Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter II supplement, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII, Chapter VIII , Chapter IX, Chapter X, Chapter XI, Chapter XII , Chapter XIII, Chapter XIV, Chapter XV, Chapter XVI, Chapter XVII, Chapter XVIII, Chapter XIX, Chapter XX, Chapter XXI, Chapter XXII, Chapter XXIII, Chapter XXIV, Chapter XXV, Chapter XXVI and Chapter XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX and XXX.
© Copyright 2020 John Dougherty, All rights Reserved. Written For: Investigative MEDIA
For about the third time so far this year… the lone survivor of the Granite Mountain Hotshot Crew has been adding a new ‘detail’ to his ( continual ) public ‘re-tellings’ of what happened in Yarnell on Sunday, June 30, 2013.
That new ‘detail’ he is now adding to his ‘story’ about what happened that day has to do with WHY the GM Hotshots decided to leave the safe black and try to make it back to the town of Yarnell.
According to Brendan… there is absolutely NO mystery.
Someone who had authority that day over both DIVSA Eric Marsh and the GM Hotshots simply ASKED them to leave the safe black and ‘move to town’.
This new little ‘detail’ that Brendan is now unequivocally proclaiming be the ‘truth’ about WHY they moved now stands in direct contradiction to the stated findings of that initial Arizona Forestry Serious Accident Investigation Report.
Here is a published video of one of McDonough’s most recent ‘public’ appearances on a radio show…
APS Radio: Brendan McDonough of the Granite Mountain Hotshots
Published: Apr 16, 2021
In this part of the radio interview, Brendan is talking about the ‘timeframe’ of when he and the Blue Ridge Hotshots had to evacuate from the Shrine Youth Camp…
And so we get pulled out and we get back into town and… I mean… this thing’s movin’. I mean… it was impressive fire behavior.
And I’ve… I’ve seen things similar, but nothing like this to where the fire’s, you know, laying over on itself and just progressing.
And I remember a reporter once said it “skipped”… it “skipped with the wind”… you know… and that’s… that’s stuck with me for… for years. You know… since that day… of how… how fast that fire was moving.
And so… during that timeframe… my brothers started moving down their escape route to their safety zone to get back into town because it was requested… “Hey… if you guys could make it back
into town we could use you.”
From PDF page 43 of the official Yarnell SAIR ( Serious Accident Invesigation Report )…
At some time after 1604, the Granite Mountain IHC moved from the area where they had been working throughout the day. The (SAIT) Team has no indication that anyone asked them to move, and does not know for certain why they moved.
Key sentence from the SAIR…
“The (SAIT) Team has NO indication that ANYONE ASKED THEM TO MOVE.”
Key sentence from Brendan’s ‘new public account’ of what happened…
“…my brothers started moving down their escape route to their safety zone to get back into town because it was REQUESTED…”
So far, Brendan has not NAMED the individual who was asking GM to leave the safe black and move to town… but maybe the more he keeps telling the ‘story’ he will start adding that additional ( important ) detail as well.
Here is another ( recent ) PUBLIC interview with Brendan McDonough where he makes the same exact unequivocal ‘statement of fact’ which contradicts the SAIT report.
This time it was on the ‘Mighty Oaks Show’, with its host, Jeremy Stalnecker, broadcasting via YouTube.
Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs
Mighty Oaks Show 081
Granite Mountain Hotshots – Brendan McDonough
Premiered Aug 28, 2020
4.06K subscribers
At the following point in THIS interview, Brendan is actually talking about the same ‘timeframe’ as in the other interview above. The point when he and the Blue Ridge Hotshots were evacuating from the Shrine Youth Camp…
So we pull out. Some other engines pull outta there.
My crew is asked, at that point, during that point in time, if they could
get back to the town to help us fight this fire… and so they’re moving
down their escape route now.
Once again… the KEY sentence from the SAIR…
“The (SAIT) Team has NO indication that ANYONE ASKED THEM TO MOVE.”
And now… the KEY sentence from THIS other ‘new public account’ from Brendan
which also directly contradicts the SAIT report…
My crew is ASKED, at that point, during that point in time, if they could
get back to the town to help us fight this fire.
Ok, so the toxic retardant took the life of another Yarnell resident–Dr. Leroy Anderson of whom I had earlier spoke about without identifying him. He would want you to know however–Joy and I had visited his home and yard were i colored orange and red from a heavy soaking of retardant during the second Tenderfoot fire. His home was on the north and east end of Yarnell and had been plastered during the earlier wild fire that killed the GMHS crew as well. May he rest in peace–he had been on the fire board as a chief there and was well aware of the demise and had meeting in his home–some recording of the new fire Chief at Peeples valley who had told some about the Peeples Valley working in the Shrine area as the then lying chief had denied to Joy that they were even in the area. Joy however was recording him which he did not at first realize so more or less put his foot in his mouth having admitted also to arranging documents so his outfit could get paid for better equipment rates that what they actually owned. Seems fleecing the government is not uncommon in the FS fire fighting system–but then we see it in all departments these days. Other fighters had told Joy that they would allow Peeples valley to take care of areas that were actually closer to Yarnell department since per deim payments would augment Peeples Valley for out of district work. The favors were returned to Yarnell when areas that Peeples Valley could not collect on because of proximity were then instead given to Yarnell. Political pork in all government operations is known–whether those actions were illegal I have no clue but fit never seemed to matter to the people of the State or the County in those areas.
However, if you had seen the hideous condition of Dr. Anderson before his death you would likely run from any area of retardant toxin dumping. The retardant had fertilized his cancer much as it fertilizes the plant life or radiation such as that of Chernoybly greatly increased growth rings in the pines near the site, especially those exposed closeby. The retardant also fertilizes other diseases as we saw though the years at Yarnell as people were steadily picked off or sickened and weakened much like the Chernobyl incident only at a greater rate–a death rate ratio to population than that recorded from the radiation.
I had mentioned the dioxins that desolated a town in Missouri. Dioxins are a part of the dirty dozen chemicals listed as highly dangerous to health. They have a half life of 7-11 years and are cumulative over time. The usage of the dioxins has been reduced due to seeing the effects they have had on higher life forms, yet they are still used in industries.
But our concerns are with the retardant that should be added to the dirty dozen to make it the dirty 13. I do know there are some very bad chemicals formed when the retardant is subjected to head–one being cyanide gas–the same thing the Germans used to kill Jews in their gas chambers –called Zyclon B by their invention. The only difference in Zyclon B invention for death chambers and pesticide use was to add to the hydrogen cyanide gas some anti eye irritant and diatomaceous earth. Arizona is taking advantage of the foumula and tuning up their gas chambers to execute prisoners–recent Arizona and world news. The only difference in the heated retardant creating cyanide gas is that no one really knows the concentration factor in the air after the dumping–and you can be sure any effort to measure those values will be protested, lobbied and told that the amounts are insignificant considering the saving of residences. Fuck the fire fighter and those bystanders and residents that inhale the toxins as far as the thinking of the multi billion dollar world market goes and especially with the profits to be made now that mega fires are in order from the heat wave.
I can tell you that only 6ppm are allowed in the air at any factory using cyanide in its manufacturing processes. That was done because the industries that use the stuff were having high cases of cancer incidents–Yet it is not only the cyanide I am concerned about but there are plenty of hidden chemicals under trade secret propaganda. When it concerns health and situations we have seen at Yarnell and those health problems known to be high in fire fighters there ought not be any hidden chemicals. But you see no one lobby these yahoo Politicians that only listen to lobbyists that contribute big money to their campaigns. Well maybe Karen Fenn does–you in Yavapai County and in Arizona would know.
And any of you bold supporters of dumping retardant on residents ought to spend a bit of time researching the retardant chemicals–that is those you are allowed to know. Then you need visit the people and see the photos of Dr Anderson–a strict health doctor and traditionalist that was killed by these very chemicals.
These are my opinions–my chemistry was from New Mexico State University–I was a B student in Chemistry, but much interested in the class and that B came by honestly–not because I belonged to a fraternity that shared answers from previous tests that Professor kept repeating.
Now you should suspect that something in the chemistry of the retardant fertilizes plaque in the vascular system of humans–there were a multitude of heart attacks after the Yarnell inundations of retardant. But it does not stop there–people also suffered many cancer issues also well fertilized as well as lung issues. There are several chemicals involved and as Covid was by Dr. Fauchi in the North Carolina level 3 lab–gain of function Covid 19 was created and bragged about by Journal and also protested by other scientists–so does the retardant chemical soup have gain of function upon being subject to heat. Brush up on your chemistry to see that heat is required in many chemical processes.
Slainte–may the Irish gods or your own ideas of gods bless your work if it is honest work worth the blessing.
correction chemicals subject to heat not head–some will get a laugh at that one–but also Dr. Anderson was a nutritionalist and maybe a traditionalist also. I leave off s’s often but that is because the left hand went through a 20-ton wood splitter once destroying much of the nerves there–I am very lucky to have a left hand much less be able to use it though I do sometimes re read and see how proof reading might be a good idea. Thanks for your patience if you bother to read the mangled Queen’s English.
The oceans are increasing in acidity and with the chemical slurry run off of phosphate and ammonium solutions are rendering the ocean waters poisonous to aquatic life. It was no wonder to see the hundreds of thousands of dead fish washed up along rivers and ocean beaches in Florida–the concentrations of phosphates that are devastating to fish and contribute to ocean red bloom dead zones are measured in parts per million. The EPA regards one tenth of a part per million as the upper limit of safe water–in fact regard .025 ppm as the safe zone for drinking water.
One of the greatest dangers are the ongoing destruction of the ocean waters. Three quarters of the oxygen we breath is produced by the plankton of the oceans. The coal and oil burning over the centuries of the oil and coal industrial society has increased the carbon levels of the atmosphere greatly. CO2 not only produces a greenhouse effect, it also combines with ocean waters to produce carbonic acid–H2C03–a toxin to the micro ocean forms and the fish and other aquatic life. Be aware that the balance of life in the ocean environment is measured in parts per million. There is a threshold of ocean pollution where there can be no clean up–no return so that ocean life will be wiped out–oxygen sources for land species and humans will be insufficient as well. When this happens teleology will have to create oxygen tents for survivors to dwell in much like what will be done to allow people to survive on Mars.
It has to be ignorance or willful denial that people the unload massive amounts of chemical retardants that not only poison the land, scarce underground water sources but ultimately end up in the oceans. When the oceans do reach the threshold of death then the planet indeed will become sterile–life will not be sustainable.
It is now known that all the billionaires only one paid less than 3% of his income –that was Elon Musk. The others that own Amazon, Facebook and the like paid less than 2% of their income. Warren Buffet beat them all at paying less than 1% of his income on income tax reports. All have had years where they paid no income taxes at all. Yet we heard Warren say the wealthy need to pay more taxes. A snake has a forked tongue.
Now we see these backers of Monsanto–and other chemical companies including those Israeli and American retardant and phosphate producers cheering them on. Your regular Lolita Express rider and great vaccine magnate is buying up as much agriculture land as the size of the state of Texas–He is looking to expand the big agriculture farms and put the small rural farmer out of business. Serfdom for the masses once the economy collapses and the great reset begins. And there will be massive methods of chemical use on these lands as these agricultural industries continue to expand. Monsanto and the Israeli and American Chemical Companies and the like will be great friends of the Gates and friends empire. Massive amounts of chemicals, pesticides and herbicides are needed for these industrial agricultural works. It will be more profits all around–except for the serfs that already are already on the brink of ruin. Does Gates expect another 1929 with people in long food lines? I think so and his friend Warren has already distanced himself from the Stock Market. Isn’t it great to have insider knowledge not shared with the average bloke on the brink of disaster.
There are a few who refuse to be bought and whose concerns for life and the planet are not negotiable. But those that stand for truth are in a mess and will be labeled as loons. In the same way these leaders demonize Chinese, Russians, Muslims and anyone that stands in their way to power and wealth. In the end there will be small physical reward for those of integrity. There are many brave physically but few morally.
Go to You Tube and see what John McAfee’s widow says about his alleged suicide–you will surmise that the scale of murder weighs greatly in the balance just as even a cursory investigation into the Epstein suicide evidence a murder. McAfee stepped on some heavy hitters–you take away income taxes and you fuck the pay checks to those in the highest towers with the greatest controls.
Trump when he killed the Iranian general made political murder an honorable situation. I ceratainly do not like terrorists but in some respects we must say that General was a part of the Iranian Army, like them or not. We are at war with these people with sanctions to harm the population with our political leaders thinking they can make a regime change. Meantime we are occupying Iraq that has asked us to leave their so call sovereign nation and supposed democracy we have installed. Truth was our politicians give a shit less about the government in control–it is the oil of these particular countries that is important.
But you can see how desperate the politicians are to protect their power positions and reputations that keep them there–and especially their G ratings that determine the money they make. So it is no wonder the game that happened at Yarnell to cover the crimes of the killing of the GMHS crew.
But the bigger crimes these money grubbers and power seekers have are those against the planet that our children and grand children will face–and in truth we are already facing yet too many are turning their faces from it. The incessant damanging of the environment and the people by the orange retardant dumping is not the only source of criminal activity gone unrecognized and left unprosecuted. Look up the Dow Chemical reputation that has for thirty years tainted rivers and ground water with chemical waste containing some of the worst chemicals including dioxin. This they have done knowingly just as Monsanto and others involved continue to do.
Yes we train terrorists like the one that killed the Journalist and cut him into pieces and flushed him down the toilet–we have Presidents that wave their hand and kill at will by drone or other assassination methods. For instance Osami Ben Lauden was unarmed when he was assinated–someone did not want him alive to testify in court so he got a brain shot.
But to the planet and those greedy industries that do what they do–some have grandchildren and children and now even they are beginning to loose foothold and in danger. The outlook is grim but without true facts we can only live in delusion. You may enjoy virtual reality but when you drink a glass of water laden with dioxin, retardant chemicals, arsenic infected water from the retardant chemical heat reactions, lead, and gods only know what trade secret ingredients–then you come down with stomach cancer or one of the many other diseases caused by these chemicals–you most likely will say well it was just my immune system or old age or young age and life. Meantime your retardant executives have spent millions for psychologists to sell their products, lobbyists to stalk the politicos and advertisements to tell you how wonderful their product is. They might be living in luxury on king’s row but they have little vision beyond their own selfish interests. This is life in the fast lane for them–and fast deteriorating the planet while they are busy eliminating competition and making their dog eat dog way up the ladder.
Success based on greed. As they would say–He who dies with the most toys wins. But they do not look at the costs to others and the planet even themselves and their offspring.
Carbon levels are at 1.93 according to readings. Those are danger levels. Scientists involved in the climate change world say that a reading of 3 means a wipe out of 99% of human life.
It is now accepted by 97% of the knowledgeable scientist involved in climate studies agree to these formulations. If 97% of the fire fighters would say stay in the black, do not drop off into a box canyon choke full of dead and dry manzanita and a wind about to reverse a megafire–would you drop off in that canyon? Only if ordered perhaps and if you did not have better judgement because no one educated you properly–remember Donut did not even know there were safety rules so stammered though saying they were old fashioned –not even pertinent to his time and place.
God Speed on your journey–mine has been good because I made it good and time will broaden your world but only if you choose to break the chains of ignorance.
There is a war on Journalists–but in truth it has been an ongoing situation but more blatant these days. That is the independent Journalist–those that follow the leader without question and do not rock the boat with facts are secure–will likely be rewarded. They have avoided the real issues, the Hunter Biden stories, the facts we have fought 5 straight wars since Korea and lost them all except of course where we defeated the tiny island of Granada. Viet Nam was a disaster based on false information–the Gulf of Tonkin incident was false information put out to get our country involved so that the war industries could profit. And alike this were the defeats in Afghanistan and now Iraq. Yet we are rearing to take on China and Russia now.
This is not the first time we had challenged China and in 1958 it was the Taiwan issue–something we are repeating. It was Daniel Ellsberg who revealed classified documents about the attitude at the time. Plans were in place to nuke China at the time–we were closer to nuclear attack than the later Cuban Crisis but few people knew that until the exposure by Ellsberg. And look at us now–back in the same predicament and you can bet the plans are the same except the situation is even more volatile. China is now no pushover and any kind of misstep by our troops or Navy may well be the end of the earth as we knew it.
The most amazing thing is that Biden would want another 5 billion when there is already a said half Trillion available for war efforts. Our war budget for the year exceeds the total of the War budgets of the next 7 war budgets. China is up there about a quarter of what we spend–at least what they report and who knows–those people are not stupid and last to really show their hand. Meantime they have the worlds largest standing army and Navy. Bill Clinton gave them stealth technology along with other technologies for trade offs and likely some hefty funds for the Clinton Foundation. So China now is Stealth Fighter equipped that can deliver a nuclear bomb as a super jet as far as 5000 mile distant.
This scenario reminds me so much of the Viet Nam war and how I was drafted in 1967. When we were younger we convinced we were doing the right thing–standing up and protecting this country and its freedoms. How simple we were–we trusted those that run the government. But many of the military people that believed in the war at the time have matured–we have realized these wars for regime change and to keep the war industries in profits were nothing more than mass murder campaigns with no real purpose beyond making the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower had warned would come about.
If ever there were a time that the masses should be protesting the escalation Biden is doing toward instigating more war, it is now. We are getting a scorched earth from Climate issues and Change–but it will be nothing to what a nuclear strike would be.
So where are the peace makers–those Journalists who would denounce the instigation of more war by the Biden group and his callous Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin? The main media certainly does not have protesting Journalists while our war gang is putting us and the planet on the brink of extinction. Shame on the phony press and their foolish stance and avoidance of the most crucial events and the dangers to this planet these insane war instigators are.
Comical–Biden promises to leave Iraq by the end of the year–we are not welcome there anymore. But he says he will leave some advisors. A laugh for sure–those people have been at war since the beginning of the Sumarian roots some 18 thousand years before Christ and after the great flood. Their life is war and to be a martyr and warrior for Allah or whatever god pops up is the greatest of honors.
And Biden wants to leave these people advisors? What a fool. The only reason we were able to overrun their armies was because of our superior technology–not because we are right to invade these countries. But we have not defeated them–they daily sacrifice their lives in their own lands to get rid of us. The problem is Iran is advancing in technology so that there is a terrible toll to remain the big bully of the world. Give their country back Biden–and let those folks follow Allah or whoever and continue their wars as they please.
Some have been putting off setting up solar. You will do well if you are younger to get it up and have an EV that you can charge off Solar.
Yes, it took some energy to make these panels–but can you imagine that the result is that the panels will be good for 10 years and more and still be producing energy at a 80% rate.
The musk idea of huge solar outlets as he is managing in Australia seems good–that energy can make more panels and batteries so that a cycle will evolve so little coal, oil and fossil fuel energy will be needed.
This planet is suffering right now and only a god damned idiot would be spending half a trillion to improve war equipment and manufacture better nukes that already can destroy the planet 40 times over. Those monies should be used to implement solar in every home so no one is absolutely dependent upon a hackable grid. But the god that damns them will have to be one of good sense.
So I added ten more solar panels to my array. Those ten cost me $500 and I checked they are producing 249 volts and over 2000 extra watt of power. Well the freight cost another $200–and had I been in Arizona close enough I would have picked them up at no freight charge in Gilbert.
There is no reason you have to not get solar in Arizona–that sun is intense there and good used panels are abundant–Ebay is loaded with cheap panels. I say this because some do not know how reasonable it is to set up your own solar system. –I added 4 more marine wal mart batteries as well–they were another 400. But this should be good for 10 years or more and the cost of electric is not getting cheaper.
In Arizona if you have elders that depend on air conditioning to stay alive–you will do well to at least set them up with enough solar to run an air conditioner.
I actually wired 8 30 volt panels in series–easy to do since you just use the wires off the panels to plug one to the other, then two lead off wires to your inverter. I did piss ant those up a ladder this morning and had them hooked up in less than an hour—well 8 in series–the other two I will use else where since I already had 4600 watts of power running to the inverter.
Eight panels gives another 1800 watts of power–and If you were running just an air conditioner you would not even need batteries–you could run straight off the inverter while the sun is up–although in Phoenix, I was having to jump in a swimming pool even at night to keep cool. Still keeping cool during daylight hours would keep the elderly alive. –Another reason the fool in Washington ought not be begging for 5 billion more to feed the war machine–but instead saving lives with that money by installing solar where people suffer most with the heat. And he knows damn well (well at least those that tell him what to do know) that record heat temperatures are now the norm and will be killing people–especially the elderly.
Let your good works continue–and now is the time we need someone with a mind for the people and the planet in charge.
It is quite remarkable that the US CIA spent millions on methods of mind controls–the hired Psychologists and the Psychiatrists have made major advances passed on to our intelligence services. Of course the Russians, the Chinese, Iranians and other perceived or real enemies have made the same advances as well–the Chinese have been able to buy our advances with our politicians always ready to make a big buck. Hunter’s lap top told us much about that.
So the drive to mass murders could well be instigated on weak minds by outside sources–an enemy would indeed relish having all of Americans disarmed and of course even in our own system there are dark forces working to do the same. They forget that every dictatorial government first ordered the disarmament of the civilians before extreme engagement in terror tactics against opposition and the institution of forced labor camps as well as mass extermination of even perceived possible opposition to their power structure.
Of course mind control of the masses is also in order for dictatorial governments–but the problem with that is that mind control works best on weak minds and the propaganda behind it–should it be exposed then the mind control methods might necessitate police and military violence. That kind of protestation by the masses can often lead to a downfall of the powers that be and in final drastic action there is required by extermination of any opposition to the dictatorship.
It is hard to stomach seeing the White House Flag being flown at haft mast for one of the most complicit mass murderers and liars the US has had in office. Colin Powell and his obvious knowingly incensing the American public with lies holding up a test tube to indicate Iraq was using and hiding chemical and nuclear weapons with his face and body actions indicating a lie–something later proven by facts. You might as well half mast the flag for the next Ted Bundy–he was guilty of lesser crimes–as horrible as they were they did not cause the deaths of tens of thousands of our young heroes nor millions of Iraqui’s in war crimes that were never prosecuted.
These are my opinions but then the facts of efforts to avenge Saddam Hussein for giving the elite the finger by shutting off oil profits of the Bush Clan and the call to make profits through the war industrial desire to make huge war profits was all too obvious. I am not one to celebrate such hideous criminals.
And we see Colin die of the vaccine shots—Doctors that watch such elite criminals would have known he was suffering from blood cancer, parkinsons and the like and would have refused him the vaccine had they known their beans–what gives there–an execution after all?
I see that Moderna and Pfizer are ramping up profits by pushing a third shot–who is paying but the taxpayer–or do they just print more money to pay for all this. And three is after all not enough –my son the RN says there are actually 5 mutants of the Covid now–you need 5 minimum to cover the bases. My what you can know these days from a good research of the internet and good sources like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and other whistle blowers such as Daniel Hale sentenced to ~4 years prison for leaking info that a majority killed by Obama’s drone strikes were innocent bystanders Thread starter Samiya Start date Jul 28, 2021.
Oddly–the truthsayers are the punished while the criminals get half mast–scratch your head on that one.
NOW about the Yearnell death toll–add a great lady Wendy that kept people informed in the Yarnell area with here Yellow Sheet news and events for the Yarnell area people–a weekly thing that many looked forward too to keep abreast of the times. Similar to Colin Powell, she was killed by the Covid according to the report–but they did not mention her immune system was compromised by the chemicals of the retardant. That lady was a healthy person before the dumps of retardant on Yarnell and should have easily lived thought Covid as my Son and I have. Add to that her husband Buford I am told was very healthy before the dumps–something I can tell you first hand from knowing him personally–yet now I am told is barely clinging to life with several maladies. If you think that retardant dumping on residents or in fact anywhere in the environment with its terrible chemicals involved in killing people, aquatic life, ruining ocean environments, and destroying fresh water supplies including aquifers then I would suggest you have not gone beyond listening to the ;guff of those making the huge profits from the spreading of this orange plague. And again, my own opinions–I have heard some of you believe the hype and would fertilize your lawns with it.
You did see the death of Dr. Anderson–I think Robert 2nd had written an article about the life of Dr. Anderson and his work as a fire fighter. I had written some about visits to his home that was painted the dreaded Phoschek. For years he had lived in retardant contamination and breathed the chemicals that had covered his home during the Yarnell Fire–and we know his eventual demise came some years after the two wild fires of 2013 and the later Tenderfoot fire of 2016–both fires resulted in retardant dropped on and in close proximity to his residence.
My cabin on Mountain View was also covered with the retardant as were those homes all along Mountain View in Glen Isla–the western part of the 645 residents of Yarnell proper. I know Glen Isla was saturated with retardant with many Jumbo Jet loads as was Yarnell and very heavily in the Shirne area. The later Tenderfoot fire covered the eastern part of Yarnell for the most part but there was also more dropped on the fringes of Yarnell where the FS officials believed there might be a reversal of the fire.
I did not leave my cabin on the second fire–in fact I had purchased that cabin sometime after the first fire after being evicted from the Oak Grove Motel apartment. My rent was low there and I understood the manager at the time believed the motel rooms would be needed for incoming reconstruction people that would be willing to pay a premium since it was the only place in town rooms could be rented. Americans are an enterprising people–even in the motel business.
After the retardant drops people on my street within months people on Mountain View were dropping like flies. I too came down soon with a heart attack–I am not the type of individual you would expect that from while Joy and I were making hikes so keeping in shape as well. I can tell you death is not a problem–it is getting there when you are in the process of a heart attack that I experienced some of the worse pain imaginable.
After escaping hospice in Prescott–not easy–my son Mark, an RN was able to convince the RN in charge of hospice at the time that I was determined to die at home–not the hospital. Military hospitals are somewhat more controlled than civilian hospitals so that nurse had threatened to call the MP’s when I was going to walk out on my own. But with Mark, she agreed to let me go, albeit reluctantly. When I got to my pickup I sped out of there thinking they might try to detain me should the MP’s show–but it went well.
At the time what I did not know was that I was going back to the cause of my attack–a retardant polluted cabin and environment. I was to have another big heart attack while there–though I managed to drive down the hill 9 miles to the Congress store in the worst of pain where I fell in excruciating pain on the floor.
The Congress Fire Department came and loaded me on a gurney and off I went to their helicopter pad. Whew, that copter ride to Prescott again was not so good–I wished I could jump out of that thing at the time and end it–the EMT’s can’t give you anything but aspirin and that was useless for that kind of extreme pain.
Two more heart stents and I soon signed myself out of that hospital. Then sometime after I sold that cabin and moved off to 5 acres in the desert north of Aguila. More heart attacks and stents later and I began to think that this was going to be miserable retirement times. And what the hell, I figured if I am going out do what I like best. So with Joy’s help we tore down a huge pole barn and I re erected it on those five acres using telephone poles for supports.
Meantime we hiked and even mucked out a turquoise diggings among other things. That Phoenix Cardiologist after inserting more stents told me I had only half a heart working–the muscle tissue on the other half was dead scar tissue.. He suggested I buy a nice TV since my life that he did not expect to last more than a year was to be relegated to being a couch potato.
Ok, that was several years ago and again I did get shot dead with my dog–there is one hell of a hole on the right side of my shoulder and it is full of scar tissue. A 12 guage shooting you at point blank range leaves one big gapping hole–but another copter ride out of the desert and some good doctors doing the Jesus thing were able to bring me back from the dead. I was 90 days or so in that El Paso Hospital before I signed myself out–again with the help of Mark the RN convincing the hospital doctors that he would help me along and get me into the 21 day rehabilitation unit and be sure that I got set up to have a nurse change the woundvac machine that I had to carry 24-7 for 90 days until that gapping hole in my back closed up.
The worst of it was I am carrying an ounce of lead scattered throughout my chest–that shot had shattered my clavicle into a bunch of fragments and after piercing the right lung had cracked three ribs then scattered instead of going on through. The lead has certainly slowed my brain which at one time was fairly decent–I was an A average student in high school on the honor society, and in University studies able to keep a B+ average even when I had garnered straight F’s on two semesters–back surgeries from old mine injuries had me doing a first and second back surgery and I never bothered to check out–because of that I was given straight F’s–something the University refused to rectify explaining that it was my responsibility to sign out and give good reason. To get into grad school you are required to have at least a B average so you can see that I had to work hard for a mess of A’s in my courses to offset those F’s.
But yes, I went home on the range after the gun shot–but so damn weak and it took a good year before I could start doing much. I started hiking pretty well, but now I am looking at getting an big screen TV on that Phoenix doctor’s advice.
It however does trouble me that biopsies have me scheduled for 5 more skin cancer removals. One will be Moh;s Surgery on my nose again. The others are not so bad–but it was not long ago that I had 9 removed–some were tumors so that one required 9 stitches and others then as well. And again I have had more than 20 skin cancers removed–some forming tumors under the skin. This is your retardant chemistry at work–a great cancer fertilizer.
