some days that I wake up above ground I have to contemplate my own survival and that of the residents of Yarnell. Many of us are on a thin line between life and death and the story of Yarnellites is a horror story that only Edgar Allen Poe could express It indeed is a gloom similar to the Bliblical death angel that came though to kill all the first born unless you were a Jew with sheep blood splashed upon your door. But in the Yarnell story the death angel splashed retardant upon your door to assign disease and death all the while putting scales upon the public eyes.
This indeed is a horror story observed from the spirit dimention with amazement at the credulity of humanity concerning the horror that engulfed and continues at Yarnell beginning with the deaths of the 19 GMHS yet continuing the curse even to this day.
Yet the propaganda for the dispersion of these deadly and life destroying chemicals continues to profit the liars promoting the use of these deadly chemicals. Little is said about Yarnellites and the many deaths there–like the deaths of the 19, nothing is learned because truth is hidden by mum orders, trade secrets, fear of authority, and outright lies from those involved. The human and aquatic deaths will continue, the ocean dead zones will expand and the gullible public will continue to swallow hook line and sinker.
Yet despite the horror show there is always some light–some brave souls willing to stand up for that which is proper, honest. They are willing to do the right thing and speak the truth to the public.
John Daugherty has been foremost in his efforts to those ends. He has presented many articles from his investigations and received many journalistic awards for his presentations of facts he uncovered in those investigations. As a Journalists he understands the importance of the First Amendment and the free flow of ideas, opinions and facts –something shown by this ongoing discussion concerning the deaths of the 19 GMHS wild land fire fighters.
I would hope John receives another award for his work in the area of truth about the Yarnell deaths of the GMHS crew. I know also that Scottie Briggs has been working on a documentary and has relied much on information gleaned from this site as well as his interviews. These people all seek the truth and bravely go forward to present those truths. Their efforts though often painful will not go unrewarded. They are all bound to save lives–enough reward in itself.
A correction on the above ground writing–that should have read blood on the doors of the Israelites–Judah was only one of the twelve tribes–the Israelites included the Jews and today many Isreaelites will remind you that they are not all Jewish decedents.
Musing about the day of the deaths, the Journey of Joy Collura and Sonny Gilligan that began in Dolan Springs, Arizona and eventually included the life changing tragedy concerning the deaths of 19 young wild land fire fighters at Yarnell, Arizona.
That day of those deaths and our meeting with Eric Marsh on that mountain side and at the fire edge in the boulder field where it was then burning has a profound effect on my psychic. I knew somehow that that day would have a historic significance and things I was doing and saying to Joy were coming from my subconscious awareness–I had passed the men and said they look like they are on their death march–all through that ordeal, I was contantly urging Joy to take photos–something I knew were to be of great importance–she will tell you she was some annoyed by my urgency because her photo taking was mostly relegated to wild life. When we were on that two track looking down into that death canyon I had the extreme knowing that we had to remove ourselves from the area quickly. Joy can tell you when I went back for her I was greatly agitated and going out I was doing everything to urge her on including telling her that helicopters were carrying them out in body bags–and in those days I was really thinking the bags underneath the copters we were seeing were actually that. The urgency paid off since in truth we ourselves only escaped by minutes–perhaps 5 or 10 at the most–something we realized only after revisiting the escape route and before we understood how wild land fire fighters fight fire with fire. They had set fire to protect Yarnell while the wind and wild fire was going away from Yarnell–that was about to change abruptly and that was why we were near caught in a death trap ourselves.
Because I have lived out of doors much of my life–even when I was mining at the Chruch Rock mine, I had a small tent at a camp ground for quite a while until I moved into one of the company provided trailers. I had done that at various times–much like the wild land fire fighter–the outdoors is no stranger to those that indulge in that occupation for some time.
We do develop abilities in an environment so that we can sense things. Joy is an unique individual with those psychic abilities–she reads people like a book –however she like a few others had to some degree doubted those. She had consulted a well known and practicing Psychic to tune into the killing of the 19. When the Psychic talked to Joy she told Joy that indeed the she herself was humbled by Joy’s presence–she told Joy that she sensed that Joy had greater Psychic abilities than her own–yet she was willing to join Joy in the quest to know more about the unanswered questions concerning those deaths. Doing that type thing takes a lot from a Psychic–it is a drainer of the Spirit and can be a painful reliving of the event feeling the tragedy and pain involved.
Of course some one said they would be offended if a Psychic were involved–but they do have one involved and do not understand it. It of course is understood by quantum physics and there are a number of Physicists that are psychics and have worked for the CIA with some very good results describing situations by the quieting of the mind, meditation, and directing the mind to a location and time.
So yes, Jesus was a very good Psychic–but so are many others–he did list it as one of the gifts of the spirit that some have in high degree. Joy is well blessed with that gift.
To compare Chernobyl killed 31 people within a few days. Of course it did over time equal or surpass the deaths at Yarnell due to the spreading of cancer much as the retardant spreads cancer and other diseases.
I believe that the Monsanto retardant that now is an Israeli concoction will go far surpass the killing caused by leaked radiation both at Chernobyl an the Japanese Fukushima incident. The retardant is far more widespread the world over–even Australia. When will people understand the chemical poison that this Agent Orange look alike is?
The tough life of the wild land fire fighter is similar to the life of an underground miner. The danger is such that you best know your work else thing can bite you. But even the best are prone to get hurt in these jobs.
I can imagine working a line and have a rotten or burned out tree suddenly fall as you cut line. Loggers know the danger well enough–and in my logging days you could get fired for attempting to free a leaner–a snagged tree . Anyone attempting such by cutting an upright tree that was causing the snag put himself in risk of having his body broken into by an extended branch of the snag as it cut loose. But some would do it anyway since you did not get paid for trees that were not bucked. For those that were not fallers, that meat walking the trunk of the fallen tree while trimming the branches on each side then taping off and cutting the final length of the log to a bit past the longest multiple of 8 ft that the tree could stand. So you needed cogs, especially when working iced up trees and it is easy to know what easy as falling off a long means–that I have done more than a few.
Mining had crushed me in a mine cave in. I was fortunate to have survived the cave in–a few feet and had I not attempted to jump back from the falling slab I would have been history. As it was the main part of the cave missed me but lesser rock had me pinned. My helper got me loose and bruised and battered helped me limp out.
I somehow managed to get home but once down on my bed I was unable to move. My back had been crushed but despite the pain I believed I would be up and at it the next day. Well that turned into almost two weeks and finally the pain had gotten out of hand.
Fortunately I owned a station wagon at the time so the wife could load me into the back on a bunk mattress and get me into Albuquerque. That incident cost me two back surgeries–the first did not work–back in 1985 they were just learning how to do these things–the young surgeon on the first one admitted he had opened the wrong vertebrae on that first operation.
It was in Las Cruces as I was getting a bat hide that his job failed. Whew, another week and I finally went back to the VA in Albuquerque for the second operation.
So I do know the significance of a person’s employment. There is no worse feeling than have your body messed up enough that you can not preform the work you know and enjoy. And not all accidents in these dangerous jobs can be avoided but there are always ways to make a way if you have half a brain left.
And do not give up respect for yourself or compromise your integrity. Just as Dr. Ted would not sign off or lie on his investigation of the deaths at Storm King and despite pressure from those in the cronie bin, he chose to refuse to sign off on an incomplete and dishonest assessment of those 14 deaths. He knew it was sure to damage his career for doing so–yet he saw the safety of the lives of future wild land fire fighters of utmost importance.
Firefighting is different to Mining in that a miner could always find a job if the rat hole or the boss was too much of an ass. Unions, mine shut down when metal prices go down, and sometimes a rat hole is just too much danger–so I have walked from a few and never regretted it–there was always a mine some miles down the road ready to hire–a good type work where you never need forfeit your respect or integrity.
I do see that these government G string fellows need some training–and I can see how they get stuck and some do become little gods and form cronie groups. These are not easy jobs to become a whistle blower in if you have responsibilities, family to feed and can easily be black balled out of that type work. Still, I would be the one to say take this job and shove it when treated as some of you men are. You are not children who are not allowed to speak your mind–and it is; a shame that system works against your freedom to be honest.
These are my opinions–as Dr. Ted said to me, Sonny about half the loved ones do not want to know the facts–they just rather take what they can get and say “let by gones be by gones. But the half that are keen to know the facts deserve those facts. Why we have that inalienable and God given right to our pursuit of happiness and those ideas that good old Jefferson, Jesus, and others had in mind when the Bill of Rights were written up to protect the common man–that one that labors long and when called upon, defends his country.
Another year is upon us and many of us are fortunate to see the new year in–especially those heroes in the wild fire fighting industry. Those of us in the public certainly appreciate your work and like the veteran of wars you engage in dangerous work to protect people, resources and property–often at your own peril. But those of you that work in this industry know the dangers but pride yourselves in what you do and rightfully so. We pray for your safety and welfare in the coming season of wild fires that have become even more intense and dangerous as time and weather changes occur.
We are saddened when a fire man or lady is hurt or killed–why the truth is so important and why so many want to have that and see change where it is needed. Perhaps this new year of 2021 will be a safer year as people learn from errors of the past.
We can only salute those that continue to expose fallacy where it is hidden so that the occupation maintains a level of safety that it deserves. Structures are not worth lives in any way–let them burn rather than take excess chance to kill young people such as we saw at Yarnell. We can never respect the bosses that because of their hubris or negligence cause the death of their crews.
So may the Irish Gods bless you or your own God or idea of one–what you think is possible and good thoughts and intentions toward others including prayers do well. Be safe, be smart and sometimes listen to the wise ones. You never know when you are entertaining an angel.
A bit of an update on Yarnell after talking to Joy–Mr. Flippins passed now–he was our neighbor up the street a few houses. This gentleman was in excellent health before the fire and often spoke at the town meetings. But he is not the only one passes since I last talked to Joy–there were four more she listed and stated that every one on my street that was covered with red retardant has cancer –and a couple of those people were what you might term health nuts–they took really good care of their health but you can see that a good health regimen is no defense against the retardant chemicals.
My condolences to the Flippen family–that man I took to be in his 50’s and fit as a fiddle. The others listed by Joy she knew as friends and I knew on a casual basis and know their health problems in almost all cases came after the inundation of Yarnell with the orange and red agent retardant poisons.
I hope the forthcoming documentary carries the truth about the poisonous concoction that was delivered in thousands of gallons on Yarnell in all areas of the small village. If Scott or any media or health authority person were to walk down the streets of Yarnell and knock doors to inquire they would find the situation to be alarming.
Sad that the GMHS crew were killed and now the statistics of the deaths of citizens is beyond doubt due to the toxic retardant chemicals dispersed though out and about the small village. Yet the problem seems to be a minor blip as far as health officials and politicians are concerned.
More updates on deaths at Yarnell and nearby areas affected by retardant chemical dumps. Joy as of her phone conversation last evening mentioned at least three and one gentleman, a long time healthy person and even a health practitioner living much as we saw such people as Jack Lalanne that many of the older folk will remember from the 60’s and 70’s that lived past his mid 90’s. Good health practices are essential for longevity and this man I speak of was freely helping people on methods to maintain good health. Yet no one can escape the chemical contaminants when they are spread in your yard as happened at his residence. Please do not feed me the garbage information that this agent orange colored retardant is inert and safe–if you do you have not seen the carnage at Yarnell and you likely smoke Marlboro or Camel cigarettes.
Maybe the honchos involved in the killing of the 19 are designed not to feel bad about their stupid attempts at quelling the 2013 Yarnell Wildfire. After all, awards were handed out after the fire and people congratulated for a great job.. The tragedy of the 19 sudden deaths by burnover of the GMHS crew was treated as an accident so there was no reason to have anything but the sadness of loss and the feeling for Eric Marsh, the main cause was one from many that said we might have been Marsh. Well the exception was about 100 wild land fighters that said they would have never done that and had to scratch their heads as to why Marsh would risk his crew and then take his own life after giving the death order. So I have often talked about the chemical attacks upon the health of the wild land fire fighter but over the years Marsh has not been the only boss that wound up killing his crew because of careless action or perhaps ignorance.
But then it is a sick world these days when politicians that run the country are outright crooks and even flaunt the fact. It is an epidemic of liars and cheaters in government and cowards that know it and are afraid to come forward with the truth. Well not all, since I see that Dr. Ted Putnam did not fear one damn bit and knew he was risking his reputation and livelihood by refusing to sign off on the death investigation of the 14 killed at the Storm King wild fire. There are a number of others that do talk out but most are retired from other parts of the country. Those that worked the Yarnell Fire are reserved–they have jobs and unlike Ted are not going to risk their testimonies to the truth.
These days I do not bother with main media–just too damn much hype and obvious. In regards to the Yarnell effort they too glossed over the truth and accepted the “official” story. Journalists are not real journalists these days–they are like the wild land fire fighters that knew the truth at Yarnell but zipped up and continue to do so. Donut is a foremost example of it–his story has changed so often–that is the trouble with a lie and how detectives ferret out a liar–they forget the original lie they told so when they retell it the story changes. Donut has excuse though–PTSD and perhaps dope messed with his brain so the dummies that accept his story have not noticed how it varies depending upon who he is talking with.
Of course a whole nation can be suffering mental illness and it seems to be as contagious as Covid 19 when we can elect a criminal organization into the highest offices of the land. Shame on them but salute the brave, strong and the honest–there are so few left.
I just got back from Phoenix visit with my son whose prostate cancer has been a voracious variety so much that doctors say they have never seen this happen–prostate cancer is a slow moving thing. But in his case kemo has not been helping so they are adding radiation treatments starting today. You can imagine his despair and my own to witness this tragedy.
Science has made some great advances in genome therapy and I pray something will be discovered to thwart this terrible disease. There is a company that is now under FDA approval to do tests with a cure for prostate cancer–ISO-Ray is the company FDA approved for testing a cancer cure by genomic methods I believe–something some might want to look into.
Next to skin cancer, Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men. About 10 to 15% get the active variety–and I would guess according to the Oncologists in Phoenix my son have one they have never before witnessed concerning its aggressiveness
This world has become so chemically tainted from not only mining operations and forest fire retardant operations, plastics, oil and coal pollutants, it is appalling. . Whole cities have had to be moved such as the one in Missouri while most do not understand the dangers of these insidious chemical pollutant dispersion on the environment and human habitations.
Yet if you dare to visit the people of Yarnell door to door –that is what is left of them–you will come to a rude awakening. It may be an awakening that could save your life.
So you can see why I applaud the efforts of John Daugherty as he risks his own life to challenge the mining interests that want to destroy environments and pollute ground water and fresh water sources. The count of human lives that are no longer with us is behind the smoke and mirrors of industry and profit makers. What good is all the money in the world if your health is sacrifice–will even the tulips your polluted body provides nourishment for also be sick?
A few weeks back my first ex wife, Angie is now buried–much younger than I–almost 10 years. Yet cancer took her unawares and a sad thing because all my children are by her. Yet she was the epitome of good health–I expected she would live many years beyond my own and I was saddened by her death just as I am saddened by so many needless chemical deaths at the small village of Yarnell, Arizona after what I term the agent orange retardant dispersion.
You may think I harp too much against the retardant and other chemicals. Some would even want to jail JD because he was hindering “progress” at these mines exposing their skullduggery. The truth is, what I have put in parenthesis “progress” should be more correctly written “profits”. Greed blinds these people and progress is their term to cover their criminal tracks.
One psychologist–not me– says it takes 21 exposures to a truth before it can soak in to make changes. Maybe I have harped only 10 times so bear and may those that are dense suffer the treatments. If you save one life you saved a world. Slainte
And to make it clear, I am not a psychologist–though I have graduated from NMSU with a degree in Psychology. From there it was counseling and then religion.
The man who is most capable to help curb needless killing of wild land fire people is Dr. Ted Putnam. He should be foremost in any documentary due not only to his actual 15 years as a wild land fire fighter and smoke jumper, but because of his rigorous concern and exacting investigative methods and strict adherence to honesty. He certainly will not sacrifice integrity or skip facts to arrange a narrative to make himself or the system look good. He sees the lives and safety of wild land fire fighters as foremost. May others follow his example.
An email to Joy- health issues and retardant poisons addressed.Not good to hear–well we both took on a lot of retardant smoke and I am afraid it does not take that much to get people sick. There has to be something in it that is highly toxic and long lasting in the human body. The idea is these days to allow the chemicals since there is a world wide consensus among the politicians and rich that the earth is overpopulated and needs to be thinned out. So everything that helps and that the politico’s and very rich can avoid will be tolerated without question. How many even mention the retardant in the fire community–few cause they are afraid of loosing their job and the whole of them are brainwashed milquetoasts to even bring it up, unless they support it. All the while, right in their faces thousands of dead fish have littered river banks and beaches in Florida from leaking Phosphate mines–the main ingredient in retardant. The system is based on fear but then everyone is brain trained from childhood to sit in a hard desk and never question the teacher or any so called authority as to what is real and true and what is not. So we all got some dose of the method and no wonder the mind manipulators have caused so much damage to the environment and people’s well being in order to further their own interests and profits.
I do see how the retardant is a huge killer and health destroyer and the Yarnell experiment that has killed so many there has also left many of us so ill we wonder if we will wake up the next day-and if we do live another day we face it with diminished health issues that makes life a horror story although the most of us try to put on a happy face and pretend this tragedy never occurred. We are told the retardant is inert and the general person on the street believes the story just as he believed that Columbus was the first white person to discover America. Your teacher would not lie to you–just rottenly repeat what she or he had been told before and you dare not question such an honorable person that in my day would whack you with a ruler if you did. These days you will just be ostracized or shunned as a trouble maker if you question the status quo–so little Johnny is sure to find he has been molded into a slave mentality–he dare not question even obvious situations such as the killing and illness caused by the retardant at Yarnell and wherever this toxic poison is applied in residential areas. And certainly do not protest the immediate destruction of aquatic life, fish while causing extreme environmental damage even to the poisoning of water tables and even extending ocean dead zones as it is applied.
So what will the befogged minds allow–certainly one is to promote the application of poisons to the lands and even other secretly added chemicals–few will protest knowing that to do so will jeopardize their jobs. Some will even promote the poisons knowing this will put them in a good light for advancement on their job resume.
These are my own opinions–I know you have them as well–and I will continue to post them and I believe the retardant is just as toxic as bad crew bosses that blatantly break safety rules and take undue risks for their crews just as we saw Eric Marsh did in order to kill his crew.
Joy I will post this on IM–I know your health has been compromised to a great extent due to the many hikes you have made through the retardant polluted environment at Yarnell. We never believed our good intentions would be so devastating to our own health. But then neither of us knew the dangers of breathing the dust and smoke laden retardant until after the fact. Yarnell with the many deaths and illness spawned from it opened our eyes and especially since we have seen so much of it and now our own health destroyed as well. We do have a duty to warn people of the dangers of allowing this retardant to be spread in the environment.
Good Tidings, your contributions have been much to advance the well being of future fire fighters and may the Gods of the Irish and others including the good Jesus types bless your paths and preserve you though these times of anguish.
There is a good Jesus and his teachings were in the right direction. He never advocated religion–just good living. He jibed those that like to dress up like Priests and like to be bosses as if they knew something. Shit, his principles were so damn simple–but these religious know it alls like to present it like they have a pipe line to God. Bullshit will get you a position and plenty of fools to add dough money to they collection boxes. All kinds of perverse claims are made and sadly people fall for the ruses so some preacher and his organization live without having to do the common man’s labor.
Religion was invented by the alien gods to create dissension among peoples. The gods were all war gods–keen to genocides–and Hitler could have made a good one–he still is worshiped in some circles.
So here you have the Muslims lobbing rockets in to kill Israelites and the Israelites bombarding the Muslims–all about religion and people killing people simply because the gods say to do so. If you happen to have been born in a Mormon family, you would expect to be one of several wives to some fellow that thinks one is not enough. No different that living in a harem–though you might be worked harder to support the Mormon than the rich Shiek.
Of course, the new Mormon’s changed that rule but there are still those that adhere to Joseph Smith’s Moroni’s revelations.
So, yes some are fooled by the Religious “elite” that promise salvation for your obeisance and dollars. These jerks have no more access to the gods than you do and if your god directs you to kill another because he has bad religion then so do you. And if you donate to a lazy man that knows how to con you out of your dollars, then just take it as a lesson–next time keep your dollars and better give it to some needy person or poor widow.
There are gods out there–greater advanced intelligentsia–some actual robots that can stand G forces, radiation, and do amazing technological feats that boggle the human mind. But these murderous gods and creator gods are sometimes bad actors–read a few books of the Old Testament and you can see how these religious wars propagated by the gods that be have no end and continue even to this day.
And the petty demigods in charge of our governments do well at mimicking their gods and the devil himself–chief liar and murderer among all the gods that exist, yet appears and is an angel of light. So he and his friends were cast to the Earth, here known as the Watchers–and enjoying the mayhem. So the aliens are among us–and as the wise Don Carlos said–their most insidious act was that they gave us their mind yet we were not aware of it.
Good tidings and may the Irish gods or your own versions treat you well should you do well.
I could not help but think of Dr. Ted Putnam when I read the story about Alan MacDonald who refused to sign off on the Challenger launch. He had cited three reasons that the launch should not ;happen–temperatures had been below freezing so that seals were compromised–he stated to be safe the launch should not take place where seals were colder than 53F, yet ice was forming on the launch pad–something he knew would compromise the seals.
Of course, just as he would not sign, the honchos overruled his decision and killed the astronauts. At Senate hearings the lies came out from the managers but he refuted the lies and as a result was demoted for telling the truth. Is that not the way of this system–reward the liars and get rid of the truth sayers. However, because he had testified at a Senate hearing, the company involved had to reverse their decision and actually promote him–political and public outcry was just too strong to allow his demotion.
I have to think of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden who exposed the skullduggery of the Clinton Gang and others including some in the CIA whom he was working for. Trump the swamp cleaner would not pardon–how cowardly but we saw some of the chicanery at Yarnell concerning the investigation of the deaths of the GMHS crew. Where are the people of honor these days. Thanks Dr. Putnam, you proved there are still a few good men and women still walking the earth.
There is some good news–property was purchased near the death site of the 19GMHS crew. It may soon be possible for the disabled to visit the site–there are just too many disabled veterans and the like that can not make the arduous hike from Highway 89 and over the Weaver Range to visit the memorial and death site to pay respects.
This new site that should have been purchased to start with will be within easy walking distance and even afford a direct drive right to the site. This will not please some since there was lots of money made making parking lots and the like. But people that can and want to hike the full route will be able to do so. After all that way was also the way the Joy and Sonny escaped the fire and could have been the route the GMHS crew took to save themselves rather than dropping off the two track into the box canyon of death. (Joy has heard that some Mormons had in earlier days died in that very canyon).
It is amazing how lies and politics are so correlated–well seems like in the crony system in that area as well. People always knew there was a better way to get to the site from several directions–one also being from the Shrine where property or an easement could easily have been purchased from people that Joy and I both know. But politicians, etc. must complicate things and god forbid ;they would wind up making a trail that is a challenge even for some young hikers to do in an effort to climb up and over the Weaver range. Now you should be able with these new owners to just easily walk a few hundred yards from below the site and likely there will be a graded road right to the spot.
Of course, the cronies will attempt to deny people that opportunity if possible–but then there are disability laws that make keep them from disallowing that entry point.
Joy has had much to do with helping get the area going–Always on the front to honor those fallen heroes.
Don’t think because I posted the fire rules that I know anything about fire fighting–they were copied and pasted from a Fire site and are meant for good reading for the Donut’ types that believe they know something about the job–namely they know how to get themselves and others killed because they do not know. It is amazing how such people are paid big money to make talks before educated fire people –as an outsider looking in I have to shake my head in wonder at who some of you fellows would allow on the podium. The truth was and still remains, Donut was a fuck up and fucked up on drugs much of his life–he admits it himself and who would listen to such a person? I don’t want my kids hanging around him–you are known by your company.
Here are some of the things as I see them–The world after all needs various ideas and opinions. When you shut off free speech and ideas you create a tunnel vision–something religion is very adept at–but now media, governments, and Big Industrial and War Complex’s have become highly efficient at. Control the minds of the people and feeding them one side of the story keeps the power structure intact and these corrupt these entities will continue regardless of the impact on humanity and environment.
So here is my latest email to Joy–She is struggling with health issues–who isn’t that had a lot of exposure to the retardant at Yarnell?
Greetings Joy, the Truth Seeker and Desert Walker:
Although I was a bit loco by the time i got back, I did make better than a mile hike. I am about to do it again. Found that rubbing my chest with eucalyptus essential oil and frankincense seems to open up breathing so I was not breathing so hard as usual.
I think my type cases will quickly die if they hand their health over to others–especially those with medical license to kill. They dope these old folks up and seems the old folks like having a dozen different meds–and more meds to counteract the meds first given. Can you blame the doctors when that is the way they are brain trained and there are boocoos of money to be made when you can produced a vaccine that costs 6 cents to make and you can charge $50 to give it supposedly free when the government is paying the cost of the vaccine to these companies. Sure they likely get it for a reduced cost–maybe $10 a shot but figure it out–even if the cost is a dime to the companies, the 10 dollar charge divided by a dime means 100 times the investment. For ten dollars they profit 1000 dollars less the dime cost of the vaccine just for one shot. No wonder Bill Gates is in that business–and I doubt he is even taking his own medicine–I know Elon Musk won’t take his medicine or any Covid Shot. He is a smart man.
And what about all this free vaccines given to foreign countries? That is baloney–We taxpayers foot the bill–while Gates acts like he is God’s gift to mankind. We ought to get the facts straight but with a government and the fake media reporting for them and for their financiers of big industry how can the public ever uncover the truth? Whoever heard of an ex President being banned from social media. That ought to give the public a clue that the money boys are only going to allow the story they want you to hear–and it is only going to be their side of the story. Anything hurting their power structure and pocket book and tax bill will be squashed–just as you saw saving face at Yarnell over the truth of why 19 are dead and a third of the town dead from the orange retardant effects, face must be saved at all costs–even future lives.
These are my opinons–go get a bathide or two or three on your own–I have so your brain can be programmed by the system that wants you to set in a chair and pay attention to the parrot at the head of the class pointing his?/her? finger your way. Well whoop te doo because we have a few free thinkers left in this country that are not all going to swallow the news, tainted truths and lies hook line and sinker. The internet and research has opened more than a few minds–Johnny in the box is sometimes getting fresh air.
And yes, the environment is being screwed by greed and those in power. Biden’s whimper is just not enough–his idea is to stay in power and let more immigrants in so he can do that for more votes to his side of the game next election. How long before AI becomes president and will AI give a shit about the global warming issue and whether abandoned phosphate mines, uranium dumps, copper dumps, and so forth are polluting ground waters and killing tons of fish and turning the waters to blood red dead zones. Well AI if it does differently won’t be different to the powers that be on those counts–namely the environment and human health concerns.
Black lives matter–all lives matter and May the Irish gods bless you should you deserve. May the gods sort out the rest and not the god freaks of the earth.
If you visit Joy’s Blog–Sad to see that bunch of children left by some parents–Maybe doper parents. Best to round up the kids, find the parents and if they are on dope then transport them to a treatment facility if they want the kids back. If they want to continue doping take them to Dopeland, Arizona–Dolan Springs roped off will do or there are good places in New Mexico and Texas–Lordsburg, NM or Dopeland Texas. Maybe Donut could run one of these places where the government provides all the dope they want.
No the government rather jail these people–this way the enterprises of prison get about a hundred grand a year to use them as slave labor and feed them baloney sandwiches. It is a money maker that some judges skim off and politicians ride the BS fooling the public for votes and taking donations from the Big Business Prison Systems. The taxpayer is scammed and after the final analysis it ;is about money and votes, not lives and common sense.
These are my opinions and if you live in cookie cutter land, you likely think differently. I won’t hold it against you–you have a right to your opinions as much as I do mine and we are both likely subjects in search of the truth. The sad part is we have too many liars in office and too many media outlets that are playing the money and power game where truth has no meaning.
But to the business of burning–a wild fire near Congress, AZ were Joy is watching. I have a hunch some of the honchos there are not at ease when she is in the vicinity. They will get a law passed to keep her away–no watchers allowed and just as cops resent witnesses, so we see the same in wild land fire fighting though not as much in city fires. Stand back citizens, your dollars are at work.
correction–LCES –I had written Location where it should have been Look Out–In the case of the deaths of the GMHS crew there was no look out for the crew safety regards unless Marsh considered himself as a look out. If so he failed his job miserably. The named Lookout, Donut was two canyons over and out of site in a danger zone with no escape route nor safety zone and out of communication with his crew as well. Well he was following the exact disregard for the LCES as the crew had done. His fortune was by chance the appearance of an ATV and Brian Frisby or his number would have been up. Good he retired to lecturing fire people because with his previous narrow escapes and the final one that nearly took his life, he was a casualty about to happen.
I am not a fire fighter–Joy became one certified after the disaster. So take the advice of the old time fire fighters–those that do not consider understanding and following the safety rules as a waste of time. Howerver, as a common sense rule–Location might be added for LLCES–location is so important–no dropping your crew off in a box canyon choke full of brush to cause a mass murder.
I Apologize for the error where there is no room for error. Common sense goes a long ways but proper training carries it even a greater measure.
Concerning atmospheric pollution and the God complex, nerd Bill Gates is funding a few million to send up a balloon with 2 kilograms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) into the stratosphere to see if the experiment will alter temperature change above some small city in Canada. The plan is to spend a few billions (more likely tax payer dollars) to spread this substance world wide to staff off global warming.
And who knows it might work–but any idiot would know that two kg of powder dropped into the stratosphere makes me wonder where some of these scientists get their dumb ideas. Save the millions and help the refugees–I can tell you or any cowboy can tell you that if you have a cloud come over you in the heat of the desert you will immediately feel the drop in temperature. So yes if you want to create an artificial cloud surrounding earth, expect the temperature to drop.
In fact it is well known that a meteor hit earth about the area of Chixulub, Mexico creating a crater some 130+ miles across and spewing billions of tons of debris and dust into the atmosphere so that the overall effect was to wipe out the dinosaur population–although the cock roaches survived real well as some residents will testify. It is doubtful if enough jets could be found to deliver enough cloud cover up there to make a lot of difference but if a couple volcanoes that are about to explode work their magic, global warming will be abated in a natural manner.
Then we have Biden, Puten, add in about 9 other nations including Pakistan, China, India, Israel, and likely Iran in the mix with their itchy trigger fingers on nukes enough to create a nuclear winter that would make Bill Gate’s efforts futile. But he likely needs to occupy his mind with some sort of nonsense and those millions will come off his tax burden as well. Considering Biden’s proposals against Russia that may come sooner than later. Never has a weapon been created that it was not used–we were happy to use it to end the Japanese war effort and Putin and Biden are probably the most sane among the Nuke code me–yet I would not assure you that either would stand down if they believe a first strike were the best option.
To Biden’s credit he did turn back two war ships after a dire warning from Putin that hell would break loose should they enter the Black Sea. Some minor war ships were sent there anyway as a test and the Russian Navy immediately turned those back. So Biden is working hard to get NATO to intervene–but 125 thousand Russian troops and thousands of tanks and artillery on that border, including nuclear armament and missiles moved into the area tells us that Putin has put his foot down.
If Biden values his life and those of our young soldiers he will keep them away from that Russian Border and leave it to the Ukrainians to work out something with Russia. We did not even want Russians in Cuba–why the hell would the Russians want our military and equipment on the Russian Border? Sorry Ukrainians and even though Hunter and Dad have made millions from influence bribes during the Obama era and even continuing–hopefully the crooked deals will not contribute to a nuclear war or even a conventional war for that matter. Anyhow we can understand why Biden is so adamant to stand by his friends.
So the God thing–Gates and Musk will tell you that we are more likely a computer simulation created by some kid of higher intelligence in another universe playing a game in which we are his amusement and invention. There is some good evidence to the idea and common sense, as rare as it seems to be, should enter here. What real God would create animals that rip each other apart so they can consume their bodies. Add to the the homo sapiens animal created such as those that readily commit genocide, cops that enjoy torture and murder and hunt other animal species of homo sapiens that also do mayhem and murder. When you look at the expression of satisfaction and anger Derick Chauvin had as he murdered George Floyd as well as the intentions and actions of too many of our species you have to admit some depraved higher intelligent kid would be a suspect in the creation of this world scenario.
Yes I know, Jesus is kind–some preachers are as they rake in dollars, prestige, and visit the dead, widows and loose women on the side. Do we really need these folk to understand simple moral and ethical ways of living?
Elon Musk says college is not an answer–that is just a place to have fun. Real education, learning and use of the brain is truly free and available and yes college might give a few an impetus but the serious thinker will seek and find and imagine what he wants to create or accomplish. In fact education in an institution is often a ruination of the minds of many in my estimation. But then it is all a part of the simulation–and some are creating simulations right now that compare to the super intelligent warped kid in a garage in another universe. Just look at some of the games created these days and Elon Musk does say we are approaching games that can not be distinguished from reality–and certainly once brain implants of AI downloads are perfected, so shall the reality of simulation be known. I doubt if tin foil caps will shield us from the effects and certainly now while we still have an imagined real brain, let it be known that 2 KG of calcium carbonate will have no more effect or meaning than a wild fire fighter standing in front of a raging inferno racing at him while he attempts to spray it with his five gallon back pack water container. Hopefully he has brains enough to spray himself instead for a few added moments of survival–or better yet remember not to be there in a flaming front moving at him in the first place. Memories of Eric Marsh, et al.
Well I do hope that Fred and company get a decent way into the memorial site where the GMHS crew died. I wonder why Phingston and a few others are so adamant to keep people away from the site-certainly there are plenty of other loved ones of elder years that would want to be able to visit the site without the terrible hike from highway 89 up to the top of the Weaver Range on a rocky trail to descend again down into the canyon where the men died. It is ;an impossible task for many a disabled person. Those ,men are national heroes, they were public servants who gave their lives in service to the country albeit a shame that they were killed by the careless actions of their bosses. They deserve the honor and respect from all their countrymen and the site should be made accessible to all including the elderly and disabled–I can no longer do the hikes I could do on 2013–6 heart attacks and a direct shotgun wound though my right lung has ruined that lung and with COPD from Uranium Minining, etc has depleted my ability to take on the mountain trail provided to us from Highway 89 by prison slave labor and the good benefits of I believe a $900,000 parking lot provided by the Fenn Construction Company. That trek is just too arduous for even an old veteran who has cheated death more than a few times.
Now I must say gossip has it that Joy talks to ghosts–I had to laugh at that one. I did not know ghosts talked, but if they do, I have a few questions for them myself. Why the hell did Marsh kill his crew for one-and two why would anyone deny the disabled and there are many vets, firemen, loved ones in that category–the way to pay their respects to those fallen at Yarnell during their service to the country?
Indeed it may be illegal to not provide and allow access to the site if it can be made available. Anyone attempting to deny the disabled of this country such access ought to go check in with a qualified counselor or psychiatrist on the issue and certainly has a selfish attitude to keep others away from honoring the GMHS crew. Those men are National Heroes–at least I would consider all except their bosses in that matter to be.
Now about Joy–she is no Ghost talker or Seancer- I have known her for more than 10 years and that story is a total le. She does the Jesus thing pretty well–helps the needy, contributes time freely to many elderly including taking them to medical appointments and helping with their yards and home needs freely as well. She tries to help wild animals in need as well such as pulling a thorn from a jack rabbit’s eye and rescuing a bob cat from a cement tank entrapment, transplanting black widowns and rattlesnakes, etc to safer areas wehre humans won’t be bothered or kill them. So Ms. Phinkston, don’t know where you get your information but it is false–you should chek your sources and even meet Joy–she is an easy and kind soul to deal with and would even listen to your problems. She even takes time out to help and encourage the little ones of this world –to teach them a bit of the wonders of nature and respect for the environment and the creatures that make up this world.
I have lost a son too–but I am not blaming anyone else for my grief–He was a good soul, served his country on a Navy Ship, worked as an Underwater Welder and was one of the brave and active ones–I am as proud of him as those GMHS people are of their sons–I would be proud for anyone to visit his grave should they have been a friend or loved one or just wanted to pay respects to his life.
Slainte and may the Irish Gods, your Gods, Jesus, etc. treat you well if you treat others well as he commanded. Those that know realize that Truth is God and God is Truth so better you live in truth.
One thing Joy does have if you bother to read the Book of Corinthians–is a gift of the spirit–she can read people very well and even has a gift of prophesy–something becoming of a Christian Lady she qualifies as. No phony by any assessment.
Joy–always remember there are a few with a shitty outlook on life. Their doctor tied their optic nerve to their anal nerve thus creating a shitty view of things.
Optimism is best found when your expectations are such that if you know that things are not as they seem to be, perceptions are just that and seldom do things turn out as planned–then perhaps if you have a fair batting average then you can be pleased. Too much drama is a vexation to the soul–I saw a small sparrow just able to fly on my porch feeding on leftover dog food. That was a treat better than even a Beethoven 12th maybe even Hank Williams and Waltzing Matilda.
Smile you are on government cameras everywhere–
I hope you good people had put aside some silver as I had said before. Silver to Gold ratio in mining is 8 ounces to one gold but the price has been hovering around 70 to one in price–while silver is not only money it is a strategic metal for everything from robots to computers, cell phones, solar panels, smart appliances, ev’s, etc. Well the markets are sold out in physical metal but some cheap stocks on Robinhood ought to soar–better gamble than the black jack table except you need to supply your own guiness.
Good luck–you fellows deserve a break and these kids on Reddit are trying to help out bless their hearts. The manipulators–(where do we know them from–Yarnell incident sound familiar?)–have lost a few billion due to these kids and their tech abilities. Being a dumb cowboy, I have to smile and admire their good work.
Keep up the positive and let the structures burn if you must risk your life and especially if you must risk the lives of those young wild land fire fighter heroes. A dead hero is not a good thing.
I forgot to mention–Jesus was sold out for 30 pieces of silver–likely the size of ounce coinage–silver dollars. Some expect silver to reach $1000 per ounce soon– but when it hits 19,000 not a good thing since the dollar that is already down to 2cents since 1913 will really look bad. Fiat is going flat as all Fiat does eventually. Why I say have a few chickens and a good milk goat certainly if you have no coins; Goat milk is good if you only allow good hay and grain–no cardboard or onions. Cowboy and Miners all know that and they won’t allow you to get tangled up in that manzanita patch with a wild fire blazing like hell turned loose.
Perhaps you have noticed that the leak in a phosphate waste pond in Florida has closed down a large area of beach–the reason stated is that the chemical slurry is contaminated with uranium. They blame the radiation for the contamination but little is mentioned that the phosphates that contain the radiation are pollutants in themselves.
Just as the retardant that contains these same phosphates (approximately 90-95%) instantly kills fish and other aquatic life, they also kill humans and do their damage to the environment. I remember visiting a man, one chief member of the fire board at Yarnell whose yard and residence had been covered so that it was completely turned red when we visited. This same man had for years been a health teacher with a doctorate –teaching people how to stay healthy. He even provided Joy with some free nutrients. His wife and he were examples of health, vigor and fine examples themselves. Joy and I witnessed his yard soon after the Yarnell and residence colored by red retardant after the fire because Joy had gone there to get the medicines he wanted Joy to have–he gave those free of charge–items he felt obliged to give mentioning his appreciation for Joy’s work on investigating the deaths of the 19.
What ought to perk up your ears if you think that retardant is safe–this man is now within two months of death. His health went down after the inundation of his home with retardant–cancer is about to now end his life. But he is only one of the many that have suffered that both Joy and I had known to be of good health yet are now either deceased or in condition such as this man. I have not mentioned names due to privacy issues but I feel I should warn you in case you believe as I did that the phosphate fire retardant is safe as the billionaire profiteers want you to believe and their minions in the fire retardant business and forest service dummies that continue to tout its safety.
So I would suggest you check the Florida news right now concerning the phosphate leaks going on. The Uranium content truly is harmful–but that is only part of the story. They are not about to tell the whole truth considering the billion dollar industry of phosphates in fertilizers and fire retardants. Profit before health and environment–the good old universal boy’s club at work with their billions and purchased politicians with their campaign wins dependent upon these money grubbing contributors for influence.
Sad thing about real life–Hunter Biden and Donut–writing books. If a common fellow like myself had lied to authority, drugged and carried on like these two have, the common fellow would have a one way ticket to jail or prison. Instead these whiners write books and have interviews on main line media. Of course they do not write the books themselves, but some ghostwriter does it for them but puts their famous name to it. Justice stinks when you see this sort of thing and the way things are in favor of these types.
On the other hand I watched Hunter come to tears-real or faked I do not know. I do say any druggie should not be imprisoned but the laws are so screwed up in this country so that we have 25 % of the world’s prisoners yet only 5% of the population. Juries ought to do their duty and circumvent unjust laws and take it upon themselves to determine these things instead of allowing screwed up justice to prevail instead of common sense.
We see so many police and others in authority being held accountable for their lies, planting evidence, murder and so on where before the justice system gave them a free pass to do harm to others and commit crimes against humanity. However if you are trained to lie and have the habit of such then what can we expect from these people. Certain we need them for the bad criminals on the loose but then they must follow the highest of standards in actions to be in those positions.
So it is good to see these cops being held for murder such as the case of the Dick Chauvin (Derick), but then he should also be tried for a race hate crime as well if everyone else that is being charged in these type cases. Certainly I have to think were it a white man he had down, he would have let up and allowed that man to live. Clearly he had the intent to kill that man with his long time on the police force dealing with offenders –he just believed the fellows would back him and they would have except it was all caught on video and people have had enough of that kind of police criminality. And there again, Floyd and company were and are drug addicts no different than Hunter Biden, yet Hunter is the greater criminal with high crimes in the millions robbed off tax payers. But Daddy has influence being the chosen leader of this country albeit some sad with his Alzheimer condition setting in.
These are my opinions–but sensible to my way of thinking. And some of the reason you saw the cover up of the real reasons for the deaths of the GMHS crew. The cronies could look beyond the criminal activity it took to make a crime scene cover up and let the fellow firefighter Marsh, et al, have a pass and instead be portrayed as a hero justified by God’s will that he and his crew would be killed. Put God to blame, instead of citing the real culprits in the crime. This is what makes the justice system stink, although people are beginning to protest so that the taxpayer sees that these public servants begin to be held accountable for their crimes.
But even more criminal was the inundation of Yarnell with the toxic chemical retardant that obviously has killed and sickened many times the death count of 19 GMHS crew. When a third of the town is now deceased in the 7 years after the two retardant dumps on Yarnell of 2013 and 2015 (about 100 dead within the first two years) and still people suffering from the chemical fall out–then you have to know it does not take a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to figure out that there is a deadly connection to fire retardant and its obvious toxins and hidden trade secret ingredients. A twelve year old could figure that one out just as any 12 year old that stood on the two track could figure out it would be stupid to drop off into a dead end canyon full of brush with a raging wild fire in sight and a wind about to change direction. To order a crew down into such a situation to protect structures when no wild land fire crew is equipped to protect structures except to get in front of a raging fire to dig and clear line was the epitome of criminal negligent action and disregard for human life–men who follow the leader because they are trained that way.
Salinte and may you find health and happiness–justice from truth not lies.
This did not post so will try again–may be a repeat but you would know.
Here is a link to Joy’s place. She has been a blessing in my life and her simple adherence to truth is always a fresh breath of air. I am reminded of the desert fragrance caused by a shower in chaparral. No man made fragrance has been able made better–perhaps few have experienced it–but that is what I call a God thing.
Joy has put much effort into working toward the benefit of those involved in wild land fire fighting. Her record is impeccable and her good intentions to right the wrongs at Yarnel concerning the deaths of the GMHS crew and that truth matters concerning their untimely deaths will some time in the future be known. But truth and honesty are not always appreciated early when many are in lock step with the fabrication made to cover the truth of those deaths.
Here is a link to something she posted–she is in no way out of the game and still will take information. Do not hesitate to inform her of more testimony–she will hold it till your deathbed if you are afraid to have it presently released.
There is some sadness that the crony system and fear of employment problems should such information be told. I can understand that reasoning: however, we all owe it to those heroes and their loved ones to reveal the truth that so many of us know has been kept from public view. I am reminded of George Floyd–had not there been citizens video you can know that man’s death would have been cover up as well, just as in North Carolina now another man has been shot in the back of the head and the DA there is doing his best to hide the truth that will come out eventually in that video. It is a shame when public servants withhold the truth from the public that pays their salaries. It certainly is time to change attitudes of these type authoritarian people that have become bullies and enemies of the people they are supposed to protect. Still there are a few who are honest souls and will not sell out to the crony system–though just as Yarnell, they risk their livelihood should they blow the whistle and stand for what is right.
Here is Joy’s link:
Are you truly doing it justice to stand firm in TRUTH(s)? It takes doing the difficult right thing. (
God, You Here? You Well Understand Betrayals & Defamations Better Than I- Help Me Through This…
Sorry for the wild land fire fighter dying of cancer right now. His input on what he knows at the Yarnell fire will be of great value and his story must be told. There are so many of these good men that are ill from the effects of their job. No money can replace the lives of these heroes and I know how many believed the chemicals they suffered were but harmless substances. In truth they have been lied to –that orange toxin is one of the deadliest chemicals not only to fish but humans. The only difference is it sometimes takes longer for humans to suffer the effects. It is a horror knowing your life will be cut short after doing such beneficial work for the public.
So I do applaud Joy and her work- I could never come close to the good she was and is capable of doing.
Slainte and May the Good Gods of the Irish bless your paths be you the good fellow living in truth.
Whew-someone got Joy’s ire up. She is posting some very hot documents on her site–actual records exposing the gossips and back biters of the crony ilk. It is always good to see the dark side exposed for what they are. I never liked the KKK or other groups cronied up to cause character degradation and mayhem against those that would bring truth to the surface. Certain you can not deny what the documents say that she has posted.
God, You Here? You Well Understand Betrayals & Defamations Better Than I- Help Me Through This… (
The above is Joy’s posting for those interested in the ongoing Yarnell Death Saga.
Reply to OZWFF post on November 12, 2020 at 9:46 pm
>> OZWFF said…
>> It still bugs me who it is talking to Brown and walking around like he’s in charge
>> of the SAR mission in those Tom Story photos. Maybe it is Kimball just knocking
>> around the place doing what he can to help but that guy does look more like
>> overhead doing some “direction” to me. Hence my proposal it could be Cordes.
I don’t think there’s much of a chance it was Cordes.
Still appears to be Byron Kimball.
And I’m not getting the same sense as you, just based on the Tom Story photographs, that this guy ( Byron Kimball? ) was ‘directing’ anyone in particular… or that he was actually ‘in charge’ of any of the ‘Search and Rescue’ efforts.
Byron Kimball was ‘overhead’ that day, fer sure, but his official capacity was simply FBAN.
In his ADOSH interview, Byron Kimball says that basically all day long he was reporting ‘directly back to Roy ( Hall )’, the Incident Commander, about everything he was seeing and learning as he traveled around the fire.
He also says he ended up doing the same thing post-deployment.
Reporting what was happening back to Roy Hall.
Kimball also told ADOSH that, as an FBAN, he was definitely NOT part of ‘Operations’ and the reason he didn’t hear the Granite Mountain deployment radio traffic is that as simply an FBAN, he tries to stay off the radio as much as possible.
1453 A: I just was – I – as a fire behavior analyst because I am not directly involved in
1454 operations, if I don’t need to be on the radio…
1456 Q1: Yeah.
1458 A: …I stay off of it.
1460 Q1: Yeah.
Kimball also tells ADOSH that after the deployment, and when he arrived at the RHR, he saw his role as just being a ‘contact back to base’ ( As in… back to Roy Hall )…
1597 A: Um, go down to Ranch House
1598 restaurant tie in with ah, Todd there and start to assist however I could there
1599 um, just basically being a, either a contact back to – back to the base…
Kimball also tells ADOSH that when the news came over the radio about “18 confirmed”… Kimball was the one who informed IC Roy Hall right away… but he still wasn’t considering that ‘official’ and he asked Todd Abel to also call Roy…
1688 A: They had medevac helicopters there. Ah, they were set up and – and ready –
1689 ready to go. It didn’t take long. Um, got the confirmation ah, had just talked to
1690 Roy. Called him back and said you’re gonna to get, you know, this is un- this
1691 is unofficial from me. I’m gonna go tell Todd to call you also but we’ve got
1692 18 confirmed.
1694 Q1: Hm.
1696 A: And ah, went and stuck my head in the window to Todd hey, you know, make
1697 sure you give Roy a call, let him know what’s going on. He said he would.
So none of that sounds like ( to me, anyway ) a guy who thought he was really “in charge” of anything other than his FBAN duties that day. He was just ‘there’ and gathering information and trying to keep Roy Hall informed about what was happening.
>> OZWFF also said…
>> By the way I believe the Musser/Cordes meeting on HWY 89
>> is actually captured in the short video (Yarnell USB020)
>> shot by Guadiana.
I totally agree.
And Tony Sciacca himself even SAYS that is what was happening. See below.
Here’s where that video is in the Public Evidence Dropbox…
The Poxy Blue Truck ( PBT ) is right there to the left of Cordes’ vehicle. Headlights are on ( engine running, too, maybe? ) but there appears to be no one sitting in it.
But here comes another round of “White-Helmet-Whack-a-Mole”.
The FF with the WHITE helmet who is standing there with his back to the camera between the PBT and Cordes’ CYFD truck ( with camper top ) does NOT appear to be OPS2 Paul Musser.
That FF with the WHITE helmet standng there is almost certainly Tony Sciacca.
At +0:09 seconds into the Hulburd M2U00262 video we actually a ‘close-up’ view of the back of Sciacca’s white helmet. He had a little ‘strap’ hanging down from the neck guard onto his yellow Nomex shirt.
The FF with the WHITE helmet in the Guadiana USB020 video appears to be showing that exact same ‘strap’ hanging down on the back of his helmet.
Plus, Sciacca was bit shorter ( and thinner ) than Musser, and that ‘thin’ profile matches that FF with the WHITE helmet standing there in USB020.
We get good looks at both Sciacca’s LEFT and RIGHT sides in the M2U00262 video and it does not appear that Sciacca had any kind of ( black ) holster for a radio anywhere on his belt… as Musser obviously had that day on his RIGHT side belt.
That FF with the WHITE helmet in the USB020 video obviously has a Bendix-King radio on his LEFT side… but it appears to simply be ‘clipped’ to his belt and NOT in a holster since we can SEE the RED BK battery against his pants.
Sciacca’s red/white Prescott FD pickup ( with the camper top ) is not visible there across the street… but Sciacca might have simply parked on the other side of Hwy 89. There was obviously room to pull off / park there since that’s where Guadina is filming from and supposedly his engine/vehicle is also parked.
Cordes was sitting in his truck while this video was taken.
At +0:11 through +0:13 seconds, you can see an arm with a yellow Nomex shirt leaning out the driver’s side window of Cordes’ CYFD vehicle.
OPS2 Paul Musser was almost certainly sitting in the truck WITH Cordes at the time this Guadiana USB020 video was taken.
The original EXIF embedded timestamp in this Jake Guadiana USB020 video said it was taken at 4:16:46 PM… but that is not correct.
It has been proven that the digital camera ( not a smartphone ) that Guadiana used to shoot all his videos at Yarnell ( a Canon Powershot MVI06 ) was timestamping the videos right at 10 minutes and 5 seconds AHEAD of the REAL TIME that day.
So subtracting the known 10 minutes and 5 seconds gives an ACTUAL timestamp for this video of 4:06:41 PM.
That 4:06:41 PM time for this video actually matches when Tony Sciacca told ADOSH that he first “tied in” with Gary Cordes ( on the side of HWY 89 )…
From Sciacca’s ADOSH interview…
Q1 = Barry Hicks, ADOSH Investigator
A = Tony Sciacca, Safety Officer, Yarnell Hill Fire
509 A: About four – uh, a little bit before 4:00, I wasn’t there long, not even an hour
510 and you could see – you could feel that wind starting to pull and you could see
511 that the fire behavior that was starting to move back to, uh, back to the south
512 and east a little bit. It would stand up and lay back down. Just kind of pulsing
513 a little bit with the winds, standing up.
515 Q1: Right.
517 A: Laying down, standing up, laying down. And then as I started to come
518 around, back out to his main road because there was a helicopter dip site up in
519 here…
521 Q1: Right.
523 A: …you know, I want to make sure that traffic guy talked to – talked to, uh, uh,
524 Roy Hall when I first got…
526 Q1: Right.
528 A: …there. I said I had a concern about some – some helicopters.
530 Q2: Oh yeah, over the road?
532 A: Yeah. So I came back around and when I got into here, before I got – yeah
533 I tied into, uh, Gary Cordes. Gary Cordes from Central Yavapai
556 A: …he ( Cordes ) was pulling his resources out.
558 Q1: Oh okay. So he had already done that and…
560 A: He was in the process of doing that…
562 Q1: Oh okay.
564 A: …when I pulled up on him.
Last but not least…
A little later in Sciacca’s ADOSH interview he gives more detail about this ‘meetup’ he had with Gary Cordes. Sciacca actually SAYS that Gary Cordes was meeting with Paul Musser when he “pulled up” to them ( there on HWY 89 )…
911 Q1: Yeah. Uh, and Gary Cordes was the – he was the group, uh, structure
912 protection group for the Yarnell end?
914 A: I believe. Uh, I never did get my arms fully around that. I ran – I knew Gary
915 because he works in the neighboring…
917 Q1: Right.
919 A: Got over there, Paul and him ( Cordes ) were visiting on the side of the road.
921 Q1: Oh okay.
923 A: Pulled in. I said, “What do you guys got going on?” You know, you’re
924 safety, yadda, yadda, yadda, ya. I introduced myself. The guy says, “Well
925 we’re just pulling out.”
So there’s really no doubt that Jake Guadiana’s USB020 video ( shot at 4:06:41 PM captured this moment when OPS2 Paul Musser was meeting with SPGS1 Gary Cordes on the side of HWY 89 and that really is Tony Sciacca standing there in-between Musser’s ‘Poxy Blue Truck ( PBT ) and Cordes’ CYFD truck.
Thanks again WTKTT!
I buy that explanation! I think it is Sciacca on HWY 89 and Musser must have been “visiting” with Cordes in his truck.
I am leaning towards Kimball at RHR too. If that guy really was directing anything then he would have been talking to Frisby who was right there rather than Brown and it seems Musser makes a beeline for Frisby when he arrives in the PBT to do exactly that.
As a plus for me, the ear shape of the guy in profile in the Tom Story photo seems to match that of Kimball in the link you posted – as well as his body shape. So you are on the money again there I think!
Thank you again!
Just a quick thought about the HWY 89 meeting. I thought the white hat standing there was actually Musser.
Here’s why:
The shape of his helmet is a closer match to Musser rather than Sciaccas. Musser seems to have traditional shape whereas Sciacc seems to have more of a peaked affair going on.
Yes the radio is clipped to the guys belt which either man could have done. However the way his body is turned it’s impossible to see whether or not he has that “tool holder” on his right hip as Musser does.
But the shirt colour does seem closer to Sciaccas. Just can’t get past that helmet shape, maybe a trick of poor film quality’!
All done without enhancing! Your thoughts?
My thoughts on that would be that if someone had a radio holster ( like the M2U00264 video clearly shows Musser did… on his RIGHT side )… then why wouldn’t that person simply USE it?
Why would you bother taking the time to ‘clip’ your radio to your belt on your LEFT side if you had a perfectly good radio holster on your RIGHT side.
For me… it’s that little “neck guard strap” hanging down onto the collar of the Nomex shirt that almost clinches it. That same little ‘strap’ is seen ‘hanging down’ onto Sciacca’s collar just a little while later, in the M2U00264 video shot at the Shrine parking lot.
Musser had no such ‘strap’ hanging down onto his shirt collar that day.
Plus… body type. Musser was ‘chunkier’ than Sciacca, and the body type of the FF with the white helmet in the Guadiana USB020 video seems to match Sciacca much moreso than Musser.
Question for YOU…
Who do you think the Blue Ridge Hotshot is, seen coming around Cordes’ truck and heading off to the RIGHT at the very start of the video?
Looks like he had just been speaking with Cordes through the driver’s side window, got some kind of ‘assignment’… and now he’s hurrying off to do that.
Do you think that could actually be DOZB Cory Ball?
In his own testimony, Cory Ball says he recieved instructions from SPGS1 ( Cordes ) to “scout out” an “emergency dozer line” to try and protect Glen Ilah.
It’s always been assumed those “instructions” came over the radio…. but what if they did not?
What if DOZB Cory Ball somehow made his way up HWY 89 to where Cordes was ‘staged’… in order to ‘report’ about the Sesame area dozer line work already completed, and he received these NEW instructions about another “emergency dozer line” directly from Cordes… in person… right there at Cordes’ truck?
If that Blue Ridge Hotshot was NOT Cory Ball… then who do you think it was and what was he doing there, at that time ( 4:06 PM ). All other Blue Ridge Hotshots were, at that very moment, evacuating from the Sesame-to-Shrine dozer line to their buggies staged at the Youth Camp.
Correction for the last post.
The Hulburd video that shows ( most clearly ) the little neck-guard ‘strap’ dangling down on the back of Tony Sciacca’s helmet is video M2U00262… and not M2U00264.
M2U00262 is the one that starts where Sciacca is on the phone getting someone to text him Paul Musser’s phone number… and ends with Sciacca saying he is “like a moth to flame”.
Yep, the tag has it. I agree the guy at the HWY 89 meet standing between Cordes’ truck and the PBT is Sciacca. Musser must indeed be in Cordes’ truck with him.
As for the BR guy. Yes, I believe it is BR Hotshot. What is distinctive about him is his shirt open at least two buttons but even more distinctive he either has his trousers tucked into his boots or they are short (like Frisby’s).
In all the photos and videos containing BR Hotshots there aren’t any I can see of a Hotshot with trousers tucked into his boots. And the only Hotshot who’s trousers look short is Frisby and it can’t be him. So if you can find another picture of this firefighter with that arrangement of his trousers and can show it;s Ball, then he’s your man.
Also, the only BR Hotshot who could possibly be there at that time is, as you say, Ball. Onto my other contention. Balls 2 photos taken out of a truck delivering him to Yarnell Fire Station to pick up the ATV for his “Cordes Hail Mary” task.
I recall you guys wondering if it was Musser. I think it’s more likely Cordes.
Here’s why:
If Ball was at HWY 89 with Musser and Cordes hatching the plan, how did he get there? We already know he had to be dropped off to pick up the ATV. So he wasn’t self mobile was he and this is before he retrieved the BR ATV trailer?
If we assume that is Ball, somebody took him to the meet and somebody took him from the meet to YH Fire Station. The only person going to the meet from the south at that time that we can see there was Cordes (Sciacca and Musser arrived from the north).
Then there are Balls photos arriving at the station in someones truck. Cannot be Mussers truck, we have already established he was driving the PBT. Cannot be Sciacca either because the truck he was driving had a distinct crease down the centre of the hood which isn’t in Balls photos. From the HWY 89 meeting that leaves Cordes’ truck. Ignoring Cordes’ timeline, his truck I think also is more of a match for what’s in Balls photos. There appears to be an internal emergency light box mounted on the dash to the left side of Balls photo – matches the lights seen in various other photos of Cordes’ truck? There is a distinct hood bulge on the right side of the photo which matches the shape of the hood on Cordes’ truck (big folds going down each side)? The windshield vents, as far as I can tell, are a match for a 2012/2013 Ford truck.
All the above is conjecture and a long winded way of saying yes, I agree that is highly likely it could be Ball and I think Cordes delivered him to Yarnell Fire Station after the HWY 89 meeting.
All interesting and all my replies done from memory as I’m not with my notes – so apologies if my times are off or my sequence of events doesn’t quite match investigation statements!
Over to you!
Reply to OZWFF post on November 11, 2020 at 3:03 pm
>> OZWFF said…
>> Dear WTKTT,
>> Many thanks for your comprehensive reply!
You are most welcome.
I still think the DETAILS of that day ( including who was driving what vehicle, where they were at what time, etc. ) are important to know in order to verify things people have testified to/about.
You obviously know the public evidence record REALLY well. Kudos.
SIDENOTE: Anyone who just uses the ‘RR’ letters for the “Russ Reason” video and assumes everyone knows that is what is being referenced must, in fact, have been ‘following this discussion’ for quite some time.
I’m going to break this ‘Reply’ to your ‘Reply’ into a couple of different posts since there will be some ‘links’ to photos and whatnot, and I think we are back to only being allowed ONE LINK per post.
You covered a lot of ground in your ‘Reply’, and I want to be sure you get some answers ( as far as I know anything ) to all the questions you have.
>> OZWFF also said…
>> I find it interesting it could be Byron Kimball and I agree there are similarities.
If it isn’t Kimball… then ( based on his statements to ADOSH ) one of the other FFs seen in those various ‘huddles’ at the RHR must be him… since that’s what he told ADOSH he was doing there at the RHR at the time all those Tom Story photos were taken.
>> OZWFF also said…
>> also thinking it could actually be Gary Cordes and I’ll lay out my reasoning below.
I read it all and will ‘Reply’ to all that in another post with some links and stuff.
>> OWFF also said…
>> First to your question about Rance Marquez in the RR video.
>> I recall there was a lot of discussion about that video
>> (mainly between you and Marti) back in the day. As part
>> of that discussion I think one of you said Marquez is in
>> the video at arouns the 1:38 mark stepping behind the
>> Blue Ridge Hotshot and hiding when he sees the camera
>> turned towards him. That persons appearance, clothing
>> and radio harness matched your belief of what Marquez
>> looked like. So I have taken that person to be him – my
>> apologies if this view has subsequently changed and I missed it!
I don’t recall ever saying ( or believing ) that the FF who is seen ‘hiding’ from the approaching video camera in the Russ Reason ( RR ) video was DIVZ Rance Marquez.
Maybe it was Marti? ( or someone else? ). Dunno.
I think it’s been established that Rance Marquez was NOT at the Ranch House Restaurant ( RHR ) in the timeframe when the Russ Reason ( RR ) video was shot.
In his ADOSH interview, Rance Marquez did say that he was put in charge of one of the ‘search and rescue’ groups being organized following the deployment, and that the rally point was the RHR… but he is not specific about exactly WHEN he eventually drove down from the Sickles Ranch Road area ( where he had been doing structure protection pre-deployment ) to the RHR itself. ADOSH didn’t actually press him for details on that.
Marquez did seem to indicate ( to ADOSH ) that he was at the RHR when the fire finally swept into that area and he was hearing ‘propane tanks exploding’ in the Glen Ilah area… but that would have been some time AFTER the RR video was shot.
Marquez also told ADOSH he remembers seeing a civilian being administered oxygen at the RHR before being loaded into an ambulance… but again… that would have been a good while AFTER the RR video.
I have always been pretty convinced that the FF seen ‘backing up’ and ‘hiding’ from the camera in the RR video is/was Charlie Reyes, the captain of Engine 59 ( the one who first informed SPGS1 Gary Cordes of the GM deployment when Cordes arrived at the RHR parking lot ).
Charlie Reyes is KNOWN to have been right there in that RHR parking lot at the exact time the RR video was taken.
Just two weeks before the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire, on June 13, 2013, the Prescott Daily Courier published a photo of Charlie Reyes.
That article ( and photo of Charlie Reyes ) can still be viewed here…
As the photo caption says, Reyes is the fourth one from the left, standing in the back, with the sunglasses and no hat.
In that photo taken just 2 weeks before Yarnell, Reyes is seen to be sporting an unusual haircut. Somewhere between a mullet and a close-crop mohawk.
The frames at +1:37 into the Russ Reason video probably give the ‘best look’ at this FF who ‘hides’ as the camera approaches. He was looking right at the approaching camera, at that point, and that is the moment he begins to ‘back up’ and ‘hide’ from it.
In the few frames just before he ‘disappears’ behind the tall Blue Ridge Hotshot ( who is now also ‘hiding’ Brendan McDonough from the approaching camera ) is when you get the best look at his face and the top of his head. The face, body type and the unusual haircut all appear to ‘match’ what is seen in that other June 13, 2013 photo of Charlie Reyes.
I have never been SURE it was Reyes… but that is still where I would put my money.
