Mark Brennae of CFAX radio in Victoria, Canada interviewed InvestigativeMEDIA’s John Dougherty and Jen Moore, Latin America program coordinator for Ottawa-based MiningWatch, Canada on Wednesday, May 10 about their April 21 detention by the Peruvian National Police and Peruvian immigration authorities after a Cusco, Peru screening of Dougherty’s documentary “Flin Flon Flim Flam” on the worldwide operations of Hudbay Minerals.
The 30-minute interview can be heard here:
© Copyright 2017 John Dougherty, All rights Reserved. Written For: Investigative MEDIA
John doesn’t realize how those countries operate or else he does and has a lot more bravery than I do. I was married to a lady who’s father was a high official in another country and at that time Tito Herra was president of the state of Chihuahua and it was well known that certain parties and drug operations were protected. This situation extends to all Latin American countries. If a mining company pays off the right officials they can operate carte blanche. We listened to your interview John and your looking at that kind if influence you run a high risk being IN those countries and exposing the crony system there. It is not much difference on the 19 and its aftermath. There is a book on a guy…Irish man…that worked against the rubber industry that was into murder and so forth…he exposed a bunch of English influence that gave more importance to profit vs human lives…he eventually got hung…he was hired by the English to investigate their own companies…so be careful John exposing these assholes…we still have Yarnell and the other fires to do. Smiles.
The above is a statement from Tex Gilligan on Joy’s cell.
Joy: remember the Peru/Chile/Argentina…alike protected the Nazis…they were the safe haven for the German Nazis.
A lot of buy offs in the universe.
You are in our prayers.
Peru is rough in false arrests….stay safe.