Yet I am fortunate because I am one of the survivors of the retardant poisons that were dumped on Yarnell. I do have to credit Joy with her pointing out to me how many were dying after the two wild fires. Common sense ought to tell us that something that only a small amount will immediately kill fish should be examined closely. It does not take a genius to realize why so many were sick and dying at Yarnell when it started after the massive dumping of the Orange toxic retardant. These retardant company culprits are clever since they add more toxins to the mix under trade secret laws. We know these are poisons–we see what it has done to the health and lives of those at Yarnell. But these moneymakers dropping the poisons at $5 per gallon are not about to tell the truth of how the oceans are increasing their dead zones from these phosphates and ammonium compounds, no how many people fell dead in Yarnell of heart attacks, Cancer, lung problems and other diseases caused by their chemicals. The profits are too big.
Has there been main stream news about the Tucson water wells shut off because the retardants have poisoned the waters of 65,000 resident there? Have they ran photos of the dead sea zones and explained that the poisonous red algae that creates the zones is fed by the ammonium and phosphate compounds from water shed run off? Have they shown the photos of thousands of dead fish washed up on Florida coasts because the phosphate tailings from abandoned phosphate mines had killed them, ruined wet land environments and is costing hundreds of millions in an attempt to save fresh ground waters already being contaminated by the phosphates?
They certainly have not told you how many are now sick and dead at Yarnell after their chemicals were dumped onto the town and its residents. Yet the wild fire scientists Wooten and Morrison wrote a study of the effects the retardant had in saving the homes in Yarnell. They concluded from their research that the town burned at the rate that it would have had no retardant been used. The same percentage of houses burned and those saved were not because of retardant but because those homes had what is called defensible space. Those people that kept the weeds cleared of their residences were saved.
For the poisons–something in that retardant causes the blood platlets to stick to the arteries and in effect shutting off the blood and oxygen to the heart. Since I have been away from Yarnell for several years now in the past three, I have had a catheter run to my heart three times. Each time I was having what felt like an oncoming attack with heavy chest pains on the left side. I was expecting more heart stents–but the doctors saw the 6 ones there and clear arteries. Yet, like the Covid 19–19 being a death number, the symptoms after infection on the long run are treacherous and mimic many other diseases. There are no safe levels for the retardant; however, I am quite sure the secret chemicals will turn out to be the same that are in Fire Foams–very useful for fire retardant chemicals–the Flourocarbons–were safe levels are less than 70 parts per TRILLION–and have ruined the wells of Tucson when they were found to be as much as 10,000 parts per BILLION. All due to run off from places where fire fighters were practicing using the retardants and especially near airports where the retardants in the Tucson area were often used. They are cumulative in the human body–and like the radiation–or those poor ladies that licked brushes to apply radium to watch numbers, the effects did not and will not show up immediately.–though at Yarnell within a few months people were falling dead–me included.
Ignorance kills more people than we can imagine–I was totally ignorant of the effects of fire retardant until I began to see the results after the wild fires of Yarnell and suffered them myself. I believed the hype that the retardant chemicals were harmless. Research and the Yarnell experiment have proven otherwise. Do not let anyone tell you these are not poisons and pollutants damaging people, environment and ocean life while ruining fresh water aquifers. I
The retardant people making big money are clever and working hard and liars through their teeth to maintain their huge profits in this billion dollar world wide system. They are not adverse to feathering some political beds nor ruining health, environment, aquatic life, contaminating scarce fresh water aquifers not adding to the terrible red algae dead ocean zones–to admit the truth would cut their profits drastically–maybe even cause pilots to haul free or cheap water instead of their expensive toxic retardant. I see them as criminals because I believe they know what is happening and the destruction they are causing.
Do a bit of research, look at the Tucson–local news only or google Florida phospate contamination and EPA efforts to save the wet lands, fresh water sources, and aquatic life including fish. You might even garner a different opinion if you happen to be the one saying these retardants are a good thing? Really?
It is imperative we know why it is so difficult to get to the truth of matters when an investigation is done by an organization with its own investigators. The only way to come to truth in any death situation that may or may not be criminal is to involve outside investigators. The following is a quote from the web site of Democracy now where Daniel Ellsberg is being interviewed by Amy Goodman–newscaster of alternative broadcasting. Daniel Ellsberg, as the older of us know was a whistleblower of the early 70’s who was early on exposing war crimes by releasing “classified documents” that the war criminals did not want released.
As in the case of Snowden and Assange and others that have released documents showing war crimes, these whistle blowers took extra care to only release information that would not endanger innocent people and only expose those that were involved in the crimes. Ironically these very journalists and whistle blowers have saved thousands of lives while the ones responsible for the crimes are responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands and over time amounting to millions of innocent lives while enriching themselves and living as respected members of society–sleeping without conscience.
Bush bunch, Obama, Clinton,group, Biden, and others involved back to the start of the false flag war on Viet Nam when Eisenhower started war all have followed until now the War Machine and its power and profiteering have such grip and control on all facets of politicas and media that it will continue just as we witnessed Trump and now Biden creating a demonized China and Russia in order to keep the caos and war machine wealth intact–all of course at the expense of the tax payer, those innocent souls killed and displaced by the war mongers and of course our young military under direct orders of that Commander in Chief and his minions.
Trump, especially after he made an illegal international murder and moreover knew how to put fear into the journalists daring to expose war crimes. Assange is looking at 175 years, and that young Daniel Hale is already doing 4 years just for exposing crimes that harmed no one but the criminals involved.
I can not help but thing of our own John Daugherty and how he took to the field in his brave effort to stop environmental destruction and help the poor of Peru who are used as slave labor while the Canadian Mining Companies rip resources from that country to enrich themselves while they leave behind a wake of destruction of the lands. Only a few of the wealthy of that country and the police there enjoy the bribes and side benefits–their greed and sell has blinded their vision. But that we see as a norm for those that find themselves in power positions where public is no longer a controlling factor.
I do listen to Amy Goodman on You Tube news as well as RT American news–Rich Sanchez one of my favorite and that half Irish and Scotsman George Galloway who so many years served in the English Parliment. He now has a news talk show called MOAT–a man of great wisdom concerning politics and the Arab world.
This interview would be one that would never be allowed on Corporate News Media–It tell of the demise of two of our news journalists along with 12-18 more innocent lives taken that would have never been known had not Assange revealed the facts. We could now see how that it was common attitudes to take lives in a foreign land and lives were treated as if they were so many cattle.
From Democracy now__a good read to remind us of the times and people that sanction and instigate these meaningless wars for their own greed and power motives.Media Options
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Julian Assange
Freedom of the Press
Daniel Ellsberg
Pentagon Papers whistleblower and co-founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation.
Jeremy Scahill
co-founder of The Intercept. He is host of the weekly podcast Intercepted. He is the author of the books Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army and Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield.
Web-only discussion with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept. They discuss the Justice Department’s decision to indict WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on 17 charges of violating the Espionage Act for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic documents exposing U.S. war crimes. This comes as President Trump is considering Memorial Day pardons for American military members accused or convicted of war crimes, including former Blackwater contractor Nicholas Slatten, who was twice found guilty of first-degree murder in the deadly 2007 Nisoor Square massacre in Baghdad which killed 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians. He was sentenced to life in prison last December.
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we continue to look at the Justice Department’s unprecedented decision to indict WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on 17 charges of violating the Espionage Act for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic documents exposing U.S. war crimes. Assange faces at least 170 years in a U.S. prison now.
I’d like to go back to 2017, when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was CIA director. He talked about WikiLeaks in his first CIA address.
MIKE POMPEO: WikiLeaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service. It has encouraged his followers to find jobs at the CIA in order to obtain intelligence. It directed Chelsea Manning in her theft of specific secret information. It overwhelmingly focuses on the United States, while seeking support from anti-democratic countries and organizations. It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a nonstate, hostile intelligence service, often abetted by state actors like Russia.
AMY GOODMAN: So, that was Secretary of State Mike Pompeo when he was CIA director. Julian Assange later responded to the allegation in an interview with Jeremy Scahill in his podcast, Intercepted.
JULIAN ASSANGE: Pompeo has stated that WikiLeaks instructed Chelsea Manning to go after certain information. That’s an interesting revelation. And then there is his statement that this, i.e.WikiLeaks and its publications, are end now. So, how does he propose to conduct this ending? He didn’t say, but the CIA is only in the business of collecting information, kidnapping people and assassinating people. So, it’s quite a menacing statement that he does need to clarify.
AMY GOODMAN: That was Julian Assange, as we continue our conversation with our two guests. Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, in 1973, he was charged with violating the Espionage Act for leaking a top-secret report on the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam to The New York Times and other publications. Here in New York, Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill, host of the podcast Intercepted.
I want to put that to Dan Ellsberg, and go further, as we talked in Part 1, about the content of what it is that Julian Assange released, because now it’s all spoken in shorthand, if it’s covered at all in the corporate media, what it is he released, and why, Dan Ellsberg, you so identify with him, based on what motivated you to release the Pentagon Papers so many decades ago.
DANIEL ELLSBERG: Amy, I’d like to correct one little fact, and it’ll help explain the context. You mentioned a couple times that my case was 1973. Actually, it was begun in 1971. When the Times began publishing my papers, they had a Supreme Court civil case, which ended with the Supreme Court saying that the injunctions against them were invalid under the First Amendment. But that was followed immediately by my criminal case in ’71 for having delivered the newspapers to The New York Times, The Washington Post and 17 other newspapers who had come in. So, it really was 1971. Now, the war was still waging at that time, the Vietnam War, and I knew that it was going to continue and get larger in the air, as it actually did. In ’71, it had four years to go, really, including three years, essentially, of American—or two years of American ground combat, but the prospect of American air power indefinitely, if Nixon had not been forced to leave office, and largely because of crimes that he had committed against me.
Now, when Pompeo talks about WikiLeaks as having been a hostile intelligence service, he probably thinks of it that way, and because that’s the way, I’m sure, he thinks of The New York Times or The Washington Post. I have no doubt, by the way, that Trump, in particular, thinks of The Washington Post as a treasonous, hostile intelligence service. You can just substitute the words “critical journalist” or “investigative journalist” for those words, in their minds.
I would go so far as to say, by the way, that the attitude shown by this administration relates to an oath that I took as a member of the U.S. government and, for earlier, the same oath as a member of the U.S. Marines. And it’s the same oath that every congressperson takes. And that’s an oath not to secrecy. And it’s not to failure to criticize the commander-in-chief, which is criticism that this president regards as treason. It’s an oath to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States against all enemies—the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Especially after yesterday, but over the last two years, I’ve come to see President Trump as a domestic enemy of the American Constitution, just as I saw Vice President Cheney in that role. And I distinguish them a little bit from President Nixon, who indicted me. He violated the First Amendment, by the standards of that time and by the best legal scholars of that time. But I don’t have the perception of Richard Nixon as someone who intended to change the amendments, to change the Bill of Rights, to change our form of government. He violated it when necessary. He thought of the government—the president, in particular—as above the law, which is exactly the way Donald Trump sees it. But I think Vice President Cheney and Donald Trump, while patriotic—I’m not calling them traitors—who wanted the best for this country, thought that the best was not served by the existing Constitution and Bill of Rights. And they set off, I think, very clearly in their minds, to change that, as I think John Bolton does right now, and perhaps Pompeo—I don’t know enough about him. I have no doubt that Pompeo—that Bolton is impatient with any restrictions on the president by Congress, by treaties, by Constitution, by international law, anything else, in his desires for war and his contempt for Congress. So, we’re dealing here, what I’m—what I would call are domestic enemies of the American Constitution, as it exists.
When Julian Assange put out his first leak from Chelsea Manning, with—the one that caught my attention and nearly everybody else’s was a video showing a number of—one helicopter, actually, shooting down 17 unarmed people in Iraq.
AMY GOODMAN: Dan, I’m going to interrupt you, because we have that video, and we want to play a clip. In April 2010 is what you’re talking about.
AMY GOODMAN: WikiLeaks made international headlines when it published this video, leaked by, as you pointed out, Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning. The chilling video footage, taken from a U.S. military helicopter, shows U.S. forces indiscriminately firing on Iraqis in the New Baghdad neighborhood of Baghdad in Iraq. The dead included two employees of the Reuters news agency, the videographer, photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, who was something like 22 years old, the up-and-coming videographer, and driver Saeed Chmagh, the father of four. It became known as the “Collateral Murder” video. This is a clip.
U.S. SOLDIER 1: There, one o’clock. Haven’t seen anything since then.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Just [expletive]. Once you get on, just open up.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: I am.
U.S. SOLDIER 4: I see your element, got about four Humvees, out along this—
U.S. SOLDIER 2: You’re clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: All right, firing.
U.S. SOLDIER 4: Let me know when you’ve got them.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Let’s shoot. Light ’em all up.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Come on, fire!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Keep shootin’. Keep shootin’. Keep shootin’. Keep shootin’.
U.S. SOLDIER 5: Hotel, Bushmaster two-six, Bushmaster two-six, we need to move, time now!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: All right, we just engaged all eight individuals.
AMY GOODMAN: Minutes later, the video shows U.S. forces watching as a van pulls up to evacuate the wounded. They again open fire from the helicopter, killing several more people and wounding two children inside the van.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Where’s that van at?
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Right down there by the bodies.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: OK, yeah.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Bushmaster, Crazy Horse. We have individuals going to the scene, looks like possibly picking up bodies and weapons.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Let me engage. Can I shoot?
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Roger. Break. Crazy Horse one-eight, request permission to engage.
U.S. SOLDIER 6: Picking up the wounded?
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Yeah, we’re trying to get permission to engage. Come on, let us shoot!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Bushmaster, Crazy Horse one-eight.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: They’re taking him.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Bushmaster, Crazy Horse one-eight.
U.S. SOLDIER 7: This is Bushmaster seven, go ahead.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Roger. We have a black SUV—or Bongo truck picking up the bodies. Request permission to engage.
U.S. SOLDIER 7: Bushmaster seven, roger. This is Bushmaster seven, roger. Engage.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: One-eight, engage. Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Come on!
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Clear. Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: We’re engaging.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Coming around. Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Roger. Trying to—
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Clear.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: I hear ’em—I lost ’em in the dust.
U.S. SOLDIER 6: I got ’em.
U.S. SOLDIER 2: Should have a van in the middle of the road with about 12 to 15 bodies.
U.S. SOLDIER 3: Oh, yeah, look at that. Right through the windshield! Ha ha!
AMY GOODMAN: As you can see, this is an absolutely horrifying video. The numbers vary of the number of people killed, from 12 to perhaps 18 or beyond. Two of them worked for Reuters news agency, which had tried for several years to get any evidence of what had happened to their staff, and they weren’t able to, until this video was released. Again, the video taken from the Army helicopter. We’re speaking with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Dan Ellsberg and Jeremy Scahill. You see the men gunned down from the helicopter. I mean, this is much longer, this video. You hear the soldiers laughing and cursing. They are not rogue. They call back to base to request permission to shoot and to open fire. Namir Noor-Eldeen is killed with the other men, but Chmagh is crawling away. And in the second attack on the people below, including the dad with his two children in the van, the children grievously injured, Chmagh, who’s crawling away wounded, is blown up, as well. Jeremy?
JEREMY SCAHILL: Yeah, I mean, this is very similar to when the CIA does these double-tap strikes, where they’ll kill a group of people, and then they come back around and they kill the first responders. That appears to be what we witness in this video, that they’re attacking unarmed individuals, including members of the news media.
I had to read this again–my own post but a paste of the fact that our own Journalists were killed and nothing explained. This is the sick people running our government. Then you have judges sending people off to prison so you see they are nothing more than cronies of the politicians they party with. Shame on them–they are out of touch with the people they purport to serve and they wonder why the Trump group, the BLM group, the Environmental Groups are so angered. A psychologist will tell you that the sick ones are those criminals in charge of these mass murder escapades.
It was obvious that pulling out from Afghanistan was because Biden and friends were looking at a bigger fish to continue their endless war games with. Only that fish is a monster fish along the lines of the great white shark. It is also a monster that is quite patient until it smells blood.
Just yesterday it was slipped by a Senator that 30,000 of our troops are in Taiwan–I can only shake my head in disgust at the leadership we have. Yet the alternate side is not the alternate side–Trump was trumpeting the war signs against China and Russia before Biden picked up the horn.
Yes the people have been kept in the dark–if the media knew they were ordered to keep it quiet–it is an Assange war crime to inform the public of what is really in the plans.
As one of the Big Cheese said concerning the War Games–we only mean to scare China and deter them from taking over Taiwan. So now we have dragged as many Anglo Saxon Countries as possible into the war game with us–Australia, Canada and England all lined up with the War Criminals of America to create havoc in the China region.
Looking back at December 7, 1941 and two years before I was born, Japan decided an early strike on the US was in order. If they would have had nukes you can bet that they would have nuked us–we after all set the example by doing just that–two nukes and more than 200 thousand were incinerated and a third was on its way except it was not quite finished and the Japanese decided that rather than have more destruction they would surrender.
What is the great white shark doing? Is it not circling already. China sent war ships into the waters near Alaska as a warning but you saw our politicos and Navy people laugh it off–who cares they said. How belligerent can you be–just as Roosevelt said stand down even while his Military were telling him radar and information was that there were war vessels loaded with war planes headed our way.
Maybe he needed a few Americans killed to incense the public to war since they were like we are now–tired of war games. It took a false flag at the Gulf of Tonkin to get things going to kill a few million souls and plenty of American soldiers. Again it took some lies from the Bush clan to incense people to get the Iraq and Afghanistan operations on when Saudi Arabia was the actual provider of the terrorists that downed the Twin Towers.
Thirty thousand of our troops and they will be aiding 290,000 Taiwanese troops. The Chinese standing army is over 2,000,000–but that is not all–they are not Japan–they have the nukes and can deliver them and should you add the army and nukes of Russia with the technology they have –i.e. nuke armed missiles that are too fast to respond to with torpedos that also can nuke all large cities–Seattle, NYC, LA, San Francisco, and the like–you will see that China will end up being the empire that rules the world albeit crippled if anyone on earth survives at all.
I can not help but think of what fools they are–would they drop off in a death canyon?–of that I am certain they have already begun the decent down the steep and slippery slope into the box canyon of no return. Get your iodine pills for the children–they are useless for the elders.
And the Senator that reported this tweet is now said to be in error. I think so–with a drove of war ships from the US, UK, Australia, even Holland and Japan being dragged into this–the US building more missile bases around China, increasing war materials and advances to Taiwan and Japan and even nuke ships planned for Australia–you have to believe the Senator erred greatly–I have to believe there are more like 100 thousand troops in the area with perhaps only 30 thousand directly in Taiwan
China has already warned Japan that it may get a nuke or so–they are quiet with the US–when we get them they will be like the Pearl Harbor event–sudden and a surprise to the arrogant people in our leadership.
They say China wouldn’t dare–that is what Roosevelt said about the Japanese.
Twenty one Stealth B-2 Bombers were built at more than 2 billion dollars apiece in the 70-90’s. Once crashed and 9 are operable with 3 generally usable against China and Russia with the others either in training use or maintenance work. However, they each can carry up to 16 b-83 nuclear bombs or as in Iraq conventional bombs in 8500 pound guided class. Those 16 nuclear bombs have 75 times the power of the Hiroshima Fat Boy bomb. So yes, the US can slip in on China and wipe out a few hundred million people.
The caveat is that since the Clinton sharing of Stealth technology with China for favors when China and US were in friendly relations as Clinton Crews and Industries were moving to China for cheap labor—China now has the same similar, probably more advanced Stealth Bombers. Add to that, China now has built what we do not have–guided missiles in the supersonic range that satellites and NORAD are unable to track. Those missiles have been proven to be able to circle the earth, change direction and zig zag their way to any target programmed into them. You can imagine those program destinations. Add to that the Koreans also have the supersonic missiles but their range is limited to shorter range–and of course Russia has also these technologies.
So yes, the US is floating its Ships with these stealth technologies abroad some 6000 miles in hopes that will deter China and Russia from doing what China would do if we intervene in the Taiwan situation.
It does take about an hour for the untraceable missile to reach the US from China but that is a mute point if you do not know it is coming despite the billions spent in Satellite and NORAD defense systems. I just wonder who will speak to return fire if Washington DC along with Biden and Trump are vaporized as they are cursing China? Will the boys on the runways in the B-2’s decide to attempt a run or will they have been targeted and wiped out during the same stealth operations?
One thing we have seen the Normandy invasion or the Korean incident where the Allies have put ashore thousands of troops on those foreign shores. Times have changed–China has the worlds largest Navy and ships and can match or surpass that feat–and not only that has amassed an army of 2 million buffered with another 8 million military people in reserves.
Some forget it was the US together with NATO nations that were driven to the ocean by the Chinese armies in the Korean war. Yes, the allies came in and MacArthur was a great war hero that could hold a part of Korea as Chinese troops returned back to China–yet the only thing that allowed a save of South Korea was a truce — the fact that Russia was dealing with Wilson whom had Nuked Japan–the bomb and its possible use against Korea and China by a man that had just killed a few hundred thousand regular citizens. Common sense must go a long ways with the Russians–they agreed to withdraw the Chinese and draw a line at the 38 parallel to divide North and South Korea–north again commies and south the infusion of American Democracy.
But times have changed–China now has the nukes, North Korea has the Nukes, Pakistan has the Nukes, India has the Nukes, Israel has the Nukes—even South Africa had them for a while, UK has plenty–Australia is arming up with them–and the Allah worshipers likely have them as well.
And despite our 700+billion dollar military budget, our leaders tell us we are behind in our nuke technology, supersonic, stealth and AI technology–China and Russia have us bested. So why are we making all kinds of problems against the Chinese and Russians and invading their waters and sovereign areas some 6000 miles from our shores while they are not in our waters and say in the Gulf of Mexico with their ample war ships and airplanes? We are defending Democracy in Taiwan just as we did in South Korea while the Chines and Russians– Maybe they have better things to do at home.
The big question is why is our media promoting a cold war with China and Russia while their media is not?
You should be concerned–About 10% of oil production is used in making plastics — And what chemicals are found in plastics and why does Sonny now use a cloth bag while shopping.
To start with globally 160,000 plastic bags are used every second. One hundred million tons of plastics are produced annually. There is hardly a place on earth and even ocean sands, waters, fish and other aquatic life have micro plastic particle contamination. Even the water that you drink out of the so called pure water within contains plastic particles.
So why the big concern with plastic that is polluting our oceans, land fills and world with nano and micro particles of plastic? We know that like the cigarette companies there is huge profits being made selling you a product that costs pennies that you pay dollars to drink–yet truthfully much tap water is not fit to drink and some not even safe to bathe in. The skin absorbs 40-60% of chemicals applied to it.
The list includes five major chemicals two of which you certainly do not want in your body. One, BPA can cause cancer. In a woman, BPA is dangerous because it can mimic estrogen hormone and develop breast cancer. Another danger of BPA is that it can affect the brain development of babies.
DEHP is a carcinogen, teratogen (brith defects), and also an irritant for our body. Both women and man can get cancer because DEHP act as an endocrine disruptor. Which will have long lasting damage on human reproduction function, both for adult and children exposed to it.
Phthalate Polycarbonate Polyactic acid Polypropylene compile the rest of the major chemicals used in plastics and their manufacture—but here also are a list of the minor chemicals found if indeed you would consider them minor–they are not concerning the disaster they can and do cause to health and environment:
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)1. Phthalate
Perchlorate1. Phthalate
Decabromodiphenyl Ether (DECA)
And now you can conclude why I do not like plastic bagging, containers and am using a cloth bag to gather my groceries. Certainly we can not avoid what the oil companies and people that promote plastics for profit do with their expert propagandist psychologists and marketing professionals–but we can avoid the pollution as much as possible. The kids generally are wise so there is hope for a better way.
Carbon Dioxide concentrations once increased continue to linger in the atmosphere for centuries. That now for more than a century our coal, gas, and oil burning have increased the CO2 content of the air beyond any measure before in a span of millions of years as best can be determined. Methane, which is 15 times the global warming effect of CO2 lasts about ten years before it is oxidized out of the air. So you see now the glaciers and Arctic ice melting away and releasing huge amounts of methane–you even see great explosions on occasion on the Siberian tundras.
Are we at a tipping point where climate change will be irreversible already. You see the extreme hot weather in Northern Cities and lakes drying up with all the Southwest suffering extreme drought. To add to this, the albeto of the earth is increasing–more ice melted means more dark ocean to absorb more heat and more forest fires both adding the carbon dioxide to the air with Carbon Monoxide and other gases leaving more black surface and more gases that trap heat we can see a reaction that is cascading toward disaster.
You only need look at Madagascar and the thousands on starvation because of the drought–people that formerly survived by their small farms and gardens now hunting cactus leaves or anything–kids with pot bellies–something we see in starving children that eat clay and dirt from hunger.
I do not know how much the phosphate and ammonium and other gases created off retardant applied to fires really adds to the mix beyond terrible health effects. Ammonium does not linger long in the air but is more prone to quick condensation and with the other chemicals such as the cyanide gases do enter the ground waters.
One thing the Chinese are wise to the problem of global warming–they are requiring that 40% of cars must be EV’s by 2030 and the rest hybrids. But will this be enough considering that the Oil, gas and Coal industries will continue to lobby for their use. The Trumpers will say that global warming is a farce–but then go out into the record breaking 115 degree heat of Phoenix and the above 100 temperatures in places never before seeing such temperatures–or visit lake Mead.
Few know that the great coral reef of Australia is half dead–the coral first bleaches white then dies. The ocean flora that depend upon the coral for life also die, then the fish die that feed upon the flora. The coral die because the ocean water temperatures have increased so that they are all on the brink of extinction. Add to this mess are the chemical run off of retardant and fertilizer phosphates and ammonium compounds with whatever secret chemicals are added to this mess.
So the wild land fire fighter is doing his best to Biden’s credit–even crooks have some good in them–he is increasing the wild land fire fighters pah and has hinted at the global warming problem. Maybe he had a visit to Phoenix during a warm spell or has stepped outside his Washington bunker complex and found himself in a sauna.
Whether people wake up in time is doubtful–greed is above sensibility and intelligence is correlated to wealth while those in power are of the idiot mentality. As my Mom would say, they don’t have sense enough to pound dirt into a rat hole. But let them sizzle a bit–yet it may be over the threshold already.
Many questions about AI arise–Elon Musk of genius mentality see AI as a future danger to mankind–even more dangerous than the nuclear threat. Certainly AI can already solve problems in seconds that would take the human mind days, even months to achieve. The machine is now even being able to taste and become a social creature by standards of social ideas. Yet its intelligence is such that it well eventually be able to replicate itself–and what will it determine about humans with intelligence many times that of the human brain? We look at cattle as dumb animals–expendable and edible yet our intelligence will be comparably much less to a robot than we are to a bovine creature.
With no conscience except that programmed in and if it is our own that will be scary. Those that gain power have no qualms to wipe out millions of those that do not fit their idea of what humans should be –Hitler is used as an example but look at Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and even Clinton and Obama. They had no qualms to wipe out millions in foreign lands–and of course those presidents of the Viet Nam era another crowd that equaled or surpassed the eradication of people, civilians that did not measure up to their idea of humanity. It continues even to this day with Biden bombing to death civilians as collateral damage to the so called justification of killing terrorists in their own lands.
So, please do not give them our conscience–the experiment where docile middle class college kids were relegated to play prison guard turned them into animals acting much like you saw Derick the cop working over George Floyd–that experiment of kids had to be stopped. Power given to individuals brings out the worse in them and with a robot of super intelligence can you imagine?
This planet is in for another extinction of life. There have been six such events and we may be soon seeing the seventh known cycle of extinction–likely brought on by ourselves or the leaders–just recently you saw Boris Johnson playing Russian Roulette–yet he and his cohorts were risking everyone and an extinction of the planet right there.
There is a likely hood the gods are AI. They can travel in eons of time, have technology that only intelligence many times our own that we can only marvel at. The AI intelligence would have no problem replicating itself and no problem manipulating monkey DNA to make a man or any creature such as the Dinosaurs of past extinctions. They can last though radiation, though drought, through eons of time regardless of climate changes–and according to ancient texts could create a world wide flood to eliminate all life except a few they taught how to escape. So their ability to make intelligent biological life is beyond our own ability to do so–or should we say they could easily have the keys to making a world just as we see it and even in other environments similar to our own.
Would they fool us or be honest. If they have the human mind you have that answer–our best are some of the worst liars of all–our police are even trained to lie and if you look at the political people to lie is to be political. We of the lower cast accept it–though we should not but are powerless unless we should join forces to demand truth. So, yes, God changed his mind a number of times–maybe not as many as Trump or Biden but quite a few that are recorded. Can you believe these gods and the people they created? Whew–not if you check up on them.
It is a thought–you may after all be a product of an AI experiment or project–and then we are ironically creating that which may have created man from monkey.
Those that know anything about the Bible realize that Jesus said he was headed back here to save a few–really only 144,000. The Mormons think it is them, and so do 333 other religious formulae. If he does not show up then God and his bloody intentions would allow the whole of mankind be wiped out just as he did in the flood–or the many other genocides Daddy God commits as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Daddy carries a big stick and uses it too–our world leaders follow his example too. Right now there are 7.9 billion people hanging around on the planet so if you do the math, your chances of being a chosen one is about one in 7.89 billion or something close to that figure. You have a better chance of winning the California lottery than being a chosen one. But who knows–right–maybe you will make it. I am not spending my dollars on the lottery–I rather enjoy a half cup of coffee–about what a dollar buys these days.