( Continued in next ‘Reply’ )…
Thanks mate!
I have spent a bit more time trying to nail down the who/what/where in this particular timeframe and the connection to RHR. I think I may have to withdraw my contention what Musser was driving and defer to you! But I’ll drop in my thinking on that and other things later.
It still bugs me who it is talking to Brown and walking around like he’s in charge of the SAR mission in those Tom Story photos. Maybe it is Kimball just knocking around the place doing what he can to help but that guy does look more like overhead doing some “direction” to me. Hence my proposal it could be Cordes.
This is all very confusing and your historic wrestling with poor investigations and poorly executed basic fact finding was and is admirable! I’ll try and put together some more lucid thoughts about that period – for me it revolves around the movements of 2 people sepcifically,,,,,Paul Musser and Gary Cordes.
By the way I believe the Musser/Cordes meeting on HWY 89 is actually captured in the short video (Yarnell USB020) shot by Guadiana.
Okay, here’s where I’m at with this now and thank you for your patience!
Musser was driving the blue pickup (I call it the Poxy Blue Truck, PBT, because it has been a pain in the backside to match with events and people);
Tony Sciacca was driving the white PFWFD truck with the covered tray;
Charlie Reyes is the dude wearing the shirt with Central Yavapai Fire written on the back;
Rance Marquez is the hiding guy in the RR video and it isn’t Frisby standing next to him (the guy in the ballcap with arms folded);
The RHR “rally point” established by Abel is next to the fire hydrant and out of sight of anyone who took photos of that area except one person so time for me is unknown.
Here’s the “why’s”:
The blue pickup matches everything Musser did and says he did during this period. It is captured in all of the pictures and videos taken that recorded him.
Sciacca is confirmed at the Shrine in the very first part of the Hulburd video when Yowell refers to him as “Tony”. At that point as the camera pans around (and before the first inconvenient cut) there is only one white hat visible and it shows the PFWFD truck parked up (helmet shape and logo match the driver caught driving it past Panebaker earlier). It is also seen in all videos and pictures captured at the places he and others said he was present. By the way, I really don’t think he was the overhead who told the evacuating drivers in the Youth Camp to leave the FF as they couldn’t run fast enough.
Reyes told Cordes about the deployment. He was Engine Boss of Central Yavapai ENG 59. The guy with that shirt on is in all the right places in Story and Lees photos to have been him.
Compare the dude looking away from the camera in Swartz 1843 at the RHR rally point. Clothing, haircut pattern, radio harness to the guy in the RR video. I think they are the same guy just without the helmet. The guy at the rally point has to be Rance Marquez and I think Carrouthers is the other whit helmet in that group.
Frisby is not the guy in the RR video with the ball cap. He is a lot slighter build and he never took his helmet or glasses off at RHR. If you look at him and True in the third Hulburd video when they are waiting at the Shrine deciding to break through you can see many traits of the guy who isn’t True and they do not match that guy in the RR video. Those two BR Hotshots in that video have to be Frisby and Brown.
The RHR rally point is shown in Swartz 1843 and 1844.
Who is “briefing” Trueheart Brown in the Story photos? I really think it could be Cordes. More on that line of thinking later!
Thanks again for indulging me and I apologise if this is raking over ground you feel is already put to bed. If it is please say so and I’ll stop commenting!!
Forgot my most compelling piece of reasoning why the guy with the ballcap in the RR video cannot be Frisby……d’uh!
Look at the Hulburd video when they are in Shrine deciding to break through. The two BR Hotshots have to be Frisby and Brown. If you look at the guy walking away to where the propane tank is venting (who is Brian Frisby), look at the bottom of his trousers. They are at the top of his boots (i.e. they look short). the guy in the RR videos trousers go down all the way over his boots. He also has a different larger, more solid belt buckle.
If you then start looking in the first couple of RHR Tom Story photos for the guy with shorter trousers and his helmet and dark framed safety glasses on, you can find him right there – to the left of Brown talking to the mystery overhead.
I just posted a response to this ( and your other November 12 post directly above ) up at the top as a new ‘parent comment’, to get more ‘column space’ for the ‘Reply.
My full ‘Reply’ is here…
Just a quick reply to let you know I’m working on longer replies to ALL of this… you just caught me at a moment when I have some other pressing issues. I’ll get there.
A LOT of this “ground” is definitely NOT “put to bed”… in my mind.
I have arrived at certain conclusions based on the evidence ( and I will explain WHY, as you requested )… but as you know yourself… a LOT of this still comes down to playing white-helmet-whack-a-mole and relying on frustrating photos that aren’t good enough to actually positive-ID faces.
>> OZWFF said…
>> Tony Sciacca was driving the white PFWFD truck with the covered tray;
Agree. THAT is actually one detail from the M2U00264 video that can, in my opinion, be put to bed.
And once you look at the video and accept that aspect of it… matching the Poxy Blue Truck ( PBT ) to OPS2 Paul Musser becomes simpler.
Longer reply on that coming as well but the ‘short story’ there has to do with ‘headlight reflections’.
There are moments in that video, when Hulburd was occasionally panning EAST, that it APPEARS as if some ‘headlights’ are coming EAST on Shrine Road… and it’s easy to assume that might be the PBT coming in from the east with some other unknown white-helmet driving it.
That is NOT what’s happening there.
It’s an illusion.
It is the headlights of the 2 engines and Peeples Valley Water tender all reflecting off the BACKS of the vehicle in FRONT of them that make it APPEAR as if some headlights are coming FROM the east.
During that video… vehicles are only EXITING the area.
Nothing ever comes “in from the east”.
So forget the fact that some frame-by-frame enhancements DO show that the PBT driver had a black-strap on the front of his WHITE helmet ( just like Musser’s helmet ) and the same frame-by-frame enhancements DO appear to show the driver had a ‘grey mustache’. ( just like Musser’s )…
If no vehicles came in FROM the EAST during that video… that means the PBT had to be right there all along parked BEHIND Hulburd and his camera, and it means it’s the only vehicle that Paul Musser could have possibly used to leave the area.
More later.
Agreed! I also forgot to mention Musser stated in his interview with ADOSH that he “parked around the corner”. Which would also support why the PBT (hahahaaa!) isn’t visible.
My posts keep ending up in moderation, so trying again.
First my sincere thanks to all who contribute on this thread, right from the beginning. I have read all of it.
September 2019 I had the honour to be able to hike the GMIHC Memorial Trail to the deployment site and spend some time with them. I also had the opportunity shortly afterwards to hike the South Canyon Memorial Trail and spend time with the Storm King Fallen 14 too.
I am piecing together in my mind all of the events of June 28-30 2013 with a view to learn from all of the factors involved as best I can. I do have a question for you guys which I hope you may be able to answer. It involves trying to identify a particular individual who seemed central to the SAR effort launched from the RHR.
He first appears in Tom Story photo 1678 with his back to the camera talking with (I believe) Trueheart Brown next to the BR Polaris. He is then seen walking towards and then standing in front of Darryl Willis’ Prescott Fire truck in Tom Story photos 1682-1887 with a good profile shot of him in 1685. He has grey hair and appears to have the big moustache and is wearing glasses. He is then in subsequent “huddle” photos with Willis where he is standing on the right edge of the huddle. Finally he appears to be the individual leaning on the open tailgate of the rear RHR Tom Story sequence of photos 1692-1702 which have a huddle of (I believe) Musser, Sciacca, Philbin and one other standing at the front. I believe that truck is also the one Musser was driving but I’m not 100% on that!
I don’t think he is any of the following people:
Todd Abel – he hasn’t arrived yet in this sequence, has he? But this guy does look a lot like him
Paul Musser – already identified
Gary Cordes – already departed RHR on his mission to “find” GMIHC when photo sequence begins
Roy Hall – was never there
Darrell Willis – not there initially and then arrives in his Prescott truck
Rance Marquez – doesn’t look like him (wrong colour shirt and was still wearing radio harness in RR video)
Tony Sciacca – already identified
Cougan Carrouthers – this guys looks too old
My thanks in advance and also my thanks for your dedication!
Reply to OZWFF post on November 1, 2020 at 2:38 pm
>> OZWFF said…
>> I am piecing together in my mind all of the events of June 28-30 2013
>> with a view to learn from all of the factors involved as best I can.
>> I do have a question for you guys which I hope you may be able to
>> answer. It involves trying to identify a particular individual
>> who seemed central to the SAR effort launched from the RHR.
>> He first appears in Tom Story photo 1678 with his back to the camera
>> talking with (I believe) Trueheart Brown next to the BR Polaris.
You’re talking about the ‘chunky’ guy with the big butt and the fairly clean, bright yellow/orange Nomex shirt, right?
Yes, he does appear to be talking with Blue Ridge Hotshot Trueheart Brown at the moment the photo was taken.
I believe that is Byron Kimball, the FBAN who was assigned to Yarnell that day.
Here is a PUBLIC photo of Kimball ( published by Arizona Forestry ) from about the knees up… showing body type as well as his FACE…
Same ‘chunky’ appearance, same mustache, same face.
Byron Kimball’s testimony to ADOSH also matches his presence and the timeframe there at the Ranch House Restaurant parking lot.
He describes how he had been ‘listening in’ on the conversations and the ‘huddles’ going on there at the RHR ( as the Tom Story photos show him doing ).
He even says he was “watching the guys talk to Brendan ( McDonough )” three or four times trying to figure out exactly where Granite Mountain might be, since the botched MAYDAY calls circa 4:39 PM from Jesse Steed, Robert Caldwell and Eric Marsh all failed to provide proper location information.
Q1 = Barry Hicks, ADOSH Investigator
A = Byron Kimball, FBAN, Yarnell, June 30, 2013
1597 A: …Um, go down to Ranch House restaurant
1598 tie in with ah, Todd there and start to assist however I could there
1599 um, just basically being a, either a contact back to – back to the base…
1601 Q1: Mm-hm.
1603 A: As we’re there we get hit, I want to say four different times by – by a flame
1604 front as it comes into Glen Ilah and column lays over on top of us and I know
1605 I had to – I had to move my – I had to move my truck at least once from –
1606 from…
1608 Q1: Is that right?
1610 A: …sitting on the – sitting on the wrong side of the road to get it on the other side
1611 of the highway. And ah, um, watching the guys get – get – talk ta- to Brendan
1612 three or four times where was the last time you saw him…
1614 Q1: Mm-hm.
1616 A: …where was, you know, trying to get reference as to how they could get set up
1617 to go in…
1619 Q1: Uh-huh.
1621 A: …and – and get him. They had a – they had a rescue team completely set up…
1623 Q1: They did know where they were at that point?
1625 A: They – they didn’t know specifically where they were.
1627 Q1: Uh-huh.
1629 A: They had an idea in terms of where were they – where was the last time
1630 Brendan saw them…
1632 Q1: Uh-huh.
1634 A: And – and where was that on the map and ah, versus, you know, did he know
1635 where they were planning on going…
1637 Q1: Did he know where they were planning on going?
1639 A: I do – I do not know if he was aware of what they had planned to use as their
1640 access route…
1642 Q1: Mm-hm.
1644 A: …down from – from where they were.
1646 Q1: Uh-huh.
1648 A: Um, I at the time I didn’t realize that that’s who – that’s that who it was…
1650 Q1: Right.
1652 A: …or what his job was…
1654 Q1: Sure.
1656 A: …Ah, and I was looking with my – I had a couple of – of State employees there
1657 that were going to be involved in – going in part of the rescue um, could hear
1658 the – the DPS ship and air attack talking and trying to figure out where they
1659 were and get in.
1661 Q1: Mm-hm.
>> OWFF also said…
>> He is then seen walking towards and then standing in front of Darryl
>> Willis’ Prescott Fire truck in Tom Story photos 1682-1887 with a good
>> profile shot of him in 1685.
In 1685, the guy with his right ‘hand on his hip’ standing in front of Darrell Willis’ red/white Prescott pickup truck which had just arrived at the RHR.
Another still-unidentified FF ( with the reddish helmet ) is leaning in the passenger side of Willis’ pickup and talking to Willis.
SIDENOTE: There are actually a number of FFs seen in the Tom Story RHR photo sets that have still not been identified.
>> OWFF also said..
>> He has grey hair and appears to have the big moustache and is wearing
>> glasses. He is then in subsequent “huddle” photos with Willis where he
>> is standing on the right edge of the huddle.
Yes… such as Tom Story 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691
!691 catches him ( Kimball? ) looking back towards the camera as they all listen to the ‘gesturing’ Central Yavapai FF and, while slightly out-of-focus, is a good look at his full face.
Good enough that anyone who knows him at all should/would be able to easily identify him, and good enough to say the face SEEMS to match other public photos of Byron Kimball.
>> OWFF also said..
>> Finally he appears to be the individual leaning on the open tailgate of
>> the rear RHR Tom Story sequence of photos 1692-1702…
That appears to be where he ended up after the ‘huddles’ that took place in front of Willis’ pickup.
>> … which have a huddle of (I believe) Musser, Sciacca,
>> Philbin and one other standing at the front.
Left to right in that ‘huddle’…
– Black ball cap? Could be Brendan McDonough? That would match Kimball’s ADOSH testimony about “the guys talking to Brendan”.
– White Helmet – Musser?
– Tall guy with red helmet and black harness straps with back to camera is most likely Dan Philbin.
– White Helmet, shorter than other White Helmet. Could be Sciacca.
>> I believe that truck is also the one Musser was driving
>> but I’m not 100% on that!
No.. That white truck was not Musser’s.
Paul Musser was driving a dark-navy-blue pickup that day with a big ‘Arizona Forestry’ magnetic sign ( complete with Arizona flag background ) pasted on the side(s).
>> I don’t think he is any of the following people:
>> Todd Abel – he hasn’t arrived yet in this sequence, has he?
No, he ( Abel ) had not arrived at the RHR yet.
>> OWFF also said..
>> But this guy does look a lot like him
The guy in question is a lot ‘chunkier’ than Todd Abel and more of a match for Byron Kimball than Abel.
>> OWFF also said..
>> Paul Musser – already identified
>> Gary Cordes – already departed RHR on his mission to
>> “find” GMIHC when photo sequence begins
>> Roy Hall – was never there
>> Darrell Willis – not there initially and then arrives in his Prescott truck
>> Rance Marquez – doesn’t look like him (wrong colour shirt and was
>> still wearing radio harness in RR video)
>> Tony Sciacca – already identified
>> Cougan Carrouthers – this guys looks too old
Definitely not any of those people. No ‘face match’ or ‘body type’ matches.
I’m just curious… where ( and when? ) in the RR ( Russ Reason ) video do you think
you are seeing DIVSZ Rance Marquez?
I didn’t know he ( Marquez ) was anywhere in that particular video.
Just for reference ( and for anyone who has not seen the photos being discussed in the post above )… here is a link to the folder in the public evidence Dropbox with all the Tom Story photos mentioned above…
Here is an article about Arizona State Forestry employee Byron Kimball that appeared just 2 days ago in Arizona’s SW Valley Times…
SW Valley Times
Article Title: Byron Kimball earns $19,845 in overtime pay during 2018 at the Department of Forestry and Fire Management
Published: Sunday, November 8, 2020
From that article…
Byron Kimball earned $19,845 in overtime pay working for the ( Arizona ) Department of Forestry and Fire Management during 2018, according to data compiled by The Arizona Republic about more than 150,000 public employees.
Byron Kimball earned an average of $382 per week from overtime pay.
The public employee who received the most in Arizona–Jeffrey C. Clement–earned $108,884 in overtime pay as the police sergeant for the city of Phoenix.
The 100 highest overtime paid Arizona public employees during 2018…
( snip )
List of 100 employees and their 2018 overtime earnings
( /snip )
Many thanks for your comprehensive reply! I find it interesting it could be Byron Kimball and I agree there are similarities.also thinking it could actually be Gary Cordes and I’ll lay out my reasoning below.
First to your question about Rance Marquez in the RR video. I recall there was a lot of discussion about that video (mainly between you and Marti) back in the day. As part of that discussion I think one of you said Marquez is in the video at arouns the 1:38 mark stepping behind the Blue Ridge Hotshot and hiding when he sees the camera turned towards him. That persons appearance, clothing and radio harness matched your belief of what Marquez looked like. So I have taken that person to be him – my apologies if this view has subsequently changed and I missed it!
Onto the vehicle Paul Musser was driving that afternoon. I have obviously missed where you have come to the conclusion it was the blue Arizona pick up. The last I saw you discussing that vehicle it seemed you believed Cougan Carrouthers and/or Rance Marquez were operating it. I also believe Musser was driving a different vehicle. A white Prescott Fire Wildland Division Ford F-250 with a red stripe and a hard top on the load tray, a quad cab and grey wheels. Did he “requisition” it? Thought process below:
1. It is clearly parked at the ICP in the ADOSH ASFD Misc150050_919 photo. So Musser (as well as others) would have had access to it.
2. It is seen passing Panebaker on Hays heasding east in the 15572 video with what looks like it could be Musser driving it.
3. On to Hulberds video at the Shrine. When he pans down the street towards where his and the other Prescotteers vehicles are you can see that same truck parked there too. Musser is caught in that sequence and then watches it being moved by someone else up towards the entry to the youth camp with great interest. Finally, when they decide to evacuate everyone, as the camera pans back down the street you can see what looks to me like Musser running towards that same vehicle which then has disappeared from view in the next camera pass.
4. Finally in Tom Storys photos (1702 is a good example) you can see the same vehicle parked on the left edge in front of the RHR.
All that leads me to believe that was Mussers truck but I concede the blue Arizona one is also in the “right places at the right times” however this one seems to fit more unless you have something more substantial someone else was driving that truck in those timeframes!
Onto Cordes. My understanding of his timeline (photos/video, his award interview and his ADOSH interview) put him 2 miles north of Yarnell in his distinctive truck on HWY 89 at 1616. Your crossfade on Youtube puts him heading south on HWY 89 circa 1645 which would be after his “Norton Way evacuation”. I think this is a little late because if you examine the RR video you can actually see his truck parked in the background behind the white ones in that first camera pass looking south at 00:29 – I think this is when he is hearing about the deployment from E-59 and his truck is completely visible at the end of the RR video shot from a different angle.
All of this puts his truck at RHR before the “confirmed” time of the photo taken by Michelle Lee at 1645.
Now for the interesting bit. His truck is no longer there in the Michelle Lee 1648 photo. So is this when he took off to Glen Ilah for his “rescues”? I personally think there is a plausible alternate. He said himself he started these rescues arouns 1620 and never went back to Glen Ilah afterwards. Also the David Kadlubowski photo taken later shows his truck parked at the south end in front of the RHR next to the water tanker. So between 1645 and 1648 did he just move and park his truck in front of Mussers and then walk back to brief Frisby and Brown on the rescue mission? Their initial attempts being to break through in Glen Ilah?
Thanks again for your work and I would appreciate your thoughts on what I have come up with here!
Further thoughts regarding why I believe the blue pickup isn’t Mussers. In the Hulberd video at the Shrine, the evacuation has been ordered and Musser has already left (see above thoughts regarding him running to the white Ford). Musser is no longer present in this video except as possibly being the driver of the blue pickup.
This blue pick up then seems to arrive as it’s pointing towards the Youth Camp and the driver appears to ask Yowell if all the crews are out yet – not a question someone would ask Yowell if they had been standing next to him for the preceding 5 minutes or so as Musser was.
The voice of the driver also sounds different to Mussers when compared to his “it’s raining in Skull Valley” statement. Finally, even though the quality of the video is poor, the view of the driver as he turns the pickup around doesn’t seem to show Mussers striking moustache or the black band on the peak of his helmet.
I hope all that makes sense!
The San Bernadino Sun
Article Title: Agency says Big Bear Hotshots crew boss died when flames burned over him
Published: October 28, 2020 at 4:29 p.m – By: Brian Rokos
From the article…
The Big Bear Hotshots crew boss who died fighting the El Dorado fire in the San Bernardino Mountains was killed when flames overwhelmed him, the U.S. Forest Service said.
The information was contained in what is known as the “72 Hour Report” that is filed three days after a USFS fatality but is not immediately released publicly. It is posted on the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center website under the Incident Review Database.
Charles Edward Morton, 39, a firefighter for 18 years, died near Angelus Oaks.
“On September 17, 2020 while conducting suppression efforts, it appears he was burned over by the fire and passed away,” the report said.
It provided no further narrative of how the burn over happened.
Imani Lester, a Forest Service spokeswoman in Washington, D.C., said in a phone interview on Wednesday, Oct. 28, that no additional information was available. The investigation is being slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which she said is making it difficult for investigators to meet.
The ‘word on the street’ is still that Morton was killed during a manual firing operation gone bad, and he got ‘trapped’ in a corner of the burnout.
The article also contains an ‘update’ from the San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Office regarding their search for missing Big Bear Hotshot Carlos Baltazar.
Looks like they have now simply given up looking for him.
Baltazar went missing on September 20, 2020, just days before the memorial service for his squad boss Charles Morton. Baltazar’s family said publicly that he was very distraught over Morton’s death, and even confided to them before he disappeared that “Maybe it was his fault.”
From the article…
Also Wednesday, the Sheriff’s Department said that missing Big Bear Hotshots crew member Carlos Baltazar has not been located. He was reported missing Sept. 20 while off duty and reportedly was upset by Morton’s death.
“He is not considered missing under any suspicious circumstances. There has never been any indication of foul play. No one has had contact with him,” sheriff’s spokeswoman Jodi Miller said in an email.
The actual ( official ) ’72 Hour Report’ on Morton’s death is at the link below…
Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
El Dorado Fire Fatality
Incident Date: 9/17/2020
State :California
Incident Type: Unknown
And here is a direct link to the ’72 Hour Report’ PDF file itself…
Another indication that the San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Office is basically ‘giving up’ in their search for Big Bear Hotshot Carlos Baltazar is at the link below.
The family of Carlos Baltazar has now started their own public ‘GoFundMe’ campaign with the stated goal of raising enough money so the family can hire a private investigator to continue the search for Carlos.
Families don’t usually make that move until they are told by the authorities that they are basically ‘giving up’, or at least not willing to devote any more resources towards their own search efforts.
Fundraiser Title: Help Bring Carlos Baltazar Home
Organizer: Veronica Baltazar
As of today, this public campaign has raised $3,270 of its $35,000 goal.
Fred said,
You really are a piece of s**t Gary most of the time! Your latest arrogant pieces of work on IM proved that by attacking Joy especially and me, accusing us as being the problem and alluding to wildland fire arsonists. Are you f**king kidding me? WTF!?
Joy A. Collura has done more as a housewife hiker to collect and expose the truth about the YH Fire and GMHS debacle than anyone else in the world What have you provided?
And then your lapdog Woodsman immediately grovels right in there sucking up and supporting your libelous false accusations.
These were so unacceptable and vile that JD found it necessary to remove them so I can’t even refer back to them.
You are a royal, class A f**king bully with no respect for anyone but yourself and those that believe the way you do. Always have been …
I’d post this on IM but I’m still unable to post anything for some reason. I will eventually
I’m withdrawing my help on your book. I want to avoid any connection to you
And I replied,
I will go post it for you if I can. You are operating on bad information but my response to you just got accidentally deleted somehow and my IPad says my ICloud is full, whatever that means?
I really can’t face correcting you by re-writing my explanation again right now, but I will later. Or maybe I shouldn’t bother since you have already heard enough from Joy in order to make up your mind?
If those posts have been deleted, I know from HAL 9000 posting in the past that there is something called the Wayback machine where you might be able to recover them?
And since I officially quit working on my book yesterday after that episode with Joy, and took down my website, I don’t think I will miss your help on my book.
I also asked the Good Lord to strike me down dead if I ever posted on IM again after yesterday and so I am going to have some explaining to do since I am posting this. Maybe I can get a waiver…I’ll ask?
To All,
Please be advised. This project has been suspended until I feel like working on it again because I am sick and tired of hearing about and thinking about the Yarnell Hill Fire Disaster and all of the other fire disasters as well. I need a new and healthier outlook on life and fortunately for me, I have all of the money and time I need to do anything I want to do. I have been interested in visiting Vientiane and the Plain of Jars for some time now since I have been reading about our secrete war in Laos. So…
Oh…and one more thing. My posts were just replies to Joy posts, so I think it was Joy’s way out of line posts that JD took down and my replies just went with them. Let’s wait and see when she is able to post here again. Like I wrote…you are operating under bad information.
To All,
I deeply regret to have to inform you that even though I am only on Chapter 2 of my long awaited and highly acclaimed tome about wildland firefighters in general and hotshots in particular, “Betrayed by Our Fire Gods,” I am already experiencing serious mission creep because I believe that everything I think about the subject is just so damn important that I hate to leave anything out and so I am now one month behind. And as a result, Chapter 2 will be published on December 1, 2020. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Sincerely yours,
Yes Gary–do take your time–the book that you are writing is of supreme importance and with your knowledge and those you know the book may require 700 pages or more to do it justice. The ideas you have and what goes on in the wild land fire fighting career is certain to inspire many, inform many and save some lives as well. Thanks for your honesty in all your posts-
-I am sorry I never got to know your father even though I had worked in the same Section 30, Kerr McGhee shaft that he worked. He deserved a hero’s medal since the earliest work was highly dangerous. Uranium mining in that area killed quite a number of miners–I don’t have the count but it was a war zone–some killed while I worked there and injuries were common. I believe he would have been a great boss and most that I had were good men that really cared about the miners just as you and so many that contribute to this site care about the wild land fire fighter.
It is a sad situation when firefighters are killed due to negligence and even worse when the issues are not faced head on. Skirting the truth only increases the likelihood of more of the same.
It really is hard to lay blame when this game of deceit and white wash goes clear up to the even those running for President. Main media is even working to hold down facts where one of the oldest newspapers around, the NY Post, is forbidden to post facts about the Biden crimes revealed by the left behind Hunter Biden laptop. It is obvious how the Biden family got rich through Joe being Vice President and in collusion with his son was able to solicit millions from corporate businesses including not only the Ukraine crime, but also China and people in Russia. Just as the 19 were killed and the truth has been throttled, so has the ongoing Biden enrichment crimes. You come to understand that these politicians use their kin to take the bribes and money from nefarious dealings and set much of it aside in accounts that are family–kind of like the Mafia does things to hide and launder money through shell companies.
Well there are now more sources and a couple fellows that went to prison while Hunter did not as a player in their money games. Hell he has pictures of himself smoking crack which would send a poor bloke to prison alone but a Russian Lady forking over 3.2 million, getting 83 grand a month on the Ukraine game, and more millions from the Chinese to a crack smoker that has with Joe Biden been making deals–yet even the FBI has known about this since December of 2019 and not made a move. But that Trump has the goods on them I wonder if the public would actually vote for such an organized Crime Family as the Biden group. Even the Aunts and Uncles were drawing on monies set aside with their plastic cards. Yet you now understand why Harris is the chosen golden girl–you have to know there is plenty of collusion involved on her part–especially with her husband in bed with the Chinese to the tune of millions more. More golden toilet seats, but I wonder how long and whether some will be in 12×12 grey cells with stainless steel toilets with not seats at all. They do deserve them, but likely like Epstein was treated in Florida, they will be treated quite well with days off and a nice bunk and big TV at night.
If nothing else, it is quite entertaining–yet has over time been disastrous for this country. The greed and insider cronyism has pretty much screwed the working stiff and middle classes giving them the burden of taxes and kept the young in harms way with continuous wars. Obvious that Pompeo is demonizing China, Russia, Iran and Venezuela at every opportunity. Putting the 7th fleet into the China seas now and arming Taiwan and so many war ships there that a China war is in the making and what the war industry is pushing for. This one with China may not be so easy and could easily turn into a nuclear ordeal.
Trump ought to back off with the bullshit on this one. China has 1.39 billion and could afford to loose our total population of 303 million and still have a population of over 1 Billion. Then you have Russia with enough nukes to decimate the world 40 times over or more–so that million dollar Georgia Guidestone of the Rosicrucian idea might just be the albatross signaling what might just soon be the world population.
But by some slime chance this hopefully will not come about–yet Murphy’s Law says it will.
Slim chance of no war not slime chance. The slime is in our political offices.
Thank you Sonny.
And yes, I have given up on politics myself. I was never interested in politics before a couple of years ago and now I have gone back to being apolitical. It’s not my dogfight.
Dear Joy,
My 22 years working in federal law enforcement, about 2 years working for a sheriff’s department, the Arizona State Peace Officers Academy, a Bachelor of Science in Police Administrations, Uniformed Police Officers Training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center as well as Criminal Investigators Training Program in addition to 22 1 week in-service training sessions plus more than 2 dozen advanced specialized training seminars told taught me what I know.
And all of that taught me a basic investigator’s skill, mentally ill people who commit mayhem of all kinds including murders, but arsonists are especially prone to do this, often show up at the scene of their crimes while those crimes are being investigated to insert themselves into the situation or investigation because they get off being close to the mayhem they caused.
Weird, freaky, crazy people just show up out of nowhere and do all kinds of things to be noticed and one way they do this is engage law enforcement or fire people on the scene in what appear to be random and innocent conversations while they pretend to be helpful.
These same mentally ill people also go to the funerals of their victims for example, and that is why law enforcement will video record funerals and public viewings and record license plate numbers of those who attend. Those same people also often call up to the authorities as witnesses trying to be helpful in order to play a game while they try to find out how much law enforcement knows or they just show up at random times and engage victims, families and others in seemingly random, innocent or helpful conversations because you know…they get off on it because they are fuckin’ crazy.
In short Joy, CRAZY and MENTALLY ILL people often do exactly what you did the other day and that is why that deputy took down your contact information. It was just in case the USFS Special Agents who are investigating that fire want to open a file on you. You’re welcome.
You know Joy, people who think I’m smart and like it when I tell it like it is, can’t just like me when I say or do things that align with what they think or want to hear. Well…I guess they can, but that means they are being disingenuous to themselves and me.
And guess what…I’m not a nice person and I’m not here to add to my Christmas card list. The American people never paid me to be a nice person. They paid me to do the hard things that they couldn’t do or didn’t want to do themselves and I don’t give a fuck if you or anyone else likes me or approves of me or not. You’re welcome. I also think you might be more than just a little Arizona Road Lizard CRAZY, but that is just one of the things that I love about you. 😎
I agree with you that the system is broken in many areas. I understand why you are doing what you’re doing. I disagree with threatening to identify people who work in the system, namely me, who have come here anonymously to help give context, answer questions, and vent their frustrations along side regular folks who believe something is wrong when we lose almost an entire hotshot crew on a wildfire. Threatening to expose people, for no reason other than you can, doesn’t make them want to help you. This is one of the reasons I essentially do not contribute here any longer. The other being I don’t have any other thoughts on why GM got themselves killed.
Oh…and one more thing. You and Fred with your implied threats really should get one thing straight, “slander” is the spoken word and “libel” is the written word. So…
Gary–I know there are more than a few law officers that would not compromise the truth. However it has become obvious that many departments have crossed the line. Looking at the body cameras of an arrest in Phoenix and the list of six felonies charged against one Savnnah Ratham–if it was spelled correctly on the captions I depend upon–were totally fabricated. If you see the situation played out on You Tube–it is obvious this lady was protesting, therefore the police tackled her in their full protective regalia. The sad part is that the DA there had listed the charges after watching the video. It is then becomes obvious prosecutors there are partners in criminal activity–namely knowingly laying out false charges on people and realizing they can do it without repercussions. To me this seems to stink of cronyism–the very thing that has bled over into the fire official and investigative people.
It is one thing when people break the law–But it is a worse travesty when law enforcers create lies in order to put people away. Certain the injustices that have lingered without protest and I say damn the slave owner mentality–It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since its inception generally by the British Land Owners including even George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They certainly protected the land owner and provided themselves with slave labor–something we even have these days when we saw prison sentences extended in California so free labor could be had for wild land fire fighting–and even the building of that trail that extends over the Weaver Range to where Marsh’s handiwork as a wild land fire fighter came to an end.
I think ;people just do not want to look at the nasty–and it is in our political, police, and federal systems that have come to a fester that needs recognition and the puss removed.
To err is one thing, but to blatantly concoct stories, hide facts, and frighten people’s jobs and well being just to maintain reputations built on lies has brought this country to protest.
I had to shake my head in wonder when Biden called Puten a killer when he is killing every day in Afghanistan and Iraq–not only the citizens of those foreign countries but our own soldiers. He pointed the finger and had 4 pointing back. So the war and police game go on–very lucrative but payback is always on the high ground.
Dear Joy,
I just read what you wrote to the Woodsman and I am having a hard time processing the threat you made to him. Where did that come from? His comment to you couldn’t have been more benign towards you since he was just trying to help you to understand that I was just trying to be helpful to you until you pissed me off with your implied threats.
As you know, there have been long standing associations here on this thread of like minded people and one AI. HAL 9000 usually processes information the same way I think about it as does the Woodsman and I. Not on all things all of the time, but on most. And likewise, the other longstanding “team” here was Bob and Fred until Bob left and then you and Fred became a team, usually against me because you and Fred usually think differently than I do about most subjects.
I really was just trying to help you understand that showing up at the temporary workplace of Abel et al and haranguing his temporary supervisor couldn’t have been more out of line. If you want to talk about legal exposure for slander and libel, you need to go see Fred’s attorneys that he keeps on retainer to get some legal advice about what you did and are continuing to do.
You have moved beyond the theoretical by your accusations against them here on this thread that has a readership of a couple of dozen hard core readers into the real world and your behavior is continuing to escalate. And I’m afraid of what you are going to do next to yourself because you have moved into “legal restraint” territory with the entire Yavapai County Fire Cosa Nostra if not something more damaging to youself legally.
What are you going to do to top showing up at a checkpoint and making wild accusations against Abel et al? That IC doesn’t have any control over who they send him to fight that fire except in the most extreme cases. He is just a little cog in a gigantic machine like everyone else is, and that includes those at the top like Legarza was. He is just doing like everybody does who is part of the system and that is play the hand that he gets dealt as best he can. Are you going to show up on the fire line next and start directing wildland firefighters who are just trying to put the fire out?
I really would like to help you as I have for years. You have written many times about his lucky I am to have my pension and how much you wish you had one too. I get that from a lot of people who find out about my situation. Do you know how I got here? I started out in 1974 and then until May of 2006 I never turned down an hour of overtime or an opportunity to put myself into the next level where I had to eat bigger and bigger shit sandwiches with less bread and more shit every time I took the next step. And I had to eat those shit sandwiches while jumping through every hoop the system put in front of me like a trained dog until they told me to stop.
We all have choices in life and you have made some bad ones. I wish I could help you, I really do. Unfortunately you are beyond my help but you should at least talk to Fred or better yet, Sonny and LISTEN to them instead of talking over them as you are inclined to do before you go any further off the rails. I wish I could help you, but I can’t and this thread is no longer entertaining or helpful to my understanding how in this day and age an entire hotshot crew was destroyed.
I am also going to have to put a lot of thought into whether or not I even want to continue writing on my stupid book since I am sick and tired of all of this nonsense. Yes…when I get poked in the eye with a sharp stick, I react the only way I know how and that is the same way that kept me in the game from 1974 until 2006. I made my choices in life and you are making yours. You really should take a long hard look at where you are at with your health and mentally and start making some better ones.
Sincerely your friend,
Oh…and one more thing.
The blog I began with contributing authors has been under construction this year
Mainly because I am not a blog person and take the time to mend it
I had been placing data out while other WFs and FFs and Yarnell Homeowners got to also share along with others their accounts.
The recent passing of Dewey mattered to me. I was gonna make my next post “Dewey Matter?” and talk about what happened on this trip…
I was in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina the past nine days to gain in person YHF data and little r and r too.
In the past two weeks, I learned a new entity who was on the YHF and I am about to pull those records. What was interesting was in this one was how a young nephew spoke about the shelter pics and I was like the purity of our youth- thank you- because we will see how honest the adults will be as I pull another record. If this pans out, I think Pfingston and Neill and Sinclair will be relieved to see what just happened—
I personally will not add Harwood to the loop above because I am not into him being tied to Pfingston and all this they knew about the GPS Units and never took it further all these years when it is all these lives that died.
What has happened…
It was a God moment.
Now, I am not a part of the blog. I was adding records this Summer 2020. I am not even able to log in because I placed it under another’s number to log in and I am not privy to it. Yet, I gave the reign to others so I can listen to Gary and tend to my health. If it comes down to where I am fully out on the blog I will do a legal paper transition but right now it belongs to others and I am not able to even get on-
Yes it is amazing how so much evidence about the YHF is still being found out by Joy’s efforts. These are people that were on the fire yet because the SAIT and SAIR people had their story lined up they did not need or want any evidence. Accidents that kill people don’t need evidence to their way of thinking. They knew what to say to keep the boat steady.
It is in vogue to lie these days. Biden got caught –and even with his degree of senility he can not forget his son was getting 80 thousand a month to be on the board of a crooked corporation that needed to access VP Biden. Hunter Biden, being a cocaine addict got careless and did not bother to retrieve a laptop he left to get repaired but either forgot or with his money bought another while he was off on one of his many trips–looks like about 50 with the Secret Service along to different countries. I would imagine those were on tax payer dollars and military planes and escort.
But Biden’s angry denial when asked if he met with these crooks and if he had anything to do with holding back the billion in aid if the Ukraine government did not fire the prosecutor after the company of crooks that Hunter was sucking 80 grand a month off of for favor from Joe. Well he can’t deny now the left behind hard drive proves they did meet after Hunter arranged with his Dad–and who knows what else they got in off VP Joe if they could afford to pay Hunter 80 grand a month just to get favor from the VP Joe. The prosecutor was fired so Ukraine could get the billion, but what kind of chicanery will this Joe Biden do if he becomes President. Maybe even worse than Trump.
And main media would you believe is doing everything to disparage NY Post and the story that even has photos Hunter took of himself with a crack pipe along with sexually explicit photos he left behind. The dope makes people careless.
Twitter and Google and so forth are censoring anything about the story but it will come out despite their hopes to get Biden into office.
oh and I want people to know the Type I Engine mentioned – the lease from Wickenburg for my town in Congress – Chief stated something but my pc locked up and I have to get some eyewitness testimonies
This Fire will be a shining example of pure documents from the start—
Federal Land with State on it too-
Just helping another out 😉
I have more to tell but too short on time and pc bandwidth is just way too slow so I utilized my time online to document and save.
That Fire is ripping up ground today. It would give Gary a hard on. 🙂 lol. Never seen anything like it in October.
That area you are talking about NW of Crown King is one of the most dangerous for fighting fires–not much access there and that narrow road in and out is lined on all sides with some of the densest manzanita found. And easy trap for sure and as long as it can be contained in the manaznita it ought to be allowed to burn. I hope they learned a lesson from the Yarnell Fire–those fire blankets in that area would be absolutely useless–When in that area prospecting I was always concerned of a wildfire that could trap you with no way out–there were almost no escape routes if it is the area I am thinking about.
Fires everywhere–are these drone induced. I watched people use a drone with a torch to remotely burn off some debris from a high voltage power line that had potential to cause trouble. They were watching it work on their camera and I see now they do not need men in there laying out burns, drone technology works for fire starting just as well as it works to knock off people thousands of miles away.
I see Bloomberg is contributing 100 million to the Biden campaign–that after he spent 2 Billion on his own failed effort to become President. The Biden crime family is being found out now with much publication about his chicanery with his son concerning the Ukraine. These fellows have been robbing the taxpayer for 40 years with various under the table operations to make themselves filthy rich.
Meantime the common hard worker that has supported these criminal politicians is being put out on the street and some are even tying themselves to their apartment doors hoping to get some reprieve from being evicted. People are suffering while these bastards can spend 100 million and billions on their effort to be one of the crooks in control of the country. This is the shame of the nation that this money is not distributed among those now in dire need–after all these billionaires got there by skirting the taxes that these hard working citizens had paid. It is no wonder people are angry and waking up to see how they have been used and robbed of not only their freedoms but their jobs, health care, and bank accounts.
Then you see this Harris woman saying we have made it so hard on crime that we just fell short of hanging people for jaywalking. How much has she jaywalked and how much has her husband raked in with his partnership with the Chinese communist owned businesses. It is no wonder that she is cohorting with the Biden Crime Family. They all know the game of how to use the taxpayer and take bribes –then lay out big loans of tax monies with kickbacks in the million ranges. How else can Biden explain his millions and a crack smoking son that gets 80 grand a month from a Ukranian crooked business. Daddy gets half the take but 40 or 50 grand a month ought to keep his son in dope since most of the plane rides were on the tax payer.
Trump is beginning to look to be somewhat of an minor criminal aside the Biden group. Go listen to Juliani- his laptop hard drive of Hunter Biden and report–he has the goods on Biden. I suppose I can only scratch my head why anyone would bother to vote–this is my opinion–but especially when there are a few honest people out there that want to be President. Telsie Gabbard is not slouch or crook nor is Jesse Ventura–both above ground and wanting to work for the people. Even Joy Collura would make a good President compared to that bunch of rogues running the White House. In fact she ought to run for representative or mayor of Prescott just to give the crooks some problems.
Saliente and may the Irish Gods preserve or your Jesus, Allah, etc. if you prefer in this coming time of tribulation.
A big head scratching event –this process of electing a President. People are standing in line risking Covid they say because they want their voice to be heard. They want their particular brand of Liar in power? How soon they forgot that Trump actually lost the last election by above 3 million votes. Popular votes do not count and likely a good thing since you would have the blood thirsty war criminals in the Clinton group in charge. But don’t hold your breath thinking your vote has anything to do with electing the President–it is only there to make you think you have some say–you don’t and that is obvious when one side can win the popular vote by better than 3 million yet loose the election. The boys and girls that run the show have it down pat how to pacify the public = or do they?
I wish someone could convince me these are good honest and decent people running for President–It might be hard to do if you look at what they do –but you can not do that. Just about every action, meeting, etc. is classified–Jesse Ventura tells it like it is and says very few documents are unclassified and it is only a journalist like Assange or a person with conscience leaking the truth of all the criminal activity going on under the guise of national security classification.
Well Hunter Biden and his crack cocaine use and careless leaving behind the truth of our government operations and deception on the highest levels. But I do say if it makes you feel better voting have at it. I will wait until a decent candidate runs–which having been on my death bed more than once, well even twice, little chance. But I do believe not even my grand kids will see the opportunity to vote for and honest candidate not owned by the billionaires that care only about themselves or the influence they easily buy in the political world. It will take a total revolution and removal of the corporate oligarchy control to get the country back to the control of the people. Yet at this point they have pretty much moved the jobs out of this country to where labor is cheap–so flipping burgers or cleaning motels or working for the china shop at Wal Mart are the job opportunities beyond government work or being a cop or a military person or if you don’t mind joining the Political criminal group and go high enough you can get wealthy at the cost of your integrity. And about Wal Mart–most of that stuff is American subsidized products sent back from China.
And the Commies have done well for their people with the likes of all our Corporate enterprises raising the standard of living for the Chinese by moving our corporations over there. We enjoy the cheap goods but then whole towns like Detroit and other industrial cities have become slum towns due to the lack of jobs. So yes the Corporate Oligarchs give a shit less about the people of this country–and as their front man Biden says to the soldiers he address you are stupid. In other words you do not know the way to get rich and powerful like he has–except the rich often fight among themselves and Trump is really exposing the Biden-Obama-Clinton gang for who they really are.
Well fortunately they would not bother with a low life like Sonny Gilligan or any other veteran low on the totem unless it made them have a good public face. Smile Biden, you have been caught by your own devices same as Clinton–evil is too often uncovered these days.
Then it is in the timber? There are some areas nothing but dense manzanita, then the higher areas where the timber and some residences are. Very dry and hot at times, and real danger to get caught in there for those that have no experience on the range.
Juliani is Guiliani of NY–Trumps friend and lawyer really laying it on–truly Biden is a criminal of high order if this proves to be true–this is one the FBI is so far hushed on but ought to clean up a crime family–that laptop can’t be faked since it is full of photos and information only known by the Biden family.
Main media thinks Biden will win with a landslide–don’t people recognize this man is already in the early stage of senility? Already many doctors and Psychiatrists have made the diagnosis but you don’t have to be one to see that man often does not know where he is and says things way off base for a cookie cutter soul.
You ought to pity him but not vote for such a case notwithstanding his already criminal acts that his son’s laptop reveals. What has this country come to when mental cases and criminals have taken the reins?
Hopefully the FBI arrests him if he does make it to the Presidency. They are after all considered to be a non political operation although it seems they knew Trump was being set up by Hillary on the Russia thing and did nothing.
This is damn sad to live in a country with so much corruption and collusion among the people who are suppose to represent the people yet are doing everything to fill their own pockets and please the war crimes operations for the kickbacks they obviously get–even in the open by political contributions and with some even found out with hundreds of thousands hidden in such places as their home freezers.
The people and the tax payer are being robbed and the generations to come expected to pay a deficit produced by these bail outs and money heists to no end–in fact approaching a figure in the trillions beyond 30 that will make serfs of future generations beyond sight.
Seriously we are at the point of total bankruptcy and a state of collapse that is worse than the 30’s depression that took a good 10 years to come out of. It seems to me to have been planned by the billion and trillionair world corporate leaders and bankers and Insurance brokers who by now have pretty much collected all the wealth and control they could muster. Most of the middle and poor will be in soup lines having lost all they gained in property or savings.
Note that the big players in the stock market are moving into gold and hard assets.– Should tell you to get ready for some hard times.
And do not think that these billionaires on the world control levers have compunction for human lives. They see this world as highly overcrowded, their own lives as sacred and valuable, but those mainly of the world as eaters and polluters. The Georgia Guide Stones tell exactly what they would like the world to be and what they believe is the only optimum population to allow the planet to survive–500 million, which means to their way of thinking 6 Billion eaters and polluters need to be exterminated one way or another.
And he who has the gold makes the rules and owns and controls the Military and Police. How the plan will be carried out is being worked out and in operation with the tentative date at 2030 and the ultimate date 2050. Hang on Sloopy, Hang on!
May the Irish Gods do you well–Thor is releasing his hammer.
I did cancel my invitation to get the free Pfizer shot to protect against Covid. There are some old folks kicking off after getting the shot–Pfizer sent condolonces–but said they people that died were elderly with other complications that killed them–not the vaccine. Most have died immediately within hours but one lasted five days. Well as the doctor says, you have to weigh the benefits against the side effects and seems like you better check yourself to see if you have other complications before taking the shot.
My daughter dealt as a manager in this business of medicines–she says there are two varieties of vaccines–one company has an active virus component and the other I suppose Moderna has a fully synthetic vaccine. But who is to know–this vaccine might be a life saver for some but since I have too many complications like several past heart attacts, a lung shot out and COPD in the early stages not to mention radioactive bones from mining Uranium-maybe I ought to refuse the shot. But then I won’t be able to fly–it will be the slow boat should I want to visit my relatives in Ireland. But then who knows, you might not be able to get into Wal Mart if you don’t have a certificate.
Well this old gal that runs NM has the police keeping the people in line outside Wal Mart even in cold winds. There is a higher chance of getting Covid there since the wind will carry it to the fellow downwind from you in that line and the cold is bound to give some a good case of the flu. Where is her common sense? You can bet as governor she does not stand in line-
You fellows that suffered plenty of toxic retardant and smoke fumes could have side complications. It was only a few months after the Yarnell Fire and over a hundred hikes through that retardant dust that I fell dead with a heart attack. I blame the retardant–but then I did not until I noticed residents of Yarnell were getting ill and dying like flies. Whew, Joy has some ugly photos of resident diseases that will turn your stomach –there are plenty of reports of people suffering lung problems, heart attacks and cancer. In fact the photo she has of this particular person is a man who is a health advocate for years doing only organic foods. We both knew him before the retardant dumping and he got it right in his back yard. Now he is highly disfigured from cancer–figure that one out knowing he was in the best of health before the retardant dumps. I will not name him because of privacy issues but there is another statistic–just like so many of out other friends that are either dead or deathly ill.
And if you think this shit is not dangerous just sprinkle a few grains into your bowlfish bowl. Well don’t because they will go belly up in a few minutes.
I am writing this because I want it known what you wild land fire fighters are subjected too–the public needs to know that your life is not only endangered in your work but your health and life will be shortened as well. If truth were known the retardant chemicals are every bit as bad, even worse than the exposure was at Chernobly–there it was something like 200 deaths out of 50,000 residents exposed–of course some right away died like the fish do from retardant–but the 200 or 240 that they admitted to did not amount to a third of the town of 50 thousand. And some were dying at Yarnell very soon–within weeks of the retardant dumping as I remember–in fact some Joy could name that we stayed the week in the gymnasium at Prescott Yavapai College thanks to the college and eating Red Cross meals until we were allowed to go back to the residences.
So yes, Yarnell should have been abandoned just as Chernobyl was after the town was laden with poison retardant. But it is a silent killer and those spreading it are not about to abandon their billions in profits world wide–only good reports will be considered as the Marlboro Man rides off into the Sunset–never to return.
Dear Joy,
I’m going to write two words to you and then I want you to incorporate them into your everyday life. Ready? Okay…here we go. Stop it. S-T-O-P, new word, I-T!
I’m not exactly sure where the line is myself (obviously), but I’m pretty sure that you have finally crossed it. So…stop it.
I will be sending you my life coach bill in the mail. Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Oh…and one more thing. The total amount due for my life coach bill will be one dollar ($1.00 U.S.) because I charge one dollar per minute.
It didn’t take me the entire minute to diagnose your problem and determine the appropriate remedial therapy, but I rounded up. So…
Yeah, I figured that’s what you would say, more or less, but I had to try.
Never Give Uo…Never Surrender!
I hate to be the one to break this news to you because I lack the appropriate nouns and adjectives to adequately describe how impressed I am with the amazing advances you have made and accomplishments you have achieved not only as an entry level firefighter but an advanced level fire weather forecaster. And even a theoretical fire behavior analyst in such a short amount of time, especially with the limited resources you have had at your disposal.
It is obvious that you have been not only tutored by one of the best (Fred), but you have been taught by many of the very best which I know includes Fred and many others. You also must have an intelligence quotient that is close to being off the chart to pick up on all of that nonsense so quickly. There…how was that for an opener? Unfortunately…openers like that are often followed by a “but” and here’s yours.
But…most wildland firefighters don’t fight fire using that all of that mumbo jumbo. Don’t get me wrong, I really admire all of those who can not only speak, but apply geekese to their everyday lives. My former father-in-law, former in the sense that he is not only dead, but now that my dear X-wife and I are divorced, he wouldn’t even be my father-in-law if he were still alive.
Anyway, he was an electrical engineer who worked for decades as a private contractor since he lacked the ability to conform to the demands of regular employment for the U.S. Navy and various defense contractors on projects like submarine launched middle systems. He was really smart and he was so convinced of his own superiority in every way (he was born and bred a hardcore Texan to boot, no pun intended) that he always believed that he was the smartest man in the room no matter which room he was in, or who else was in that room with him.
But the truth is, I have never met a man who was more ridiculous in how he lived his life, the choices he made and the things he said outside of his highly specialized chosen field of endeavor. But please forgive me, because I digress once again. Especially because this story isn’t even applicable to the point I am trying to make because he was so fuckin’ dumb when it came time to make the rubber meet the road, that I didn’t even have any respect for him.
But I do respect Fred and the other geeks, eggheads, pencil necks and goof balls who have been teaching you because they really know what they are talking about and I know most, if not all of them have faced down the fiery 🔥 dragons 🐉 on the fire line just as I have. And many of them have done so far more than I have. But…
I also hate to get all, “old school wildland firefighter” on you, but I think it’s important for you and other readers here to know there are two sides to the narrative that you are telling and was presented in that dumb-ass movie about hotshots. The one that told the story of the how the worst hotshot crew boss in history killed almost his entire crew except for Sad Sack. But the truth is, I carried a Belt Weather Kit for seven years as a hotshot crew boss and never used it once. I didn’t need the charts in that kit, a fire weather forecaster, a fire behavior specialist or even a meteorologist to tell me what the fire was going to do since I relied on my own senses which included my common sense, to tell me everything I needed to know about fightin’ that particular wildfire.
A competent wildland firefighter can feel, see, hear, taste, and touch the dryness of the fuels and the air, the weather such as the wind and the approach of thunder cells, the type, quantity and arrangement of the available fuels, the surrounding topography which includes the steepness and the aspect of the mountain slopes, drainages and canyons. The humane body’s nine senses are: Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, Balance, Proprioception (body awareness) and Temperature and a good wildland firefighter uses all of them all of the time to have complete situational awareness.
I wasn’t a good wildland firefighter all of the time, but when I made mistakes, I always tried not to make the same ones again and there wasn’t anything anyone could tell me that could prevent me from making those mistakes on my own. I had to make them, learn from them, and then vow to do my best not to make them again. And of course, that’s what experience is all about and no one is born a good wildland firefighter or anything else since everything is learned behavior.
So…to make a long story even longer, that bitch (non gender specific) of a wildfire will tell you everything you need to know about how to get mentally prepared for what you are about to face as you drive, hike or fly towards it and what kind of battle you are about to fight. A guy that I worked with for years in LE who had served in Vietnam (there were a lot of guys that I worked with for years in both fire and LE who served in Vietnam because I was always young for my age and so I feel like that was my war even though I was to young to serve in it) as a Marine told me once that the longer the Jolly Greens they were flying in circled, the worse he knew the battle they were about to fight was going to be.
And likewise, if the smoke (regardless of the quantity of it) is white and going straight up that you are heading towards, it’s going to be an easier battle to fight than if the smoke is black and laying over…end of story. And if the smoke is various shades of grey and is somewhere between going straight up and laying over, well, that’s where experience comes in handy once again.
And as I have written many times, the greatest tool a wildland firefighter has at their disposal is their brain because they can plan ahead and modify their actions accordingly. Whereas a wildfire has to follow all of the laws of nature and physics all of of the time and so it can’t plan ahead or modify it’s behavior. And although I always liked to have a good written plan in my hands once the fire team had wrested control the wildfire from Chaos so I knew where I was supposed to be and what strategy I was supposed to follow in general terms, I didn’t need anybody to dictate the tactics that I utilized and I never remember a fire line overhead even trying to do so.
And once again, I don’t begrudge any of the subject matter experts I previously mentioned their role in the overall wildland firefighting effort, I just think the practical application of their expertise is best suited for research to further study and understand fire behavior and in the classrooms where wildland firefighters are taught. I just didn’t like it when they droned on and on in briefings because I had things to do in order to get my crew ready to go fight fire the old school way and time was ah-wasting since the fire waited for no man and there were either deuce and a half’s or helicopters fired up and ready to carry us to our destinies.
I can also tell you one thing that is critical that local subject matter experts should communicate to wildland firefighters who aren’t from that geographic area and that is the localized fire conditions, weather and fuels because those things aren’t always consistent or universal. And based on my experience back in the day and study as a student of fire here on this thread, that has always been one of the biggest failure of the system that I identified over the past seven years. And it wasn’t something that I was even aware of enough back in the day to ask about and so I understand why the failure occurs, but I definitely think it is something the system should fix immediately if not sooner.
The best example of this phenomenon are the Santa Ana winds in California which will make fires burn downhill just as fast as they will burn uphill everywhere else. And if wildland firefighters from somewhere else aren’t up to speed on that localized fire weather condition, you could potentially face the same devastating consequences as we experienced when no one told us that frost killed Gamble oak can carry a wildfire so fast that it can run down and kill adult mule deer on the Battlement Creek Fire. I also seriously doubt anyone told the squad of nine Prineville Hotshots who were burned to death on the South Canyon Fire about the danger of the so called Fuel Type X that killed them either.
Maybe Eric Marsh knew that the primary fuel type that burned his crew to death was nicknamed “Gasoline On a Stick?” But I didn’t learn about that fact until my participation here on this thread over the last seven years. And as you probably know by now, I started on the Prescott National Forest and worked for six years as a hotshot on a forest only about 100 miles from where the Yarnell Hill Fire Disaster occurred. I knew in general that dry chaparral was dangerous to fight fire in, especially because there is usually so much of it, but I didn’t know what that old cowboy told Sonny and Joy about how specifically dangerous Manzanita is. So maybe Marsh didn’t know that either? I would bet you anything most of his crew didn’t know that. If I had been doing the investigation of their deaths, that’s just one of the many questions I would have been asking former crew members.
Oh…and one more thing. I forgot “brainiacs” in the above list of nouns to describe those who take that nonsense seriously. Brainiacs is an important one because it is clearly not a pejorative, whereas some of the others could be construed as negative and lacking in respect, which is clearly not what I intended to convey in my post. So…
I should have written that I had to get myself ready to go on the line because while I was at the briefings, the squad bosses and the senior crewman like the equipment manager, swampers and sawyers where getting themselves and the crew supplied and provisioned with everything they needed to be good to go and so all I had to do was take a dump, the importance of which can’t be understated in order to be ready for the long hike either up, or down or around the steep mountain or canyon that always awaited us.
And Joy…I definitely consider you and Fred to be in the brainiac category. So…
You have come far pilgrim. I just wish I had a time machine to send you back about 30 years. I wouldn’t go with you though because I don’t want to go to the Hog Fire again.
And most people who have been reading my posts for seven years knows that a lot of what I wrote in the post above was done tongue-in-cheek.
But in all seriousness, I think for the most part fire behavior analysts and fire weather forecasters types provide the kind of information that you would need to fight fire with a scalpel, but based on my experience, fightin’ fire was most often done using a chainsaw because scalpels were to precise to get the job efficiently and effectively done in a timely manner that was dictated by the circumstances of the fire.
Now, that isn’t always true because telling you when to expect a thunder cell is really important even though you can see those coming, but probably not in time to do some of the planning and preparation that you might otherwise do if you had advanced warning prior to your shift starting fir example.
And the work of the people who I jokingly derided above has been critical in understanding fire behavior much better and coming as far as the industry has since the Dark Ages of the Loop Fire Disaster that burned 12 El Cariso Hotshots to death and the Age of Enlightenment during which 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots were burned to death on the Yarnell Hill Fire Disaster.
So…what the hell happened?
I guess the point I’m trying to make is that I think those particular disciplines, which are really more of an art (especially fire behavior analysis) than a science even though the bedrock foundation for them is higher level mathematics 🧮 that I could never wrap my head around, are great for forecasting the big macro picture from the 30,000 foot level and providing critical information to those who are running the fire and making the appropriate plans in order to decide how many and what kinds of resources are not only going to be needed that day, but maybe a week later. But that data is less important to those who are cutting fire line and then burning it out, backfiring it, or both at the micro level where I always operated at because I was you know…a grunt and damn proud of it. Or in deciding what kind of training is going to be needed by whom and so on and so forth.
That kind of information is not also very useful, but critical to those who are managing the fire program at the local, regional and national levels when doing budgets since those are typically done in five year (or longer) cycles when deciding when and what kind to bring resources on-line and when to lay them off. And when doing things like moving the appropriate resources into “move up” or standby status by pre-positioning them for example from the east to the west, or the north to south or vice versa.
I just didn’t want it all to go on to long in shift briefings to interfere with my morning preparations to go on the fire line whether that was at zero dark thirty or late in the afternoon if my crew had been assigned to pull the night shift.
Oh…and one more thing Joy, I don’t even know enough about fire weather forecasting to understand why the Eric Marsh character in that dumb ass movie knew the fire was going to do a 180 and so he wanted to initiate a burn out of the drainage below from “slingin’ the weather” and reading that little chart? Although maybe I shouldn’t admit that that part of that dumb ass movie went right over my head? So…maybe you can explain that one to me?
Did that little chart tell him a thunder cell was coming in because falling atmospheric pressure does mean worsening weather? But I know that much from watching so much TV in retirement and not because I used to fight fire.
If that’s true, the National Weather Service had already given everyone that heads up. I had to read the entire fire weather forecast from the National Weather Service over the forest net radio every morning when I was working in the dispatch office and it was my day in the barrel.
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
Blah blah blah…break
And so on and so forth ad naseum.
Oh…and one more thing. I remembered the main reason why I think fire behavior analysts and even fire weather forecasters along with their work should be takes with a grain of salt.
If you think about it, a prescribed burn is a laboratory of sorts. The work that goes into planning one would impress those of you who are outside of the system.
And the final decision to “go or not go” is based entirely on science provided by fire behavior analysts and fire weather forecasters.
If their science could be relied on to base your decisions on the line where you cross the line between the theoretical world into the real world and put your crews lives at risk, there wouldn’t be such a high failure rate where prescribed burns turn into catastrophic nightmares that have claimed their share of wildland firefighters lives, citizens lives, not to mention billions (hundreds of billions) of dollars worth of lost resources, people’s homes and businesses.
And once again, I’m not saying those aren’t critical areas of study, especially fire weather forecasting, but the point I was trying to make is that I didn’t think there was any value to Joy (bless her heart) standing their and reciting the stats to that IC not to mention giving her opinion of the active resources on the fire.
Joy, no one has been convicted of anything for what happened on the YHF Disaster and I don’t think you should be stalking those men and trying to ruin their lives based on available information. If you know more than that, tell someone who is authorized to receive that kind of information and not harangue an IC trying to put the damn fire out. He isn’t in charge of the system. He can’t remove someone from a fire based on what you say on the side of the road.
And you probably already know this, but you are now under investigation for setting that fire. That’s not a place anyone should want to be because you will now be under investigation for starting the next one too. Why set yourself up for any more grief than you already have in your life and waste limited investigative resources.
Okay Joy, have it your way. I wish I could help you but i can’t.
You totally misunderstood what Gary was telling you. He wasn’t accusing you of arson. He was trying to tell you that your actions could possibly make you a person of interest for investigators determining the cause of this fire, if they don’t have a cause already. I know what he meant. I am fairly fluent in Garyese. He really was genuinely trying to help. I can understand why you’re doing (even if i dont agree with how youre doing it) what you are and I’m sorry that the YHF was completely mishandled as far as a real post-fatality investigation goes, which has affected you so profoundly as an eyewitness. I wish you peace & healing. Now, don’t turn on me. Haha! Gary’s trying to help. Really. He is.
Thank you Woodsman, you are correct. But here is the way I explained the same thing uo above.
Dear Joy,
My 22 years working in federal law enforcement, about 2 years working for a sheriff’s department, the Arizona State Peace Officers Academy, a Bachelor of Science in Police Administrations, Uniformed Police Officers Training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center as well as Criminal Investigators Training Program in addition to 22 1 week in-service training sessions plus more than 2 dozen advanced specialized training seminars told taught me what I know.
And all of that taught me a basic investigator’s skill, mentally ill people who commit mayhem of all kinds including murders, but arsonists are especially prone to do this, often show up at the scene of their crimes while those crimes are being investigated to insert themselves into the situation or investigation because they get off being close to the mayhem they caused.
Weird, freaky, crazy people just show up out of nowhere and do all kinds of things to be noticed and one way they do this is engage law enforcement or fire people on the scene in what appear to be random and innocent conversations while they pretend to be helpful.
These same mentally ill people also go to the funerals of their victims for example, and that is why law enforcement will video record funerals and public viewings and record license plate numbers of those who attend. Those same people also often call up to the authorities as witnesses trying to be helpful in order to play a game while they try to find out how much law enforcement knows or they just show up at random times and engage victims, families and others in seemingly random, innocent or helpful conversations because you know…they get off on it because they are fuckin’ crazy.
In short Joy, CRAZY and MENTALLY ILL people often do exactly what you did the other day and that is why that deputy took down your contact information. It was just in case the USFS Special Agents who are investigating that fire want to open a file on you. You’re welcome.
You know Joy, people who think I’m smart and like it when I tell it like it is, can’t just like me when I say or do things that align with what they think or want to hear. Well…I guess they can, but that means they are being disingenuous to themselves and me.
And guess what…I’m not a nice person and I’m not here to add to my Christmas card list. The American people never paid me to be a nice person. They paid me to do the hard things that they couldn’t do or didn’t want to do themselves and I don’t give a fuck if you or anyone else likes me or approves of me or not. You’re welcome. I also think you might be more than just a little Arizona Road Lizard CRAZY, but that is just one of the things that I love about you. 😎
Oh…and one more thing. You and Fred with your implied threats really should get one thing straight, “slander” is the spoken word and “libel” is the written word. So…
Dear Joy,
I gotta admit, you are pretty darn good at collecting data Okay, you are the most efficient, effective, determined and prolific data collector I have ever heard of in my life other than the NSA.