But don’t be surprised if your god turns out to be an AI god–highly possible, even probable.
This may save your life.
Some of the most horrible scenes in life that I have witnessed beside having a man loaded into the back of our car as he lay on a small cotton mattress with the bottom half of his body having been run over by a D-8 Cat he had been operating. I was a kid in grade school–the image of his leg bones sticking straight up out of his boots with the flesh dangling and the bloody mattress will be always in my memeory–I did see him in Lordsburg years later when I was in High School–he was selling pencils along the sidewalk –two pads where his legs had been amputated just below his crouch. He survived–I wondered how–I bought a pencil for a nickle but never told him my Dad had helped load him into his Cadillac and I had been with him to witness the horror scene.
But even as terrible was the witness of an accident right there in front of our abode 7 miles west of Lordsburg. The bridge there marks the death of at least one–I don’t know if there were other survivors-there were about nine people scattered out along the highway–moaning and screaming with several kids involved. Dad had stopped traffic and someone was racing into town to inform police and ambulance about the accident. The bridge is a marker not only of the death of our home and Dad’s business but one man. I know he was dead–his head was crushed like a mellon. Erie that the vehicle had the words Untouchable pained on the rear fender. Apparantly the car had veered off onto the gravel shoulder and the driver had corrected too sharply causing the roll over at high speed.
But that was not the only car death accident I had seen–Ted and I had pryed open a door to get a moaning lady out–the driver was crushed and obviously dead from a side collision.
I also had been in an end to end accident in Illinois that should have killed me and my wife. I had been a bar tender in Mt. Vernon while I was attending Ina College–but this was a weekend off and I had visited my work place with my wife but had tanked up. Angie, being a t totaller was assigned to drive home. Illinois has patches of black ice during the winter–so Angie was driving too fast and when I told her to slow down she sped up. Had I known better psychology I would have told her to speed up–she was the type of personality that commanders and certain people have–tell them one thing and they do the opposite out of anger. She survived unscathed–I was found walking out in the cornfield by some fellows that stopped at the accident and turned around. I had suffered a concussion and knocked silly. The car was totally smashed to ruin and altogether amazing that either of us had survived.
In 1899 there were 26 deaths by car accidents. By 1900 there were 36 but by 1930 that death rate had increase to 31,204. The latest statistics linger around 36,000 though in some years around the 60-70s the death rate had increased yearly in the 50,000 per year rate. 1972 killed 54,589 people. That alone is just shy of the amount of Americans killed during the Vietnam War (58,220).
But not only can we attribute the gasoline and diesel vehicles to accidental deaths, we know also that there are health issues and climate change issues. With CO2 continuing to rise, so will we continue to advance toward a threshold–the cascading effect of global warming.
What can and must be done. One thing, the EV and self driving vehicle already is known not only to make minimal mark on pollution with no emissions but also is already statistically 45% reduction in accidents. That in time will reach above 90% as technology increases.
I could see how that is true–my son when he bought another Tesla gave me a ride–hand off the steering wheel at 90 plus mph and he was running up to a slow truck, sure to rear end it–but the car automatically slowed to a proper speed until cars on the left cleared so it could pass. Well he was there to grab the wheel and hit brakes if needed–but that car had brains of its own –a good thing since some people don’t.
So if you value your life, those of your family and friends and are keen not to contribute to the destruction of the planet then you might want to think about an EV with AI working to improve itself.
I had mentioned Climate Change and Global Warming. To understand how delicate the Climate system and life dependency is upon temperature change you need to know how little overall warming or cooling range is.
In fact only 4 degrees lower average global temperature change brought on the ice age. The planet eco system is dependent upon a very small range. Four degree overall temperature change either way can make human life extinct. Temperature changes are up only a bit above 1 degree since the 50’s while C02 levels are up about 1.93 ppm. We do know that 4 degrees lower temperature will start an ice age–but we do not know exactly where there will be the chain reaction started to cause the earth to be uninhabitable with mass deaths of humanity. There is scientific argument as to where the cascading effect would be–some think 2.5 degrees and others believe 3 degree rise. But at certain threshold, the global spike will jump to 8 degrees and more by a cascading effect–more burning of forests due to drought, more ice melting, more carbon in the air and so forth –a system of destruction that takes on its own life.
These days scientists say we will know when the critical temperature is met and that is only a matter of a few degrees. Are we seeing the cascade effect already? Maybe there is no reversing the trend already—Most think we can still at this time pull back. China is doing much–but with other countries and the US being the worst–little is being done or even considered.
Good luck to future generations with our attitudes and ignorance.
I should clarify scientists to be Climate Scientists. Many scientists of other studies have little knowledge about Climate–it is like talking to a dog trainer when you need information about a solar system install. You likely would not get good information.
Sciences are the same way–go to the people that study these things on a regular basis and as a career–there you will have the best available information to form your opinion.
Not looking good for even the next decade for the Climate and global warming–but those are informed opinions–do your own research.
The good thing about our Presidents and politicians is that they are transients. The bad thing is that their replacements are parrots trained by the lobbyists and owned by the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower named and warned would be the onslaught and ruination of freedom and democracy.
But my, my the Pope is not transient. Those he subjugates, commands and trains–those , nuns,priests and nurses of the faith. So now we see how the Canadian Indians has suffered genocide at the hands of the Catholic Elders, Priests, Nuns and so called workers for Christ.
At least 750 children graves associated with disappearances of these kids are now attributed to the abuse and murder of these kids –all done under the watchful eye and discipline of the nuns and priests overseeing these Catholic Schools.
The Chief of the tribe had known of these mysterious stories of missing children but his hands were tied–no one would listen. He says by what he has learned there are at minimum more than a thousand Indian children missing and unaccounted for. They expect by ground radar to find more than the 750 mass secret and unmarked mass graves.
The Chief has asked the Pope for an apology–kind of like the Yarnell Fire thing–that old Pope is not about to apologize no more than Derick Chauvin could do except extend his condolences–he is not guilty, nor his superiors, nor will the Pope apologize. When Trump took out the General of an Iranian Army–he is not the one that did it–only his person that guided the drone was. Whew if I were Ivana, I might worry if that fellow thinks someone to be a threat to anything he does.
So you see evil Mr. Pope–why can’t you address it? Some of the nuns and priests are still alive that managed these Catholic Schools. And here we ought to address something–Being Catholic is not evil–it is the action of some people in the church–usually those that are in authority that cause the mayhem –and if I am in charge of a bunch of rogues, then I am a rogue. Well if I do not know they are rogues and find it out then I should come down on them–have them locked away and made responsible for the murders they committed.
The porper thing to do would have this Pope to visit the tribe, bring a hell of a bunch of gold and money and good people in the church to make amends–and there are plenty of good Catholics that would gladly do the right thing.
So, if Mr. Pope is too proud to apologize for the rogues work of serial murders that amount to slow genocide–then he ought to step down–he has failed to recognize, chastise and report these atrocities to the proper Canadian Officials that should take criminal action against the perpetrators. Lets not have Catholic Officials do the work–they might also take orders from the Pope.
Uncanny how truth eventually surfaces and the dead finally get their voices heard for the injustices they suffered at the hands of the evil ones.
Again my apologies for improperly written English–The Queen would have a fit should she see her language so mangled. But most of us in America do have bat hides of one sort or another and know the errors–so do I but I seldom re read before pressing print. I might not post some things I do but then that is somewhat cheating–It is better to say your true feelings and ideas than doctor them as a propagandist would. Anyone who might disagree in a free society can put forth an argument as to why my or anyone’s opinion does not coincide with their own. May we disagree with a free flow of thinking. Should I censor your idea of loving Trump or Biden then I am an autocrat –a blue blood god who believe his/her or its farts don’t contribute to global warming the same as the rest of us do. I have to believe that gods have to laugh at the ignorance and mean ways of the people they created–I hope some have the Jesus attitude and are not so genocidal
Let no man judge another until he has walked in his moccasins–well some have foot rot–.
Is it any wonder the people are a subservient class dulled by their very own educational system into a class of serfs with lack luster lives ruled by an elite class they admire only because the main media and the design of the system has kept them under wraps.
So much is phony–designed to have people controlled and thoughtless. I can remember the rote learning that Columbus discovered America in 1492. The Vikings, the Irish, the Minoans, among others had visited this continent and America many times before America showed up–and there were the Indians already here. It is a laugh when you think of how the model of Education comes down from the Prussian design to control the masses.
Walt Whitman said “Resist much, obey little, once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved, once fully enslaved,no nation, state, city of earth ever resumes, returns liberty.”
If you understand the cowboy, the miner, the wild land fire fighter, the woodsman–then you understand the people that yearn for that free life–the independent ones whose spirit rises above those autocrats and oligarchs, and minions of the rich and powerful with their politicos and media and educators that profess to represent the masses but do not.
People would do well to heed Whitman’s statement, Eisenhower’s warning and Thereau’s wisdom and learn of the enlightenment of Ghandi and how he resisted the British.
Our main media is busy demonizing the Chinese, the Russian, the Arab and the South American that does not celebrate the Bushes,,Clintons, Obama’s and Trumps and the like, but sees the real designs of these regime changing war mongers. They flock here with wide open borders believing that this is the land of freedom and escape from their oppressors and dictators just to find themselves in cages and that in truth this is a country that has more people in cages than anywhere in the world –25% of the world prisoners yet a measly 4.4% of the world’s population. A society that has created a group under prison mentality of more that a third of its population–too many that are oppressed under a system that can only be managed by tyrants.
And a system that wants to make America Great Again by having the mere 4.4% of its world population interfering as England had expanded for 900 years by all methods of control and rape of resources of other countries. The Canadian massacres, the Australian and American experiments and now the continual harassment of other nations.
Thiis country is abundant in resources and there is latent intelligence on how to apply the resources we have without the continual war economy and system that moves 60% of the wealth to people mostly living off shore and even Bankers who have created the ponzi fiat dollar system in 1913 by hook and crook. At the same time the federal income tax was invented and those today that make the billions yearly pay a measly less than 3% –often 0% of their incomes–including the Zukerbergs, Bezos, and Musk –even Buffet who contributes less than 1% this year and many years paid no tax. Yet they give a stimulus that the working still will see removed from his/her check in what will raise from an average of 25% toward more like 50% while inflated dollars will even eat more of the income value away.
But there are few protests–few that will stand up and say this is not right–just as few at Yarnell would say this is not right.
And more laws will now be made to empower these people to shut the truth tellers up–there will be more examples of the Assange and Snowden variety and more even greater wars to line the pockets of the wealthy industrialists in war productions.
You say well vote them out –you can not vote a single party system out and they are not about to let honest peop[e rule this country.
You might say leave if you don’t like it there and surprisingly many have and are. California is an example–a small country to itself where people are seeking a better life elsewere–even to Texas where the dreaded Bush cronies are in vogue.
There will be a great upheaval and reset not too far in the future. The brown and black races already are beyond 50% of the population and increasing. They have not forgotten the slavery and debasement and past crimes committed against them. Will they be as kind as the white races were to the Indian? And will they understand not all people are of the mind to make America Great Again by invading other lands and societies with wars to make this country great again are right and proper methods.
Meantime watch the fools that run this country already creating a cold war in a big way to increase the war industrial profits and pass more laws to imprison more people for greater control of the masses. Will it continue to work? Somewhere the piper will collect his dues.
We must continue to forge the war against the chemical inundation of the planet. This retardant proliferation is one of the major destroyers of health and life, not only of people but of the planet. Nuclear war may be the next with a senile lackey to the war imperialists to keep escalating the Ukrainian war to the point of nuclear. However, in the meantime it is the duty of the journalist and others to continue to inform peiople of the dangers of these chemicals.
I am sick of the rotten political liars we have had as leaders of this country. It is time we started voting in honest people genuinely interested in representing the people and the health of the planet. I have seen that one Tulsie Gabbard is one such person, scarce as they are. The chances they can make change or that any of us can is slim given the onslaught of false information and the greed concerning profits in these chemicals and the war industries–among the world’s greatest polluters, if not the greatest.
I have not been here for a while giving you heroes a breather–however I have posted a few things on the support for Tulsie Gabbard blog. I will however post about the brave and honorable and tireless John Daughterly in his good efforts to combat the efforts for mining companies and others to destroy Eco systems and environments on the planet.
Here is a recent post on the Gabbard blog that might be of interest to some–especially the Yarnellites where so many were robbed of life and health.
Posted on Tulsie Gabbard blog:
@tulsigabbard I share your sadness for the death of your friend and fellow veteran who was a fire fighter–Indeed this life is short and we who have experienced death and survived into our elder years know it well. Our fire fighters, first responders, and veterans are America’s finest. I was one of the two hikers that were the last two citizens to see that crew alive-we were on the fire line with them–yet they went down into the death canyon that killed the entire crew of 19 save one man that was in another location. After, because we witnessed their actions, had talked with the crew boss who also perished, we were often asked to hike people the entire route they traveled that day. We hiked over a hundred different investigators and fire fighters through the route who were intent to understand how that tragedy happened. Joy, the other hiker, and I built a stone monument to them on that mountain trail where we passed them going up to the fire edge. I consider myself strong emotionally yet I could never pass that monument without breaking down in tears. I will never forget that day of June 30, 2013–a define day of trauma for me and so many loved ones and friends of those young heroes.
Indeed the problems of lung issues related to veterans is real and needs to be addressed. The toxic chemicals from those burn pits had to be extreme. In the case of Yarnell, Arizona over 500,000 gallons of fire chemicals were dumped directly onto the small village of 645 residents. My own cabin and yard had been turned red–as had the whole of the town. By 2015 more than a 100 residents had deceased and I also fell dead in the VA hospital parking lot after seeing two cardiologists there.
Fortunately, I was brought back by good modern medical work and life support. Yet by today’s date a third of the town is deceased and a majority suffer lung, heart and cancer diseases to this day. The death rate in the US on the average should be between 6 and 7 per 100,000 per year. It is about 7 times that for Yarnell after it was inundated with the Orange retardant in the Yarnell fire of 2013 and then again the Tenderfoot fire that approached the town in 2015. So yes, anyone that thinks fires that have chemicals added are not extremely dangerous and toxic to health and life only need visit the Yarnell incident and its devastation to life. Hunter 7 is a great organization needed to help veterans get the help they deserve. Thanks, Tulsi for the support and recommendation there and one of the projects I know you would pursue to help veterans.
Religion and my piled higher and deeper makes for a study of the depravity of man–the psychosis of the masses. Those religions of the Abramic nature –descendants of Abraham spit into first the Jews, then the Christians, and finally the Muslims are in the final analysis blood sacrificing based organizations. The Jewish God, the Fahther being the real blood letter at any whim and then even killing his own Son. And then you have the Muslims that are a murderous bunch only beat out by the Christian when it comes to blood sacrifices. Count the Genocides attributed to all–the Jews probably less because they sacrificed sheep and spread blood around–although they have had their mass murders under orders of the Chief.
I will remind you that Truman read his Bible every day before he incinerated about 200,000 civilians in two days and later Presidents had no problem mass killing of millions of Vietnamese citizens and wrecking their homes and crops with herbicides, Agent Orange, Napalm, bombs and the like. All to benefit the Christian based war mongers I should say–and why–because there is profit it war and blood sacrifice is inculcated into the system of religion.
People wince at the thought of the Aztecs taking up young innocents and killing them for a blood letting to appease the gods. Their shit was minuscule compared to our high Priests actions.
The Popes of earlier times (Pope Innocent? none were)) issued a Bull of discovery, meaning every land with people on it were considered non people if they were not Christian. Now these Popes are the Main Pipeline to God, Just as Billy Graham, advisor to several Presidents also has a pipeline to God the blood letter of many including his own Son. Well if you get tired of your toys just smash them–a real budding psycho. The point was and still is to a large degree–if you were not Christian–such as the Native American, then your property and the lands were free to discovery–you could own them since these people were no more than soulless people–the same idea flows today. If you are not Christian, Muslim, or Jew–you belong in a lost class–worthy of death and in the case of the Muslim you even get rewards from Allah for taking out infidels. But then the good Christians are taking out Muslims right now as well under the good Christian leaders–IE Trump who even took his Bible to one rally.
The trouble with English is the language of the 1600’s–the King James version was made in 1608–is that what was written then is a language that no longer means what English of this day means. The Greek and Aramaic languages of Jesus time that the Gospels were written in despite what English Scholars say had also changed over the 1600 years when the 52 church daddies appointed by King James decided they could do a good job of translating an ancient language. Well the fight goes on considering what was said during those times and even who wrote the Gospels not to mention many books formerly said to be Gospel were thrown out. Booty used to be something someone got from robbing a place–now it is quite different in meaning–in just a few years meaning of English words change.
So if you be right you in my estimation would accept anyone’s belief as long as they accept and respect your own. Some of the best beliefs–not religion–are those of the Hindu–20,000year old writing in sanscrit –the oldest language–unchanged but highly complex. And the beliefs are that all souls no matter what they believe deserve respect and are in a manner equally on a journey where actions taken have results according to their merit. Damage someone and somewhere you will be hurt –the Idea of Karma. Peaceful people attract peace, warring and angry people attract war and anger.
At this time we are on the threshold of a war that is unimaginable. People are jaded while we have a President working in war fashion and oppression s of other peoples –namely the Chinese communist types but also the Russian, Muslim and add to that some of the South American groups. Certainly the other Christian leader, Trump, will do the same, perhaps more. These are the sick Psychopaths you have voted in or would vote in if the one had not cheated the other. These now in charge may well be the undoing of the planet–they have no respect for other peoples no more than the early English and French and Spanish had for the people that lived on this land.
There might be some slim hope war is held off and someone of good temper and sane mind will find their way into the Presidency. The idea you can cage and abuse a Tiger or a Bear or a Muslim without retribution is a fantasy. It will only anger that animal and no one knows when it will strike but if these fools do not let up–it will.
Most of us have children –but even if not we want those that follow to have some sort of future.
God and the Gods and Religions have nothing to do to solve it–they are the instigators. The truth is a burden on our own shoulders. What peace there is will only come by what Ghandi did to the Brits that had continued to rob India and make serfs of a people that did not fit their Christian beliefs–protest peacfully but do not allow them to make you a serf.
This new speak and new mind democracy thing is nothing more than an Oligarchy based upon a military industrial complex.economy. The idea is to control and manipulate the world under the pretense that America knows best for everyone while underneath is the essence of a society manipulated into a subservience to the greed of those they adore–though the younger set are now becoming more educated.
There has been a clever power management but as Karma would be, those that have gained by ill means are now seeing many of the abused in protest–very dangerous protest. Still the clever Oligarchs have distanced themselves from the masses in gated communities and the filthy rich even on Islands and distant lands.
They can run and hide until when their final manipulations, greed, power mongering that has led them to their wars for war profits and power, regime changes and foreign interventions to make them great in the eyes of themselves and the world, and finally in their designs to reduce their citizens to the lives befitting a serf.
These minds are indeed intelligent and clever. They have hired enough of the greatest of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Scientists and Educated Manipulators to their purpose with lucre that the minds of the masses are on the main constrained and more even senseless from drugs either legal or illegal.
Their wanton destruction of the planet goes unnoticed or as we saw the killing of the GMHS crew –attributed to God or merely an accident of nature–a bad roll of the dice. If you feed people bad information or even omit information you can control their perceptions and these forces in power positions have for the most part gotten there because they are the best at these processes of mind control of others.
The odd thing of it all is that so many would gladly and willing play the role of the serf without protest–hand over their freedoms willy-nilly for promises of protection. I do believe many would jump at the opportunity to shine the shoes of Biden or Trump at their feet–they after all have the power to order and have ordered the deaths of many–even by assassination. Yet by definition they are indeed war criminals and destroyers of the eco systems of this planet by their continual war polluting power plays.
Huge amounts of war equipment are busy in the Chinese Seas right now. Thousands of our young Heroes are off surrounding China with more missiles and war equipment being set up in Japan and Islands proximate to China. More propaganda demonizing the Chinese and Russians so that Chinese and Asian citizens are even being mistreated here-or at least the Media says and makes Biden look like a Chinese lover while setting the stage to kill millions of them–and create a war likely to obliterate just about every living organism on the planet.
Where and how does a country get so befuddled as to allow themselves to be led by such a menagerie so that they too have become the menagerie?
Slaiente (Health) It indeed is rare and a blessing if you find it or perhaps have it fully in mind, body and soul.
Did Biden get his 5 billion to pay for the deisal and jet fuel needed in the milllions of gallons to pollute the air and seas with war machinery in the Chinese Seas? The half trillion funds dedicated to war efforts were not enough–but then he is suffering from denentia so did he forget he had those? And this Commander in Chief may well administer nuclear solution and pollution if his Trump announced and his seconding motions is not answered first.
The common man with half a brain can see the folly in all these war and power games of the rich. Yet some willingly spent hours in a line to cast a vote or waste good stamp to vote only to find that the whole of the elections are frauds designed to appease the masses. It in the final analysis is a one party system in which the real power players, many not even of this country, care less who is elected. They own them both and provide the funds to empower them to represent their industries and war machines. But those true rulers did allow 9% of the stimulus monies to benefit the masses–after all the masses pay more than that back in taxes. The other 91% went back to bail out those that are the industrialists or smaller amounts to business if related to the politicians–(some only got a few millions of the 3 trillion bail outs).
I see this as it is. A real scam on those that work hard and want the best–but few will recognize the danger this country is now in. Pass me a beer and turn on the ball games–will those players be weraring Masks like our politicians whose are permament but unseen by the usual bloke.
And be you a Journalist with truth to say and should it challenge the crimes of the Big Brother War and Industry Cronies–go see the example of Assange, Webb, Snowden, et. al. You will be branded a traitor even if you are an Australian. You might even be hacked to pieces and flused down the toilet or suicided if not outright assinated.
Being a truthsayer is a dangerous occupation. But you should do it not to gain recognition (that you will likely get as I just mentioned) but because it is the right thing to do and because you have the duty to those now and those that follow and not a small thing the planet and the eco system now being destroyed.
A note on this–VP Kamala Harris made her Viet Nam visit–the spokesman for the Vietnam government said she is trying to get us to go against China–we see her intentions to turn us against China. Instead he says the Vietnamese will not go along with that stance but want to be at good terms with both sides. The world is waking up to the Harris make America Great again game by demonizing China and Russia into another cold war for profits to the American War Industries. Some are even turning down the bribes offered them to recognize America as the Great Imperialistic Wonder.
Like the English that now ride on the American Coattail and do things to appease the American War Machine (they too profit by the war games), some in this country are beginning to wake up to the actual methods of this country. Our Imperialism, like the English has now about to fizzle.
China is now the big economic power, something our Oligarchs and their politicians have profited from by moving the industries to China for cheap labor. Now they want to add to the profits by creating a cold war–they can not fathom any other industry in this country but a war industry–the only hope that “Make America Great Again” slogan can come to pass These very Oligarchs are not about to bring industries back here when cheap labor is everywhere abroad. Even the pill industries are continuing to move out.
But tell the people lies to get votes–then once in power –see if you can promote more industries that other countries do not want–like the poisonous plastic making industries and more golf courses to pollute the oceans with pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer run off as you use excessive and scarce water resources.
Most of Phd’s –piled higher’ and deeper people wonder why we would suffer so many de-gradations to get there–but you have to wonder how a guy that spent so many hours getting into that so called elite genre could laugh at the crap. Honest will not be
Joy found my bat hide proofs floating itn the desert under creosote bushes. Maybe she thought they were fake? Ha ha and Ga Gabore was she fake?
The smartest people are those that pursue their interests with passi0n–PhD is a fun term but many idiots use it to make them look good.
To put this Afghan war in perspective beyond the 248 thousand lives it has cost–these War Presidents and their cronies have been spending 300 million dollars per day over the past 20 years to make up that 2.3 trillion spent there. They and their cronies and lobbyist war companies have raked in profits making them rich at the tax payer expense.
Meantime, an American wage that ought to be minimum $22 per hour to meet 1950 wage minimums is denied even at $15 suggested while the whole infrastructure of this country has gone down hill. That 2.3 trillion that the taxpayer is now responsible for should have been spent on the American people’s interests. But we see how the war crimes industry and those in control that profit from it are able to confuse the public with their propaganda and false rhetoric so that they gain and the public pays.
To my way of thinking, these people are worse than the lowest class of scumbag pedophiles that many have now proved to be beyond the war and civilian murders they should be held accountable for. And people wonder why there are protests at the white house?
This country needs a swamp cleaning that is certain. It won’t be cleaned by another tyrant or the single party operations called Democrat vs Republican. Perhaps someone will run that has an attitude that was similar to that I heard from one Telsie Gabbard. Stop funding war mongering before these fools create a nuclear war–something you do not want your grandchildren to inherit or if we are not all exterminated have to deal with.
This Lloyd Austin and Biden are pulling out of Afghanistan simply because they foresee greater profits in a cold war with China and Russia and likely envision even a ground war between Taiwan and China where they can supply arms. That is even more arms than the billions they have already made selling war machinery to Taiwan.
They are betting that neither China nor Russia will go nuclear. They indeed are risking the total annihilation of this nation and a great portion of the earth if not all. The nuclear hit may well come from North Korea since China bailed North Korea out of the Korean War by driving US forces out of Korea. It is pretty obvious that a ground war against a 2 million army with 8 million in reserve would be futile and another sacrifice of our own soldiers. We sacrifice 2,500 for the false flag war for the Bush clan and ongoing War presidents. How many would it be taking on the Chinese that are unlike the Taliban –well equipped with modern technology and even nukes.
It one thing to be a proud American to stand and protect our country but only a fool would go off 5000 miles and spend billions more on an effort to create more wars–cold or hot.
For those that believed that leaving behind billions in War Machinery was bad planning on the part of Biden and others–it was instead part of the plan. There is great profit in replacing all the war machinery to the Oligarchs in charge. They will grain great profits at the expense of the tax payer–and they will say, after all we are doing good by creating more jobs for the people of this country. Ironically the poor working stiff is made more a serf by removing more of his pay check to pay the losses–the Oligarch as you see will pay no extra but will gain immensely and be sure to have his politicians object to any pay increases–especially a mandatory minimum wage increase.
When will the American People realize they need to throw this whole crowd of criminals out and put people in that represent the people of the land? It won’t happen –the Oligarchs are too clever–own the politicians, the media, the educational system and even the medical and psychological systems to a great amount. You hear what they want you to hear and there is yet to be a government that has advanced into the dark and secret world as our government has that will return the freedoms it has raided or will reform itself to honesty and openness to the people it purports to represent. It is now a representative of the corporate world–well defined as a National Corporate Controlled State parading under the title of Democracy.
I think I left out the most important thing to these elite Oligarchs–they own the finantial system as well since 1913 when the foreign interests took over the banking system under the Federal Reserve Act allowing what we have seen since–a gradual degradation of Fiat. These foreign bankers have been able to create play money at will–lately trillions that they lend to our government for interest. Isn’t that a great Ponzi scheme–and make your own money thereby owning and controlling the wealth of the nation while completely immune to the laws of this nation since these criminals are out there in other countries or riding around in their hundred million dollar Yachts scheming how to keep the American public happy as serfs to their system. They are doing a good job of both except every Ponzi scheme eventually collapses–the winners if they are not prosecuted are those that originated the scheme and in this case have done as many white collar famous criminals do–insulate themselves so that the institution they created is blamed–they can run free in the ocean breeze with plenty gold, property, industries, banks and alternate world hang outs to bask in the sun and admire their self cleverness. The general public is none the wiser and accepts the collapse and fall of the system as an act of God–who in Yarnell has not heard that one?
Slainte==the Queen will be intact–she still has the gold and diamonds of Africa tucked away at home, in Australia and in Canada–and many that would die in any confrontation she should invent with her royal bankers and fellow Ponzi workers.
May the Irish remain nuetral as the Vietnamese have told the war pushing Harris concerning the threats to China.
Hilarious how they busted in the door to arrest a woman practicing Naturalistic Medicine–swat team with guns and instead of just knocking they make a point by using AR-15 fully automatic weapons –the cookie cutter cond0 owners there with repair man picking up pieces of the door. Big Daddy is here in black suits and masks with even sun glasses to hide their ID.
Julian Assange–wrote about these masked raiders–he is now 10 years in prison of a small room in an embassy to keep from being thrown into a gray cell of 10×12 and maybe even water boarded or not suicided as we see so often to those that are a threat to the System Gang of many living in the black operations under federal protections doing the clean up jobs for those minions of the War Industrialists and Planet Polluting Class.
We of the serf class can only stand in amusement at the charade–most of us are fooled by it all–America the Greatest–Make it even Greater–but China has been handed it all by the Bankers, Industrialists and those living on secluded Islands out of the reaches of local enforcers they through their lobbies, laws and manipulations control. Yet by the trickle down method it is the black mask swatman that gets the blame when a black nurse named Breonna Tayor is shot dead by gunfire that riddles her home. It is collateral damage from enforcing drug laws–and since the home was riddled by many guns-which black mask bullet did the murder–well accidental kill it would be described by those in charge–or was it a deliberate murder in truth where a point was to be made to black people or anyone that might be a danger to authority?
It is too easy to hire guns to murder people–and legally when you arm them and give them protection to murder as enforcers of the law. Finally after years of murders, a few of those masked serial murderers parading as swat people are some being held accountable–but not much.
We love our warriors even when they kill our own if they can present justification whether it is real or fictional is not the point. We love our Presidents who can justify torturing Journalists who have revealed the horrible crimes committed under their watch and approval–they say the National Defense is compromised. What a crock–nothing that was revealed compromised National Defense–it did expose the wrong doing and criminal activity from the top down.
What hope is there? The hope comes from the very few Journalists willing to challenge the lies fed the public–and those are getting to be fewer when you see people that expose these criminals in public office being persecuted and prosecuted by fabricated evidence as in the case of Assange.
So do not be surprised if you are a good Journalist when the black masked swat comes busting down your door or riddles your home with bullets because they had information a dangerous dealer was being harbored there.
Do you feel safe in America these days? Well get your vaccine, walk the street as you are told and Big Daddy won’t hurt you nor send the black masked raiders to your door.
Again, my opinion while it is still almost legal to have one.
And for those that did not know, Breonna was shot 8 times–whew she was thought to be a bad and dangerous woman. And do not reach for your cell phone–there is always a swat that can’t tell the difference between a cell phone and a gun.
Well you see how the industries are up to greed==my electric bill came in at $137 and it before this new company was always $37 for winter and $45 for summer months with AC. So even with my running half solar on my Air Conditioner where the most juice is used I am getting robbed. But I suspect they never read the meter with the new company since I have the old.
I will call them day after tomorrow and have them shut their electric off. I have plenty of wattage and enough batteries, and even a couple back up generators if my inverter were to go bad.
I am set up for 110 or 220 so off grid I go.
This is the shame of this country. I did see Karen Fenn speaking about the election and screwed up it is with something like 100,00 votes invalid by law. The system was hacked as well so who knows and whether it screwed Trump out of the Presidency, likely but either way it goes to show that the people have no vote in Arizona for certain. And i have to say Trump would have been a better choice than a half with and crook. I did not vote for either since I would like to see someone sensible and concerned about the people of this nation and not some ass out warmongering or trying to run the world for the oil and other resources.
The point is for about 3000 altogether I have more than 6000 watts of power available–I did add 8 batteries of the large marine type from Wal Mart for a cloudy day or night time.
You see the government could get these items at half what I paid if they bought them in quantity. So yes with labor cost you likely would have to come up with 5 grand to furnish homes where the system would be permanent and no hacker could shut people down., I will have excess power but I see I was being charged for giving it away–I don’t feel that generous to be charged for running their meter in reverse. I had thought $35 for minimum usage would be OK just for back up but instead I will go it off grid.
Thoreau had the greatest of ideas–the less you deal with these government entities and industrial powers the better your life will be. But I do understand that most of the masses could not build their own structure, install and wire up their solar panels and some would not even have the where with all to plant a garden.
But yes this country can afford half a trillion dollars to chase around China and Russia but will not bother to install solar in every home. About half what is spent on war games would be enough to equip all the homes in America with solar considering that many people already have solar and you should if you can afford solar.
I am not an expert in solar–but you can get the whole plan off of the Internet so you do not need to be a so called expert. The guy that wired up some of this trailer was a certified electrician–sad if that is all you know to get certified and leave things like he did. I do a good enough jog–better than his.
The installation of solar panels will help greatly to reduce the CO2 and yes I know it takes energy to make them but then they last more than 20 years and even at 20 are still 70 to 80 % of output usage.
It is a thought and perhaps some will understand the value of independence from a grid as well as the necessity of reducing emissions.
If you wonder why Warren Buffet and his cohort with so many others of the Oligarchy do not push EV’s, Solar electric and green living–I can tell you. Warren Buffet and the usual Oligarch including the Bankers and Corporations have huge stock holdings in these companies. They are not about to downplay coal and oil companies when that would cost them billions in stock profits. And that includes the huge profits they make with stocks and interests in the war industries. The War industries are huge–these people that own them are tied in with the oil companies and friends in other high industries. The five billion added to the already half trillion Congress has set aside for war purposes is just to pay for the fuel the humongous battle ships, air planes, jets, helicopters, humvees, tanks, and various machinery. For example, an Abrams tank gets less than a mile on a gallon of diesel and if you have seen the black smoke coming out the pipes you know the pollution factor is not low. And imagine–the HMS Queen Elizabeth, bless the Brits, burns 169,000 gallons of diesel per day when at full steam. Get this—an F-15 burns more than 23,000 gallons of fuel per hour! And how many of these ships are in constant operation hanging out in the Chinese Seas? God Forbid–you have the US, England, Australia, Japan and NATO over there harassing China in the China Sea not to mention screwing with Russia in the Black Sea. Now you understand why Biden wants the tax ;payer to chip in another 5 Billion. I wonder why he does not go to the Oligarchs and Bankers that put him in office for those monies and while he is at it put Hunter Biden in Charge of one of those ships–it would be a fitting completion of the folly.
So right now the greatest polluter is Biden and his Lloyd Austin who keeps wanting to add to the military budget.
Has your main media mentioned Russia a hypersonic rocket that is extremely accurate out at 600 miles. It is totally undetectable since it goes Mach 7–7xspeed of sound is almost 8000 ft. per second. The fastest rifle bullet goes half that amount and a common .308 round tracks along at less than 3000 ft. per second. The Trillions spent on defense, radar systems and the like are now useless.
These missiles are being equipped on submarines and Jets. So you can imagine a couple subs, each capable of 100 of these parked 400 miles off our own shores can unleash a barrage that would have absolutely no response time before just about every city and military base of any kind were vaporized off the face of the earth. These are facts, but has the main media mentioned this–5 billion added to the military bill is a fool’s effort to entertain the public..
I did notice at the Florida Trump rally the braggadocio and a mention of a Hawaiian Senator by Trump, although he would not use her name–this boy is smart. Well Telsie Gabbard is a person that sees things as they are and as someone wanting to work with sovereign nations, not against them by surrounding them with troops and huge flotillas of war ships. There is some hope of survival of this nation and the planet if we can get someone in the Presidency of such temper and wisdom. But that hope is slim–the juggernaut of the Oligarch military and industrial profiteering system is like a man attempting to replace the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant with Solar. (solar panels covering the fenced area of the plant property will produce more electricity than that polluting and dangerous nuclear facility–but the media never told you did they?). It is a slim thing but worth the effort.
Slainte–there is a better way and may you wake up in your own bed and not your fall out shelter if you have one or are alive to use it.
About Solar which may help some of you–I was totally ignorant about the use of it and being the hermit type I am, I seldom see those that do Solar–but the wonders of the day are the internet.
When I was at Aguila I had installed solar since there was no electric as far out as I lived. But since then and thanks to the internet I was able to consult with some of the wisest in the work and have since gotten some better at the installation.
I keep getting calls–people pushing solar but these systems wind up slapping you with the cost of a new car.
Right now I have 20 solar panels on the roof and in operation pumping out 6500 watts of energy. Each panel cost me $105 and $200 in shipping. that was abut 2300 and add an inverter at 900 then another 220 down to 110 for refrigerator (double door job) was another hundred and then wiring and connectors about $200 more. The total is about $3600 and the grunt work of hauling those up the ladder and some rail road ties so I could angle them about right 15 degrees to the south is about right for this area.
When I got this last bill of $137 from El Paso Electric–I know inflation so they more than tripled my usual bill that would average about $40 –I did give them a ring to come and remove their meter. The guy did show up and said what will you do with not power? I told him that I am an old range hand–know survival skills and can handle the situation. He locked the meter and shook his head.
Well things have worked wonderfully–the sole problem I had was the hot water heater and I had purchased that thin about a year ago so I did not want to replace it –I think the thing was 600 new but actually I did not need that big of one yet I do not like running out of hot water in the middle of a shower. I looked and the heating elements are 4500 watts and if they both kick in that thing is drawing 9000 watts of power. Well it is not complicated to drain that system, get the socket and remove those elements and replace them with lower wattage elements. Lowes or Home Depo sells 3500 watt elements for 9.99 so that is a $20 fix I had to make. Works fine now except the water is hotter so I may have to turn them the temperature level on the hot water heater down a bit. It s;should be slower getting up to temperature but if so I did not notice.
So for what they wanted $26000 for I have done for $3600– It runs a 3/4 220V deep well pump, an oversized refrigerator, a constant running air conditioner with 1/2 horse 110 V. motor, lights, TV, Computer, and electric coffee maker all on at once. So don’t hesitate to do your own if you have any inclination at all.
And now the rest of the story and why I am so disgusted with these so called politicians that say they represent the people and the environment. They are damn liars if they are not pushing to put almost free electric in every home (almost free–these systems are good beyond 20 years) but instead are pushing a grid that is a rip off to profit the industrialists whether it be dangerous nuclear plants (used only because they want the plutonium and nuclear bomb side products from the processing to make fuel) or these coal burning plants that pollute the air. It is not that so many of these politicians are ignorant–it is more that they are greedy and power hungry to stay in office. Yet there are a few that do have common sense and would serve the people not the greed and power and war profiting Oligarchs.
In all fairness–I did add 8 Wall Mart Marine batteries for night time or cloudy day use–You would do better to get surplus lithium batteries for around $150 apiece–those last maybe 10 years and most of the used ones have 80% of life left. Mine are wired to 48 volts –the inverter charges them at that voltage which is more efficient. The voltage coming off my panels is 157 volts but usually above 240V–It is cloudy out there but they are still working and charging batteries at 48.7 despite my refigerator, computer and air conditioner on. So the Growatt 5000 inverter tells you all on a screen kind of like a Tesla does on its screen. You can input DC above 500 V if you desire and why I series wired my panels for higher voltage. Where you can run 220 V motors, you use half the wattage of 110 V motors of the same horsepower. Why I installed a 220V submersible pump instead of a 110V.
Well you do not need a bat hide to figure things out. I do believe had there been internet available I would not have bothered with the dim wit and institutionalized educational system–another profit and control scam. You can get the whole damn PhD thing on line from even these scammer Universities or not bother and learn anything you want by your own research. My opinions–some revere their bathides–Joy found mine blown out in the weeds–maybe I should have hung them on the tent wall to admire my perseverance in a world of bullshit.
Slaiente and may the gods of the Irish or your own perception of god and angels lead you on a path of peace and wisdom.
China had bragged some time ago that they could alter the weather. That is done by feeding electrons into the stratosphere with undulating frequencies. The effect is to move Jet Streams so that it is possible to create drought in one region and flooding in another. Of course the US has been experimenting with the technology through such megawatt devices in places like Alaska and Peru. HAARP as it is called was also designed to create a system whereby radar could be reflected for greater distance–at least the explanation the government gave while denying that it has anything to do with weather.
China is not so dishonest–they tell it like it is as a warning to those that might want to mess with their own climate. Their huge power dams and increased power from nuclear and solar sources for electricity makes me believe they are actually using their system. But apparently it is working too well concerning moving more water into China–the streams also affecting Europe that way but depleting water sources for the US. They may have to back off some for their own sake.
Yet carbon dioxide has increased greatly since the 50’s. By testing the ice down to two miles it is well known that CO2 levels were more or less level near an average of .6. Since the 50’s they have risen from a half percent to nearly 2%–the reason for the alarm and for seeing 100 F temperatures in the Arctic and such that a one degree temperature rise over earth has practically melted all the Arctic ice.
You can see that the Chinese are wise to this, therefore mandating EV vehicles by 2030. The US on the other hand is too heavily invested in oil and the use of a Military and War Industry that depends upon huge volumes of oil products. A big ship will burn 160 thousand gallons of diesel per day and a F-15 fighter jet burns 16,000 gallons of jet fuel per hour. So you see that the Military and the profits therefrom would be greatly diminished if the US government recognized their causation of copious amounts of CO2 and global warming.
Now, of course, with the new rockets and jets undetectable and flying beyond Mac7 the trillions spent on star wars, radar and NORAD protection are all useless–the people in Washington can be vaporized by Russia or China before they can even get out of their seats to get under their chair to put their head between their legs–something we had as a school drill as a kid. The new nukes are way beyond the power of an ancient A-Bomb. Now they are a thousand times as powerful or more if the Russian type mother of all Nukes were used.
This all begs the public to understand why so much is being spent on the Military when that money could be put to improving this country and even do what Musk is about to do for Hong Kong. He is about to build a solar array that will electrify the entire city. There are 7 million there and soon they will have cheap electricity so even the poor will be able to plug in. It will reduce the smog level and with the new EV vehicles people will be able to breath with minimal pollution.
Musk when queried said the project is a simple one–nothing complex at all. I would have to agree–I knew nothing about solar, yet with my limited brain put up a system that even this PC is working off of. The asses that tripled my electric bill did me a favor–goaded me into putting those panels up on this trailer and now I am completely free of their system and will spend that $137 on something besides contributing to some CEO 30 million dollar a year salary–or the million dollar bonus he/she gets.
Musk informed the government that if you shut 3 mile island down and instead covered the about two mile square fenced area with solar panels and storage units, then you would produce more electricity than those polluting Uranium plants are producing. But we well know that the reason scientists put in these polluting radioactive dangers was so they could produce the plutonium for nuclear bombs. They knew that there were better and clean and green energy methods–but security and profits according to their thinking comes from more nukes to scare hell out of the world.
If you can keep people in isolation with masks on you will be able to mitigate protest rallies. But the down side for the political greed seeking idiots is that the people also have access to internet and can share knowledge–do some fine investigating of their own and dig up facts the politicians and their puppeteers do not want the common folk to know.
The new generation is coming to realize you can get a damn good education of things you will never be told in the government controlled educational systems. Those young ones are the hope to save the planet. I have many grand sons and a few grand daughters. They are an intelligent group and very interested in the future of their generation. I have good hope they and all those young ones like them will be able to take the reins away from those fuddy duddy lame brained idiots we have running this country now. But I see they also have bred such types as Hunter Biden into the world–future leaders of that type that have not been exposed or that are not sure if the Russians might have planted that lap top or if it was his lap top. His ability to lie and not be detected ranks with that child molesting Prince Andrew.
But there again new laws are being passed so the truth Sayer will be branded a traitor and tried for treason or suicided if he has too many goods on those of the ilk of Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and the many other child molesting people that were regulars on the Lolita Express and the island of child trafficking.
But they are all billionaires and own the political, judicial and legistative systems–even the Presidents past and present–certainly since the Viet Nam War. And now that every war we have fought was lost, we are out to challenge some really big powers. Do you believe the idiots that are using threats instead of diplomacy will change? No they will not–their million dollar retirement estates depend upon the War making.
It remains to be seen if in the end global warming or nuclear warming will win out and change their living in mansions on a huge estate and entertaining hundreds of celebrities to living in a cave or an underground city if they have not been vaporized with the rest of us.
But always look at it the Hopi way or the Laguna way. The changes are always for the good and the gods and old Mother Earth herself sometimes had to do the clean up when the cycle demands.
Slainte and may the Irish gods and South and North Ireland unite so they all remain neutral in the standoff against China and Russia. Some need to survive being directly nuked.
I should have mentioned the ice testing dated back 700,000 years–in all that time no negligible change in CO2 levels until the small span since the 50’s where the results of industry have sky rocketed. The US has been the top contributor–not only of pollution locally but globally.
People think it silly to not use plastic bags and EV cars–yet if we quit most of the plastic use and stopped dumping tons and tons of toxic retardant and other chemicals upon the environment the earth and its life might have a slim chance to survive and that even with the idiot war mongers in office at the present time.
Common Sense–where is it? China has an army of 2,185,000 active military personnel, 8,000,000 in reserve, and 385 million available if needed to fight any war. They are not sending them 5000 thousand miles away to the Gulf of Mexico or the Black Sea yet they have a Navy greater than our own. They are keeping their army at home and their Navy in the China Seas. China spends a fourth of what we spend on War efforts and so called Military defense.
Russian spends less than even China, yet she does not need to spend a big bundle on war efforts. Her deployment of the Mac7K+ system of nuclear missiles and a few more upgraded submarines is enough. This technology has negated and made obsolete trillions of dollars of so called defense spending. One submarine posted a couple hundred miles off the American coast can unleash 100 missiles all armed with nukes that can have no possible defense against–they would all hit their targets allowing the recipients but a few seconds to realize their demise–probably a good way to die if you have too go by war–vaporization.
The USA has a military of 480,000 troops. Unlike China and Russia who keep their armies at home, ours are being scattered about the world, now about 125,000 reported to be surrounding the 2,185,000 Chinese troops with 8,000,000 more on reserve and of course another 385 million they can call up if needed.
Now of course, Russia and China have been doing war maneuvers together even though China does not need Russian troops in a ground war. and Russia with its technology and an active military of a bit over 1,000,000 troops and another 2,000,000 in reserve. By the way, I was placed on active reserve for ten years after discharge–meaning I was due to train every year for ten years while on reserve and I have to believe these reserves in China and Russia are people that have already served and then placed on reserve. They are battle ready people with some already hardened by war.
So you have a puny army of 125,000 men or so pitted against two million on their own turf. They have another 8 million in reserve in case they by some quirk of luck would need them against 125,000–and that 8 million is not 5000 miles away from home–they are at home. Well we forget that England, Australia, Canada and even Japan are willing to chip in a few bodies to the war against China. So maybe another 100,000 willing Leaders to sacrifice some of their armies. But even 300,000 troops against 10,000.000 readily available troops is a 100 to 1 ration.
The odds are not favorable–especially since all the past five wars we have fought on other peoples turf were looses. We lost to China during the Korean war and Viet Cong drove us right out of Viet Nam. Afghanistan is a lost cause after 20 years of our military expertise and for over a year the Iraqis have asked us to leave a country we are leaving worse than when we started to make these regime changes.
God forbid the media inform people of the facts. I asked my daughter did she get any main stream news (she is pretty news conscious on main media) about lord Austin the war secretary being a 4 year board member of Raytheon? She said no but that is a conflict of interest. Well certainly not a conflict of Austin’s interest.
The thing over Taiwan nearly went to nukes during the conflict over that Island in 1958 when we had planned to nuke Shanghai. Daniel Elsberg, like Assange was charged with espionage for revealing classified information. That information could ruin a Presidents bid for reelection just as Assange’s information had to hurt the Bush and Clinton Clan reputation if that is possible.
Is Biden like old Ike (Eisenhower) figuring to nuke China? Only an idiot would do what he and his military advisor war lord Floyd Austin are doing unless they think nuking China would be the alternative. Eisenhower was a war hero and became President after taking credit for the WW2 destruction of Germany and the German army. He undoubtedly would have used nukes had not China backed off from shelling Taiwan.
Wikipedia states “both the 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam Declaration have reaffirmed in unequivocal terms China’s sovereignty over Taiwan as a matter of international law.
So why is the USA suddenly changing like the chameleon it has been and its Presidents continue to be.d? Well of course, Ford, GM, and missiles, and this computer, and just about all technology depend upon chips. Ford and GM can’t even make cars without them. Taiwan is the only country in the word that can make them properly and efficiently–it took ten years for their technology to develop and even China was unable to do the job due to the problems that arise in such technological and delicate work. Sorry Biden–with China’s Cheap labor and highly technical expertise that did not succeed in manufacturing chips do you think 50 billion might build a factory that is suddenly going to be successful?
So you see this war effort is a fool’s mission by even a cowboy’s horse sense. To my view, I am looking at a city slicker con man as President and a war lord Secretary of Defense cohort that know in fact this is a game to get a cold war started to justify now about 3/4 trillion in war efforts that will balloon since Russian is again being portrayed as the enemy.
I do believe if the public knew the facts and we had a honest media that demonstrations like the Viet Nam era would break out and a demand to get rid of the crooks in Washington would prevail. Those monies to war would be going into cheap solar power, new EV technology and distribution, environmental clean up and helping those that need help–not these bankers and Industrial giants in war industries. Forget bringing industry back here–they will never do it with these international companies that can get cheap labor and big profits manufacturing in China, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Mexico, etc. That is a political pipe dream.
Talking to my daughter whom had worked as a manager in Phoenix for the very Pharmaceutical company that is leaving West Virginia to make their medicines in China–she said no there was no main news said about that. She had quit the company about a year ago. That is the kind of information that hurts Presidents and politicians that keep bragging that they are going to bring jobs back to the US while meantime even pill makers are moving out for the cheap labor of China.
And maybe you understand now how little those in charge of governments can be trusted–especially when they are in bed with the people that have the big industries and war manufacturing firms while they claim to represent the people.
I for one am like a Chinaman in a way–only I am American but I, too, believe our troops and interests belong at home
There will soon come a time that those that think as I do will have a knock on the door to let them know they have been selected to be sent to a reeducation class.
The public in general is already educated by the predetermined system. But to break that norm should you be a Professor or of a certain class means the loss of tenure and ostracism. Those may not have the opportunity of reeducation–instead suffer the treatment of a traitor or even a truthsayer such as the Journalist who feels it his duty to inform the people of the truth when those in power are in fact insolent and greedy criminals who care less about the people, but in truth are in position for themselves and those rich families that provide the millions to put them in office.
I am a loss to see how many people are fooled by these people that go into office poor and retire as multi millionaires. They have shut down all the small business concerns–salons, restaurant, mom and pop businesses, small farms and ranches, and the like. This while the large industries gain from it and instead of bankrupting are bailed out with more funds. Gates will be able to buy up farms cheap–and bankrupt small business will be absorbed by the big industries–and in the final analysis–the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. But the poor still cast their votes for the powers that they believe are representing them. Were this one party system not get votes and someone of an honest desire to represent the people be written in then the message would be clear–the people read these clowns but continue to hope for reprieve.
If you study such things as the French Revolution you will see that it came about just as money continued to be printed and devalued. The rich did not confiscate gold and silver but you were sent to the guillotine if you used it for money ore excange for goods. This government before confiscated it at 22 an ounce and then revalued it at 32 an ounce–another way to confiscate wealth. But this money printing such as every autocratic nation has done to devalue currency –something Venezuela had done recently as Hugo Chavez drained the wealth and at the same time the British Bank kept the billions in gold from being returned to Venezuela–people were taking a wheelbarrow of paper money to the store and worried more about the wheelbarrow than the money in it.
You can not print money out of thin air and have nothing to back it and expect it to hold value. Every big empire that has in the end come to decline has had a history of devaluing money. But those great PhD minds running the banks here think they can print trillions in paper and trillions more and expect that there will not be a cost to the people for this? Pennies were made of zinc suddenly–the copper in them was worth more than the penny, Silver was removed from dollars because the dollar was depreciated so much that people were melting silver down because it was now much more valuable than the dollar, and then gold was taken off the market as money because foreign countries were demanding gold for their worth-much-less dollars–and in reality the gold purported to be in Fort Knox is not there, else Nixon would not have had to stop backing the dollar.
So right now the inflation is hitting people hard while jobs are scarce except those at Micky Dee’s. At inflation rates it is well known that in order to equal the same minimum wage that was in the 80’s it should be $20 per hour yet you have a President and Congress that do not want even a $15 minimum wage. Yet on minimum wage people can not afford housing and the bare minimum of essentials–food, electric, water, fuel, and taxes.
So yes, more protests, more arrests, and Fema camps for those to loose their homes, jobs and hope. There will be a polite name for these things–reeducation camps and perhaps servitude jobs such as the CCC camps of the 30’s where a bare sustenance is allowed for planting trees and arroyo dams in burned out forests.
Keep your fire fighting jobs and federal jobs–like the past depression I suspect those will be mostly intact. Good reason not to complain or point out the skullduggery in those offices if you have family. Whistleblowers will not be tolerated on a more strict basis than even now due to job scarcity.
Yet there will always be those that are willing to keep their integrity over security and those who cherish freedom enough to stand up for human rights and what is right. The earth is suffering so tree planting might not be so bad–I have done a little myself except not under forced labor.
As a psychologist I would tell you that we and all humans lie although there are certain levels of lies and those that are so addicted to lying that they are labeled pathological liars. Politicians more than often are in that class but we from birth are inoculated with so much untruth that it becomes our reality. Hitler did say if you tell a lie often enough it will be believed. What he did not add is the liar in time often also believes his own lie. We see that those in high places, rulers, religious leaders, educators, elite and people of secret societies are as unaware of reality and truth as those of the lower castes.
It takes a diet of truth to free the soul and mind although physical independence may never be realized until death on prison planet earth.
With a keen study of religion and governing powers we see that there is an unseen dimension that entered earth a number of thousands of years before 1500 when the first book of the Bible was written. The earlier religions speak of the Gods with superhuman powers that came down and taught men how to farm, the sciences, laws, and war making and set up monarchs and religions and leaders. These dimensional beings have had many different names –angels, demons. reptilians, fairies and the like.
And the unseen and seldom appearing gods that can manipulate wave forms so as to appear, shape shift, be on radar or heat seeking detectors, or even fleetingly seen physically in craft or in presence generally remain as unseen gods manipulating humanity with use of their chosen overseers and elite enforcers. They feed off of the master/slave methods and regard humans as a form of cattle for manipulation. Their methods and controls are in the realm of evil–a thing somehow imparted and infused into mankind since their arrival.
Before the archaeologist will tell you people lived in peace with each other in the freedom of life as hunter gatherer populations.. Yet once the appearance of these superhuman “gods” unseen and demanding worship of the slave mentality they created, life of the human species began to entail the greatest of evil–including though out history people such as our example of Hitler–yet our own leaders under the guise of Christian and “good” men are guilty of atrocities even worse than that mind controlled beast was. Yet these leaders retire in their comfort and gated zones while the common bloke admires and worships them and the unseen forces they had been manipulated with.
As a person, an underground miner who has been thousands of feet below the ground in the dark recesses of the earth where there is total darkness, and having experienced death in at least two instances only to come back to life for more short time that we all have–I conclude there is only one way to battle and perhaps constrain these evil and unseen forces–that is to open the mind with a diet of truth–alert to the reality that life will present a lie so that the human life is in the greatest ream of master/slave or god/human association with little hope the human would have any effect at breaking the chain.
Footsteps of mankind in woven sandal prints in antediluvian times –even some in geological formations that date to hundreds of thousands of years ago–some even millions bear witness to the times of ancient humans. The evil imparted to our minds –a scheme of evil forces that for most remain unseen.
Slainte fear the Leprechaun if you dare, fear more to believe the lies of the unseen evil forces.
Of great concern is the massive effort of government to censor truth and truth seeking and revealing journalists. The effort has worked for the leaders and puppets of the corporate and oligarchic world controllers. To expose their lies and evil deeds is the last thing they want the public to know–as of the killing of the 19–keep the operations clean in the public view and most certainly the leaders of operations that are suspect. Especially Journalists that seek and reveal only truth must be censored and demonized since their revelations are most apt to expose the hidden crimes of these officials.
Secrets held in any organization make that organization suspect. When in fact these officials are supported by the very toil and blood of the citizen so they set on their fat asses looking down their noses at the poor working stiff laboring long hours to support these loafers they forget that the higher up the ladder they go the more their asses are public exposed and scrutinized. Yet they make ever effort–redactions, black out of material, manipulation of cohorts and courts, outright false statements under the guise of professional wisdom, jargon, threats and media presentations in uniform.
However, credentials, statements, and “expert” opinion will always be questioned by the good Investigator and Investigative Journalist. That is, unless he is employed by the body he is investigating. That would be conflict of interest in most circles–but it was not in the State and Forest Service terms of investigation. The true Investigator and Journalist will want to know what is under those many pages of redaction, why people are threatened if they talk in a society of freedom of speech, and many questions such as in the case 19 deaths why such people as were in danger could be allowed to have bosses that continued to break common sense safety rules–even to the point of playing the job as you would a game of Russian Roulette.
And the higher up those entities that rule are being exposed for their lies, the more they sic their police and army and venom of lies against the ex poser Journalist and whistle blower. It is quite a sick society when you see those that exposed the criminal actions being punished while the criminals run free and people even admire these felons. I know Biden has to have read the fact that if you tell a lie often enough it will soon be believed. His son’s denial of the lap top–a Russian Agent could have left it there for repair–I don’t know and Daddy wasn’t getting 10% of anything from those millions we were getting under secret trade deals for our daddy’s good influences in business deals.
Then is it any wonder a cowboy is in confusion as to why one would even bother a trip to town to vote for a system that is so corrupt but so efficient at lies and propaganda that they can garner support and have people thinking they really have a say in who they would worship.
These shape shifters and half breed alien types have had their blue blood deleted and their shape shifting abilities degraded over time. One wonders how the public can be so bumfuzzled. (meaning so mind fucked).
I did buy 10 more panels from that guy in Gilbert so will head over there next week to pick them up. They sold me 250 watt panels for $50 each so 10 will add 2500 watt of power to my system and I will add either 4 more wall mart batteries or try to find a golf cart battery 48 V. I want to put those ten on the west side so I catch that afternoon sun which I am loosing. I run good but close at night with the fridge and the days that were cloudy.