But my question is (as related to your most recent travels), “Have you heard that we are in the middle of a global pandemic the likes that hasn’t been seen in more than 100 years and since it sounds to me like you have co-morbidity issues, don’t you think you should STAY HOME and SELF ISOLATE while you invest in your health and not the YHF Disaster while you do what my late brother called Taking Care of Business?” Just askin’…
Your Friend In Co-Morbidity Issues Always,
Gary Olson on IM recently claims it was the main fire-
Noone but select first hand people can make such claim and there are THOSE people not just FFs / WFs but homeowners and people visiting Yarnell–
I with documentation and listening to the first hand individuals involved in the several firing operations can make public statement not just because of their accounts but we also were there that day and we watched what TrueHeart Brown spoke about at the 2020 Staff Ride for the National Hotshot Superintendents Workshop and what he also said on one of the videos about burning themselves {%^$^] plus much more data not yet public but for Gary to write it was the main fire—
that is not facts just perceptions / opinion / conclusion
I do have the names of the people who did actions and I am doing my part to gather and document / record to present it public the best way possible,
Wtktt for years said if you can show us more than he too feels the same as Gary and all I can do is try but the data must be public that there was spur road firing out operations.
and for the Richard Craniums:
there was spur road firing out operations.
were not was
Joy, do you remember the exact time we arrived back to the vehicle on Foothills drive? That fire was already licking the houses on the NW edge of Glen Isla meaning that at that time the Helms Ranch was already cut off. People were fleeing because the fire was already in their yards as expressed by many that had no warning but happened to see their yards on fire. But at that time the winds were not up so the fire was yet to be advancing under heavy wind pressure.
Of course the Helms is elevated much above the NW edge of Glen Isla and about a quarter mile above where that fire was as we came out. But of course the Helms is in the death canyon and that fire would have been going up the canyon quickly due to the chimney effect and the higher elevation. I am impressed that fires double their velocity every ten degrees of rise and that would be about the degree above Glen Isla that the Helms is. So you see between the Chimney Effect and Doubling of the Rate of Advance, the GMHS crew had no chance in that canyon. But crucial in this is the time we came out since it bears upon the fact that there would have had to be burns in that area when the fire was still advancing so slowly on the level and even down hill in some instances going toward Glen Isla and Yarnell from the burn areas.
It has certainly taken me much time to envision how it was possible for that fire to have been already to Glen Isla. I had entertained the idea that we should have had more time–even an hour before the fire could have advanced to Glen Isla and Yarnell from where we had last viewed it going toward Peeples Valley to the NW. Our distance the way we escaped the fire was greater and even though most of our trip was decently clear, the temperatures were above 100F and we both were near heat stroke, yet we were not caught in a dead in canyon in that dense manzanita. I just did not want to be caught in a canyon knowing that we had to often crawl on our bellies though that dense growth and it had taken over 6 hours just to get to where we met Eric Marsh. Consider that was only about a 2 1/2 mile hike with half of it on a clear trail–the other half of machete advance in the bellie crawling maze of manzanita. (a machete actulally would be about useless in that dense dry manzanita mixed with dead growth). And if you have any doubts that what I am saying is true then I would challenge you to drive a bit south of Wilhoit or even near Yarnell in unburned areas, and attempt a quarter mile hike or so through similar manzanita growth. That particular canyon of death was especially overgrown–something you can easily determine by Joy’s photographs of that death site before it was burned over. Those photos were taken almost at the exact spot they died at just after daybreak on the very morning of the day they died. You can not get better evidence of what those men faced to get through and you can understand why I was not ready to belly crawl again through it knowing that a wild fire was highly likely to reverse at any time leaving us with our only hope to get into a boulder pile. I had done before my belly crawling –in those days your Army basic training you would crawl on your belly under live machine gun fire–I think they use blanks these days but I still do not like belly crawling under any condition.
The point is, I believe we had arrived at a time back to Foothills Drive quite a bit before the men deployed and the only thing I can believe is that burns had to be set and the men were already trapped–even as we nearly had been using the “safer route”. The safer route at the bottom of the West side of the Weavers entailed a brush free draw and a gravel road out to Foothills Drive. But there was abundant enough vegetation on the sides that we would have been burned to death as well albeit in a slower manner. We had trekked back to see how a windmill had been roasted and the land owner’s equipment had been destroyed. There is about a mile of growth to the west of Glen Isla that one can get though quickly but you dare not get caught even on a gravel road in a wild fire.
The events and truth are gradually being presented–facts and events and times bring me to believe that a jury would already find that there were burnouts and there was a negligent homicide case enough to indite responsible parties to a Grand Jury–much of it for false statements to investigators as well as the withholding of evidence. There would be some instances also of people that unlawfully denied FOIA requests as well. There might also be some auditing of how tax moneys are being abused by such things as what Joy uncovered at Peeple’s Valley of a Chief falsely reporting equipment he did not have to get more Federal Funds–at least by his own statements that Joy recorded. So I just see to much chicanery that is overlooked due to the cronyism. Should it not be addressed and corrected? Yet I have to believe that at least half of the system is composed of honest people and many more that want to be honest but are in fear of their jobs or careers.
But on the other hand do not have high expectations of righting the wrongs when the system investigates its self. If you believe that a corporation or any other entity will give you a reliable report by using its own investigators then you belong in the simple camp. You ought to see this in these police reports with thousands of killings, many that are outright murders, yet the count of indictments can be numbered on the fingers of one hand. Even the George Floyd murder and the Breanna murders are downplayed since the police also investigate themselves. What can one expect when systems become corrupt by investigating their own crimes? They intend to give a lovely public face–and the public buys into it. Truth in those cases is not relevant as far as the police or fire cronies are concerned. But not all the public is fooled and these days it is so that many are not happy with the false flags and false investigations. Perhaps the time to get back to honest reporting has arrived and even for the Political scene which has the worst pack of liars from either side of the two tiered criminal organization people vote for. My opinions–since most believe it is a good idea to choose between the lesser evil. But they still get evil.
Bealtaine fhírinne i réim (May truth prevail)
Slaente (Health)
And may the Irish Gods befriend you.
We will never forget the men of the GMHS crew who have laid down their lives –heroes to be sure–yet victims of human sacrifice caused by the fire gods.
It would be only a simpleton to say these men died of natural acts0=-and act of god when so much evidence points not only to the negligence but of burns in the area that the fire gods would have certainly known were in order so that these men would not only be attempting to outpace a wild fire ready to reverse direction but they were also to flank fires being done to protect structures on the north boundaries of Yarnell and Glen Ila–Glen Ila being the section of Yarnell closest to the Boulder Ranch. The so called Boulder Ranch Safety Zone was their destination with about 700 yards of extremly dense manzanta growth almost impassible.
Joy and I took several hours to make it across that very brush from just above the Boulder Ranch when we crossed early that morning the death canyon–at first I had wanted to go straight up that canyon to the two track which was the shortest route out of that choked up canyon of brush. About the spot where the men died Joy and I argued about the best route to take–she took photos at that very spot early that morning–she posted and shared those with the community and I am certain on her website as well.
The time we crossed early was when the fire was still high up atop the Weavers–somewhat benign yet–we did not witness the break out until the fire got down the mountain and into that dehydrated manzanita that Willis claimed only wild land fire fighters could pass through–normal folk would not be able to. I am certain that was somewhat of a stretch since anyone attempting to pass though that entanglement of brush –unless he were a bear would have problems to navigate at any pace to outrun a fire that was moving at beyond 11 mph.
At the base of that death canyon we took over well beyond an hour to just cross about 3/4 of a mile–the place we entered the brush above the Boulder Ranch to the otherside of the canyon–It involved backtracking and quite often reminded me of boot camp because of the belly crawling we were often doing to get under and through the mess. So you see why I was wanting to exit that manzanita growth the short way straight up the canyon and the steep box that the GMHS crew descended into the trap. You can also understand why there was no way I was about to drop off that two track into that canyon after belly crawling and backtracking often as though I were in a maze–most certainly knowing that the wild fire was down into that manzanita and wind direction could reverse at any moment.
Perhaps I have said this too many times–yet I think that perhaps some new comer will read about the problem of the manzanita and perhaps save his or her hide–maybe even refuse orders when some dumb ass is trying to promote himself by risking the lives of his crew.
There is some wisdom to listen to the cowboy that warned them–he had spent his life in that area and would say to the crew “now you boys don’t get yourselves trapped down in that manzanita when that fire gets down the mountain”. McKensie;s warning was the harbinger of things to come told to those men that very morning near the chruch I was told at Peeples Valley.
But who can know what people will do–often foolishly–and what was really in the minds of the fire gods–surely they would not risk again a crew in such a manner for structures that a mega fire would burn whether they wielded Pulaski’s or spayed their back pack water bags at the fire. And lord knows we watched that fire laying down fifty and hundred foot flames similar to what WW2 and Viet Nam soldiers uses to burn the enemy out of their rat holes. And that was with the more gentle winds to the NW that we as well as the GMHS crew were observing off the Two Track Trail situated along the top edge of the Weaver Range.
Most of us who have worked in dangerous jobs and survived have also dealt with challenges–times when we knew when to hold them and when to fold them. Some of these things should be a given–and certainly in the mines open stopes were the most dangerous and in logging a tree branch falling can take you out as can a leaner tree–something you know to leave er be. A bad horse can try to kill you as well by running you under a limb-something I had to deal with. Horses have horse sense–and if you get one someone treated badly that horse is liable to take your head off that way or maybe buck you off on a rocky ledge.
I certainly would like to give the fire gods a pass–but that would be the wrong thing to do. They must hear the truth as much pain as it is to their ears. There was no excuse for that slaughter.
And speaking of truth–some who have had strange experiences such as visitations of UFO entities might not want to consider yourself coo coo. I had years of concern for my own sanity after the incident near here–I even got my bat hides in Psychology thinking there might be a few loose screws rattling around in my head.
So if you have had any strange encounters of the fourth kind, it behooves you to find the You Tube testimony of the logger Travis Walton–somewhere in the area of Snowflake I think is where he was abducted and taken aboard a craft. He has lived with 45 years of unimaginable doubt with the knowing that he encountered something unfathomable. These entities do exist yet we have no idea the possibilities or intentions they have–he believes they are not intent on harm since their ability to appear or disappear at will and advanced intelligence would have been used in nefarious manner should they want to. However, I believe anything that abducts a human and probs them or disrupts their thought system and causes anxiety may not be so intelligent or kind in nature. However, they indeed have powers of control that even a weapon is useless against at least the ones I encountered.
So whether they will intervene to save the planet or stop the nukes I have no clue. They have been known to shut down nuclear missile deployment systems and it is certain that the Roswell incident was no mylar balloon. Too many on their death beds and even astronauts have attested to that.
So just know you are not necessarily crazy if you have had these experiences–maybe Charlie my dog did not shoot me–I don’t think I am a favorite of those shape shifters or their minions that we so often find in our political offices. You do not find much truth in these beings nor in their minions we deal with in our highest offices. So may the Irish Gods Protect you and fear no evil but we do to often walk though the Valley of Death.
CertaIn that I do not like either candidate and refuse to vote for either. But still as far as I am concerned Trump is the Commander in Chief and should I be ordered to duty, he would be in charge as long as he is President. We who are veterans swore to defend this nation of foreign or domestic enemies. I do not see him as an enemy to this country and perhaps even less greedy than those before him. He is exposing the rascals that manufactured lies in order to get him out. I see that Colin Powell, the general that waved a test tube of sarin gas at the UN knowing full well it was a ruse to get the Iraq War Going is now backing retired officers that have written that it is the duty of the Chief of Staff to remove Trump should he refuse to leave office. Is it because that criminal Colin is about to be exposed for this part in the lies he presented to the UN that resulted in more than 2 million deaths? Trump is certainly exposing the Clintons, Obama and those involved including Biden in their nefarious actions to give false evidence against Trump. And Biden calls the veterans stupid? What a slew of rascals they were–but I certainly would not put the brain damaged Biden in over Trump.
The way I see it is we are going to have to bite the bullet–I just do not think Trump turned the virus loose and with some of the military and other forces including some in the Secret Service Opts are game to take him down right along with the Hillary and Colin cohorts. This is wrong.
I will wait to vote when someone of the likes of Telsie Gabbard or Jesse Ventura come up–we do need a game changer but insubordination by Military to do a coup inspired by Colin Powell puts him in a criminal light–he should be prosecuted under Military Code 88 that forbids retired officers to instigate against the President as Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the US.
This country voted him in–then that is what they deserve–not by choice but I will abide by it. And Biden is a worse liar than Trump and ever bit as greedy or more if you look at how he and his son have stolen from the tax monies to the tune of millions.
It is as if these politicians know the economy is shot and they are grabbing all they can before the great fall. Meantime the streets are loading up with homeless and many are on the verge of poverty with unemployment already at greater levels than the great depression of the 30’s. But I see this as a plan that is well executed by those way beyond Trump’s pay grade and power level. Those that hold the purse strings and can pump in Trillions along with the World Corporate people have the plan and can manipulate anyone they allow to run this government. And they have run it into the ground.
If you have not read the Georgia Guide-Stone that was put there at a cost of about a million dollars with its ten guidelines I have pasted and copied here and they are worthy of attention:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
You might know that the group that secretly installed that million dollar project put much thought into it–
Each of the 4 granite stones weigh 20 tons with a ten ton capstone. And would you know that there are only about 6 places called safe zones in the US should the Ice Melt –and that is one. Denver is another where there is an underground area set up for a small city. And since I am a miner, and my minor was Geology, I can tell you that Denver lies on a huge sandstone base. I am certain that they used those hog machines that bore though sandstone easily. Back in the 70’s they were working but after 50 years of improvements you have to know they are pretty much perfected for underground tunneling and excavations. Back in the 70’s we were driving tunnels called drifts in mine lingo that were 15 feet to the back–(roof). So I was drilling the face off a ladder with an extra long air leg. Your Jack Hammer is supported by an leg that is like a hydraulic cylinder and lifts the jack hammer as you twist the control–so you can imagine hanging off a ladder with a using that Jack Leg as they were termed and drilling out your round. But that mole machine needed only a couple good operators and a few helpers to do the same work.
I do believe the new generations are going to be in for some unusual surprises. Technology is so advanced that the Military is now employing Elon Musk into the war profit machine. Well what would you do if your businesses never make a profit and you want to stay in the chips?
Meantime war is brewing against China–the military geniuses think they need to war with China before she equals and then passes our own military might. And so they will prove what history has shown–there will be wars and rumors of wars–so even Jesus had that one figured out.
And if you have no weapon–do the Jesus admonition–sell you cloak–maybe even your yard ornaments and get yourself one. It is a wise thing he proposed for anytime in history–and if you want to ferret out the scripture read Luke–and you might find he did not drink grape juice and likely has some offspring–something in the hidden and supposedly lost Gospel that was written. Whether an alien, or the main god visited Mary to produce Jesus is debatable–but I am not going to debate religion. That is what makes this country good–you should not concern about what other people believe–I am against proselytizing–we have something beyond 300 religious ideas and at least 67 known alien species so take your pick and enjoy–just don’t let the freeloaders pick your pocket, molest your kids or your wife, or take advantage of your grandma with their particular line of BS.
Slaente and may the good Irish Gods look over you.
Isn’t it hard to try on the other guy’s moccasin? And besides is generally does not fit. But it is sad so many among us are bloodthirsty and some seem to enjoy their escapades of death.
If you tried to place yourself in the sandals of the Muslim you might slide into those fairly well. Imagine some country coming into our borders based on false pretenses to overthrow our government and then take control of our oil and other resources. Well Bush, Colin, and others among the Military bunch did just that and managed the killing of almost two million of their soldiers and citizens while sacrificing over time at least a quarter million of our own young veterans–this with Hillary, Biden, and most other Democrats and Republicans cheering the blood bath instigated by our politicians after having demonized the wrong country for the deeds of the friends of the Bush clan. Yes, I doubt there is one good citizen of this country, should another invade us under those circumstance not line up to fight the bastards.
But we have seem to have in our DNA the bloodthirst–some with it to such a degree that they have no compunction against killing off millions or others if it involves personal gain or in many times it seems just for their bloodthirst. You can not forget when the Clinton’s sanctioned Janet Reno to do the unnecessary murders of 82 men, women and children at Waco, Texas so the BATF and other police forces could have a practice run. Many citizens were cheering them on–they were misfits practicing a batty religion lead by a nut that had visited the Sheriff’s office more than once. Apparently the Sheriff did not see much of a threat from that idiot but the Clinton’s and many citizens did–they thought he could somehow manage to ruin the nation which in reality was a laugh and rather than grab him on his excursions into town, they chose to entertain their bloodthirst and knew with the right words and propaganda that they have plenty of citizens cheering their actions.
These days I even allow spiders–well at least the none dangerous ones to go about their business unmolested. My house had a number of granddaddy spiders that I even talk to and take measures to avoid harming them. I after all still kill the flies they use for food. However, I have yet to come to the point that Joy is where she relocates black widows–though I have done it to rattlesnakes since I can see them and they won’t easily wind up in my boot–Joy respects others and life and those wild creatures that have a right to live–but she also would defend our country should we be invaded as our leaders have invaded other countries.
As the Chinese speaker said–Trump and others here leading the country, you have enough problems that you have not taken care of in your own country. Your police are out of hand, your people are suffering and unemployed, racism is still rampant, riots in the streets–you would do well to tend to problems at home rather than expending your energies and interfering in other sovereign countries affairs.
That is a paraphrasing of what he said but it makes sense especially our incessant attacks on Iran, Venezuela and now China. Common sense goes a long ways and no matter how big the bully he will somewhere be subject to retreat.
Before I go to attempt to do some welding I fell too ill to do yesterday, I have to say if there is a book or a movie produced it should be about Joy. Anyone who dare denigrate her person does not know Joy and her story. She is a true American Hero that was able to rise above circumstances only a person of immense fortitude could manage–she is a true pioneer and that despite the many adverse situations she has faced and challenges of life she has had to face still maintains a kind heart and concern even for her enemies. If her story were to go public some would hang their head in shame for things they have said of her and many would be in tears to know the terrors she had faced and overcame to be Joy. I applaud her and her good works to right what is wrong.
thank you Sonny
for some reason when I read it
I know it is about me
One voice…humbled
the other is when I want to give up, a talk like that says to me STAY THE COURSE
It is hard that the Tobin family and the ties back channel there…I just wonder how much is politics or how much politics and media just cover it up
Yet I am gonna go to the outfit ran by one of the Tobins- and keep peeling the layers now
Donut, please meet with me so I can share some stuff you NEED TO KNOW…
thank you Sonny- that was a pep talk and quite a compliment and YES there is no true enemy with me—I am willing to mend with anyone…
My health sucks…I am heading out to Dan’s to talk gold mining…
I didn’t “claim” it was the main fire that killed the crew, I said it was my “guess” because of distance and time, nor an I claiming there wasn’t a backfire.
Although if I were to pick out the three greatest contributions that HAL 9000 has made to this thread off the top of my head (what does that apology even mean? Off the top of my head) I would select the following.
1. How long the body of Charles Morton laid unattended in the burn.
2. How likely it was that the GMIHC could have made it to the BSR where I believe Eric Marsh was waiting for them if they would have used the time they had to RUN FOR THEIR LIVES instead of defaulting to following deeply flawed NWCG fire shelter training that was drummed into their heads with NWCG DOGMA.
3. And last but not least, how unlikely it was that a backfire killed the crew based on available photographs and the time stamps on them when calculated with the distance the fire would have to have traveled and when the crew was actually burned over.
And that is because unlike me HAL 9000 doesn’t make guesses, he relies on hard evidence. But I know that sometimes we have to rely on circumstantial evidence, which are really best guesses based on the hard evidence that we do have, and that the prisons are full of people who were put there by circumstantial evidence.
And I do hope that if I remember any of that wrong, HAL 9000 will correct the record.
And I’m really fuzzy on this one, but I’m pretty sure there were some awesome calculations from HAL 9000 on how long it probably would have taken the crew to come down off the ridge based on actual feet they had to move and minutes they had to do it. So…
when you go to and click yes that you read all the disclaimer and privacy policy and CTRL F to Our Mission you will see in the last 18 minutes one of Brian Lauber’s many public photos-
And in that photo that has WTKTT overlays- are we correct that you, Gary, perceive that fire behavior to be the main fire ??? or would that fire behavior be one on the outskirts of those last 18 minutes. Or would you rather state you are unsure like many others out there or ohhh “how many miles a part” – a spot fire from main fire?
Then think to this Gary-your actual thread
h t t p s ://www.investigativemedia.c o m/please-begin-yarnell-hill-fire-chapter-xxxi-here/#comment-484646
Alan Sinclair was there that day but where was there on all day and night, June 30, 2013? Why does he refrain from showing his google location history to show us his locations before Google History deletes it forever? I mean not only did 19 men die so did his best friend, Eric Marsh. Why not show us? Why did he investigate materials found? Where was his source of learning where that material was found?
He is a part of this private investigation of Holly / Deanna / Willis / Doug / Deborah email thread of the fire(s) outside the main fire that I have been placing out public those Public Records so we all can start to begin to learn what is really happening here ??? So why would they be discussing the same stuff I am but never tying in with me to see if we are on the same page. I give huge hints to my sources public and there are people in private who have the names-
So early on- an officer was met at his work by people he never knew or met just like he saw on the morning of July 1, 2013 where he took photos and they said they needed his phone for the investigation but they never gave it back. Why didn’t they give this man his cell back? They said they would !!! ??? What was on those photo files of his? Also why was he never given the proper credit to one of the famous pics regarding the tragedy and its aftermath? Makes me wonder.
I question how early even Holly arrived to Prescott / Yarnell because one of my Wildland Instructors told me that Curtis Heaton called Holly to pick my Wildland Instructor up. Was it the Toyota event or sooner when she arrived to the area?
And why was she given so many unique special privileges so early on? She had zero professional Investigation qualifications. And remember, the Nation’s lead fire fatality expert (Dr Ted Putnam) was denied that area? The same man who was suppose to be a branch off this group of people seeking truths. You do not think that is odd Gary? That she is allowed freedoms and one of her group people is not allowed out there? And he was highly trained to be out there? Some Bandalier Fire Use Module lady on the Los Alamos prescribed? /controlled? burn that the fire went out of control – that makes her an expert ??? because she was a part of that fire that she admitted on Underslung Heroes comment wall and said “we lit”? She wrote in the comment wall of Underslung Heroes and how Gleason took accountability and responsibility on that fire? When? How? Where? Show me. Just because he went to conferences and shared? or because she said so? Where is the public information that supports her comments? I mean show me how she came to be the representation …. for what— …some made for profit book of MacLean’s??? Something ain’t right. Dr. Ted Putnam is refused to be allowed in that area yet on the same team at that point with all them??? Weird.
Harwood- I said enough on my blog for that man. However, I seriously have questions for him.
Why is it Joe showed Jim Roth that fire shelter versus Joe showing this lead fire investigator (Dr Ted Putnam) who has lived a life of being true and good but there was speculation and allegations Roth was not always so when working in Montana. I know more than one who has spoken such about the lab effort phase and so yeah- ???
The part that I made my comments and attention there began because I was pretty taking back that Gary Olson, former U.S. Forest Service wildland firefighter, Prescott National Forest, hotshot crew boss of the Happy Jack Interagency
Hotshot Crew, Coconino National Forest, hotshot crew founder and crew boss of the Santa Fe Interagency Hotshot Crew, Santa Fe National Forest,
Assistant District Fire Management Officer of the Espanola Ranger District, Santa National Forest, Santa Fe National Forest Dispatcher, Zone Interagency
Fire Operations Center Coordinator, Coconino County (Arizona) Deputy Sheriff, Santa Fe National Forest Chief Law Enforcement Officer and retired
Supervisory Criminal Investigator and Senior Special Agent BLM New Mexico State Office, BLM Arizona State Office & USDI – BLM Washington D.C. Office
of Law Enforcement and Security (1974 – 2006, Duty Stations – Prescott, AZ, Flagstaff AZ, Santa Fe, NM, Phoenix, AZ, Albuquerque, NM, Farmington, NM, &
Phoenix, AZ, 2.0), actually took the time to type a compliment about Legarza saving you from a burnt head because she gave you a hat. I at first thought there is Gary playing both areas…but maybe later he will transition when the shift happened with Legarza…I mean if I were to actually show earlier emails from Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman you too would be floored that I even got what I got in 2015 because they were all kind corresponding emails from both…Something ain’t right how that shifted but even more so something ain’t right that one would give Legarza kudos for she royally messed up when and how she went through the hoops of that Fire Career advancement process. All it told me is anyone in leadership roles that one MUST fact check and verify…
I am disappearing away from technology so enjoy the site for a few weeks…
I have no point. I am venting…I am not leading up to anything.
Best of all—there has never been a Wildland Fire Tragedy like YHF where there are two eyewitness hikers that are “truth tellers”. Therefore, what we saw and photographed and videoed and witnessed totally contradicts the SAIT SAIR narrative and conclusion..some may be trained investigators and have their methods to get data out…I just gather and release the best method thinking of the larger scale of it all. I want to ensure some areas do not go amiss.
I know you are/were a very elite man in the Fire World, Gary.
No disrespect. I just want the world to be aware when someone with your life history mentions I just don’t think that backfire made it to the GMIHC before the main fire did because of factors such as time, distance and topography, but mostly time and distance.
The old way was black, white and grey but welcome to a new world of fire. That is something I have been trained to a rude awakening. It would be like grandpa telling you of the good old days but it ain’t what it is nowadays.
I am in my position for what I know not for who I know.
Did you have that same path?
Your grey world and the Eagle Scout points- so sorry to hear that…Since 1911, very few made it to that level overall so congrats to you—back in Sonny’s days he had no choices like others did to be a Scout…he was a boy living in the big burro mountains to provide for his parents and siblings hunting and gathering so they could eat so they could get their educations. All his family are smart people…Sonny will refrain from the “cookie cutter” lifestyle yet he can teach you how to live and make a living with just a wool blanket on ya. If Sonny can talk about the shoes he wore—Clam? what were they? Anyways, the best education I got was pioneering with Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny)- something I can carry until I pass on in any environment.
To the truths…may one day one of the many who know more just come here on IM and break it all open and share. I know I do my part to make it happen but everything is God’s Time and in His Way-
I love ya anyways Gary—
I just harp on you
as you do me
Who else do we have to release our inner and outer frustrations, eh-
I only made my comment because it rubbed me wrong on that hat sharing moment is your takeaway of Legarza—I could share much better things you could have added in the chapter there-
Hmmmm, 🤔 it’s just a guess, but I think the main fire got there first in part because I remember HAL 9000 found a photo with a time stamp from the Shrine area that didn’t show any smoke coming up from a backfire that was kinda late, I am going to need him to weigh in here with the particulars, but it’s just my guess. I mean there was a firestorm of Biblical proportions racing down that valley that was being driven by some strong winds out of that thunder cell. I think that got there first. A backfire would have to first build up some heat and you know…get going. I don’t understand why you are being so harsh and aggressive with me over this issue. You know how fragile and vulnerable I am!
Hal 9000 may not be privy to what others have
Maybe they should show their data or somehow you tell me how to make it happen to these lawyered up folks
If I name their names here then bam trouble exists in many ways but if we can get some freaking real people in authority and not just some who shouldn’t be and we get them to court order my list then I am sure we can get somewhere.
While others are so busy filling their social calendars with thousands of likes on their selfies and do-good bullshit and you are prepping your Christmas Card list before Halloween even comes around which I will never end up on that list…I am taking one of your stay off pc come tomorrow for a few weeks…
Hey Sonny, when I was in Yarnell the people down the street plays with the people who bought your cabin—remind me to tell ya that story in a few weeks.
We sure live in a dark deceitful world.
You are right about one thing- I am going to enjoy the time off while the external world plays their shenanigans.
I am very sad these people fail to read IM and refrain to show you the first hand data, Gary.
I am disappointed people love books, books, books when it comes to the YHF versus just coming here and discussing it out freely. I hear people have tried and got bullied but I never saw it as bullying even our times Gary…we all get frustrated…we all led very different lives. Yet we all seem to come here.
I will get to my end goals yet just need some much needed r and r- took your advice sir,
Good night and only the best to you
I reflect and pray alot lately
I think back to times I hung out with a-list celebs and govt people and the schmoozziiinnggg we all had- you felt syrupy glazed with this odd feeling we labelled love yet I have learned what love is from my time spent with Sonny and this YHF and its aftermath in a way I never knew could happen for my life. It is painful. Love also can be kind…it is so many things…
Well okay then, night. 💤
Nice site you have and lots of contributors Joy. Whew–you got it all from all of Donut’s video and contribution to Amanda and Holly and company reports. Despite all the garbage put out by Donut and company
Strangely I managed a half way house for some years before working at Texas Adult Probation–so I know from experience what the Drug Addict goes through. His chances are slim not to return to old habits–dopamine brain surges are hard to refuse for these folks. I suspect Hunter Biden with all his loot is hid away feeding his addiction and Donut’s chances are slim as well. Honesty is a requirement–something that Donut has been chiming in on. But he knows he has not been honest–he owes the loved ones, the tax payer and most of all wild land fire fighters an apology and the truth. But like the Biden clan and most that have been purchased by big money from China, Russia, and even Iran–he has been riding the glory wagon with good proceeds. Did he get 250 grand for his take in the movie? With that kind of filthy lucre coming in it will be hard to give a straight story when he knows what the system wants to hear. It will be even harder for him to lay off the drugs–but then I am certain he can get his share of drugs through medical prescriptions–they are however, too often not strong enough and the expense can rack up quickly.
Santa Claus took his shot. I will refuse–the virus has already mutated in England so that other countries are closing off borders –they do not want the new strain–It, like its quate will need vaccine adjustment–the flu requires 25 vaccines if you want to cover Santa Clause for all of them–he gets around so the 4 that you usually get might not be the strain that sickens him.
Fortunately, I have a daughter that managed pharmacueticals for years–She can tell you everything in the vaccine and what the side effects are. She will not be taking the shot either–she says this is the way a vaccine should be done with so little testing. There are two different vaccines she mentions–one has an active virus, the other has synthetic ingredients. So at least you have a choice of concoction–take your pick and keep the English at bay with the new mutated strain there–and who knows maybe all that poisonous retardant dust we inhaled at Yarnell will keep the Covid at bay.
quate= twin in Spanish–and vaccine needs some lengthy testing before you get this old soldier injected.
Oh…and one more thing. Shawna Legarza can be both a nice person and a bought and paid for stooge at the same time and both things can be true because they aren’t mutually exclusive. So…
And I don’t know about all of those other things you are talking about and trying to figure them out just makes my head hurt. My job is to look at this thing from the 30,000 foot level and make broad, grand and essentially meaningless recommendations while throwing hand grenades at anything that moves as side entertainment because I can.
It’s HAL 9000’s (and a few others) job to figure out all of the technical angles and get back to me with his findings so I will know what to think. I’m an a former investigator 🕵️♂️, and wildland firefighter and not a Subject Matter Expert on any one subject or discipline because there are just too many subjects and disciplines to be a SME in. Who do you think I am…Jason Bourne?–k4o5BDjY
I mean…that guy can make a propane tank explode at 100 yards with an old birder shotgun filled with birdshot. Do you have any idea how hard that would be to do? Yes…of course you do because you are a ballistics and firearms expert in addition to all of the other things you are an expert in.
So…why don’t you just get back to me when you finally have it all figured out. In the meantime, I will be working on my book that at least three and maybe as many as six people want to read…okay?
Oh…and one more thing. My other job on this blog is to explain random things about WF in general and hotshots in particular ad naseum from my perspective, you’re welcome.
It’s more than six Gary.
Is that all your analytics show. Then it’s not accurate
I can teach you that on how traffic flows online too.
You know I am in Indiana right now hanging out with Jones family
Always getting YHf data
Have no clue how this will post
Looks all smooshed and narrow
Yeah,I think you’re right. I think it will be at least a baker’s dozen.
Freshly out of the oven
Hey Gary
You ever est potato chip cookies?
My Mississippi family use to make then…they taste like pecan sandies
This cell sucks
No, I never even heard of them. You ever eat Missouri cookies? My mother used to make those.
Yes Gary
The no baked cocoa and oatmeal..sometimes with peanut butter
Sure…every kid first learns to make them
No bake easy kind of cookies
Mmmm, Missouri cookies.
While you est your cookies
Another video for Bill
You had inserted a Donut video Gary so I did too
This time no promo shirt…more or less a decent pastor not silly like the other one…same old same old
He really does not comprehend
I am in Indiana for God’s purpose
To get another piece of the YHF puzzle
Pay attention to public r
I am unable to read what I type
So sorry for typos
Donut…isn’t Highland church the same one Willis goes to?
[email protected][email protected]@[email protected]
Phone sucks
More Donuts…
Oh…and one more thing. Shawna Legarza can be both a nice person and a bought and paid for stooge at the same time and both things can be true because they aren’t mutually exclusive. So…
And I don’t know about all of those other things you are talking about and trying to figure them out just makes my head hurt. My job is to look at this thing from the 30,000 foot level and make broad, grand and essentially meaningless recommendations while throwing hand grenades at anything that moves as side entertainment because I can.
It’s HAL 9000’s (and a few others) job to figure out all of the technical angles and get back to me with his findings so I will know what to think. I’m an a former investigator 🕵️♂️, and wildland firefighter and not a Subject Matter Expert on any one subject or discipline because there are just too many subjects and disciplines to be a SME in. Who do you think I am…Jason Bourne?–k4o5BDjY
I mean…that guy can make a propane tank explode at 100 yards with an old birder shotgun filled with birdshot. Do you have any idea how hard that would be to do? Yes…of course you do because you are a ballistics and firearms expert in addition to all of the other things you are an expert in.
So…why don’t you just get back to me when you finally have it all figured out. In the meantime, I will be working on my book that at least three and maybe as many as six people want to read…okay?
Whoops…duplicate comment. Sorry about that. The Department of Redundancy Department apparently had the morning off because COVID-19 has now decapitated our government at the very highest levels. May God have mercy on our beleaguered nation.
The reason Gary is not answered by the dishonest and dishonorable cadre is because he knows the game and has the goods on them. They dare not else he expose the sorrys for what they have done and for their inept operations. So for us civilians it is a bit of fresh air to have some honesty least we loose all faith in government officials. The politicians are all save a scant few, sold out for gain leaving the devil in revelry and the humble citizen in pain.
I dare say Gary has made some swallow their admonitions and many fuming inside at their naked exposure–yet you see no answer from these blokes of low conscience.
It indeed will get wild–likely after the election results are in. But then, I being of free spirit, agree that this must happen just as the freedom fighters of the early times had to revolt against the British Tyranny and King George the Imperialist Power Monger.
It was excessive taxation that generally was the problem in those days. That again is here but the suppressors are corporate entities that have taken our jobs to overseas, raped the taxpayer while they pay almost none, and made their gluttonous moves resulting in a depleted economy for the poor and middle classes while depriving them not only of a decent sustenance and even shelter, but also removing basic human freedoms and rights. Yet their corporate black psychology has brainwashed the multitudes into general acceptance of what is manipulative control of the working person and poor.
They have done well to control the media by corporate ownership. The use of false statements has kept the war effort in vogue enriching the corporate purses at the expense of millions of lives with such things as assignations of foreign leaders, drone murders of thousands of foreign citizens–even foreign journalists, and seeing such things as a mother holding her dead baby and children and women not even connected to anything but wanting to live unmolested within their countries. But even as horrible is the killing of our young veterans in these foreign lands so these corporate interests and profits in oil and other enterprises are protected.
Bush, Clintons, Obama, and even those before since Dwight Eisenhower in the 60’s have promoted these wars using false information. You can see a smiling Colin Powell at the UN telling lies he knew to be lies–it was being part of the cadre–it protected his interests and those he worked for. They today live in high cotton on their ranches or mansions while the blood of millions was the cost of their wealth. This I call the reptilian conscience. Reptiles are known to at times eat their own young serving their own interests without consideration of their deed. Those of us who were fooled but learned the truth see them as war criminals and it would suffice to put them to the same fate as the war criminals of the Nuremberg trials. They deserve no less than to be brought before a world court for judgement of their crimes and many have made the proposal.
So, yes I believe that now that the world corporate enterprises have raped the economy and left the people destitute there must be a time of revolt. There is no alternative unless the system becomes even more punitive of the poor and worker classes. Those liars in political offices are not the solution, they are the problem. Unless the swamp is truly cleaned through many hardships this tyrannical and deceitful governing class will enforce even greater controls upon the common citizen.
It is a great thing to see our veterans being removed from foreign lands. I am a veteran, did my time believing it was the right thing and that I was in defense of this country. Yet as I grew older and wiser, I realized that I was nothing more than gun fodder for the interests of a few that have since that time continued to lie and rape the resources and people of this country.
Neither candidate is fit for office –liars, assassins, tax dodgers, and war mongers have no business running this country. There are many honest people out there who would lead this country, even war heroes who would work for the people and not as purchased agents of corporate interests nor be imperialist war mongering power hungry tyrants.
My opinions I own–Slainte
I forgot to add mental defectives to that list–that would include me to some degree since being tainted with an ounce of lead my mental faculties are some slowed. But listening to Biden I wonder how such a person that ought to be pitied for his ongoing senility would be set up as a Presidential Candidate. But then, I realize the Corporate enterprises would welcome such a patsy for their interests. Trump is however already a part of the money game and knows the plays to win the prize.
Wait…I like this version a little better. But I will go look for more and get back to you in case I find one I like better…K?
The only appropriate remark I can give to Joy is a job well done. You clearly have revealed the truth of the Yarnell incident and I am witness to the countless hours over the past 7 years you have devoted to uncovering the truth and reasons for the deaths of the Granite Mountain Hot Shot Crew. This tragic incident must be revealed for all to understand and what can be done to prevent needless and careless risk and deaths of wild land fire fighters.
I fear the wild land fire fighting people and associates have gone the way of the Police departments in the United States. Would you believe the coroner for the murder of George Floyd has declared that Floyd died of natural causes and not asfixiation due to that cop choking Floyd to death. The cop had his knee on Floyd for 9 minutes and three minutes even after he had killed Floyd–and we remember Floyd begging for air and people asking the cop to stop choking Floyd. You see, in this world the Police can do no wrong and so it goes with the Wild land fire honcho crony system. Everyone, even many in the public will back these people when they are obviously wrong. We love our public servants but when they lie, cheat and steal they ought to be relieved of their duties. They would be more suited to be preachers, priests or politicians in those cases.
So for Joy I can only say you are a hero and I do believe your efforts will contribute to saving wild land fire fighter lives. And kudos to Scottie Briggs, I know he has put much time and effort with good back up of facts and the aid of Joy and others, including some heavy hitters in the wild land fire trades and investigations like the ilks of RTS, Dr. Putnam to name a few, as well as citizens who witnessed operations and burns that the SAIR, SAIT did not bother to question.
When you investigate your buddies in the wild land fire fighting business it is hard not to be biased.
I am in Indiana with the Jones…
They asked me what is a norm Joy
I said Sonny explained it best
It was nice to be here
with the Fall colors.
You should be here
for this.
Gathering YHF data
I have learned with wildland firefighting that there was the original creation of the crews but since then..there has been confusion, catrosophies, Corruption, some evolution bullshit, etc
And it should be learn, love, lead.
You are a leader Sonny
I’m tired
Sleep time for me
Long ass day
Talk soon
I will be in Congress soon
What were your thoughts on the debate last night
I am waiting to see real leaders to please step forward
Oh and NORM was auto correct from nom rom
B as backwards mormons
Stupid cwll
I do thing the corona virus attack on Trump has done him some good. He is talking about helping people with some monetary aid and at the same time getting troops home from Afghanistan. I think the doctors need to give him more of the same meds. We need to pull out of Iraq by Christmas as well–get our troops home.
Well this is a good political move since the brain challenged Biden goes along with the war machine to keep those troops in Afghanistan. We need those young warriors home to protect the homeland. Our imperialist ways need to be abandoned–this country is in disarray with unemployment exceeding those of the Great Depression of the 30’s. People are on edge with race wars and police corruption and political corruption festered to a point that change and challenge to the corporate controls will either be made or this society called democracy will have even greater tyrant control. Just hope the Tyrants in control are some benevolent–unlikely, but there will be a great weeding out of those who choose not to wear jack boots or kneel to the King.
The wild fires are at a record high this year–like the Covid virus they are quite proficient at their destructive forces.
But Bill Gates says by 2021 we will have a vaccine to stop the Covid virus. You have to wonder where these so called masters get their reasoning from–we can not stop any virus. The cold continues and the flu despite the vaccinations takes up to 60 thousand US lives depending upon the strain that is active –you just can’t believe the statistics though.
What we do know is that Pharma is being investigated for Criminal activity by congress–They have shown their greed by overcharging for the life saving drugs and Congress is likely to slap them on the hand for it. Profits before lives.
I wouldn’t trust Bill Gate’s vaccine–my own opinion knowing his full background is that he is in business for the profit but acts like a Prophet. He also sees this world as overpopulated and wants me to trust his vaccine. What a joker.
Alright–things are cooling here as well Joy–You are at a place near where I worked building Pole Barns for Hogs–in my youger years–Roseville near the Amish settlements. Those hogs I had never seen or imagined they could grow so large. Those hogs would eat until they could only lie on their sides to get their heads into the slop bins. But 700 pound hogs were auctioned off for the pork markets and the fatter they were the more the hog farmers made.
We had a crew of men that would leave Mt. Vernon, Ill on a Sunday then we worked all week and drove back home in a ford station wagon that seldom got under a hundred. I often wondered how I had survived that job walking rafters and handling poles and moving cement in those humid summers in that area. But it was time off from mining while my Dad worked at getting what he believed to be his just inheritance of an 80 acre Farm he had left after his Dad had whipped him with a trace chain at the age of 14. There were oil wells on all four sides but not on the property–Dad believed they were stealing oil from it by horizontal drilling. But as it turned out, he never could get enough money together to get an attorney and after about a year there on that project left.
My son Ted that died from a ship accident as an underwater welder was born in Mt Vernon–but that cold there during the winter seemed worse than my winter at Minneapolis, MN. I do not think I would ever return to live in those colder climates–New Mexico is about right here.
But there are lots of good people, and especially those farm people in those areas. So sounds like you have found some of those quality individuals.
I almost hiked today but have put it off for a couple days. The dogs did their own hiking but are back–I have got to mend fence again and get the electric fence back in operation–they have started digging under again–except Buckie who seems to be a home dog that does not jive with the hunters. There isn’t much danger for them now since the rancher has gathered all his cattle and so is not out on the range.
I hope your stay is good and the weather not so dry as it has been here. I will be gathering some mesquite soon as the chill of autumn will soon turn to winter.
Reply to Gary Olson post on October 3, 2020 at 1:32 pm
>> Gary Olson said…
>> And I’m really fuzzy on this one, but I’m pretty sure
>> there were some awesome calculations from HAL 9000
>> on how long it probably would have taken the crew to
>> come down off the ridge based on actual feet they had
>> to move and minutes they had to do it. So…
It wasn’t just me. Many others ( like calvin, Marti, etc. ) participated in those ‘calculations’…. including the ones that determined that even if Eric Marsh had been pretty much all the way to the perimeter of the Boulder Springs Ranch, then there still would have been just as much time for most of the crew to RUN to HIS ( Marsh’s ) location, as there was for Marsh to RUN backwards to THEIR location out in the box canyon.
I say ‘most’ of the crew… because we still don’t know the physical condition of all the crew members at the moment they realized they were in deep shit, which must have happened some several minutes BEFORE the 4:39 pm botched MAYDAY calls that were recorded.
Example: There are still those ‘multiple contusions’ on the forehead of Clayton Whitted, as detailed in his medical examiner’s report.
From Clayton Whitted’s official autopsy report…
Clayton Whitted – Evidence of blunt force injuries include a 4 x 3 cm area of left frontal subscalp hemorrhage and a 3 x 1 cm area of right frontal subscalp hemorrhage.
LEFT – 4 x 3 cm area = 1.57 inch x 1.18 inch area.
RIGHT – 3 x 1 cm area = 1.18 inch x 0.39 inch area
They were serious enough to have ( possibly ) caused a ‘concussion’, and it remains a mystery whether those injuries to Whitted’s forehead were what was slowing the crew down during their descent and/or causing them to be ‘fixed in place’ and NOT either moving forward OR doing everything necessary to save themselves that afternoon.
Thank you HAL, I’m going to call that a consensus of IM since I think that is by far the most of us that agreed on any one issue over the past seven years.
Although if anyone disagrees with that conclusion, I would like to hear from you and your dissenting voice will be duly acknowledged in my book. I also believe that at least Sonny and I agree that most, if not all of the crew most likely could have survived in the nearby boulder field as well? And if anyone also agrees or disagrees with that conclusion, I would like to hear from you.
“And if anyone also agrees or disagrees with that conclusion, I would like to hear from you.”
My question would be with the height of the undergrowth, could they even see the boulder fields. The pictures after the fire sweep through shows them clearly. But before the fire I am not sure you would even know they were there. We have 2 people here that can answer that.
I a1 of them
I will state in the box canyon there was no truly high bush and let me insert a video that shows our account describing that
Thank you Joy. And I am basing everything I think about the boulder field on what Sonny has said. But Sonny has demonstrated a great deal of common sense and survival skill throughout his life, so I feel pretty good about my conclusion.
And once again, I am continuing to chew on this particular bone because because the NWCG training, trains WF to die in my opinion because when WF are out of options, I don’t believe the final option should be to lay down and die in an area that isn’t SURVIVABLE, I believe the FINAL OPTION should be to run for their lives, even if they have to use the fire shelter as a cloak of sorts (which they do teach) and run for their lives.
The NWCG teaches WF that they will only be able to hold their breath for about 15 seconds when running through flames, but Tony Czak managed to run 1100 feet through flames when trapped on the Battlement Creek Fire Disaster that were nearly identical to those on the Yarnell Hill Fire Disaster without a fire shelter to use as a cloak.
My idea isn’t a particularly unique one, I think that was everyone’s plan of last resort back in my day, I don’t believe anyone planned on crawling into those turkey basting bags to die.
It took a full swing of the pendulum of time to convince the GMIHC to lay down in an area that clearly wasn’t survivable to be burned to death when they had two better options available to them except they had entered into Condition Black which I write about in my next chapter where they followed their NWCG training to their deaths.
at the end of this video we describe it
Finally got to a non dead zone area-
Sorry JAW and JB for failing to remember that Big Bear data for you- been a wild few weeks and gonna be another wild few weeks
The DSC_0002 photo has the East side of the Helms by Vanessa Purdy’s old area that showed 6 to 8 ft tall brush but in the Canyon you will hear me and Sonny talk it was chest high and bear wallow kind.
Watch the Youtube video to hear and see us talk on it.
it is about the 14:15 mark when we describe it
to see that photo on that link
pass all the family bs
search NIKON D80 photos
Although I will say that without question running to Marsh who I believe was either at or very near the BSR would have been my preferred alternative, I am just pointing out the boulder field as an example of another alternative that could have been considered.
Dr. Putnam did some research after the South Canyon Fire Disaster and he concluded that most, if not all of the 12 who were burned to death at the main stand which included the 9 Prineville Hotshots would have survived if they would have dropped everything except for their shelters and run for the top of the drainage. And he has concluded the same for other fires.
I think dropping everything would have made a significant difference in the GMIHC making it out if that canyon. But there is an institutional bias for WF to keep everything with them and go to the shelters.
It would require some serious reprogramming to train hotshot crews to abandon their saws and line gear because of the “what if” factor and the fear of being ridiculed for losing their equipment in the fire.
Plus, stress fear and panic sets in which clouds all of their thinking.
Don’t know about Hal Goo’s estimation–did he take the plunge and actually time how long it would take to come from the two track down to the place of deployment? Well Joy and I did with the ADOSH investigators–It took 20 minutes for Brent the 26 mile marathon runner, and would you know that I was a minute ahead of him. But I grew up next a mountain and had trekked many from the time I was 9 so had much experience over both in rock hopping. Now it took his partner and Joy ten more minutes to reach the deployment site. Brett had fallen and sustained an injury–part of the delay. Bear in mind that all brush was burned away. Those investigators timed that on purpose to get an idea of how long it might take the men to get to where they cut out brush and deployed the fire blankets.
You would have to factor in brush and I would add a minimum of ten minutes to the 20 for the fast Marathon runner and if there were injuries such as Brett had, you could add another minimum of ten minutes to the arrival of all the GMHS. So I would think 40 minutes minimum. The reason of the injury to Clayton had to be the same for what happened to Brett–a major fall. That slope was beyond 45degrees where no vehicle or ATV would be able to ascend that steep of a slope. Add loose rock under your feet and if you did not have good balance, or even if you did, you had a good chance of being on your ass or even forward on your head. With 18 men picking their way down it had to be a given that there would be more than one fall–and those tough young men can handle that generally. But land wrong and a concussion would be harsh if not debilitating. I suspect Clay had a bloody wound on the head since the ground was loaded with sharp rock and boulders on the way down.
Still it would be interesting to know what a long term wild land fire fighter would estimate beyond the fast 20, no brush. I have asked several experienced wild land fire fighters whether 19 men would be slower than one but never got a real definitive answer. I have to believe they would be getting in each other’s way on a rocky sometimes foot sliding steep downhill plunge. And certainly should one be injured as Clay was. You have to know there was no other place you could have sustained a head injury unless one of the others laid a Pulaski against his head–and that would not be sensible in a situation where they were looking at a fire and trying to beat it.
Of course I am certain there have been a few fire fighters that have already timed themselves going down–Perhaps they will respond. with an estimate. With Scottie doing a documentary, I am certain he would be pleased to get those estimates from the long seasoned wild land Fire Fighter. I do not believe Dr. Ted Putnam timed it or gave his estimate–If he did Joy would know. I do not think he reads this site very often–so let us know.
Dr Ted Putnam is just too busy with Mann Gulch
I wrote ad naseum my opinion on that subject a couple of times several years ago and here is my answer.
It takes a lot longer than most people think it should because of what I call the “slinky effect.”
Whenever there is any obstacle or pause for any reason in the line, it has a cumulative effect so by the time you get to the end of the crew, it can have a really exponential effect.
I had experience with this because my first year on the crew, the crew boss and squad bosses were so unimpressed with my potential as a hotshot, they made me the second to the last shovel on squad 2. That’s the equivalent of being picked last for a pick up basketball game. The last shovel is a very important job because between that person and the first Pulaski or squad boss (our squad bosses almost always cut line with their squads, they were working supervisors) they control the tempo of the line.
This of course can extent to the last shovel of squad 2 and either the lead Pulaski or squad boss of squad 1 when we cut crew line, which was usually how we did it. RTS really ate me a new one a few years ago about how we cut line, but I can’t remember now how he said he did it that was so much better? It had something to do with the “Leapfrog” method. Anyway, I digress, again.
So I know that when the Slinky Effect finally catches up with the crew, if the crew boss doesn’t hold up and wait periodically, the last guys in squad two have to literally run to catch up and that’s not a good idea carrying tools, plus, it makes your crew look sloppy and unorganized.
So anyway, my theory goes like this.
Every time Steed came to a boulder to work around, or even some brush that was going to snap back and hit squad boss 1 in the face, that he had to hold for a few seconds like someone holds a door for the next person behind them so they don’t get hit by it, and it takes just five seconds, but it could even be just one second because those add up also, it makes a big difference by the time it gets to the last person because the math goes like this, even though as you know, math isn’t my strong point.
19 people in line, with a five second pause
5×18= 90 seconds.
10 such pauses equals 15 minutes. That’s a big problem without compensating for that effect on a regular basis.
It has always been my theory that when Marsh calculated how long it would take the crew to get down the DEATH CANYON, he made the oversight of basing it on his descent without considering the Slinky Effect.
This could have even been a big problem if he simply underestimated the Slinky Effect because the margin he was playing with was so tight. But I think we all accept the fact that he was a risk taker and a gambler who had some a obsessive compulsive disorder in addition to all of his other psychological issues (I think we all have them, the only question is how we deal with them and how they manifest them in our everyday lives) and the fact that I believe he was what a psychiatrist would identify as being as crazy as an Arizona Road lizard.
And this was about where the big discussion came in with HAL 9000 leading it with the big question of how did the crew member (Clayton Whitted?) get that injury on his head? Because a crew injury could really have thrown their descent off a tight timeline.
If I had to take a wild guess, I would guess that if the injury happened on the way down, it didn’t hold them up that long because Steed knew they were racing to beat a train to the crossing. I think that injury most likely happened in the crazed frenzy of activity to get under the shelters after wasting the few minutes they had left to live trying to improve a deployment site that you know….WAS NOT SURVIVABLE!
And that Marsh who was in outstanding physical shape, was not hung over, hadn’t been working and was “feeling his oats” that day and could move through that brush like a deer 🦌, just grossly misjudged how long it would take the crew to cover the same distance he did.
And although I think Marsh killed his crew and he had a lot of help doing it, I think that was the final domino that fell in how the Swiss Cheese effect manifested itself that day and doomed the crew. You know…IMHO.
And just as a reminder, the Swiss Cheese Model is why we need multiple layers of security so that a “single point of failure” won’t you know…kill an entire hotshot crew.
And one of my biggest bones to chew on since the very first day l learned about what happened to the GMIHC, was how the State of Arizona tried to do their usual go cheap and fight fire on a miser’s budget by ordering up a short team of retired and washed up (no offense guys, but none of us are firing on all of the cylinders that we once did) USFS mercs to play first string when they should have been warming the back bench somewhere working in fire camp in supply or as a Safety Officer (Hahaha).
That might be okay sometimes as a Plan B when you get caught with your pants down, but it shouldn’t be a way of life like it is for some agencies. And I don’t even blame State Forestry, they have to play the lousy hand the Arizona State Legislature and the governor (mostly Republicans) deals them. My oldest daughter used to be a school teacher in Arizona and because Arizona is 50th out of 50 states in how much they pay their school teachers is one really big reason why they no longer live in Arizona. There is a cost to those low taxes that attracts all of the old bitchy people who have run the state for decades. You get what you pay for in life. Whoops, I got distracted…again.
Anyway, when you go to a gunfight planning on cannibalizing your critical resources on an ad hoc basis as part of your Plan A, don’t be shocked when you lose the fight. Here’s a little tip, send in your A Team to start with, especially under the conditions like weather, fuel, topography, and a valuable resource like you know…a town, etc. that were present on the day of the YHF Disaster and at risk. GEE WHIZ…never seen a fire do that before? Stupid fucks. Linear thinking and training can never catch up to an exponential threat or crises. They need to train on how to go from 0 to 100 MPH in a couple of seconds. You know…like…wait for it…law enforcement does. “Good day, may I see you driver’s license and registration please? BANG BANG BANG BANG. The average gun fight is over in two or three seconds, with two or three shots being fired from two or three feet. Actually, with the wide spread introduction of semi autos that have been brought into our lives since the late 1980’s, I think it is more shots than that. Everybody always want to know “why the fuck did the police fire so many shots?” (the Breonna Taylor Incident) Ask a police officer how many shots they fired right after a shooting where they emptied a 16 round magazine (never call them clips, they aren’t clips, they are magazines) and they will tell you “three or maybe four or maybe five times.”
Why? It’s because of the huge flood of adrenaline that just got dumped into their systems. They immediately went into the fight or flight mode that has been baked into our DNA over hundreds of thousands of years (or less than 10,000 years if you are some types Fundamentalist Christians) where they immediately experienced tunnel vision, auditory exclusion (they couldn’t even hear their guns going off) and the loss of fine motor skills as their brains instantly redirected all of the blood from their extremities to their vital organs in order to give them their best chance to survive the pending severe blood loss from a Sabre Tooth 🦷 Tiger attack…or whatever. Why did that young man drive off the road on the Twisp Fire in that engine? It was because he hadn’t received even the slightest bit of training of what to expect when his body was flooded with adrenaline and he immediately experienced tunnel vision, auditory exclusion and the loss of fine motor skills. All of which would have been extremely critical in order to save his life plus the lives of the other two WF who were with him in the engine and prevent the horrible disfiguring burns the fourth firefighter has to spend the rest of his life dealing with. What is the cost of spending all of your training dollars on those who are much further up the food chain and almost nothing on your entry level people? Sometimes it’s death and serious injuries. What is the cost of not training anybody on the effects they will experience when their bodies are flooded with adrenaline? Sometimes it’s death and serious injuries. Whoops…please forgive me, I digress, again.
The GMIHC should never have been cannibalized of their crew boss to fill in as a DIV because that deleted a very important safe guard, DIV Alpha and the GMIHC Crew Boss morphed into the same person and there was no one left to say, “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND, YOU WANT US TO DO WHAT? FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON COWBOY. DO YOU WANT ME TO COME DOWN THERE AND RIP OFF YOUR HEAD AND SHIT DOWN YOUR NECK YOU STUPID FUCK!!!
And I hate to state the obvious here (actually, I really don’t mind that much) but the point of failure was the cowboy who had the really bad idea and the person who could override him because they were the same exact person.
And RTS informed me way back when that doing that wasn’t that uncommon these days, but just FYI, in ten years on a hotshot crew and four years of helping to manage fires from an office setting, I never saw or even heard of that being done. A hotshot crew boss has the authority, standing and respect that no acting hotshot crew boss will ever have. I never left my crew, never ever. And I always went in with the first load and out with the last load. And that is one thing I still don’t understand, how was that squad of Prineville Hotshots were left alone up on that mountain with a gaggle of fuckin’ smokejumpers on the South Canyon Fire, just you, FYI? If a line or the fire needed to be scouted, I had people who could do that. My place was with my crew. Period. End of story.
And why did the US Congress pass and then the president sign into law the federal Public Safety Retirement Act? The act that makes what most people would consider “full retirement” of 50% after 20 years of service possible? With a MANDATORY retirement at age 57, which was 55 for most of my career.
Was it because they are nice and they like to give away great benefits to special federal employees like those who work in fire or law enforcement? No…it wasn’t.
It was because they, just like just about everyone except for Bob Powers recognizes the critical need for a “youthful and vigorous workforce” in some critical positions. That means that old people aren’t firing on all of the same cylinders that they once were and they need to be replaced sooner than all other employees do.
Do you know what it means if retired USFS mercs can go out and fight fire as effectively as they once did, before they reached retirement age? It means that Congress, the president and the Office of Personnel Management and all of the specialists who they consulted on the subject got it all wrong. And none of you needed a special early retirement package to begin with. Is that what happened? Should you forfeit your special retirement package, you stupid fucks?
Hey…Arizona State Forestry! Pay attention. You hired up old, washed up, ineffective cast-off has-beens to fight the monster called the Yarnell Hill Fire Disaster. What was the ultimate cost that all of us are paying…you stupid fucks!
RTS was talking about PAYSON PROGRESSIVE where you broke into two or three scrapers or and a saw team to put in some small chunks of ljne… leapfrog…traditional progressive handling is the worst one for efficiency and speed encouraging people upfront to take too much and the oones in the back stand in there looking around digging up dirt
Blah..blah…blah, Fred is full of shit! He was a shirker on the Murdoch Basin Fire of 1980 for God’s sake! I was asked, “What shift do you want?”
And according to Fred, whose account we will have to rely on since I don’t remember what I said, I replied, “We will do whatever needs to be done, whenever it needs to be done and however it needs to be done. Period. End of story.”
Which sounds exactly like what I would say and what I said every time I was asked a question like that because that’s how I was trained. And training is critical to mission success. I never jumped up and down and said, “Pick me, pick me.” I let our work on the fire line speak for my crews.
And then Fred said, “I would to take the day shift because that will make it easier to change my crew’s messy diapers, please, please, please and because a bunch of my guys got ash in their manginas on our last fire and they aren’t you know…100% yet.”
And that is why I don’t have any good photos of that fire, we worked the night shift and Mark couldn’t take any. But I do have some from fire camp and I am going to make a special page for them on my website because we got snowed out…in JULY.
Which made it all kinda interesting in addition to the fact that once again, according to Fred, they had a special briefing for us because some overhead heard some guys cracking jokes about raping some Mormon women. And some guy gathered us all together and told us, “Okay you assholes…listen up. I’m just a GS-4 but I was told to tell you to not rape any women while you are in Utah and as a matter of fact, don’t even joke about it!” But I don’t remember that either, I rarely paid any attention during any briefings about anything. So…
How come I have to rely on RTS for that…cant you remember your own shit
Its critical to remember that
I wonder how the alien presence will affect the minds of people. What will they say to a lizard man–will they try to convert him to Jesus? God those lizard people are scary to the human eye–people are afraid of snakes and other reptiles–what will they say when these ugly beings stand on two legs and speak with them. So Adam and Eve spoke with a reptilian–he wised them up a bit then God and Adam laid all the blame on Eve–so the story goes Eve got screwed with having a painful child birth experience–don’t mess with the Leprechaun thing.
I say this–I managed to pull 190 ft. of pipe and a bum submersible and today installed a new one–a bit more HP up to one now where they had a half horse before.–also changed the wiring t0 220v pump. 220 is more efficient over 110. And presto–I have the essential of life–clear and pure ground water filtered through the sands of a good depth; Well there is 96 ft. of water in a 202 depth well that I measured–the previous well service people saved on pipe I suppose since they had the pump hanging a good 30 ft. from the bottom–so I added another 10ft of pipe to get the pump lower in the water. Doubful I would ever need the extra but you do not want your submersible to run dry yet you should stay at least ten foot off the bottom where you have plenty water in order to keep away from the sand. It is great when you do not have to depend upon someone to come do your dirty work–and in this case I had a new pump ready since I knew the one in there had been there since 1965. I also have a solar pump that if I get ambitious I can install–but it is a thing where you fill a tank and then use water off the tank. This is much more convenient than when I was hauling water to that place out of Aguila, AZ–I was hauling a thousand gallons at a time there–that half Indian neighbor was hauling two gallons at a time and getting by. Well I am reminded of my Dad’s account as a machinegunner in WW1. He could take a decent bath out of his iron helment–maybe that is why he thought a tin tub was a luxury and baths were once a week for us kids in those days. I was always the last since girls got the fresh water, brother the youngest was next and I was last–but you had a bucket on the side to rinse off so it worked out pretty well. Still I like a shower at least once a day and though I have no regrets for those tent days, running hot and cold water are a nice convenience.
And the reason I brought up the Alien issue is that I am looking at a huge mother ship–the size has to be likely a mile across considering its brightness and distance., It is parked to the NW for now–red lights below. Who knows, maybe it is an Elon Musk project–or maybe it is indeed an alien ship. Feds are finally fessing up–they do have UFO footage and their nuclear missile silos were shut down by invasive craft that they had no way to defend against. People still think these are made up stories–but the people reporting are those that have credentials they would not ordinarily want questioned–except some of them have backbones and will talk as to what they witnessed despite what the public or peers might say.
I am tired–but I just want to let you know that in case you are discouraged–don’t be and you can still do even if it is at half speed and Rome gets built a bit slower. Joy inspired many that were depleted, discouraged and couch potatoes waiting to die–she in her worse health was going ahead and hiking and living her best. She helped some to make it to their front gate, then to make it up a block, then these living dead had gone from 350 pounds of fat to a lean 150 and hiking 5-10 miles each day. Their faces were now changed from frown to smile. Can you knock someone that helps others accomplish what they thought they could not?
Slainte–and best hang back from the lizard men–we have enough hybrid reptilians and shape shifters in politics without entertaining those in Space ships.
Slainte and may the good Gods of the Irish keep you safe or your own if you have one.
Update–that Mothership has move all the way across the sky and is now settled directly over the White Sands Proving Ground NE of me. These alien ships invade air space no human pilot would dare invade–but then they give the finger to any fighter jet or attempt to challenge their audacity. More than a few pilots have been killed in their attempts although some have had their planes made inoperative but were able to recover. The technology and speeds, ability to disappear in plain sight at will, and ability to defy known laws of physics makes them immune to our best technology. I have to believe the aliens in these craft are what we are now making–AI robots–human and biological types could never withstand the G forces these craft create in their maneuvers.