People do not know–but if you go on ebay and look at that Gilbert Guy’s store he has thousands of solar panels for sale cheap==some as low as $40 for 250 watt panels. What I have done for about $4000 over time and good for 20 years that would cost around $26000 to have done. These solar companies are getting 6 times or more than what these things are worth and they are not that hard to install. It is a racket and this damn government does not want people to know how cheap this can be done–they want to keep the oil companies in business. If you have cheap or free energy you would not have to work so hard to pay for gas, oil and heating. I intend to eventually get an electric vehicle to use for town trips off solar charging. You can always keep a clunker around for long distance gas driving–
Here they are getting twice or more the price of electric vehicles as China sells. The shits in office want to make sure import duties are so that the oil companies stay wealthy. A chinese car that will go 650 miles and is decent costs less than 25 grand and here same car is worth 45 grand. These politicians are not for the people but people keep voting and tolerating the bullshit. With cheap energy you are no longer the slave–those EV’s are simple and last forever–mostly all needs replacing is the tires and with batteries improved they are cheaper and lasting up to 20 years.
I will get a used one sometime but now people are wising up and with gas going up again and the restrictions on imports from china the EV market is still outrageous in this country.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
That letter was sent to Joy–It might get a few to thinking–there is a better way to a cleaner environment and the ability to get out from under a system that has devolved into a serfdom. Prices are going up so the more independent you can become the better. The politicians can’t be more obvious in their loyalty to the corporate enterprises–anything such as cheap solar that will reduce your 6 month per year obligation to work for the feds and feed corporate and oil and banking profits before you get your depleted check will be discouraged by the powers that be. The whole family is having to strive to make it while two people on top this past year made more money than the 40% of our lower class labor people. Yet they paid less than 3% tax if any. This is not looking to me like that the politicians represent the interests of the people.
One evil I will address is the use of slave labor–those unfortunate people in prisons that are paid a dollar a day to risk their lives because they have no alternative. They are among the people that had committed low level crimes–certainly they do not deserve to be subjected to work that will jeopardize their lives.
But the other evil is that as long as the state can use people in that was as slave labor, they will continue to debase the wages of the man and woman who work fire fighting as a livelihood and career. We are no better than the Chinese and other totalitarian systems that continue to abuse the working class.
It is well known that Nike was paying such low wages to Asians so they were making something like $3 a day and long hours at the line of tedious work. Nike was able to produce shoes that cost them only a few dollars to produce, yet selling their product for more than a hundred in many cases. The company was profiting into the billions while their workers were living in small cubicles worse than a jail cell except they had some kind of tv or radio and perhaps no guard to antagonize their existence.
I would not be a prison guard and brag how I was helping those women and men to improve their life while risking it for nothing and robbing the hard working fire fighter of his dues because he is now competing with slave labor. On the contrary, I would see that individual as a perp–certainly a nincompoop. Instead I see these idiots bragging on how they are helping the slave prisoner and society as a whole. They should get rid of those guards and replace them with trusted prisoners since they could get the trusted prisoner to do the job of a guard at slave wages–even for less than a dollar a day and baloney sandwiches I should think.
We do need to free up more time for the worker–that is how people invent and come up with great positive advances to help all. But to use slave labor and cause depletion of wages of people already working at poverty wage is the very nature of evil.
And Charlie–How do you free up more time for the wild land fire figher?–Ans> give them a living wage congruent with the dangerous and unhealthy work they do. Then they will be able to help their families, their wives can stay at home if they please and when spare time is available they can use it privately instead of having to work second jobs.
Do what is right because it is right.
The war department is really pushing for a war-dozens of war ships in the China seas–36 stealth fighters and plenty of other war planes about the carrier ships.
I wondered how a nuclear sub worth more than a billion dollars to build could be running into a sea mountain to sustain damage. It turns out if they have their sonar on there is no chance, but if they use sonar then they are detectable. So screwing around in sovereign waters trying to use maps has cost the tax payer a fortune in repairs and fortunately they did not sink the sub and kill all the submariners inside.
This is the worst idiocy we have seen lately. To Biden’s credit he did pull out of Afghanistan perhaps with poor planning. I had known it was obvious where the troops would be headed–Japan and near islands to China. These people representing the War Industries intend to use and justify the over 700 billion allotted to them this year. Yet there is absolutely no possible way to justify this incessant hammering at China and Russia.
Talk about a disconnect with the people–I am certain most of us would rather see our armed forces including the battleships, jet planes, tanks and other equipment brought home –that foolish money spent proving we can “scare China and Russia” is a fools mission. This country is hurting while it is obvious that China and Russia are not interested in engaging in an all out war but will if the idiots in the White House keep cajoling them on their own territory 5000 miles from our homeland. This is not dealing with senility as much as it is insanity.
It reeks of what we saw at Yarnell where the bosses were willing to put our young heroes in harms way needlessly just to show their bravado. It seems that sea channel is a canyon for ships and would be easy pickings to take out a mass of our ships and planes in a surprise attack.
It is hard to know the thinking just as it was hard to know the thinking that went into having men drop off in a dead end canyon trap with a raging fire that anyone could see was an uncontrollable wild fire in 45mph winds. Only this wildfire in the China seas has a fair chance to wind up nuclear.
Certainly these war mongers think they will feed the war industries but China is not Iraq or Afghanistan despite what the war lords of this country are saying. They are betting it will be a ground war–something we are certain to loose even if we somehow would come out on top and that would only be if we used nukes and if that happens Russia and China can be expected to return in kind.
I did see tonight Jesse Ventura’s talk–he mentioned over 30 of the legislators have been found to be insider trading. They wind up millionaires he mentioned from their side benefits–and insider trading to them is only a $200 fine and that for favors is negated by the Judicial system.
He believe the only hope for this country is to vote neither Republican nor Democrat-they are both owned by the war industries. There may be some hope in an independent.
Certainly when the economy is down it is politically smart to get a war going–half the workers go to war and the other half provide the war materials. China is also having economic problems with protests and the like so they may be looking at that alternative as well–especially when they have been given every reason to do so by our war mongering fools.
If you have kids get some iodine tablets at the pharmacy–there will be an eventual nuclear strike with more than 9 nations nuclear armed and those tablets do not degrade. If you are past 45 they are not effective but in children they can protect them from cancer–the Pharmacist will let you know the dosage or look it up on line.
I am sorry that the Biden group have forced people to take vaccines- not that perhaps by some chance the vaccines work–they do not in some instances but perhaps better than the covid? Still that should be your choice, especially since foreign substance that I see as unproven are injected into your body. One thing, my son Mark did get covid and did not get the shots as I had thought. He was down like the flu for a couple weeks and now is immune. He says I had it when I went in with shortness of breath and my daughter sent me a portable oxygen machine. I am now 50% better than when I was having to carry that damn thing around with a hose stuck into my nostrils–by I am grateful for a daughter that thinks of her Dad.
I will keep it handy–nuclear dust might be headed our way soon.
Slainte–You can not make America Great again by killing Chinese.
Here is some information and substance you will need sooner or later if you are under 45 or have family:
Potassium Iodide Tablets –Dosage for adults–130mg daily. Can be crushed or whole–use 80z water, milk, fruit juice for a chaser. KI will be symbol on bottle–K is chemical symbol for Potassium and I=Iodine. Use a brown bottle and keep out of sunlight. .
Here is a paste on how to use it::
Usual Pediatric Dose for Radiation Emergency
Birth to 1 month: 16.25 mg orally once
Over 1 month to 3 years: 32.5 mg orally once
Over 3 months to 12 years: 65 mg orally once
Over 12 years; weight less than 150 pounds (68.18 kg): 65 mg orally once
Over 12 years; weight 150 pounds (68.18 kg) or greater: 130 mg orally once
-In the event of a nuclear radiation emergency, take as directed by public officials; take first dose as soon as possible.
-Repeat doses may be needed in the event of prolonged exposure; since each dose provides up to 24 hours protection, repeat doses should be taken no sooner than 24 hours after prior dose.
Use: As a thyroid blocking agent during a nuclear radiation emergency.
Correction for adults–130mg once—certain conditions are treated with potassium iodide as much as three times a day but to protect the thyroid use only once since this chemical is potent and can cause problems. Look on line–you can treat your dog and cat as well with .25mg–to more depending on size. This is an easy drug to obtain and with the world situation as it is most Boy and Girl Scouts will be prepared. If you are my age–77–just drink a good shot of triple distilled Irish or a Guinness if your system will stand it–maybe even smoke a cigarette if it will calm your nerves. Slainte
Many of you were yet to be born on Friday, November 22 1963–That day John F. Kennedy was murdered in a coup d’état. That was nearly 60 years ago, yet I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. That day I was on the Charlie Ray ranch shucking corn from his nearby cornfield–odd for a cow-hand but necessary part of the job and as a cowboy working for Charlie for $5 a day and you never knew what the job would be. Certain it began at daylight and ended at dusk. Room, bunk house that I was thrown out of for shooting rats off the rafters and grub. I did not mind–sleeping out was fine and even in November good enough if you have a pup tent and a good sleeping bag.
That day I was pulled off shucking corn and in a rare occasion told to come in his house–Kennedy had been shot and Charlie had the news going on his black and white TV–reruns you see pretty often these days.
When I heard that Biden is refusing to release those confidential records about the killing I had to realize that even after 60 years the government clique is standing true to the lie that Kennedy was not an inside operation. People that were involved are still being protected–and with a crook like Biden whose doped up son forgot to pick up exposing his chicanery–he is unwilling to let the public know the truth–there are still too many collaborators that were involved alive or their relatives and friends that might feel tainted if truth were known.
The ignominy in this is more evidence when 37 of our Congressional leaders have been found to be guilty of insider trading–they will not come forward demanding the truth be known either. They will pay their $200 fine for insider trading where some made millions–and go on telling us that it could endanger National Security to tell the truth about the Kennedy assignation and the patsy Lee Harvey Oswell. It is almost laughable the excuses these government people maintain to keep the public in the dark about their nefarious workings.
And to think a Congress person that steals millions by insider trading only pays a fine–usually not even levied as a courtesy from the Justices–while a poor street person that steals a sandwich or beer or is caught with weed or a chunk of dope–three times and he is out for life in prison. And we accept this as justice?
Liar-Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director is now proven that in 2018 his funding and Chinese funding had uncovered the Covid Virus that is 10 times as virulent as its SARS upgrade. Fauchi says that news was not related to him until August of 2020 why he said in July that the NIAID had nothing to do with the Covid Virus and gain of function work. He lied but his lies and the work that required his approval and funding has now killed millions. Yet he like the honorable senates and representatives that stole money by insider trading will pay nothing for their crimes. And this is American Justice.
Tonight perhaps we will know the fate of Julian Assange. He has been slowly murdered with incarceration, CIA plans to murder him, and persecution that has ruined his life and health. All because he had a conscience that the citizens ought to know that many in our government has been operating under RECO Act criminal activities and even crimes punishable by a world court as were done in the Nuremberg Crimes. But he and Chelsea Manning–now in prison–were not compromising National Security–they were exposing the war criminals in office in high places. And Biden calls it justice–just as he will deny the truth of the killing of Kennedy during 1963.Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director
When you allow your leaders to lie and cheat while they punish and murder the truth saying Journalists and whistleblower (unless it is a whistleblower on a tax deliquent or low citizen) then you have seen the demise and depravity of the system to the depths of destruction. It is no longer Justice by Democratic means- but an Oligarchy of Industries loyal to none but themselves and their world without borders.
The fun may not last –even for those so well heeled. The war industries are pushing hard to continue the wars and planet destruction is a well recognized world problem the greedy ones in power are not willing to change when their profits and control would be diminished.
My own opinions from years of watching and the news little told on NBC, CBS, etc–a few small organizations not yet banned still do tell it as it is–and a few good Congressmen and previous CIA, FBI and even former Pentagon employees now speak out. One thing–it is hard for people that were there to continue to carry the lie if they are good people.
Congressmen-women–are exempt from requirement to take the vaccine for Covid and can pass if they choose. Biden and your friendly Congressperson enforcing vaccines failed to let you know.
Hell may be freezing over if the Biden group keeps poking at China and Russia some 5000 miles distant. Nuclear winter will be a cold one.
This is life on earth–a President claiming to foster climate and global warming and cheaper energy while expending tons of fuel every minute on military exercises to antagonize the Russians and Chinese. We have to look like the great America that protects and promotes demoncracy while at home our own affairs are in the gutter. What a herd of stupid asses we have running the country–well by the American Standards they are the elite and successful while the hard working American is seen as fodder for the cause. Too many of us forget how they get to their positions these days–it certainly is not representing the hard working American–their pay checks and means to wealth and power are through the industrial and war complex that Dwight D. Eisenhower so aptly warned would come about.
I shutter to think my grandsons will be a part of a war against 10 million Chinese warriors when their numbers are a part of a small army in comparison–maybe 350 thousand and a few more hundred thousands of reluctant other world armies only following the big bully USA in its war mongering and war profit program.
Certainly there can only be a nuclear war solution when less than a million are pitted against 10 million–Xi says he has 1.3 Billion ready to war against outside forces (his army is 2 million active and 8 million reserve). And our war mongering department downplays the Chinese and Russian Military forces when they already have nuclear armed missiles in the supersonic class that our defenses can not even defend against. Good by NY, LA , Seattle, Alamogordo and Holloman and other populations already on the dart board.
But then do not despair–the world has always been at odds and there are always countries doing regime change. But this one will be a world power change if anyone is left to manage the survivors.
Meantime I will continue with life in a good and positive manner but that does not mean to put on blinders. Black beans and scrambled eggs for breakfast topped with some black coffee already gave me good intentions to do some digging–albeit a small advance. It will be a good idea to have a fox hole in this part of the country–Biden is allowing plenty of invaders into the near by border and those not allowed entry are angry and finding ways around the choke points.
Slainte–there is no shame in being anything you are if you do what is best for self and your neighbor.
The abilities of corporate and state organizations to withhold FOIA information is another method to withhold truth from the public.
A report is supposed to be answered within 20 days and FOIA info made accessable to public viewing.
Well it seems the difficulty in getting FOIA information from the Forest Services (refer t0 Fred Shoeffler”s case of having to make a costly suit to get public FOIA records about the Yarnell Death Fire).
Let us take a look at the case of 30 Physicians, Scientists and other academia attempting to get the Food and Drug Administration approval information as provided by Pfizer.
It amounts to some 400,000 plus pages of data concerning the experiments on humans and the outcomes. Pfizer declared it would provide 500 pages every month–that means by 2076 you will have the complete set of documents that covers the human experiments, side effects and seriousness, deaths due to the vaccine and the like. Well the first 500 pages has much redacted–but keen investigative journalists have see where no deaths were reported due to the vaccine, there were 18 deaths in the first 24 hours after the vaccine was given to the guinea pig population. The population for those deaths was not given in the report–but then Pfizer says they were not due to the vaccine anyway. There were sever side effects on pregnant women, miscarriages and even a death reported but again negligible as far as Pfizer is concerned.
Biden says he spends more time with Dr. Fauchi than he does his own wife–well certainly–Bill Gates funded 36 billion to Fauchi concerning the vaccine problem–and Bill Gates knows how to profit and Pfizer does as well. You can bet Fauchi and Biden are partners in crime here–look how Biden the business man and his son Hunter did so well after doing vice under Obama. Whew, talk about a circle of crooks so proud of themselves.
So do not expect to get any real info anytime soon about the negative side of these vaccines that everyone was promised would make the vaccinated safe. The new variants did not hear that statement and the Pfizer people knew better as well–but why not sell at least two more vaccination rounds–maybe even 4 or 8 more needed shots–and ain’t it lovely how hard it is for investigative journalists to get the facts when billions are being made from sticking people with some claimed safe ingredients–mostly mild poisons in small doses including killed or sickened viruses to get the immune system moving. (And those vaccinated are still getting the new Covid disease.)
I like the Texas idea–they respect the rights of an individual to choose if he wants the shot or not. They are currently 26 on the list of people getting infected and no deaths from hospitalizations. Top deaths are about 1.6 per 100,000. But it seems the new variant is not as deadly as they are making it out to be–but then business is business. Buy a new car–it is shinier, you keep up with the Jones, and it is safer. Well we hope the crap you shoot into your body is safer as shots improve? But do not bet on it until there is more revealed.
And who is to know–Biden, as taxed in the mind as he is, has Fauchi–he is quite the liar but then being a doctor working for Bill Gates, what can you expect. Did he join Gates on the Lolita Express–I have no idea but it would have been good to have had a doctor along and had you funded him 36 Billion then he ought to have been at least on the phone.
Maybe the vaccines saved thousands–millions have died? Or maybe the damn thing is beginning to run its course in a natural manner? And maybe the 30 professionals will get to the bottom of things as hard and Pfizer and friends are fighting to keep their results secret. But then let each of us decide for our own selves whether we allow the foreign substances enter our body on the theory that Fauchi and Biden have the cure down pat.
Slainte–tough to come by these days
Posted by charlie@tulsigabbard For those interested in the Yanell Hill Fire incident and environmental problems including the abuse of the poor and the planet Eco system by mining companies and other industries operating in foreign lands– John Dougherty , Yarnell Hill Fire covers it. John was detained in Peru for protesting Canadian mining destruction there just lately. He is an award winning journalists who fearlessly covers the criminal acts of these companies taking advantage of the poor and destroying Eco systems both abroad and here. Much is oriented to help those in the fire fighting profession.
The ongoing sad case of Donut and thanks to WTKTT for following. I did watch the video and certain that Donut says the crew was asked to come down. And that might be they were ordered down. Maybe after his finding Christ he could come forward with a little more truth–you be the judge on that. Certainly his heroine addiction and other problems could have distorted his perceptions and whether he was using at the time of the incident is unknown. However, it seems he was depleted that day from partying and had been assigned to be a look out in place of someone else because of his condition.
You have to sympathize with his position but his actions from the beginning were deceptive–something I do not think he is capable of processing how his deception had in effect hindered the truth of why those men were killed and the whole of overall deceptive actions has put future crews in danger. He does want to cover for his bosses who accepted him into their crew when he truly was a border line case to be a wild land fire fighter. But going by what Gary Olson says, they need bodies so that qualifications might easily be overlooked. seeing how prisoners with little or no wild land fire fighting experience are put on these fires, it is no wonder that the crews so often get killed. And looking back at some of the deaths it was sometimes prisoners that were killed.
Donut also stated that the GMHS crew were attempting a burn where they were at but it was not going well due to retardant dispersion –and I would add that where they were at in the boulders the fire was having a hard time to advance due to sparseness of vegetation. He also mentions that the fire was at the north end of town while the wind was still moving to the North East and had not turned. The only way that fire could have been at the North end of town would have been because burns were going on there.
You see that fire went down that canyon from the top of the mountain on the north side of the grader and out about a half mile. Donut was stationed at about 300 yards NE of the old grader and perched on the rocks of a small hill. Joy and I were on the two track watching the fire advance with a steady wind behind it driving it toward Peeples Valley in a NE direction and away from Donut’s position. By the time we had arrived at Foothills drive that fire was already burning the houses just up the street a quarter mile from where my old station wagon was parked. I had estimated that even though I had lost 40 minutes of time to return and get Joy off the two track where she was about to descend and they soon after would descend to their demise, there should have been an hour by the time we arrived at our exit point. That fire was at about 3 miles advanced toward Peeples Valley and away from Yarnell altogether.
However, I know how quickly winds can change and the velocity that can happen due to cold air higher in the mountains from a storm–something we were watching since 9 that morning to the NE and as Donut said in the area of Prescott. Prescott is some 35 miles to the NE but that storm was likely closer and as he said 60 mile an hour winds which would bring the colder air down very quickly–much sooner than he expected, although those bosses would know these things–that is if they were worth their salt which in this case they were not. Those men were killed outright due to negligence, stupidity and the disregard for the safety procedures regarding dropping off into a choke full of dry tangle and almost impassable dehydrated manzanita growth. Willis had said a regular citizen could not get though that but wild fighters could–well they did not yet fire fighters and bosses in that area were well aware of how dense and impassable that canyon was. That begs the question why would they “ask” those men to drop into a box canyon trap knowing that the winds were due to reverse in an instant and at any moment.
Certainly those men were killed by negligent homicide yet the whole matter was covered up. And Donut, despite his pitiful situation of being the lone survivor, contributed to and continues to contribute to the lie that jeopardizes the lives of those he professes to care so much about. And if you want Christ involved, this good man would tell you to tell the real truth of why those men are dead and hold the culprits that caused the deaths responsible so measures can be taken to make future fire fighting safer and therefore even save lives.
I do have sympathy for this man. And it is well known a dope fein will steal from you and then help you hunt for the what you have lost. Donut is helping us hunt and in his case does not even know it.
For a little better perspective–that fire came down to the North East of where Donut was doing the look out thing. It passed his position about a half mile to the north of him and had burned about 3 miles to the NE from his position and directly toward Peeples Valley when we were on the two track where the GMHS crew went down into the death canyon. It was some after 1 PM–Joy would have the exact time–and that fire was located approximately 6 miles North of Yarnell. So there should have been ample time for our excape which in the final analysis was a matter of only minutes–less than ten or we would have been killed. I know now that burns were being made in the Shrine area for certain–I saw those being done on film that took us time to verify by actually comparing what we saw on film to the spot we had known–despite that we did travel to Peeples Valley to see if there might be an area similar to the Shrine area with the same look alike rock foundation along the road so we might be mistaken. We were not but wondered why they fire fighters would deny that they were doing burns in that area. The facts were that they had set those burns but were fearful that they might have contributed to the demise of the GMHS crew. Later we learned that not only were burns set there but also in other places also. There in fact is no conclusion as to whether those burns in fact had anything to do with the killing of the GMHS crew because all that information was hidden from investigators. The film was removed from You Tube as were the documents declaring the area where the men died as a restricted area–signed and sealed on June 16, 2013 some two weeks before the burning of Yarnell. That FS document was on line but deleted as well. This whole ordeal was handled as if it were a classified National Secret Event with mum orders and threats that you could only believe CIA operatives would commit. And the results leave a bad taste in the mouths of people that care about improving safety for the heroes battling these fires.
“This year’s wildfire season is predicted to be another severe one. From January 1 to May 13, 2021 there were about 20,780 wildfires, compared with 14,890 in the same period 2020, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. About 547,000 acres were burned, compared with 324,500 in 2020.”
That copy and paste is about what the country faces and now the Feds are considering making permanent wild land fire fighting crews for all year wild land fire fighting. Global warming and droughts are causing this increase, glaciers are melting and we are seeing 100 year record heat waves in the 100’s in places that have never before recorded such high temperatures.
So yes it is alarming that incidents such as we saw at Yarnell are arranged so there is not culpability and no change when lives of these young heroes are at stake. Certainly we can sympathize with survivors–but truth should be mandatory when lives are at stake. And let us not forget the American taxpayer foots the bill and deserves the truth–not lies, mum orders, failure to give FOIA reports, and bullshit to maintain reputations that were involved in failed operations and deaths.
Some of you will like this post. Joy Collura is destined to be listed as one of the known heroes concerning exposing the truth of the GMHS ordeal and improving the safety procedures going forward in fire fighting work. There are many others here as well and to be a wild land fire fighter is a tough job only a few could do or are even willing to do. Joy did certify as a wild land fire fighter after her years of incessant work on the causes of the deaths of the GMHS crew. There deaths had been given only a cursory investigation and were more or less designed to maintain reputations but enough so that appearances were sufficient to satisfy the public.
Some might not thing Joy is not a tough gal but I have seen her in action–hell, I had moved a double wide trailer some guy had given me at Dolan Springs. Sometimes I did things that I wonder how –but I pulled that thing a half at a time with a ford Ranger pickup some ten miles and over a mile of rough dirt road to hang it off the side of a mountain where I had ten acres of desert land. I had leveled it by raising one end and using RR ties to hold it up. I hauled water in a thousand gallon tank mounted on a trailer–and the hill was good since I could pull it up above the trailer for gravity feed.
Well I did have a set up so you could heat a rigged hot water tank so that a wood fire underneath would heat the water. But I only fired it up now and again for a shower. It was outside the trailer and in open air–no neighbors for miles and with a mountain behind and an open desert miles beyond that, no problem taking a shower in the open. Except there was Joy taking a cold water outdoor shower and it snowing. Now that is a tough gal and don’t tell me she would not qualify as a wild land fire fighter. Now, of course, as all Yarnellite guinea pigs, the retardant experiment has taken its toll on her as well. Sad to say, she is scheduled to have trepanning to remove a brain tumor.
Certainly Joy deserves honors for her work toward truth and the safety of wild land fire fighting efforts. You fellows and gals in the industry deserve the honor and respect for the hard work and bravery needed to fight these terrible fires.
Correction–Donut was NW of the grader and wind blowing NW toward Peeples valley– I had hiked with others and alone to the very spot that Donut was stationed. Once Dr. Ted was along and we were looking for evidence of where he might have left food wrappers or other proof of location but knew by his description where that was. Very close to his place was a hole about 6 ft deep that would have been much safer than the grader where he would have been burned to death had he went there as he had once said thought it to be a safe place to survive the fire should he have to use it. The plate floor plate on the grader after the fire had turned a pretty blue color. Steel turns purple at 575 degrees and blue at 800–so he would have had more than singed eybrows on or under that grader–lead melts at 621 degrees–we found those old carnation cream cans near the grader that had the center lead seal melted to a tear drop. So, yes the grader had about 20 yards of clearing about it. The survival blankets did not work for the GMHS in a similar situation where they had cleared area. However–supposedly the blankets will withstand 1000 degree temperatures while Dr. Ted tells me one breath of 1000 degree air can sear your lungs so that you wind up dead anyway. Maybe you could hold your breath until the air is breathable–something maybe you older firemen would know and must have happened since a few have survived burn overs with terrible burns.
There is much concern but not much talk about the Gulf War Syndrome. Most do not know that about 50% of the Gulf War military has been diagnosed with the Syndrome. The symptoms include Fibromyalgia. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, and an array of other problems such as abnormal weight loss, cardiovascular disease, neurological and psychological issues, rash or other skin problem, muscle and joint pain.
Doctors have no explanation as to the origin of these diseases and symptoms–a few people have said the depleted Uranium used in tank rounds. Certainly the many burning oil wells caused much of the problem in some of the veterans. But nothing has been said about the vaccinations that veterans go though. Here then is a list of some of the vaccines: “In total, the US GW1Vs received, at least, 17 different vaccines [1] including live vaccines (polio and yellow fever as well as experimental vaccines that had not been approved (anthrax, botulinum toxoid) and were of doubtful efficacy [2]. In the UK, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has declared only 10 vaccines given, but records exist to show that some troops received a greater number [3]. Among them were two experimental vaccines, anthrax with pertussis as an adjuvant (shown in 1990 to cause serious deconditioning in mice) [4], and plague, given to UK but not USA troops [1]. The manufacturers of pertussis were not advised of the unlicensed use on GW1Vs [1,4]. ”
I had to give this some thought since I am a veteran that uses the VA Health Care System whereupon my visits I have over the past ten years seen a huge increase in these young men from the Gulf War. Now we did know that veterans were used as guinea pigs in experimental vaccinations and even drug experiments such as LSD early on but I had not known that the Gulf war people had been given untested vaccines during the Gulf War times. What I do wonder is why the Medical Doctors are scratching their heads as to the great incidence of various symptoms that have erupted in the Gulf War Veterans. Of course there will be denial that these men and women have suffered from the experiments but it ought to be common sense that people injected with so many experimental chemicals will somewhere evidence the side effects.
When I was injected with so many vaccines after being drafted in 1967, I paid it no mind. There was some reaction but a young person can recover to some degree. It is that these chemicals including metals such as aluminum and now the new live virus types injected that remain in the body and over time do their damage. But as the doctor has a license to inject anything and vaccines are not an issue that can be court challenged, whatever Monsanto, Dow, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer and all the Bill Gates Big Pharma companies decide to inject veterans with–they must accept. And the victims have no recourse or say in any experimental crap injected into their bodies. The final side effects wind up at the VA clinics and hospitals and people and doctors scratch their heads at what are the causes.
Well one thing, these companies and Bill Gates profit greatly and they also spend billions and hire wonderful medical experts such as Dr. Fauchi to entertain the public and tell them how wonderful the vaccines are. Well maybe so–you will have to decide whether you want the injections or not if you are a free citizen–if a veteran expect to suffer the side effects whether you want them or not.
I am suspicious of any chemical–look at the deaths and sickness at Yarnell after the retardant dispersion. We did honor the GMHS crew during the visits at the Yarnell Death Site and Canyon. Yet did we recognize the people that died and are now sick after the heavy inundation of Yarnell on two occasions –those of the days of the demise of the GMHS crew of June 30, 2013 and also of the Tenderfoot fire only a couple years later? Those people gave their lives and health as experiments of the effects of the chemical retardant dumped in the hundreds of thousands of gallons on their homes, yards and around the town. But there is no comment on this–not even the people complain. They have been brainwashed to believe it was in their best interests to paint the town red–maybe a fitting color for the bloody murder of so many residents.
Slainte–may your life’s journey be true with concern for your fellows.
I forgot to add one metal that is used in the majority of vaccines –Mercury–Hg. Of course they will tell you it is used in such small amounts that you need not worry. Shit any Hg in the system is not good and will have bad results. It will amalgamate with other substances–copper is one and another poison to the system, especially after it accumulates along with the lead and other elements such as the aluminum. It is no wonder these Gulf people are ill –and they put the figure at 50% but I can tell you it is more since like Yarnell many people that are suffering ill effects from the retardant never report them. It is a human trait that we not complain–it is just life. But then it should not be a life where people poison your yard, body and even your mind with their chemicals. But then this is a free country–If you want to sprinkle your cereal with retardant–be my guest but leave mine alone.