It is interesting to note that Clyde Trombaugh that discovered Pluto way back in 1930. He was setting on his porch on Aug 20, 1949, 20 miles from here in Las Cruces, NM when he spotted 6 triangular UFO’s–included were his family and some visiting friends., This man spent his life observing the skies so his testimony and statement that these could not be something of earthly origin stands strong.
The Trinity atom bomb test was North of here and all that rocketry and bombing was going on after 1947 in this area. White Sands Military Range has always been a great area for aliens to watch. I told you I photographed a cattle mutilation and also witness and was abducted by aliens–something I denied for years despite my vivid memory of the occurrence before in seeing these small what appeared to be almost humanoid in character.
This area is still a sight seeing course for Alien visitors–maybe they view us like we view apes or lions in a cage–we are even more dangerous with greater intelligence and apt to kill –sometimes in huge numbers such as when we vaporized a few hundred thousand in Nagasaki and Hiroshima–or watch how Hitler treated the Jews or look at Derick Chauvin and other power crazy people how they do not mind killing another human even after they have him disabled. And perhaps we are monkeys to these higher intelligentsia and they are breeding humans and making hybrids on the sly for purposes and other planets.
What pack of gods after all produced the Dinosaur group then wiped them off the planet. Was it the same gods the screwed with monkey DNA to make men then decided it was a bad experiment so wiped them all of the planet with a great flood. This cosmos is replete with gods and various intelligence’s–mechanical, digital, and strange to the human notion to say the least. I don’t know how far they will allow Elon Musk volunteers to veer but I suspect with the vastness of the Universe they won’t give a damn if someone has a notion to try to live on Mars knowing that Earth is going to be wiped out sooner or later–likely sooner with all the nukes, scientific created Covid type pandemics, AI that damn sure does not need oxygen, and greedy elite that rather sacrifice the planet long term for their short term profits.
China can already change the weather–by 2025 they claim they can change the weather on an area as big as India. They will be able to cause rain or bring on drought at will. They have also conquered fusion and create temperatures a hundred and fifty times the temperature of the sun–they have their own sun source.
So we ought to realize we are going to have to take a back seat to technology be it alien or human–So fasten your seat belt–looks like a bumpy ride ahead and perhaps science will find some medicine to cure a senile President.
And WTF are you anyway, RTS’ mini-me? 😂
Oh no…not even near to being him
He is his own whatever it is he is
I just listened over time
I would not want to be a mini ANYONE…I am an individual
I am not a go along to get along
However I would love to be a fly on EN’s wall or Holly’s to know what they talk about back channel about all of us
I rather be a Sonny mini me…that man can sure pioneer and he takes STUFF and makes things so amazing
Yes I was amazed that I am now able to suspend my car in air without a lift so that I can walk under it to fix things on the bottom. I do wonder how that happened except I just do not like the idea of laying on my back in crimped quarters underneath.
So I was able to replace a couple struts and some control arms on that 2001 Camry without the being on my back looking up at the work to be done.
Some things like alignment needs to be done with the expensive laser equipment you find at alignment shops like Big O. They gave me a bill for $97 to which I looked under the vehicle and saw they had not moved any adjustment bolts on the rear and just the two on the front. Their total work time had to be less than 15 minutes and the damn thing steered worse than before I brought it in. They explained the problem was I needed a couple bolts that were worn. Truth was I had pulled those bolts before I took it in when replacing the struts. They were not worn, but when you replace struts you need to have an alignment job. So I said OK anyway and if that is what it needs do it. So for another hundred it drives somewhat better but still not the way it should. But you see why I try to do my own work–granted 200 bucks perhaps is not too bad using their modern technology–but I still feel shafted since I could get those new bolts from ebay for 16 bucks and have them in in about ten minutes in my slow motion. (I have a battery impact wrench that is fast) I just do not have the machine to turn the bolts to the right camber. Yet if I were to do another I would buy one of the cheap mechanical jobs and still may in order to see if they really did set the angles correctly.
It is too bad, people are oriented toward the maximum profit for the least amount of work–something that they do too often in a shabby manner.
I see where new car sales do not really profit the dealerships that much–an average of less than a thousand–closer to 500 unless they can add on about 10 BS items. Their real pay offs are in the car service business where they really put the screws to people. Well not me–just the alignment shops get me.
All you say Gary makes sense because yes there were also boulders to work around and higher than usual brush on the downgrade from the two track. However, having been down that slope many times I believe Clayton would have received his injury on the slope. That the men were considerably depleted gives me thought that more than one had sustained some sort of fall on that decline that sometimes required grabbing a bush to keep from sliding. Of course they now have developed a windy trail that meanders with lots of switch backs so most folk can now work themselves off the two track without incident.
I had not thought about the “slinky” effect but your estimation sounds within reason except a bad injury might even delay the group considerably. And it may have been more than one fall involved. And yes Marsh was moving quickly, enough that I was duly impressed by his stamina and agility. The crew however presented differently as we passed. I did shake my head and comment they looked as if they were on their death march. I remember having in my mind that I would never want to work on a crew that looked that haggard going up that mountain. But if one considers their previous work time with no time off beyond the normal allowed, that they were called away from rest and recreation that they were in dire need of, and that they were in full dress loaded with packs and tools including even chain saws going up a steep mountain in already 100 degree temperature, it is no wonder they would look worn and unhappy. It is a shame that men would be put into action under the conditions they were and when you tax people to that degree their actions and reactions are diminished.
I am glad Joy has been posting more and as these things seem to go after cover up operations, it takes years to ferret out the truth. Dr. Ted Putnam has put in as much or maybe more time solving the false version of the 13 deaths of the Mann Gulch situation. His evidence and conclusions show that a similar method of cover up was used in that incident to keep the Forest Service record and Smokey the Bear face forward. No blame and no shame but no change and the death count continues to add up. Truth, not lies is the only solution to saving lives.
Yes we had left the two track maybe an hour or so before the GMHS descended into the death canyon. We had topped the Weaver Range going in the opposite direction so we could descend the west side of the Weavers where the vegetation was sparce–so much so that the fire stopped at the top of the Weavers. In fact it did start on the West side of the Weavers very near the top, yet it could only advance to the top of the Weavers and then down the other side. Right in the area it started, since we had hiked the area several times even before the fire a good description would be a rocky and bouldery area with sparse grass and about 100 yards to the top where boulders were interspersed with grass and some dense manzanita areas isolated like small islands among the boulders. It would have been easily contained by a crew of men with Pulaski’s before it advanced down onto the East side of the Weavers. It would have been several hours before that fire could advance over the top of the Weavers and then begin its move down the canyon directly below toward Peeples Valley. That particular canyon had very dense growth of manzanita on the south side of the canyon and almost all rock and grass on the south side where an old deep gold mine is. The fire actually could only advance in that dense manzanita on the south side until it reached the base of the Weavers where there was the dense and dangerous manzanita that caught the GMHS crew and in which Donut had been positioned so that he barely escaped with his life.
At the time the weather conditions had it such that the fire had flanked Donut and by the time we topped the Weavers appeared to be at least 3 miles distant toward the NE and Peeples Valley from where Donut was stationed.
When we had topped the Weavers it was such that you could only feel a calm before the storm and as far as wind change detect only a slight movement of air. But I have lived through many of these situations and know almost by instinct what would soon occur. Yet in all our retreat back down the West side of the Weavers the wind had not at all been felt. Part of that was due to the wind break of the Weavers. But when we got into the flats, there still was still yet no wind reversal. So when we approached our vehicle, people were exiting their homes in droves because the fire had already arrived into their yards along the North edge of Yarnell and Glen Isla. My vehicle was about a quarter mile from that fire–but it was moving steadily but slowly at that time. There was little breeze and the wind had not picked up yet. In fact we could not feel the wind even by the time we had reached the vehicle along Foothills drive–the very edge of Glen Isla to the West.
The distance of that main fire from the NW line of Glen Isla would have been about 7 miles so I could not understand how it had already arrived–even almost trapping Joy and I in that area between the drop off of the West Side of the Weavers and our vehicle on Foothills Drive. That area was not entangled with manzanita, yet it had enough brush that it would have been our demise as well. We had a clear sand draw to exit in and then a gravel road, but it was no safe zone at all.
It was not until we viewed the burn at the Shrine on video that I realized why the fire had gotten so quickly to the edge of Glen Isla so early. The wind was slight and not sufficient to move it that quckly from the main fire. Those 45 mph winds did not come until later. in fact it seemed we hung around Yarnell for almost an hour before the excitement picked up from the intense wind arrival and we checked on Penny.
Penny lived on the east edge of Yarnell on the mountain side that borders the east of Yarnell. So we had a vantage point to see the now violent movement of the fire coming toward us through Yarnell. Our trip out with Joy’s photos shows the embers falling on our vehicle as we headed out past the Ranch House Cafe on the South end of Yarnell where all the Firemen were congregated.
The show was on and the State Wild Land Fire Fighting Organization had been caught with their pants down. Indeed the burns were now turned upon the town and had trapped the GMHS crew in that entangled death canyon.
And Gary’s thoughts that the GMHS crew might have survived had they not put credence in those fire blankets seems reasonable. The time they took attempting to cut out a deployment area could have been used in a drop your shit and run. However, I think the burns had already blocked their retreat since it seems some were made close to the ranch. Yet had they decided to run instead of wasting time cutting out brush around them, it was only about 70 yards as you have seen in many videos to an area of boulders totally devoid of vegetation. One in that area larger than a football field they would have found many boulder pile up so there were caves below ground level. Many of those boulders were the size of a Semi tractor truck piled on top of each other –rather a steep climb but we went through them on our hikes a number of times. With their physical youth and adrenaline they could and I believe certainly would have saved themselves. Those blankets after all proved totally useless, in fact, a hindrance in the case of the GMHS’s reliance on them where a dash to the boulders would have been their salvation.
So, yes in my humble opinion, I would not put much value in the blanket idea–retreat to a bouldery area is a better option if available. And Joy’s revelations of why they did not opt to attempt a charge to the Boulder Ranch was because the burns she documents had already cut that area off–the fire did not come around from the north until later. But why they opted for the cutout and deployment in the useless blankets in a manzanita patch instead of the available boulder area has to be because they believed the blankets would save them or else if a few did not, the orders were to deploy just as the orders were to drop off in that dead zone.
correction–the canyon due east of the origin of the fire had dense manzanita growth on the south side of the canyon but the north side was the grass and boudery terrain–the gold mine side was the grass as it too was on the south side of the canyon where the fire had a problem descending. In that dense manzanita the fire slowly but efficiently went down–then once on the floor of the range where there was a total coverage of manzanita, the fire took off quickly up the hills as we watched to the NE.
Rick McKinsey, long time cowboy in that very area knew that getting yourself entalngled in that brush with a wildfire going was something you would never do if you valued your life. He did that very morning of the deaths of the GMHS crew see them gathered near some Church at Peeples Valley and warn them not to get caught in that manzanita brush down low once the fire got off the mountain into the valley. Yet that was the very thing they did. You don’t need to be a trained wild land fire fighter to have that type of common sense, which leads me to think that this was an outright homicide case but treated as an accident. I say no way Jose.
More of Donuts Fall Collection
Wrong video
Here it is
I did not find this posted–maybe it was since it was an extension of a post. But for anyone wondering who this rancher might have been from WW1 he owned the Weatherby Ranch and would be passed by now but possible Drew is alive. He was some older that me at 17 I believe he was in his early 30’s. Anyhow for history’s sake and should anyone want to visit mine shafts near the Weatherby Ranch if it is still under that name near Animas, NM i do declare:
back from 3 hr. hike cut shot since we have a warm day and because of the covid VA hopital cant sew up a hernia that bothers me on extended hikes. It might be a blessing sine I might not recover like Trump if I get that war virus.
I will take a swing of that thermos coffee that I did not touch on the hike and then see how much more Trump and associates, even the Demos are getting Iran and China demonized. Well what do you expect with half a trillion handy for the war budget. Bring em home from Afghanistan, there are bigger deals out there and Trump has sent a bunch of Marines to train next China and is equipping Taiwan and littering the China Seas with our War Ships and Subs. I hope for the sake of our young vets that China doesn’t decide to test an A Bomb over the China sea.
But right now people are well enough distracted at home with no help when they need it most. A damn shame when we can spend half a trillion and likely more on War Monger Projects while the people are suffering–but no problem setting aside billions for the Mexican gonna be financed US Iron Curtain. Keep them field laborers out–looks like we won’t have crops to gather much anyhow and if we do, the men and women now on welfare will be herded into the fields to replace them. The worse violent gang members will be leaders and overseers of the field labor pools.
But I hope they at least provide water. The mormon ass I once chopped cotton for never even provided water in the field and then when it came pay time he him- hawwed around that he was living on a shoe string and could not afford to pay right away any of the wage for that long hot day of labor. I never returned to do more of his needs nor even to collect that wage I was owed. There are some rotton asses in the world no matter what religion they might hide behind. But I was young about 17, a country kid easily used by the greedy. I won’t forget his last name–Richardson out of Lordsburg but he would be dead by now and perhaps he mended his ways of taking advantage of people. I might have been lucky to be a citizen, you can imagine how this fellow would have treated illegals. Likely fed them and housed them in his rat infested bunk shack then after 6 months paid them less than his promises if he paid them at all.
Well he was not as bad as Drew’s Dad. I was going to work at a ranch his Dad owned near Animas. But my Dad said do not go–that old rancher had bragged to my Dad how in WW1 he had executed quite a number of German prisoners after they had laid down their arms and surrendered. He had gotten a dishonorable discharge for it but would still brag about his murders. Dad said you don’t want to work for a man of that temperament Even his son Drew that was a damn good fiddler had a distaste for being on the ranch and live there near the said Mormon Farmer.
True or not he had also told my Dad that he used the illegals for six months or so but when they asked for their pay and he saw they were about to leave he took them to a deep abandoned mine shaft and there terminated his debt. There are indeed evil people and undoubtedly there are people that would and likely do the same these days. My dealings with the poor from Mexico that were illegal only were desperate for work to send money back to their families–often a wife and kids. They did the dirty work of farm and ranch labor but certainly wanted to go back home to their families as soon as the poor pay would allow. That fence is against my experience of living in this area and on the Border and even in Mexico for a time. We ought not antagonize our neighbors to the south or the north although our Imperialistic politicians seem to think it makes America Great. . To my notion it only creates friction–but then that apparently is what the War Economy and Corporate Greedy want. Profit and to hell with humanity and human concerns is their way.
The use of them instead of those is New Mexico speak–or esos cabrones if you prefer. Likely most here that use that lingo had lessons in English but like the Black neighborhoods have their quirks of language. No offense to the Queen’s English–I ain’t sure but what she likely has a few quirks of her own and certainly her Prince Andrew does.
Slainte and may the Irish Gods Smile upon those that deserve
I did go to work for Grace and Charley Ray and was a cowboy there with pay at $5 a day, grub and a tin roof bunk stacked with corn in part on one side of the bunk house–much of which I had shucked together with Manuel from Silver City. Manuel was the congenial fellow that had run out of smokes then walked 17 miles for a Camel–his brand of smokes. Actually he had trekked the 17 miles to the highway on the seldom travelled dirt road out to the main highway between Silver City and Lordsburg, then had hitchhiked the next 20 or so into Silver City where he had a shack.
Charlie had been gone for a week or so on cattle business and when he returned told me he wanted me to go into town to locate Manuel. There was round up and branding to do and Manuel along with an Illegal Yaqui Indian were his best cowboys. The Yaqui had been deported and wasn’t expected to hike back from Mexico for a week or so.
Well Charlie knew exactly where to find Manuel–the Buffalo Bar in Silver City. I had guzzled some of their tap beer myself at times–it was after all a cowboy and low wage earner place to drink. They served a big mug that was a good half picture of beer for a nickle. It was cold and a real boost after a hard days work. Charlie did no drinking unless it was at home so there was no time taken to enjoy a mug at that time–and Manuel needing the job was willing to gulp his last and follow Charlie and me back out to his Plymouth Fury. He generally preferred city visits in his car over his pickup or that slow International Scout he used around the ranch.
Meantime I got ordered out of the bunkhouse for shooting rats off the rafters while I blinded them with a flashlight. I suppose I had not considered the holes I had put in his tin roof since I had in mind that I waas saving that corn–not all were shot off the rafters–some on that plank floor eating corn fell dead from lead of a 22 short.–but I did not object since I preferred the stars in those summer months I was there and it seemed Charlie was not too much upset for the loss of quite a number of rats for a few holes in that roof.
So there you are for the life of a cowboy working on the Brock Cattle Spread and had Charlie not shot Frank McCauley off his horse with a worn out carnival gallery pump 22 and a 22 short, I likely would have spent more than a year there. That short gave Frank lead poisoning–parallelized him from the waist down and Charlie’s action caused him the loss of his ranch and having for he and Grace to go on welfare. She did die not long after the loss of the ranch and I only saw Charlie once after the incident. He never was convicted of any crime but was a saddened man. He told me about Grace’s death and that all he had left was his green Chevy pickup and was living in a small rental shack in Lordsburg.
He had gone from owning a ranch that included 160 acres of deeded land with trout pond and 19 sections of cattle 99 year renewable government lease land that he had bragged he had been offered a million dollars for. Well Joy and I did meet Diamond Jim on our travels during a visit at the Arrowhead Bar just a couple miles out of Congress, Arizona. Joy and I were hiking the area mines and residing in a cave at the time. Would you know it is a small world–Diamond Jim had inherited Charlie’s ranch from the McCauly bunch–he knew me and my good reputation of not allowing the bad McCauly bunch to bully me. Two of them were sons of the Brother of Frank that owned the big ranch NW of Franks Flying A spread and in the Clifton area. One had followed me into the bathroom to do a number on me and at 250 pounds to my 150, I had no problem staving him off with a pocket knife. Those boys like to fight and were known to take on anyone that they thought was not to their liking. Fortunate for me and likely him as well he stood aside and let me pass.
Diamond Jim told me that ranch was up for sale–I believe he said he would take $480,000. Way above my pay grade but the ranch was well worth it. Diamond Jim said he never really liked the McCauley bunch and ranching that much–he was a cousin to them but I never asked how he wound up inheriting the ranch–maybe someone killed off the others. I know one was indicted for shooting his partner over a flourspar mine partnership. I never knew if he was found guilty–but he had been accused of ambushing his partner with a 30-30. I had taken a temporary dump truck driving job for one of the McCauley’s in laws in Silver City while I lived in Mexican town in a 30 dollar a month shack renting from an elderly Mexican lady who could not speak English. I finished a semester of College there at Western New Mexico University at the same time before heading out to work underground at the Fierro Mine some 20 miles East of Silver City.
So there you have an idea of the early west and those ancient haunts where Billy the Kid killed a few. But I doubt you can even get a mug for a $1 at the Buffalo Bar if it is still there and it surely will be one of the tiny mugs they offer these days.
Diamond Jim was one of the aftermath casualties Sonny…he died an extremely wealthy man though
That YHF has depleted so many…
Whoops, my comment is awaiting moderation for some reason so here goes take 3, maybe it was too long and so I will break it down?
As everyone knows who has followed my posts here for years, my goal is to be as helpful as I can in filling in some of the blanks for those who may not know as much as they need to know about either the WF culture and more specifically the hotshot culture and wildland firefighting in general.
I have also written several times that I am not the best person to take on this role nor the most qualified (because my experience in wildland firefighting was very specific to being a hotshot on the fire line and it was a long time ago, the last time I was on the line was in 1984 and the last time I worked on a wildfire from an office was 1988) but because of the fact that I am off-the-reservation and have no plans to ever go back, I am in a position to not only make my views known, but to put my name on them.
In other words, like so much of my working life, I was never the best one to take on the jobs I did, but the people who were better at it than I was, never were standing there when the time came to step up to the plate and swing for the fences (I don’t know why I use baseball analogies, because I never played very much baseball), but I was. Or to put it in cruder terms (that I have used before) to maintain my distant relationship with my former “back of the bus” hotshot persona) “his might be bigger, but mine is here” (and maybe why I use a sex analogy is that I have had more sex than I have played baseball, which isn’t really saying very much since I have never played much baseball).
So…with those caveats out of the way, I want to clarify a couple of points that have always been in the background and have at times confused me and I’m pretty sure others may also be confused by exactly what we are talking about that have recently become even more important than ever because of the recent tragedy that occurred on the El Dorado Fire Disaster.
And if you want to know why I always try to refer to wildfires that have claimed the lives of WF as “disasters”, you will have to read my highly acclaimed and long anticipated tome, “Betrayed by Our Fire Gods.”
But to make a long story short, I think all fires that claim the lives of WF should always be referred to as disaster fires in order to give them special status in WF history because the loss of WF while fighting wildfires should never be normalized or become acceptable. Or thought of as regrettable but as the cost-of-doing-business because wildland firefighting is an inherently dangerous job (which is definition that I reject because excluding random “incidents”, and I have now adopted a policy to NEVER use the word “accident”, such as tree strikes or helicopter crashes, whew, this is another big wind up, but only to use the word incident when describing WF deaths, injuries, or even occurrences that could have logically resulted in WF deaths or injuries) which I think is a fatalistic opinion that is accepted by many in the WF culture. But it shouldn’t be because wildfire behavior is always predictable and wildfires always have to follow all of the laws of nature and physics all of the time and unlike us, they can’t think or plan ahead.
So…we always should be at least one step ahead of wildfires and if we aren’t, it’s shame on us, not on the wildfires, because as I like to quote President George W. Bush whenever this topic comes up, “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” I really do miss Dubya as our president and I deeply regret the fact that I just didn’t appreciate him at the time and now his war of choice in Iraq makes our current situation look downright quaint even though it cost hundreds of thousands of lives. But at least most of those lives were mostly Iraqi citizens and not our own, but forgive me, I digress…again.
Speaking of which, the first chapter which is just an updated version (with photos this time, newly formatted by a professional into a book format and proofed by the same person who does very good work for a very reasonable rate) of the same old chapter and that has been kicking around for years just waiting for me to write chapter two (which I am presently working on, and I hope will be available as a free download on November 1st, hopefully of this year from my website which will go live sometime between now and midnight tonight).
So…where was I? Oh…I remember, I wanted to clarify a couple of things that have now come roaring (no pun intended) back into my consciousness, and those are “backfires” and “burn outs.” And that is because there are several different terms that have been thrown around on this thread now for years and I think sometimes we get these terms confused, especially when we start introducing other names into the mix like, “back burn outs” or “fire out burns” or…whatever?
Anyway…this is what I think about those two subjects. A “backfire” is a “conflagration” (and I use that specific term deliberately to describe “an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property”) that is deliberately ignited in front of a rapidly advancing wildfire from some sort of “control line” that hopefully starts out kinda slow and then quickly builds into a fire that is more or less equal in intensity to the oncoming wildfire and therefore becomes the very definition of “fighting fire with fire” by depriving the advancing wildfire of the fuel that it needs to continue its forward and highly destructive momentum.
But this only happens if everything goes just right because those who ignite a backfire are trying to get their own “good” wildfire going to violate whatever natural laws that are driving the “bad” wildfire forward, which is usually wind and topography such as a steep slope or some sort of canyon. And the most important thing that has to go just right is timing because in order for your good wildfire to be successful against the bad wildfire, you need to create an artificial wind because you can’t create an artificial slope or canyon of some sort, at least in the short term.
And the only place your artificial wind is going to come fro is from the bad wildfire sucking all of the available oxygen into its vortex which will sound very similar to giant jet engines sound like sucking air into their intake valves, which can be kinda of scary if you are in the path of the rapidly advancing bad wildfire. And if this doesn’t sound scary to you, well then, you just haven’t been paying enough attention to this whole wildland firefighting thing.
And this “tactic”, which is sometimes part of an overall “strategy” to begin to control an out-of-control wildfire is as dangerous as it probably sounds to you because lots of things can go wrong and often do. And furthermore, I think that this tactic should only be used by highly trained and experienced personnel as part of an overall strategy and well thought out plan that includes a lot of preparedness, organization and communication barring “exigent” circumstances which has been flippantly and inaccurately described by me in the past here as, “Burn Baby Burn.” And if that sounds like a very fine line that can often only be crossed with potentially catastrophic results, you are right.
For example, there are many people who I have a great deal of respect for who passionately believe that the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew was destroyed by a backfire that was deliberately ignited on the Yarnell Hill Fire Disaster, I’m just not one of those people. I do however, believe a backfire was probably ignited by someone on the YHFD under the exigent circumstances clause, I just don’t think that backfire made it to the GMIHC before the main fire did because of factors such as time, distance and topography, but mostly time and distance.
But hey, that’s just my guess and I am more than ready to be proven wrong and then I will definitely get on the board the right train (and I don’t know why I am using a train analogy either because I have never even been on a train in my entire life although I would like to take an Amtrak ride on many of the scenic routes like through the Canadian backcountry because that’s on my Bucket List).
And if you have been paying enough attention to this whole wildland firefighting thing, it probably sounds to you like igniting backfires at the right time, in the right place and in the right way is kinda the pinnacle of what hotshot crews were born and bred to do. But only as part of an overall strategy and as part of an well thought out plan that includes a lot of preparedness, organization and communication barring exigent circumstances.
Which brings up what I consider to be the second most important task hotshot crews were born and bred to accomplish and that is to cut line (often hot line working directly in front of or on the flank of the rapidly advancing wildfire). This function than leads to the third thing that all wildland firefighting crews were born and bred to do and that is the routine and boring but very necessary work of “mopping up” the fire.
Part 2. nope, too many links.
And that is because unlike the fictional USFS hotshot crew that was created to disrespect the GMIHC in the movie “Only The Brave” about the complete and total destruction of the highly advanced, developed and specialized wildland firefighting machine that was known as the GMIH by telling the fictional version of Eric March and Jesse Steed (and I emphasize fictional because unlike Marsh, the actor who portrayed him did not act nearly as deeply flawed emotionally, psychologically and professionally as the real Marsh did and I have come to know over the past seven years. And if the apologist John Maclean with the help of his posse really is going to write his book from the angle he has described in the past, why…why…why…I’m not going to read that one either much less buy it) “You guys are Type II and we are hotshots, so why don’t you do what duecers do best, stay in the back and mop up our shit” (which is a term that I never heard back in the day, but is obviously be a derogatory term for a Type II crew and something I can’t imagine a hotshot crew saying to any other crew except for maybe the asshole Redding Hotshots led by asshole Charlie Caldwell, I have a long memory, just like an elephant, who treated everybody that badly) all hotshot crews do a lot more mop up than they do things like ignite backfires or cut hot line.
I have a lot of regrets in life and one of them is that I didn’t knock Charlie Caldwell on his sorry ass back when I had the chance to do so a long time ago. But forgive, I digress once again.
But speaking of my long-standing 6 step formula that hotshot crews use whenever fightin’ fire, which is
1. Cut line and backfire it.
2. Cut line and burn it out.
3. Cut line and backfire it and burn it out.
4. Repeat as often as necessary.
5. Mop it up until released from the fire.
6. Go to the crew bar and talk about that fire, the next fire, or some other fire.
And that brings up my final point, there are two kinds of line that hotshot crews cut. indirect line and direct line (or hot line if the fire is RIGHT there) and those two types of lines are pretty much like what they sound like. An indirect line follows the shortest route from Point A to Point B and direct line doesn’t because it follows the flank of the fire which of course meanders all over the place because of all of the variables that influence how fires advance, vary so much. And that irregular natural fire line creates a lot of “fingers” and therefore requires a lot more very labor-intensive fire line cutting (and scraping down to mineral soil, not just duff, which is step two when cutting fire line).
So…that being said (or written in this case), hotshot crews (all crews actually, but as you know I focus on hotshot crews) very much prefer to cut indirect line because it’s a lot less work and takes a lot less time so they can be on to better and hopefully more fun things to do while fightin’ fire. But risk adverse overhead (Fire Team) or tree-hugging land managers often prefer for hotshot crews to cut direct line because it often means less risk for the overhead and the tree-huggers get to keep more trees to hug.
And this is because in the process of cutting indirect line as opposed to direct line (and if this all sounds very simple to you, well then you are right and as I have stated many times, that is one big reason I liked to fight fire, it was usually very simple and almost always very rewarding in terms of work and hey…if a man can learn to relax and enjoy his work, well that’s a good thing, am I right? you will create a lot of “green” between you and the fire that is one of the “18 Situations That Shout Watch Out”, No. 11. “Unburned fuel between you and the fire.”
And FYI, WF hate “green” fire lines but they love “black” fire lines, hence one of the most important safety tips of all time which is “keep one foot in the black” because if you have one foot in the black while one foot is in the green and things go to hell in-a-hand-basket, well then, you can always run into what is hopefully the “good black” as opposed to “dirty black” because good black is safe because there isn’t anything left to burn. But dirty black can be dangerous because it is often susceptible to re-burns which will often burn even faster and hotter because the unburned fuel that is still there is usually “prepped” to go burn hotter and faster because it has already been dried out in that most of the natural moisture content of the fuel has been lost during that process. This was a secondary factor in the deaths of 14 WF on the South Canyon Fire Disaster which of course included an entire squad (9) of the Prineville IHC.
So…here is the bottom line. The difference between an unsafe green indirect line and a much safer black direct line, is remedied in the process of “burning out” the unburned fuel between your indirect line and the wildfire. And that’s the problem because although burning out an indirect fire line is not nearly as technical or dangerous as igniting a backfire is, it is still is still both technical and dangerous. And that is why risk adverse overhead and tree hugging land managers often don’t really care how much hard work hotshots have to do on a fire unless it gets in the way of having them do other hard work that the fire overhead and tree hugging land managers would rather have the hotshots do.
Now…I don’t have any idea what kind of fire killed Charles Morton on the El Dorado Fire Disaster or what the circumstances where that resulted in his death. But I want to eventually find out what kind of fire killed him and what the exact circumstances were and then I will make my judgements. Because unlike like what the Yarnell Hill Fire Disaster SAIT concluded in their SAIR, when WF die or get burned while fightin’ a wildfire, well then…somebody really @#$%&* up and I want to know the who, what, where, when, why and how.
And why is that? It’s because unlike us, wildfires can’t think or plan ahead and they have to follow all of the laws of nature and physics all of the time. And so even though wildland firefighting is an inherently dangerous job, it isn’t nearly as dangerous as a lot of jobs like being a clerk in a convenience store and if you don’t believe me, just look up the U.S. Department of Labor statistics on work related deaths.
So if someone gets killed or seriously injured by being burned while fightin’ a wildfire, somebody didn’t think things through or plan ahead because unlike humans (Human Factors) wildfires are always completely predictable and always do what they have to do, just like the Yarnell Hill Fire did until it became the worst debacle and disaster wildfire in history since organized wildfire fightin’ began more than 100 years ago.
And just as a reminder, I don’t consider what they did to fight the Big Blow Up of 1910 “organized” wildland firefightin’. It was kinda a free-of-all (for lack of a better analogy based on baseball, sex, or riding trains) just like the Loop, Battlement Creek, South Canyon, Yarnell Hill and now the El Dorado Fire Disasters were because somebody or a bunch of somebodies really @#$%&* up, IMHO.
Whoops, I meant to write,
And why is that? It’s because unlike us, wildfires can’t think or plan ahead and they have to follow all of the laws of nature and physics all of the time, in addition to the fact that it’s not about the last hotshot death because that is done and can’t be undone, it’s about doing everything I can do help prevent the NEXT hotshot death.
Oh…and one more thing. Because the “Redding Hotshots” were the national “training” hotshot crew back in the day (I think that dubious “honor” has now gone to another crew, which is maybe the Redmond Hotshots) everybody on it right down to the most junior member, was “somebody” from whereever they came from who had been identified as a potential future rock star in fire management, and that is why they were on the crew on “detail” for the length of the fire season in the first place. They were making their bones on the Mangina Hotshots instead of a real hotshot crew.
So that means I have just insulted just about everybody who became a rock star in fire during the years the Redding Hotshots were otherwise know as the Prima Donna Hotshots and was made up of f nothing but Prima Donna’s.
But if you were on the Redding IHC back in the day, you already know that you were on an asshole crew run by nothing but assholes, which was Charliie Caldwell and his squad bosses. So…
Which is jsut too damn bad that you are going to reconnized as such in what is going to be without a doubt, the greatest book ever written about wildland firefighting in general and hotshtos in particular.
So be sure and go download your free copy of Chapter 1 sometime between now and midnight, or anytime after that.
Namaste, : )
I don’t see anything to click on to download the book. Am I missing something?
Oh…thank you for trying Bill, but it’s not live right now but it will be by midnight and than should go good, I hope. My due date is midnight tonight, but I chomping so I it’s going to be up early.
Give me one hour, it will be available one hour from now and if you have any problems, please let me know so I can fix it.
Well…this is taking a little longer than I thought it would, as usual. So how about I post once I get my download service to cooperate with my efforts. And I do apologize to you Bill, who was my first customer.
Although the websire is live now if you just want to look around on it until I get this upload thing straightened out. I did have it up once, but my book assistandt thought my font style and the size of it really sucked and was hard to read and so we changed it.
Okay, I know how to do this because I have done it before, but for some reason the download service wants the “buyer” to enter a valid prive even though I have entered the code for it’s “free”
So i am going to have to wait until their help desk comes on-line tomorrow because this is driving me crazy and unfortunatley, I don’t have every far to go to get there.
I will post here once I get this straigntend out and I sincerly apolgiize for the delay becaue I know how much everyone wants to get a copy of what will without a doubt become the greatest WF and hotshot book every written.
I even apologize to former Redding Hotshots. Not all of you were probably assholes…am I right? It was probably just a situtioanl asshole (SA) thing and not a terminal asshole (TA) thing?
Can I get a hallelujah Can I get an amen!
I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. And this is going to shock you, but it wasn’t their fault, it was mine. I’m just like a goose when it comes to computers and computer programs and I wake up in a new world every day.
Anyway, you can now download Chapter 1 by going here
and then go about half way down the page and click on the “add to cart” button on the Chapter 1 line.
Good luck! But I hope you won’t need it and everything will go smooth. I’m counting on you!
It works! Thanks Gary!
Thank you, I’m trying.
And even though I am grateful and humbled by the unexpected reviews from both Bill and Charlie, I do want to lower expectations for my next chapters because Chapter 1 was after all, the heart of my book and arguably the most important and interesting event that I have to recount. For example, my next Chapter is an introduction chapter where I try to explain my primary rationalization and predicate theory for my entire book. So that means I am going to get down into the weeds with a lot of background info and just general you know…blah, blah, blah. So…
Whereas Chapter 1 was really a prologue, but if I would have called it a prologue, most people wouldn;t have read it becasue that what people do according to the experts. And Chapter 2 is therefore really Chapter 1, which is probably way TMI, but that is what I am known for. Me and HAL 9000 becauce if you ask us what time it is, we both tell you how to build a watch, but his will probablyy work and mine probably won’t so….
Gary–Glad to hear you are doing it this way–Very informative already with your posts andlooking forward to reading the first chapters and any you add later.
Great job man! exceeded all expectations! Can’t wait for the next chapter. Very well done Sir!
Thanks Charlie!
And the reply to Bill was supposed to be down here as well.
Too bad the movie industry did not go to the real wild land fire fighters –The reason the failure of Only the Brave –used people like Donut. Perhaps a true movie will evolve–One thing reading Gary’s understanding and wisdom concerning wildfires and the people involved you have to wonder how a wild land fire fighter illiterate like Donut would even be considered to be an advisor on a movie. But I do have to smile as he really does fit in as a speaker for the fellows that covered up the real reasons the GMHS crew died.
Add to cart was a success. Check out was a success. Ordered and download a success but unable to open the file on tablet so read it tomorrow when on pc
New video on Donut
Dammit Joy….
Hee hee
it was 8.1 MB
I am downloading it to my pc now
it would not open here but was able to create it and open it in Word Pad. so heading there now
I was not planning to get on PC but here I am
the two kinds of trees part was funny
still reading sir
really excellent so far
Gary was an Eagle Scout— I was in shock!
You should always be an Eagle Scout if you were one so what happened?
did you get a commemorative pocket knife
I read stuff now with that Richard Cranium voice in my head so he would tell you to write
“Our crew, the Happy Jack IHC, were…”
He would say Our crew members , the Happy Jack IHC, were
otherwise replace were with was is what he would tell me.
Gary- you are a Crew Boss- why are you running a saw????
Not good if you are the Crew Boss
you are suppose to be supervising your crew as the crew boss instead of cutting line.
Let me keep reading.
You must be exhausted from writing about yourself all day 🙂
( soft giggles )
You ever notice the more self love and the more you like yourself in this snowflake world- the more the haters you see-
thank you for your recounting that fire for all of us for free just wish Donut and may others would follow such lead freely as you have done so-
I appreciate you and all the hard work, sir.
back to reading.
your chapter cover image reminds me of the image on the cover of the vintage “Some Common Denominators of Fire Behavior” on tragedy & near miss forest fires by Carl C. Wilson and James C Sorenson December 1978
Well, thank you for the reads and the Battlement Creek Fire from your eyes.
I still will always remember even if I forgive Legarza for her ill-actions that has caused me to do what I do as a “housewife hiker” on the aftermath of the Wildfire I eye-witnessed- the Yarnell Hill Fire (YHF)
People doing what she did and never making it right and doing the difficult right thing is why I keep at it.
I refuse to go away.
Now, we are looking forward to chapter 2 of yours
I was a crewman on the Battlement Creek Fire and that is why I was running a saw.
And no, I never get tired of writing about my favorite subject which is me. So…
I am always the star in the movie that runs inside my head.
What happened to me and the whole Eagle Scout thing? Life. They teach that choices are black and white, there are good and bad guys, right and wrong and the world is full of color.
But in reality life is nothing but shades of grey, there aren’t any good guys or bad guys, and right or wrong choices because everything is situational.
Gary, Great work on the book–Death Zone explained –a canyon above the fire–made me think of the GMHS incident.
See why you had so much time off– Thanks for Great read and graphics are intense–this is the best yet read for understanding the wild fire world.
Sad news about Trump–As much as I dislike his work as President, I do hope he has a speedy recovery and gets through this thing OK. I think he will since only about 1% die and those are people compromised in the elderly bracket. Someone doctor said he has an obesity problem but I do not see that and we know he will get the best treatment–and so will his wife.
This designer virus was a thing sanctioned by Fauchi–he will be in real hot water if the President is killed by this thing and should be as it is.
There is now an outbreak of Bubonic Plague in China–two different strains and China is playing it down. Is this another gain of function virus turned loose from a Level 4 laboratory. Remember that anthrax incident came from a Level 4 facility where it was even determined exactly where it came from in the US. There were two scientists suspects in the case but nothing could ever be proved–yet that gain of function virus sickened 22 and killed 5 during 2016. This virus came from Ft. Detrick, MD Military Level 4 lab, same as the gain of function SARS that was upgraded with a gain of function in 2015. China is being blamed, but it would seem to me to be no big problem for a Chinese tourist to take a vial to Wuhan and turn it loose there so the Chinese get the blame. Now we have Bubonic Plague loosed in China as well–what gives and in this clandestine world of secret and black opts it is hard to know what the players are up to.
If you look at the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, and how Hillary, Bush and Colin Powell outright lied –much of the lies exposed by Assange, we know that anything goes. Bannon has said as have some of the top Military people that it is better sooner than later to take on China before China escalates its strength to where they believe it will overwhelm the forces of the United States.
This is a sad world where Corporations own the government, media, Wall Street and the politicians so the elite pay almost 0 taxes. At this point are taking all the profits and wealth and grabbing as much as they can before this country winds up in another depression. If you look at Trump he has paid no taxes for years now and sued for a multi million dollar refund because he has a failed business.
But Joe Biden–obviously ought to be retired and tested for either dementia or Alzheimer disease–sad situation and likely worse off than Trump –And in all this there are some good Presidential candidates –people with good character and against the war mongering types that want to play world policemen and do the assassinations of foreign dictators so oil and other foreign resources can be secured for our benefit. Yet we are shipping out oil, have our own resources and the science to get us off oil and on cheap or even free energy–but the corporate profits are not there.
I will write in ‘Telsie Gabbard for President and Jesse Ventura for VP. They have both served this country in War Time and both are not puppets for the War Profiteering Corporate Giants. They want diplomacy not the bully actions we are seeing in our foreign relations these days. Peace, not war or actions that will create war such as flooding the China Seas with out Navy and threatening China, Iran, and Venezuela. Do not forget, Russia is looking on and all hell can break loose–we have plenty to do here at home rather than threatening these nations abroad–my how we forget how easily the twin towers came down–and who knows what else is in the making.
There may well be a mad scientist or a group letting these plaques loose –the idea that the world population needs to be reduced by a big factor has been determined and that group of elite scientists pegged the date at before 2030 or overpopulation and the resulting pollution and depletion of resources, global warming, etc threshold will be met with no possibility of reversing the process of making earth uninhabitable. Are the scientists and AI wrong? Who knows–maybe their super computers worth billions have it all figured out.
One way or another do expect some drastic changes –and if you expect and prepare for to accept the worse and it does not come–that is great–but the gray clouds are beginning to darken when you see even your President down with the war designer virus.
Most of you know I am an anomaly–You just do not live through a six heart attacks, one which you were revived from the dead, while 9 other heart attack victims in that same hospital that week died. I probably owe Joy for saving my life by ordering the nurses to take me off life support–my VA records orders are they were not to take extra measures to keep me alive. To add to that, I was assigned to the Hospice ward at the VA Hospital and the Cardiologist informed me that I should get things together since almost 50% of my heart is now destroyed not to return–the statistics say cases like mine are dead in 9 out of 10 by one year.
Well, my dog Charlie shot me dead on a rabbit hunt 7 years later–The loss of 6 units of blood after bleeding out from a point blank shot gun wound in my back 25 miles in the outback of my area during a 30 minute wait for help and a subsequent ride to a trauma unit. That 12 guage had an ounce of number 8 shot that shattered my clavicle into pieces then pierced my right lung and cracked three ribs leaving behind a wound the size of a ladies fist that took more than three months with a medi-vac device that I lived with to keep sucking out the pus or whatever forms in a wound that size to close it. I had to see a nurse every three days so she could redress the wound and clean out that machine–that was a drive for me 20 miles into to town. Because the shot cracked my ribs then spread out in my chest cavity but did not exit, I have that ounce of lead floating around in so that an X-Ray looks like my chest is a star system.
Yet I avoided meds both in the heart department and the other except the pain medication during those 90 days when it would often become beyond toleration. Fortunately, I have a sensible VA Doctor and he agrees with my regimen enough–take plenty of Omega 3, vitamins and he has prescribed a couple other things that I admittedly have skirted very badly. Since the Covid thing for several months now I have not seen a doctor, been to any hospital–that might be a life saver in itself since getting Covid 19 might be another killer.
I do think the lead I walk around with puts me in the category of Joe Biden, but I damn sure want no sympathy. I do sympathize with Biden–he ought to be at home with a home care nurse to help him with his daily chores–someone to assure him where he is and the like. The VA is very kind, they early on offered me a home nurse by I declined–I also declined the rehabilitation stent in a local facility–something like where the sick or damaged get a physical therapist to help them recover action in their arms. I instead after did dig more than 30 post holes and built a ramp of railroad ties so I could drive my car above my head to work on the underside without having to lay on my back to fix things. And of course me and my dogs were taking 4-6 mile hikes daily–so I gave myself some physical therapy;
But like Biden, the lead has my mind slowed and fortunately it is not so damaged that I don’t know where I am at. But then I do not think any of us really know the danger we are in and just as the nation was not prepared to fight the war virus invented by our illustrious scientists and then released in China–we are mostly unaware and unprepared of this new wave of population reduction measures at hand.
I see there is a big move, even legislation to cause everyone to take the flu vaccine. God save me from the monkey pus, formaldehyde, aluminum, bismuth and other poisons they want to add to my system to cause these antibodies–hopefully the particular strain they protect against–in flue the odds are 1 out of 25 but actually I think the vaccine does some help against 4 out of the 25 strains known. If any of the other 21 show up, the vaccine is useless or maybe even harmful enough to escalate the disease. The lead I have in my body has elevated my blood lead level enough to create antibodies that ought to kill anything while making me a dim wit too boot.
I tell you in all this, I am considerably happy in my own skin–damn sure do not want to murder multitudes of Chinese or Arabs or Venezuelans –especially those women, children and innocent fellows trying to eck out a living in their own lands as our leaders of this land have effected with their drones, assassinations and war invasions. And of course most tragic is the willingness of these so called leader types to sacrifice our young soldiers in foreign wars to appease and enrich the Corporate war complex at the expense of the taxpayer and future generations. They, like big pharma, the chemical retardant companies, the oil industries, and big banking concerns all vie for profits and their complex machine is drenched in the blood of the masses and common man without conscience.
It behooves us to entertain the thoughts of some of those wise ones concerned about life with good conscience–those that put life before profit. There are a few out there that would lead in good form, although I do fear the Corporate Fascist State has now gained a stranglehold on Police and Military so that freedoms will never again be restored. What happened to the Patrick Henry’s that said give me freedom or give me death?
But freedom is not killing millions in other lands when they are poor countries only trying to survive. Send medical aid and food to peoples that are suffering where we can–not bullets and drones to kill off their poor. These regime change wars only replace the despots with new despots and create greater enemies for our invasion of their lands. If they did what we do to them, we would understand their hatred of our military industrial and corporate profit in war machine.
I am sorry for the legacy our leaders have been leaving for our children. We have outdone Britain and Germany in our imperialistic war to control system against other poor nations. Their bitterness will be visited upon future generations–the atrocities we continue to exert will come home to roost–Karma will not be denied.
May the good Irish goods treat everyone as well as they have treated me should they be deserving, and may this good planet not go the way Mars had gone.
The Irish Goods are the Irish Gods–but the Irish would know –Be Kind least the Leprechaun visit for theft of his gold.
We do need an enemy–how else can our country justify the immense budget for military spending 2020-2021–712 billion of discretionary spending with 8,9 billion mandatory and with estimates coming to 933 billion of actual spending for military purposes. That is almost a trillion dollars and beyond 50% of the budget while the country is in shambles and people are resorting to food lines and tents along the streets and even now the President is down with the war fund designer war virus Covid 19. How strange it is when records show that virus was given gain of function at the the level 3 lab in Chapel Hill, NC under the permission granted by Dr. Fauchi with both Chinese and US funding to a Chinese doctor–a name I posted before–and one who completed that gain of function and returned to Wuhan, China. So point the finger and four are pointing back Mr. Trump. Fauchi is quiet–even said the virus did not originate in China but he lies as often as Trump. So who can tell–Lies are in vogue and the American public is gullible for the most part –or should I say tolerant or maybe jaded to political bull shit. Maybe it was education–you know people are waking up to find out that Columbus was not the first white man to set foot on American Soil–the Vikings, the Irish, the early miners taking copper from the Lake Erie copper mines and the Phoenicians even. But just as there has been found machined iron embedded in coal seams and other strata dating hundreds of thousands of years ago and some even millions of years, those are called anomalies–not recognized since they do not jive with the evolutionary theory. And if you had proposed them during the middle ages you would have been burned at the stake to save your soul by the good Catholic method.
So it goes that our American Industries such as Apple, Levi and a hundred more moved to China for the cheap labor and these American Corporate goods are shipped here allowing Trump to blame China for a trade deficit. There is no trade deficit–these goods are counted as Chinese when they are the products of our own American enterprises.
What is truth is that plenty of disinformation, lies and demonizing of China must be made in order to justify a near Trillion dollar military spending spree. What am I missing–Pompeo says we must immediately address the China threat–those fucking Commies–they were in Russia for what ongoing since 1945 until supposedly Regan put the shaft to them but now the Cold War must go on and America must increase its already ability to do the earth in. Seems Russia is happy with being able to do the earth in 40 times over and now America needs more technology to do it over 100 times. How scary can our country get. You can make this planet look like the Martian surface with just what Israel has or even Pakistan or India.
You are right, I am too simple for the games I see–A precision of war produced by trillions of dollars of hard earned tax dollars yet 19 rag tag Saudi’s took the twin towers down with box cutters. I have to wonder with the Chinese intelligence–they have made some progress in all the sciences –should we now start threatening them in the way Trump and Biden are doing. Both these fellows are sick individuals–What prey tell would stop China from parking a nuclear sub beyond 12 miles off our shores in International waters and firing off their nukes should they feel war was inevitable with the US? A first strike would demolish the American Empire and reduce this country to third world or less status.
For some reason we want to relegate people that would stop the insane needling of other countries as weak. They are not and most will stand and fight an invasion–the very thing we have been doing to other countries since the second world war. Bringing our soldiers home to take care of home is the right thing to do. We have screwed with other peoples in distant foreign lands for too long. Other countries know better than to invade our homeland–but keep invading theirs and the tide is destined to change — and if you bring Apple and all the other Corporate enterprises back home that trade deficit will disappear and millions of jobs will reappear.
But now that the cold war is on and very likely to become hot, be ready as you can–enjoy this day since tomorrow may not exist in these times of war among the war mongers and military decisions to confront those our leaders perceive as weak.
Gary said: “his might be bigger, but mine is here” (and maybe why I use a sex analogy is that I have had more sex than I have played baseball, which isn’t really saying very much since I have never played much baseball).
Joy’s reply: I guess you only played baseball once.😁 You ever sit waiting at an airport🗺🗽🛫🛬💺thinking next time I am just taking me and no baggage. 🌟I mean its tough as I try to go elsewhere to heal🤪 to wear even a backpack because of the tumor in that area and the lymphatic congestion. Ow. On the way back later this month I plan to ship my backpack to my next destination versus carry it. Easier. I never seen the airports this empty. Weird. Jim B, I am very sorry I failed the inquiry fulfillment. As soon as I got home I wanted to get rest and then see how my Republican neighbors now have all Biden flags flying. That was odd. Saw division amongst the neighborhood. Almost can see come election there be this odd civil war. I am already a ghost town so wont take much to keep that label going. Anyways you ever wake up and just be glad you awoke but you feel a bit slower than the old you…I am there.
🦍is there an 800 pound gorilla in the room?
I had someone ask…when is chapter 2 due out, Gary?
November 1, hopefully of this year.
Horseshit Donut.
Redo to Redemption?
How much did they pay you for this star struck presentation?
You aced the Rewrite part of their message.
Redo of things of your life is the recap of this message.
The boasting from this pastor is naseauting especially the star struck horseshit 🌟
NOT EVERYONE Pastor knows 🍩 Donut
Elbow to elbow greet
Come on Autumn…did he just stumble upon your church?
Naseauting Pastor
Famous for negative reasons?
Nice promote t-shirt Donut
Who did you try to evacuate and which home did you try to save?
. spotlight? This pastor is ridiculous
You still need to identify and in that you will see the identity Donut
You will not find it being buds with the likes of some offspring of the tobins and such
I am just wondering wtktt…does Donut have a Sag card now?
Moving a 100000 tons of rock talk…ugh
His talk on his suicide attempt…we have to keep praying for Donut..he has not publicly done the difficult right things as what I the YHF eyewitness and I have been doing on the yarnell hill fire revelations blog and I know he has a baby boy and the girls and feels it is my job now but no…those men that died had kids… family and friends too…
By the way donut
Failure is okay
It is the growth from it that matters
Refuse to fear failure
A!ot of superimposing
Hopefully you are through these omissions do help someone but some day
You need to do the difficult right thing
If you did not get a Sag card… don’t bother…I know the REAL story
I was there.
He comically says he is an underwear model nowadays
These people are giving platforms
Yet it’s just chatter chatter
At least in my rambles I offer real documentation that has never been brought to public
You speak..and it may make others star struck but I was on those Weavers too
I saw it
Come on man
July penalty lunch with the pastor.
Hey Pastor, 🍩 Donut does not need a redo…he needs to DO!
Another Donut video Bill
What can you share about a Linda strader? Besides she was one of the first women Wildland firefighter
As everyone who has been reading my posts here on this thread for the past seven years know that I have often compared the law enforcement program that I knew to the fire program that I knew and continue to read about and that the fire program always comes at least 30 or 40 years behind the LE program.
1. One of the first thing those who supervise and manage the LE program do immediately after a traumatic incident, is to flood the zone with highly trained and usually experienced Peer Counselors on a one on one basis for everyone who was directly involved in the traumatic incident or who might be in need of some counseling or just someone who they can talk to who can relate to what they have just been through in a stop gap measure pending more experienced and directed counseling, perhaps by trained psychologists and psychiatrists who are trained in helping those who have been involved in traumatic incidents.
2. If that didn’t happen in the case of the Big Bear IHC immediately after the traumatic incident they went through on the El Dorado Fire Disaster, I don’t know quite what to say? But over time, I’m pretty sure I will think of some things to say about it.
3. If you have been reading my posts for the past seven you also know that knowing everything I have now known for decades after working in, supervising and managing the federal LE program that I did and just by being aware that society in general has changed by advancing in it’s thinking, I continue to be surprised that not only did they have our crew, the Happy Jack IHC continue to work on the Battlement Creek Fire Disaster after the traumatic incident occurred on that fire involving the Mormon Lake IHC and our crew, but they had our crew mopping up that fire the day after the incident occurred in the very same area of the fire where the incident occurred around the bright flagging that marked where all three bodies had been recovered from. Nor were we released from the fire until we would have been under normal circumstances. And in that particular case, not only were both crews that has been involved from the same forest, both crews were only stationed about 12 miles from each other at the time and went to the same bar, which was at the Mormon Lake Lodge.
4. The most shocking thing that I have read in so long that I don’t remember the last thing I read or even heard about that more was shocking, is that fact that they had the Big Bear IHC searching for their missing and presumed dead (after that many hours I presume they assumed or at least feared he was dead) crew member, Squad Boss Charles Morton. And that not only that, but Carlos Baltazar who was last seen on the 20th and was distraught over the death of Charles Morton, was actually in the group who eventually found his body. And I presume that Charles Morton’s body would have been found well inside the burn and was most likely burned very badly which would have without a doubt, added to the trauma.
5. Big Bear IHC crew members NEVER should have been part to the team searching for Charles Morton absent any exigent circumstances, and after several hours any pretext of exigent circumstances should have been long since been abandoned by reasonable people and they should have known they were on a RECOVERY MISSION AND NOT A RESCUE MISSION.
The fire program that I continue to read about continues to disappoinjt and appal me in the very poor way it is being managed.
Good points.
Carlos Baltazar’s niece, Veronica, verified to NBC ( Los Angeles ) today that ALL the Big Bear Hotshots were actually allowed to assist in the recovery of Big Bear Squad Boss Charles Morton’s body.
Veronica Baltazar told NBC…
“I know they all played a role in recovering Charlie. That did impact him ( Carlos ) a lot.
NO ONE should have been doing that unless they are trained to do so.
The psychological impacts can be devastating for an untrained person.
Article Title: ‘We Just Want My Brother Home’: Family Searches for Hotshot Firefighter
Published: September 26, 2020 – By: Christine Kim
From that article…
The search continued for a missing off-duty hotshot firefighter Saturday, a day after his squad leader was laid to rest.
Carlos Baltazar, 35, has been missing since Sunday and his family says they just want answers.
Baltazar’s niece says she was the last person in their family to see him.
It was Sunday and she helped jump his car and he told her he was on his way back to Big Bear for a meeting with his hotshot crew.
Since that night he hasn’t answered his phone, which they say is completely out of character.
“I don’t know what happened with my son,” said Maria Baltazar, the firefighter’s mom.
His mother, niece and sister say they reported him missing Thursday after he didn’t show up to work.
Rescuers searched for him from the ground using bloodhounds and from the air. K9’s tracked his scent but lost it.
On Saturday, two dogs were used as part of the search and the search was set to continue through the night using aerial support from the sheriff’s department, officials said. Baltazar was still missing as of Saturday evening.
His family says they found his backpack 75 yards from his abandoned vehicle on Highway 18 and Delta Avenue with his wallet left in the car.
The sheriff’s department says there’s no indication of foul play.
“It’s not just like him,” said Melinda Herrera, his niece. “His faith in God is really strong. So for him to do anything to himself, it wouldn’t make sense.”
But they say the last time they spoke to him he was grieving. He’s part of the Big Bear United States Forest Service Interagency hotshot crew.
The same tight-knit group of firefighters who on Friday mourned the death of squad boss Charlie Morton who died while fighting the El Dorado Fire.
“I know they all played a role in recovering Charlie,” said Veronica Baltazar, his sister. “That did impact him a lot.
Morton’s death weighed heavily on him.
His family is fearing the worst and asking anyone who may have seen something to help them find answers.
“We just want my brother home,” Veronica said.
KTLA 5 in Los Angeles is confirming that Baltazar was, in fact…
“part of the team that found Morton’s body”.
KTLA – Channel 5 – Los Angeles / Hollywood
Article Title: Big Bear Hotshot firefighter vanishes while off duty; car found abandoned after crash on Highway 18
Published: Sep 25, 2020 / 02:56 PM PDT
Updated: Sep 25, 2020 / 10:12 PM PDT
By: Tracy Bloom, Rick Chambers, Chris Wolfe, additional reporting by Nidia Becerra
From that article…
His family said Baltazar had been depressed since the death of ( Charles ) Morton, who was his captain.
Baltazar was also part of the team that found Morton’s body in the ruins of the El Dorado Fire.
“I think that it just weighed heavily on him — because they are so close — that he wasn’t able to help him… knowing that he couldn’t do anything for him,” his sister Veronica Baltazar said.
The VIDEO that accompanies the article has a KTLA 5 reporter now saying that the ‘front end damage’ to Baltazar’s vehicle was caused by an impact with a guard rail not far from where his vehicle was found abandoned.
Oh…and one more thing. The Mormon Lake IHC were both involved with searching for and finding their missing and deceased crew boss and follow crew member on the Battlement Creek Fire due to what I believe were valid exigencies circumstances.
But. I don’t believe any exigencies circumstances existed by any stretch of the imagination that would justify the use of the Big Bear IHC in searching for and finding the body of Charles Morton.
I also understand that the crew probably wanted to be involved in the search in the worst way, but that was the time for independent and clear thinking overhead to step in and you know…DO THEIR @#$&*+% JOBS and take control of the situation to protect the crew from themselves.
Gary said:
2. If that didn’t happen in the case of the Big Bear IHC immediately after the traumatic incident they went through on the El Dorado Fire Disaster, I don’t know quite what to say? But over time, I’m pretty sure I will think of some things to say about it.
My reply: in my Google alert it had EMF person there in person for the BBHS so it is all ok. I mean not to be snarky yet after reading those prt releases (2019 and 2020 ) text and email threads that HOW MANY knew about the GPS UNITS and never followed through blows me away. Yet HOW MANY are out searching. I reached out back channel and on here but I am for sure no professional to show up at their hotshot base… however I pray they DO the difficult right thing and I hope they also GET our technology so why is there still a claim anyone is amiss? Seriously?! I refuse to allow them to avoid the 24 and 72 hr report and by policy I do think it has to be a FLA or SAIT SAIR or CRaP on many fires this season and avoid this BS lesson review stuff as it has been showing…the review is all lives matter must refrain from allowing the WF World turn into this war I se happening. Starts with you Big Bear HS.. you know we all are hoping you share in true form.
please get the word out on your social media
I have bad bandwidth but I please urge this message to reach all social media platforms
Video published: September 25, 2020
Video Description:
Carlos Alexander Baltazar, 35, was reported missing by his family Thursday ( September 24, 2020 ). His vehicle was found Sunday by the California Highway Patrol on Highway 18 and Delta Avenue ( Way ) with some damage to the front.
Nicole Comstock, CBS reporter, has already interviewed some of Carlos’ family members ( on camera ), and here is some of what they had to say in the video…
At +1:15
Nicole Comstock reporting for CBS, Los Angeles:
Carlos had been a member of an elite firefighting crew, the Big Bear Hotshots, for a year now. He recently worked northern and southern California wildfires back to back, most recently at the El Dorado fire on the same team where his crew ( squad ) boss Charles Morton went missing and was later found dead.
Veronica Baltazar ( sister ):
He had mentioned that… uhm… he felt like… like he coulda done more.
Uhm… that he felt like maybe it was even his fault.
Nicole Comstock:
Melinda Herrera ( Carlos’ niece ) says she tried to talk with her uncle about coping with the loss of his colleague.
Melinda Herrera ( niece ):
He just kept sayin’ that we wouldn’t understand, and that there was no point of telling us ‘cus that we didn’t understand what him and his crew went through.
Nicole Comstock:
But now they’re worried that the stress may have overwhelmed him.
Melinda was the last person to see Carlos.
She says he called her on Sunday near his mother’s house in San Bernadino, after his car battery died. She says a friend came over to give him a jump and then Carlos headed up Highway 18 to go be with his fellow firefighters in Big Bear.
Melinda Herrera ( niece ):
I hugged him and then I told him to text me when he got there and he just… he just never texted me.
At +2:37
A photo of Carlos Baltazar’s backpack exactly where it was found, about 75 yards away from his abandoned vehicle.
At +2:16
Nicole Comstock:
Deputies say Carlos’ car was found with some front-end damage on it. His niece says that must have happened sometime after she saw him on Sunday.
Some media outlets have been reporting that Carlos’ abandoned car ( and backpack ) were found at the intersection of California Highway 18 and ‘Delta Avenue’… but it’s actually just ‘Delta Way’.
The intersection of California Highway 18 and Delta Way is here…
34.289680, -116.804696
This link brings up a ‘Google Map’ with a ‘RED Balloon’ showing right where Carlos’ abandoned car was found…'22.9%22N+116%C2%B048'16.9%22W/@34.2896844,-116.8068847,722m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d34.28968!4d-116.804696
Carlos Alexander Baltazar,
You are in my thoughts and prayers
You are unalone
The guilt you expressed has happened to many of men and women on the YHF
It is WHY I stick around because I want to do my part in lessening Wildland Fire Fatalities
You can make a difference
Take that guilt and do the difficult right thing and tell your story in true form.
All agencies need someone to get THAT person. We understand. Your family may not GET what you went through yet it is obvious they love you.
You can reach me at the yarnell hill fire revelations blog
480 559 1971 for today and very low on TracFone minutes and not near pc until late tomorrow… babysitting this weekend
Also prayers to Sonny as you have had a hard week of loss…the loss of the mother of all your kids.
Please the people who know who they are= you NEED to do the difficult right thing NOW
if you are watching the video right now above
the LIVE footage then you SEE her right now
You would not be doing just for her but for me and so many others right now who know that pain
by the way—Thank you Monica for your time on the stage
I hope you Chief Vicki C. are not allowed anywhere near this investigation as you and Dudley showed me your capabilities from the YHF-
Keep this lady as far away from the intel and data PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Southern California Air Operations initially reported that they were actively searching for a (quote) “MISSING HOT SHOT”
SoCal Air Operations – September 18, 2020 – 12:30 AM
Law Enforcement and Fire crews are currently searching for a MISSING HOT SHOT
near Pinezanita. CHP and SBCoSD Copters are overhead assisting with the search.
Air Attack 51 is also overhead attempting to call the individuals cell phone.
SoCal Air Operations – September 18, 2020 – 1:03 AM
#ElDoradoFire – THREAD – Search and Rescue:
Officials are still working on pinging the individuals cell phone.
Additionally Air Attack 51 has created a plan to have rotating helicopters up
in the air throughout the night assisting with the search efforts.
The search for this “Missing Hotshot” begain sometime on Thursday, and it continued throughout the night and into Friday morning.
The U.S. Forest Service confirmed early Friday morning that the missing firefighter had been found and he was deceased.
A comment left on an article about the firefighter’s death appears to confirm that the deceased firefighter was a member of ‘Squad 1A’ on the “Crane Valley Hotshots”.
Wildfire Today
Article Title: A firefighter has died on the El Dorado Fire in Southern California
Author: Bill Gabbert
Published: September 18, 2020
h t t p s ://
Author Bill Gabbert allowed the following ‘comment’ to be posted on his article…
September 18, 2020 at 1:47 pm, Robert Moreno said…
Good by my friend, I called you my son to this day… you and Cody were the best of A mod BBHS…. pleasure being your Captain 1 Alpha
Robert Moreno has been the ‘Captain’ of ‘Squad 1 Alpha’ for the “Crane Valley Hotshots” since 2013.
There is still no more information available about the circumstances of this tragic death.