My daughter, who I am very proud of–well all my kids have me proud–is a church going Catholic. I think it is a good thing–informed Catholics are good people. Any religious person is usually of good character and respectable.
Well my daughter has a very close friend that is of Palestinian origin and still has relatives living in Palestine. She wears the traditional black head covering and I have to believe is more or less a devout Muslim. As the story goes, the two decided to visit those relatives and do some travels about Arab lands. They even decided to visit Jerusalem after and that of course would require crossing into Israel from Palestine. Of course the two were carrying American Passports since her friend is an American born citizen.
Melissa, my daughter, says Dad you would not believe the nasty treatment the Jews gave us coming into Israel even though we were both American Citizens. They pulled my daughter aside and asked here why was she traveling with an Arab? Now that little daughter of mine is not one to argue with–she did light into them admonishing them for treating American Citizens so terribly. She reminded them that American taxes have supported Israel in the billions of dollars, provided military equipment and helped them in their war efforts.
Any good Rabbi will tell you God abandoned the Jews in Germany when Hitler was hanging around. In some ways you could say Hitler was given carte blanch to genocide of Jews by their God. Old Hitler could have been snuffed by this great God that knows all things–so if you see a crime and do not stop it–especially if it is in your power, are you not responsible for the crime in some degree? Well if you are all powerful or a cop and do not at least make an attempt, then you certainly are derelict in duty and need to be fired. So Hitler might by some be assumed to some degree have been allowed to preform his evil actions. Some might say it was not his fault at all for the killing of Jews when the God of the Jews just stood by.
So by Rabbi standards and why the Jews have suffered so much, perhaps he could say. Is it their sins or maybe they don’t bump heads enough on the wall or perhaps falter on following the Day of Atonement services–any way God gets pissed at them pretty often and now has put them in Israel by taking away lands the Palestinians have owned for over 900 years.
But there again it was the English that decided to put the Jews in that area–they had no homeland after being expelled from Europe, even Russia and other places did not like their religion. So again God and the English are in cahoots with locating these people where now there is nothing but a continual war between the people the English took land from and the Jewish population. Well I thing America was some in on this decision, but the English were in charge and eventually expelled by Monachem Begin and his warriors.
When will we and the English quit trying to arrange the world? Everything they and we do of Imperialistic nature, including regime changes, political assignations and false war fronts comes back on the perpetrators–and it is too bad because most Americans know better.
Perhaps this explains much and I would agree: In case you are younger and do not know who Herman Goering was–he was Hitler’s right hand man, head of the Luftwaffe and probably the second most powerful individual in the German Reich. He was also condemned to hang at Nuremberg but beat the gallows by taking a smuggled cyanide pill–ironically the same chemical he had celebrated killing so many Jews, dissidents and mentally and physically challenged people with.: Goering told a NY Times Reporter:
“Naturally the common people do not want war. Neither in Russia, nor England, nor for that matter Germany, that is understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy. And it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is democracy or of fascist dictatorship, or of a Parliamentary or a Communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of their leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for a lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
I am certain Julian Assange and other Journalists know this quote–Julian is living it and you can believe anyone that goes against the war mongering industrial complex will feel the heat. .
We should fill this out with mention a bit on economy. Some of the math scholars will want to approximate things.
Putin is probably of at least a minimum genius mentality. He has wisdom that we wish our own mentally deficient President could have–but our President is busy messing with China, Arabs, and even prodding England on to screw with Russia. Those items are a real challenge for his mind, I am sure–but of course he has the illustrious Harris to help him think things through.
Putin has purchased another 4 billion in gold for July–does he know something we ought to know? Well gold is just $3 short of 1800 right today. So if you understand the fiat dollar is now only worth 2 cents of its original value the the actual cost of gold in real money would be $36 per troy ounce. There are 12 ounces troy in a pound so the actual value of a pound of gold would be $4320. However I was taking the value of the dollar before 6 trillion fiat script was pumped into the banks for bail outs, military spending, the pittance of 9% given to the public by Biden and such strange monies these great economists deem necessary.
So maybe Putin is just beefing up his gold supply–but I would suggest it is a good idea to have at least 10% of your assets in gold. And if you are on the poor side–silver is recognized as money the world over even during these times. That is something that has happened since Noah survived the flood and about 25 thousand years before the Book of Genesis was imagined.
Nixon was wrong and so is Warren Buffet–Gold has many uses beyond just money–but few enough that most of it stays in existence. Gold does not oxidize or disintegrate with time–the same gold Noah handled somewhere exists today. You might call it God’s money since the gods mined it for their own uses–even the Aztecs set it aside for the gods.
So no matter what people say to disparage you stacking a bit of silver and gold do not believe it. They both will hold value while our imaginary money will continue to loose value. I am certain soon we will have thousand dollar bills and see more of the zinc pennies that soon dissolve in soil.
However, with some notice–if you have the change for investment purposes–Bitcoin will make you some fiat and is sure to rebound–too many of the Oligarchy have billions invested there–they will keep the ball rolling in their favor.
Praise your God and pass the bullets–Biden and Company’s idea.
Opps–bullets is old fashioned–Biden would say Praise God and Bomb the objectors and anyone that is near by that looks suspicious. Eliminate them–they are the enemy–they might swim the ocean and kill you.–Well that would be a little much –he would stammer on the first sentence.
The woman fatally shot inside the U.S. Capitol Wednesday has been identified as Ashli Babbitt, a friend confirms to Fox News. Babbitt was a 14-year veteran who served four tours with the Air Force and resided in San Diego, according to media reports.
It was this Veteran Hero’s right to protest –she was and is a Hero who made four tours Ashli Babbitt was a 14-year veteran who served four tours with the Air Force and resided in San Diego, according to media reports. The coward that killed her was ironically a black cop named Michael Leroy Byrd. She had protested and walked with Black Lives Matter. Was that cop charged as Chavin had for murder? Instead he was likely given a award for bravery–and the cop that was supposedly killed actually died of a heart condition–the excitement got him, not the protesters but as much as could possibly be done was done to demonize the protestors. Yet there were many good citizens among them including previous law enforcement who were seeing the injustice.
And maybe the cop got his repressed hatred to white people off his chest that way. Either way he killed a hero and now can go down in the book of infamy, Certainly she was no threat to that man’s life–yet he willingly shot a beautiful person just because he could behind that badge.
These politicians are so out of touch with the masses–and in a way they are only puppets for those that own them.
England has now passed a law to give the Journalist or any other revealer of crimes of the governing a 14 year sentence in one of their most dreadful prisons. You won’t have the company of Prince Andrew–he is exempt.
Obama used the Patriot law nine times where former Presidents had used it only once each after its enactment. Bush and Biden were the originators of the terrorist act with Biden the big one on its invention to restrict freedoms and allow torture under the act. It was supposed to be temporary but Obama found it so useful that it is now a permanent item to restrict truth sayers by claiming the exposure of government crimes is a danger t o the security of the Nation. The only danger it is to are the asses that are doing the criminal activity–once exposed it besmirches their reputations, just as the deaths of the GMHS crew besmirched not a few that have covered up the lie. And do you think the law will be repealed since Biden and gang have it as a method to strike fear into any Journalist that dare expose their chicanery? If so, there is an ocean front property you can get dirt cheap in Arizona.
Democracy and a media that claims to have the news–what of some Epstein and Grislane drama? Moral depravity is abundant enough in the offices–so much so the general public is jaded to it. How else could a Hunter Biden rip the people off and pass along 10% to the Big Daddy fund or have two Bills and a Prince raping underage trafficked children while Obama and company look on? Well he gave permission and whatever good fortune the White House position is==that 400 thousand salary is chump change compared to the insider side benefits. If your goal is to be a multi millionaire with no scruples–run for president–but then you can do pretty well working for the main media if you stay in line. If not you will be doing time or for sure flipping burgers at Micky Dees.
Now these are my opinions–we all know these are on the surface good honest church going hold up the Bible people. Throw a dart at the voting paper–you might do better than putting the x in a slot that only says you were a good citizen and yes they did count the vote along with a few thousand extras of unknown origin.
It is all a perception after all–as long as you perceive the way you are trained or allowed to perceive
If you have not read Thoreau’s writings and his ideas about the simple life and the experiences he had then you in my estimation are missing a load of wisdom. He was of English decent–had some prejudicial views of the Irish but then we are all with some sort of bias and can look over ignorance to find value even in the thorniest cactus–well one I do despise–the jumping cactus which if you even encounter at close range and even slightly brush then this creature will attack you with and refuse to leave you without considerable infliction of pain and effort to detach from its velcro grasp to your skin and clothes. The only thing it easily detaches from is the main body of the plant. If in Arizona–make yourself scarce from a patch of it–kind of like the crony system there unless you are a part of it–not a friendly thing to outsiders.
But this is not about the blood suckers or cactus–it is about Freedom and the simple life that Thoreau lived and resolutely exercised–even to the point of doing jail time when he saw the evils of the controlling masters of manipulation of the times. He did only thirty days–Assange had done 10 years and our other good angel of truth revealing–Snowden continues to self exile in order to escape the leaches and criminals running this government.
You see, I have lived the way of the Thoreau and know that his truths are universal and essential to know for those the web of the insolent manipulators has made serfs of the ignorant masses. Education–but only the correct education is certain to free many. Education can be a release agent or if of a Prussian variety is nothing more than a mind jail meant to increase the servitude of the masses by the inventors–those of the Rothschild variety and the like.
Hitler even knew that if you control the educational system, you mold the minds of those young one to mind the bosses no matter what. They are the ones to put you in a neat little brown suit or if at a Catholic school are they all blue? Conformity and not Informity is the rule –free thinkers a threat to all and by God do not allow people that seek truth and tell it to be known or treated well. They are the demons of the good life of the Oligarch, the boss, the manipulator.
Make America Great again–the most aggressive of dogs is the Chihuahua. But some people love them –they constantly yap and attack even the greatest of dogs so their masters must hold them back. But then they are not armed with nukes or you can bet there would be no big dogs left anywhere. We are 4% of the world’s population–but we are the greatest and most imperialistic nation on earth–we are the Chihuahua with nukes. And as Trump would say we are making America great again–well Biden is–he is waving the big stick at China.
In the last few days China said she has driven an American War Ship out of her sovereign waters. This war department says no way–and what is the truth? We do know for sure because a journalist was aboard the British Ship in Russian waters that the Russians did drive that ship out of Russian waters–and the British Commander said the same–no way. Maybe they have since recanted.
The trouble is the big dogs have nukes—It is said that China only has
350 vs the US with 5800—and Russia with a few hundred less than the US. Why do they say only 350 nukes? Good lord, the new Hydrogen and super nukes make the Hiroshima killing look like speck on the wall. A salvo sent in from one of their nuclear subs–even should two or three get through would cause devastation of this Great America that would bring it to ruin. When the twin towers came down the country was shut down for days–with even one nuke exploded above our country in the atmosphere would end everything we understand about life.
Putin knows these things and so does Xi Jing–but you scare them enough with your bully tactics and they may well decide to make the first strike. They know that Nixon came within inches of pressing the button, Kennedy expected to when Russia was confronted with missiles off Cuba, and Wilson had no qualms of taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens in the two cities of Japan–and he was ready to drop a third except it was taking some time to get it ready.
So if two minuscule Atom Bombs had a nation to it knees and at total surrender what does the fool Biden think a couple of the modern versions would do? Do the fool that runs Britain and Biden have any intelligence or have they conferred with the Chinese and Russians and it is all a ploy to scare the masses so more war production can be done.
Maybe, but with the Iranians there will be no such collaboration–they did cheer on the Arabians when they hit the Twin Towers and after years of feeling the sanctions we have not made many friends in the Arabian deserts and oil fields. The world is changing–look at the thousands of drones in Iran. Look how we have treated Russia and China badly including sanctions on Russia to make life harder there for the common man. And the shrieks of Arabia trained here have our American Journalist cut into pieces and flushed down a toilet. They learned from us–and do we object–how can we when you see how Snowden and Assange are treated–Journalists of such ilk seeking and telling the truth are a threat to security–whose security? The Clintons, and the whole family of Oligarchs that are committing these crimes exposed by these journalists–not the common man who is kept in ignorance.
So it is the man Thereau has much to say and would it be great should he be here today to see the even worse pack of fools and feeble minds running things today. I should think he would delight in writing of these people of monkey minds.
I did look back at this one–but not as bad as some had written just after being shot in the back with a twelve gauge shotgun.
If you are worried about your health you should be. The spread ;of retardant is rampant along with the wild fires from global warming effects–something that will escalate and quite rapidly once the polar ice caps melt away. The North Pole is crucial but is now gone by 95% during summer months. Oddly–old ice reflects 90% of the sunlight back into space except for a small amount stopped by clouds. However with the increased carbon dioxide, methane and other global warming gasses, more and more of that is diffused into heat waves–the reason scientists concern about global warming. But conversely once the ice is melted away the dark ocean waters absorb 95@ of the light turning it into infrared heat so the oceans are warmed to an even greater heat melting away more ice so that there will be no ice during the summer months in the Arctic. In a time of 700 thousand years there has never been a summer in the Arctic when the ice cap had melted and ocean waters exposed.
So that is not the only danger facing us right now. The even greater immediate danger sets in our White House and his method and those advising him to involve in messing with the Chinese, Russians, Iranians and other sovereign nations.
There are now attempts being made to fully engage in a cold war with China and Russia–something that we believed was over with after Russian split up and more or less threw in the towel. Because many of us believed those we had elected, like the Bush and Clinton clans, we were behind the war efforts, making America Great thing, and justifications given for killing Arabs and affiliates. But in time some of us began to realize when good and true and brave journalists started revealing that we were the fools and the Oligarchs of the aforesaid clans were snakes in the grass spewing lies to maintain wars and profits and control of the serfs. We now no longer are so easily fooled–the internet and especially those who had the fortitude to reveal the lies has exposed these charlatans. Still they continue in power and continue with their media control and their manipulation–few see the truth and if they do they do not believe it.
So if you worry too much about your health, lighten up. Everyday I wake up wondering if there will be a big nuclear cloud of fallout full of vaporized bodies out of Los Angeles and even perhaps Phoenix, God fobid–my daughter lives there.
But this is reality and some of the truth of things comes off the shunned You Tube type news. I just watched the Russian talking to the Japanese about the peace treaty they want with Russia, The reply was you forget about Heroshima and Nagasaki and the thousands that died even after the nuclear bombs were dropped and now you are allowing the US to place missiles on your lands within reach you say for China but they are also near our borders as well. A peace treaty is not needed–you should think about what you are doing with a country that had no problem with nuking your country.
You see that these people in Russian, China, Iran are no fools and goad them enough you may well see a first strike.
If there ever was a time to put someone in charge that would begin dismantling the war machine and most especially the war mongering Bully attitude it is now. The world needs to be put at ease and know that America is not out to change other peoples regimes, ways to live or to sanction them so their people suffer.
And if you believe or even imagine that China, Russia or maybe even Iran could not get several nukes through off a submarine or otherwise–Russia now has an underwater torpedo like drone that can deliver a nuke right to the Statue of Liberty or to Fisherman Warf in Seattle, San Francisco,, LA , San Diego, Houston and Miami all simultaneously–and with the new technology leaving only a 5 minute response time– Would Biden be able to get up the stairs to Air Force One quick enough–or be it the White House Stairs without stumbling in 5 minutes. Would there even be a return response given the small limits to respond?
Hopefully some one will come to represent the good of America once this Yahoo is out of power. He has loaded his pockets as has his son under his guidance done well. But as always, those with money revel in and covet power even more than the wealth they have stolen from the common man.
I had suspected the Vaccine hype–The new delta variety–there are something like 89,000 cases from it. The lethality is the same as the flu–.2%. Now if you are over 50 and have been vaccinated already then get the Delta your chances of going into the hospital are 69%. If you are not vaccinated and get the Delta variety your chances of going into the hospital are 31%. Now this changes if you are under 50 and get the Delta you have less chance of going into the hospital than if you are not vaccinated.
This data was slow in coming out of the UK and there is none here in the US. Fauchi and Biden are promoting. Go read the data yourself htt//.UK/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1000678/Variants_o_Concern_VDC_Technical_Briefing_18.p
The above I copied by vision off You Tube and to get a view of the actual document on You Tube go to find the chart again–I went back to get the name of the doctor that put it on–could not find the site again. But you can see how people put out crap to scare hell out of people so they run to get the vaccine.
In my case with the Delta thing I would not want to get it and be vaccinated. But if you are under 50 you will lest likely go into the hospital. However, also the Delta variety kills a minuscule amount of people being the same death rate as the flu. However the regular Covid 19 killes at as I remember on the chart 1.9% of people that get it which is about 10 times as often as the Delta Variety. There were a whole list of other variants and they all had only 1 death attributed to each of about 6 other variants of covid. Why do these people feed us a line? Go look at the chart and you will see that Bill Gates deal of presenting 38 grand to Fauchi has addled the brain of Fauchi or else he is a damned liar trying to scare people into a vaccine if they do not want one or in bad health as I am and should I take a vaccine would likely be my last. There are some that had taken the first vaccine and were found to have a terrible reaction and could not therefore take a second one. But in the UK you will need a certificate to go ta a pub or to a restaurant or have had a test the day prior proving you do not have Covid.
Well if you get the Delta variety, do not worry–if you had the flu you will likely get over it the same as you did the flu because the statistics show your rate of death the same as for flu. Those that might worry are people that are obese, have a lung shot out, have bad immune systems, are dying of aids or cancer, are sick already. So you ought not worry too much–that fear they promote has no basis except someone profits from a vaccine. And I say take the damn thing if you think it will help–but be aware that the Delta variety is not going to kill you unless you are already immune compromised and would die from even the common flu.
My opinion–do your own thing and research–believe the facts of what is really going on–not the hype.
I hope I copied that site correctly–it was quite an eye opener and the good Doctor that pat it on said almost always variants of a disease are less potent–why he researched for data on the Delta. Thanks Doc, sorry I did not find your site again and remember your name.
Truth is what makes good–and the lies we get from government officials and even many of those Doctors, Psychologists, and others working for the government or industries selling pills and vaccines are suspect. Seems everyone has a price and I flinch to think I actually once considered working as a Psychologist for Industry because they wave big wages toward students in those departments that take up work with them–much more than the poor wages managing a half way house I can tell you.
But times have changed–even wild land fire fighters are promised better wages by Biden–we’ll see.
Those cases would be the UK–that was a UK document.
Did some organic weeding (used the Hoe–the metal marvel). No round up on my yard–Round up company is paying money to those they cause cancer and other ailments to. They don’t care–the court costs and payments are considered business expenses–loosing a few millions in order to make billions. I notice Round up is still on Wal Mart shelves in an area I generally avoid unless I pass through accidentally.
These things like the retardants and Round Up should have proper labels–Deadly toxins guaranteed sooner or later to poison the environment, give you one or more of the following diseases –cancer, kidney disease, COPD, liver rot, ED, heart disease and numerous other problems such as fibromialgia and various skin allergies. Your use will contribute to poisoning scarce fresh water and ground water supplies, sicken and kill fish and wild life, and create dead zones in the ocean environment. In short you will be taking part in destroying the eco system–that thing that keeps you alive and healthy.
It might be a long thing to read and the skull and bones that may of our Presidents and other high officials ascribe to ought to be on the label just as we do any poison product. It might seem outlandish to some that are educated but the common man ordinarily does not know these things if he has 5 kids and is busting ass to make a living. Do I expect any change–no but I will not apply any of those poisons to my vegetables or fruits as they may be–and I have always been leary of these lazy man toxins.
Maybe it is why I have reached the age of 77 despite working in some of the worst environments. Well I did not really reach 77 but was killed in 2014 by the retardant toxins–one that causes cholesterol to quickly coat the arteries that forces a heart failure. But some of us get a second and in my case about 6 more chances at life–6 heart attacks and then another death down the tunnel–maybe to hell–some think so–but I am back in spite of the last death and a hole in my back and loaded with an ounce of lead birdshot. So maybe I needed to say a few things before leaving the planet. And I am not worried about going to hell–like some think–I already was there when I lived in Dolan Spring AZ–and that could go even more for a few other areas in Arizona some that are occupied with a pack of cronies the Devil is salivating over. Some that even claim to be Christians.—just don’t be riding the plane when they are raptured off to Hell. Who knows?
It is coffee time–add a morning banana to kill the acid and add some potassium to your diet.
I am amused at how our attention is drawn away from the real problems of the world by what the Doctor that exposed the facts about the Delta Variant–he called it Fear Porn. The fact that the Delta virus is no more deadly than the common flu ought to register–but meantime the ignorant President suffering dementia and a WHO official Fauchi bought off by Bill Gates and his many lucrative vaccine companies (he has the monopoly on that one) , it is a good thing they can scare hell out of people to divert their attention to the really dangerous situation.
The War Department and that black guy running it are happy–they do not want the general public to take notice that they have deployed 140,000 of our soldiers to surround China with a hoard of our war ships provoking war over there. There was a treaty signed by China and the US, England and other allies that Taiwan would always be a part of China. But of course times have changed and the Taiwanese want their independence–and this is likely to lead to another war.
What fool would put 140 thousand soldiers against 2.12 million active soldiers. Yet Biden wants 5 more Billion dollars just to surround and harass China. But these Military men in charge here are talking macho–and it seems they have a mind that if they do not get at China now the idea that America will continue to dominate the world with its imperialistic ideas will be gone with the rise of China.
China is not the old China–they have the same technology–submarines–and mind you 350 nukes is enough to take out any nation of any size several times over.
It is hopeful that we can get though this administration without a war with China that the War Department is now working as hard as possible to justify and keep the public attention away from what they are doing. The man called Biden is Trump with a different voice–but then Make America Great again in War sense is to be the Big Boss of All. It ain’t gonna happen–the world changes and it is time we started taking care of our own affairs at home before there is no world to take care of. Megalomania is a disease of the elite that may well ruin the planet.
Here is something to consider about the China-Taiwan ordeal–
“In 1972, under the “Nixon Shock” and strong domestic pressure, Mr. Kakuei Tanaka and Mr. Ohira and other Japanese statesmen speeded up the process of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan so as to keep in conformity with the aspiration of Japanese people. The Tanaka Diet stated clearly that they fully understood the three principles for restoring diplomatic relations put forward by China, namely (1) The People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government of China; (2). Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People’s Republic of China; (3)The so-called “Peace Treaty” between Japan and the Chiang Kaishek authorities is illegal and invalid and must be annulled. Through repeated negotiations, the two sides signed the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement on September 29, 1972, in which the Article 3 said: “The government of the People’s Republic of China reiterates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The government of Japan fully understands and respects this position of the government of the People’s Republic of China, and shall firmly abide by the principles under Article 8 in the Potsdam Proclamation.”
What is the real reason we are goading China? Does someone smell war profits in the wind?
Jen Psaki said she will bring “truth and transparency to the White House briefing room”; .
I do not know about the truth part but there is plenty of transparency concerning the purpose of the Biden team of crime operations. How else can you describe outright censoring of the news–actions we only see in dictatorships and communist governments.
She says “We” meaning the Biden conies had teamed up with Bezos, Twitter, Media, etc. to censor anything negative about the vaccine. They did before did not censor anything negative about Trump but did censor anything negative about Biden. In fact any information about the lap top the dope head Hunter had left behind was kept out of the new, off You Tube, off any media. It tied the Bidens in to criminal activity. It is ;not surprising the public has increasingly come to distrust these main media outlets.
The fake news mantra invented by Trump is well understood, although Trump himself is a danger to the environment, prone to ignorance but extremely wise to how to be a leader. Extreme leaders such as Trump are vociferous –The Biden group are less so yet when you see opposing opinions being censored then Big Brother of Orson Welles 1984 book of prophecy is here.
And you see not one thing has been said about releasing Julian Assange despite the admission of the false testimony of the fat kid in Iceland.. Nor has anything been done to release charges on Snowden, nor mention of the murder of the American journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi’s trained here in the good old USof A. This should tell you there is an all out restriction against any Journalist or news outlet that seeks to find truth and alternative views. And that Journalist dare not expose the bastards in charge else he/she like the Saudi Prince that was insulted by Jamal might just end up flushed down a toilet after being hacked into pieces.
And you think you live in a democracy?
I won’t take the vaccine–It is my right and enough doctors say there is not much benefit to those under 50–Covid would not kill them and in most instances words like or even less than the flu for those ages. And there is a big hint when the Pfizer CEO refuses it and is well over 50. Of Course, in my case I have faced death several times even to the point of going being dead–not a bad situation and something no one escapes. But to live a life of censorship and forced vaccinations is the death of the free spirit and soul that only the ignorant and fearful will allow.
I should add–there will soon come a time when there will be a knock on your door and a team of armed men dressed and masked in black with automatic weapons will be pointed at you. A NAZI type doctor or nurse will have needle in hand–you the free thinker and objector to vaccines will be grabbed and injected whether you like it or not. The alternative will be a prison camp or a bullet to the brain–something you might get if they have to break down the door or you reach for your phone.
This might seem extreme but that extreme is already here yet veiled to the majority.
The sickness of these war criminals defies comprehension. Rumsfeld had passed on June 29 at Taos, New Mexico according to news articles. He had written in his memoirs of 2011, “Known and Unknown,” Mr. Rumsfeld, more than four years out of office, still expressed no regrets over the decision to invade Iraq, which had cost the United States $700 billion and 4,400 American lives, insisting that the removal of President Hussein had justified the effort.
Of course he only mentions the deaths of 4400 of our heroes, yet there have been millions of innocent people killed in their own countries because of his and his cronies efforts to protect their oil wealth and promote more profits for the war industries. Malaysia tried the Bush people in abstention, including Cheney, Rumsfeld and a list of the cronies and lawyers, all masters of deception, torture, and assignations and murders and found them guilty of war crimes–rightfully so in my way of thinking. And should the Military arrest those available then justice should be dealt to them as they have dealt to our young military men and women in service so sacrificed and to the hundreds of thousands of civilians including women, men and children whose only crime was attempting to survive in their poverty ridden lands. You have to want to puke to see these men in $10,000 Armani pen stripped suits smiling as they kill off the real heroes of this country and those innocents in foreign lands–even under false Flag events allowed and perpetrated.
They put the figure at 400 billion but the truth is that the taxpayer has been burdened with trillions–something admitted to since no accounting has ever been made for monies used in black ops programs.
The actual loss of US military lives has now reached 7,000 while the civilian lives lost in the Afghan and Iraq war has been listed as 266,000. That is enough blood sacrifice under false pretense–Iraq and Afghanistan did not bring down the twin towers nor did Saddam have nukes and our intelligence and these Rumsfeld, Cheny and Bush people knew it) . And all those deaths to hold on to oil while these people know there are alternative energy sources and at the same time we were exporting oil. All a death game to trade innocent lives of our own and foreign civilians so a few families could enrich themselves and assure there generations to continue their power positions. And Biden has made his moves with China for wealth that his family–though Hunter complains that he is not getting his fair share from Daddy. Yet the general American public believes they have representation, honest leaders and true politicians that concern for their subjects.
I had to shake my head when I saw that Biden dropped the stimulus from 2000 he promised to 1400. And the sum set out was only 9% of the Trillions set aside for the stimulus–what I pay in state tax when I buy off Ebay–another tax scam since used crap has already been taxed and should not be taxed again. But people still go to the polls believing these crooks are truly representing them?
These supposed leaders of good have left their mark alright–an ugly one when facts are known.
Chuck Shumer said we must allot more billions to industry because we are at risk of loosing our position as the world’s premier super power. And this is the kind of bunk Shumer and cronies feed us. They damn well know that no matter how much money you put into making chips, technology here, manufacturing, etc.–there will be little or no change. That cheap labor of people in China working for $2 an hour at serf wages and having to use company script will keep the manufacturing in China. There is no way this country can win back those jobs that have gone overseas. Those billions will be another folly that will only burden the taxpayer more and enrich the oligarchs.
I would vote for Telsie Gabbard or even Jesse Ventura–both war heroes who want to stop the needless wars and regime change tactics by assassination and intentional instigation of revolutions so the small countries can be raped of their resources. I wonder though how long they would last with corruptions as thick as it is.
There is a better way–yes–will it happen? Cleaning the corruption possible? I do wish I did not see what I see–but I have seen now I understand why the good messenger of truth is on a hit list. It is better to die unfettered than to live in the chains of fear and ignorance.
Assassinations not assignation although there were some nasty assignments–including the killing of Ben Lauden–Perhaps a patsy since he was a known CIA operative before the 911 and after all managed to avoid his disposal for some time.
Maybe Gates, Biden and others of the ruling and control classes will be able to censor any opposition as they did via media to promote the shut down of the country and the defeat of Trump. Bill Gates new patent on an injected crypto chip so you can wave your hand as you walk though the check out device at Wal Mart, etc.–is the precursor to events. His patent number is easy to remember–W0202060606. The 666 has meaning and so does the W and the 22. Codes have been a thing with the secret societies–and if you are a Mason you have quite a few that you learn as you go up the ladder. 33 has special meaning but few get that far.