Sincere condolences go out to the firefighter’s entire family, and also to the entire “Crane Valley Hotshots”.
Correction ( ?? )
Deceased FF was possibly with “Big Bear Hotshots” and not “Crane Valley Hotshots”??
According to the official August, 2019 ‘Hotshot History” document at the Wildfire Lessons Learned Center, Robert Moreno was still the ‘Captain’ of ‘Squad 1 Alpha’ on the “Crane Valley Hotshots” as of that date. ( From 2013 to August of 2019 ).
In the comment he posted today, however, he says “A mod BBHS”.
“BBHS” seems to indicate he was referring to the “Big Bear Hotshots” ( and not “Crane Valley”? ).
Either way… sincere condolences to friends, family and co-workers.
More details need to emerge, of course.
How ( why? ) was he “off by himself”? and what caused his death?
Here is a photo of the “Big Bear Hotshots” working on the El Dorado fire…
Photo caption: Big Bear Hot Shots wait for the El Dorado Fire to drop to a roadway before going to work. (Courtesy San Bernardino National Forest)
No confirmation yet that the deceased Hotshot was from the “Big Bear” Hotshot crew… but there’s no doubt that BBHS was/is there working the El Dorado Fire.
Well… as of a few hours ago… the “US Hotshots” public Facebook page is extending official condolences to the “Big Bear Hotshots”.
I guess that’s a confirmation that the fatality involved a member of the BBIHC…
From that public “US Hotshots” Facebook post…
————————————————————————- – Facebook
Friday – September 18, 2020 – 5:37 PM
To Big Bear IHC –
All of our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we all feel. Rest easy brother may the wind be at your back.
The official Facebook page for Butte County Fires, Accidents, Crimes (BCFAC) is now reporting that the firefighter found dead at the El Dorado fire last Friday morning was…
Charles Edward Morton
Crew Boss for the Big Bear Hot Shots
From that posting…
9/20/2020: BCFAC: We regret to report the death of firefighter Charles Edward Morton and send sincere condolences to his family, friends and co-workers.
Charles died Thursday, 9/17/2020, while battling the Eldorado Fire in the San Bernardino National Forest.
Charles worked for the United States Forest Service as a Crew Boss for the Big Bear Hot Shots and will be fiercely missed.
The 22,439 Acres acre fire sparked by pyrotechnics at a gender reveal party has been burning for 15 days and was 59% contained as of the Saturday evening update.
I have heard that this death was the result of a burn out.
I’m sure they have this locked down, but just FYI, what we need to see is the IAP (Incident Action Plan) which is the shift plan for the day of the incident.
And I know that all you already know this, but in spite of the very low body count, the principles and the standards that this case should be judged by are the same as the YHF. And I can’t think of a good reason why this death wasn’t a giant fuck up.
But that being said, I will reserve judgement on those involved, namely the deceased and everyone above him who had any role in this debacle.
I think we have valid reasons to expect more from our hotshot crew.
This could very well be just ANOTHER case of a botched backburn that ends up claiming life.
What is different about THIS case is that, because the death was on a fire that was supposedly started by that “gender reveal party”… the local San Bernadino County SHERIFF’s department is ( at the moment ) actually “in charge” of the investigation into the death of Big Bear Hotshot Charles Morton.
I’ll bet that is really making “U.S. Forestry” nervous, right about now.
Actual SHERIFF’s deputies and detectives interviewing FFs about what happened.
Yikes. That is “U.S. Forestry’s” worst nightmare.
REAL invesitigators actually trying to find out how/why a USFS firefighter died ( instead of the usual thrown-together group of in-house psuedo-investigators )
Here’s an article which proves that is what is happening right now…
The Palm Springs Desert Sun
Article Title: Firefighter killed in El Dorado Fire ID’d as Charles ‘Charlie’ Morton; sheriff investigating
By: Colin Atagi and Shad Powers
Published 1:49 p.m. PT Sept. 21, 2020
Updated 5:36 p.m. PT Sept. 22, 2020
From that article…
The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department is handling the investigation of how a firefighter died last week while battling the El Dorado Fire, which continues to burn in the San Bernardino National Forest for its third week.
The firefighter was Charles Morton, 39, the Big Bear Interagency Hotshot Squad boss, the San Bernardino National Forest said in a statement Monday night. He died while “engaged in fire suppression operations” late Thursday, the statement said.
The investigation is at its inception and it’s too early to say whether death-related charges could be recommended against a family suspected of igniting the fire with a pyrotechnic device during a Sept. 5 gender reveal gathering near Yucaipa, sheriff’s spokeswoman Jodi Miller said.
As the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department handles the firefighter’s death investigation, Cal Fire is investigating the cause of the El Dorado Fire.
Cal Fire Capt. Bennet Milloy on Monday reiterated it could take weeks for investigators to determine the exact cause of the fire, including whether the family would be held culpable for igniting the blaze.
“There is still a lot of work to be done,” he said.
SIDENOTE: It’s been a bad year for the “Big Bear Hotshots”.
This is the SECOND Captain / Crew Boss they have lost to death in under a year.
Just about 11 months ago, on November 3 of 2019, Big Bear Hotshot Crew Boss “Jimmy Butler” died.
The circumstances surrounding Big Bear Hotshot Captain Jimmy Butler’s death remained a mystery for two weeks, until it was announced on November 18, 2019 ( in a post on the public Eric Marsh Wildland Firefighter Foundation Facebook page ) that Butler took his own life.
Here is another article explaining that Charles Morton’s death is being fully “investigated” by the San Bernandino County Sheriff’s office… and not just the usual USFS thrown-together CRaP team.
.Unlike other fireline fatalities… THIS time the local District Attorney needs to know EXACTLY what happened in order to determine if charges should be brought against those responsible for starting the fire.
If there was any culpable negligence involved in the fireline death of Morton, the DA won’t be able to add any charges related to his death to whatever other charges might be brought against whoever originally started the fire.
NBC News – Palm Springs
Article Title: Investigation Underway on Death of Firefighter Killed on El Dorado Fire as Community Mourns
Pbulished: September 22, 2020 5:57 PM – By: Kitty Alvarado
From that article…
Big Bear Hotshot ( Charles ) Morton was killed fighting the El Dorado Fire in Yucaipa.
…an investigation into his death is underway.
Jodi Miller, the public information officer with the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department confirms their special investigations unit is looking into the death, “When the firefighter sadly lost his life fighting the fire, my department now became involved.
It’s a multi pronged investigation,
Cal Fire is looking into the cause ( of the fire ) and the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department is focusing on the tragedy. ( Morton’s death )
“Detectives responded to the scene and are now conducting a death investigation,” says Miller.
The fire is still burning out of control, so far it’s burned over 22,500 acres, 16 homes and structures have been damaged or destroyed and 13 people including firefighters have been hurt. The community is outraged that now a firefighter was killed over a gender reveal stunt gone wrong.
“I think that’s just horrible, what a waste I mean, a gender reveal? Come on,” says Gary Hatfield, a resident of Mountain Home Village.
And many are asking why those responsible haven’t been arrested?
Miller says the process is complicated, “There’s a lot of work that goes into these types of investigations and of course a thorough investigation is imperative and that does take some time for that to happen,” she says adding the community can rest assured knowing they will release information as quickly as they can but they cannot rush the investigation.
Jason Anderson, the San Bernardino District Attorney, says their office has been receiving a lot of questions since the fire started, “We are sensitive to the concerns that people have in regards to what next steps may occur in this particular case,” adding that he’s receiving daily briefings from prosecutors who’ve been on the scene.
But Anderson says they cannot make a determination yet, “Because of its scale, because of the seriousness we have to wait until all the investigation is done before we can make any determination about what we do going forward.”
Here is a response I just made to an email and it is what I think.
“The way those articles said people are calling their office and demanding to know why arrests haven’t been made, I don’t see how they can avoid charging them.
Plus…times have changed. People no longer trust or believe in the government even as much as they did in 2013.
And this is California and not backwards Arizona. I might be wrong, but I think this thing will go to the mattresses and the USFS is finally going to get their head handed to them…I hope!“
Your hopes above are about to be shown. Heavily working it Gary.
Oh…and one more thing. Even though it will be very painful to assign blame to the deceased in this case should it be justified in the final analysis, just as it was in the case with the GMIHC, it won’t be about the last hotshot death, it will be about doing everything I can to try and help prevent the next one.
And just FYI. While in the slow and often painful process of writing the next chapter in what will be without a doubt, the greatest book ever written about wildland firefighters, my thinking has now matured to the point I am finally able to assign blame for that unbelievable tragic incident to the crew boss at the time of their deaths which was Jesse Steed and not just Division Alpha Eric Marsh.
I still however, refuse to assign any blame below Captain Steeds level because the hotshot culture, tradition and best practices demand that hotshots follow the orders of their crew boss even though dissent is not only allowed, but it is expected.
I believe there are good reasons for reasonable people to disagree on this specific point, but that is my position because given the hundreds of thousands of decisions made by hotshot crew bosses since hotshot crews were first created, only three of those decisions in history have resulted in fatally disastrous results.
And given those statistics, the most prudent thing to do is to follow a hotshot crew bosses orders and so I hold the crew below Acting Crew Boss Steed blameless and my book will reflect that opinion.
Okay, just one more. I have always held the position that given the fact that not only can Walmart track a box of frozen fish across the country, they can verify the temperature it was kept at, so I think it is a no-brainer that our major resources on wildfires must be equipped with GPS locator devices.
The fact that this deceased hotshot had to be searched for when he could have been only injured and not deceased is UNACCEPTABLE!
The only thing the 800 pound Mountain Gorilla 🦍 that is the USFS FIRE organization hates more than re-burns is change.
But…the Luddites running that organization must get their act together and equip all major resources such as hotshot crew members, engines and dozers with cheap, readily available and reliable GPS locator beacons NOW!
Because as goes the USFS, so goes all wildland firefighting agencies since they simply state that in order for your resources to be assigned to our fires, you must follow our policies just as they did after the Battlement Creek Fire Disaster.
And that is why everyone started carrying fire shelters and wearing fire resistant pants beginning in the fire season of 1977.
Reply to Gary Olson post on September 23, 2020 at 12:51 pm
>> Gary Olson said…
>> I have always held the position that
>> given the fact that not only can
>> Walmart track a box of frozen fish
>> across the country, they can verify the
>> temperature it was kept at, so
>> I think it is a no-brainer that our
>> major resources on wildfires must
>> be equipped with GPS locator devices.
>> The fact that this deceased hotshot
>> had to be searched for when he could
>> have been only injured and not
>> deceased is UNACCEPTABLE!
Indeed. It’s the year 2020, fer chrissakes.
News outlets in California first started reporting that a ‘Hotshot firefighter’ was ‘missing’ at the El Dorado fire around 8:30 PM on Thursday night, September 17, 2020, when it became public knowledge that ‘helicopters’ were in the air searching for him.
At 12:30 AM Friday morning, ( and again at 1:00 AM ) Souther California Air Operations posted a series of tweets confirming the ‘search’ and that ‘Air Operations’ over the fire were trying to ‘ping’ the missing hotshot’s cellphone in order to try and locate him.
It was then ‘confirmed’ ( by USFS officials on the San Bernadino Forest ) at around 4:00 AM that a ‘body had been found’, and it was the missing hotshot.
It would have taken about 15-30 minutes from the time fire personnel on the ground realized he was ‘missing’ to get choppers in the air… so that probably pushed the moment when they realized they needed to do that back to about 8:00 PM on Thursday night.
SoCal AIR OPS tweeted they were still looking for him around 1:00 AM Friday.
So that means his body could only have been actually ‘found’ sometime between 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM, when it was confirmed by USFS officials.
That means they were looking for him
( unsuccessfully ) for anywhere
between 5 to 8 HOURS.
If he didn’t lose his life right away to whatever circumstances happened, and only died because he didn’t get ANY medical attention for 5 to 8 HOURS… then yea… that’s almost criminal.
Same still goes for the Granite Mountain Hotshots.
It has never really been confirmed whether or not all 19 GM Hotshots actually died immediately during the burnover. It is still possible that maybe a few of them died of their injuries sometime during the 2 hours it took to even FIND them, even though they were only 640 yards west of the Boulder Springs Ranch.
Here’s an article that confirms when the choppers were first in the air on Thursday evening at the El Dorado fire, and when USFS was first confirming that the body had been found at 4:00 AM on Friday morning…
Victor Valley News Group (VVNG) – San Bernadino, California
Article Title: Missing firefighter battling El Dorado Fire has been found dead
Published: September 18, 2020
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. ( — A firefighter assigned to the El Dorado Fire was found dead after he was initially reported missing Thursday night.
At about 8:30 PM, on September 17, 2020, helicopters from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s and California Highway Patrol flew over the Barton Flats area searching for the missing Hotshot firefighter.
At about 4:00 AM USDA Forest Service officials on the San Bernardino National Forest confirmed the death and said the name is being withheld pending notification of next of kin.
Officials said the cause is under investigation and more details would be made available as they are confirmed.
WOW! That’s all I can think of to say, WOW! Thank you for that work, if that doesn’t prove the point for the USFS, nothing will.
I was originally basing my argument after the search for the GMIHC, which I thought should have been enough for those who are responsible for our most precious and irreplaceable resources, our wildland firefighters, but apparently not, on the case of the missing Green Beret after they were ambushed in Niger a few years ago and four were killed.
Anyway, they found one of them several miles from the original ambush site by his locator beacon. And I tried to make my point here several years ago using that situation for an example.
But thanks to your work, we now have a much better example that doesn’t require any retrofitting to a WF situation. It hits right we’re we live!
Almost criminal is right. They don’t need years off study by NWCG or MEDC committees, they just need to get some GPS locator beacons before the next fire season starts. Just ask Walmart how they track their frozen fish, I’m pretty sure they would be happy to help. It would be good OR fir them.
My God, what more do they need? It’s now been 7 years since the AZ DPS helicopter with our hero, Eric Tarr (sp?) launched on the YHF to search in the blind for an entire missing hotshot crew that they knew had just been burned over and THEY have done NOTHING!
George Santayana,
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.
Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.
Those who do not know history’s mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
Take your pick, because all of them apply to USFS FIRE.
Oh…and one more thing. Another point that I made many years ago now, is that the GPS locator beacons I believe, would have real value for fire team overhead to track resources on fires who aren’t dead or dying.
I think the beacons would have valuable application fir what I call Plans, Transportation, and the Operations sections I think could all make good use of knowing exactly where all major resources are on every fire at any given time.
I think GPS locator beacons on a no-brainer.
Historical Footnote,
During those seven years Shawna Legarza came and went as the USFS Director of fire and now she has her dream retirement job back in Durango. She could have done something other than perpetuate the Battlement Creek Fire cover up and go to Australia for an expensive photo op, but she didn’t.
HAL 9000,
There have been so many contributions to this thread 🧵 by so many people for so many years, it is impossible to remember most of them. Luckily, they are stored here for as long as JD supports our efforts and his bold and next generation crowd sourced citizens investigation of what has now been for years about so much more than just the unprecedented, shocking, tragic, and totally catastrophic Yarnell Hill Fire deaths of the Granite Mountain IHC.
And in particular, it would have impossible for me to pinpoint what I consider to be the single greatest contribution you have made to this effort out of the hundreds of astute observations and to my mind, your unnatural ability to calculate the incalculable ever since you first began visiting our planet from your home star system, Which given our history as a planet with Sirius that is a possibility, but I’m betting on the Seven Sisters Star Cluster which is more commonly called the Pleiades, but forgive I digress once again.
I don’t really care where you are from because of the innumerable contributions you gave made here to this effort. But I can now decide what I think it your single greatest contribution because I believe it is your most recent one. The one that told us in very stark terms, that no one should be able to ignore or cover up, just how bad this latest hotshot death on the El Dorado Fire Disaster and the aftermath really was.
Which is really a big wind up in order to finally make my point I know, but I can’t get over your latest contribution that calculated just how long Big Bear IHC Squad Boss Charles Morton was unaccounted for and missing in action while so many people frantically searched for him.
It is just a stunning, tragic and completely unacceptable series of facts and I can’t thank you enough for putting it into words and numbers so everyone can understand just how catastrophic his death really was. And then to make what was already an unbelievably appalling incident so much worse, his body laid out there for so long all alone. And God forbid he was just injured and died from from neglect before he was finally located.
This is just…I really am out of words to describe just how horrible this incident really and truly was, but thank you again for what you did to make it just a little bit better by letting us know just how bad we failed Charles Morton when he needed us the most as a wildland firefighting culture and community.
I am so sad, but I really would like for “them” to wake the @#$& up and get with the program in order to make some long overdue changes so that this never happens again. Or at least if it does, it will be in spite of out best efforts rather than our indifference and neglect.
Okay, I’m going back to writing my book because the damn thing isn’t going to write itself.
The rationalization that I have used repeatedly for many years now is that GMIHC Crew Boss Marsh never ceded control of the crew to Acting Crew Boss Steed.
Furthermore, I have often written that I believe the primary reason Steed ultimately followed Marsh’s orders after first refusing to do so three times wasn’t because of his Marine Corp training and experience, it was because he feared reprisals from the erratic, domineering, deeply insecure and unstable Marsh who had demonstrated prior bad decisions with good outcomes for years because Marsh had done the very same thing to his assistant in the past.
In the end, I think it was Steed’s fear of losing his children’s health insurance and his career more than anything else and although I understand and sympathize with that reasoning having faced it myself in retaliation from the BLM several times myself, I did the right thing and flushed my career and so I feel qualified to judge Steed accordingly.
And just as a reminder, I made the grade of a GS-13 in the first half of my career, but I was unable to make the final step (within my job series) to a GS-14 in the last half of my career because I went to the USDI Office Of Inspector General with a Whistleblower compliant regarding illegal activities by top BLM managers and I have the files to prove it just in case anyone doubts what I am writing.
Of course they also tried to terminate my employment but I dodged that bullet, a few times! 😂 Hahaha, BLM MOTHERFUCKERS!,,
Gary, if Joy still has the photos of a sign FS put up at Yarnell titled What it Takes To Be a Wild Land Fire Fighter–strictly obeying orders on a daily basis was part of it. Any young fellow/gal haven read that sign would realize that they were in a job much like the Military–your job if you do not obey–court martial in the military–but fired if you do not follow commands in the Wild Land Fire fighting business and just as the Military–keep your mouth shut if there is a screw up by the bosses running the show.
The old school way was paper IAPs…but now it’s digital but it will be exposed soon ..all incidents that lacked the normal 24 and 72 he reports that weeks later lack… well people watch and people document…God Bless those loser leaders…your times are numbered…
Okay Joy, I’m standing by to stand by and I’m all 👂 👂 whenever you are prepared to share.
Joy–I did wonder if you ever found that order of restriction document for the Yarnell Area that was set aside by FS order on a specific area as I remember a half section covering an area adjoining the Helms Ranch that included most of the death canyon up to the two track and including the GMHS site of demise.
There has always been on my mind was that set aside like that for a deliberate controlled burn. When viewing the actions of the lethargic actions toward fighting that fire, including Yarnell standing down and the Prison Crew held back on Friday Night under the excuse that they could get snake bite I had wondered if it indeed were allowed to advance on grounds that the area was intended for a control burn. I know redaction of that document seemed some suspicious to me.
But also, as we watched the actions of the GMHS crew that were not doing anything for some time, if you remember I had said I think it is because they have a controlled burn going on. And if you look at the actual work that GMHS crew did–I am not a wild land fire fighter, but in my estimation if that was all that a 20 man crew could do, then I would say they were more or less doing very little.
Then you had the Colonel looking at satellite photos saying that the square effect and the temperature effects smelled of a burn–those Satellite photos as I understand were also redacted, although I believe the Colonel kept copies before the redactions. I do not know if it is possible to read Satellite photos and tell the difference in an intentional burn vs. a natural fire, however, the Colonel mentioned a natural fire does not have the perfect kilometer square heat pattern as seen in the Yarnell Fire and in intentional control burn situations.
If indeed it were a lightening strike on a clear day, then it was lightening some miles from a storm system which can happen–I think even 12 or maybe more miles away from clouds. But with drones now a days doing lightening strikes I had to wonder if it were some drone system to get things going.
These days all angles ought to be checked–there are just too many liars in high places doing things that they believe the public has no right to know about.
And Gary is lucky he did not get 10 years in prison for telling the truth. Look at Julian Assange-truth sayers and whistle blowers are a hated bunch by those in contol of government functions. They can not handle the truth, and when facts are out they have such enormous wealth and power that they are beyond the laws of the land and come at people that reveal their crimes with all the political animosity they can.
But in the end the truth matters and burns them or they burn in Hell–maybe their own. There is a good Brit song out –I will have lots of company in Hell–they sure will.
Actually that area map showing the restricted area and signed document went just beyond the two track–I think to the top of the Weavers –you likely could draw the area on the map and I remember the date of the document being June 16, 2013–we remembered that because when that lady showed it to you on the internet, then you showed me and we had at that time wondered if it were meant to be a controlled burn area. No one was to be allowed into that area as I remember and it had the highest possible extreme fire danger classification.
But I can see how these people would redact that type document–especially after 19 are killed due to that fire–don’t you think the coming out of the closet party that killed Morton wish they could redact their involvement in causing that fire?
Here is the problem with putting GPS units on crews–When the bosses do shit like Marsh did they will be exposed for their negligence crimes. When the crews exact position and times are recorded then there can be no cover up like we saw at Yarnell. Can you imagine it will show everyone’s position, even their motions that can be interpreted–such as are they spreading fire with their drip torch, digging trench in a line or are they just leaning against their truck or on a shovel would be known by the GPS movements. It might be an investigative tool that the Honcho’s with the Pasones do not want available–and even they could be tracked.
There should be privacy for citizens, but government workers ought to have one at all times when on the job. We want to know if they are working or in a whore house on tax payer dollars like some do in Congress.
Pansones–correct spelling–Bill Clinton got caught without a GPS–26 times on the Child Trafficer’s aeroplane because Epstein had purposely had records maintained of all who took the rides with the underage girls aboard.
link to the LIVE Memorial for squad boss Charlie Morton who died in El Dorado Fire
Get that Chief Vicki C. off that stage
Too many know on this fire what happened lady-
step down- you make me ill for the manners on YHF still
i am unable to view due to bandwidth
hope one of you can
it is LIVE right now
you won’t get the same chance like you all pulled on YHF…it was and will always be intolerable and will make sure this is pushed to the front faster than the YHF onion layer has happened…
Angela Scott talks with Deborah Pfingston, mother of fallen Hotshots Firefighter Andrew Ashcraft.
My Lost Brothers: The Untold Story by the Yarnell Hill Fire’s …
Book by Brendan McDonough and Stephan Talty
why is it they no longer call it that above and it is now called GRANITE MOUNTAIN???
Amazon is currently listing ( and selling ) Brendan’s book under BOTH titles.
The ‘reprint’ with the new title of just “Granite Mountain” probably happened after the movie came out in an effort to “tie: the book to the fillum and sell more copies.
If the publisher thought they could get away with renaming it “The Book By the Guy That Miles Teller Played in Only The Brave”…. they probably would have tried that as well.
Donut out in the public again:
Granite Mountain Hotshots – Brendan McDonough | Mighty Oaks Show 081
1,328 views•Premiered Aug 28, 2020
Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs
2.9K subscribers
Jeremy Stalnecker sits down with the surviving member of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, Brendan McDonough, to discuss his story and how he has been able to move forward in life.
it is almost one hour
it is nauseating and for me for what I know—so sad.
didn’t Donut say it was Sciacca who got his start and now it is is other young college kid???
the judge said that Donut????
come on….
I am sorry,…this is getting bad. What is this kid gonna do when the rest is public???
come on Donut…
Good talker, Donut?
Come on…you said it better right after
come on, man.
How much did Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs pay for this interview?
I want to buy me an interview with you Donut since you won’t just meet up with the other person freely who was on the Weavers with you on June 30th, 2013 and you opt this path….
shaking my head
First thought is WTF is with the camera, second thought, is he one drugs?
Bill, being Forensic Weather fella had me do a vlog once
It appears he is reading off something trying not to
He changed areas slightly but noticeable
Is he on drugs?
He runs Hold Fast Recovery as I run Hold Fat Recovery 🙂
his place:
my spot:
One foot in front of the other or think of the Hollies- He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother…I ain’t heavy…I am your brother 😉
I say get out and move and if not be fat!
It is what it is…
I need a nap but hey Bill I posted more here:
you want MORE of Donut:
you want MORE of Donut:
you want MORE of Donut:
You are killing me Joy. 🙂
Joy, two different interviews, yet both are the same,word for word. And he says the crew was asked to come off the mountain both times.
Reply to Joy A Collura post on September 18, 2020 at 2:58 pm
>> Joy A Collura said…
>> Donut out in the public again:
>> Granite Mountain Hotshots – Brendan McDonough | Mighty Oaks Show 081
>> 1,328 views – Premiered Aug 28, 2020
>> Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs
>> 2.9K subscribers
>> Jeremy Stalnecker sits down with the surviving member of the Granite
>> Mountain Hotshots, Brendan McDonough, to discuss his story and how
>> he has been able to move forward in life.
Below is a verbatim transcript of Brendan’s ( newest ) account of what happened from the point where he realized he needed to evacuate his lookout position to the point where he heard Eric Marsh’s last clear radio transmission ( at 4:39 PM ) about GM needing to deploy their shelters.
One of the NEWEST things about THIS version is that Brendan is now saying, unequivocally, that the reason Granite Mountain left the black is simply because they were ASKED to, and that is all there is to know.
Brendan now says…
“My crew is asked, at that point, during that point in time, if they could get back to the town to help us fight this fire… and so they’re moving down their escape route now.”
No more BS in there about Eric Marsh first saying they were going to stay in the black, or anything like that.
Now it’s just… “My crew was asked to come to town… so they came.”
Period. End of story.
OPS1 Todd Abel has always denied ever “asking” GM to leave the black.
OPS2 Paul Musser testified that he DID, in fact, call GM on the radio to inquire about their “availability”, but that he never aksed them ( or TOLD them ) to do anything at all.
Here is the full transcript from Brendan’s most recent ( August 28, 2020 ) “storytelling” session…
I turn my back on this fire for 10 seconds… and I turn back around and I… I look out and I see this fire is starting to progress in the direction that the wind had said it was going to, but it’s early.
It’s earlier than what was predicted, and so my captain ( Jesse Steed ) calls down and he says “Hey, you know, I think it’s time for you to get outta there”, and I’m like “I’m thinkin’ the same thing”,
I’m puttin’ my stuff in my pack… and so I start hiking out to the main road and I’m thinkin’ about calling that superintendent ( Blue Ridge Hotshots superintendent Brian Frisby ) for the ride. I’m like “I need a ride. We had to get our vehicles outta here”, and this fire picks up, and it’s movin’ in a completely different direction than what was planned originally, and for a split second I go “I can’t put this dude’s life at risk”. Ya know… “I’ll make it outta here. I’ll figure it out”… and he pulls up in this UTV… and he’s like “GET IN!… we gotta move your buggies!”… and so I threw all my bag in… I mean… just like that ( Brendan snaps his fingers )… and this fire’s startin’ to come up on the road we had to get out of… and… uh… he says “Hey, radio your superintendent and let him know what’s goin’ on”… and I said “Hey, you’ve been doin’ this for, you know, ten times as long as I have. Here’s the radio. Go ahead and
communicate with him”.
So he chats with him.
We hop into the buggies.
We get ’em into town.
The crew is still up on the hill… and this fire’s kinda movin’.
We haven’t lost any homes at this point in time.
So we get into town and we get called to the north end, ‘cus that’s where it’s threatening the most. So now I’m with this other hotshot crew ( Blue Ridge Hotshots ).
My crew is up on the mountain and they’re comin’ up with a game plan of what’s next… and… uh… as we’re going to the north end of town… we get in… we’re tryin’ to cut in some line to potentially do a burn or to try and save these homes… stop this fire from moving south, now, into this community.
And as we’re gettin’ ready to… we start hiking out and I’d say within a few minutes of our hike we start getting embers that are pretty big that are dropping in our area and we’re seeing them fly over our heads… south. And so the superintendent’s like “Hey, we gotta pull outta here.”
We pull out. Some other engines pull outta there.
My crew is asked, at that point, during that point in time, if they could get back to the town to help us fight this fire… and so they’re moving down their escape route now.
And we’re back in town and this storm settles in and there’s another storm behind it coming from north to south… and it brings this intense wind.
The crew is moving down their escape route. They’re gonna get back in town.
We’re sitting town.
And now… evacuations had been going on… we’re starting to lose homes, and that’s not what you want, right?, in a wildfire scenario? You know, we’re out there to protect lives, property, preserve the forest.
And… you know… we start… everyone’s evacuated, homes are burning, my crew is on the way out… and this weather event said it would be an hour before it hits the north end, and it’s happened within, you know,five / ten minutes.
And as I’m watching this fire burn, I can see and feel kinda anticipation of like “Where’s the crew at? Where’s the crew at?”… and this fire’s moving through the town and everyone thinks that they’re already in place… in a safe place… and we hear over the radio that they’re getting ready for a deployment site… to deploy their fire shelters.
And I’m like “What’s goin’ on?”
Like… they’re already… they’re already in-route to their safety zone and this fire… what it was supposed to do in an hour just burned through the town within five to ten minutes.
And I’m thinking to myself, like… “No way. This can’t be happening”.
And at that point in time the whole fire… you know… any operations outside of saving lives is… is ceased and, you know, now they’re … now we’re focused on getting to them and getting them as safe as possible.
And I’m hearing over the radio they’re tryin’ to call in a helicopter to drop water. They can’t get the location… uhm… and I hear the last radio conversation
of “We’re gettin’ in our shelters… and I’ll give you a call when we’re settled in.”
Were they asked Donut or was it told to come down to Yarnell? Seems like told since there was an argument going on between Marsh and Steed–Steed reluctant because he knew the potential disaster of doing a tight wire act on a loose wire with no safety net below. And where do we call a freaking manzinata overgrowth and entanglement that even Hot Shot Crews and Bears can not get through a forest. It only shows that a simple cowboy knows the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground–you are one poor example of a representative that should be out there informing the public about the truth of what happened at Yarnell. I would go to Joy Collura for a better understanding of the conditions of that area from her 20 years hiking the area and now with her certifications and hundreds of hikes with men that have had years, not months of experience on wild fires, her hundreds of hours discussing the fire with knowledgeable experienced wild land fire fighters, and scores of FOIA reports she has obtained and studied–indeed she ought to be the one giving the talks to the Public.
Joy would refer Donut to speak with the likes of Dr. Ted Putnam, RTS, Gary Olsen, John Daugherty, WTKTT,Woodsman, the head of the Blue Ridge Crew, Brian Fisby, and even cowboy Rick McKensie who could help him get his story straight and even educate him on the difference in a forest and a brush patch. Half truths out of his mouth do little to help the public understand how this tragedy was a mismanagement job that the culprits responsible for killing the GMHS crew never could man up to accept responsibility and address the reasons the men were recklessly and needlessly “asked” or was it ordered in a you must strictly obey orders creed as written on their board at Yarnell to be a wild land Hot Shot fighter They chose to award themselves after the fire and Brandon became part of the cover up. . Brandon is so full of shit worse than a Christmas Turkey–but this world is about money and his agent has to be a good one in that regard. Bullshit overrides truth when it comes to making money these days despite the process of hiding the truth endangers the lives of future wild land fighters. Shame I say on Brandon and all those fostering a lie.
Perhaps Joy and the men and women who know the facts will come forward and the truth of the killing of the Yarnell Wild Land Fire Fighting Heroes will be presented. I do know there are some people doing a documentary to refute the lies–that is the one I will want to view–it will include some Heavies in the Wild Land Fire Fighting occupations whose years of experience in investigations of deaths of wild land fire fighers as well and decades of experience, not months of Brandons gibberish, will speak about the real reasons for those deaths and set the records straight.
I am reminded that Gary Olsen is writing his book–Consider he has retired as a wild land fire fighting Crew Manager, he has been a top Investigator as well, and with years of experience will have a chapter on the Yarnell Incident. You will find truth there if you are tired of the Brandon Charade.
I did not bother to click on the You Tube talks by Brandon or any of his crap. I just did not see it worth the waste of my time.
Saliente–may the Irish Gods favor your good travels.
Joy, do you still have photos of that Yarnell sign entitled What It Takes To Be A Wild Land Firefigher. If you do, the world would appreciate a look at that because I think they have since removed the sign. Did you give one to the persons making the documentary to refute the BS about God needing or having plans for the GMHS playing harp or whatever. Six Billion people around and God has to fuck up the lives of 19 Firefighters with families to raise? I think you have a phony God if he is that heartless and stupid.
Be sure to include that photo–it clears up any fictitious theory that people are asked to do things in a hot shot crew. It was orders from headquarters and no polite ask deal. Everyone of those bosses in Yarnell knew they had ordered those men to head to the Boulder Ranch–they were willing to risk those lives despite their knowledge that you do not drop off in a box canyon with no escape to a safety zone in the damndess dense manzinita you could find in that area. But either Donut is a liar that they did not “ask” or else what WTKTT points out makes Abel and Musser liars>
OPS1 Todd Abel has always denied ever “asking” GM to leave the black.
OPS2 Paul Musser testified that he DID, in fact, call GM on the radio to inquire about their “availability”, but that he never aksed them ( or TOLD them ) to do anything at all.
OPS1 Todd Abel has always denied ever “asking” GM to leave the black.
OPS2 Paul Musser testified that he DID, in fact, call GM on the radio to inquire about their “availability”, but that he never aksed them ( or TOLD them ) to do anything at all.
I have to believe Musser did order the men down and Donut is now telling it. How did Donut know this asking thing unless he heard it on the radio since he was privy to the talks? If indeed Musser even asked those men to go into a trap with that fire and the knowledge all had, even Donut that the wind was due to reverse at any moment then I would want to know why he has any job at all as a manager of the lives of men in dangerous fire fighting situations.
This is where both Donut and Musser along with Abel should be brought to deposition under oath. The deaths of 19 men is no small matter as it has been treated. This event of historic proportions should have every detail of truth brought out to satisfy a proper investigation–most significantly because future wild land lives hang in the balance as well.
Thanks to Joy and WTKTT, both who has extreme talent in bringing forth facts and helping people understand them.
Saliente and may the kind Gods of the Irish be with you.
Which would make Donut’s statement true–they were not asked to do anything, they were flat out ordered.
The reason I had not mentioned who is doing the documentary is because I was asked to keep it confidential. However, I will ask that names be put out because at this time I believe a lot of people would contact the persons behind the documentary to give more of the true story of the events that caused the deaths of the GMHS crew. Howerver, if the parties involved in the true documentary still want to remain anonymous, then you will have to wait to get that information. So if you have info to pass along, I would suggest Joy as the best avenue to get it posted to the documentary. Joy has always been willing to work with people quietly and anonymously to preserve their jobs and not have the assholes that restrict free speech come down on their heads with a club. But if you remain anonymous she will verify the information before passing it on.
Thanks to all that have contributed toward the truth. Your work despite those that have objected and caused road blocks are of highest importance in this death event. Those lives were of the highest value and demand only truth.
Some may think us brutal because we will not stand for false presentation. In real life had someone that was outside the cronies system caused those deaths, you can be sure they would be prosecuted to the fullest and rightfully in the type of circumstances where 17 lives were deliberately risked with full knowledge that a hot shot crew attempting to get in front of a mega fire just to protect structures is insane.
They were challenged with attempting to work their crew through the densest of manzanita choking up that box canyon, they were ordered into a chimney canyon with the wild fire at a lower elevation, the wind warnings had told them at any moment the wind would reverse the fire and send it at a high velocity right at them, they knew that manzanita once it dehydrates as that had been for 10 years burns at an alarming rate and extreme temperatures above even 1500 F, they did not under stand that bounders near by might have been a safety zone so they had no escape route or safety zone to go to and instead piled more mazanita around themselves to make things even worse.
The only reason we were told that there were no communications for was it 30 minutes was because those responsible for ordering these young wild land fire fighters did not want to be prosecuted or man up to how they really caused the deaths of these men.
Now you can say these are my opinions, but with all the time I have been watching and listening to not only the best wild land death investigators, but champion real live retired wild land fire crew managers who generally agree. Joy has put out sufficient FOIA evidence, there has been ample testimony and I was there right on the spot those men went down. For the rest of the story you can go to Joy Collura, her site and her testimony are extremely valuable and she also was at that spot on the two track where those men were ordered off the mountain to their deaths.
Oh, and I did post here earlier the death threats from emails sent by one David Kelly or his moniker Don O or B or whatever alias he uses. Indeed if he is the Marine, CIA and Viet Nam killer and so forth he uses come choice words of how I would die if he shows up. I would likely be an easy mark for this guy–but there are others more important on his list I should think. Anyway I do fear for my life and intend to attempt to hang around a few more days, weeks and maybe even years, the Irish Gods be willing and Trump doesn’t get us into a nuclear war with China.
Saliente and I wish that fellow health as long as he stay out of my yard.
The Yarnell Charade is but a symptom of the dissolution of free speech and truth in media. You know that Joy will witness the argument with authortity about the rights of Media to investigate and reveal to the public the truth and actual facts of Yarnell. Right at the outset I was threatened with jail because I saw the infringement of the rights of Media to cover an event that the world was entitled to know about. There were many in Yarnell that said I was wrong, that Media should be kept out. They and I had to take a green card in our windows just to get to our property in a practice lock down and martial law situation. Freedom of press, and freedom of rights to travel unheeded by government were infringed greatly–yet the people are so acclimated to give up freedoms that will never be returned for some promise of safety.
If you have not followed the long story of Julian Assange, hero Journalists and resident of Australia being persecuted you can not understand the oppression of truth. We have no right in this country to be prosecuting and persecuting a Journalist from Australia–those we can prosecute would be the Washington Post and the New York Times who printed the articles revealing the lies to get us into the Iraq War. But the Clintons, et al, are out to throttle truth and the English Judge is a friend of folly as are so many here in this country. Australia is in bed with the Corporate American Tyrants as well and surprisingly you see the English and Australians following like little puppy dogs behind MaMa dog. They should be protecting that Journalists and protesting his persecution–but they are in cahoots debasing true Journalism. So Yarnellites that accept the trampling of your god given constitutional rights class with the liars that managed the Yarnell incident that burned the town and covered up any truth about the demise of the GMHS crew.
Rights of the people are self evident-they are constantly infringed these days–a danger much like dropping off in a brush canyon when a fire is going to come at your–once your rights or life are taken away there is no going back.
There are news sources that are not making a big deal out of a dead Judge. They have all been bought by the Corporate system these days and I do suspect the common man will not be much invited to the funeral–but the elite would like you to do some obeisance.
I had an awful forboding that day–Joy will tell you I had said they look like they were on a death march. I told her that the copters were hauling out body bags–and to be truthful I thought they really could have been but were empty bladder bags –I have the same foreboding for the people of this country and I do believe this imperialistic domineering empire we call democracy had devolved into demon cracy where the very wealthy have though their military industial complex robbed the poor and middle classes and especially the working stiff. They continue to enrich themselves laying aside by the great majority of C0ngress on both sides another record breaking amount of above 470 billion that they will not be denied. There is no objection from Trump as he plays the tune of bringing home the fellows from all the excessive 800 foreign military bases we have stationed around the globe. He says Congress is holding him back, yet he is a Commander in Chief that does not make an audible protest for the hindrance or for the excessive spending while America is burning at home and people are destitute. If the covid continues which seems to be the plan this country will be in the streets while the Military complex will be in great shape.
The cold war is now a guarantee so those profits and costs to the taxpayer remain high. The prospects of a major war breaking our are extremely high–almost a given at this point with the actions being taken against China, Iran and Venezuela. And you have two options for a president, both war mongering types that have no reluctance to mayhem. Trump has blood on his hands and Biden is watering at the mouth to do the same. It is called making America Great Again at a time when this country needs to look at the war crimes our Presidents have perpetrated to appease and enrich the war industries and themselves at the expense of the taxpayer with the added cost of a blood bath of millions of lives of the poor in foreign countries and our own young veterans. All of this done against a handful of terrorists in the beginning that have now multiplied as we invaded their country and killed their people.
Go watch some of the outside news sources–one thing Trump says is true–Fake Media is the main media.
We can be a strong nation without the violence.
I did the right thing and reported my death threats to the FBI. I see the FBI as the last bastion for the people–they are not a political enforcement therefore not influenced by Corporate interests and big money–at least that is my take. When you see Mike Pompeo, former CIA director appointed by Trump to the high office of Secretary of state we know that side of the law is influenced by Corporate interests–especially those where they operate in foreign lands to remove dictators not appeasing the Political interests of the corporate military complex we now have in charge of the government.
It is also my hope if they do take interest in death threats by email that they will also take interest in the deaths of the 19 GMHS crew and how and why the actual facts of their deaths had been covered up by the State of Arizona and some officials in the FS and even the lower Judicial courts or Arizona.
Now that Joy has revealed so many documents showing a different truth to those deaths, the evidence may merit a formal investigation by the elite forces of the FBI. So perhaps the death threats despite their harm to the well being and peace of myself and Joy will have some good side results.
Our efforts to uncover the blacked out redactions, judicial orders to mum people, the threats to individuals livelihood so they fear to come forward with facts, the fact that Brandon Donahue I refer to by his moniker Donut has changed his story about what really happened to cause the deaths of the 19 GMHS and that so many even experienced wild land fire fighter death investigators including Dr. Ted Putnam and Gary Olson leads me to the hope that the FBI would put their resources to set the record straight.
They have before said it is a State matter. But I wondered why since the GMHS crew were a nationwide operating crew under Federal directives. I also wondered why the avoidance when Federal Tax Revenues support these crews and even though only a minor portion of the fire of June 30, 2013 included Federal Lands, there were Federal Officials on the scene checking safety measures.
We here on this site have never given up or been satisfied with the sloppy investigation that smells of a crony type cover up. We believe the lives and truth of the deaths of the GMHS crew matters. Those heroes would want the truth out so situations that caused their deaths can be addressed. Future wild land fire fighters lives are compromised if those factors are not corrected.
Saliente Do what is right because it is right.
As alarming as the attacks on freedom to speak, voice opinions, and in the case of the death of the 19, squelch the first hand testimony of wild land fire fighters who heard communications and knew about burns and knew what was hidden from investigators and public media–are the attacks on investigative journalists.
I am not one, but I see that there is a drive by corporate government to stifle free investigative work. Julian Assange has been for 10 years persecuted and continues to be. Donald Trump, the so called champion against false reporting had ordered Julian’s arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy, and because another investigative Journalist got word she was able to warn Julian.
People could see that a bit hypocritical on Trumps part–yet he would defend the Bush war crimes, partners in Crime Clintons, and Obama not because he wants to but because the corporate war mongers who actually control the politics want him persecuted and prosecuted to set an example for those Journalists that dare ferret out the truth of the crimes of government. It has to be scary to say the least to see how a man who had done no harm other than expose war crimes by government hidden from public view would be persecuted for so long and now after all his ill treatment, if brought to America, the land of the corporate military despots, will face up to 174 years in prison.
Trump mumbled something about pardons for Snowden and Assange. But you did not know he engineered the arrest of this hero in Investigative Journalism. It show how coy he is to mumble such things because he knows there are many votes lost from people that know the ordeal of Julian Assange and very much appreciate the revelations of war crimes involving those in power.
Sadly the constitution starts with We the People–is Trump the only one wise enough to play the people for votes? He is on the move to get another war going –at minimum a cold war with China that has every indication it is on the brink of a hot war.
Power corrupted by the Corporate rulers whom have enriched themselves at the expense of the tax payer-and certainly they want to murder the reputation and even the life of a truth saying Journalist.
The tyranny our children and their children face is a horror scene along with the take down of this society by these greedy non caring war mongering corporate entities. The black psychology used to gain control of this country we must protest. The persecution of truth seeking and revealing Investigative Journalists that are the heroes for the people is despicable. Do not let these power mongering and greed infested people in charge go without protest for their persecutions of these Journalists–our freedom of speech and press must be protested. The oligarchic police state managed by the Corporate military complex must be challenged.
The inventors of this Covid 19 war virus must be proud of themselves by now. They have done a great job of reducing the population of the elderly–it is posted at 200,000 in the US now and over a million world wide by now. I understand Britain is having a resurgence. So of course we China since there is a need to demonize the Chinese so we can get a cold war going to justify the 474 billion set aside for the military industrial complex to spend on new war devices, more war gain of function virus and their vaccines, and the virus labs we have world wide even in Georgia near Russia, and our 800 imperialist military outposts world wide. That money partially includes the military maneuvers we are doing in the China Sea, the Persian waters about Iran and those presently going on off the coast of Venezuea. Trump is so happy how Great HE has mad America that he wants to flex his muscle and parade our might to the world. Pompeo is out there warning anyone that defies the Iranian embargo and restrictions will suffer the terrible hand of mighty America.
Meantime, like the awards given out to those that managed the wild land fire at Yarnell, someone, although secretly is getting awards for killing so many and spreading the crisis. After all the US government and China both contributed to inventing this virus at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. And now France has reported cases November before the outbreak in China. So what is going on==well Julian Assange has been persecuted ten years now for revealing documents that proved the Iraq war was a perpetration and Hillary was one of the worlds worse liars–so who next will be persecuted when so called honest government is hacked again to prove why this virus and the protests and world wide economic disaster is in effect. That is of course if Trump does not agitate an third world war and you and I are here next year and some hacker alive to report.
Did send this email to Joy–She continues to solicit information on the Yarnell Fire and has accomplished much toward proof of the cover up there concerning the deaths and the botched wild land fire operation that destroyed the town of Yarnell and killed the 19 GMHS crew.
My understanding from her is that the Documentary of the Truth of the Yarnell Incident is very near fruiti0n yet there is ample time for people to contact Joy with more information that she can pass on. I have to applaud Joy and the Investigative Journalists working to get the Documentary completed–it will save lives of wild land fire fighters directly and indirectly over time. Truth of the Yarnell incident is of utmost importance for that reason.
I also extend my condolences and regret for the death of the wild land fire fighter Charles Morton, only 39 on the El Dorado Fire. These heroes lives matter and why every death incident requires the truth and not the redaction, black out, mum ordered situation we saw to cover up the actual reasons for the deaths of the GMHS crew.
We are going though a world crisis as well, yet we have Pompeo and Trump working to agitate another war with one that will be another killer that could end in nuclear war. Trump is working hard along with the war corporations to upgrade our nuclear war systems, as if we do not already have the capability and technology to destroy the earth 40 times over.
It may well be that the invasive American Imperialistic Empire is coming to an end–we have begun to see the war based methods are coming home now. We have plenty to deal with here, and now intervening so much in China affairs, as well as the Muslim affairs may do exactly as the elite plan–create the division and destruction and debasement of peoples to a degree of such suffering that a solution by the gods of the world will be offered and humbly accepted by the masses. Too many already were willing to give up their personal freedoms by such acts as the Bush Patriot Act under the pretense that they preferred the Police Mandated Safety Acts to preserve their safety from what was a handful of terrorists. It was 19 Saudi’s that caused the mayhem and that against all our wonderful technical expertise backed by CIA intelligence that was not so intelligent concerning those 19. Or maybe they were and allowed the incident to happen.
It is no assurance if they were honest since what can be done if China parks a few of its nuclear subs off our shores 12 miles or so in International Waters and sets off missiles with nukes to wipe out all our major cities? Tell me that there is any way that could be defended against when those missiles would hit within 5 minutes every major city–Trump would not even have time to get off the golden toilet stool to reply.
The CIA must know this as well–but people here seem to believe that upgrading is doing anything when 19 camel riders can take down the twin towers with box cutters.
So these are my opinions and I am certain those of a different study have contrary thoughts.
Here is an email I did send to Joy but seems it appropriate to the Yarnell Incident that all have heart to solve and correct.
Yes that was the number so no call back from FBI. But the fact that I posted the that I reported his threats on IM ought to shut him up. It is a 6th degree felony to make terroristic threats by email. I imagine with all the riots they are putting personal stuff off.
I did email or text anonymous I think a week ago but never got a response–but it sounds like is still collecting data. I did post that a documentary was being made but still anonymous, however I said if anyone comes up with new info to contact you since you would pass it on–they could write you anonymous but if so you would evaluate the info before passing it on.
Weather has cooled here –having my horseshoe coffee and three dogs are gone–getting through the fence again. Buckie stays home away from the others so at least I will have one left if I can’t contain them. 4 acres isn’t enough they want the whole desert–there’s rabbit and snakes out there
You are giving them hell–good work they deserve the truth–There is a damn good Irish Song think you would like–I can’t hear the words but the title sounds good–I”ll have lots of company in Hell It is by a group called The Dead South–I laugh at these characters and the way they have a video.
Hang in, it is going to be a civil war, race war, hunger games, and all the elites are already disappearing from the big cities getting out to their hide outs–Billionaire row in NYC is vacated–so the plan the SHTF time is near. We should be in war with China and Iran pretty soon–Taiwan is close to war and we have plenty of troops headed that way and a big part of the Navy in the China Sea.
Meantime Trump is going to remain President whether the Democrat brain damaged wins or not. I think Trump will win though, the country has the war mentality and if elections are fixed they will be fixed his way. Either way, the war department and the military corporations sucking up the 474 billion tax payer profits while most of the taxpayers are suffering–more millions applying for unemployment, people dying from Covid–but these finaglers of war are off in their Yachts and Islands –maybe Clinton’s have bought the Epstein Island he was there so much– Gates only 6 rides, Trump had videos of his escapades there—so maybe they will have to split the ownership up.
The Charade is on–Smile you are on camera and government has you pegged–and Gates is working hard to get you a nano chip installed so your whereabouts will be known at all times. Keep your jack boots shined if you work for the police–you will have plenty to do and your masters will have you working overtime. If plan A does not work, plan B or C will be in operation. None will be to the general population benefit as we already see how our elected officials are distributing monies and treating the tax payer that is now at their whim.
My opinion, you perhaps have a love for the liars in office. But the more I see their actions, the more I have a revulsion. And as always, I love the freedom of speech and opinions in America–you may love the liar Trump or the brain dead Biden and the obvious phony Harris, but I see them all as no more than war mongering puppets belonging to the corporate elite that put them in office. The oligarchy is working now to take complete control–Power players never are satisfied until they have it all their way and as far as the general public goes–it is the Oligarch way or the Highway.
Saliente–may the Irish Gods treat you well if you do well–
mother f’ers
you have to be kidding me
here is one for your book
code of silence is happening right now on another bad situation Wildfire…let the saga continue…you all have a warped sense of what is good solid leadership and when you others gonna speak up
You want meat for your book
Mother f’ers are at it again….shhhh…..shhhh….shoot the messenger you dumb ass keep it quiet WFs and FFs….
come for me for speaking up
I am about to pull a whole new set of records and let the dominoes fall…so sick of your sorry ass culture that there is Battlement to now what happened this week…fuck man…fuck
What I am learning in all my records is that you are unable to trust some leaders in this Wildland Fire Industry to do the right thing for complete lessons learned.
I am learning the common or seasoned WF or FF is taught code of silence very early on…
I am sick of the bullshit. SICK OF IT!!!!!!
I guess 19 lives was not enough….right..????
I hope the ones that are doing this stupid shit may it be the poor ass leader and or the poor ass follower-ship…WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and you know what Gar-
you are right
that guy with the death threat – try to come my way—
you dumb m’ther f’er
you are a couple cans short of a six pack if you ever think I fear you or anyone in the aftermath of the YHF
I hope you know in MY PRAYERS—I pray God reckons you all very soon versus waiting.
Dumb asses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And for the calm other who wants me to mind my sailor voice and understand the code of silence.
I get keeping some information in
But no way if you think what I just overheard is fine by me
I will beg every forensic weather person out there on my fucking knees to get the point of origin to the progression to what just happened
You stupid Dumb asses
If you thought I had a mouth on yarnell
You just wait and see how we talk on this recent code of silence event
Dumb ass people
Jiminy Cricket here.
Your conscious.
Code of loud truth matters! Avoid code of silence!!!!
Those deceiving ass-wipes
If David Kelley wants to call me masquerading as a Christian based on I can mouth off…I apologized to God for refraining from the use of edifying words yet I at least admit to Him of my failures, something some in the fire world sure may wanna learn especially any that think they can create a Crew without the proper understanding that LIVES MATTER
I apologize to those offended by my frustrations…when is enough… ENOUGH
Apologize to no one Joy–you have worked yourself to the bone. I think it has kept you alive and vibrant knowing you have a mission to accomplish.
All these authoratative bastards want to teach you to kneel–the preachers have people on their knees, the mullahs have people down there even bumping their heads to Allah, and all the bullies and freeloading authorities want to take away your dignity, pride and freedoms. Those bastards rank no better than the common man–as Shakespear would say Oh dear god actor of earth thou shitteth too and it stinkith too.
Codes everywhere? Undercover actions and a country run by war criminals that have fooled the public and used the poor while the richest have raped the economy with bailouts that makes future generations into a land of serfdom with even more tyrannical sanctions upon the middle classes that soon will be reduced to and already so many are scrapping to survive. The food lines are long and the unemployment lines are too. The people are suffering while the corporate giants are taking big bailouts just as they did in 2008 when it was noted these giants are too big to fail but the middle classes and the poor are not. The giants are getting their checks, the measly stimulus checks for the needy are delayed by all means with the coportate puppet Pelochi while he actions and the Demo actions appease the Trumpeters. Trump is smiling when he has a mentally challenged opponet that finally got himself in big politics backed by the big money of corporate and banking interests. But corporations are covering all bases and a few millions both ways means billions in rewards curtesy of the Tax payer to the military industiral complex that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about when I was but a teenager graduating from highschool in the 60’s. It is here now and in control but about to reset this country after usurping and robbing the common folk. They will win perhaps, yet the young people are quite alert and see the chicanery–they may protest and may gain back their rights and freedoms. My children and their children will face dire times–but to maintain integrity, honesty, and dignity and stand against the new corporate fascist rule is their fate or be relegated to conform to the new George Orwell 1984 world is their fate.
America is no longer going to be the big imperialistic war mongering regime change country it is. The world has its number, and it must start backing off from the blood bath methods we have seen such as the killing of millions in Iraq, the killing of hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan and Syria and the milliions killed in Viet Nam all under false flag events.
There is not one of us honest American Veterans that have served this country in war or peacetime that would not stand up to protect this country. But we do not like being duped and played by political and corporate giants that induce wars for profit. We know now the Gulf of Tonkin was a lie to get us into war over VietNam. We know now that Iraq never had nukes, that Bush’s friends the Saudis were the ones involved in bringing down the towers, not Iraq and we know the 18 years in Afghanistan is just another continued profiteering method for the industrial war complex that continues to enrich the few and bleed the middle class and poor. Truly if evidence were out there would be a list of our Presidents on the UN War Crimes list. Their sanctions and their cronies are guilty of not only of the blood of millions of foreign citizens but also of our own Veterans and citizens.
We indeed need regime change but not in Iran–we need a house cleaning at home. Until Corporate bribery is removed from elections it will not happen–it may not happen since the Police and the Military are owned and directed by the very people that trample the constitutional rights of citizens and go along with the new world order.
But there is hope perhaps. There are many veterans that understand what is taking place. There is Senator Telsie Gabbard, Major who depoyed twice to Iraq. There is Jesse Ventura, and there are so many other veterans that have gotten wise. Certainly we believed when we were young these wars were right. We were told we were defending the constitution and our country. We took an oath that is still good today. Yet we later learned these wars since VietNam and even Korea were started on lies so that the military and industrial complex could profit. That policy is still in effect–Biden supports it just as he did as a democrat pushing other democrats to support the Iraq war. And now we have Trump attempting to get a war going either in Iran or Venezuela to foster the profits of the complex. Yes he brags about his money gains as the President while people are suffering on the street. He wants more monies from a new war. Will he get it or will it be Biden? Or will enough of the younger generation of wise kids protest enough to get these war mongers out of office?
Well that is my take on the situation and I do believe most of us better buckle in for a bumpy ride in the coming crisis.
Those wild fires in California gave me climate change here in a hurry. I had a blistering day two days ago. But the skies were red and that sun you could look straight at by 4 pm as nothing but a red globe. The night was so I had to use two blankets and in comes my wood stove tomorrow. That change was so quick it gives you an idea what a nuclear winter would be like. So get yourself a parka with Trump or Biden in office you may need it.
Here is a conversation with Joy–she is always looking for things to improve health and likely the reason she is wounded but alive after hiking over 900 trips though those retardant areas to show and inform wild land fire fighters, media, journalists, investigators, authors and other interested people wanting to hike the route of the GMHS crew that was killed on June 30, 3013. I had hiked only about 100 people and soon after those hikes and some months the wild fire, I had my first heart attack. Young Joy has now been suffering the effects from those many hikes through the retardant contaminated areas but is taking measures to combat the problem.
There will be many in California suffering the deaths and illness from retardant dumping near their residences but nothing will be said and if we had not seen the actual deaths and illness caused by the retardant at Yarnell, the pollution and toxic waste areas caused by retardant would not be known. You only need another small town to verify the experiment at Yarnell to see that the retardant kills elderly at a rate even higher than Covid 19–the only difference the retardant works at variable time rates in its effects. Some do come down immediately, although most have died over a time period of about 7 years to kill about a third of the population of 645 that Yarnell had in 2013. There are plenty residents suffering sickness from the retardant as well.
So here is a message I sent to Joy–These of course are my own opinions–some of you will say I would be a paranoid individual–I am not, well satisfied as can be with my life and take it on a daily basis. Certainly have enough health issues but removing myself from the retardant areas and using good measures of diet, exercise, and mental attitude have survived a situation that many have not at Yarnell. The bell has tolled for me more than a couple of times but the Irish Gods and good fortune have for some reason extended my stay on this earth–the lands of the Moon and Mars look fairly desolate, like the Nevada Nuclear Bomb test site, but we all will get a visit and it is best in the spirit form considering conditions there.
I see this world controlled and plans made by a hand full of degenerate but wealthy individuals that use politicians to do their bidding and carry out what they believe to be good for themselves and how the world ought to be managed. And of course the monies set aside–474 billion this year alone–but many trillions have been set aside of tax payer money over the past decades since the beginning of the Viet Nam fiasco, will go and have gone to profit those few that run the military and industrial complex and corporate interests in banking, insurance, oil, war mongering and the like.
While almost 50% of GNP goes to war making industries, very little is spent to help those in dire need right now due to the economical crisis and the War Designed Virus Covid 19. That 474 billion should be used to bail out the poor and middle classes the are now having to encamp themselves in cheap plastic tents and tarps in the cities now looking like third world countries. Indeed I think that is part of the elite plan to bring the American public in line of equality with third world populations so that the masses all look the same except for the less than 1% of the Masters of the Universe that have 60% of the world’s wealth and hold the puppet strings of all world leaders in one manner or another. Those that become to bothersome to their plans are eliminated either by orders of sniper fire, drone, rocket fire, or outright invasion of the country involved. The plans and profits of the elite will not be thwarted unless the people arise in mass. But propaganda, diversion, confusion, pandemic and economic distress will keep them at bay. The old create a problem, then offer a solution method used works well with them and we see it was and still is being used by our imperialistic leaders in such places as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and the like. The blood bath of killing of literally millions of citizens of those countries and thousands of our own young veterans makes the home mass murderer look like a Sunday school deacon’s BLT sandwich. Bacon is bad for the heart and the deacon killer list was maybe ten not millions.
But I hope the world wakes up–maybe a small warning since Media is owned by the elite classes and will certainly divert you from the truth and what is really going behind the scenes. Snowden and Assange have given us a little of the truth of the criminal enterprises running the country–but of course they have been heavily punished and would be executed if it were not for so much public outrage at their treatment.
But here is a bit of my talk with Joy for your amusement perhaps–but you might want to do your own research unless you are content to accept the situation and Media as true sources and have no reason for concern. If anything the Yarnell taught me, it was not to necessarily believe what the authorities are telling the public. Their FOIA information, just as the Snowden and Assange revelations prove them to be liars.
> I will order some of that herb you mentioned before for general health. I just spent this moring putting a gigabyte designare motherboard in my computer because I did not feel like getting out under my Ford F150–I had to put another engine in it and have it in all but lining it up and bolting it up but just did not have the energy so did the light thing. Glad I did, this thing really picked the speed of this computer. Well I bought a used one off amazon half price at $300 but it was no good so sent it back, looks like they sent me back a brand new one that works dandy. The other board has a fast CPU that was almost as expensive as the Threadripper–it is a Ryzen 7 but that board must be funky. Then I put a handle on a real nice damascus 1025 carbon knife and have that to finish. That hard mesquite root makes fine handles and it is harder than oak. I think only iron wood is harder than mesquite but none around here that I have seen.
> Joy–I think soon we will be in a civil war–this country has screwed over the blacks and latinos for centuries and especially the blacks feel they are entitled to the weath of the wealthy and those that have denied them. They are the biggest amount of people treated to prison for being poor under dope crimes and the like while our own President for instance Clinton was involved in dope running. CIA under Reagan and later all definitely were and exposed by the Journalist Gary Webb–which then the government and media persecuted for exposing them. The whole world is angry at Trump for killing that General in Iraq and attempting to invade Venezuela. Venezuela took the oil back from Exxon and the US is treatening to invade and has with Britain and numerous other countries sent a bunch of war ships down off Venzuelan Coasts and unloaded a bunch of our soldiers in Columbia. Iran did retaliate for the killing of the General by hitting 3 US military bases in Iraq but the media is keeping all this quiet. Still Trump backed down when Iran sent a bunch of oil tankers into Venezuela. The UN and most of European nations and Russia and China are not happy with those sanctions. But with this economy about to go into the worse depression people have ever seen, Trump might get a war going if he can. But people here are fed up with the war economy idea and because of it the war machine makers and mongers have made billions and even people like Chaney with Halliburton after destroying Irag make big money rebuilding with tax payer money. But it is so now they can only print more money and start to collect their debts.. So you see it is all a plan and once the US is in depression then there will be a reorganizing and the New World Fascist Order. This shit is all planned and all this civil unrest, the ruining of the economy, and the civil unrest that likely will soon be a civil war is a way to cause a totalitarian control by those few elite that intend to reduce the population with drastic measures.
> Thanks for the talk about Gary. Indeed he is an honest and straightforward person–his book will be a fresh look at the world of wild land fire fighting
Tex Gilligan
8:41 AM (2 minutes ago)
to Arizona.Desert.Walker
Yes very true why I keep writing about it. There are a lot of good people out there that are fooled and believe that Biden or Trump make a difference–they are just a public diversion–two apples off the same tree maybe one is a bit sweeter than the other.
I has said the psycho Trump has been attempting to cause trouble and get a war started in Iran or Venezuela for another Police Imperialistic regime change war. All have failed to the promises that the regime change Presidents have said would happen–you know –make a democracy and save the people–and in Trumps dim vision make America Great Again. The millions killed in Iraq and out troops stationed there along with Trumps murder of a so called Terrorist General has only caused more bitterness.
Now the absolute threshold of idiocy was to send a major part of our naval war ships into the China Seas to threaten China. Obama and Hillary had done this before with the wiki leaks having Hillary say the Pacific Ocean ought to be renamed the United States Ocean. But Trump has taken it further–he is now selling technical war equipment including drones, missiles and other equipment to Taiwan with a dire warning from China. China considers Taiwan a part of China just as we do Hawaii. When you start moving missles, drones, war preparations into Taiwan it is even more alarming to the Chinese than we were when Russia was arming Cuba with missiles. Trump has to know this as dim witted as the action seems, it is a direct action to cause a war. In fact China has just this week fired a missile right over Taiwan into the China Sea and has departed from their usual reserved answers to threats from Trump. They have said if these actions of getting missiles, drones and military armaments into Taiwan by the US are done, there will be consequences.
Experts in the war situations say if the US gets involved in a war with China it will be more devastating than WW2 and not unlikely a nuclear confrontation as well. China has 1.3 billion and can and maybe very willing to loose .3 billion. We have a population less than .3 billion. What is this fool of a President up to? Have we not killed enough already in Iraq under false pretenses, enough in Afghanistan claiming that we were killing off terrorists to save America and in 18 years have only caused the proliferation of terrorism by our own terroristic acts in those countries.? These damn liars in power ought to do what Trump said he would do–drain the swamp and now he has filled it with sewage.
We have enough problems at home to tend to so this is not time to be inciting wars in foreign lands–and these embargos and sanctions has only hurt the poor of those countries and changed nothing except to make the people more bitter at Great Again America.
I have grand kids both in the Army and the Navy. I hope to hell this sorry President does not send them to another war created because 474 billion was set aside for the war machine and these political bought offs are supporting another war. And you have not heard one word of a democrat speaking anything toward stopping these insane actions against Iran, Venezuela or China.
But if they did make a small mumble you can know it is how Trump got in office–waving his hand at the Generals and the War machine expenditures–yet not one word out of him when 474 billion is set aside for that as the country middle classes, small business and the poor along with street protests and unrest in all the large cities is going on. So I just do not see much hope whether Trump or Biden get in–they both are made men and have paid their dues by murder and mayhem–yet are not happy with the blood they are already guilty of. What power does to people of no scruple or conscience. Seriously get a parka and Micky Mouse boots–it gets frigid under a nuclear sky.
So here is how I see the Trump deceptions and his magical tricks to become President. We all want America Great and have seen the lies of Media, deceptions of people in office such as the Bush capers to profit the corporate war complex and himself and his cronies. Trump never was a successful business man and if you go on You Tube you will see how many bankruptcies and failed ventures he had–but his Dad being a filthy rich billionaire kept bailing him out just as we do the corporations and banks too big to fail–they never pay back, nor did Trump. But he is a slicker–he knew there is big money in war mongering profits be he well knew the American Public was fed up with the Afghanistan illegal occupation of our Military and its enormous cost in our young veterans lives and innocent bystanders and the trillions involved over the 18 years we have been there.
Trump fed the public the lie that he would stop this nonsense war spending, bring our soldiers home and just as Biden and he are both again feeding us lies as if they give a shit about the general middle class, the worker bee, and the poor–he said to himself just like the others do–say anything because once I am in there I will do what I fucking please. There is big money in war profits and I intend to get my share, and he damn well is including not only having increased our troops in Afghanistan, doing everything possible to cause Iran, Venezuela, or China to retaliate significantly enough to enrage the American Public so he has ample excuse to get back into the killing mode–but more so to demand even more war monies. These bastards that instigate these wars are never on the front lines, keep their own away from them and are happy to sacrifice our young soldiers, pilots, navy and marines as long as there are huge profits to be made.
I hope people start to get the truth of these Corporate Puppets playing the public like a piano. But of course when you see people like Snowden and Assange facing a possible 175 years in a federal prison if the sorry judges of England and the politicians have their way–then you see little hope for change.
Trump is already weighing in on whether he will pardon Snowden and Assange–he knows that even acting like he will adds to his tally–but he also is concerned about his cronies so he has to work it both ways.
If either Biden or Trump gets in it is no matter. Biden and his history shows he is as much a war complex supporter as Trump. So expect a war soon somewhere–this is the plan but the American protests may throttle it some but you won’t stop these fellows that hold the purse strings.
Saliente–be of good cheer if you know the drill.
What I like about Sonny and our trail times was he was not addicted to the cell or Internet. Sonny recognized the psychological effects and how the net took over people.
More anxiety has come from the net. Sad huh. Same crap is happening with suicides too. It is rare to find people like Sonny who refused to drink out of plastic anything and made it a serious point to stay away from your cells and I ternet. The man who does not want to manipulate ya is a man you want around. It did help to see when we had a sad or bad time he just melted silver and made jewelry for me of a cross with heart and he made his presence….by his creative thinking.
Technology has advanced exponentially and nothing else have advanced like that.
Thank you Sonny for the pure pioneering moments.
Thank you Sonny for recognizing all this. AI done like Wtktt is appreciated by me. The interconnection wtktt has offered has been from simplicity to far beyond and I guess I just wanted to take the time out to honor Wtktt today. Thank you sir.
Thanks for the compliment Joy–and very much agreed–we have learned so much from WTKTT, Gary, RTS, Woodsman, and the many wild land fire fighers that have risked it all as much as the soldier dodging bullets and risking his life to defend the freedoms Americans had promised under the Constitution. I do believe a race war will be added to the Pandemic–the unfair treatment to blacks and people of color has come to roost and even the facts of the early slave works this country has going. Right now the Boers in south Africa are being murdered and the Africans that had their lands taken by the Boers and English are seeing the impoverished African indigenous people now speaking English and politically motivated to gain back their lands. Many of the Boers are leaving to Australia, England and other parts of the world–Farms up for auction there have no buyers because people see that reform is in the making.
You just can not do wrong to people of other lands or go in and usurp them, make slaves and that type of repression and evil without it visiting you back. That rule of Karma can not be broken. We have been fed so many lies–and every war since the Korean war has been orchestrated by the war industrialist few and became blood baths that this country has instigated. Of course those of us on the low level were and are generally fooled –but facts prove we were wrong–we believed the lies until we found the facts.
There is no honest media save a few that are independently operated and owned. Anyone that believes the media these days is a fool. Even BBC that I used to trust is now part of the game owned by the elite and used as a propaganda machine to keep the masses in ignorance while the few rape the world and keep the poor abased and now even are dissolving the middle classes.
I think I was fortunate–I always thought we were good living in a tent or a shack on a mining claim. I never considered us poor –I thought the Mexicans were poor until I saw the poor ones had more than we. Well it gave me an understanding that wealth is not necessarily happiness or contentment. If you have the essentials of life, a good attitude and are at peace with yourself you do well.
My Dad would never refuse feeding a roving poor person or a bum that was in need, even when our grub box was slim–they got what we got and I can remember his generosity. I think he would have lived to a hundred had he not carried that hot piece of Uranium in his pocket for so many years. But at 73, he had lived a mostly free and happy life–I believe he was not a total atheist–more of an agnostic–he saw the preachers as lazy parasites unwilling to make a living by productive work and a way to control others and finagle their hard earned dollars. Yet he had good scruples–would not take government hand outs–although in his dying days when he was so weak he could no longer work, he took a Veterans pension. To me he was a hero–a kid at 15 lying in mud and firing a machine gun at Germans in WW!–yet both sides were fooled by the political machines–good people fighting to defend what they thought was right. And maybe it was since the English would now be speaking German but I do not believe us Americans would even if the Engish had to learn it.
I am proud of my heirtage–most of us of Irish decent were forced here courtesy of the English nobility. Now a days they are child molesters and killers of movie stars they intermarry with. But they have always been a nasty bunch–how many wives did Henry the Eighth have beheaded? Six I believe but he had concubines as well so no one mentions how many of those he disposed of. This is the type of breeding you see for these blue bloods that brag on their royal DNA. Shite in English verbage.
But we have our own leaders and they are not doing too well–Clinton and Bush both with some nasty habits and murder on their hands as well. But they won’t be tried as war criminals as they should–but maybe Clinton will wind up with charges like his elite friends –though Andrew is hiding under royal protections. Child molesting and trafficking is not a small charge and I am sure Clinton and Andrew will resent having to register and report as sexual predators.
But you have a duty as citizens and Journalists more to tell the truth and report evils we see. The common citizen depends upon their honest reports to be informed not fooled and used as we see by the corporate owned and controlled media.
Here is some reporting from a Journalist on line and in case you did not already know:
By Evan Blake
19 December 2019
Three pieces of legislation passed Tuesday demonstrate the bipartisan support for war, austerity and attacks on democratic rights within the American political establishment.
First, the Senate voted to approve the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by the lopsided margin of 86–8, sending the record $738 billion military bill to President Trump to sign into law.
Later the same day, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives approved two appropriations bills totaling nearly $1.4 trillion to provide funding to the military and other federal government agencies through September 2020.
While large majorities in both parties in the Senate voted to approve the NDAA, four Democratic presidential candidates were absent, enabling them to posture as anti-war while avoiding any affront to the military brass. The four are Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker.
The above facts tell us how both parties are for continuing the insane war mongering–we indeed have 800 bases around the world with 400 in Asian areas fixed to declare war with China. Trump was allocated many billions to increase his own army to manage the populations at home should he see that the protestors get out of hand and a civil racial war with grievances due to the excessive police intrusions against the poor and infringement on constitutional rights of the people, as well as the protesting against the world corporate war mongers. While the people at home are suffering–cannot pay rent, are deeply in debt so homes are being lost, people and small business going bankrupt and congress having all kinds of problems helping the poor and middle classes so in need of funds during this manufactured crisis.
If your senator or representative voted for that humongous record war bill and the Trump approved 1.3 Trillion follow up you need to be certain to make note of it. If you see what is actually going on with this country’s imperalistic moves then you will understand the protests–they have their justifications. And you see the liars Bernie and Warren and the others running for high office so that abstain in order to see if they could play the game and act like they are against these war appropriations. They do not want to offend the corporate war people and those people know these politicians are really on their side to fleece the taxpayer yet act like Trump who also raved at the Military spending yet willingly signed the biggest War Appropriations ever–while the population and home problems are given a pittance except for those too big to fail–banks and corporate enterprises that rake in trillions in bail out thanks to a congress and President owned by these elite.
America is beginning to wake up to reality. We are on the brink of a major war with nearly all of the congress both in the House and Senate voting for funds for it and Trump working hard to get one started. My how the Democrats and Republicans have mastered propaganda so that even though they both represent the interests of the War Corporate thieves of tax monies they give the dummed down public what they believe to be a choice at the voting booth. It is indeed a laugh if you have any intelligence at all.
The wall is going in, we have offended the Latins by our actions against the Venezuelans and our record of screwing with Latin affairs in so many nations including assignations and illegal interventions that harm the poor, we have really screwed with the Arabian World for our own benefit for oil and other profits that these corporate giants and politicos have instigated blood baths and suffering among the poor of those nations and now we are directing our venom toward the Chinese by directly confronting them with our war ships and arming Taiwan against their warning. The Dragon has been peaceful but our war mongering President chooses to poke at it and now the Dragon has begun to roar.
Five or ten nukes launched from submarines off both our coasts in international waters would suffice to destroy this nation–all the new crap invented and produced by the trillions alloted to war and security would be useless against such a close salvo of missiles. I have a grand kid deployed on one of those nuclear subs. They are instruments of death–and China has enough to do what we are doing to them, only if the Dragon decides to strike first as Japan did at Pearl Harbor–can we stand to loose most of our 327 million people? China as huge as it is has 1 billion more than our population. So you can wipe out our total population over there and they will still be over populated with a billion left to continue fighting.
People in other countries, including Europe are beginning to look at the US as a waning Imperialistic Empire about to be destroyed in a most horrendous way if it does not mend its war promoting policies.
Do not believe the Chinese Communists will be bullied–they took Vietnam in the final–we lost that war–they do have the means now and are willing to sustain the great losses. That Dragon may soon be breathing fire and only a fool would continue to needlessly agitate it.
Be like the Irish–neutral in these affairs–defending it nation and not intervening in the affairs of other nations. There are enough problems on the home front to attend to.
Yes I did hike yesterday–cut a mesquite limb for a bow making project. Everything I do is slow motion but that is OK knowing I am fortunate I was able to escape the Hospice in Prescott VA where I had been assigned and locked down for my own safety. It is good to have a son that could help arrange my excape–he explained that his Dad wants to die at home and I already did that but with a shotgun blast to the back but that was out in the desert–a good place to die anyway.
I wore my Jesus sandals on that hike but wasn’t as brave as John Daugherty who hiked with us in that bouldery country where the GMHS heroes died. The desert sands are more forgiving on the feet but the brush is a tad rough.
Then the hike did have some problems for my pooches. They had trapped a rattler in a small mesquite so I went back to coax them away. I saw the rattler but left him alone–there was a rat nest not too far off from the mesquite and I think he was headed that way for supper. I don’t know about you but when I am having supper I prefer not to be interrupted so I wished him a good meal as I left. But it being about 3/4mile back home, I noticed Scooter dragging behind–and just as I know when the boys have a rattler trapped by their way of barking, I know when a pooch is hurt. I knew he had been struck by his actions so I kept coaxing him and got him home finally. I brought him in and his head swelled up like a balloon.
Generally a dog sturck on the head is dead meat. Joy and I watched one of my dogs die just from a strike on the leg at one of our camps. So I was expecting the worse but this morning he is back almost totally to normal–went to chow and was wanting to go back and visit that snake again. The snake had the advantage being shielded by the thorny brush of the mesquite.
So now I looked at Whitey and she is swollen up on the head –she got it too and I could see the blood had dripped down on her white fur from the two fang marks right next her nose. Her snout is fairly swollen but she will be a survivor and I appreciate that that snake did not give them full doses–he must have realized he had to save some back since there were four dogs surrounding him. And I think the smaller doses will give them some immunity kind of like Joy and her small rattlesnake doses she took for health.
One has to appreciate nature and how things work and balance out. The dogs were at fault there and I hope they learned a bit of respect for rattlers–although I don’t think Scooter has learned anything at all concerning rattlers. The way he recovered, I think he is really pissed and would be game again. Whitey looks miserable and I think she will surely circumvent trouble.
Joy just sent me a photo of the men hiking up the mountain that she had taken that morning of their demise.
Code of Silence that Joy talks about sounds like police work, firemans work, CIA undercover black ops, Bill and Hillary works, Obama works, Bush Works and anyone operating at a criminal level. Julian Assange is being persecute to the fullest extent by these criminal reptiles simply because information given to him was passed on to media, some of which proved how the American Public is kept in the dark about the facts of the elite criminal acts. Epstein had to be murdered to cover up what he knows and we wonder what Maxwell has on the very leaders of this country. Certain liar Clinton that he did not know Epstein after riding on his Lolita Express 26 times but that child trafficking plane included such notables beside Prince Andrew as Bill Gates and a litany of power players including Trump and even the Attorney that gave Epstein a sweetheart deal of probation by necessity to use his private cell as a sleeping quarters at night. Epstein and Maxwell were perhaps truly CIA agents entrapping the elite–but they were both into the trafficking as well and just strangely Trump like Clinton denied knowing about Epstein despite leaked video of him hanging off the shoulder of Epstein saying how he had his eye on one of Epsteins imports. And they were importing poor kids from everywhere–big money in child trafficking but heavy penalties –Epstein got choked to death by some ape–that Cornorer of 25 years that was in on the autopsy said it certainly was not consistent with a hanging–but the broken choke bones were consistent with homicide. But anyone telling the truth on these criminal and their criminal acts will be persecuted to make an example to anyone that dare challenge the war mongering power heads.
You do not write or talk about these criminals and expect to win–you do it because they are criminals. That was what Julian Assange had to decide as did Snowden now trapped in Russia and eventhough he was working for CIA. You just dare not tell the truth unless you have balls and would not sacrifice your integrity by a code of silence since all criminal enterprises must operate that way. Well Snowden and Assange are definite heroes for exposing the lies being fed the public.
Here are just a few things revealed by Assange:US Army manual for Guantanamo prison camp. Date: November 2007. The Leak: One of Assange and WikiLeaks first big releases was of a 238-page Army manual from 2003 on “standard operating procedures” for the Camp Delta prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
570,000 messages sent on 9/11. Date: November 2009. The Leak: WikiLeaks published more than half a million pager messages sent within a 24-hour period around the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.
Video of US helicopter fire killing civilians in Iraq. Date: April 2010. The Leak: WikiLeaks published video footage from a 2007 U.S. Apache helicopter attack in Baghdad, Iraq, that killed at least nine men, including a Reuters news photographer and his driver.
Iraq and Afghanistan war documents. Date: July and October 2010. The Leaks: In 2010
Snowden revealed that NSA were violating constitutional invasion of privacy laws while NSA had been outright lying about their actions.
It reminds me of Trump yelling about the overspending of Military and how the Generals are misusing tax dollars, yet when 474 billion was approved for this fiscal years military budget, he is as quiet as a mouse. I think his mouth is watering and his eyeballs awash with dollar signs. You know damn well he is like Cheny and Bush aligned to get some under the table monies from distributing monies to various war endeavors. Everybody wins–a win win deal for the wealthy industrialists and the political puppets but factored out of the equation are the middle class, the poor and the small business enterprises. They get arrested for trying to make a living by breaking Covid rules with a few inside–while crowds of protesters are not challenged right out their front doors.
But evil abounds and it has its justifications and psychopaths in some heavy numbers at the top. The shape shifters are in mind that they must reduce the population, not by millions but by billions by 2030 and certainly before 2050 or the threshold of earths habitability will be surpassed. Then not even the elite will be able to survive on a doomed planet according to their well paid scientists and the AI affirmation. So the designer war virus created at the North Carolina Level 3 lab did not do much–killed a few million. How about the revised and gain of function Spanish Flu that is now being kept in Level 4 Labs? This war virus will take on those in their prime of life. Will this new gain of function spare the children? The elite keep warning us as does Fauchi, gates man Friday, that we are due to see more pandemics. That is certain if he says so–Gates and Fauchi are on top of these vaccines and virus outbreaks.
So keep a few extra masks handy if you visit hospitals or are even allowed–most are not if it is a Covid death–wait until it is a Spanish Flu even and especially since these things are now made to go viral under war needs.
Saliente–take on criminals and criminal actions not because you need or necessarily will win but because they are criminals. In the final you do win since you will not allow your integrity and truth to be breached.
May the Irish Gods see your good and Jesus if he is looking–and may the Leprechaun visit the criminal Saliente
Sometimes the best thing is to be out of the loop–You can be a part of the problem when trying to understand a solution. But most of us know this.
I had become frustrated getting that heavy V-8 engine to line up in my Ford–when a feeling of frustration sets in, I experience has told me to back off and sleep on the situation–maybe even give it a few days, which I did. It is amazing since even though you have forgotten about the problem and have directed yourself to other projects and situations, the subconscious mind is at work solving the problem while your conscious is not even aware or concerned.
I was this morning going to put some handles on a knife but remembered I had also the project of getting that engine aligned and bolted up. I had two chain hoists hooked to rafters to manipulate the engine–so I decided to lift the truck and get it blocked higher giving me more elbow room underneath. Once underneath again, I saw what to do immediately to get the thing aligned–things I could not see or tricks to solve the problem of aligning the engine. Some paper stuffed up in there to hold the plate in place that kept falling down, some longer bolts and a flashlight to make sure the torque converter bolts aligned to the flex plate–a bit of moving the two come alongs and presto, I was able to draw that engine in perfectly. Before I had worked my butt off and was beginning to think that engine did not fit that bell housing of the transmission.
So it always works in any problem that needs a solution. Do refrain from pressing on if it seems like a blank wall. And your good Jesus said–do not worry too damn much about the future. Go ahead and predict it just as he said it is a good idea to sell your cloak and buy a sword–that is in Luke–and there is no rapture mentioned in the Bible—so figure on going though what ever tomorrow will bring. And according to his way of thinking all hell is going to eventually break loose with the demons of hell unleashed to boot. He said people are so strange to think about what they are going to do tomorrow or next week or next year–they have no clue–just take care of today was his advice. So if you don’t have your sword, it might be a good idea of getting one—especially with the obvious fact that the demons are already loosed.
No offense taken Joy–the truth will make us free.
Since we are aware of the Biblical accounts of the gods intermarrying with mankind, we wonder what happened to those blood lines. It is not only the Bible that speaks of these gods that existed before the flood and in their flying ships to other planets and did orbit the earth where they remained for a time in the skies until the flood receded. They returned to earth after a time to the area of Mesopotamia and reset civilization jealous of their bloodlines and careful to carry the ruling Masters of the Universe controls on the masses. They are of course not full gods having intermingled with mankind but their bloodlines exist and continue to this very day. You find them among the blue bloods as they are called–the Queen of England, other royalty and those like the Bush clan and the likes.
Occasionally they will let an outsider in since they know their interbreeding diminishes their bloodlines but their depravity and capacity to deceive and usurp the masses can never be matched by the common man.
The wars of the gods in heaven as recorded are real and continue–yet they are in collusion of deception to the world. You see heavy penalties to those that expose any of their evil manipulations–Assange and Snowden are examples but there are so many thousands of assassinations of rulers not in line with their objectives as you saw in Kadaffi, Kennedy, Solomeni and the list goes on to even lower level people. If it is not literal assassinations, it is character assassination and other methods that work through the black arts. The child trafficking we see among them is just one of their evils hidden from the masses.
But even more evil are the black arts of psychology used by these Masters of the Universe. As the Yaqui Shaman would say their greatest evil is that they have given us their mind. Until we understand that the door to freedom is closed. We live on a prison planet created by these blood line masters that have spun a web so tight that they have even created prisons within the prison in such a manner that only the grand daddy spider that I am watching at this moment can create to catch the fly. Once caught in the web the fly will be drained of his blood until he releases his life to the spider.
Right now the China lines are set to war and so also are the Trump puppet of the Anglo lines. If it means the sacrifice of millions of the masses and those Military do say a war with China will result in more deaths than WW2. It is not the blood lines that die in these wars–they are willing to sacrifice the blood of our youth and go on with no ill conscience at all–view Bush, Clinton, and Obama and even Trump with his already murderous acts, do you see any remorse in their killing of millions and thousands of our own youth. Certain they award the heroes of wartime and under pretense they were defending out country when in fact they were being used in the imperialistic ways of the war gods.
But that is how America is made Great–invade and occupy foreign lands, go into China Seas and kill Generals in other armies thousands of miles from our own seas. Yet I wonder are the war gods and Masters of the Universe at odds and do the China gods have their nukes parked off our shores.
Do not worry for those you believe that represent you–they will be deep underground with their families when the Shit Hits the Fan. And the Masters whether Chinese, German, English, American or even African will continue their evils.
To understand a bit of it is to understand the code–not only of silence but the code of deception that only the Masters are aware of. The penis of the Washington Monument excludes the feminine element but has written upon it codes and topped by the pyramid of rulership. At the peak atop are literally only a handful of Masters and as the steps go down and increase in area so does the gradual diminishing of knowledge until you find the very base where lies the masses–the final expendable slaves of the Masters.
Will there be rulers for peace, the people of the masses — a Telsi or a Ron Paul or a Jesse–you be the judge in this world of wars?
The penis symbol representing male domination is found atop churches as well. For instance the domination in many churches where women are not allowed in the inner sanctum–Mormons, Catholics and even most of the Protestant protestors carry the symbol and the actual practice. But much of the Matrix is hidden yet some bits and pieces of the codes are allowed. Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter also became a member of the Masonic Lodge and has explained some of what he knows at the low level of the secret society of the Knights Templar and is exploring ancient symbols such as the flagged X–a symbol that signifies Mary and the child of Jesus. Mary Magdelene the former wife of John who was murdered and being brother to John, Jesus was in line and by Jewish duty was obliged to take her on as a wife. There were two daughters of Mary–one by John and one by Jesus. That blood line is followed by the Merovingians in France and those are kept in secret with full knowledge of the Vatican and even painting by Michael Angelo and Wolter hasdone a study on it and deciphered some of the code–Leonardo de Vinci had painted in code the fact of the daughter of Jesus and a pregnant Mary–he did so but was in danger of the Vatican that did not want the facts out to the public. Go to Wolter’s You Tube lecture on the subject–he also traced the Knights Templars escape from the Vatican about the 1300’s when many were crucified and burned at the stake by the Catholic Church. The Kinsington stone found in Minnesota proved the Knights Templars had arrived in America about the early 1300,s –the exact date is on the stone which was called a fake since Historians had said Columbus discovered America–In truth the Vikings, the Irish and the Templars all had been here before Columbus. Anyhow, with the new techniques, Scott Wolter has proved the stone to be authentic despite the attempts for some to hide the true history. Of course the Indians were here before the white invaders.
So the Templars did bring over treasure in great amount and it is buried–Whether Oak Island is the place much treasure was hidden is unknown. But it is believed the Templars brought over the Holy Grail and perhaps even the Arc of the Covenant. Jesus was indeed the blood line of King David and King Solomon–and that bloodline has not ceased. Some are the gods–English, the Celts some in Ireland and Scotland, and others.
So may the Irish Gods bless you with wisdom and a free mind–the demigods and little gods inbred with humans have no humility and very little conscience except for their own and even among themselves they are unruly.
Not feeling well enough to hike or do other chores this cool but smoke laded sky, I had to mull over the choices of the 30-33 degreed pyramid level flunkies that are allowed to challenge each other for the position of ruler of the what has deteriorated from a democratic republic to a tyrannical war fueled economic disaster.
The options offered are a movie star plagued psychotic episodes or an obvious con artist with both prone to lies and deceptions and both anxious to be the Bush type Commander in Chief retiring with war hero status after having caused the deaths of millions. The new offerings to run the country are as anxious as Bush was to feed the war industries with more of the billions that have now amounted to various estimates of up to ten trillion dollars spent of tax monies since the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Now with 474 billion added to the war budget to create even more war machinery to enrich the war industrialists, we have two mentally challenged men that both want to wave the sword and have their hands on the nukes. The power to destroy vast amounts of humanity and even reduce the earth to a cinder attacks their war mongering imperialistic attitudes.
Oh it is depressing to see what is available knowing that I will leave children and many grand children behind to the likes of these unbalanced power players. And that is a tragedy knowing there are individuals that do care for humanity, want to work for the people and have a disdain for the long going illegal occupations of other countries under the guise that we are spreading democracy when it should be termed Demon Cracy instigated by the demons in office. Yet their puppeteers have been so astute and patient to lock up the political, judicial and legislative branches of government with their control and robbery of the common man and the countries wealth and wealth of other nations that to challenge them with an honest representative of the people is like the poor black man Fred surrounded with half a dozen police cronies with a knee on his neck begging for mercy. Those that have the gold make the rules and it is not only copper rules, it is military shut down when protests appear.
But do not think it is wrong to protest. Rather it is a duty of a good citizen when those in power have moved to corruption and tyranny. My meager protest will be either to write in a candidate–I refuse to vote for corporate bribed candidates that do not, have not and will not represent the people.
Joy–we have Julian Assange for being a hero by exposing the war crimes of Obama and Hillary–knowingly and willingly killing of war correspondents and ordinary citizens in Iraq. Yet all this information of the many years of the persecution –6 now I believe he is emprisoned in the worst of conditions is coming to a head as to whether he will be extridited for exposing the war crimes of Obama and Hillary–namely in full knowledge of the killing of war correspondents and the wanton killing of citizens there yet covering the crimes up. They did not want to be exposed for being complicit and responsible. Well, Daniel Ellberg–now 89, came forward on the defense of Assange. He is now a hero for having been a big factor in saving thousands of lives of our soldiers and countless innocents in Viet Nam by leaking documents that were covering up war crimes–the similarity is almost identical since he was accused of being a criminal and spy and persecuted in the same manner. Has big media said anything about this? There was every effort and continues to be by that lower court judge to suppress Daniel Ellsberg from testifying but he at his age was able to get testimony in on Assange–another hero for exposing the murderous liars we have in office. In truth NY Times and Washington Post on their own published these leaks before Assange had carefully cleaned them –yet none of them were brought to task. You see the phonies we have running things and how the press is part of the corporate system–surprising they did not hold back on that one–but still not persecuted like Assange.
Your exposing these public servants that act like tyrants with the right to hide criminal actions and the truth has caused you much of the same type persecution–even death threats. For their withholding of information and willingness to cover the incident they become complicit in the crime. Just as Obama and Hillary are War Criminals–add the Bush people now well exposed for their chicanery–so anyone in the FS and state of Arizona officialdom involved in hiding and redacting information so the public is lied to, belong in the criminal archives.
It is the shame of this country that so much cover up, not only in police and fire land deaths, but in high offices where civilians in foreign countries are murdered under such terms as collateral damage–and we are talking about bus loads of kids, women and children–mostly poor and helpless people wanting only to live their lives in peace and without the illegal occupation of their countries by our troops just so the Amercan War Industrialists can profit and oil profits maintained. while we are now the major exporter of oil from our own oil fields.
Most of us were fooled by the Main Stream Media that flat out lied about the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars–they supported the lies of Bush and Cheney and their generals that could smile at the UN while knowingly telling lies to the World Leaders. And they continue to do so–Trump already ramping up and spreading all kinds of venom and lies in the name of making America Great Again. If invading and demonizing Venequela, Iran, China, and anyone that does not go along with these tactics is making America Great Again, I want no part of it. Assassinations of foreign leaders and generals in the name of making America Safe when it only incenses the people there and creates reprisals and more suffering for the poor by these sanctions to attempt to cause regime change is criminal. Yet we have no choice except the protests and to voice our objections.
So Joy, you go down as one of the heroes who will not stand for the false presentation and you continue to give us the actual practices that are prevalent in these cover up situations. Certain it will step on some toes that ought to be stomped on.
Saliente–Truth is God and God is Truth according to your Scripture if you read them.
Iran did avenge the death of their General Solomeni-(spelling?) –in fact three US bases in Iraq were hit by missile attacks and it is reported 40 of our American Soldiers were wounded–no deaths were reported if you can believe what the military reports these days. Millions of Iraqis have hit the streets as have Iranians–they want the illegal US bases out of their countries–and we ought to be immediately bringing home our good veterans for Iraq and Afghanistan as our wonderful Commander in Chief promised he would do. What a liar he is.
Sonny- releasing this morning another document you can view it
give me one hour to get it from PDF to JPG—it is a lot of pages but it will be there and again so sorry for your loss-
More roadblocks and subterfuge Joy–Whew you have the patience of Job. Maybe a good thing since you have unmasked those involved in trying to continue to show Eric Marsh as a hero and the mismanagement of the Yarnell Wild Land Fire as laudable. I applaud your efforts and see that many do appreciate your work.
On the lighter side both my dogs survived the rattlesnake bite to their heads. Swollen like a balloon, but Scooter was looking good just overnight–must not be his first snake bite. But Whitey took two days for her head to look normal. Well they got lots of sympathy–and seems it did not affect them now that it is over after a few days.
You have that right Joy–I would not take you to be one to fear after that experience.
Angie passed at 8:45 this morning. She was the wife of my five children. Well I actually had 5, one died at birth. So it truly is a sad occasion–she was my wife for 20 years and here was a person that started the first grade at 12 years not knowing English, and yet she graduated from Western New Mexico University with a masters degree–she counseled people so I am certain many were helped with her counsel. She had already gotten a degree as a beautician before we had divorced so went on from that to do more. My appreciation for being a part of that person’s life–we parted and our kids had pretty much grown up at the time– people change–life must go on and fate has its many quirks. I pay my respects and may she RIP and I am sad for her–she was much younger than I and I would have expected her to live to a hundred.
I see too much these days, too little concern for the people, very little concern for the environment. I watched a You-Tube documentary of George Wallace interviewing the British Author that had become an American Citizen— Aldous Huxley– during the years of the Nixon era, 1963, when TV was still black and white and so is the documentary. But he is describing the conditions of today that he predicted in that book he had written in 1931. If you have not watched the documentary, it is well worth the time to look up in You-Tube.
Things are moving fast in this world and I do believe the ones that call themselves masters of the Universe have ramped up the killing and know what they are doing through the foods, chemical dispersion, the war virus making, the pandemic, chem trails, forest burning and wildfires add the chemical retardants, psychological fear creation to cause illness, birth control, chemicals added to fuels, protest causing, wars ramped up, foods tampered with by adding chemicals detrimental to health, plastics and foods and water in plastics. So do not expect a friendly government to environment or the health of people, but do expect a friendly government to Corporate and War Industrialist interests, Bankers and people that own and profit from Wall Street and those world financiers that control the economies of small countries.
I have over time observed how government has increasingly moved from representing the people to representing corporate interests and the interests of those in Banking and the few that do operate at levels where they hold power over government officials. We have seen plenty of nefarious actions originating though our own government-and because of the exposure of their crimes–now recognized world wide, people have come to see this country rightly as a war mongering and aggressive imperialistic super power operating in a manner that challenged the British World Empire that weakened and took a back seat to America after WW2.
If you back off and look at our record since WW2 you would have to wonder how this country could be called a democracy and be forcing our so called democracy by war regime change methods to benefit ourselves and supposedly benefit the countries we force change upon–something we are attempting to do this very moment in Venezuela and Iran. But we are not a democracy–in fact we are exactly what Huxley predicted–a Corporate Oligarchy and added to that the Eisenhower predicted Military Industial Complex. And you will note, Eisenhower waited until his parting speech to say that–he knew the consequences had he said it during his tenure but his conscience made him speak.
Does it sound familiar to the wild land fire fighting group I wonder? You know as a teen ager in the 50’s the FS was already burning cabins in the forest. There were people on mining claims living and working small mines. There were squatters–many people do not know there is a law giving squatters rights–you could at the time under legal laws squat on a piece of land and after a time become the owner. But the idea was to get these squatters and small miners out of the forests–in fact even today much of the FS service attitude is that there should be no one in the forests or in rural areas–they all should be rounded up and put into urban areas.
If you look at all the burning in the US and the record of government agencies and their clandestine and nefarious goings on at top levels, one has to wonder are these things planned? I know when Barnett’s cabin was burned where he had lived some 30 years on a mining claim, the FS had waited until he had gone into town to do it. They were not ashamed to say they did it either–that was years ago in the Gold Gulch Area–but Joy and I saw it when we were in Dolan Springs. Joe there, a gold miner on claims that his family owned since the 1930’s told us that he went to his claims and had found that BLM had dozed his cabin and other buildings up into a pile of rubble–those were buildings that had been there for nearly a hundred years. We went there and truly there were fresh dozer tracks and his property was pushed into a pile of rubble.
Joe hired attorneys, but the fortune he will spend and the stress–his job as a black jack dealer in Las Vegas–the government gestapo are laughing at his efforts.
So I have to wonder whether the burning of California has much to do with moving people out of the forests and into the urban areas so they have better control of the masses. When you have people like Assange and Snowden being highly punished for showing what really is going on in Washington you begin to scratch your head as to what else does happen in government circles at the top levels concerning the reasons and resources at hand. There is just too much corruption at high levels. So, I am not at all surprised at the cover up of the reason of the deaths of the GMHS and the experiment and purposeful extreme unloading of retardant upon the residents of Yarnell and the 200 deaths associated with those retardant loads. The people involved are no dummies–they know exactly what they are doing.
These are my opinions–I respect yours and certainly do not expect most to entertain my opinions. Do your own research and whatever god you entertain, know that I have no objection to it. Integrity and truth are foundations to a good society and world–why I applaud Assange, Snowden, and people that stand up to exposing skulduggery and criminals. They are heroes attempting to return the power back to the people by exposing the criminals in high offices.
The effort to bring the American public down to third world level and poverty by Corporate and tyrannical controls and nefarious methods has brought on protests–we will see more in what Huxly called the Brave New World and Bush and his cronies deem the New World Order.
Reply to charlie post on September 16, 2020 at 10:30 am
>> charlie wrote…
>> Angie passed at 8:45 this morning. She was the wife of
>> my five children. Well I actually had 5, one died at birth.
>> So it truly is a sad occasion–she was my wife for 20 years
>> and here was a person that started the first grade at 12
>> years not knowing English, and yet she graduated from
>> Western New Mexico University with a masters
>> degree–she counseled people so I am certain many were
>> helped with her counsel. She had already gotten a degree
>> as a beautician before we had divorced so went on from
>> that to do more. My appreciation for being a part of that
>> person’s life–we parted and our kids had pretty much
>> grown up at the time– people change–life must go on
>> and fate has its many quirks. I pay my respects and may
>> she RIP and I am sad for her–she was much younger
>> than I and I would have expected her to live to a hundred.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Sounds like she was an amazing woman.
My sincere condolences to you and the entire family.
Fágann an bás crá croí nach féidir le duine ar bith leigheas;
Fágann grá cuimhne nach féidir le duine ar bith é a ghoid.
( Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; )
( Love leaves a memory no one can steal. )
Sorry for your loss Sonny and family.
There is still much going on about the Yarnell Fire and no we will not put the terrible incident behind us. There are many still withholding facts, not the least would be Donut, yet to tell the truth and what he really knows–but his undependable reports are not as significant as the many who do have information and are of good character except they have been threatened or fear for their employment., or they just hang back not realizing the importance of the even and the truth that all that have information are morally bound to reveal.
Gary is writing his book and will include a chapter relating to the Fire. His book will not be about the Yarnell Fire per se, but his wild fire fighting experiences in general as I understand it. Still I am certain he would appreciate any information you might have about the Yarnell Fire that killed the GMHS crew for that chapter on Yarnell.
This part of John Daugherty’s site is devoted mostly to the Yarnell Incident, although John is a world traveler and has concerns of events that concern different aspects of life including environmental cover up operations, and general investigative work as well. He is a true investigative Journalist–willing to listen to testimony in many areas. I know he is intense and quick to listen of any new information about the fire. I would hope anyone not posting here or willing to give information would contact him. As a Journalist, he will keep your identity anonymous if that is what your prefer. I can understand, especially in government jobs that might be the only way one would give information.
Joy has written and still keeps in contact with me and some of those I find appropriate to post here. The killing of the GMHS crew has been a horrific tragedy for the world. Some of us, even common citizens such as myself have felt the loss and understand the significance of such a tragedy. So I will post a few of her emails to me–those appropriate to the Yarnell deaths of the 19.
Joy’s email expressing her own and my reaction to the deaths to another:
Sonny and myself due to health should have been died before the Weavers
God and as Sonny says his Irish Gods placed us there for a very specific reason.
We will never ask for a dime in all this
It should have never happened
Sonny breaks down to his knees and weeps EVERY SINGLE time we hiked on those Weavers after—
even though people kept knocking down our 19 monument- we kept rebuilding it
We never wanted attention
we just wanted the truth as we saw it
Okay, but it’s really simple basic things that you saw as eyewitness that day…that’s it. I’m not looking or writing about anything beyond that day and your personal observations as eye witnesses to WF history being made. Really basic, and really simple because that is what my book is going to be, really simple and really basic. BUT…I do want you to FOCUS on your health and not this.I am- I hired two private physicians from different offices and going to donate a pint tomorrow for the iron overload and as Sonny and I always said- Sonny was the one who said take a pic of that or this on June 30, 2013 and i did so he gets credit even though I took it of the vehicles, FFs/ WFs and terrain and such..he felt the importance—I just wanted to see the fire’s location…that simple. As the day progressed then John Dougherty’s YARNELLHIKERS videos says it all—Sonny felt it turned into a controlled burn…I saw the two go up Harper Canyon with drip torches and veer to the Peeples Valley direction and one was heavier set. I would not be shocked if it was Kristee lewis from Yarnell Fire Dept yet she will not do an interview but her mom showed me the pics and that is HOW I would not be shocked she was involved plus Sonny and I were witness to Kristee at the Senior Center that cored my BS court case with Amanda so there is more there to be shown—but to keep it simple…Sonny did not want to hike on SUnday after all the hikes that week so when he saw my stubbornness he got his stuff and came with me and we drove to McCrary’s and we both groggy entered the box canyon and he swiftly wanted to bear wallow thru—then where the men died my mom called and I told sonny he can go his way but i was scaling the boulders and base and gps’d the location of that decision..Sonny did not agree but just waking up he followed me and we scaled the base…the importance of that maneuvering was that area at a little after 8am Eric Marsh came out of the sme boulder wash area so was he just noticed in a scout move or did he come out that way from his truck—only Donut can really say there—but then we spoke to Marsh then again when he tied pink ribbons then on the top near mystery man—then we passed the gmhs then i went to a boulder area to pee and you know then we sat on certain part of the ridges into the afternoon—I observed skunk fire from the old mine area and the drip torch to the Harper Canyon, I observed too many types of aircraft in the air at the same time, I observed near miss, fire tornadoes, dozers, fire trucks, and WFs / FFs and UTVs and the retardant being dropped on the fire (GMHS did) and Marsh’s hands went up in air like he was upset, I observed mystery man and photographed him but been told he does not exist, I observed fire move at a rapid pace. I observed movement of people at the Helms when we were in that area now called the Observation Desk on the 2 track ridge that day, I observed bear wallowing terrain not 10 ft tall like Willis stated—there is patched like that by the Shrine to Peeples Valley area though…not the box canyon. I observed much activity on Sesame street and part of the Helms. I observed the extreme heat going into 11AM and I noticed the squirrely winds through that day on and off and the storm was seen in the distance and I saw tornado swirling of flames devour harper canyon after the 2 FFs walked towards peeples valley- 1 heavier and shorter. I saw Steed and the men at ease most of that day from our view point—i saw skunky smoke over by peeples end of the weavers to the old mine…I saw later identified as Frisby on the UTV coming up to talk and taking a Ff back…I saw Donut’s face as Sonny said his death march comment and Stern magazine identified it was donut’s face hat sonny even made that comment and he is alive- the rest are dead—I observed pink flagging—I observed rocks on the ground with pink flagging too…I observed as we reached the car flying embers felt like rain…I felt spent by 2pm and we both helped another scale down large boulders into dense patches of bushes and the heat was much. Sonny allowed me on Acri’s property to rest in a wash but when he saw that smoke that i took a pc of (windmill pic) by the helms- he said we gotta go now—so his common sense and passion for staying alive kept us going…I was heat stroked by that moment. I felt when I got in the car and saw the chaos of people all over and the low level the smoke laid where it was hard to see and flying embers again felt like rain hitting my skin. I saw much chaos by Dorman’s area…I saw the gates of hell as we left glen ilah and looking back- In the start of the day the smells to the air were different—carbon smoke infested the late day and it was felt—I got in the car and I smelt plastic burning and heard much hissing noises nearby (Silva’s to Truman to Overmeyer area)- I saw an RV leaving. In the start of the day it just looked like a skunky fire and if i was not trained in satellites like I am now- I can share the degrees and origins and all lead up to man made fires not original fire and I am firm much of the YHF was just that and this year at the Hotshot Sup Staff Ride- it was confirmed I was correct that the whole day was planned to burn to hwy 89 and box it in large. They had set to do that from the get go and that needs to be public not on the Staff Ride and one of my good trusted friends heard that on the Staff Ride and so yeah it should be revealed in their documentary soon—within the next few months—and I saw much activity out on the spur roads out by Peeples but only Sesame Road to the Pumpkin area is what I saw activity for I have those pics..The sense of urgency lacked in crucial moments and I think that also should be addressed. Storm here so have to log off
I should clarify– that was Joy’s answer to Gary. The answer I felt appropriate to his site. Joy has had health issues as have the greater part of Yarnell after the retardant dumping on Yarnell of 2013 and again in 2015 with the second wild fire there. The deaths of elderly from the retardant challenges the death toll ratio of Covid 19–and in fact kills at a much higher ratio in the elderly. As Marsh with his careless orders that killed his crew so should the people that order the poisonous retardant dumps near residences be held accountable. Especially looking at the death and sickness toll at the small village of Yarnell, these people that disperse these chemicals that are deadly to older folk and not healthy for anyone have to know what their chemicals are doing. I have to believe not only the phosphate and ammonium chemicals are at blame but also the hidden chemicals under so called trademark laws. Up to 15% of Okay, but it’s really simple basic things that you saw as eyewitness that day…that’s it. I’m not looking or writing about anything beyond that day and your personal observations as eye witnesses to WF history being made. Really basic, and really simple because that is what my book is going to be, really simple and really basic. BUT…I do want you to FOCUS on your health and not this.I am- I hired two private physicians from different offices and going to donate a pint tomorrow for the iron overload and as Sonny and I always said- Sonny was the one who said take a pic of that or this on June 30, 2013 and i did so he gets credit even though I took it of the vehicles, FFs/ WFs and terrain and such..he felt the importance—I just wanted to see the fire’s location…that simple. As the day progressed then John Dougherty’s YARNELLHIKERS videos says it all—Sonny felt it turned into a controlled burn…I saw the two go up Harper Canyon with drip torches and veer to the Peeples Valley direction and one was heavier set. I would not be shocked if it was Kristee lewis from Yarnell Fire Dept yet she will not do an interview but her mom showed me the pics and that is HOW I would not be shocked she was involved plus Sonny and I were witness to Kristee at the Senior Center that cored my BS court case with Amanda so there is more there to be shown—but to keep it simple…Sonny did not want to hike on SUnday after all the hikes that week so when he saw my stubbornness he got his stuff and came with me and we drove to McCrary’s and we both groggy entered the box canyon and he swiftly wanted to bear wallow thru—then where the men died my mom called and I told sonny he can go his way but i was scaling the boulders and base and gps’d the location of that decision..Sonny did not agree but just waking up he followed me and we scaled the base…the importance of that maneuvering was that area at a little after 8am Eric Marsh came out of the sme boulder wash area so was he just noticed in a scout move or did he come out that way from his truck—only Donut can really say there—but then we spoke to Marsh then again when he tied pink ribbons then on the top near mystery man—then we passed the gmhs then i went to a boulder area to pee and you know then we sat on certain part of the ridges into the afternoon—I observed skunk fire from the old mine area and the drip torch to the Harper Canyon, I observed too many types of aircraft in the air at the same time, I observed near miss, fire tornadoes, dozers, fire trucks, and WFs / FFs and UTVs and the retardant being dropped on the fire (GMHS did) and Marsh’s hands went up in air like he was upset, I observed mystery man and photographed him but been told he does not exist, I observed fire move at a rapid pace. I observed movement of people at the Helms when we were in that area now called the Observation Desk on the 2 track ridge that day, I observed bear wallowing terrain not 10 ft tall like Willis stated—there is patched like that by the Shrine to Peeples Valley area though…not the box canyon. I observed much activity on Sesame street and part of the Helms. I observed the extreme heat going into 11AM and I noticed the squirrely winds through that day on and off and the storm was seen in the distance and I saw tornado swirling of flames devour harper canyon after the 2 FFs walked towards peeples valley- 1 heavier and shorter. I saw Steed and the men at ease most of that day from our view point—i saw skunky smoke over by peeples end of the weavers to the old mine…I saw later identified as Frisby on the UTV coming up to talk and taking a Ff back…I saw Donut’s face as Sonny said his death march comment and Stern magazine identified it was donut’s face hat sonny even made that comment and he is alive- the rest are dead—I observed pink flagging—I observed rocks on the ground with pink flagging too…I observed as we reached the car flying embers felt like rain…I felt spent by 2pm and we both helped another scale down large boulders into dense patches of bushes and the heat was much. Sonny allowed me on Acri’s property to rest in a wash but when he saw that smoke that i took a pc of (windmill pic) by the helms- he said we gotta go now—so his common sense and passion for staying alive kept us going…I was heat stroked by that moment. I felt when I got in the car and saw the chaos of people all over and the low level the smoke laid where it was hard to see and flying embers again felt like rain hitting my skin. I saw much chaos by Dorman’s area…I saw the gates of hell as we left glen ilah and looking back- In the start of the day the smells to the air were different—carbon smoke infested the late day and it was felt—I got in the car and I smelt plastic burning and heard much hissing noises nearby (Silva’s to Truman to Overmeyer area)- I saw an RV leaving. In the start of the day it just looked like a skunky fire and if i was not trained in satellites like I am now- I can share the degrees and origins and all lead up to man made fires not original fire and I am firm much of the YHF was just that and this year at the Hotshot Sup Staff Ride- it was confirmed I was correct that the whole day was planned to burn to hwy 89 and box it in large. They had set to do that from the get go and that needs to be public not on the Staff Ride and one of my good trusted friends heard that on the Staff Ride and so yeah it should be revealed in their documentary soon—within the next few months—and I saw much activity out on the spur roads out by Peeples but only Sesame Road to the Pumpkin area is what I saw activity for I have those pics..The sense of urgency lacked in crucial moments and I think that also should be addressed. Storm here so have to log offhidden chemicals that likely include some of the more deadly parts of the orange slop. But you can bet that with the Billions made from these things world wide dispersion will not be denied these people. Like the Big Pharma people with their vaccines and pills and the chemical companies that supply many of the chemicals added to retardant and medicines, they will continue even when they know a certain product is dangerous. Check out the truth of Monsanto for one and the Pharma that distributed Thalidomide and other chemicals–they continued distributing as much as ten more years even knowing their medicines were causing deaths or thalidomide babies. The do this by keeping the cases in court with delays and deceptions. For example Thaldomide was licensed in Britain in 1958 but doctors in Austrailia noticed the connection to birth defects by 1961 and took measures to stop its use. Yet still up to 2003 in Brazil poor areas as well as African areas it was still being used. Babies were being brought in after the use with the horrible mutations we see of people that suffered it.
Because of these incidents, in our richer societies it became necessary for proper scientific testing to be done on these pills Pharma puts out. A proper test requires 8-12 years before a medicine can be determined with scientific testing to be safe. So you take your god damned vaccines that they are going to give without proper testing and I hope your chances turn out better than I suspect. This one is going to attach and change DNA with the new advanced technology. But the point is these companies make their billions and even with knowledge of the terrible things some of the products have done continue to put them on the market. So do your research because they do not mind paying a couple hundred million in fines if they are going to make near about a trillion in profits. That is just business cost to them.
And the attitude with too many including the Bill Gates Crowd is that the world is too overpopulated now. He has fostered huge grants to disperse population reducing drugs–so will this vaccine also be a possible solution there? Call us conspirators if you like but I am not going to trust corporations that already have a record of mayhem and murder with knowledge of what their products were doing including Tobacco companies that continue on even to this day. They are akin to the people that fool the public with propaganda so they can make the huge war profits by terrorist acts on citizens of foreign countries. But unless people do the research and many are these days, they believe these bastards to be heroes saving humanity. Shit.
I apologize for the insertion and I do not know how that happened –should have re read before posting so skim what had been pasted before of an email from Joy.
this video above should be sent to every Prescott Government Employee and Fire Department and District Employee and Firefighter and to many many local Fire Departments that worked June 30, 2013…
You guys know who you are—you will forever disappoint me until you “speak up”
and if I could share every memorial and funeral on the aftermath to our communities- I would require you also to see that in addition to the above video.
You make me ill.
Sick people.
Sad –yet we know how much this tragedy has affected families. My own granddaughter had to grow up without her Dad –also an event that cause his death from careless management. Truth is the only solution to advance safety measures and make sure bosses will use them in lieu of needlessly risking their crews as was evident in the killing of the GMHS crew.
Fortunately Gary Olson is writing a book about his experiences. If there is one thing certain, Gary is fearless when it comes to telling the truth and events as they really are. He is also devoting a full chapter to the Yarnell Hill Incident–so there will be no please the crowd reporting–he tells things as they are and with his many years in the Federal investigative field and his life as a wild land fire fighter, you can be they will be accurate. I am certain it will be a wild land fire fighter must read book.
Here is some good news in all the bad. However, it will make the non choice corporate puppet Democrats and Republicans unhappy since Alaska has 4 electoral votes. Jesse Ventura will be listed there on the Green Party–a party that previously had only a million votes I think. But with Jesse wanting us out of the wars we are involved and also with concerns for the environment, people in Alaska might well express their dislike for those things. He being a Navy Seal and plenty of experience in the political world might just win those votes. and get make a dent in the Corporate thieves that are stealing the wealth of this nation and bringing the middle class and poor to poverty.
Those corporate elite and world bankers that own the politicians have hoarded the wealth to themselves and have bailed themselves out with the trillions that tax payers will owe leading us into an economic depression that they will care less about by locking themselves away in whatever hideaway they choose in whatever country they feel safest. NYC has already had massive movements of Billionaire out of Billionaire row with their housing vacated and up for sale –you can get a 140 million home at a bargain of 70 million now. in that area–Hollywood is doing the same although something like 40% of Californians are leaving due to the economy downturn and caused by the economic situation and Covid 19.
My Dad lived through the depression–He had a small grocery and gas station so survived pretty well, yet his brother had to join a CCC camp working as a laborer in the forest building rock dams and the like to eat and have a few dollars to send back to his family of 9 kids. Sadly, Uncle Charlie was killed in an accident and his widow and 9 kids had it hard. But Dad said the times were hard with people living much like the people you see homeless now in Los Angeles and other places.
That depression lasted for ten years but this one has an even greater bubble with the 25 trillion bubble and people in debt–yet many lured into the stock market with it making record highs yet can burst overnight. It did make Dad frugal–he would not get into debt at all–he bought Mom a Cadillac after he had been in business for 20 years in Las Cruces. He walked in with 5,253 silver dollars saved on time and bought her that 1953 Cadillac. Because he leased his property so he could live the life of a prospector, he would drive that Cadillac up into the rough country of Saw Mill Canyon so it would set outside his tent there near his mine. But people these days are all in debt for the most part with the banks raking in big interest and now foreclosing on many homes.
The Corporate Giants and banks are being bailed out but the student loans that will never be able to be paid back will have no bail outs. Nor will the middle class or the poor classes as the Corporate elite tuck themselves away behind their locked gates to weather the storm after the war enterprises and Corporations have left the taxpaying public holding the bag–a very empty one at that.
So I say yea to Jesse–but I understand many states will not allow write in candidates–I will check with New Mexico and only because it is to protest since I realize the Corporate puppets have their game down pat to maintain the controls
Those of us in our later years respect experience. Bathides are nice but they do not necessarily say much and book knowledge without experience says little. We expect a man to have a minimal amount of time on the job before he can be trusted to preform well and especially when it comes to leading men into situations that experience and wisdom is need to keep them safe. No where would that be more evident than on the battlefield or in wild land fire fighiting. In minining I can speak much but those retired from the wild land fire fighting have a good idea of who would qualify to be trusted with the lives of 20 men or perhaps several crews of 20. Even with the much learning I have assimilated by association and reading the posts and even some books on wild land fire fighting, it would take years of actual on the job experience to be capable of managing a crew properly and keeping them alive in wild land fire fighting situations. Likewise if I were a young fellow wanting to fight fires, then I think a minimum of actual on the job wild land fire fighting would be what I would want to see in my boss. I would also want to know his record and if indeed he were an individual that cared for his crew and was not prone to take on jobs that older and more experienced men would reject on the grounds the assignments were too risky for their crew–and especially a crew boss that was prone to skirt the common sense safety rules taught and expected to be followed in the wild land fire fighting operations. It is a shame that the Forest Service and Wild Land Fire Fighter division honchos are prone to hide breaches of safety so much goes unreported–the good old boy attitude and police type cover the back of your buddy no matter how rotten his actions are extends too much to the wild land fire fighting actions. However if you read RTS and Honda you will know some did complain about Marsh and certainly there are others that were reported on–something that should be readily available for new people and the public. The public cares about the lives of fire fighters–certainly even more than some of the bosses that had been taking chances with their crews lives for their own glorification.
But that is not what I intended to address–we do it so often, but then if you leave off the pressure people forget in a hurry and new ones read the new posts that never will research the old.
The world situation is not good now–very bleak in places–if you look at Venezuela and Iran, there are thousands of people that are even emmigrating from their countries to find food and some small pittance to support their families. Our country due to Bush, Clinton, Obama and now the Trump symptom has murdered thosands of literally impoverished poor that only are trying to subsist. We did it in Viet Nam by carpet bombing–an attitude of our leaders to bring into submission the leaders of those countries to our demands by the blood bath of thousands of men women and children. We know now that the Gulf of Tonkin was a lie to get us going in our murder incorporated terrorist acts. We know now that Bush and cronies such as Colin Powell and the Kissenger talks all were very aware that there was no credible evidence that Saddam had nukes—the twin tower ordeal was their excuse to hit Afghanistan and Iraq when they knew full well the Saudis were the major players and providers of terrorists that brought the twin towers down. So the press went along with these atrocities because the war profits for Cheney, Bush and the whole war manufacturing and profiting entities with regime change wars all works to feather the beds of a coalition of Banks, Billionaires, Corporate executives, political puppets bribed by political contributions and even under the table donations, and a press controlled by corporate interests and a police force and CIA part of the mix to foster these wars that wind up being a tragedy for the poor and now the middle classes. The blood bath continues and Trump even wants to increase it more–he is an astute business man and profits above environment, lives and sanity when the tax payer is feeding these corporate war mongers and regime change imperialists.
But the best speakers are those that were on the front lines of these regime change wars. One of the best is Cris Hedges–a 15 year NY Times war correspondent who was in just about every country there was a war and was privy to inside information. He got fed up with the lies being fed the American Public and with 15 years experience he began reporting the truth about the blood baths and terroristic actions of our own country. Things the government does not want you to know as Jesse Ventura puts it.
If you value the words of people that have years of experience in their field and will not sacrifice their own integrity to foster a lie then if you have not already given ear to some of Cris Hedges talks, you must if you value truth. Like Dr. Ted Putnam, he chose his own integrity over his job security and had to walk away from a job he loved and when it was providing him the finest wages and opportunities of advancement. But now he lets it all hang out and he expose the truth of what is happening and going on behind closed doors.
His talks are under You Tube an easy search–he would be a Christian in faith, his father a Presbyterian minister although he is not light on the Christian sects such as the Trump phony religious pose with the Bible. Do not kid yourself, his god is the dollar. If you listen to his talk, you will be hard put not to enjoy insider information from a wise man in his field of reporting.
Several errors there but you know them–Trump’s god is the dollar and It is Cris Hedges talk that rings true.. and minining is mining and so forth but most of you are A students in college English so when my typewriter leaves off the s sometimes as Gary would say–China speak–then you understand. I hope when I learn Irish in the next life I am more careful–maybe there is a subconscious bitterness of the potatoe famine treatment the Royaty of England gave the Irish allowing millions of Irish to die the horrible death of famine while they had plenty and even excess. Instead they enjoyed watching the deaths by hunger of millions and refused aid even punishing anyone that might give aid.
WE are doing the same to Venezuela, treating Mexicans like dogs where you separate mothers from their children and refuse aid to those in need while our war mongering politicos give huge bail outs to banks and provide 474 billion dollars for war mongering and regime change Political Corporate puppets. Empathy and care for your neighbor in foreign lands has changed to murder and devastate the poor and weak to change the regime. WE are no better in honor than were the British during the Irish potato famine that began in 1849 and lasted 10 years.
But you be the judge–your research may lead you to respect the despot we have as a leader and those that preceded him. On my part I do appreciate a person such as this Cris Hedges or a Jesse Ventura or a war hero like the Senator and Major Telsie Gabbard that the main media and the war mongering political corporate puppet Demos and Repubs and the subservient press do not want you to hear.
Thimerosol –my daugter had just called and reminded me of the name of the mercury used in Flu Vaccines. It is always good to get a call from Melissa since she has worked in the Pharma industries as well as management for many years. She has knowledge of the various medicines and vaccines –She does not take the flu vaccine because her experience with one ended in an experience perhaps as bad as the flu itself.
I had to ask her about the Kemo my son is taking. She said she would not take it herself if she were to fall ill with cancer. I know that is the same answer that many doctors that administer Kemo say as well. There are many poisons involved and although the body might generate the chemicals to help combat the cancer, there is always the trade offs like loosing hair, being constantly sick and so on. I think in good old American, we have the right to research and see if something is what we would allow or not.
That comes down to the flu shot. I am glad I did not take one since I have never taken one that I am aware of–who knows they might have shot me when I was under intensive care for various heart attacks and having a shot gun wound to the back. But if I had one lately and had gotten a fever as people usually do after a shot, then I would have walked in to get some skin cancers removed and when that girl puts a temperature gauge to my forehead and saw the fever she would have screamed Covid 19.. Of course I would have been refused treatment for the cancers and the cops would have been called, an ankle bracelet applied and I would have been ordered home on quarantine for umpteen days.
So what of the new vaccine? Are you game to take it? What will it have beside the mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde additives. Will it be the usual fetal cells infected with the designer war virus 19 or will it be the sometimes monkey puss they add to the concoctions they invent. I do not know if they will give you a low level Covid 19 infection or some other means to stir up a mild Cytokine Storm. Either way, I think I will refuse on grounds that I have already been dead at least twice–heart attack and gunshot– and now my immune system at 76 is not the greatest around. A low level Cytokine event might be just enough to push me down the 6 ft. fall to the world of the darkness–something I did experience when I was there before.
So let me die my way–you bastards that want to force vaccines on people better let them know all the ingredients involved as well as the risks. And if they are game to get them fine with me. But I know Big Pharma has a propensity to lie to people, do shabby testing of their medicines and vaccines and reap the profits without conscience. I have seen too many thalidomide people–and so guaranteed I won’t be recommending birth control pills–but if your doctor does then you be the judge.
None of the designer vaccines slated will have any double blind tests–they are vaccinating volunteers–you will find plenty if you promise them a blanket, a toy or a few dollars–the world is desperate now in the poor sections. They will be tested only on the most robust people to make them look good. I guarantee they will not allow old gramps to get one or a smoker, or a Micky Dee habitual diner, a couch potatoe, or a person on other meds to take the test. Yes I know it will take some looking to find the best specimens to test the vaccine on–but there are a few out there and that is all they need–a few good men.
So any doctor worth his beans will tell you that a valid test of a vaccine will take up to ten years to verify its safety. But Fauchi, that wonderful quack under direct orders of Bill Gates will tell you we must do something immediately. Gates is no dummy–you do not make money until his vaccine is injected. Then the people can be billed or the governments alternatively if the people are poor, and the tax bill can go up. We hope the vaccine has effect but by the time it is administered no one will know if it is the natural cycle of the disease such as flu has or if the abatement is due to the vaccine. Of course the vaccine will go head line news that it is the hero to the peoples cause and has Gates and Fauchi are the saviours of mankind.
I am a hard sell on this thing. I love America as much as Ireland. I think we all have a brain, maybe even half will do with some research. We ought to have a choice in this country but under corporate fascist rule and propaganda tuned in by most elite well paid corporate psychologists, most of the masses will be convinced it is a crime if you do not take the war designed Covid 19 vaccine. Well if Fauchi and Gates recommends it–why not? I will leave that for you to decide.
That should have read up to ten years of scientific testing including double blind tests before a vaccine is allowed to be allowed on the market and administered to humans.
The testing being done is on very healthy individuals. Shit at the prime of health, few would be killed by the most deadly poisons. However, if you look at Yarnell you will see that a third of the town is now dead after 7 years when hundreds of thousands of gallons of Phos Chek were dispersed on the town and around it during the wild fire of June 2013. Like the Covid 19, the retardant killed the elderly–affected all since some younger did die and many are ill from the effects. So yes they can test the Covid vaccine on healthy people, but like the retardant, Covid 19 is deadly to the elderly. None of them over I think 65 and a very few in older category–one guy I read of 65 was very sick but survived after hospitalization) will undergo the tests–it will only be given to the healthy So WTF? How is this going to help the ones that are in grave danger from Covid 19 or any other such disease. They are also in grave danger of taking the vaccine as are the younger that are smokers, Micky Dee eaters, couch potatoes and ill from other factors.
But the Gates and Pharma Doctors will tout this shit to high heaven. Lord have mercy and may they pass me by this time. I intend to live a few more years–76 just seems so short.
Well…I have some good news for everyone! I called Geico and I’m going to save a ton of money on my car insurance AND you can find an update on my website and book at the following link, so check it out!
Because I was a practicing professional therapist for a number of years in Las Cruces, Alamogordo and El Paso, I know the law regarding dealing with people that report dangerously and could possibly harm others or themselves and these days also included are child abuse cases. To not do so can hold the therapist criminally and civilly liable. I am no longer in that line of work– 50 states have the requirement.
You never know what a mine cave in can do to change your life.
And interestingly when I managed a half way house in Las Cruces I did get some horrible cases. One was a man paroled out–his story was for bashing his baby against the wall during an alcoholic tirade with his wife. So I am used to dealing with offenders–and my time working for adult probation as a counselor brought me many strange cases–as did the Alamogordo work counseling alcohol and drug offenders. So, yes I think in those years I could write a book about those cases and do know something about abnormal behavior. We all have a tad of it, but nothing to the extremes a counselor sees.
This does bring back some memories–one was a man who came to me with problems he did not reveal soon enough. He wound up killing himself and his 9 year old daughter by forcing her to drink draino and finished off the job himself. Another I actually went to a trailer and took the double barrel shotgun out of a mans mouth that was about to blow himself away. I had some guilt about the black guy I mentioned that killed his wife–but I had no way of know how dangerous he was at the time–people can hide their shit and it can take some time to help them get it out.
For those interested in counseling NMSU taught what was called Rogerian Therapy by a man named Carl Rodgers. In the finality of it a therapist makes up his or her own methods to help people. I never liked the Rogers approach that I call the parrot approach. Maybe they changed it but no matter you study a number of approaches and the final analysis is that the best counselors are those that genuinely care for their patients–it is hard to care for someone that killed their baby that way. But you do your best and you hope you made some difference in someone’s life to make it better.