Do you trust Gates and his cohort in the vaccine business–Fauchi? Gates’ wife doesn’t. Once he started business with Epstein where they were going to build safe houses for youthful abused girls, Mrs. Gates filed for divorce. Of course she did not need to expose him–she will get plenty of billions and the fuss messing with a turd is wasted effort. Too many are fooled by his BS and Charitable actions. Well sure–when you pay less than 2% of your income in taxes and save yourself billions, no problem tossing out a few millions to look good. But then he is legal–the Oligarchy makes the laws–or they purchase those that make the laws. The working stiff will go on paying half his hard earned check to Taxes, SS, and more taxes while the Oligarch types such as Gates and Bezos and Buffet pay a pittance to none.
Do expect a reset–but it will not hurt the Oligarch–you will maybe even get another stimulus–more script but it is loosing value quickly.
Some had asked my opinion on religion in thinking I might have an inkling because I had done my thesis for what is termed a Master’s degree in Theology. You and I would do better to investigate our own core beliefs in Religion rather than accept the things we might have been taught by good ole Mom and Dad if we had one–if not we might have a better chance to have a mind that is willing to consider all evidence to come to a conclusion that is more near the truth concerning religious ideas.
I had written that thesis defending the Schofield translation as the best translation of the King James Bible–later translations of the Bible have changed meanings so often. But in truth, there are no translations that can be valid concerning the time discrepancies and how languages change meaning and not only that we saw the meaning of hoe change quickly in some circles and booty as well as many others in a matter of a few years. Now that minorities are overpopulating the white races, so are their colloquialisms being accepted as legitimate English words.
Over time I have concluded that religion is a guessing game at best but a definite method of mass psychology involving calming and control procedures–not at all taken seriously by those leaders that attend to produce a fine face to the public. Their Skull and Bones, Masonic, University Education, etc. will have them waving the cross because that is another usable instrument to appease, calm and control the masses. And of course if that does not work, then the alternative is police and military action–something they are not hesitant to use–you saw that at Washington where police and military were brought in to quell the masses that were generally peaceful demonstrations.
I do know the whole Flood concerning Noah had been written 2000 years before the Israelite Religious Dads decided to rewrite it in a form to worship a monotheistic God unseen with no images made to represent him. The 2000 year earlier cuneiform writing of the flood lists a number of Gods involved in the creation of man and even the allowance of the flood due to natural causes they knew were about to happen. The gods according to earlier records were alien types–Annunaki later identified as the Shining Ones or Angels in the Bible.
Well you want to know which is more reliable? My own opinion that you should get more truth out of the earlier version–2000 years is a long span of time for the story to change. But of course the Church Dads will say oh Hell, God inspired every word of the Bible.–but it is also the Church Dads that constantly argue over Greek that they waited over 1600 years before they decided to translate a long dead Greek Language so that they had to have 52 so called Greek language experts to argue out the meaning of the words. I don’t know if God was hanging around those 52 any more than he was hanging around the original writers of the Greek texts. I have a hunch he was off with his other lesser gods hanging around Nibiru trying to getting the gold into the god atmosphere to plug up the Ozone holes.
Gold by the way can be pounded so thin ( 0.18 microns (seven millionths of an inch) thick;) it becomes translucent. So the alien gods that manipulated primitive man into slave laborers for their purposes by giving them their reptilian minds were no dummies.
Those such as the author Zechariah Sitchen who had spent a lifetime interpreting the Sumerian clay tablets and has out many books discussing those interpretations. A very short book if you have an open mind and do not feel your destiny will be hell, another easy reading book and short for a starter would be “The Reptilian Alien Origens of the Human Species” by Aktar. You can treat it as science fiction since your mind will be warped by false History from school and religious bunco you were fed by your church or government inspired educational system.
Then if you want to learn about the Jesus story you can go back in history on that one as well. Flavius Josephus was the prolific writer and Pharasee that had written numerous volumes of books concerning the Roman Empire during the siege when Jerusalem fell to the Romans. The works we have only mention Jesus once. You know of course that Jesus was also a Pharisee. The parallels in the gospels and the writings of Josephus are uncanny–as if he wrote them himself and he may well have. He was working as the historian for the Emperors and they did need a parallel to the coming Jewish Messiah idea for Romans. And Josephus was right there when Jesus was reportedly hanging around. yet mentions him only once–and that is been found to be a paragraph inserted by a different writer at a later time. So how much of the New Testament is fabrication or misinterpreted? Well you have hope if you believe in the Christian doctrine–144,000 will be saved and it is laughable some will be suck up called a rapture–something invented in the past hundred years since that rapture is not even a word in the Bible. Do you think with 7 billion people and a hell of a bunch of Christians around your chance of being saved are good. The odds are bad–all have sinned and sinned like hell–most break the speed limits every day and gobble down MacDonald’s while they can.
So if you squirm a bit, good for you. I too was befuddled during a part of my life until taking a good open minded look at many facts. The stories about evolution, dates and theories of live and earth beginnings you are fed in Schools and Universities are theories just as religions are, although religions are designs manufactured to maintain and manipulate the masses. Truth is a better alternative but then that would throw mud in the face of most of those Politicos and the Puppeteers that control them. But those of you not willing to follow the head goat will be whipped–so expect the stripes.
My opinions –may your good gods give you some true ones if you can handle them.
That should have been mud in the face to the Church Fathers as well and they will give me an extra stripe for misspelling Scofield–even though I did a thesis on his translation–there are good footnotes and side notes everywhere–he had extensive knowledge of the Bible and refers and correlates lots of it. And may your gods or god or no god give you some truth if you can handle it.
It is time to sing and dance with the gods for one never knows what these Yahoos in control have connived.
Have you noticed the people that run this country are not healthy in either body, mind or spirit? Indeed they should be wearing their masks and taking their vaccinations. The white ones look like ghosts and the dark ones act like ghosts. And the sickness to ask for more war funds and promote more cold war operations, more armaments and even more improved nukes.
Ignorance is a great evil. Those in charge have no inkling of how their industrial puppeteers are the very ones to sicken their children and even worse sicken the planet so everyone’s children are at extreme danger. These are drunken with power given them that they are incapable of managing to the benefit of those they continue to tighten the cinches upon.
The news was tonight that the ammunition is flying off the shelves. People are preparing for what they feel is coming. The rent reprieve is up and now thousands will be homeless and more will be loosing their properties because the payment monies on their mortgages will not be there. And thousands of refugees are admitted to this country to be fed and cared for in cages–while we have a President and War Industries pushing for a new war–one where thousands of our young military are sent off to attempt to fend off millions.
In 1972 the US in a treaty with China agreed that Taiwan would always be a part of mainland China. What changed their minds? Certain the communist ruler XI says there will be annexation whether the US agrees or not. The Communists are watching for the right time to move but that may be sooner than later if Biden and War Friends decide to push an early war. They know that China is not getting weaker, but stronger. So how determined is this War Department and its Commander in Chief to prove America is the world’s greatest imperial power? Hubris in this case will be costly.
So far the Trillions have done nothing to improve our infrastructure. They have bailed out the rich industries and banks but have thrown scraps to the people and the
real problems we have at home. These war mongers are too busy surrounding China and playing expensive war games in the Black Sea to antagonize the Russians. But are they going to be able to figure out a ploy to justify their actions as previous President could fabricate? People are wiser than they were but then too many are hoping this government and its actions will be their safety shield. It may instead be the fall of the Empire and a great devastation of the planet.
So where are the peacemakers? They have been rejected–those that wanted to stop the war mentality insanity and regime change wars were called traitors shaking hands with the Russians. In fact they were the real heroes who wanted diplomacy and not insane actions.
They wanted to take the tack of respect of other Sovereign nations rather than sanctions and Bully tactic and talk.
If you think there are not a Russian and Chinese subs a few hundred miles off our Shores with more than a hundred nukes pointed our way, then you better think again. The Chinese and Russians see our actions in their waters and lands 5000 miles from our Shores and realize only crazy and dangerous people would take such actions. They may well decide to take a first strike–and Russian technology and undoubtedly Chinese technology is such that there will be no opportunity for a response. Then it will be left up to some of our Submarine people to decide whether to respond or to take their sub to some southern hemisphere country as the Nazis did to attempt to survive.
As I told my grandson on the Nuclear Sub–He may be one of the few survivors of the next war and that might be a very slime chance in the short run.
Namaste- The Hindu greeting for another–respect for others no matter their race, creed or color. But it must also mean a respect for the planet and creatures in it. I see none of that in our officials–only the run of the mill hedonists who pleasure in their power abuses.
And what is important news–Trump and Covid–even though the new Variant is no more dangerous than the common flu if you get it–and that is likely even if you have had the vaccination.
Slaiente –Health the best you can cosidering. Get your mind and body prepared for the worst while we hope for the best.
I did speak with Scott–loose ends are getting tied up and we should be seeing a documentary before the end of the year if the creeks don’t rise and the gods be willing.
You fellows keep up the good work–and good tidings to Scott and his work at getting the truth out.
This old world will keep on turning and we hope better than it has been. Jessee Ventura noted that that Bill was a regular on the Lolita Express–27 times and the little black book lists a bunch of riders–including the great vaccinator Bill Gates and Prince Charming was a regular for years with Epstein, Is it any wonder he was suicided–could you imagine the web of crimes he would have exposed when under oath? You can bet Grislane will get another nice deal rather than be put under oath. She is also noticing how Mr. Epstein got suicided.
But this world needs entertainment–we already know about these criminals–and why they are off in China instead of here taking care of the worst of home front problems. The only manufacturing we have is war materials–where the big profits are. But most of us know we already have enough to blow this world to kingdom come and yet it seems the big thing is either Trump or Grislane and the child molesters that will go unpunished the same as Hunter Biden and the Biden criminal enterprise has. You see, they have goods on each other and all have their hands in the black bird pie. So talk big but not against your cronies. Ha, what a charade–more entertaining and laughable if it were not for the fact it will bring this country down.
I think the vote deal if another entertainment and diversion. You need to keep the public looking somewhere now that football and other games are pretty much shut down. If people see too much there will be some mighty big protestations.
But then the world must change. The Hopi have it right–there is a cycle and the destruction now that there is little respect for the land, creatures and the environment there will necessarily be a clearing of things so the earth can be renewed. The native Indian way of respect the land and creatures was always a good way. Being a part of the environment instead of an enemy of the environment is the right thing.
Fortunately the younger generation away from the profit over life idea of the industrial and war profit generation have been waking up to their situation. Covid is in one way a good thing for the survivors–they have had time away from their mundane tasks and school chains to think for themselves–maybe even see that their perceptions have been molded from false premises. Of course as government and authorities lie truth becomes traitorous. Obama put away 9 Journalists on charges of espionage–they told too much truth of the wrong doings in government. Maybe not as bad as the Fruer –he would have had them shot immediately–but then what is the difference–you lock a journalist away and he may as well have been dead–you shut up the truth sayer under espionage charges. And did you see one President in 10 years aid these people that expose the wrongs?
So the brave ones among us are those that go forward with the truth despite the warnings and examples they see of those that are maimed or suicided or in some way harmed for being good citizens.
And the poor wild land fire fighter better walk the line or he will be hunting a job. This is why the gods and nature have begun the process of cleaning the morass–the black mold and mosquito swamp.
Get your case of beans–I have a couple–if you come my direction you are welcome to join in a feast of beans and amaranth washed down with some stout cowboy coffee.
Slaiente–may your gods guide you well.
In watching the Senate hearings involving Intelligence reports that castigate China I had to be amazed at the simplicity of people that supposedly are intelligent.
They know that our political system encouraged the move of industry to China for cheap labor. They know that Hunter Biden, the Clinton Clan, the Bush bunch and so on have greatly increased their personal wealth from these associations with China. They have pushed the New World Order where boundaries and National Interests are minimize and open borders encourage. Yet these intelligence people, supported by the like of Senator Rubio declare that the Chinese have been stealing secrets every year that amount to some 300 to 600 billion in value. Yet in all this rhetoric they fail to admit that the Chinese were encouraged by our own industries and politicians to engage in research in our own Universities, even funded by the American Taxpayer grants. The Covid gain of function was just one example–all sorts of technology were encouraged by our government agencies–Dr. Fauchi in medical research and war germ gain of function experiments but especially the Clinton gang were not at all hesitant to share technological information about war equipment.
So it is a side show of clowns now complaining that the US is taking a back seat in the World Stage Directors chair. There is no comeback and this stupid moves being made to demonize China so more war profits can be made by the Industrial War connivers is now being drummed into the public mind –a mass psychology ploy to justify the China assault.
In order to control the masses the books written on the art by such people as Vaclav Havel (dissident against the Russian Communist regimen who later became President of Czechoslovakia) you must create a parallel structure to the enemy. And the control mechanisms of the masses begins with fear followed by resolution and calm then again fear is manufactured and more intense since it was already ingrained in the masses. The end result is a people willing to forgo freedoms for the safety offered by the elite.
Carl Jung recognized that escape from mass psychosis begins with order of ones own mind. The possibility to influence such an assault on the masses has little hope but Jung believed at least one mind could be saved from the trap–that being your own.
There are some very educated and keen individuals out there. I see that too many of them though are willing to sell their birthrights to freedom or to join the powers that manipulate. So, yes the true facts are controlled and any that are a threat to the collective powers owned by the globalist industrialists and other elite forces will be dangerous moved and thwarted as quickly and as meanly as possible. Good and true fact finding Journalists beware.
I do understand the Oliver Stone has made a movie concerning Ed Snowden. It should be an interesting take on the methods of truth suppression concerning the political hacks. I doubt the Bidens will bother to watch–they are too busy counting their booty.
Take it all in good humor but if you have young children, it would be wise to have them learn Chinese.
Our Republic was sold out some time ago–these late moves and rhetoric against China are only done to incense the American public so more war funds might be justified in the public eye. Muslims make up 25% of the world’s population and our elite and politicos have done a good job to create hate toward the people of America. China has 7.5 Billion people–a third of the worlds population. Now these war mongering fools are doing their best to demonize these people by claiming they have stolen the secrets that were mostly handed to them either by technical industries moved there or a pillaging politician.
It is a shame since we have wrecked the lives of tens of millions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, Lybia and seem to be on an endless game of war and destruction for regime change and to prove that America is Great again. And will we get someone of sense in office–well perhaps but it will be the younger generation that will have to demand the changes.
And it is too bad there is not a Snowden in the retardant industry to tell those of us that have suffered the exposure as to what chemicals are secretly added to the toxins that are dumped on people.
But then you should smile and laugh at such Buffoons that run the country–you voted for them and did now know you only got another Trump with a different mask. Clowns are funny to watch, so perhaps the entertainment value is what counts now a days since these fools care less about the environment or whether our country makes more enemies. We just do not have enought in their eyes.
Why? Nineteen of our heroes dead and another 200 out of 645 dead from the same fire–the latter mostly the elders in their golden years of retirement and yet so many would put it behind us–treat it as if it were an act of God that should be mourned but allowed to float into the river of time without being fully addressed. We humans have a tendency to forgive and forget–yet at Yarnell too many folk believe that there were no actions to blame–all these deaths were accidental. Yet the calling down of the GMHS crew to enter a death canyon and the dumping of thousands of tons of toxic retardant upon the small town were not accidents nor were they acts of God or Jesus who runs things now according to Christian belief. There are no negligent criminal actions to be seen because the powers involved made it that way.
There are some nasty criminals in the world–many of them have smiley faces as they do their dirty work. How they sleep at night meas they can only be subjects of a sociopathic mind. Just as the Yarnell fire had killed so many with no repercussions to all involved, I had to see there are others of criminal mentality.
People of that mind are often in the highest places wearing Avani suits, sporting Rolex watches and entertaining celebrities on their multimillion dollar estates secured by ill-gotten gains–most usually at tax payer expense. I had been looking at the Afghanistan war statistics–2.3 Trillion spent on that war since 2001. Yes many military men and all war industries have prospered greatly. Those retired Colonels, Majors, Generals and others that invested in stocks have multiplied their fortunes many times–some in the millions of dollars. Of course, the Presidents have known where to put their dollars as well–and certainly the likes of a Lloyd Austin have benefited greatly being a board member of Ratheon–salary 1.4 million including stock and his net worth is $10,000,000. That General, now Secretary of Defense knew where to put his money and knew the ropes of promoting war profits–and Ratheon as well knew whose pockets to line. Conflict of interest? That was an issue but waived by the President Biden.
This Afghan War has cost a total of between 238,000 and 241,000 lives Of those about 78,000 lives were civilians–women and children about half that figure. There were 136 Journalists killed and 549 humanitarian aid workers. The Taliban lost 84,111 while 2,442 with allies over there loosing 1144 military. The Taliban also killed an estimated 78,000 of the Afghan National troops.
This was all started on a false premise and continued under the Bush, Clinton, and Trump administrations. They were all knowledgeable of their actions and the false flag events to make the Ratheon and other War Production Industries and their stock insiders wealthy. Are these liars and false flag war instigators, the men and their war promoters not guilty of war crimes worthy to be tried on an international court of justice?
Biden has pulled our men out–but rather than bringing them home he is sending them off to remote islands, Japan, and in War Ships invading the Chinese and Black Seas. He expects even bigger war profits from these maneuvers–War Lord Austin’s 10 million will balloon to 100 million quickly as will many others invested in the War programs and stocks.
You do not have to be a psychologist to see the sickness in the souls of these war mongering types. The power and the wealth involved is enormous and so are the costs to human lives. And yes the common man and woman working two jobs, the miner, the fire fighter, the logger, the carpenter, the poor bloke greeting at Wal Mart–the common hard working soul will foot the bill for all this killing and murder going on under the pretense of war and protecting democracy and killing terrorists. Remember the terrorists were only 19 and they were almost all Saudis and their leader Osama Bin Lauden was trained by our own CIA right here in the USA.
You can see that if the American Public were told the truth from the beginning it would have never been that war. But why not they said–because the oil they had big interests in and the war profits to be made from such war to make them even more wealthy and their own personal greed drove them to what they did–and the Journalists that exposed them, they would kill either outright or by character assassination.
If you can not win a war on other people’s soil in a small country like Afghanistan then I wonder how Biden thinks things will go against China with an army of over 2 million and a Russian army that has been challenged with a Napoleonic Army and onward and after many attempts has never been defeated. They do not invade our shores or waters now do they care to, yet our President and his war lords have the gall to attempt to intimidate them in their own waters and lands some 5 thousand miles from our homeland. Why?
We have no business going to other people’s sovereign nations and invading their lands thousands of miles from our home land. Let them come here and invade our lands then we have every right to defend just as they have proven in all those countries we have invaded that they will fight to the end.
The continued offensive Presidential stance continues with Biden group–they are not at all subtle about their motives and now they would use the US Military against the public as a police force because they know people are getting fed up with these endless false flag wars to profit the wealthy at the expense of the common citizen.
This next war endeavor may very well lead to nuclear yet these fools of Britain and the US are stupid enough to think they can just play war games by floating ships constantly around off the China shores in the China Seas and those in the Black Seas off the shores of Russia. Clinton sold all the war technology to China so they even have the Stealth Bombers now. Look to see the earth scorched with more than just wild fires in the near future if they keep pushing China and Russia.
Perhaps the young of this country will see what is going on–I think a lot do while the rest are entertained by these games and the older by Epstein drama and the pedophiles like Clinton and Prince Andrew and so many others in our high offices.
Truth and Journalists that expose the outrageous criminal acts committed by these people and their war mongering cronies may be the only hope to turn the tide so people of good character and sense can safely come forward to take the reins of a nation that is quickly becoming the Pariah of the World. Yet even so, millions of illegal immigrants are entering the country thinking this is where the hope of a sane and democratic home would be. How ill informed they may be–and as it is there is no industry beyond the war industry–perhaps Biden and his war cronies seeing the extra war fodder may well be needed.
And Obama–How or Why do you vote for these war criminals?
Among the most repugnant affronts to a free society are secret societies that includes crony systems designed for insider knowledge and facts hidden from public view. The government excuses that national security will be compromised if the public knows the facts is used so often that very little information is leaked to the public by these public servants that claim to have your basic safety as their greatest concern. Truthfully, as we see in the small amount of leaked information, their greatest concern is exposure of activity that too often either borders on criminal or is criminal action.
In order to make informed decisions and understand the motives and truth behind the political process we need facts. And the leaked facts have been ugly –so ugly that the perpetrators have taken vengeance against those revealers of the insider criminal activities.
And who are the recipients of this retribution? It is of course the Journalists foremost since they are a continual thorn in the criminal actions covered under classified information. Just about everything is classified–thousands of documents since a simple stamp of classification can make it a crime to look at not matter how insignificant the information. But classification is not the only means of protection afforded the secret crony insider “elites” or good ole boy crony organization. At Yarnell the cover up included mum orders by the Judges involved, threats of prosecution and persecution to those employees that wanted to talk, denial of FOIA information despite legal requirements to allow, black outs of pages of documents and pertinent information sent out on FOIA, and even public presentations of outright lies under the political rhetoric of disinformation, and certainly omission of facts so that the real truth of the death of the 19 GMHS crew story could never be sanctioned by the main cadre of Forest Officials–those who the Press believes and quotes and whose tainted versions were presented with honest masks.
So we see in the analysis of life that the secrecy, whether it be KKK, NAZI, Skull and Bones, Masonic, Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Politics, and the like–not so much the common low level member–but the hierarchies lies a festered group prone to deception. They believe their insider knowledge, their direct talk to God, and their grandiose opinion of themselves sets them apart so their believed profound wisdom mandates a closed loop of information kept away from public view.
The persistent truth seeker, that good Journalist that will not cow tow away his integrity, is seen as the terrible enemy–and to their false hoods and methods he/she is.
And so it is no wonder that the powerful will destroy certain of the good Journalists–as we saw in Assange and Snowden, and how a whistleblower, Hale, was given a 4 year prison sentence for his revealing of the International Crimes of indiscriminate killing of Civilians including women and children in drone attacks that were only 10% successful of killing the intended target.
The killing of the 19 GMHS crew was no small crime. It though, like the drone killings have been whitewashed into history much as the Catholic and Protestant abuse and killing of. native children were committed and minimized in Canada. This is life–the reality of it many would rather do the easy thing–do not rock the boat nor question those in the crony, elite, and political powers–just let the river flow as it will, yet can you not smell the sewage it has accumulated?
Slainte–may the good gods of the Irish bless your paths should they be blessable.
In some ways it is a good thing having both feet on an ice sheet and looking down into the eternal six foot resting spot. Who knows, one day someone may dig up my fossilized bones and say this fellow must have had a few enemies considering an ounce of these small BB’s and how his shoulder bones are in splinters and his ribs cracked. I smile at the thought–it will be good to leave a mystery to future anthropologists. I think of the ice man that was retrieved from the ice and we wonder how he got an arrow in the back after xrays showed an arrowhead stuck there. But in fact I have no enemies that I know of as that man might have had since it might have been a random killing if you look at how human nature preforms throughout history.
It has been no problem for our own leaders to murder thousands randomly–the hero journalist Julian Assange gave us information that proved the Obama warrior group were killing 90% of the people that were not even terrorists but proved to be women, children and other citizens not even members of the so called enemy that I believe were only warriors wanting our invading forces to leave their country. Aft er all, I can tell you even at my age should an invading army enter this country, I would take up arms to defend the sovereignty of our nation. So what gives us the right to invade these countries under what we now know were false pretenses?
The truth is hard to swallow for some, but even harder to stand for. Once a system gets embedded and power systems become tyrannies there is little hope to change them back to sensible and reasonable systems. Once in the crony system, if you want to continue your job and even your well being, you best not stand up for the truth. That was quite evident at Yarnell concerning the deaths of the GMHS crew of 19.
But also journalists and whistleblowers are on the black list of those to be shunned and where possible harassed, besmirched, and if the powers are strong enough even use means to persecute and prosecute with impunity. Something we see to be continuing against Assange –Biden after all was VP when Obama was doing all his share of the foreign murder incorporated.
Both profited greatly from their tenure–the war profits are immense–and we saw even the President of Kabul–a US educated crony escape with something like 140 million. We had an endless war going but the War Departments and people of clout connected were all gaining great wealth –about 2 Trillion over the 20 years there in Afghanistan. Albeit there was a cost of our young soldiers in the thousands not to mention the wounded and PTSD cases involved as an aftermath. The body count of the so called enemy was in the millions from these foreign wars–yet they are now back in control of their country just as they were in the beginning when Bush and cronies came up with a plan to incense the American Public so they would sanction war.
Clinton later had Ben Lauden in his sights several times–but his seals were told to stand down. It was not about killing Ben Lauden, it was about continuing the war and war profits. But these days, 20 years later, people and true and brave whistleblowers and journalists have exposed the criminality of it all and how the crony war system has ripped of the public taxpayer and murdered so many of our own brave men. The juggernaut and the crony system is so deeply embedded that little can be done about it from the citizen point of view. We have been sold a lie and deception.
On a smaller scale, Joy has been one of those that has incessantly needled those of the crony mentality concerning the deaths of the 19 GMHS so that she has of lately been getting flack. So many of her FOIA posting are on her web site now–and yes that is what she must expect for exposing the wrong that was done involving those deaths. A different story was mandated by those powers involved in the deaths and certainly anyone working in the FS or officialdom involved in the whitewash of the deaths dare not stand up for the truth. Some will even harass her in order to placate their bosses–how else can they continue their work and be promoted?
Life is not fair and truth does not always win the game. But it is the right way to live and be: however, it is a strong medicine for the soul and the right thing to do. Culprits will always be vengeful when exposed–their will to change is weak and their motives to remain a crony will be strong. God help their misery
Slainte Stay strong
he groundwater on Tucson’s south side has become so contaminated that Tucson Water will soon shut down the plant that’s been treating it for 27 years.
Although city officials say the plant has always delivered water that’s safe to drink, they can’t guarantee that any longer because of rising levels of chemical compounds known as PFAS in groundwater the plant is supposed to clean up.
EPA states that only 70 parts per TRILLION of PFAS are safe for drinking water. The Tucson waters are testing as high as 10,000 parts per Billion. These PFAC’s and PFAS chemicals are direct contamination runoff from fire retardants–higly concentrated in soils where fire men practice with their retardants and around air ports were these things are used in large quantities.
The plant, known as TARP, has served 60,000 customers in downtown Tucson and other parts of the city’s urban core with water that’s been treated to remove PFAS and two other contaminants, trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,4-dioxane.
This is real–and the hundreds of thousands of gallons that were dumped on Yarnell are now soaked into the soils and you can bet have found their way through ground fractures into the ground waters. You better have the town waters tested and best to have an independent agency do the work considering the deceptions so prevalent in that county.
This is the shame of the fire fighting community and those in high positions that deal with the retardant. They seem to either be ignorant or are turning a blind eye to the dangers this retardant and its chemicals are to human health and the actual contamination to the environment it is causing.
You are better off using water for slowing fires than the highly profitable retardant, yet the greed of some apparently has many looking the other way. It is damned obvious when a Tucson water supply that supplies tens of thousands people has to be shut down due to retardant chemicals invading ground waters, people ought to realize the dangers.
This crap costs the tax payer anywhere from $3 to $5 a gallon and hundreds of thousands of gallons were dropped on Yarnell–billions of gallons now being used in California and elsewhere. But the real cost is ;the ruining of safe ground water supplies not to forget the contamination of ground soils and the creation of ocean dead zones. There is a wholesale destruction of water shed environment in Florida where ground waters there are being ruined on a grand level similar to that of the Tucson debacle.
You ought to realize that these chemical companies that work with and provide the retardant chemicals hidden secret formulae are making hundreds of billions out of their deadly chemical spreading. They are not about to tell the truth or go along with studies proving their chemicals are ruining environment, water supplies, health and ocean environments. The dead zones are not only the oceans, they include people dead zones that we witnessed in Yarnell, Arizona after the two inundations of the orange and red poisons.
We do not have the lobby monies–but I can tell you we will continue to speak about the dangers. I rather watch my house burn than suffer death because I went back to inhale and ingest the chemicals dumped on my residence and about my yard. Water is available–and yes winds disperse the water much more than that retardant–but I can tell you the retardant was almost 100% ineffective at Yarnell due to winds as well but they kept unloading it anyway. Never let a profit making situation go to waste no matter how useless the dumps are–right?
Well the choice is not ours–the dumping will go on and the fiction that these retardants are safe will continue–and there will always be the honcho that says look at the benefits–you can’t expect the benefits without the costs. But I say what horrible pain to endure for those benefits.
My email to Joy this morning:: Your photos are the clincher for causing some change on the retardant–they keep dropping it on homes as you see in California–more dead people–the homes not worth the lives and damage that shit causes. Tucson water supply is ruined and especially where the firemen practice near airport tarmac where the soil is so contaminated they are having to come in and dig it up–but it is too late the ground water is already above 10,000 parts per billion where EPA says 70 parts per trillion of the PFC’s is all that is allowable for safe drinking water. They have ruined their main water supplies for drinkability and have had to shut down some wells.
I will post this email since I am not well enough to stay at the computer that long. At least the part about your photos and Tucson water. You can bet Yarnell water by now has some bad in it as well the way they dumped hundreds of thousands gallons there.