This world is full of challenges–there is plenty of violence and sickness out there–Freud believed 9 out of 10 were in need of psychological help. Maybe he was right–others have said whole societies are sick. Either way, you don’t have to be a pro to be good at helping people–just care.
There is much to be done but do it right is the best thing.
That should have read killed his baby 9 years old. It was a way of getting at his wife in a bad divorce–divorces are not easy–I ought to know.,
Whew–how we tend to put horrible events in our subconscious and things we want to forget are sometimes much there. My last job as a therapist was in Alamogordo and at that time I was going through a divorce with a long time marriage. This woman kept calling my work place owner enough he told me he had to let me go though he would give me good marks for my work.
Politics and lies are so much tied together. I had left a home that I had purchased on the golf course on a bicycle but this lady was not happy that I would leave everything behind to her and the kids and do that. Well there was not much alternative at the time and if you knew her, you would understand. But we wish everyone the best and sometimes we do not make the best decisions in picking a partner–especially early on in life.
Anyway to correct the story about the fellow that killed his 9 year old, I found out later that his wife had accused him of molesting his daughter. This would all be of police records–he never had his day in court and this information I did not have at the time of working with his case. People are prone to keep that kind of information quiet even with their counselor. The fellow that had killed his baby had served 9 years before getting paroled out–a certainly humbled and reserved individual–he carried a heavy burden of guilt and it was indeed rage, drugs and alcohol that were part of his horrible crime.
We are in a terrible time in this country the way I see it. Many of us are OK or even better than OK financially and with good attitude, though some of us elderly somewhat diminished in our physical health. Most of the wild land fighter group have faced and overcome enough adversity that nothing bothers their attitude to any big degree and the majority of the retired and those along in years of experience are looking out for the younger fellows. Truth and direct approach are the only things to present when it comes to keeping them safe. Hiding facts and reasons for deaths will not do–reputation saving is for the weak and not permissible.
You have to look at Kenosha–certainly the cronies in police work covering for a cop that shot a young man–was he still a teen ager–in the back 7 times. No less than a cowardly attack and that man should have been charged with attempted murder very quickly. It was obvious that the cop and his partner could have easily tackled that young man and had him to the ground and handcuffed with their training in police work.
Then you have the 17 year old taking an AR-15 down the street among Black Lives Matter protesters. It reminds you of Marsh taking his crew down into a dead end canyon choke full of brush to flank a megafire that he knew they would soon be facing head on if they did not hurry double time through the brush. Willis likely believed that wild land fire fighters could easily get through that brush as he testified -=-and I suppose since he groomed Marsh, Marsh also believed the same.
To give you our own observations that day–we were behind Marsh as he went up from the bottom of the mountain on the Sesame Street dirt track to the fire edge. I was amazed at his agility and stamina–we were hikers and I was in top shape yet I thought wow–I do not know if I could get anywhere near that guy going up–and you know Joy has often compared me to a mountain goat in my mountain abilities before the Yarnell Fire on our mountain hikes.
Yet when we passed the men I commented to Joy they looked like they were on their death march. But it was a hot morning already and when we first saw them they appeared as so many ants at the bottom of the mountain and to be fair if I had been in full gear in that heat with a pack on my back and having to be in lock step with the others I certainly would have been upset as well. Especially since I know now their earlier long days and hours of fire fighting. They were going beyond the time of fighting fires without rest yet the honchos had demanded their presence at Yarnell.
So we see the bad judgement of that 17 year old–there he goes stupidly into a mass of people protesting with his weapon. Legally I believe he had the right–then we see the idiots attack him from behind and he is shooting off the ground likely in that case to save his own life–when he should have never been there in the first place. It is what the young fire fighter would have done that had little experience–he would have gone down into that trap and gotten himself killed–well they all did–they followed the Orders of Marsh and his bosses requesting them to head to the ranch and then at the protest of Steed they finally made the fatal decision.
Well common sense does go a long ways. I am reminded of a truth that Ted Putnam told me when he was a smoke jumper and fighting a fire–he was in the presence of two young fire fighters not on his team but fighting the fire. Those young fighters got orders from their team boss to move down into a canyon but Ted was on the spot with them. With his years of experience he saw that they were headed into an area that was likely to be burned over–certainly a trap situation you would not want to be in. Those guys tried to defy his judgement but with some stern terms Ted was able to stop them–I do not know if later they came and thanked him for saving their lives.
I never got a manuscript from Dr. Ted on his investigation of the Mann Gulch Fire–It was not like the State of Montana and Forest Services portrayed it so as to not have to pay the victims wives and families. In fact as I understood it was a Federal Employee of the Forest Service that caused the deaths–his manuscript and long time investigation gave the details of all the false information the State there presented in order to save face and money.
These death investigative methods have been so the norm is to arrange them to preserve Forest Service Wild Land Fire Fighting reputations and do it under the idea that people are heroes no matter what they do even to carelessly killing their own crews. The lawyers and others willingly go along and excuse themselves by saying they are saving the tax payer monies. But it has no justification and in the long run costs more lives and more taxpayer money.
Truth can not be bargained with.
Stay safe Saliente
I forgot to add about the Dr. Ted incident–that area did burn over to where the young firefighters were going to go even with Ted protesting–they would have faces certain death–so now you know and had Ted justly received an award for saving those lives?
Another question comes to mind about the Yarnell incident–Why was Steed so vehement against the decision of Marsh to descend into the trap box canyon from where he and his crew stood on the box canyon that day. I know why, because I stood there and argued with Joy one her decision to descend in that direction. . I was very uneasy at the time I was standing even there on the two track–I even left stubborn Joy that wanted to descend that direction and then at the top of the Weavers felt the wind changing and had to go back to retrieve Joy. She does not know but at that time I resented it because I knew it was a big risk yet it had to be done or she would be toast.
She said it took me 40 minutes to get back–and there she was with her boots off but this time I was not in a mood to be argued with so she did get her boots on and follow me up over the Weavers. So indeed we had lost about 60 minutes of escape time.
Yet what was Steed already seeing that had him so adamant against dropping down with his crew after we had abandoned that very spot on the two track some time earlier? I can bet a dollar to a donut that he was not only knowledgeable that the wind was about to change but he was already seeing flames and burnouts not far from the Helms Ranch. He had to know it would be a mad dash, albeit down hill.
The view from the two track where they were at to be fair is deceiving. It is only about a half mile trek as the crow flies, but unless you have had experience to know the danger of trying to outrun a fire in almost impassible manzanita brush about to reverse and come at you, you might just nonchalantly drop off thinking this is going to be a fast easy hike to the ranch. You can double time a half mile in under 5 minutes I would say-but remember Joy and I took above three hours just to trek from that Ranch to where we met Marsh at the bottom of a canyon that is only one canyon over from the death spot. I have not measured the distance exactly but we had hiked only about two miles and a mile and a half of that in the heavy brush manzanita–often crawling on our bellies to get through and in a number of places having to back track to get around some mazes that were impassible by any human without a bulldozer or spending hours with a chain saw.
So Jesse knew–yet caved to bad judgement–Marsh had no excuse on this homicide.
These of course are my observations and opinions about the cause of the deaths–Willis and others have their differing speaks–but I think they know better.
There might be some fresh air–Jesse Ventura is heavily leaning toward running for President on a separate ticket. Watching the antics and lies coming from both sides of the aisle, I would welcome his move. However I think Telsie would be the better President with Jesse the VP. Either way it would be good to see them both in office. We are on the brink of war and if you did not notice China parading its military might it is likely because the main media is not going to let you see it. If Trump can’t pick a war with Iran then he might well get one out of China after moving most of our Navy including nuclear subs and aircraft carriers armed to the teeth with nukes into China’s Seas. Those cheering for Trump may be screaming for a fall out shelter if they are not already vaporized. China has much better nukes and ways to deliver them than we know.
I was checking on these past Presidents–the only one in recent times that belonged to Freemasonry was Gerald Ford. I had wondered about that since I have relatives on my mother’s side that were Freemasons out of Texas. One thing Freemasons are not liars and so I had to wonder how Bush, especially Bill Clinton, Obama Nixon, etc. were into deception an lies to the people they represent. Well truth was that Bill Clinton did attend a youth thing (DeMolay) the Masons have but he never became an initiate Good thing for him because the Mason Lodge would have kicked his ass out in a hurry with his and Hillary’s BS.
This country was founded on Masonic principles–one of which is honesty and truth. You had to know that Washington and at least 8 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were lodge members. Some say 52 of the 56 signers of the document were Masons.
So there you have it–no George Washingtons in these late Presidents–though we did have one honest Mason in Gerald Ford. But of late the crooks have taken over the Presidency and too many in the congress and even the Judicial Branch of government. Corporations have them bought off so they can not represent the people and prone to lies much like big Corporate management. Truth to them is only relative to profits–they get the trillions in bail out while the main stream, middle class and poor right now are suffering. 40+% of California is leaving–they are migrating out including the Hollywood crowd. Hollywood is afraid of the riots and the middle class and poor can’t make home payments and taxes with the pandemic going on.
Just be happy if you have a chunk of land and some survival skills–you may need them.
Certainly if some bully with a shotgun shows up at your front gate screaming profanities your way you know something terrible is going to happen if he comes over that gate. That is why I do not like to see Trump travel 8000 miles to enter the China Sea with all his mighty Army pointing their guns toward the mainland of China especially after threatening the Koreans next door as he did and demonizing the Chinese. You know right now there are plenty of heavy guns and nukes cocked and pointed back at our troops that have no choice but to obey orders from a maniac –that bully commander in chief. All of Europe, Asia, Latin America and so forth see him that way and now that he has stationed war ships in the Persian Gulf area as well and putting sanctions on not only Iran but Venezuela he is not going to get much support should war break out because of his bullying.
He has to know he is only hurting the poor of those nations in his so called attempts to force regime changes in those countries. And these places are thousands of miles away from our own country with plenty suffering at home–thousands already bankrupt in small business and middle class workers as well with the pandemic and protests and riots? The tent cities have gone up with people loosing their homes and in general things are in a mess here to have a Pompeo and his war mongering buddy Bolton threatening the world. What kind of idiots do we have running our government yet surprisingly there are claimed to be 38% of voters supporting this belligerence. But then media and politicians are in bed with the war industries that do not make money unless there is an eminent threat–so Trump is making sure that is happening–the cold war is on if not soon a hot one with his actions. I should say sick man at the helm and his propaganda has a great portion of the population following. But, to be fair Hitler did a much better job than Trump at getting the people to hail him. Internet, information outside the bullshitting main media, and educated people has hurt his ability to have all out support for his stupid actions.
When you have people that have been to Iraq and involved in and witnessed the senseless atrocities then you have some sensibilities. Both Telsie and Ventura are heroes from military action and understand and respect the stupid methods Trump and Biden and associates are presenting. Hopefully we will get somebody in the Presidency that respects other countries instead of demanding they follow the Master’s orders.
These of course are my own opinions–I watch such little of the propaganda put out by main media. I search news out from the You Tube and smaller media not financed by the Corporate giants. So if you support the bully, good–I just hope he does not show up in my front or back yard.
Missaid–Ventura and Telsie do not respect the bullying methods. Ventura says read his book “63 Documents the Govrenment Does Not Want You to Read” and you won’t vote for either a Democrat or Republican unless you are an Idiot. I have the book and have read through it–a shame what the government does behind our backs and that book is only a tip of the iceberg of all the documents he had to publish. Add to that the revelations of the lying of the Clintons and others leaked and we can understand the incompetency we have running things.
I would like to put my head in the sand but then the stakes are extremely high right now and people are diverted from the real news due to the controls, pandemic and financial situations.
Some fellow says this is a god thing–look at it that way in a positive manner. I wonder if the victims of the killing of the 17 look at it that way. I think it is a human thing gone awry.
Yet in one way the fear caused to control people and instill more control by fear and bully tactics must be dealt with in a calm manner; Do not let fear rule I say. But support the truth no matter what we had decent founders of this country and there are enough decent and understanding people to lead this country in a sensible manner.
Gary would know if someone is impersonating a Federal Officer such as CIA what the penalties can be. I remember Charlie Mosely, may he RIP, had invited us to his Arkansas home. He could not make that hike at the time due to heart situation though he did some. He would have been one to know how CIA handles someone that presents as a Federal Officer since I know he had real credentials although retired. But I would guess that anyone presenting as a Federal Officer might be in trouble if they are not.
Reply to Gary Olson post on September 2, 2020 at 11:09 pm
>> Gary Olson said…
>> Well…I have some good news for everyone! I called Geico and I’m
>> going to save a ton of money on my car insurance AND you can
>> find an update on my website and book at the following
>> link, so check it out!
At the link above, Gary Olson writes…
“We will never recover from the loss of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew and I don’t even want to because I think we should keep the memory of that catastrophic incident fresh in our minds… always and forever.”
It doesn’t even matter that all the details of the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire tragedy have yet to emerge.
What matters as far as “lessons learned” go is just accepting the fact that something as horrific as that CAN happen… and the minute you catch yourself “forgetting” that or catch yourself thinking “…that couldn’t happen to me” is when the hairs on the back of your neck should stand on end and you need to check/recheck your LCES ( again… and again… and again ).
Wow–I am not one to click on links since they usually lead to somewhere I have problems either getting on or something dealing with cronie propaganda. . But I am glad I did the link posted by Gary–that is what people need to see and looks like the readers will be given a wake up call. Excellent cover and title–sure to spark interest in anyone.
Dewey Rebbe, Gila IHC Superintendent – RIP
this broke my heart.
I don’t get it.
I really do not get it.
RIP – Dave Larsen and RIP – Pete Masiel.
This truly saddens me.
How are Raul and Teresa doing Joy? Those people were in the finest of health and sprite in their early 60’s. I was always happy to see them and their attitude and health was an inspiration to others, yet only months after the retardant drops so near their residence we had visited them and Teresa could not come out and Raul could barely make it to the gate.
It angers me to see such fine people sickened by those retardant dumps on the town. I don’t believe they knew that there were many more that suffered including you and I. I do not think enough can be told about the devastation to the health of the people of Yarnell town that came about due to those retardant dumps–yet my own letters to the environmental agency and even the FBI were disregarded.
I had thought since the GMHS Wild Land Fire Fighters were a crew crossing state boundaries and a National Case, the FBI should have had that investigation as a priority. They could have looked in on the deaths of the many Yarnell residents after the fire as well. But apparently it is out of their plan of action and the EPA is not interested in interfering in the profit margins of the big corporate interests despite the obvious detrimental effects retardant has on human health. If the loss of almost a third of the population of Yarnell over a 7 year period is not a good reason for these government agencies to invevtigate then what is–had it been a third of the deaths of the Javelina population you know they would have been on it but for some reasons human health is not a big issue.
The story of a small Missouri town bears that out–It took 12 years and plenty of complaints and illness even to horses and chickens unexpectedly dying there before an investigation came about. The whole town had to be moved after a four year investigation was started and found that dioxin poison had caused a wide spread cancer and death situation for the people due to a yahoo spreading chemical mixed in his dirt road oiling to keep the dust down. The town had to be moved and millions spent to clean up the toxins that had tainted the soils.
So you see from that incident Yarnell may have been poisoned over the long run and you can’t expect there to be any kind of investigation by the government agencies unless they kill enough people and enough complaints come in. So you can not let up on the protests. And Joy and other people involved in the wild land fire fighting work need to be aware and keep an eye on places that are being dumped on with loads of Retardant.
Be aware that people high up in these government agencies are sought out to work for the Big Industries after and during their jobs–especially those involved in decisions involving investigations. EPA has that history and so do government agencies concerning the approval of medicines and such. Vaccines are easily approved and some of them within a few days like 4 before being on the market. More or less the companies do their own research and the government approval agencies just sign off on the vaccine. With the law protecting the vaccine companies and administrators from being sued it is no wonder these things are so quickly on the market. This is after all a profit world to make America Great Again.
Saliente and do be mindful of the chemical toxins in retardant
I don’t know why I put this out there–maybe it will help someone that needs to exercise but is like I was the past two days–avoiding my hikes. I just did not feel like it and today almost did the same–yet I did the Joy thing and got out there anyway. I am glad I did for two reasons–first my dogs go crazy to do these hikes in the desert–Whitey jumps all around the the others run to the gate –they know when I have my staff in hand it is a hike. So they tear out across that desert as soon as the gate is open and man it is amazing to see their excitement–they want to chase a rabbit and maybe one day they will catch one–well they have before but it is a quick meal for four of them.
But then too is health. Without the sunshine and deep breathing health goes downhill quickly. Bad lungs do improve with exercise. So once I am in the outback area my spirits rise as well–and then I see a few chippings where a warrior of long ago had made an arrowhead to hunt a Bison then I feel the spirit world moving and feel at home in those presences.
is this an attack?
Or just a perception?
or both…why am I being called a money whore —- I am not the one who wrote books and got paid funds for movies…I do not understand people.
CTRL F “Don B”
This man will not beat me down. Words, sir just words…sure they can hurt but again just words.
I know I have done the difficult right thing.
I am all for FREEDOM OF SPEECH, John Dougherty but what he did was downright offensive and untrue and an attack on your YouTube page comment wall and you know I am for all information should be out- but his hate for me and perception is what it is…but for him to write such- I want to meet the fella who says all the hateful things…and thinks we do not need a round table discussion.
here is what he said in the past 12 hours:
Don B
Joy Collura, Two questions Joy ; 1) Are you now, an active member of the fire crews and if so, in what capacity ? 2) Why are you even approaching the families of the fallen when the bullshit lies upper management put out there have been nothing but that.? I’ll look for your blog, and in advance, I’ll say it again. It’s easy to condemn the dead isn’t it? After all, they’re not here to defend them selves. Maybe, just maybe, if the comm situation had been clearly defined and enhanced before this BS happened, this conversation wouldn’t be going on. This is akin to the 30 miles fire Washington had where it caught a engine crew without any air cover and the air cover that was slated to make that drop? Got canceled due to some BS fish issue.
Don B
Joy Collura, All right, I’ll entertain this. You are aware I hope , that by ” comms”, I mean the entire ‘communication’ issue they had? Those Racals ere useless then and still are today. Unless they had better repeaters to be heard and a wider band spread, I seriously doubt any of this would have made any different outcome.
Don B
Joy Collura, I have some serious doubts as to your authenticity . First it’s not an “industry”. Secondly, coms were a major issue in that fire. Third and I got to say it, if you’re suffering from some “serious health issue” and yet you are still attempting to get on board , I have to call that into question. I think, and feel, that by you, dredging up bullshit to lay on the families is just that. Bullshit and completely un-necessary. To even think, to sit down with any one of those families is just dragging them back into this entire thing. Give it a rest. People like you, don’t do anything for the rest of us. The only thing you’re after is your own spotlight and focus on you. That’s not the mark of a professional. That’s the mark of a self centered selfish person we don’t need more of. We’ve got enough of that bullshit in D.C. at the moment in the event you haven’t been keeping up. Seriously, for you to go to the families with this cock and bull story puts you in a really dim light. They’re dead. Leave it the hell alone. I read your “blog”. You’re what I call a money whore. I’d do my damnedest to run you into the ground on my team and I’d see to it you never got another slot anywhere.
Don B
Joy Collura, Yes I would. In a downtown New York heartbeat. The first time you even think to raise your hand? You wouldn’t make it. Money whores come in all sizes, shapes and varieties and I’ve seen a number of your kind. Especially after the 30 mile fire and the presumed books that came out. It’s always easy to lay blame on the dead. For you to be forcing yourself on the families? You, need a serious psych eval done ASAP. Pack your gear, you’re off the line. Done.
Certain Marsh is dead but that does not excuse him from what he did to kill the 19. To allow those actions to be rewarded and commended is what this fellow wants–stupidity and disregard for the safety of his crew was the direct cause of their deaths. I don’t think he deserves hero worship for that.
Hang in there Joy, you are doing the right thing. Anyone that reveals the truth and puts out information as you have will be attacked–Look at the Assange fellow from Australia–he exposed the wrongdoing and lies fed to the American Public and the world and now being persecuted by the Trump organization. He is not even a citizen, was only passing on the information from other sources and did not publish anything. But just as we are in the China sea 8,000 miles away attempting to get a hot war going on top of a new cold war, those involved can never admit to their stupidity.
This guy is supporting a system that needs mending but he is insulted that anyone would dare say so.
I was awake at 3:33 AM too- just been painting and stuff.
I am ok. I think Don B is too.
We all get frustrated.
What makes sense to me and I have to believe concerning the attacks–That fellow Don B knows about the burns that were going on at Sesame St., near the Helms and at the Shrine. I have to believe he is a honcho involved with one of the burns on a city fire department out of the Sun City or Phoenix area. He does not want his crew or associates involved–This is my opinion–some of your readers know the truth and whether I have made a correct assumption. What other reason would this fellow be so bellicose.
Lots of strange things going on–when a cop can shoot a man in the back 7 times while he only need grab the gun and take him down? He even had back up there. It did look to be a race thing there but then there was a white cop in that town that blew a 19 year old kid away in his front driveway. That city paid the father something like 5 million. Kind of reminds you of the hiring practices of some of the wild land fire departments. Better said perhaps how some of the bosses get promoted.
I am all for you if you like Trump–I don’t but this is America and we each are entitled to our views. If you thought like Willis that Marsh was not at fault then that is fine with me. I think he should have been tried for homicide had he survived. There was no excuse for killing those men and I see him as the major cause of their deaths.
I also commend Joy for her incessant work on the issue. She has just brought too much information forward to prove the point. And certainly these hidden truths take years to uncover when people do all they can to hide the truth to keep a clean face. Yet it does nothing to help clear the air and will help toward the safety of wild land fire fighting people. Some people have no regard for life or environment except their own. It is called narcissism and self aggrandizement– those are the types you do not want in charge of a crew.
You do not let something like the death of 19 go behind you until the truth you know is told. And that is not easy to find and reveal. Bear in mind that Dr. Ted Putnam spent well over 6 years investigating the multiple deaths of those killed at the Mann Gulch incident. And this had to be done almost 50 years after the deaths of those men. These death investigations are important–and the loved ones are a factor but since these are public servants paid by tax dollars, it is also of public importance.–not to mention to facts needed to remedy situations that cause these deaths.
Anyone minimizing the importance of probing and investigating the deaths perhaps would like to just walk away form it and start out a new day. Just kill someone and say well so what?
So kudos to Joy==Dr. Putnam–and the many people that have not allowed a lie involving the deaths of the GMHS crew.
Joy–I have no idea of your reasons for putting so much effort into investigating the deaths–I do not really care or need to know– I am glad you have–perhaps nothing would have ever been exposes had you not. I do know we were there that day and you took well over 1500 photos –and we had even been in the death spot earlier that morning before conversing with Marsh as he marched up the mountain to the fire edge. We followed him and were there also until he told us to leave the area which we did for a distance even watching them as they watched the fire. So, yes I can see your interest–we had near bumped into the men as they passed us–your photo of them going up the mountain went world wide–you never took a dime for those photos nor even thought to. Money has never been your motive like the many authors and movie people. You had only wanted the truth out and still work at it despite the spiteful attacks you are having. I pity people that can not handle the truth–what are their reasons for not wanting the truth told? Well you would have to put them under the light and maybe a Psychiatrist could help them on the couch.
Be bold, brave and strong in getting to the truth. Too many accept the lies and do nothing to change things for the better.
Certainly for the record, I have often wished that I had nothing to do with the Yarnell incident–it was happenstance to put us at the fire edge as a witness to the events that went down that day. We knew the trail, the conditions, even hiked it that very morning painstakingly snaking ourselves through the brush to get to the fire edge on that mountain on June 30 2013.
If there is any credit due to helping expose the lies about the Yarnell killing of the GMHS crew it goes to Joy and the others that post on this media. John Daugherty has been patient and allowed the information to flow–sometimes we err but those errors have been corrected here with the wise minds of the wild land fire fighters –many of whom have retired after 20 or more years and others still in the work but with expertise in the wild land fire fighting world.
Certainly we would have been casualties had we dropped off into that dead end choked up with brush canyon that day. And in time we realized that we only barely escaped with our own lives.
Yet the killing of 17 young lives with bosses that knew better had no excuse. So it behooves the man who is working on a documentary about the facts and not fiction about the fire. He will not just walk off because some monkey has been let out of his cage and is threatening people that continue to express their opinions and are still revealing facts and information pertinent to the killing of the GMHS crew.
It is my understanding that the documentary will be released not too far in the future–This is still America although it has evolved into a corporate authoritarian system stifling the press, freedom of speech, privacy, and even reasonable search and seizure. We have more prisoners per capita than any nation in the world, even the commies who have ample. But ours are generally for drugs–something some people need or use and medicine is just too expensive to afford. The drug wars is a farce–only another means to control the poor and create a friction in society.
So, yes we have been a racist country on the main–or economy based on slave labor before and still is although it has moved from black to all races. Sixty percent of the wealth goes to those that are already millionaires while we see people, even the middle class in dire straits. We will see more mass protests, riots and so forth–the system has to change and I for one am not going to worry whether you vote for Trump or for Biden–I vote for Telsie Gabbard, the Iraq Major and Jesse Ventura, the Navy Seal. They both understand the violence and war mongering mentality and both would be great leaders, not great liars. It would be refreshing to see people with integrity run the country for a change and I do know Jesse wants to restore personal freedoms while Telsie has witnessed the violence and stupidity and blood baths of such things as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Yet I say let the voice of the people speak–if they want a tyrannical government run by a maniac then go to it. I have my peaceful area away from the riots and intend to stay away from that method. I am sorry to see so much violence, but it is to be expected and in my mind likely planned by the so called Masters of the Universe. Call it a reset or call it a conspiracy theory–yet maybe not a theory at all.
Be vigilant–Saliente
I wish they would have had a civil suit against Marsh for Homicide or at least wrongful death. A lot of this crap would have come to light by now.
And just my 2 cents, felons should not be resisting arrest. I never turns out well.
Joy sent me this email from someone purporting to be David Kelly. There is so many crazies out there and people even pretending to be others: but this is worth sharing with the world to let you know how insane some are. Is this the real David Kelly writing these emails?
So I’m supposedly ignorant huh?
I’d put a gun barrel in that cocksuckers mouth and ask him how fast he wants to die and snap that trigger with no question.
Fuck him
and ?I voted for trump…..
what a bullshit artist
I’d personally swing a 12 gage on that piece of shit and waste him…
He can talk all he wants or likes
I’d still put one into him
and walk over his dead smokin body
Now you can see why Joy is concerned about this David Kelly–I would be too and I hope he is not your next door neighbor.
Well seems I was wrong about this guy being involved in the Yarnell incident–my apologies there and he did not vote for Trump another error on my part. Good to be corrected–but if he is in the White City Area I would suggest he go to a veterans group since he undoubtedly has many personal issues to deal with. White City is a good place to go–I was there and attended those Veteran Groups myself. If he is homeless and ill they will both provide help, meals, a residence and counseling.
These wars are situations that affect people adversly–PTSD is a real issue and often you will see displaced anger–but you must take people seriously when they give out death threats.
Politics–Looks like a lady would be best this time around but of course the corporate giants that own and control the wealth and politicians will not let it happen. People understand and just as Epstein had the goods on so many of the coporate billionaires, even Presidents and ex Presidents and Royalty, he could not be allowed to testify under oath. So security cameras were blotted out, security guards guarding such a valuable prisoner fell asleep–first occurance in that Prison’s long existance so they made history, People are understandably worried about the life of Telsie Gabbard.. After all she did dare say we need to get off oil on onto clean energy, had concerns of the environment and her worst error was to say we need to mind our own business and quit expending huge monies to appease the war industry. We can kill a general thousands of miles away in his own country and keep our troops in those countries killing off more local citizens than terrorists. Yet if the Iraq army or Iran sat up a base in our country we too would be shooting at their asses. But they have oil and other resources much like Bolivia and Venezuela. Anyone like Telsie, even though she is a war hero that complains is in danger of the hit men in our government system.
So yes, politics and even if Telsie were to be a winner in the Democratic party, she would be shut up or out by the billionaire profiteers. They will not be denied their profits and their war mongering–there is just too much money set aside for them–480 billion is not chump change and they will do everything even to homicide to keep it rolling into their coffers. Meantime the main of the people are out of jobs, loosing homes and even without grocery money in many homes if they still have one.
I get sick to look at the likes of Biden and Trump and Hillary. Harris and Pelochi types. They would not know truth if it hit them in the face and the fakery we have to witness is so sick that ordinary honest people want to puke if they allow any time at all to listen to these liars.
Any, thanks Telsie–It is good to know there are a few who would defend this country and be a hero and come home to tell the truth of what is really going on. We had our share of lies at Yarnell with people that covered up the real reasons the 19 are dead–but even as sickening are the war mongering political entities.,
Joy this shows the ignorance of this Don B. The fish issue is no imaginary issue. But I can tell you that this man voted for Trump–he has no clue as to the terrible toxic effect of the agent orange look alike retardant The only difference was that Agent Orange was a defoliant. The Retardant Phos-Chek and similar toxins are oriented toward killing in the animal kingdom–instantly in the case of fish and aquatic life but very quickly in mammals and humans. . Both the toxic chemical concoction in Agent Orange and Phos Chek have deadly ingredients. We have sickened and killed off thousands of Vietnam citizens along with our own Veterans all due to our defoliation during the defoliation era. Do not think that the scientists and military people spreading did not know of the highly toxic effect of the chemicals in Agent Orange–innocent victims are considered collateral damage and as I was told in the miltary–our machines are hard to replace–we can always get another warm body.
Agent Orange contains some of the most deadly chemicals around and produces dioxins to do its killing. Similarly, Phos Chek contains chemicals that once heated and mixed with carbon from burning fires creates cyanide–a dangerous chemical banned in industries that create it must keep it below 6ppm. That cyanide and other dangerous chemicals, especially the ammonium out gassing are highly toxic. But what are the Israelis putting in the secret ingredients. I suspect the rat poison Bismuth is one of the ingredients because it not only kills rats, it has been used as a fire retardant for decades. Fire retardant furniture had been treated with it, although finally after so many decades it was banned for furniture–but whether it is banned for wild fires I do not know. One thing is certain, the sick and dead of Yarnell is a testimony to the effectiveness of the sickening and killing effects of retardant. Again the Feds consider it collateral damage to slow wild fires that are often not slowed at all but the public spectacle and the profits these industries get from spreading it is enormous. The public loves the displays of the brilliant orange and turns out in numbers to watch these displays as if it were a fourth of July celebration. Yet they have no clue to the human health degradation, environmental pollution and creation of miles of red algae dead zones in our oceans.
You do not want to see the effects on soldiers from the Viet Nam era that were exposed to Agent Orange. But it took decades of law suits before the government owned up to their deadly toxic effects on human health. Likewise do not expect response from EPA, WHO or any other government agency involved in restricting these chemicals to admit to the problems, although they at least restrict the toxins from being withing a few hundred yards of streams or rivers.
So the Don B. character is merely an ignoramus concerning the toxins in wild land fire retardants, and cares less about the health and environmental effects or ocean dead zones created by these toxins. He would be one to cheer the inundation of small villages and could care less about the fish as he mentioned. So this Trump admirer might just get a cabinet position if he keeps up the rhetoric. Just feel sorry for this yo–yo since his ignorance shows as bright at the Orange retardant–and if he does know the truth then he is another criminal along with the retardant companies making these poisons.
Our good President that can not recognize how the Police actions have become enemies of the poor by proxy is not a veteran–he was able to avoid the Vient Nam draft–and include that taxes now being learned illegally. Yet NBC made such a celebrity out of him that he became President. Either way he is certainly controversial, unpredictable and insane–a murderer already and seeking more blood with his several attempts to get a war going with Iran, sparking plenty with China, and playing war games with the 1000 Marines sent to play war games with the South Koreans.
Telsi Gabbard in the mean time, a Major and Senator having served twice in Iraq has come forward with some sensibility–She must know something that the War Mongers whom have not served at all but willingly put our young soldiers in harms way in foreign lands just to remove one dictator so another temporarily friendly with the US gets himself in power. But like Kadafi and Ben Lauden, after having worked with the CIA and US interference teams are taken out as well. We have great hit men in office and with all our troops, snipers, and black operatives scattered about the world we have ourselves outdone the terrorists that are protesting out occupations of their lands. We are like the old bitty housewife that does not have enough to do at home so is out gossiping and invading other people’s private matters. She causes more bad situations in other people’s lives through her own interventions–something that gives her a feeling of power yet she is truly a sick and vulnerable entity.
A hundred nuclear explosions is enough to put the earth on threshold of extinction yet we have 3800 nukes, Russia has 4300, China has 200, Israel has at least 80 but it is believed actually more like 200 and of the 9 nations armed with nukes, the total world count is estimated to be at least 15,000 but likely over 20,000. So at this point Trump thinks there needs to be an upgrade–you know get them there quicker and maybe even plant a few right under the Ceimlin so you can set them off with your cell phone instantly sort of like the Mafia hit men do to get rid of pesky journalists.
But of course it works both ways and there may be one already planted on the lawn of the White House–Trump is likely to be off on one of his golf courses so they too might have some nukes on the ground. This is how insane people think and after seeing how Trump knocked off one of the so called Iranian terrorist generals, you know the Chinese, the Koreans, Venezuelans, and so forth are leary—and they are not all that ignorant as Trump want them to be. In fact some of them may be just as insane.
So certainly putting the second war mongerer–(Biden supported and cheered the invasion of Iraq–even coaxing others to support Bush clan on the idea). So the blood bath goes on there and we continue to loose our young heroes and knock off citizens in that country–all for oil interests. Yet what candidate talks about getting out of there or getting off oil onto clean energy? Only Gabbard but she is not a part of the war machine and the corporate war profiteer mechanism supported by big media.
Meantime people are confused and degraded by the war virus which you will note is causing 10,000 cases in Iran–whew how can that happen when neighboring countries have so few comparatively. We have more chinese visitors here–they have only a few that bother to visit that desolate land full of stench from oil wells and lack of toilets. But they do not lack people wanting us out and willing to die for their homeland. Can you blame them, if their armies occupied our country I suspect every one of us would be grabbing a weapon and giving them their deserves.
So which war mongerer do you vote for–Trump or Biden? What a joke, since either is hell bent to prove our imperalistic interventions are best for us and these other countries better allow us to do our dirty work and pay.
We need a different approach to the world–I like the Irish fighter but humility can happen and diplomacy and sanity is always better than a bully running through the world like a mad bull in a china shop.
Freedom of religion as well–If you are a masquerading Christian it would have nothing to do with your actions on a wild fire. There are plenty of masquerading Christians in churches–even many preachers that make a living masquerading and enjoying the life of a parasite. But if people are willing to donate to their cause and believe in the faker then that also is their right, although they hope their dear preacher is a believer and not a bullshitter. The latter is more often than not as far as I can see, but seems some need something to believe in beside just being a solid individual in themselves. The Irish Gods are a good start for the Irish and Thor fine for some Danes. The Muslims bump heads on the ground to Allah and the Christians kneel at the Cross. All religion is a good control mechanism for the masses whether it be Hindu or the Indian Guru worship. I say be true to yourself then if you think that is dragging a cross or believing God killed Jesus for mankind then go to it. God has a thirst for blood and so does Trump and so did his murderous predecessors Claiming Christianity does not exclude your murderous actions justified by need for oil in this country. And Obama was not exempt from terrorist actions having murdered so many innocents by drone or by sniper actions. . So being a Christian might mean you are somewhat bloodthirsty as well, although there are some Christians that take the peaceful attitude–Fuck the oil and property of other nations–it is not worth killing off the poor in those countries just to rob their resources and wealth. The Hindu, Telsie Gabbard has their number and is expressing truth that the Trump Christians and others are blinded to. So your personal beliefs really have nothing to do with understanding what is truth and right in life. Many atheists are more honest and understanding and care for others rights than many of the religious folk. So you can use religion for any excuse or cover and many do hide behind it.
And again, Willis had to have some excuse for the deaths of the 19–God wanted them somewhere else. Instead of that lame excuse for the deaths how about their bosses fucked up royally, did not respect the lives of those young men and put them in harms way knowing that every rule in the safety book they tout was broken by doing so. Knowing also the wind direction about to reverse and knowing that that thick manzanita bush is almost impenatrable and can only be done so at a snails pace. Willis admitted to that when he tried to assert that wild land fire fighters can get though it while citizens of regular intelligence can not–shit we know deer, bear, javalina could not get through it–Joy and I saw burned carcasses of deer trapped in it that could not escape the fire and you know damn well how fast they can run and had a better chance of getting through the manzanita that any wild land fire fighter could. Sometimes one has to wonder where these people come up with these fantasies–go get yourself into one of those manzanita patches to find out the truth if you can not believe a man like Cowboy McKensie whose life of 50 years was working cattle in those mazanita traps.
I do know it was a major fuck up at Yarnell and religion or God had nothing to do with it. It was all human error and gross error at that–so yes these yahoos that managed it can award themselves as they did after the fire and find all sorts of excuse–Man up and admit your fuck ups–you might have a chance to save some lives by admitting and correcting such a major lack of regard to lives as was evident at Yarnell during the Fire of June, 2013.
And by the way whoever is knocking Joy–She indeed is a wild land fire hero of her time–if the knockers spent half the time she has on revealing the truth of Yarnell deaths they would make excellent fire fighters and have little time trying to justify those deaths and instead be working on measures to make sure such tragedy does not happen again due to such negligence of duty.
Saliente–may the Irish Gods treat you well.
I don’t know why I missed this SMOKING GUN the first time I read this email? I guess it’s because I have the same problem as everybody else probably has keeping in up with this thread except for you know…HAL 9000.
Anyway…I always said that I believed that Darrell Fuckin’ Willis, when he was the Chief of the Prescott Fire Department (not the retired Golden Parachute recepient Chief of the Wildlands Division) and Ed Hollenshead as the Fire Management Officer of the Prescott National Forest, were the mother and father of the GMIHC and Ed was the one who would have been responsible for pulling from the federal end while Willis pushed from the PFD end.
Anyway…in my opinionj, this email confirms that and is the smoking gun proves that I am right, you know…IMHO.
So…I guess I finally owe Joy an aplogoy for how many times over the years I told her she was wasting her time and money (and only the Good Lord knows how much money, but I wish she would have HAVE TAKEN CARE OF BUSINESS and spent it on Obama Care instead) on getting all of that information through FOIA’s because even if those dumb criminals were dumb enough to write what they did in emails, they wouldn’t actully give her those particular emails and that she needed to get a Search Warrant instead and go in and take what she needed without asking (yes, that is a hypothetical wish).
I guess I finally fouind one of the criminals (at least morally) who was dumb enough to confess in an email and either they missed his confession or it was to subtle for them to catch? In any case…here it is for the world, and you, who are indeed amoung my closese friends and confidants to read.
Hello Tom, Ed Hollenshead here…
I’ll be leaving Prescott later today as Darrell and Judy are taking some well earned time away and my mission, for now, has ended. As the last of the laundry tumbles in the dryer I decided to share something that bas been on my mind for more than a few years; SOMETHING THAT POPPED UP IN MY MIND AS A [one of the two primary contributors he means] CONTRIBUTOR TO THE TRAGEDY IN YARNELL, AZ. something that popped up in my mind as a contributor to the tragedy in Yarnell, AZ.
On June 30 there were sufficient qualified overhead on the Yarnell Hill fire to staff l-OSC2, 2-OBD ( wildland and structure ), 2-DIVS and 2-TFL. Instead, the organization consisted of 2-OSC, a structure protection specialist ( OSC2 qualified ), and a DIVS ( GMIHC Superintendent Marsh ). My concern is not what they decided to do there, but what they didn’t do… mold the organization to fit the complexity of the incident.
I’ve seen any number of times where standing team configurations ( many now sporting not l, not 2, but 3-OSC ) hamper the creativity ICS was intended to encourage. Standard organizations are being shoe-horned into every incident regardless of its nature or complexity, and command and control are suffering. The use of the OBD is rare outside R5 and 6, instead an OSC is left in camp to serve as “Planning OPS” and the “Line Ops” ( sometimes 2-OSC each operational period ) is ( are ) doing what OBDs should be doing … working and adjusting the plan, informing, coordinating, and communicating up, down, and sideways. I attribute this to standard configuration language that nearly always ignores the OBD position.
I think there is enough anecdotal evidence that IMT performance suffers because of the lack of creativity in forming and applying command structures that address the unique issues presented by the incident.
Perhaps it is ripe to be a point of emphasis during in-briefings and closeouts this year and for the 2014 IMT meetings.
-ed- ( Hollenshead )
No apologies ever needed in knowing me Gary-
Even David Kelley (who may be sourced to my own DNA roots because I come from the Kelley roots ancestry DNA wise) – even him never has to apologize for their feelings and perceptions.
I used the public platforms as CTRL F for my own time stamping. I never offered complete information to ensure if this ever went to a court setting or legal platform that the others would not know or destroy it. I planted the seeds and laid data in the right hands over time. I know Norb and you and Woodsman and many others it ticked them off the way I did it but I learned what was going to ensure for “complete lessons learned” —
There is more…indeed.
I remember when my Nazi neighbor and I spoke in German always and it bothered Ignacio (Nacho) and Charles. She was well hated on the block but she also was human. Mercy falls different to different folks. She gave “complete lessons” to me. I learned. I knew her entire story. I could be very wealthy right now based on what she had to leave for me but I re-routed to the one who well deserved it. I remember that one call from the family saying thank you for doing the difficult right thing Joy. They said I was so mad at you when you did it but now I know why. She said you are an angel. I replied to her I am as human as the person who gave birth to you. We all have bad times and do bad things. None of us are pure ‘Leave it to Beavers”- We need to know one another’s stories and not for what Kelley states as seeking attention but so we can make this world better. We are only here a tiny bit. There is more Gary- we have not even begun to show the Smoking Gun…I know it is hard to understand but it a very complex situation. I love you for the apology. Do you know how many times Sonny and I went through ugh moments – we are totally ok. There would be times he would tell a kid or cousin stuff because “trust” is one of the hardest areas for both Sonny and I yet we know we could in a heartbeat repeat all we did on the trails even though he said what he did to his family and me as well to mine. Except my family like Sonny and I am not so sure on Sonny’s…but it does not matter. People will talk…people will break it up. People will do what they feel at that moment. I am just gonna do my labs and just keeping me…
I know I have been blessed my entire life and if you lived my life- you would think I was given the most traumatized life one could be shown…a female Job of the Bible…
I gave up my entire savings and then some…Sonny gave…even RTS…to unfold the truths to the YHF but it was not ever about monies for us….it was about doing the difficult right thing to make sure complete lessons were learned and I am unable to give all the tools quite yet.
In God’s time…
God Bless
may each and every one of you as you will see an increase in acreage burned please go get educated in Forensic Weather- watch the POINTS not point of origin…go watch the progression(s) and how many miles apart they are and then watch and document the burn scars and acreage burned. Watch the very fact they are not suppressing…this is going to be the most “odd” late Season for Wildland…I did not get in the doors I have and learn what I did because Joy wanted that…this is all in His Name ….In Jesus Christ…Amen.
Well okay then.
Although, I think I may have read it wrong? He may be referring to an error in putting together the Command Structure at Yarnell as opposed to taking any responsibility for the tragedy. So…
Looks like Willis got advanced because of his silver tongue and justifications of the 19 deaths. Well he would, if you can suck up properly in these federal jobs your likely hood of promotions and accolades increases exponentially. But it is a loss of integrity–something I did not see happen with Dr. Ted Putnam and I am certain others that prefer honest and straightforward methods. Wild land fire fighter– lives do matter–they deserve the truth –lives and safety before face saving.
Read it Sonny.
I won’t be on pc until tomorrow
I was on from midnight to 6 AM today
I’m in Payson Safeway parking lot
Getting quinine water
You got me into that stuff
Anyways I would not go with Mark based on its freaking hot out…its humid too. I would stay with the dogs …maybe soak some pintos and have a toddy later on ice.
Gary reads it right–but then I realize how straight he is and not one to quibble or skirt the truth to appease the weak of integrity. His experience and reputation gives the world a true evaluation of the situation and characters involved in the Yarnell boondoggle. But Gary is supported by so many other wise wild land fire fighters unwilling to compromise their integrity.
It is true what Joy says–we certainly all err–it is human–but we can admit our mistakes and push ahead in a better way. Yet the fellows that were involved in the worst tragedy of the century knew of their errors and still covered them up to maintain a facade and keep up undeserving reputations. It is one thing concerning the petty crimes such as the People Valley Fire Chief that cooked his books about a fire engine to get more government funds, but to cover up the truth of the reasons for the deaths of the 19 by the many methods of redactions, omissions of facts, and outright lies has to be high crime and inexcusable. Loved ones denied the truth along with the public but even more criminal is the fact that lives of future young land wild land fire fighters are compromised. Indeed Joy’s efforts have revealed substance to change and I know she has expended much time, energy and monies neglecting her own health and interests to expose these crimes.
Government is indeed a machine and much like the robot that AI controls, conscience is missing. There are of course a variety of individuals in government that are caught into a system that can admit no wrong. We see it in Syria right now demonizing Assad by saying he gassed his own people. It was found to be a lie, but there will be no admission there on our government’s part–the oil and the profits it brings them is paramount in the eyes of our leaders. To admit to wrong would say they a greedy imperialistic gang seeking out their own interests over the public interests. So the facts are distorted, lies are fed the masses and their reputations maintained. They have become the robot without conscience–artificial reputation maintenance.
So we are building nuclear subs–a new fleet at two billion a whack. An leaked Hillary E Mail stated she wants to rename the China Sea as the American Sea and Trump has sent in a 1000 Marines to train with South Koreans in the past week. He has increased the nukes and war ships in the China Sea and let China know that those nukes in Okinawa and the 400 other Asian bases are aimed at China, not Russia. But you do not hear much about this on main media. Or maybe you do since I have been getting my news from outside sources.
You have to know the main media sources are all bought by corporate interests and the military industrial complex is a big part of that. With 740.5 billion now allocated to the war efforts called defense money, the feds must get something going to justify to the public that huge amount of so called defense money. That is nearly half the fiscal budget while people are suffering without jobs and set up to loose everything by the government inspired and financed war virus named Covid 19. So truth and real events are leaked only by certain people on other outlets such as Tulsi Gabbard, Dr. Ron Paul on his You-Tube presentations and the many others independent news organizations releasing information the politicians do not want you to know.
Yet the public is ready to believe Clintons who have 33 thousand emails deleted, Bill with 26 documented trips on the sex trafficking aeroplane of Epstein–Trump a good friend of Maxwell and Epstein, and the whole of Media going along with the war machine. Epstein has to be a hero in the eyes of Trump, Hillary and the rest of the phony politicians since his child trafficking schemes have been a good media diversion of the real and dangerous situations these people are putting us into as well as the war mongering instead of taking care of the woes our people are suffering at home.
Instead these occupations and war crimes against other countries must continue and our good young veterans sacrificed for the people purchased and owned by the Corporate war profiteers. Make America Great Again by producing more nukes and policing the world for profit? With false information, just as we see being uncovered at Yarnell, it is no wonder people are fooled.
Joy has done well to let the truth out. Someone must and it is the duty for the informed citizen to protest the injustices caused by the falsehoods.
Drink the quinine water for leg cramps. But quinine is also a deterrent to malaria–and the malaria treatments are being used for treating Covid 19 patients–Trump himself using one of the medicines. I do not know if Quinine tablets can be had from the pharmacists without a prescription–but any medicine ought to be used with caution and with some research. If you get a Merck’s manual you can get the dosage for different medicines for various diseases. I am certain a number of doctors buy a degree in medicine in some foreign country–was it Barbados that was selling them at a University for 30 thousand some years ago. Then these coyote doctors must have some scheme to be able to get a license hung on the wall– I know for a fact that some were graduating out of college by cheating their way through–people that want to cheat find ways as we saw parents and schools fudging on SAT scores to get their kids into the most prestigious universities. So certain some have a $50 Merck’s manual and a fake bat hide on the wall.
This world as you get older and wiser reveals too many phonies and too much violence. Two cops and one shooting that young black man seven times in the back. With their training that cop alone was big enough to have had that kid on the ground in a heartbeat and in cuffs but chose to unload his piston in his back instead. Some are just itching to kill and you can see that cop was happy to get the opportunity. I am certain he did not realize he was being filmed. And how many times does this happen when these types are not filmed and use their throw downs and back ups to testify to lies. Well surveillance is working both ways these days–but it does not seem to make much difference to the authorities. Has Trump express his outrage at the Jacobs incident?
Trump and associates are doing everything they can to get us into another war. Iran, North Korea and China are being demonized and they are not being refuted by Biden or the whole of the state politicians save a small minority. I do not hear much support for any of them for what Tulsi Gabbard has to say about the warmongering criminals in our Presidential Offices. They want the New World Order and ought to be brought to Trial for their war crimes –murders of thousands of civilians and even our own troops by their actions–yet they are touted as American heroes making America Great. Shit, we are proud Americans but most of us do not go along with murdering people in foreign lands for their oil or meddling in their constantly changing dictatorships. We certainly have enough problems at home now–why are we putting sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, sending a thousand marines to South Korea to challenge North Korea and a hord of nuclear ships in the China Sea 6000 miles from home to challenge the Chinese? None of this makes sense in a world shut down with a Covid virus. Yet when you have a war budget of 480 billion to spend and a psycho President willing to feed the war industries then anything can happen.
Looking at the Mars photos it is obvious there was at one time oceans, rivers and lakes on that planet. There is ample sedimentary formations laid down by river action. Was there a Trump,Obama, Bush, Clinton and so on sequence where a civilization there had advanced to the point nuclear war was eminent? Something happened to strip the atmosphere and create the desert that is inhabitable by human life. Did some escape and come to planet earth to start over again. Yet the warmongering people we have in charge today are now on the verge of doing the same thing to this planet that might have been an actual even on the planet Mars.
The outlook is bleak for this world when you have a psycho for a President, no regard for environment and the future of the planet or the people on it–where profits are above life itself. Artificial Intelligence would wipe out mankind except it knows that our leaders are hell bent on world devastation–it is only a matter of time.
RTS….I’m confused.
Youi wrote;
Robert the Second says
JANUARY 7, 2017 AT 10:14 PM
I guess I would place myself in the same category with Willis. I know that direct flame contact delaminates them and breaks them down very quickly. That’s all i need to know. I don’t care really because it doesn’t matter to me while on the firelines.
I am reminded of the exact temperature every time I teach a basic S-130 Wildland Firefighter course and I am REQUIRED to show the lame video.
I agree with the narrator when he states: “Fire shelters are responsible for saving hundreds of lives and preventing countless burn injuries every fire season.”
Well, I can confidently attest that ‘knowing, understanding, and following the Ten Standard Fire Orders and knowing, recognizing, and mitigating the 18 (19) Watch Out Situations are responsible for saving tens of thousands of WFF lives each and every fire season.
Hindsight bias? Nope, once again, tried-and-trued experience.
“I agree with the narrator when he states: “Fire shelters are responsible for saving hundreds of lives and preventing countless burn injuries every fire season.”?
I thought we were in agreement that the information they put out every year about fire shelters savings hundreds of lives in HISTORY much less every year is a lie?
RTS’ response was more complicated than “no…we’re good”, but I’m pretty sure that was the bottom line. And here is my response to his response, “Oh thank goodness we aren’t in disagreement on the value of fire shelters, especially since I have selected it to be my signature issue after more than seven years of work on this project. “How Big Is Big Enough…SIZE MATTERS.”
There…now all of you, who are indeed among my closest friends and confidants are now up to speed. So…
I think this is RTS’ salient point, but even if it’s not, it’s still a good read.
Random Thought For The Day
As usual…with RTS all roads lead back to following the 10 & the 18 religiously (no pun intended). And I am not questioning or criticizing that idea whatsoever.
And as usual…with me all roads lead back to “How Big Is Big Enough…SIZE MATTERS!” because even though the deaths of the GMIHC on the YHF was an epic Swiss Cheese model of incident (NOT accident) causation, the final domino to fall in a long line of falling dominoes representing bad decisions was the fatal decision to deploy their fire shelters in a very small area when they needed a very big area in order to have any chance at all to survive given the flame lengths and temperatures they faced.
The NWCG continues to teach that deploying your fire shelter is your last option for survival which is a fatal LOGICAL FALLACY (as RTS likes to quote) because if the area that you have in which to deploy your fire shelter is not survivable…your last best option is to run for your life.
Both options are bad, but in the first one you are guaranteed to die, whereas in the latter, you might have a chance to survive? And in any case…at least you will die on your feet fighting for your life rather than laying down to die.
Oh…and one more thing. I came across a comment I made way back when, where I wrote that I didn’t know why the GMIHC all stayed together in the end even though so many people attribute that fact to unit cohesiveness. I think that is wrong.
I have given the following reason before, but I haven’t connected the dots like I am about to. I think the reason the GMIHC were all found together is because their brains had completely shut down due to the enormous amount of stress they were under and they had gone from Condition Red to beyond Condition Black.
And as a result…they were operating completely on autopilot which is why they deployed their fire shelters in an area that was clearly, without any question, to small to survive in.
And that is why I continue to write that the NWCG trained the GMIHC to die with their deeply flawed fire shelter training.
How true I believe that to be Gary–there are some photos that show how close they were to an open boulder field–unimaginable they would cut out a small area in the manzanita instead of getting into the boulders and there likely those blankets would have been handy though hiding under and behind the huge boulders would have been my first thoughts for protection and were during that day.
There will be another wild fire in that area–even more intense since Joy tells me the forage has come back more intensly–the ash and fertilizer from agent orange retardant promotes plants while it kills people. So hopefully from the wild land fire fighter experiences and the truth and understanding of the reasons for the Yarnell tragedy of the killing of 19 young wild land fire fighters will educate the next groups to fight fires in that area.
Cowboy McKenzie said don’t you fellows get down in that manzanita if that fire gets down the mountain. He worked cattle and lived that area for 50 years and knew something about getting through that manzanita. He would have saved them by common sense–something their leaders did not have. But they had something–the LCES and the 10 and 18 for safety–something that common sense says they did not follow.
Saliente –I am off to hike a mile or two.
Traits of a Sociopath–Grandiose self image, can have high IQ, Charming, Manipulative, sexual deviance, secretive, paranoid, despotic and authoritarian, lack of empathy, cold and calculating and Narcissistic. Do you know anyone with a list of these personality disorders–Did Marsh evidence these. In Psychology 101 you will learn there is a triad termed the MacDonald triad –He had found that those exhibiting such behaviors in childhood would generally be bed wetters, show cruelty to animals and be pyromaniacs.
Psychopaths are essentially defined the same way except they are said to be more calculating–perhaps because they are generally have higher IQ ratings. Donald Trump and Bill Clinton fit the bill very well for the latter categories–that despite people thinking that Donald is slightly behind in IQ. Both are sexual deviants as seen with their associations with Epstein, yet Donald outweighs Bill in the authoritarian trait. However, a psychopath can hide his true nature like a chameleon.
It would be interesting to get a personality review of Marsh. I do know he ranked high in areas such as lack of concern for the lives of his crew –a show of narcissism by putting his self aggrandizement over the safety of his men. This is why you need the men who wish to be leaders to be tested. If anyone is a clown it is he that hides the truth so well and especially the truth of his own person. But a good therapist or psychologist can generally uncover those types of people–but even they are often fooled by the psychopathic guile. Still, a review should be made by a skilled professional of anyone put in charge of the lives of 19 souls whose lived depend upon the care or lack of care for their safety.
A fireman, a miner, a logger ore even a construction gang have a more dangerous life than even a policeman–their chances of death are greater–but with intelligent and caring leaders their chances of death are greatly diminished. I am glad my Dad taught me mining early on starting at age 9–he cared for my safety–perhaps why I have lived a fairly full life.
But I did have mine bosses that could have gotten me killed–one I had talked about at the Ward Mine where we were put in dangerous conditions in a tunnel that was on the verge of caving. The difference was I took a check and left the situation–the others took the risk with the boss and were trapped by a cave in that luckily they were not directly under. I can only attribute that to experience and because my Dad would have done the same thing. He cared, and I cared for my own safety when there was an obvious cave about to happen, yet that boss decided to risk the lives of himself and his men despite 12×12 timbers mushrooming on top. He lucked out and did not kill his men-Marsh did not.
The boss you have can be your death ticket–just see if he is a glory seeker above safety and concern for his crew.
I should say the Triad refers to children–the bed wetting refers to kids that wet the bed beyond 5 years of age and fire starting is found to be an obsession –and cruelty you see when kids torture dogs, cats or other animals. Not the type people you want to become leaders yet with their guile they often become Presidents or World Leaders. Why you saw Bush, Clinton, Trump and others ready to sacrifice lives–not their own but have little concern about shipping young people off to harms way in a trade off for glory and profits to themselves. Of course they hide it under the pretense that it is for protecting the country and getting at terrorists. But it does not always work–people are much wiser these days –often enough to see through the pretenses. Good to see protesters –the only way to reform the injustices–as Thomas Jefferson would say it is the duty of a good citizen to protest the affront to justice and personal freedoms.
Yet protestors that involve in criminal activity should get their deserves just as the psycho that killed George Floyd will get his.
Nice hike this afternoon–about quarter mile south of me is an area that reminds me of what you see in the outback of Australia. It is an area with Mesquite trees, some large enough that crows have made nests in them. It is a place of solace for me–I know from the flakes and occasional grind stones and pottery shards that Warriors of pre-columbian times were camped in the area–the inside painted shards indicate Membres Indian tribes. You feel the presence of the spirits of warriors and hunters of gone by ages and you wonder at their skills of survival in this harsh environment. Perhaps not so harsh in their times, yet the Apaches who have also visited the area only in the past two hundred years knew the modern desert that can be unforgiving.
I made a longer hike today weather permitted. A dust arose in the brush a good hundred yards ahead of me. I thought I could hear some grunting so I went that way–It was a battle between three of my dogs and a solitary Javelina. Generally even with three dogs the Javelina would have them gutted–their fangs make Dracula’s look like baby teeth. They are in fact two inches long top and bottom and top and they sink them into a dog and rip them like knives. Well I realized that Scooter, the bulldog had been ripped on his leg–a long gash that had him limping for two months that I had though might have been a rifle wound but I could not understand how it had muscle tissue hanging loose and open downward on the leg. Well today Scooter got his revenge with the two other dogs help. Scooter had him by the neck and talk about loud snapping this one was trying to get scooter and snapping those fangs close to Scooter as much as he could. I was only carrying a pocket knife and Yucca stick so I stood back. You certainly do not want to enter a fight like that –but by the time that I got there the three of them had that Javalina down. He seemed to give up so the boys backed off and I started to walk away but the Javalina jumped up again and ran at Scooter–looks like Scooter is wise to the fight because he dodged the snapping fangs and grabbed hold of that Javelinas neck again and the circle went round and round with Scooter hanging onto the neck and listening to the snapping in his ear. The husky jumped in and so did Whitey and pulled the legs out from under the Javalina and Scooter and Javalina were down together. Again the Javalina gave up the fight so the dogs backed off–I could see he was well bruised but breathing and alive but well awake–so I walked off and the dogs decided that it was satisfactory that the Javelina had surrendered. I am not much of a Javalina bacon lover–and I was glad to see that the Javalina was down but he will recover. The boys are lucky to have not gotten killed since Jay’s fierce Pit Bull was nearly done in twice by attacking a Javelina and saved only because Jay killed the Javelina that had those fangs sunk into his dog. I remember that dog named Rusty–he attacked a bull and kept fighting the bull by biting into the bulls nose. The bull willd sling him loose and try to gore Rusty but finally took off running. Yet Rusty laid up several weeks trying to recover from fighting a Javelina. Well I am glad the boys did not kill that one–but had I been afoot in the desert and hungry trying to survive then that Javalina would be roasting on some coals. I had thought to take my cell phone but then decided not to–that is when you need a photo that you leave it behind.
So I hope you have a place where you feel the peace and know the presence of spirits of long ago so you are not lonely in that spot of peace nor are you alone.
I do feel for the people now suffering. There are many on the edge right now while congress passed a 740.5 Billion Dollar Defense bill to build up war machines and interfere as a police state in affairs they have no business doing. This was overwhelming passed by Democrats and Republicans showing that the war industries have both sides bought out. I really believe that most Americans are against keeping troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Germany and getting ready to attack Iran and interfere in Venezuela politics. Trump has put in charge people for the war and police interference efforts people that instigated the deaths of many during the Iran Contra thing so we know his stance. When will these war mongers quit–well they will not since there are too many profits involved in the war productions and these corporations have put thousands into the campaign funds for millions and billions in returns for their bribes–officially called campaign contributions. Seems media too is quite involved since they give little truth about what is really going on–but 740 Billion to War efforts while the public is down and out from the lock downs by this same government? God forbid since Trump, and his predecessors should be tried for war crimes–he is doing his best to cause trouble from China to Iran to Venezuela and continue the trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan. We certainly need a strong army and military–we have that–but we have no business policing the world just so some sorry bastards can profit from the lake of blood they are responsible for.
My opinion–maybe you think we ought to have nukes hanging around off the China’s coast while we wave the sword at China or keep protecting the poppy fields of Afghanistan. You could be a minority–some prefer sanity and peace and the use of those billions to help our own–not the war mongering corporations and politicos.
Someone may get fed up with the sword waving–it would only take a half dozen nukes from one sub off our own shores to shut this country down and create chaos and troubles unimaginable. China has 1.3 billion people==we have less that .3 billion Those commies could loose our whole US population count and still have over a billion people left.
What kind of ass hole would continue to agitate people like the Koreans and Chinese? It would be like running your chihuahua pit bull against that Javelina–only we are challenging several Javelinas on many fronts. Hitler was strong but screwed up when he applied his army to too many fronts–He killed thousands of Russians and Allies but could not keep the hoards back after they recouped.
Now that we have replaced England as an Imperialist nation she has joined our ranks. WTF–how might we escape this insane role our leaders keep playing? Too many psychopaths running things–it will be a hard thing to do so buckle down and keep some iodine tablets handy if you are under 40. I think you may soon need them.
One does have to wonder why Trump and others in his war cabinet are so incessant on starting up a new cold war–that between the US and China and even including Russia again.. Agreements had been made and the so called communist threat that kept things hot and the US intervening by assanations of South American dictators so new ones could take over supposedly friends of the US. But all this action had died down with the new dissolution of the cold war about the time of Reagan.
There was now no excuse for extreme military expendituresl but Bush Cheny and their murderous gangs including the Clintons and then a continuation by Obama had found excuse to keep the industrial war complex in the chips with a humongous allotment of tax money by the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions. The Twin Tower Ordeal was the impetus and we were all incensed that those came down–what we generally did not know was that this was all planned out and a false flag event. Since the public has become more informed–even the Firemen that suffered so many losses saw that there was something fishy when Building 7 was demolished just as the Twin Towers had been.
So there now has to be an excuse for that 740.5 Billion allotted to the US War Machine. The tax payer and their children will be footing the bill in high taxes the rest of their lives. Even their own future generations will be in hock;
But for the present Trump and Congressional flunkies to the corporate war mongers must explain how half the fiscal expenditures are going to war mongering when people are desperate–without jobs, restricted, wearing face masks like a nation of robbers, and unable to even make payments–so much that a great many have gone bankrupt and even in food lines and homeless.
With all that in mind you can understand the desire of the War Complex wanting to get a major cold war going–Trump understands the business side of things. You need a demand to keep those war industry funds justified–especially with that amount allotted to so called Defense Funds. So do not be surprised at the War Games our country is playing in the Pacific or that we are picking off Generals in Iran and doing everything possible to get a war going there. Add to that confiscating oil ships going to Venezuela–our good President needs to get something going in South America as well. This War Machine can easily be understood.
It was nice to watch Tulsi Gabbard speak. She understands the situation and makes it simple for the people to understand. When you watch the fakers like Harris and the major media friends for Biden-Harris you have no problem seeing through their thin veil of lies and support for what she terms Regime change war intervention games. Trump is part of that as much as the Democrats–business is business to these people–the millions of lives they and their recent predecessors have created a pool of blood that is inexcusable and beyond what Hitler himself had done. If truth were understood with these war mongering individuals for profit they would all be held in cages for their crimes awaiting a Nuremberg judicial decision.
I am of the mind that Telsi would win but doubt she would survive under the democratic ticket. She is too much of a threat to the war mongers to be safe–their regard for lives other than their clones and themselves is neglegible. They have the mind of the terrorists they use as an excuse for their war mongering profits.
Saliente–and don’t forget your Iodine tablets if under 40–they are cheap and can be picked up at Wal Mart Phamacy. Wear your mask there in Las Cruces–two city cops at the WAl Mart door making sure you have your masks and confronting you if your service dog is along. You will get pinned to the floor and jailed in a worse situation if you refuse to wear it –maybe even shot if you argue or pull up your phone. They did not make my service dog wear a mask so she still has her freedom in that respect.
As a side note–China makes over 90%–I think 96% of our Pharmaceutical Drugs–Some are made in Mexico as well. Maybe we ought to wait until we start making our own before causing too much commotion with the Chinese. They were not too reluctant at adding antifreeze to dog food and that was just to make it look better chemical wise. (gives it a higher protein rating similar to the idea that Bromine–extreme carcinogenic really adds greatly to the Phos Chek fire retardant ability. To be fair it may not be in the concoction unless it is in the secret ingredient portion. It is still being used in fire retardants though banned in Europe for certain. Europeans are more inclined to ban carcinogenic substances than we are. –Here you are good if you are making a profit despite some heavy chemical risks–that is what makes America Great Again–well war mongering and bully time is number one for greatness.
Here is an email to Joy–but I thought it pertinent to the wild fire situation. Too many of you fellows are not making it to your 80’s and 90’s and if you do it seems you are doing it on a slim basis suffering greatly from so many chemical maladies concerning the work in chemicals and smoke. It is a shame that the heroes of our country have to end up risking their lives only to escape the occupation unscathed yet not because their health has been so impaired as to make retirement a health disaster. I know the wild land fire fighter is no complainer–they take the knocks as stand up indiviuals–health problems are considered weaknesses when the nature of the work involves the strongest. Yet these issues are unavoidable in a chemical world and must be addressed. Too many that worked the wild fires and suffered retardant chemical, smoke and other chemicals involved with smoke have been neglected and left to a bleak ending. Joy is a victim of the hikes through the retardant–she made over 900 hikes thought that chemical and smoked environment for no profit of her own but for the benefit of others, especially the wild land fire fighter, yet to the detriment of her own health. She is suffering now from the effects and she also at this point is a certified wild land fire fighter herself–all of whom I consider heroes doing a job most can not physically or mentally do or care to do considering the extreme risk to life and health.
–I made a hike back to where my three dogs fought that Javalina. Scooter after all sadly finished him off–I had thought he was still alive when I finally got them off to follow me home, but Scooter’s tenacity on his neck was like that cop onto George Floyd. This Javalina is twice the size of Scooter and equal to the size of my big Husky but he lost the fight. Over the years I have dealt with Javalina–they are of poor vision (one had attacked and bent Rancher Charlie Ray’s Scout Door when I was working on that Ranch)-and can hamstring a horse –you just do not challenge one if you value your life and they can usually take care of a dog in one slashing bite and how my dogs survived that one without being slashed is unusual. To be fair though, if you can get a baby they grow up to be fine pets–when I was in High School a friend had one that was like a dog but even trained to get up on the commode and use it. Probably illegal to have one as a pet now–shit it is even illegal here to get withing 6 ft of someone and you must wear a mask like a robber. What more will these fuckers do to rob our freedoms and dignity?
So Scooter must be part Irish that little sucker I watched attack a good sized rattler and shake it into two segments without getting bit and that Javalina had charged him yet Scooter had it by the neck with those fangs snappy inches from his body. yesterday. Maybe Scooter has the miner wild fire fighter attitude.–get er done.
The email copy/past to Joy–
Mark had come by–wanted me to go have pizza and beer with him but I declined. NM is 36 on the chart for covid and the most of it here in SE New Mexico which would be Las Cruces and I suppose Alamogordo–although you do not know what is bullshit or truth when they put things in the news. The way I am right now a common flu would end it but then I do not run scared at all since I have ended it more than once already. I worry about you, and yet I know you are wise enough to do the right things and will hang on despite the odds.
There are just too many poisons out there–even that spray used to make a toilet smell better is dangerous but you and I fucked up bad by getting a heavy exposure to that retardant smoke and hiking through it so often. I see where a town in Missouri was poisoned by dioxin left from some company making parts–a tank of hundreds of thousands of gallons then some yahoo mixes it with his used oil that he keeps dust down on the roads. He had no idea how bad Dioxin is–one part per billion causes cancer–but 12 years of that poor town that could not afford paved roads and horses dead, people sick and dead and miserable. But like the retardant, the dioxin is insidious and slow. EPA took 4 years to figure out dioxin was in the environment–had to move the whole town away at something like 40 million dollars to pay the suits and another 200 million to clean up the place–now a park said to be safe.
It does remind you of Yarnell and the dispersion of chemicals there. These chemicals just do not have a schedule they follow –it depends on every person but you are certainly guaranteed to get the side effects. There horses, cattle, chickens and people were being knocked off for some time before EPA decided something was wrong. These god damned chemical industries just do not give a shit about the environment and human health in as best I can see 99% of the cases.
We certainly are a society that has put comfort and ideas of wealth before our own well being and the environment. Joy your problems can be much attributed to those Yarnell hikes. You are years younger than I so you held up better–I fell dead with a heart attack only months after our many hikes–my cancers skyrocked in frequency and spread. Fortunately I served during war time or I would be SOL and today many are without any sort of health care–you yourself having a difficult time that way.
It is everywhere–Mark said his mom, Angie, is too far advanced for Kemo–they usually kill you with that anyway and of course people put too much faith in the pill and not in figuring out what to do to prevent it or the natural cures available to help with what might be good in medicine.
She is some 12 years younger than me–was healthy as could be and I would have expected her to live way beyond me. Her parents lived into their 80’s but then they had an adobe dwelling with mud floor–actually clay hardens and becomes like concrete that you only sprinkle with water occasionally and can hardly tell it is a dirt floor. So their life had little exposure to the chemical world–but her new life with the well heeled government man had her in the chemical environment–my idea of her demise–and why I am no longer a resident of Yarnell nor am I an air freshener user and indeed avoid chemical solutions where I can. Yet it is nearly impossible–our foods are spiked, plastics everywhere and Trump approving anything that makes money with no regard to environment–even visiting and celebrating the opening of a plastic plant along the river.
If people only knew the deadly chemicals involved in making plastic. There are 15 chemicals used in making plastic. Here is just one I copied and pasted to give you the low down on it and why I do not buy plastic water and avoid it where I can. Google chemicals used in making plastic and you just might understand why cancer is rampant–yet it is just one source and you get minor doses cumulative over time. If you want a good heavy dose of killer medicine–breath retardant, especially after it has gone through chemical changes by being applied to hot wild fires.
Joy I will post this one email. I think it might awaken a few as to the fight we have to get someone in office who cares about the chemical world, our people and our environment and the creatures in it. I have not heard one word from Trump or his opponents except that Tulsie Gaggard regarding these concerns.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
List of more chemicals beside the 15 usual chemicals in plastics and in its manufacture. There were 15 before those below that people do not know about–but I had meant to post those in an email to Joy–she is a plastic bottle drinker I think or at least her husband and brother in law are. I was posting BPA one of the 15–especially harmful to women causing cancer and also pregnant women that damages the fetus. Now we see why you are even seeing babies getting cancer.
The Hazards Lurking at Home
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)
Decabromodiphenyl Ether (DECA)
Meanwhile, there are many list of chemicals in plastic that is harmful for our body, and also bad for earth effect. To be wise, it’s better to at least reduce the use of plastic in our daily life. Thus, we may replace plastic with another friendly product.
Beautiful Gary.
You should know by now I should be dead back in 2006 for the errors of a doctor.
Within that decade after litigations areas would pass that doctor called me and we talked fully about his errors with pure heart and honest approach so complete lessons were learned for all involved.
He was very glad to have our talk. It was tough. Tough topics. I can say anyone else could not handle the details he was sharing.
He even offered to help or his partner.
Even though I stated I am alive- I do have limitations. I will not accept even his help. That kind of mistake you get only one chance with me. He understood.
I do not have to look like a certain image. I know the many scars under my clothing. I also know that is not what makes me, ME.
Oh and I am far from any sailor lingo. The golden generation that died in my life had a very raw rugged Western lingo so my mouth is not how you share yet I do keep life real. I refrain from robbing myself the right to a few cuss words time to time and more been compared to old Western gunslingers but never been a sailor. Sea sick. Tried it with my gramps out on the shore getting seafood.
One of the puzzles you display is to think ever that the health care you mention will make me well.
When my husband went to work- my condition is pre-existing. The healthcare you mention is not for people like me. I have seen job health benefits offer me care but at too hefty of a dime. I may be sharing my story on and off of being ill and if you think I will listen to the words of a person who would support any healthcare environment that supports Big Pharma than you have to be kidding me.
I have faith in the Lord. The rattlesnake poison phase did its job…The drinking raw liver phase helped that phase…and now the cucumber phase will do its phase. I take a lot of accountability
because I could have said no as I travelled amongst states eating at these fancy eateries mostly sharing meals yet that phase without moving / exercise took its toll on me.
In 2017, when the weight was moving in- I woke up one day and 5 days a week I had my hubby drop me of at Peeples Valley Mountainairre Gas Station then I walked it home. I went from desert walker to street walker- well actually highway 89 walker…and in that I learned peoples’ Yarnell Fire accounts and gained much data and at the same time I dropped over one hundred pounds.
By December I decided to go on the longest fast ever. But I am back where I was June 2017 and time to focus there indeed so we agree but no way would I cease Yarnell- no way.
Thank you in the wee am to think to comment towards my way- maybe someday I will end up by happenstance on that Christmas Card list of yours 😉
oh and you failed to remember the celery along with the cucumber— they are a pair this round…fiber
also when Marti Reed helped that time…I think if I had passed on that surgery I would not be here so sometimes I do listen and use doctors and forever appreciate Marti and Sonny too. Sonny and I back and forth helped another on the health journey…
also I can say RTS has helped too. And some others who I am not sure they want to be named but you know who you are.
Well okay then. I have now done my due diligence as your friend. And FYI…you know I love you are your colorful language since I often have the same speaking (and writing style) style when I feel the need to fully express how I really feel.
I guess I just trust in traditional, conventional and standard medical procedures and best practices as approved by the American Medical Association, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Association of Herpetologists to mention just a few. And I shy away from…well, we’ll just leave it at that since I know when I am beat.
As for me…I am going to have to sign off from IM because that fuckin’ book and my fuckin’ website aren’t going to finish themselves. I have to take my own advice and compartmentalize my life so I can get something done to further my personal goals.
Oh…and one more thing. My Death Head project is going very well and I’m pretty sure everyone is going to be duly impressed with my latest creations and I’m going to order enough for everyone (at least as long as supplies last) to get one of my magnificent creations once I get it finished so that everyone can help me get the word out. So…
Joy has an excellent heading on her site–Why 7 years before the GMHS units and other FOIA information are available. I have your answer that you already know–Seven years is the statute of limitation law–so money suits are out the window. You can now only complain but not recover damages and by now the public has pretty much forgotten and is brain washed by the “official” version of the deaths. The movie, the books and the garbage pukers have done their work by repetition of false information–Repeat a lie enough and they even begin to believe it themselves.
The only place they failed was to convince the people that are wise in wild land fire fighting and have been dealing with the political cover ups over the years–especially when deaths occur due to negligent or stupid actions such as the Marsh and Cronie Caper. It does not take a top notch investigator to see though the white wash of the Yarnell incident if they even have half a brain and half the information that was redacted, hidden, muted by officials and restrictions against speaking out the truth. Well you can see that the reputations of the bumblers that officiated the Yarnell Wild Fire is intact so they did a good job of white wash–even awarding themselves for a job well done after killing 19 and not making one iota of difference in the distruction that wrecked the little village of Yarnell.
FEMA did get in a little practice on how to control people and a few city fire fighters got in a little practice on fighting wild fires and how to make a disaster look like a great operation. The then Mrs. Marsh did her part in fostering a fester and the movies even hired Donut and her for leading an advisory committee. The books avoided any real confrontation of the botched work and played along with the golden cover up of a failure. But many of those that are wise at wild land fire fighting, even high up in the ranks did see the game and a few even protested–they saw the lives and how they were carelessly snuffed out meant more than keeping reputations intact and deeds and methods that needed to be out in the open and addressed. Maybe it saved the tax payer as well since the awards to those injured by loss of their loved ones and the children that will suffer from this negligence were as far as I know awarded a pitiful 50 thousand–albeit Donut and Amanda have gained some fame fortune from their efforts.
These are my opinions–you are entitled to your own and it is still legal to express opinions, though you might get redacted. If it is concerning the billionaire class, you might even get murdered–pedophilia in high places is a real reputation burner-
Saliente–stay out of the retardant smoke–it is a real killer
Sad news –ex wife of my kids is down with Cancer in Mayo Clinic –one that has been going on according to doctors for a long time and now in the last stages. I can not help but think of the elite few at the top–the billioaires–some pedophiles–some pushing chemicals and vaccines–and plenty that believe their majority of scientists and AI say that the planet is doomed if the population is not reduced to 500 million or so. The threshold of no return is determined to be variously said between 2030 and 2050. Gates and his 36 Billion Dollar Doctor Fauchi are well versed in the idea–and do mention often the population problem–Gates even funding and sponsoring sterilization and birth control project in a big way–especially in third world countries.
Don’t kid yourself, when factories are already being readied to produce vaccines in the millions, it tells us they already had the vaccine despite the talk that they are working on it. The formulae are being adjusted and new technology added, but they know what shit they are going to inject in people and have known for some time. You do not spend billions on factories at 7 output centers unless you already know and own the game and see the profits. Well we do see there are no stops–and injections can legally be made if the population is willing and with all the propaganda of how wonderful this Covid 19 will be, people will line up like sheep for the slaughter. There are just too many protesting doctors that see the scam and there seems to be a dark side to this whole ordeal with suspect pedophiles that with that type conscience in control of the wealth of nations.
I have to look at Yarnell and how the town had died off and so many also sick from the Chemicals–proportionately more than even Chernobyl. If the Chemical Retardant were able to be spread more widely beyond forested areas and over big populations like LA or NYC then you would see such a rise in cancer, heart disease and lung issues that even Covid would be put to shame. We know this by the obvious–the death toll and sick at Yarnell that approaches a third of the population already dead in only 7 years and many sick we knew on a personal basis that before the retardant inundation were physically fit–some exceptionally pert and now depleted and on their death beds. Yet my own letters that were sent out to various health organizations brought responses that amounted to not their concern. But then I learned that EPA and other health organizations are supported, benefited and promised entry into even better paying jobs in the very industries they are supposed to investigate. But unlike the Gates and Fauchi vaccines that can not be sued, these industries do occasionally get sued–they consider it a part of the cost of doing business–and just as the Florida clean up of the phosphates the Forest service benefits from–tax payer foots the clean up bill on the main. Very little is charged to the straw companies that go defunct and disappear with the Marlboro Man over the horizon.
So to my way of thinking it is no wonder that cancer increases-tainted food, chemicals spread everywhere and even injected into the body, air pollution and dilution of the ozone layers, deliberate airborne chemical spreading called chem trails and a President and Media that pays no attention to such small details as the killing off and sickening of Yarnell.
Is it bad to think about these things and protest? On the contrary–it is a wake up call to question the real agendas afloat and the greed involved causing the death and illness of so many. And do you believe you will be given truth by a Corporate owned media that even down played the billionaire child abduction and molestation ring along with the very Police Strict President Trump. If you think these people on the main will feed you the truth then there is a guy selling ocean front property in Arizona at bargain prices.
And today there is good news for the Vaccine crowd–Russia now has a vaccine they say is good for two years against Covid 19. They have beat out the American, British and Chinese efforts and so Gates and Company will not be able to charge the exorbitant prices they had believed they had planned through Big Pharma. I would trust the Russian version over any Lolita Express rider version if I were to put my bets on any vaccine. So there you have it, Russia came through on this one–and fast to market–so Gates will have to negotiate with Russia now on a world wide vaccine plan.
Saliente and good vaccinating
Ironic fact–The very people that invented Covid 19 and acquired German patents for it are now working on a vaccine to cure it. This is a merry go round together with the music–maybe even a dirge.
My daughter had called as I was typing–She was in the Pharma field –4 year college degree–but now out of it. She knows much of the game. Sadly, her mom, my ex at Mayo in Phoenix refused to give her kemo–she is too advanced. She has lost twenty pounds not eating–something about certain conditions you have to be in to get kemo if you want it. So Angie has checked out and going to find a doctor that will.
I have no opinion much with people on their death beds whether they should take kemo or not–maybe so if that calms em down. But then those Mayo doctors are supposed to know their onions.
If she is that far along and wants kemo then I would advise her to head out to Mexico. There are some good doctors among the bad there just as here in this country. But for certain you would find one to give you kemo. If I am on my death bed and think kemo might do me good then let me have it.
Sonny…sorry about Angie.
I thought you died years ago and your Irish Spirit was walking around
I will never do chemotherapy
I remember that BS phase in life
God Bless people who do but never for me.
How precious life is–there is nothing that could have sparked the pride and joy in my heart than when I held my newborn daughter in my hands. She was so tiny and beautiful beyond the finest pearl or diamond to gaze up. She still is and as beutiful as ever. Her life as have my sons have been a source of pride to me–and I am certain that those kids that suffered the loss of their Dad will make him proud by their actions. It is so very sad that their fathers will not be there to share their successes, yet in every adversity there can be strength.
As I have said, I thought I was a fine and well enough to do living in a tent and hunting wild pidgeon for a breakfast meal. Then I visited a Mexican family–I thought they were poor until I saw they had more than we. Yet that was a good lesson–you need to learn to be happy in your own skin no matter what. These wild land fire fighters know all these things and can give example and teaching to their kids–but the sons and daughters of the 19 will have to learn them on their own or from a surrogate dad, though the moms will do well I am sure.
But there is one thing for certain, those of us who know the truth about why their fathers were killed must be certain they are not fed a lie. Fortunately there is an Investigative Person creating a documentary of the true story about the 18 young heroes that were killed at Yarnell. It is the right and proper thing to do –the deception only breeds more deception–and god and the Irish gods know there can only be one proper thing–the truth.
If you have any thing of value and truth involving the deaths of the 19 certainly Joy has a site and here on Investigative Media, truth has never been restricted or redacted. To withhold is to live a lie.
Joy is an amazing person -a true life adventure by a person few could equal in her survival abilities as well as her intelligence that has been a big factor in staying in there despite her encounters with a quack that nearly killed her. Having a bat hide in medicine gives you a license to kill and too many quacks use it that way. The man that worked on Joy was a practicing physician that did not belong in that trade. He was a Marsh factor on the loose. Perhaps Joy will someday write her memoirs that would shock some to know she is alive but it would also give courage to those that have lost hope. Joy has by example given the will to live for many and inspiration to others.
I did my hike–I remember Joy says put one foot in front of the other even if it is at first across your small back yard. There will be a time when you can make those longer walks–a time you can actually escape the couch and begin to live.
My own hike today was only a couple miles–I know my area and distances–I left at 6 and back by 7:30 with four happy dogs albeit their tongues hanging out. They surely did 10 miles of running–even chase a couple rabbits. Two dived into my cow tank when they got back but two are allergic to water on their hides so can only drink it.
I have been amazed at this lady Tutsi Gabbart–she has my vote for certain if she can get past the corporate dummies that are running for office. She is accepting no corporate monies and depending solely on people donations. It costs 65 grand to join the debates and she is up a bit past 50 grand now. She will get my $10–it will be worth it to watch her opponents squirm.
Bush, Clinton, Obama and their military cohorts have left a pool of blood of millions of victims. By their lies and deceit we wound up and still are in Iraq and Afghanistan killing off people in foreign lands with drones–often women and children as collateral damage on the premise we are protecting the United States. In reality we are feeding the corporate industrial complex–keeping the war mongers in high cotton while the general population is suffering. Trump has done nothing to remove the troops and if he did attempt the Pelochi’s and Clinton’s objected. Hillary cheered when Ben Lauden was killed and laughed when Kadaffi was knocked off, yet before they had used these same people for their end games. You dare not cross these war murderers–and I wonder how Tutsi will fare. Her record is too clean and her honesty unwanted in the political world of lies and deceit. She is a brave warrior indeed.
Clean your own house before you look at the dirty house of other and Trump has not drained the swamp–it is just too loaded. I know about that–I took on a job at the Tybo Silver Mine as a miner. Those fellows had a huge pump going trying to lower the water level so the lower levels where rich silver could be mined. But as promoters do often have little mining experience they did not realize that the water they were pumping out was going down a wash and sinking in. Somewhere below ground there had to have been a fault because that mine and all that pumping did little to lower the water level–it was just recirculating back into the mine. And no matter how many Corporate Owned Politicians you drain from the Swamp, more just keep circulating back into the pond. Something needs to be done to seal or bypass the fault–and it is doubful that Tusi, despite her best efforts can by joining the War profiting Democeratic party political stink keep it off her. And Trump is trying to get a war going with these so called peace makers cheering him on.
But a step in the right direction is always a good thing–this lady even talks about serving the people and working on cleaning up the environment.
Sonny is an amazing person -a true life adventure by a person few could equal in his survival abilities as well as his intelligence that has been a big factor in staying with us-
Sonny has by example given the will to live for many and inspiration to others.
Yes, put one foot in front of the other even if it is at first across your small backyard only indeed. There will be a time when you can make those longer walks–a time you can actually escape the couch and begin to live
I know that one foot in front of another lingo all too well lately- funny I use to do endurance biking, running and hiking and walking and I am even facing silly moments but whatever that dog had in his saliva May 2019 really screwed me…good night
it was real good visit with you Sonny…
the only war I can have with you is a coughing and breathing one nowadays…
God Bless you good man.
Joy…bless your heart. Which means in some parts of the country that I am about to go negative on you. You know how many times (dozens) I have expressed extreme sympathy and concern for your health.
I have literally begged you countless times (and I have scolded as many) to put all of this FIRE stuff in a box (compartmentalize it) and go home and focus on your health and nothing but your health and getting better or at least stabilizing your condition.
As I have also told you many times, Obama Care has made good health insurance affordable and available to almost every American who wants or needs it, even in formally deep Red states like the backward great State Of Arizona. IF…you aren’t on Obama Care…you are crazier than an Arizona Road Lizard!
When my brother died died, he was a relatively wealthy man for a retired baggage handler (25 years with Alaska Airlines) and a current deckhand with Alaska Marine Highways, which is their state ferry system because you can’t drive to most of Southeast Alaska. Of course he didn’t have any of the people God put on this earth to hurt their parents called children, so he was a blessed man.
Anyway…whenever a commercial or advertisement or panhandler or sob story was presented in some format to him…he would say…”People don’t need my money…they need my advice.” My brothers motto in life was, “Take care of business.”
And for someone who was unable to graduate from high school because of his severe ADD, he always took care of business. One way he did this was by always having a pad of paper and pen in his shirt pocket and he wrote everything down and then he took care of business right away and I mean RIGHT NOW. Which could make him kinda difficult to be around sometimes because you know…I like to procrastinate.
Which reminds me of a funny story about my hija (which in Northern New Mexico is translated as “loving daughter“). Anyway…one sunny and beautiful day she and I walked out of the Federal Building (Which is where my BLM office was) in downtown Santa Fe, and there was a panhandler on the steps.
As we passed him, I handed him a dollar. As we were walking down towards the plaza to get some frozen yogurt, she asked me, “Dad…what did that man want?” She was about five at the time and I said, “He wanted some money.” She then asked me, “How much did you give him? I said, “I gave him a dollar.” My loving daughter then said in a very stern and commanding voice, “Next time…give him five dollars.” Yep…that was my hija…and she never changed.
Anyway Joy…you need to stop drinking snake venom and cucumber juice and go see you know…some MEDICAL FUCKIN’ PROFESSIONALS.
And if anyone thinks my use of a profanity with Joy is extreme…you should carry on a conversation with her. She cusses like a former sailor who became a hotshot. She makes me BLUSH!
And as I told you the last time we talked…you have NEVER done anything I have told you before or followed any of my advice or recommendations and I don’t expect you to change now. But…you should. You really…really should..
Oh…and one more thing. Whenever I asked my brother what time it was, he would always say, “It’s time for you to buy a watch!”
Joy…it’s time for you to buy a watch.
And I should have written, “In live conversations, Joy cusses worse than a sailor who works as a hotshot during the fire season and a construction worker in the off season, That’s a respectful nod to WTKTT.
According to Scriptures God curses too-He cursed mankind more than a few times and did a bit of genocide on the side after the deadly flood curse. He was said to even have cursed womankind with a terrible child birth. Well there are a multitude of curses he applied to these earth dwellers–even the Dinosaurs and underground miners and even wild land fire fighters–that Willis uses the polite terms God needed them somewhere else. So maybe he set the example or maybe it is humans and the Devil at work. Either way the curses of God and the gypsy or the hoodoo voodoo can be a devastation to many. And the pool of blood of millions caused by a line of Presidents since World War 11 is no small pool. You could easily say Johnson, Nixon, most especially Bush, Clinton, Obama and instigated by such false flag events as the Gulf of Tonkin that never happened–yet News Journalists who are supposed to put out truth allowed the lie because they are part of the corporate controlled collaboration. And what about the Twin towers that Iraq got the blame for while Bush was in bed with the Saudis–19 of whom they said did the dirty work-yet the Saudi’s, the greatest terrorist supporters go unblamed. . Clinton’s were blood thirsty way back when they had Janet Reno wipe out 83 men women and children at Waco, Texas with flame throwing Chrysler tanks because they felt the BATF needed an exercise on how to mass assault. The BATF bumblers shot some of their own and blamed it on that idiot Christian sect leader Koresh. Now that Bill seems to be part of the child trafficking and rape team–I mean how do you wind up befriending a man like Epstein and winding up with 26 documented plane rides on the trafficking aireoplane–even much after the man was convicted of a single case of child molestation with 40 kids willing to testify? And Trump himself continuing the murders in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran with not problem to snuff out one of the so called Terrorist Generals–something there is no proof of. But the worst of it he knew that Maxwell gal that was a major player in the sex trafficking of children as young as 12 and wishes her luck–likely would issue a pardon since he was involved in the visits to the island himself. But as a good President, promising to pull out of Afghanistan so our good veterans there could quit being needlessly killed, he sends more over.
Truth being that these people ought to all be tried as war criminals being responsible for deaths of thousands of our own troops as well as millions of foreign residents–the greatest number innocent victims. Their numbers of killing in order to access the oil, profits from war and imperialistic police mentality to be the “Greatest” make the Nazi’s look like pikers. They have done a good job at propaganda and distributing the wealth so that 1% of the elite are now getting 60% of the wealth of this country and the world. This last stock rise in the past few weeks netted less than a dozen billionaires close to a Trillion Dollars in profits while the great bulk of Americans are barely hanging on if they can and too many have already had to throw in the towel and even have wound up in food lines and many bankrupt and on the streets.
Yet you have a Vice Presidential candidate saying she will have people thrown in jail if their kids are found truant and has laughed about smoking marijuana while she sent people to prison for marijuana possession. And if this isn’t screwed up enough, you have Biden backing the sword waving at Iran and attempts to get us into another war worse than the bloody Iraq and Afghanistan situation we are already guilty of. Oil and war profits are the game and these political fellows are working late hours for their corporate bonuses.
And if you think it wise for us to send a dozen ships into the China sea then you might consider that a single submarine 12 miles off our own shores armed with a dozen nukes could easily do to this country. I well remember what only a Twin Towers buildings destruction false flag did. And which nuclear armed nation would you blame–China, Russia, Pakistan, a rogue Indian, Russian, or Israeli slipping in suitcase bombs? Seems like even the Lebanon blast cannot be pinpointed as to whether it was a missile or a fire or other sabotage.
Fire alone will not explode fertilizer–my Dad and I used it in mining–he would save money by buying a sack of fertilizer for 5 or 6 bucks and adding a gallon of diesel fuel to a hundred pound sack. Dynamite was about $90 for a fifty pound box in those days. So a quarter stick of dynamite with a primer together weighing a few ounces would set off the fertilizer. A primer alone that will blow all the fingers off your hand and make it a dangling piece of meat would not. It takes a pretty hefty explosion to activate the fertilizer. (a quarter stick of dynamite would blow your whole hand off, a hole in your gut, and permanently blow out your ear drums as well and give you a facial before you are thrown backward some distance. I used fertilizer explosive it in some mines–It is called prill and we had an air device to fill our drill holes with the small bb like version of ammonium nitrate fertilizer mix for the big mines. You capped it off with a full stick of dynamite to break ground. It is a cheaper way to mine but many mines did not use it–dynamite gives a stronger punch and that is what I used in most of the hard rock mines I had worked at as well as all the Uranium mines.
So the Bush and Clinton clans have done a nasty job of removing personal freedoms from the people with their so called necessary Patriot Act that was supposed to be a temporary thing–and now with the Covid 19 scare and terrorist fears even more people have been using fear to cause all kinds of breach of freedoms. That Gates flunky Fauchi said at one time masks did not good and WHO also said it, yet they reversed the idea somewhere along the lines. And four or five Scandinavian countries do not wear masks or require them–Norway, Sweden, Denmark and others including the Netherlands in that area with a meter and a half as the required distances–yet everyone in American cities are masked up like so many bank robbers on the move while America leads the world in covid cases? What gives and what is truth and what is propaganda regarding an end game?
There is a video of Gates saying he expects a 20 to 1 return for his vaccine investments ( that include his so called philanthropic contributions) involving some of his own companies ready to distribute the vaccines and microchips as well. That would of course include his contributions to world population control in third world countries.
A study of his history shows that he comes from a wealthy family, his father a banker and his mother involved in business as well. He was well groomed in business methods and the eugenics idea from his parents that people with money have better genes–the poor are generally degenerates deserving less for their mental depravity. He meets with like minded people–billionaires including the Rockefeller clan that fostered eugenics in the 30’s until it finally became a bad word. It is now called population control. You change the name to hide the game.
But these are my own observations and estimations–do your own research–I believe an informed public of the truth–no matter how harsh it may be–is the only way to go. I do think this country has devolved more correctly into a corporate police state that favors the wealthy. The middle class and the poor are increasingly debased and relegated to increasing taxation, a lower standard of living, and increased slave labors if they can even find gainful employment. Meantime the billions allocated and even increased by Trump for more war machinery have near approached half our National Expenditures while the common citizen is now in desperate straights. How much more war machinery do we need since we have enough already to obliterate the earth habitation 40 times over. So I do agree with the protestors that are there for good purposes–that is to get some sanity into the system and divorce it from corporate control.
That would be desperate straits–environmental issues were not addressed by any candidate except Tulsi Gabbart–thanks Joy for correcting me on the name spelling. There is a definite hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic and a progression of Antarctic ice melting. Why aren’t these people addressing the issues at hand when dirty air, chemical pollutions, plastics and ozone depletion due to excess carbon dioxide and other chemicals in the air are all contributing factors concerning the high rates of cancer. It is obvious that Trump and others in Politics do not want to cause waves with corporations usurping people, profits and the environment. These are serious issues considering that we see first hand the effects of ocean dead zones, people sick from the chemical dispersion and even the contamination of humanity by man made virus when those were even illegal to produce. In my way of thinking, Dr. Fauchi is a war criminal responsible for thousands of deaths since he was the authority that allowed the formation of these deadly viruses invented and kept in level 4 laboratories though out the States and the world under the WHO program, Gates can not be trusted if you look at his record and leaked U-Tube videos where if you have any insight into the workings of people at all you will see he is about investments, control and more profit yet portraying himself publicly as an angel geek. I use linux which is free, I am using Linux Mint 19 to type this–happier than using Windows that he with his business acumen was able to transform himself into a multi-billionaire becoming a part of the Trillionaire club while not informing you that there is an equal and better system because it is created free, of the generous people over the world doing the code work, and does not have the fucking popups found on Windows–well Gates will provide a system to keep them down at a cost.
Greed is a terrible thing when a few can befuddle the masses and keep them in ignorance of the real objectives planned by the elite billionaire club of world bankers and corporate masters of the universe. Yet there is more than a few ready to challenge the system of war profiting and chemical polluting corporate entities. May your future generations benefit from a healthier and more peaceful world designed to benefit all and not a small minute percentage of so called Masters of the Universe.
I did watch the leaked video of Gates saying he was expecting a 20 to one return on his vaccine investments. It is already redacted from U-Tube as is the video of several doctors talking about the use of Hydroxychloroquine–what Trump uses to protect himself. Those California doctors were saying that had something like 300 patients that their hospital had saved with one even in his 90’s. That video was redacted as well but a few other doctors and others have given snippets of the video.
The google and U-Tube reps said they did not want any false information that might cause harm to people–yet these posts were by medical doctors practicing at a California hospital. These bastards think the American people are so stupid that they can not make decisions or evaluate information presented and check as to its veracity. I have to believe that the Gates money and collusion of these people is to be sure and keep people afraid and ready to accept the Gates vaccine story and help him with his 20 to 1 profit expectations.
By the way you will be charged extra for the chip and should you decline it you will have to do with just the marker proving you had the shot. But since everyone needs to have his shit on a chip and a way to be found in case the cell phone is left at home–get the chip–only $29.98 and maybe 50% off if too many don’t buy it at that price.—Well actually they will use the best of propagandists, psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors to tout these poisons and chips they want to inject into your body–and if you are willing –ain’t America Great Again. You can now get your chip and vaccine in one package.
There is not much concern for the common working stiff whose job was shut down due to the flu–certainly a designer flu virus fairly deadly to the elderly, but so also is the non designer common flu. I do keep reading how the testing is up to 70% false positive so that who can really know the Covid count. Just as that Senator was tested positive then went in for a second more expensive test found he was not positive for Covid 19. So who knows why a world economy can be shut down by a virus that affects the elderly yet the regular working stiff that has to make a living is more or less affected as he would if he came down with the flu.
Certainly some folks are more affected with Covid 19 at the younger ages, but so it goes also with the regular flu. It can kill you just the same and just as there are many people that get deathly sick from taking the flu shot, we are certain to see the same with the Covid 19 shot.
I do see that the African Human Guinea Pig tests are coming along. My idea of testing would be to give every politician supporting the vaccine the Guinea Pig ‘Test. And especially the Corporate Big Pharma supported ones such as those running the WHO, Gates and vaccine industries and others involved in pushing this thing–even wanting to mandate vaccinations. I think Trump should be left out since he appears to believe that people ought to have a choice.
But I believe that ought to be an informed choice. You are led to believe that you do not need to know what is in ;those vaccines–just trust those inventors of the vaccines. You will find that there are many of the doctors you put faith in are benefited greatly by pushing such things as certain medicines and vaccines. And you will find that many doctors object to what they see as false science and propaganda to insure profits with little concern for the side effects and in many cases deaths and mutilations of humanity. When vaccine companies can not be sued no matter what they inject into your body then buyer beware!
And if you think the medical profession is always grand you best get a second opinion. When I was set up to get a set of titanium knees at the Las Vegas VA, then later got a second opinion at the Phoenix VA that refuted that call–whew I was relieved. I don’t have that pain that was horrible for a long time on both knees today and I do not have the titanium knees either.
I can remember when I was sick and went in to get treatment–that doctor said it was a case of the flu and I got shot for whatever he gave at the time. I broke out in measles. Another time the shot I got for a treatment had me near dead. I don’t know what that doctor had shot me with but it gave me a clue that some of those medical practitioners need more practice. You wonder how some of them got their bat hides.
Yet there are several times I have had my life saved because of trauma Doctors. There are methods used to bring you back to life once dead–I know about these things having experiences along those lines–even put into hospice and escaping. I do believe the Prescott Hospice stay would have killed me–oddly they can save your live then kill you with kindness–I know if at the time after that heart attack I would get out of bed there would be six nurses run in and push me back into bed–I was not allowed to use the urinal on my own nor shower.
It is good to have a RN son that had over 12 years working in the emergency ICU unit at a hospital–he was able to explain that Dad wants to die at home and he would take care of me. He let me off in Yarnell, where I should have died with the other third of the town in Yarnell but the Irish Gods were kind in my case and I have survived another 6= years despite one doctor telling me expect to get my life in order since one year is the life expectancy of a case such as mine was.
That heart attack and 6 others I attributed to the retardant. Joy and I had hiked though that shit over a hundred times with using only handkerchiefs that would turn black from the soot off the retardant and smoke on those early hikes. The wild land fire fighter knows what I am talking about–but this shit is worse than mine dust since the chemicals are generally worse or equal. I did work two years as the only miner in an arsenopyrite gold mine out of Pine Valley, California. That and the Uranium mines are up there with breathing the retardant. Arsenic fr0om that mine and Radon and Uranium dust from Uranium mining are not good ingredients to life–why so many old miners are as scarce as hen’s teeth. But that retardant has to be a real killer–and as I have mentioned cyanide–a by product made by applying retardant to burning ember is a real culprit It takes only a tiny pill the less than the size of a baby aspirin they want you to take after heart attacks to do you in for good. But add all the secret ingredients the foreign countries provide (most retardant is provided from Israel sources) and you have no wonder why that shit killed off a third of the people of Yarnell in just 7 years.
Certainly by now the retardant has co;completed its damage to Yarnell by being washed away during the monsoon seasons so that much of it has soaked into the ground waters and much of it has not passed through the streams and rivers down to the oceans to feed the toxic red bloom algae and dead zones of the Pacific. God only knows how many fish it has killed or made sick on its way but there has to be many. We know from the experiments of accidentally dropping a couple thousands of gallons in the Fall River thousands of fish were killed–all within a 20 mile distance and immediately. Go google fish dead from Phosphates in Florida where hundreds of thousands of fish are photographed from mine leakage into the water ways. Humans take some longer so unless you look at Yarnell, they do not look like the fish stories.
Yet people turn a blind eye to the retardant devastation–they like the pretty agent orange colors it puts out, while the Israelis and the retardant dispensers enjoy the huge profits from these toxins.
The story is that water alone does not disperse well–especially in wind. Well if you want to give it weight such as they do with retardant, then just add mud or clay and I have to tell you, you will get approximately the same effectiveness. That massive dumping that was done at Yarnell had no effect–those 45 mph wind bursts just drive that fire right through those drop zones and Yarnell burned right along with the 19 your GMHS wild land fire fighters. The worse of it was a third of Yarnell was wiped out as well and the count of sickness of people that breathed the aftermath is well known if you visit the town.
So, yes–if you are a wild land fire fighter or a resident where the pretty orange retardant is being spread, expect the side effects. Sickness and death. As my good doctor said you can not expect a free ride from taking your medicine. You must suffer the bad in order to get some good–but what if in the case of the retardant there was no good?
As a side note, I doubt you will find one case of Covid 19 in Yarnell, Arizona–I have not heard of even one. Joy would know. The retardant should be checked out for an ingredient in vaccines. It is very effective against Covid 19, I am certain.
There is a misconception among public that all doctors support vaccines. In fact those doctors that do not always support vaccines are not anti-vaxxers–they are anti-stupidity. Here is a medical doctor and friend of Dr. Buttar whom on You-Tube lists some of the ingredients in vaccines that include Mercury, Aluminum, detergents, pretroleum products, pig urine, human DNA extracted from aborted fetuses, traces of HIV just to name a few this doctor listed. I have read of more toxins but he says the reason they add polysorbate adiama is so that the aluminum and mercury can pass the brain barrier. Once these inflammatory ingredients enter the brain enclosure they can not escape. I know this to be true from my own graduate nuero-psychology class study of the brain. The is no escape of those chemicals there–the brain does not sweat–the sweat on your forehead is from the skin around the skull, not the brain. The resulting inflammation of the brain does bring about headache, dizziness and of course anything affecting the frontal lobe also affects mood–you see dullness and grogginess in kids that way.
Messing with the brain can be very serious–you see people that get head injuries sometimes have sudden and extreme behavior changes. A good person may suddenly become a psychopath or a previously proper lady may suddenly become an obviously loose woman. The brain functions can be altered by these vaccines–and the connection of autism to vaccines is very real. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Robert Kennedy Junior, Dr. Buttar, Dr. Tenpenny, and numerous doctors that have protested are heroes to my way of thinking.
The You-Tube presentation by an MD suggests you ask your doctor about the consent form you sign and what ingredients he/she will be injecting into your body. He says the doctor works for you–is well paid by your money and you have the right to know. If he refuses or treats you like an idiot then walk. Maybe he does not know himself since 10 years of study some are still blank or don’t mind giving you a bit of brain inflammation.
I think Gates might be better off looking for the 30,000 lost Hillary E mails since he is the nerd. What is he doing meddling in the medical industry other than making money or figuring ways to control the population. Soros I notice is backing his work as well. I do not know if Soros was on the Epstein flights but I know for certain Gates did many since he is listed on the Lolita express. He, like Bill Clinton denies it yet Clinton has 26 listings and I think Gates has 6. That while Gates has his own private Jet as well–so what was he doing on the Lolita Express? We certainly know what Bill Clinton and Andrew were doing –and what about Trump and his visits to the Island? Child molesting is a heavy crime and yet we saw Epstein get a slap on the wrist and for some years later again in many associations with the Clintons Gates and others including being a special guest at the Royal Palace. No I would not trust anything Gates and his underdog Fauchi produce as a vaccine–you would be safer with a Russian vaccine that is already said to be proven. Yet for me–let the Irish Gods take me before I allow something in my veins that I have not investigated.
Hehehe (to quote Joy) I have been reviewing hundreds and hundreds of posts and man o man…have we had some duzzies! But…I did find this one by random chance and I think it bears reposting at this time.
Gary Olson says
DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 12:14 PM
Golly geez whiz and Jiminy Cricket too…here is an idea. Why don’t you [JOY] just tell us what you know instead of playing at being the Oracle of Delphi?
double Hehehe!
OMGosh…here is another to Joy from me. I think this one is worth putting on a poster next to some of the great philosphers of history.
Gary Olson says
DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 11:00 PM
I’m sorry the world is not the place you think it is, or should be, or wish it was, but it is not.
And here is one by a couple of real brainics, I got to stop this or I’m not ever going to get where I need go get. Whoa now RTS has just challenged me with this one and I begged off because it made my head hurt. It still makes my head hurt.
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 8:47 AM
I’ll take a stab at it…
First off, when RTS wrote that I read it, read it again and thought about how that theory lines-up with not only the actions of GMIHC that day but also the rationalization of their actions after the fact. RTS is sharp. Makes me wonder why someone like him chose to work on & lead a hotshot crew for so long in the freakin’ desert of Arizona…seems like a waste! Haha
RTS said:
“Theory of Consequentialism – [T]he consequences of one’s conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct.”
“Thus, from a consequentialist standpoint, a morally right act (or omission from acting) is one that will produce a good outcome, or consequence.”
The results of one’s actions or the outcome is to be judged as to whether what they did was RIGHT or WRONG. Actions have consequences. We are judging in this way here. The consequences of the fireline leadership at Yarnell and GM are that 19 hotshots died SO WHAT THEY DID WAS WRONG!
What I found particularly interesting was the theory of “MOTIVE CONSEQUENTIALISM when RTS posted. Check this out:
From RTS:
“Motive Consequentialism – This version gives relevance to the motive of an act and links it to its consequences.”
Me: Notice the introduction of MOTIVE of actions here. What it means to me is that if they had GOOD INTENTIONS in their actions then what they did WAS CORRECT because of those GOOD INTENTIONS. They get a pass because they meant well!
This is pretty deep stuff but I think I may understand….well, RTS? Do I understand this?
One of the reasons current and former wildland firefighters are studying this, along with a cross section of others, is because we believe something went wrong at Yarnell Hill and almost an entire crew should not have died. As wildland firefighters, we do not like it when this happens, and seek to learn lessons to prevent this type of tragedy from happening again. We have been obstructed from the truth and subsequent lessons (SAIR – what a joke) AND THAT PISSES US OFF, ROYALLY! We don’t ever want anyone in OUR house to die ever, for any reason!!! When we see multiple basic rule violations…well IT MAKES OUR BLOOD BOIL!!!
The powers that be want us to believe they had good intentions so everyone involved should get a pass. Just move along…nothing to see here.
RTS: How have I done so far? Thanks!
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:39 AM
You got it. Good job.
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:43 AM
And Marsh utilized the GOOD INTENTIONS in their (his) actions to justify what they (he) did AS CORRECT, and so because of those GOOD INTENTIONS, they(he) gets a pass because they (he) meant well.
So, in his mind, it was all good, and everyone else should be okay with it.
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:57 AM
If this line of thinking continues to exist or proliferate in wildfire management, we will continue to lose firefighters unnecessarily. Such a damn shame.
And here is one by a couple of real “brainiacs.”
Whoops, I found a lot more of the same exchange which is worth a read. I already posted it, but I forgot about the two link limit so it got kicke out. So I am going to delete the links. WTKTT even jumped in.
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:14 AM
One more thing…
From RTS:
“Rule Consequentialism – holds that moral behavior involves following certain rules. However, rule consequentialism chooses rules based on the consequences that the selection of those rules have.”
Competent wildland firefighters are REQUIRED to be “Rule Consequentialists.” We have rules we MUST follow. Standard orders, watch-outs… rules that if not followed have a high probability of DEATH as a consequence.
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:52 AM
So when you combine several of these together – the means justifies the end. as long as it’s done with good intentions, then you can pick and choose those rules you want to follow, and as the saying goes: “Its all good.” Go for it …. we’ve gotten away with it before, so what’s the big deal.
Basically, the set up for a Perfect Storm in the WFF world.
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:59 AM
I’ll stand by my words above…
If this line of thinking continues to exist or proliferate in wildfire management, we will continue to lose firefighters unnecessarily. Such a damn shame.”
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 10:02 AM
I guess quoting myself makes me a special class of narcissist…..well, fuck-it…
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 10:08 AM
We need experienced safety officers that think like you on the firelines across the country. I hope you are one and stay active for a long time. A safety officer can shut the whole thing down. Hell, shut the entire incident down until they get their shit straight. Last line of defense, man. That’s what a safety officer is for. I wish a good safety officer was there that day to shut that shit down!
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 10:49 AM
You posted “A safety officer can shut the whole thing down. Hell, shut the entire incident down until they get their shit straight.”
That’s what I thought as well, until the 2008 Iron Complex in northern California.
Myself and the DIVS tried for SEVERAL HOURS with the Branch Director on the Command channel to shut down the Type I helicopter Crew shuttle for the Division (Overhead and Grayback, Type 2 Crew). But you won’t find this in the report anywhere because it doesn’t fit ‘The Party Line.’
Supposedly, it was because of an alleged incoming thunderstorm, that never manifested. The Crew even volunteered to hike down the hill instead of fly.
And so, the helicopter crashed and burned on the third load, killing nine (9) WFF and the pilot. This was totally predictable and totally preventable.
Then, I allege, it was the classic ‘first establish a conclusion, then find the facts to support it with selective interviews and misplaced interviews and statements until after the “FACTUAL” report was officially published.
I allege that this was just another huge cover-up and whitewash. But that’s another story.
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 11:51 AM
I read the link. So I guess Safety Officers are just ‘feel good’ positions…good to know. I was thinking about working towards that very job when I finish growing up but looks like a bullshit job if the command staff won’t take it seriously. Guess I’ll just hang up the boots and watch the carnage on the news when I’m done on the line.
The Iron 44 fire was quite the cluster in it’s own right. Greed and fraudulent representation of the aircraft’s performance in order to secure a lucrative contract, killed 9. The NTSB wailed on the company pretty good and here is an update I found: The scumbag owner of Carson helo looks to be going to jail:
The glass apparently IS half empty and it seems that someone actually HAS pissed in it…
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 1:18 PM
Continue on to become a Safety Officer because you can make a difference MOST times.
I had to go to the UK to find a source for this story that General Electric (GE) knew all along about the engine problems and never notified any of their vendors with those particular engines.
Moreover, the NTSB has removed it’s links to the best relevant documentation and Carson Helicopter submissions pleading with NTSB to focus on the FCU/s and engines and NOT on the weight.
The weight was NOT the issue, it was one of the engines.
Send me an email address and I’ll send you the missing NTSB links that I have (that may not even matter if they have removed the actual documents)
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 1:32 PM
A helicopter crash that killed nine continues to raise questions more than two years after the accident. The accident occurred on August 5, 2008 near Weaverville, California as a Sikorsky S-61N helicopter took off from a rugged mountaintop clearing ferrying firefighters to a wildfire in the Trinity Alps Wilderness. Seven contract firefighters, a U.S. Forest Service safety inspector and the pilot were killed.
On Dec 7, 2010 the NTSB met to determine the cause of the crash and make safety recommendations. Their recommendations raised questions about the safety of government aircraft and documents indicated the chopper was overweight.
Two victims’ families are speaking out through an attorney against those findings by the NTSB. The Coultas and Schwanenberg families charge the NTSB changed its initial conclusion from an engine failure to a weight issue because the report was written by the wife of the NTSB investigator that was responsible for the security of the parts, according to Gregory Anderson of AndersonGlenn, LLC.
Bill Coultas, who was severely injured in the accident and Christine Schwanenberg, wife of Roark Schwanenberg, who was killed in the crash believe there should be an impartial and unbiased investigation and that there is a conflict of interest with this report.
Both men were pilots of the helicopter, employed by Carson Helicopters. The families, through Anderson, would like to make the following facts public:
1) The original cause of the accident found by NTSB investigators was the loss of power from the No. 2 engine due to a well known issue over fuel filtration. The NTSB reached this conclusion following the inspection of the engines at a Columbia Helicopters repair facility in Aurora, Oregon on August 14th, 15th and 16th, 2008, just nine days following the August 5th accident. Columbia, an approved fuel system contractor for repair of the GE CT-58 engines involved in the accident, was the last party to have physical control of the parts. NTSB investigator Jim Struhsaker turned over control of the Fuel Control Units to Columbia on August 16th, 2008 for shipment back to the NTSB. Carson was not present, having left the inspection on the 15th to attend memorial services of the victims.
2) Columbia, GE and Sikorsky are all financially interested parties as defendants in multi-million dollar lawsuits brought by the victims and their families.
3) The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was functioning and had 77 hours of data recorded. The NTSB investigators could not coordinate the timeline of the cockpit voice recorder with the FDR data so they labeled it “invalid” or “irrelevant”. In fact, it contains information of heading, altitude and engine performance. No attempt was made to integrate this data after August 16th 2008, when the fuel system components were lost.
4) GE, Sikorsky and Columbia had been facing allegations of a dangerous defect regarding the fuel control units, specifically, stuck stator vanes due to a contamination of Pressure Regulating Valves (PRV) and clogged filters, which when clogged to a certain degree, allow the CT58 to continue to operate through the use of an emergency by-pass valve. When this occurs, unfiltered fuel is allowed into the Fuel Control Unit, and results in contamination of the system. The diameter or “clearance” of the diaphragm of the PRV is only six (6) microns in thickness. The filters in use in N612AZ, the S-61 involved in the Trinity crash, as well as the four preceding crashes from this issue, were for forty (40) micron contaminants. The US military identified the filtration issue in its S-61s in the 1990s and switched to the finer, 10 micron filter. Following the upgrade, military S-61s no longer had fuel filter issues.
5) The day following the accident, email exchanges between GE and Sikorsky engineering departments raise filtration immediately after being notified about the accident.
6) The S-61N involved, had a maintenance history that included concerns over stuck fuel system components due to fuel contamination. The maintenance history of the S61N was not considered in the Board’s findings.
7) There have been four prior accidents involving the CT58 fuel system in the S-61 where fuel contamination was cited as the cause, including a 2004 detailed investigation by the Canadian Transportation Board into an S-61N firefighter crash where it determined the GE CT58 fuel filter issue was the probable cause. The prior accidents were not considered by the Board.
. 8) The sole evidence that the No. 2 GE CT58 engine in N612AZ was functioning nominally was a sound spectrum analysis prepared by GE using Sikorsky charts of the sound signature of the planetary gears in the S-61 transmission and the sound signature of the gas generator blade rpm. In order to determine whether the No. 2 engine was developing its full power, the NTSB would need four facts: first, “Nr” or rotor blade rpm; second, “Ng”, or gas generator (compressor) speed; “Nf” or power turbine speed; and finally, “T5” or turbine inlet temperature, which shows the amount of heat developed in the CT58 combustion chamber (for the CT58-140 installed in this S-61N configuration, that should have been 721 degrees). The NTSB did not determine the second and third required parameters and so could not have determined whether the No. 2 engine had achieved “topping” or top rated horsepower.
9) The sound spectrum analysis is the only “quantitative” data for the conclusion that the No. 2 engine had not failed. Absent this GE/Sikorsky analysis, all of the NTSB conclusions are speculation. Objective facts supporting an engine issue include the No. 2 torque gauge found post accident with a “split” of 30% from No. 1. The NTSB theorized this could be from a power loss but wiring schematics show this to be an A/C powered gauge that would have frozen with a sudden loss of power, not wound down. Even if it had been a DC powered gauge, there would not have been a split: both gauges would have wound down to zero torque. The Emergency Throttle for No. 2 was found in the partially opened position. Bill Coultas and a second eyewitness confirm that he was attempting to open the No. 2 Emergency Throttle after he saw the torque split on the gauges. The only reason to do so was a concern by the flight crew with fuel. The Emergency Throttles are gated and require significant force to move to an open position. Bill Coultas testified they lost power and noted the loss of rotor speed before they hit any trees.
10) Comparison of the markings on the stator vanes are significant.
11) The NTSB ignored Bill Coultas’ testimony that they had cleared a 50′ (AGL) tree before losing power and descending into the #1, #2 and #3 trees documented to have been hit by the rotor blades in the report. The GPS plot of N612AZ’s course, combined with the (NTSB commissioned) survey of the area, prove unequivocally that N612AZ climbed to 60′ or more before losing power. The significance is that in sloping terrain (the NTSB survey shows between 8 and 20 degrees of ground slope once the helicopter left the immediate landing area of H-44), the “Hover Out of Ground Effect” (“HOGE”) altitude could not have been more than 30′ (AGL). To get to an altitude of 60-70′ AGL, the helicopter had to climb out of ground effect, which renders the theory of an overweight issue as a cause, speculative. Succinctly, if the helicopter was grossly overweight, it would have never been able to climb out of ground effect (the cushion of air between the ground and the whirling disk of the rotor blades), but would have “settled” back down. This effect would have been immediately noticed by the flight crew. It is a matter of mathematical certainty that an S61N at this density altitude could not have climbed out of ground effect and over a 50′ obstacle if it were in a gross overload situation. As a matter of record, N612AZ did climb out of ground effect and transition into forward flight, and climbed over a 50′ obstacle. Weight was not the issue.
12) The NTSB asks the public and the aviation community in particular, to believe that a Pilot-in-Command (Roark Schwanenberg), a Second-in -Command (Bill Coultas) and a Forest Service Check Pilot (Jim Ramage), with a combined total of 29,000 hours of helicopter time: lifted off from H-44; never noticed any weight problem; never noticed the helicopter settling; never felt it reacting sluggishly; never considered putting her back down; never thought of their own safety (all three had families –Schwanenberg and Coultas with minor children); ignored the lives of the nine firefighters in the back, and essentially flew directly into the trees.
13) The NTSB took Bill Coultas’ statement that “we had plenty of power” and presented it as though he was stating the condition of the helicopter as it was crashing. The transcript of his post-accident interview makes clear he was stating that he and PIC Schwanenberg had determined that they would have plenty of power for the last (crash) flight as they performed the preflight calculations, based on the observed temperature and winds. By taking the SIC’s statement out of context, the NTSB presented it as conformation that the engines were producing full power. This is contrary to sound investigation techniques requiring an unbiased and impartial evaluation of the testimony.
14) The NTSB Materials Report (taken off the public docket in violation of the NTSB’s “transparency” policy issued in June of 2009), was the result of complaints by the victims and the aircraft’s owner/operator, Carson Helicopters to the NTSB and to members of Congress, including Oregon Representative Pete DeFazio. After Carson’s request for a congressional investigation into the loss of the parts, the NTSB investigation shifted to an investigation of Carson and the weight issue. Prior to Carson expressing concerns to Congress over the parts, the focus was on the engine filtration issue.
15) In the GE/Sikorsky prepared “worst case” simulation, the helicopter was alleged to have weighed 19,008 lbs. The Sikorsky performance charts, even using the “stock” rotor blades instead of the composite, high performance blades on N612AZ, show that at this altitude, temperature and wind, the helicopter could lift over 19,100 lbs. Assuming every fact in favor of the NTSB/GE/Sikorsky simulations, N612AZ could have and did fly from H-44 until the No. 2 engine failed.
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 2:03 PM
Now that’s interesting. When I read the recommendations by NTSB, it was full of weight problems, load miscalculations, etc……..then just throw in there was ‘oh by the way, should have had a 10 micron fuel filter…’ It was a recommendation that didn’t seem to fit the nature of all the rest. I guess that’s why. So, why is the owner of Carson Helos headed to or in jail?
One question, if you can (or want to) answer it: What did you identify as the problem that made you attempt for so long to halt the transport operation? And why was it ignored by branch?
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 2:19 PM
Both the DIVS and I had STRONG gut feelings (the Holy Spirit for me) that something wasn’t right about the whole thing, including we almost never shuttle Crews in Type I helicopters.
I found out later, the Zion Helitack module had been asked to remove trees in the departure that ‘the pilots’ didn’t feel comfortable with. They were only ‘allowed’ to cut the ones the pilots identified (the Helitack personnel wanted to cut more) and a local READ said no due to H-44 being along a wilderness trail.
These were some of the trees the S-61 hit on their departure that afternoon.
Here’s a link to the SAFENET I filed on this deadly fire (a WFF drowned, the Dutch Creek fatality, and more).
I filed others on this deadly fire and I’ll post those accordingly
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 2:20 PM
And another Iron Complex SAFENET
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 2:23 PM
And another Iron Complex SAFENET, this one ending up with a Region 5 ‘White Paper’ regarding NO further nepotism on IMT’s.
The Trainee OPS was the IC’s wife and the IMT SOF1 told me “that’s just the way it is …”
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 2:25 PM
And another on the 2008 Iron Complex, which dovetailed with and bolstered the one I filed on nepotism.
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 2:52 PM
One more link with Carson Helicopter dissenting opinions on the NTSB cover-up and whitewash of the Iron Complex H-44 debacle
Carson Helicopters has challenged the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB’s) finding that company actions were to blame for the Aug. 5, 2008, crash of a Sikorsky S-61N, complaining that the agency tried to “make Carson a scapegoat” while ignoring “an ongoing safety-of-flight issue.”
Franklin Carson, president of Carson Helicopters, denounced as “arbitrary and one-sided” the Dec. 7, 2010, public hearing during which the NTSB approved its final report on the accident, including the probable cause.
Carson said that the company believes that the accident was caused by a loss of power to the no. 2 engine and that the power loss resulted from contamination in the fuel control. He said the NTSB ignored “indisputable evidence” that supports the company’s claim.
He noted that, six years before the accident, his company told engine manufacturer General Electric (GE), Sikorsky and Columbia Helicopters, which overhauls fuel controls, about Carson Helicopters’ belief that fuel control contamination caused engines to lose power.
“Two years before the accident, GE recommended that Sikorsky change the airframe filter for the fuel control from 40 microns to 10 microns to address this problem,” Carson said. “One day after the accident, GE e-mailed Sikorsky asking what was being done about changing the airframe fuel filter. It wasn’t until almost two years after the accident that Sikorsky issued a service bulletin changing the approved filter from 40 microns to 10 microns.”
Carson said that the NTSB “ignored the experienced copilot’s direct testimony that he saw signs of power loss in the no. 2 engine immediately prior to the crash, and … ignored his direct reading of the actual air temperature at the scene in favor of manufactured data that fit their preconceived narrative.”
In addition, he said that the NTSB “lost care and custody of fuel control unit (FCU) parts early in this investigation and from that point forward did not pursue evidence chains leading to the fuel control units.” He said that “significant contaminants ranging in size up to 28 microns” were found inside the no. 2 FCU and added, “There is a history of power loss problems due to contaminants in the FCU because of inadequate fuel filtering that was known by the manufacturer and not properly explored by the NTSB.”
Carson said that the NTSB did not participate in independent flight tests that were conducted in density altitude conditions that matched those at the accident site. The tests verified U.S. Federal Aviation Administration performance charts that showed that the helicopter had more than enough power to fly out of Helispot-44, he said.
He also said that the NTSB’s primary investigation team “had no relevant helicopter experience to properly investigate this accident and misplaced their emphasis on poorly contrived data instead of concentrating on the hard evidence leading to the ultimate cause of this accident and an ongoing safety-of-flight issue.”
Another key safety issue that contributed to the deaths was the COMPLICATED SEAT BELTS THAT WERE REQUIRED BY USFS CONTRACT that were very difficult to open and close. These were NO longer required after the H-44 Fatalities.
WantsToKnowTheTruth says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 4:06 PM
Reply to Woodsman post on
December 5, 2015 at 2:03 pm
>> Woodsman said…
>> Now that’s interesting. When I read the
>> recommendations by NTSB, it was full
>> of weight problems, load miscalculations,
>> etc……..then just throw in there was
>> ‘oh by the way, should have had
>> a 10 micron fuel filter…’ It was a
>> recommendation that didn’t seem to
>> fit the nature of all the rest. I guess
>> that’s why.
>> So, why is the owner of Carson
>> Helos headed to or in jail?
I beleive that despite all the controversy about ‘power loss’ versus ‘based weight representation issues’… Carson Helicopters WAS found to have been totally mis-representing the BASE WEIGHT of the contracted helo and it was then proven that Carson executives went to great lengths to try and cover THIS up… including ORDERING employees to remove all kinds of shit from their other helicopters before the FEDS came snooping around so that the estimated BASE WEIGHT they were already reporting for THOSE ‘other’ Federally contracted helos would end up ‘matching reality’.
See the following article…
The Mail Tribune
Article Title: ‘Pure greed’ led to deadly Carson helicopter crash, feds say
Former Carson Helicopters VP Steven Metheny faces 15 years in prison
PUBLISHED: AprIL 14, 2015 at 9:45 am
By Mark Freeman
At the top of the article is a photograph of the crash scene, including the ‘trees’ in question.
Robert the Second says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 4:49 PM
WTKTT and Woodsman,
I will stand by and support Mr. Carson and Carson Helicopters forever. Yes, there were two Carson employees that were to blame for nefarious deeds related to the crash; one for falsifying the performance charts and the other, an executive, for knowing about it all and going along with it.
I do NOT and will NOT believe anything in any news media that gets it’s ‘information’ from doled out ‘Talking Points’, spoon fed to them by the Public (Dis)Information Officers of that Agency.
When any Government Agency puts out ‘Talking Points’, they are trying to hide something, pure and simple.
Woodsman says
DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 5:35 PM
Copy that. You know way more about it than I do as I just heard about it today and you were actually there.
Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. THIS one really opened my eyes to the decades long pattern of cover ups following fatalities on wildfires. “Oopsie. We seem to have conveniently misplaced the fuel control units.” Big business and financial interests win again. Spit!
Thanks to people like RTS I would continue to be in the dark about all of this. Now I know. Knowing is only have the battle, however. To win the war these facts must be known and then the other half needs to occur. It being accepting the facts of the incident (truth) AND ACTING UPON THESE FACTS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE! (Learning)
Sweeping all of this under the rug serves no purpose of human decency. All it does is build mistrust in the system and proliferate the existence of poor performing bad people in the wildfire industry. Good intentions are not enough. Results are what matters.
It’s time for actual leadership in wildfire management in the US. 7 decades too late than it should have been…but there’s no time like the present!
Reply to Woodsman post on
August 5, 2020 at 11:00 pm
>> Woodsman said…
>> It’s time for actual leadership in wildfire
>> management in the US. 7 decades too late
>> than it should have been…but there’s no time
>> like the present!
“The time is always right to DO what is right.”
Martin Luther King