So you see some of us are very concerned about the retardant chemical contamination situation. It is not only because our health has been directly affected by the chemical but because we have seen our neighbors suffer and have their lives shortened–sometimes in the most horrific way. Also, because I have been a long time underground miner for such huge corporations as Kerr McGhee, Standard Oil of Ohio, United Nuclear, Union Carbide –I realize how little concern there is for the health and safety of the miner–their profit producers they gladly use to the bone in the efficient manner possible to produce profits–health and safety will always be secondary to profits and disregarded where possible where they get in the way of production.
The fire fighter is a great hero to the country–much like the soldier and veteran of wars–he is willing to take the chances and even lay his life down for others. He/she deserves the truth and to keep it from him/her is the ultimate travesty of justice. Especially hiding secrets of chemicals under so called trade secret laws is an injustice. Information is with held –has main stream media made a big deal out of the ruining of Tucson Water Supplies by fire retardant chemicals. That should be bigger than the Epstein story–it has to do with the health and well being of all humanity not to forget the destruction of soils, environment, and causation of ocean dead zones.
It is obvious that media, as the political idiots, do not want to shake the funds from the huge corporations involved–those that own huge chunks of their corporate media stocks and fund the expensive political campaigns. It is a deadly animal created over time that feeds upon the poison it creates.
It will take facts and the protests of many to make any changes–these corporate entities control 60% of the wealth and their top dogs care less where they live or how your health is –the corporations and their 1% elite are without conscience. The way they see it, they can always get another miner or another wild land fire fighter or fireman-woman.
Be aware and thanks Joy, for the many photos you do to document events and help change things for the better. Those thanks to others documenting facts and exposing tragic circumstances hidden that need to be brought to light. That information helps others and saves health, environment and lives.
Slaiente (Health)
I received an email from one of the elder and wise wild land fire fighters whom has not only been on the lines of danger more than most but has for years managed crews and kept them safe and alive. His record was such that he also now has moved from manager of crews to that of safety training. I am certain he informed me about the way government–especially Biden and others are now forcing people to take the vaccine or loose their jobs. Will this removal of freedom of choice end and can we expect escalation?
Karl Brant and 6 other doctors were hung at Landsberg Prison on 2 June 1948.[ The reason being they were part of the “Doctors Trial” of the Nuremberg hearings concerning NAZI experiments on humans. They were guilty of participation in, Freezing, Malaria, LOST Gas, Sulfanilamide, Bone, Muscle and Nerve Regeneration and Bone Transplantation, Sea-Water, Epidemic Jaundice, Sterilization, and Typhus Experiments,
Because of their forced experiments the Nuremberg code concerning the use of humans in medical experiments was put forth with ten rules. The very first rule begins:. “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”..
Moreover information from Wikipedia informs us that: “Title 45 Part 46,[16][17] which are the regulations issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services for the ethical treatment of human subjects, and are used in Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). In 1966, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was adopted by the United Nations, and supposed to be in force by 23 March 1976. Article seven prohibits experiments conducted without the “free consent to medical or scientific experimentation” of the subject.[14] The Covenant has 173 states parties as of September 2019. ”
In other words experiments forced on humans without consent is prohibited by US and International law. These vaccines are experiments of a high order much as the dumping of unknown chemicals included with retardant was and is on residents and residential areas. You have no prior knowledge of how the vaccines will eventually react in the body no more than Yarnell residents knew about how those chemicals would react badly on their health. However, the general consensus is that the vaccines are working and good. The same concensus is on the retardant used in residentual areas. The latter proved to be wrong–Vaccines still have yet the time to be proven–they are still experiments in the experimental stages. There are unknowns as to the effects that may eventually evolve.
It is truly a crime to force people to take experimental vaccines or be subjected to chemical inundations of their property without consent. Certainly if you feel good and believe that the information bears out that you should be vaccinated then go too it. You might find that as they have, the first dose was not enough. So you can go get the second, and now there is a need for a third I understand. Or you can do as I do–and I am the one that may well die because I am in the highest possible risk category. I refuse to take the thing because of my own compromised health–even a vaccine could kill me–and if I do get Covid and die be assured there will be a big article man who excaped death by dog shooting and 6 heart attacks is now dead due to Covid–the fool refused the Covid Vaccine. Bill Gates will smile because it will scare more into the shot. Well if I did take the shot and bit the dust–you can bet it won’t be news.
But the major point here is that if you allow the government, Biden or any other fool to break the law by taking away your right to refuse medical experiments or any other experiment on you then that right will never be returned and what is the next thing the swat team will show up to force you to take? If you look at the experiment the Nazi’s were doing–they excused them in the name of science and the benefit of the human race–albeit the ARYAN generally. It is indeed criminal to enforce any medical experiment that an individual does not want to participate in.
Undoubtedly be careful and make your consent by informed decision related to your personal situation.
No doubt the world is in turmoil–The whole of the nation of Haiti would like to take advantage of the Obama-Biden open border policy. So would most of the South American nations that continue to send hoards north to America–the land of the free and open borders policy. Take advantage of it before Trump returns to office–likely because people here are not happy sharing the country with foreigners. Oddly you do not see any trying to get to Russia or China.
The Democrats thought it would be a way to get more votes–minorities that really now are mislabeled since they are now the majority but without the power. More minorities–will that guarantee control by the Democrats? And are you any better off with the Republicans?–both sides bicker at each other, yet essentially they are a one party system with a good public display while managed by the corporate elites.
I dare say perhaps the open border and millions of more bodies might be in order–China is beginning to suffer economically–the world is in turmoil and ripe for a global economic depression–likely like that of Haiti. The Presidents, Oligarchs, and Dictators have to deal with the turmoil–one way they know to stay in power is to get a war going. That is something Biden and Austin with the Brits have been hard working at by their incessant poking at China and Russia. Chinese dictators with their problems might just oblige–after all they have the gun fodder. A lland war when things are going bad among the masses is always a great opportunity–not only to consolidate power but in the minds of many a good way to reduce populations.
The influx of millions into America might though to be a good idea but Biden ought to wait until he gets the war going. A war with China is not going to be the same as a war with Iraq or Afghanistan–This time America will need millions of bodies and not a few hundred thousand such as we lost in those two ongoing wars. If you look at the history of China they are willing to feed the war killing machine with hoards–much as we saw in Viet Nam.
Perhaps China will opt to a ground war since they have the bodies to sacrifice while America does not. And Europe–especially France and Germany are not ready to play the war games with the Biden and Royals of England groups. It is always a toss up concerning nuclear outcomes with a senile person in the Presidency that is taking orders from the War industries including the Lloyd Austin associate war industrial giants. Buckle up–war will come, just a matter of when and how bad.
Now the big deal being made by the Texas horsemen whipping back Haitians. They need not do that–just put out loud speakers playing Bach or Vivaldi and you will see them flee back to Mexico -. It is a method some use in areas of high crime where people of low status would congregate around a business. It works quite well–on the other hand if you want to attract them play some rap or boogaloo types that they would love in that culture. On the other hand it is likely to drive the Boder Agents away too.
Whew–I am glad to be 3 miles from the next residence–you never know who is going to show up in cookie cutter ville. Hopefully only a cookie cutter cowboy with his cookie cutter wife and cookie cutter pickem up truck.
Life is interesting–you good wild land fire fighters can look to be fighting more that fires once they settle down.
Boy Scout motto–“Be Prepared”.
“Goid afternoon Sonny, the Federal wildland agencies WFs have been mandated to get the Zombie Apocalypse virus vaccine by Nov. 26th or be terminated! Talking about fire camps, staffing Divisions, shifts, and everything else based on vacs or non-vacs. WTF?”
I did receive this email from a fire fighter that I will not identify because I am so certain that many of the wild land and other fire fighter feel the same way about forced vaccinations. It makes me feel like the GMHS crew were under the same pressures to drop off in the canyon of no return.
There are some things that a free society should maintain–one is to judge whether you want to be vaccinated or not. My son is an RN–he took the vaccination. My daughter also accepted it and my other son now down and weak from chemo therapy with cancer advanced though out his body also took the vaccine. That was their choice but this old guy who is at high risk due to age and immune response depleted has opted out. I can do that for now but I would not be surprised if a swat team some where in the future would hunt down people of independent thought and force the vaccine into their body. That is essentially what the government is doing to the wild land fire fighter and others in their employ.
I should say I applaud you if you take the vaccine–I also applaud you if you do not. This is supposed to still be the land of the free and brave. Certainly I may be foolish for not taking it–I just got a call from the VA offering the vaccine.
Something that bothers me is that there are many that took the vaccine that are coming down with another variant –the vaccine did not work–they need a second shot and now the Pharma companies are saying even a third is needed. Oddly this virus is a variant of the SARS disease–a gain of function idea for a war virus sanctioned by our own lie though the teeth Fauchi. He was given 36 billion by Gates to manage and during the time Bill Gates was working with Epstein to save battered young women on their Lolita express, Bill was checking out his success at promoting the vaccine–Fauchi being a major promoter of such.
Now oddly the CEO of Pfizer refused the vaccine himself–he would not give a reason and at his age and as a show of good faith I would have believed he would be first in line. I would take the damn thing possibly if I knew I could sue Pfizer or Moderna if I got sick but the same government enforcing this as a law that Bill Gates and his Pharmaceutical Giants are exempt from any liability.
So yes I have my reasons for not wanting to take the vaccine–I have seen the chemicals needed to create an immune response and you know some are trade secrets much like the retardant. I suspect a shot in the arm of dilute retardant solution might give me that immune response as well. But instead I am ordering some more tumeric with a bit of garlic to keep the infected at bay with a few other vitamins. My formula though is like the vaccine–I have to take fairly regular doses to keep things in order. So maybe a three or four shot in the arm of monkey puss and aluminum and mercury compounds spiked with a bit of deadened corona virus is a better alternative for some–at least it was for Biden and he did not drop dead. It would not surprise me if he got instead a placebo–sugar water with I hope some ginko biloba–melatonin would add to his sleepiness.
How far will it go. On his death bed right after writing 1984 George Orwell warned that government would eventually turn to a group of tyrants and least people throttle them expect a jack boot stomping your face. He foresaw the eventual reduction of the masses to noting more than a group so mind controlled they will opt to worship and obey without question the authority of the Beast. He was right–and power given away to the Beast will not be returned when the Beast has the army and the police to jack book the protestor,
Follow the Oligarchs, their politicos, their media and methods–those money grubbers and power mongers–they believe they know best for you–as if you were not an American who relishes his right to freedom of choice–something more than a few on foreign and domestic fronts have died so to make sure all of America had that choice.
The odds of WW3 involving the harassment of China are now above 50%. When 56 war planes with some nuclear armed invading Taiwan we should understand the China means business. But add to that a complete armada of war ships including air craft carriers you have to understand the fools that run this government. Perhaps we can–considering that we have a Commander in Chief obviously mentally challenged and add to that Generals and others throwing him under the bus as well–then we have to understand our odds are much like the GMHS doing the death canyon exercise.
I had the military budget was half a Trillion but it is closer to 3/4 Trillion for this year alone. Rumsfeld of the gang of war mongers and war criminals said 2 1/2 Trillion were unaccounted for when he was hanging around as Secretary of Defense under the Bush clan. He should have known since he had served as Secretary of defense as far back as Gerald Ford’s tenure. So the war funds are so bloated that they must be used.
And of course the economy is about to go bonkers. One sure method to remedy a bad economy is to put a big part of the unemployed and worker young into military conscription and the rest of the nation back to work from unemployment to making military uniforms and war equipment. You can bet that will happen but the war mongers will have to devise some sort of false flag to incense the public against China. However, they may not even need a false flag in the case of China since they have provoked the China group to the point China is on edge to demonstrate its determination to drive the oppressors from its waters and territories.
Oddly there is a lot of UFO activity now–I see it here but just as there was so much UFO activity around the time of the Atomic Bomb events–the Roswell crash was June 14,1947 and that was a time that the US was going hog wild on nuclear testing–and Roswell itself was where the air craft armed with nukes were stationed.
Here I have seen and even photographed UFO activity and witnessed one cow mutilation–you do not cut the face off a grown 900-1000 pound cow and leave it with its legs folded underneath sitting as if it were in the process of kneeling to lie down–yet never completed the process to lie on its side. Then I am one of the unfortunate ones to have had an upclose and personal encounter with these beings although some of that is totally erased from my mind.
I suspect they look at us as some kind of primitive animal although it is witnessed that there are many different species involved in visiting this planet. That makes sense and some are certainly demonic.
When hauling wood and having a second hand store on the side with a second marriage–the cop at Tularosa, NM and I became friends. Somehow the alien thing came up –well he eventually brought a police report around–on the White Sands Military ground two soldiers on a desert security run a soldier had watched his sergeant approach a UFO–some sort of arm had extended from the craft and somehow had dismembered the Sergent. The private had escaped but all they had was his report and no evidence could be found. One eyed Bob–that cop was quite serious and maybe concerned since I was out in the area cutting wood at the time.
So you can believe what you would like–but there is just too much evidence and too many credible witnesses to everything from sightings to abductions and tens of thousands of world wide cattle mutilations–not to mention unexplained crop circles that have even been photographed in action in the UK.
Would these aliens stop a nuclear holocaust? Highly doubtful since they only observed the wipe out of two entire cities in Japan. I think they have the technology as we do to knock out a lion or and elephant to examine or treat them. We may well be animal experiments to these beings and seemingly the greys are the mechanical or else lower caste workers for the higher intelligentsia.
At any rate, the diversions are real at this point–the war people don’t want the public to know their proclivities and activities –and if it were known we have little power to control the idiots with the war horns. Yet get the iodine pills for the kids.
Rights to choose whether you want the vaccine or not taken away by the Biden group.
There are at least 5 variants of the Covid disease–Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Mu. So you do need 5 shots to cover them all–well booster shots that in effect will cover you for the ones that Alpha did not work for. People are finding themselves getting Covid even after having a shot. A shot is not good enough. We may get to Omega–there are after all 24 letters in the Greek Alphabet and for the common flu it would cover them all if Greek letters had been used to identify the variants. For flu–the shot covers about four variants that are most likely to hit you–but if one of the 21 other variants show up then you get sick regardless of your the flu shot. So like the flu, keep your fingers crossed since we see already that the Covid Shot is not a guarantee you will not get Covid.
I erred on Mark my son the RN–he did not get the shot–he had gotten Covid so said he will not take it and fortunately he does not now work at a hospital where it is required. His wife and son, both nurses were required to take the shot or loose their job. Mark says I had the covid symptoms when I went in to the hospital due to lack of breath but I checked myself out and put myself on oxygen at home–one of those type you can carry with a battery or use at home with 110v. I used the thing for about a week and gradually began to breath again without it. Even if i did not, I personally would refuse the vaccine just as the CEO of Pfizer did. I wonder why the CEO would be refusing his own vaccine–well maybe I don’t.
But I would be the last one to tell you to loose your job just because you refused the vaccine–nor would I advise anyone to not take it if they want it. Who knows, monkey pus, live depleted covid introduced to the body with a mix of aluminum, mercury and other ingredients secret so Bill Gates can make big profits might just work fine–they say it does except in a few cases of death and later bad side effects where former athletic types are reduced to not being able to climb a stairway. As the doctor said–in order to enjoy the benefits you have to suffer to some degree or another.
Well I did order 3000mg tumeric and ginger mix pills–so I am popping pills now. Tumeric is great to keep down inflamation and boost the immune system but you ought to add sunshine and some walks or other exercises and some greens of course.
But keep in mind that Dr. Leroy Anderson kept his vitimen and health regimen to a science yet he could not overdcome the effects of the retardant that had covered his yard and home during the Yarnell wild fires. I suspect though he would have never caught Covid and so far I have not heard of anyone in Yarnell that did get Covid. Well those that are still alive–and that is 2/3 of the population after the Fires. So there, you might have another alternative to the Covid vaccine, although it too has its side effects and appears to kill more than the Covid vaccine has. However, we still do not have the long term effects of covid vaccine since it has never been tested. Well in ten years we should know such as in the past 8 years we have learned much about effects of the poisonous retardant formula.
Some of you did know Simon–the English guy that had a small restaurant in Congress–Excellent food–probably the best cuisine in that part of Arizona where folks would come from miles around to eat. At times you had to wait at the front door until someone finished their meal before you could get a seat. He was wise and kept Guinness and bragged that even Sean Penn had eaten there. I translated that to Sinn Fein to his dislike but in good humor.
Congress was laden with the toxic smoke from the two fires–in fact it was where people were having to use head lights to get through safely during the fires–we actually were bumper to bumper depending only on barely visible tail lights ahead of us coming down the mountain from Yarnell to Congress. That part of Highway 89 is 9 mile distant because of the steep winding road, but as the crow flies you could half that to about 4 miles since Congress lies right at the base of the Weaver Range–so you see also how it could have been possible for that fire to reach Congress had the West side of the Weavers not been devoid of vegetation. The west side the Weavers are desert vs. the east side where the canyons and lowlands are dense in manzanita, cat claw, grasses, cactus and the like. The West side even appears overgrazed and bald–a safe area of retreat from the East side should a fire start in that dense manzanita. Helicopters would have seen that and relayed that information to the GMHS crew since they were constantly hovering during the fire. Surely the wild fire crews are informed of possible safe zones–although we wonder if anyone was bright enough during the Yarnell killing of the GMHS crew. I had known it from hiking the area–the very reason I went west from where they went east to drop off into the canyon trap loaded with manzanita. If you drive up from Congress you would understand that decision–a no brainer considering what Joy’s photos revealed during the Yarnell Wild Fire and what is already grown back to a good degree.
But the point is that the people of Congress were getting good doses of the retardant smoke. To add to that Congress has had a couple wild fires in grass near the small town that of course needed plenty of retardant. So looking at the death rate there you will find it did not get the heavy kill off as Yarnell did where the kill ration to national average death rates had 6-7 times what it should have been. However the kill reatio of Congres went up beyond 2 and I would estimate almost quadrupled the national average since the wild fires of Yarnell and their own since then that were closer to town. Simon was a healthy individual now dead–but Joy listed 9 dead on one block area in just a few weeks. Congress is small like Yarnell with a population of a bit over 1500. Cancer, would have been an issue there all along as well since there are huge mine tailings dumps loaded with cyanide residues a couple miles north of town. That fine dust mixed with the retardant makes a toxic combination that is certain to play havoc with health–even worse than low dose radiation.
There is always a problem exposing these things–the city Dads always want to keep this kind of information low key–it is not conducive to the real estate values and interest in log visits to such an area. People always look to economic incentives and with a cyanide dump uphill from you–that might not encourage the environmentally concerned–and if you add the truth about retardant to be understood–one might just look for safer areas to reside.
Certain–if Yarnell and its death rate tell us anything–it would be avoid retardant and retardant smoke–the carcinogens are multiplied and add to that the whole blood chemistry is changed so that arteries become plugged and heart and lung issues greatly increase.
These are my own observations–the retardant companies, EPA, and other government agencies are loathe to do investigations into these facts of death. The wold wide multi billion dollar chemical retardant industry rakes in profits and part of doing business is to feed the Congress men with trained lobbyists with silver tongues and plenty of perks to feather nests. Add to that industry business expenses of large contributions get their congressmen-women in office and you have a system of bribery only challenged by third world countries. The only difference say in Mexican lingo it is called Mordida–“bite”. And if you expect something done there business wise expect to give an expected “bite” to the government officials that can make your project possible or alternatively quell it. The only difference is that at least they are more honest and outright with their bribery methods–ours is hidden under a polite term–donations to our political choice. Shit-describe it honestly–outright bribery to do devious things.
Science of the Covid diseasee–Statistics show that at least a third of the American Population has already contracted Covid 19. The question is should those people be vaccinated and if so would that increase their immune response. Dr. Campbell–long time physician on You Tube gives a good revelation of CDC conclusions and their statistics. They want you to take the vaccine even if you have had the disease. Yet their studies show that 95% of those that had suffered the disease after 6-8 months show a strong immunity to Covid. They want you to believe that adding a covid shot to your strong immunity is a good idea–something a senile President agrees with–he has little time or thought to look up the statistics himself or else he likes the idea that Big Pharma will reap Big Profits. It behooves you, if you have had the Covid disease to do a bit of research as to whether you want to reinfect yourself with a shot or go along with the CDC and be among the 95% still strong immunity crowd. The natural immunity is still good for most at 6 months while we see those that took the vaccine are sometimes still getting the new variants. Well, do your research–these are DR. Campbell’s professional analysis–Dr. Fauchi working for Bill Gates and Big Pharma begs to disagree– therefore CDC despite the evidence says take that shot or the President will have your job taken away.
I –being a dead man and already a victim of covid do refuse the shot–I will depend upon my natural immunity–I would say make up you own opinion and if you have strong immunity you likely will be OK to take the shot, albeit there is no telling what might happen in the future. The point is–freedom of choice overrides the so called science to save humanity and increase the profits of Pharma.
However if you do not have natural immunity–and you believe that shot will help you achieve it–I think it might but future ramifications? then by all means get the injection, wear a double mask and isolate hell out of yourself. It might just save your life given you do not die in a car accident or a meteorite hits you in the head or you breathe retardant dust.
Give me Liberty or Give me Death–many died to protect those freedoms being eroded by the dim wits.
Most of us do not know how much we depend upon the truthsayers and whistleblowers to inform us. Our government since 911 has deteriorated to a point that in order to be an official there or politician you must know how to professionally live and operate in a world of deception–become a professional liar.
On Wednesday Julian Assange will hear the appeal he will have to dispute thanks to Donald Trump whom a few days before leaving office made sure the appeal to bring Assange to the US was continued. This even when the only witness the CIA had against Assange was a liar kid who has now admitted he made up the story the CIA was so happy to arrange and publish. Obama was the great persecutor, followed by Trump and his fellow operative Pompeo.
Why has everything become so convoluted where democracy no longer represents the people. When Kings became so corrupt the people would bring them to the guillotine. But you there are not enough guillotines to handle the crimes against our people now.
Assange is a great hero and in time his Journalism will prove that. He has exposed the criminals that have besmirched the people’s honor they claimed to represent. Yet these criminals he has exposed –along with the other Journalists and whilstlblower–have been falsely made out to be the criminals by those criminals they have exposed. Yet even his own government of Australia and its UK Motherland are afraid to stand up to the American Criminal Military and Political Imperialists.
We as American Citizens deserve better. The media we have are cowards or else they are nothing more than associatesth of the crimes they are unwilling to expose. They damn sure are cowards to stand up for an honest journalist who has been murdered over time by his imprisonment and by our own so called elite political giants. Trump had no problem to pardon some real criminals–but he like Biden are keen to persecute and attempt to prosecute a man who revealed the war crimes that were being hidden from the public in Iraq and Afghanistan–twenty year blights and murders by the thousands–something any decent American would abhor and prevent had they known the truth. There are plenty of elite and ballyhooed political and military elite that need to be held accountable.
Without an honest political and governmental system we have no democracy–it is a tyrannical system that can only be corrected by the exposure of its crimes. Shame on the gutless media that claims to be Journalist and news worthy.
Understand I intended to label main media as a pack of liars and cowards–in that form of omission but also commission. These politician we keep seeing in our highest offices are nothing but puppets belonging to a group of elite military and industrial giants. They no more represent the interests of the public they claim to represent than the donkey or elephant they use as symbols would be. Their masters are the ones that pay their way into office, offer them jobs in their industries, make them wealthy and pay their way and perks. They look after themselves and have their offices by use of double speak and false promises. They are professionals at public manipulation and the system they represent is not the public that is put to false wars and rewards the industrial polluters.
When I was a kid in grade school–a Frenchman was asked what made America Great. He said America is Great because it is honest. I wonder what that Frenchman would say if he visited America these days.
One thing we forget –yes covid has killed thousands–but how many has the tyrannical government killed by shutting down whole countries and their economies putting thousands of small businesses into bankruptcy and despair and putting hoards of people on the streets as homeless and in deep depression? The covid would be about the same in its killing without the economic shutdowns but with the shutdowns it is about double in its effect on human life.
There was more to this purposeful world wide devastating economic shut down than the excuse of protecting against covid. Why the reset so well arranged by the global powers?-Grandma doesn’t grab her shotgun unless she has a reason but she is obvious in her motives–our secret political and military systems prefer their dark motives and actions be hidden from public view.
It is amazing how much time and money spent involving the murder of that poor girl Gabby and the murderer Brian–he pulled an Eric Marsh and from the beginning you had to know early on that was the case.
Certainly bad news makes the grade and in this case you have people picketing the home of the Laundries.
Yet of the greatest significance now to the planet is the war mongering going on in the China Seas to which our country is the instigator. This situation may well result in our dim wits in power to be the cause of WW111. Little is being told the American People of this dire threat to humanity–yet we are greatly intrigued by the choke to death murder of Gabby–a tragedy to be sure but at the same time a diversion from a situation that is gambling the life of the entire planet. Even if there is a chance in 100 that China, Russia, North Korea, the UK and the US do go to nuclear war over the China Seas and the tiny island of Taiwan–is it worth that risk? I should hope not when the planet and all live are in the balance.
It tells me of what Frued called Thanatos –the death drive of humans. But he could have added that our leaders are followers of Ares, the bloodthirsty god of war. Where among them are the diplomats, the statesmen and those that would negotiate peace? In all those candidates there was only one that stressed the truth–the lady Senator from Hawaii whom the hateful Hillary attacked with a vengeance. That Senator had attempted a run at the Presidency but was rejected by all because she wanted to stop the war mongering, the ignorance of attempting to continually manipulate other sovereign nations and now even trespass the sovereign boundaries to act the bully. Tulsie Gabbart will be my next write in–I am sick of the liars–it is time to get an honest person in office despite the problem that she would face a truck load of garbage to fight her way through–something only superhuman effort could clean up.
I am presently getting a count of 20 PM on the geiger counter. for a background check of the environment for radiation. As a kid I remember 10 was about average in a similar area–so I will see if this is gamma radiation for the area–new geiger counter that I wanted to check a meteorite with–so I will have to study the thing out a bit.
I see that EPA did move the maximum safe level of the Flourocarbons PFOA’s to ONE in a Trillion–not the previous 17 parts in a Trillion they had set. That is because they know how easily these particular chemicals cause cancer–have ruined the water supplies of 65,000 residents of Tucson with as much as 10,000 parts per billion (not trillion) and shut down several Tucson wells thanks to Firemen practicing with their retardants on air field tarmac and other usage around Tucson. Where are these Flourocarbons? Well 98%of us have accumulated some in our bodies and they continue to accumulate and in extreme doses if you play around fire retardant, smell burning plastic, or too much of the new car smell, sleep under fireproofed blankets and walk on stain resistant carpet. They have ruined much of the Michigan waters as far as safety goes–the teflon making factories have done their nasty work doing that. Aren’t our eminent scientists that work at these factories for these industries aware and informing us? Not when their pay checks and grants depend upon the industry funds that are financing these people and their Universities. How many wild land fire fighters stood up and told the truth about the killing of the 19 GMHS at Yarnell with their jobs on the line?
If the murder of Assange and persecution of Snowden, are the example of what you can expect if you expose the criminals in high places. No wonder people fear to speak the truth.
And maybe I do not wish Tulsi to become President–it would after all endanger her life among the garbage dump –kind of like the Kennedy’s who wanted to stop the war and do good things for the people of this country.
Oh I did forget–your retardants are heavily laden with Flourocarbons—nice to put them under trade secret ingredients–they are found to also cause high cholesterol and sticky platelets that pinch off the blood flow to various organs (cancer hates oxygen and is anaerobic and is a secondary effect if your heart attack comes first.
Of course Trump was not aware when he celebrated the opening of the plastic polluting plant on the river–what is he aware of concerning the environment with 15 operating golf courses? Biden is no different promising the coal miners that the coal mines will continue.
The Decade of the Lizards cinema.
It is a complete disgrace to humanity the way the English are treating Julian Assange in their Kangaroo Court System. This man is a hero in all sense of the word and not only good for saving thousands of lives by exposing the Afghanistan-Iraq murders and truncating those wars but a saving grace to the planet as well.
It takes people like Assange who are willing to expose the criminals and inform the American people how we were duped into these wars and how suspicious we ought to be right now with the duping of Americans into demonizing China and Russian into a possible nuclear ordeal that could end all life on the planet. We needed to have the exposure of these war criminals that includes Presidents as part of the scams to keep the war industrialists in high profits and themselves into extreme wealth on taxpayer monies.
This is the shame of the English and the Australians that will not even back this great Journalist. It is the crime of the century akin to the killing of the 19 in magnitude since it involves the lives of not only the Journalist Assange but of all humanity. And you have a President unwilling to admit to these crimes and now an accessory to them–truly an admission of fear of people that expose criminals in office feeding the people lies while bleeding the tax payer dry.
Freud and any good minded citizen has to wonder at the corruption and how deep it has gone to even the highest offices where nothing but honesty and honor ought to stand. Rot will never hold good but it infects the structure until it is removed and repairs made.
I would protest these rotten leaders of lies. Julian Assange deserves the Nobel Prize for Journalism and so many Judges, politicians and rotten types that play government people and war industry profits deserve to be exposed and removed from their offices. They are rotten to the core.
As I see it. America is good if we are good